29.09.2006., petak

Sretna sam!

Pozdrav ljudi!

Evo pišem ponovno...
Sretna sam!
Veoma sam sretna.

Upravo sam vratila dokumente jednom dečku.Našla sam ih jučer,potražila na internetu broj telefona i nazvala ga.Pizdarija je teška kada se izgube dokumenti i stvarno sam htjela čovjeku vratiti ih.Nisam nosila na policiju,oni ga samo odugovlače...vratit ću ja to sama rekoh.

Nažalost,izgubio je on i novčanik,ali eto ja sam našla samo dokumente(dakle netko se prethodno poslužio).

Došao je malo prije,iskreno mi zahvalio i čak mi dao 100 kn.Ali vjerujte da mi tih 100 kn ne znači ništa spram njegovog osmjeha što se ne mora zajebavati s tim dokumentima (jer bili su svi:osobna,zdravstvena, kreditna...) Jako je lijep osjećaj nekome pomoći.Onih sto kuna ništa mi ne znaći.Pa kako god da zvuči,zaista je lijepše davati nego primati (a zvuči bome nemoguće :-))

Heh a moram reći da dečko nije loš :-)) Bome nije loš.

No još je jedan razlog mojoj sreći.Napokon mi je krenulo u ljubavi,bio je i red :-))
Heh svaki lonac ima svoj poklopac ne? A da vidite samo kako smo različiti! Kao da nismo lonac i poklopac :-)) No zaista ćeš naći ljubav tek kada otpustiš ikakvu sliku idealnog dečka/cure,odnosno ljubavi. Ne možeš reći,jednostavno ne možeš reći da je za tebe takav i takav tip.Kako se možeš iznenaditi.
Da me bolje poznajete pa onda upoznate njega..nebiste mogli vjerovati da smo mi zajedno.Jednostavno nemoguće.Takav tip osobe kao što je on je zadnje što biste očekivali od mene :-))

Zato da utvrdimo gradivo:Nikad ne reci nikad!Iznevjerit ćeš samoga sebe :-))

Veliki pozdrav svima!

P.S.Ako je itko pohađao tečaj brzog čitanja u InOptimumu,rado bih čula iskustva.Ili ako ste čuli štogod od prijatelja i sl.Ne bih baš bacala tolike pare u zrak.

- 18:46 - Komentari (16) - Isprintaj - #

14.09.2006., četvrtak


Eto dakle da napišem nešto i tom maturalcu.
Krenuli smo ispred arene u 16:00,tri razreda u dva busa.Došli smo do zagrebačke luke Pleso i poletili u 22:50.Moram reći da mi se sviđa letenje zrakoplovom.Jako lijep osjećaj je kada se polijeće,eto tako sam ga barem ja doživjela.
Došli smo u Lisabon oko 2 ujutro(po lokalnom vremenu,dakle oko 3 po ovom našem)
Po dolasku smo odmah otišli na dokove gdje se nalazi mnogo disko barova tako da nam prođe vrijeme do izlaska sunca.Po izlasku smo posjetili Cabo da Roca i prekrasan gradić Sintru.
Samo kao informaciju reći ću da su Portugalci veoma ljubazan narod.Sve rade polako,trgovine se ne otvaraju prije 9 pa makar im nudili ne znam koliko novaca.
Portugal nije još postao komercijaliziran kao Španjolska recimo.

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Posjetili smo i mondena kupališna mjesta Caiscais i Estoril te se potom smjestili u hotel.
Tri dana smo bili u Portugalu u mjestu Costa da Caparica kako se zvao i naš hotel.
To je svega 10-15 min vožnje od samog centra Lisabona tako da je mogućnosti za izlazak bilo puno.Pješćana plaža bila je odmah preko puta hotela,sam hotel je fenomenalan,a osoblje je bilo veoma profesionalno i ljubazno.

