

Dodaj komentar (6)


  • Lilianke



    29.08.2023. (21:58)    -   -   -   -  

  • Lilianke

    Passion, take the wind, and break me from this tie
    We're mortals on the Earth, oh, but God's up in the sky
    I haven't got a clue, I haven't got a thing
    But what I give to you is all that I could bring

    I'll give you all my time, that's everything to me
    You know my only crime is this flight of fantasy

    Because I've nothing else here for you
    And just because it's easier than the truth
    Oh, if there's nothing else that I can do
    I'll fly for you
    Ooh, because I've nothing else here for you
    And just because it's easier than the truth
    Oh, if there's nothing else that I can do
    I'll fly for you

    Passion, take the wind, and break me from this tie
    We're mortals on the earth, ooh, but God's up in the sky
    I haven't got a clue, I haven't got a thing
    But what I give to you is all that I could bring

    Because I've nothing else here for you
    And just because it's easier than the truth
    Oh, if there's nothing else that I can do
    I'll fly for you

    Ooh, because I've nothing else here for you
    And just because it's easier than the truth
    Oh, if there's nothing else that I can do
    I'll fly for you, I'll fly for you, ooh, I'll fly

    I'm just an average boy, you're more than average girl
    And when you sing to me, the sho-bee-doo's, you sing so well
    Don't you know that when I'm under you I'm overjoyed?

    Because I've nothing else here for you
    And just because it's easier than the truth
    Oh, if there's nothing else that I can do
    I'll fly for you
    Oh, because I've nothing else here for you
    And just because it's easier than the truth
    Oh, if there's nothing else that I can do
    I'll fly for you, I'll fly for you, I'll fly for you
    I'll fly for you


    29.08.2023. (22:12)    -   -   -   -  

  • Lilianke

    Upravo je nevjerojatno,
    i pitam se zašto je tako, da je bio toliki problem
    objaviti ovu fotku crvenog Mjeseca,
    i sada je , u ovom postu, uspjelo tek iz druge,
    u prvom pokušaju jednostavno se nije pokazalo kad sam objavila.

    ja jednostavno - ne razumijemmmmmmmmmmm

    više nemam volje pisati nikakav opis uz fotku, jer mi je predebilno
    sto puta iznova sklapati rečenice, ma fakat je bijeda ovo postalo.


    29.08.2023. (22:22)    -   -   -   -  

  • .Annabonni

    mjesec je prekrasan
    ostalo je više tužno no duhovito makar si se trudila biti "normalna"

    najtužniji je trenutak lucidnosti " i ti imaš sina "

    Vodite ga doma , medju svoje


    29.08.2023. (23:58)    -   -   -   -  

  • Lilianke


    pa ići će doma, iako, jako je to problematično. Jako. Ove čuvalice redom kapituliraju, svakodnevno stalno njega i mijenjanje pelena i fizičko natezanje oko velikog odraslog muškarca koji se kači za tebe......... doduše, sad je prilično sasušen, što je dobro, kad je u majčinim rukama, natovljen ko beba, još mu je teže micati se ......

    a u glavi - lunapark.

    jedino dobro u nepokretnosti je da ne može zbrisati.

    Vidjet ćemo koliko će ova čuvalica moći to odraditi dugopročno, mama se fizički sasvim potrošila, i ona je sad osamdeset..., a mi, kad počne full time posao za koji dan, (apomalo se zahuktava), onda smo kuda koji mili moji, a pelene su stalno mokre.............. i btw, nitko od nas ne stanuje tamo....

    Nije uopće pitanje želi li ga se doma, nego može li ga se doma imati.


    30.08.2023. (09:23)    -   -   -   -  

  • Sarah



    30.08.2023. (22:55)    -   -   -   -  