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Posjetili smo Fatimu,Batalhu,Nazare,Obidos,no naravno,najbolje smo upoznali Lisabon.Imali smo dosta slobode i slobodnog vremena u svakom gradu ili mjestu tako da je to sam izlet učinilo mnogo zanimljivijim.Mnoge su se cure oduševile odlaskom u veliki šoping centar.
5.dan smo krenuli u Madrid.Tu nam se nije baš posrećilo što se tiče hotela,ali za jedno noćenje je bio dobar.Veoma smo se iznenadili vidjevši kako je sve prljavo po kafićima. No kako smo saznali ubrzo,tamo nema pepeljara po kafićima,a ako je račun zgužvan i bačen na pod,to znači da je gost bio zadovoljan..
Nismo vidjeli previše u Madridu,sve onako iz busa no zato smo navečer vidjeli noćni život ako ništa drugo.No moram reći da i nije neki.Jest da nije bio vikend no Lisabon je jači po tom pitanju.Samo oni dokovi sa oko 5-6 diska rade svaku večer,a ostalo da ne pričam.
Sljedeći smo dan krenuli prema Barceloni.Pritom smo primjetili da je večina Španjolske čista spaljevina.No nema veze.U Barceloni smo se zabavili,najeli (jer nismo prije toga imali previše sreče sa hranom) i malo je razgledali drugi dan.Hodajući Ramblom,glavnom trgovačkom ulicom,dobro smo pazili na novčanike,torbice i ostalo.Na sreču nitko nije bio okraden budući da su nas na to naveliko upozoravali.Popodne smo se smjestili na brod sa predobrim kabinama.Tu smo se naspavali budući da disko i nije bio baš neki,a ujutro smo uživali na palubi broda.Prekrasno je bilo!Došli smo u Genovu oko 16:00 te busom krenuli nazad u Pulu.

Slika ima previše stoga ću staviti samo neke...

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Eto to je bilo nekako ukratko.
Nešto tako lijepo i prepuno uzbuđenja,ljepota i svega ostalog teško je opisati ukratko.
Ja sam to samo nabrzinu napisala,a vjerujte mi nije bilo ni malo šturo kao što piše.
Ima se tu još štošta reći o ljudima tamo,o zabavi i ekipi.Ali gdje bi onda bilo kraja.
Bilo je naravno i simpatija :-))

Oduševili su me svi oni spomenici koje sam vidjela,portugalski gradovi i način života.Ne mogu usporediti Portugal i Španjolsku.Španjolska je ništa spram Portugala.Naravno da ima prekrasne spomenike,građevine,crkve...ali nema dušu.

Moram reći da su nam profesori bili fenomenalni.Čista sila!!! Bio je veoma fer odnos.Obostrano povjerenje koje nitko nije iznevjerio.A bili su gotovo luđi od nas i time nam maturalac učinili još boljim.Izlazili su nam u susret i imali razumijevanja,kao i mi za njih.

Zabavu ne moram komentirati:24 h akcije (jer meni je i razgled grada zabavan jednako kao i pijančevanje s ekipom i odlazak u disko) Spavanja je bilo svega par sati jer jednom se ide na maturalac,nema se vremena za to.

Jedino što je hrana totalno drukčija.Sve je sa mesom ili ribom,u Portugalu nekako čudno mješaju okuse,kolači su im svi preslatki...no eto tako oni jedu.Samo biti vegetarijanac tamo jako je teško.Jela sam uglavnom sladolede :-)) Problem stvara to što nemajuj običnih marketa ni u Portugalu niti Španjolskoj.Nađe se tu i tamo pokoji ,ali to nema ništa za kupiti.To nas je svih veoma iznenadilo budući da kod nas markete vidiš na svakom drugom koraku.

Neke sam ljude bolje upoznala.Neki su mi se predstavili u boljem svjetlu,neki u lošem,a meni je bilo svejedno naughty

Stvarno moram reći da sam sa svakom sitnicom ovog izleta prezadovoljna,ništa ne bih mjenjala,od ekipe,organizacije pa da hotela,provoda ili ičega.Sve je bilo savršeno,a pogotovo vodić ;-) koji je bio veoma simpatičan.

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Veliki pozdrav svima!

- 14:32 - Komentari (25) - Isprintaj - #

11.09.2006., ponedjeljak

Za Darlene!

Dragi moji prijatelji,evo mene ponovno u Puli!
Puno vam hvala na komentarima i željama.

A sad je red na meni da nekome nešto zaželim.

Pa onda SRETAN ROĐENDAN Darlene!

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Žao mi je što nisam bila prisutna da ti ga čestitam na vrijeme.
Evo jedna prekrasna pjesma samo za tebe,a ti zamisli da ti je opet rođendan naughty

Happy Birthday, gentle friend
have a blessed day
May your heart be filled with wonders
as you travel on life's way

I pray your day is filled with love
and joy of every kind
May the world rise to greet you
I hope these things you find

Joy, peace and happiness
contentment in your heart
May u find all these spirit fruits
the ones that you impart

Celebrate the miracle
Of all that makes you YOU.
Count a blessing for each candle
Have your cake and eat it too!

Unwrap this day and savor it
And all the love that's there
Send a dream-wish straight to
Heaven on the wings of prayer

Remember what a blessing you are
Even after this day is gone.
You're a gem, a priceless treasure
Let yourself shine on!

Forget about the past, you can't change it!!
Forget about the future, you can't predict it!!
Forget about the present, I didn't get you one!! wink
Happy Birthday!!!


P.S.čekam da mi se malo slegnu dojmovi sa maturalca pa ću vam se javiti.No ukratko,sve najbolje!

- 16:01 - Komentari (7) - Isprintaj - #

<< Prethodni mjesec | Sljedeći mjesec >>


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If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too;
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or, being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with triumph and disaster
And treat those two imposters just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with wornout tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breath a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on";

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch;
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With sixty seconds' worth of distance run -
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son!

Rudyard Kipling

Wiccan rede
Merry meet and Merry part
bright the cheeks and warm the heart.
Mind ye threefold law you should,
three times bad and three times good.

When mistfortune is enow,
wear the star above thy brow.
True in love must ye ever be,
lest thy love be false to thee.

These eight words the wiccan rede fulfill;
An harm ye none, do what ye will.



Amazonska prašuma nestaje tri puta većom brzinom nego što je to bilo 1994!
20% Amazonske prašume već je potpuno uništeno!

Stopa siječe prašuma:

1 hektar u sekundi!
60 hektara u minuti!!
85.600 hektara po danu!!!
31.200.000 hektara godišnje!!!!
80% drevnih prašuma već je uništeno!!!!!
Samo ih je 20% još uvijek nedirnuto!!!!!!

Prašume se mogu pronaći diljem svijeta od Aljaske i Kanade, preko Latinske Amerike do Azije i Afrike!

Svjetske prašume služe kao dom za 50% svih biljaka i životinja na svijetu!

Postoje dvije glavne vrste prašuma: umjerene prašume i tropske prašume!

Najveće umjerene prašume nalaze se u Sjevernoj Americi i protežu se od Sjeverne Kalifornije pa sve do Kanade!

Umjerene prašume postojale su gotovo na svakom kontinetnu, ali danas ih je preostalo tek 50% - 30 milijuna hektara!!

Prašume su najveći sistemi pohrane ugljičnog dioksida na svijetu!

Prašume djeluju poput svjetskog termostata regulirajući temperature i vremenske prilike!

1/5 svjetske svježe vode nalazi se u Amazonskom riječnom slivu!

Amazonske prašume proizvode više od 20% svjetskog kisika!

Prašume su ključne za održavanje svjetskih zaliha svježe i pitke vode!

70% biljaka koje je Američki Nacionalni Centar Za Rak identificirao kao korisne u liječenju raka moguće je pronaći samo u prašumama!

Više od 2.000 biljaka iz tropskih prašuma identificirano je da ima svojstva koja mogu izliječiti rak!

Siječa tropskih šuma rezultira gubitkom 100 vrsta dnevno!

Pri sadašnjoj stopi gubitka prašuma, 5-10 % vrsta tropskih šuma će nestati u svakom desetljeću!

58% svjetskih prašuma, uključujući tropske prašume, nalaze se u industrijski nerazvijenim zemljama koje se počinju industrijalizirati!

Svake sekunde, posiječe se komad prašume veličine nogometnog igrališta. To je 86,400 nogometnih igrališta prašume dnenvo, ili preko 31 milijun nogometnih igrališta svake godine!
< rujan, 2006 >
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Pjesme koje volim

"I Want Out"

From our lives' beginning on
we are pushed in little forms
no one asks us how we like to be
in school they teach you what to think
but everyone says different things
but they're all convinced that
they're the ones to see

So they keep talking and they never stop
and at a certain point you give it up
so the only thing that's left to think is this

I want out--to live my life alone
I want out--leave me be
I want out--to do things on my own
I want out--to live my life and to be free

People tell me A and B
they tell me how I have to see
things that I have seen already clear
so they push me then from side to side
they're pushing me from black to white
they're pushing 'til there's nothing more to hear

But don't push me to the maximum
shut your mouth and take it home
'cause I decide the way things gonna be

I want out--to live my life alone
I want out--leave me be
I want out--to do things on my own
I want out--to live my life and to be free

There's a million ways to see the things in life
a million ways to be the fool
in the end of it, none of us is right
sometimes we need to be alone

No no no, leave me alone

I want out--to live my life alone
I want out--leave me be
I want out--to do things on my own
I want out--to live my life and to be free

"The Misery"

I write the lines you want me to, with the words.
I dare to use of all the ones that you have taught me, along the years.

You cast a perfect shadow on the paper.
Fade away with sunlight, I fear the way you know me, love can leave a stain...

You steal my only hope and make me stay awake another night.
I wish you bear with me, stay near me.
When the autumn leaves have fallen. Solitude, my pain, the last thing left of me...

If you fall I'll catch, if you love I'll love, and so it goes, my dear, don't be scared,
you'll be safe, this I swear.
If you only love me back.

Seven lonely lies written on Deadwinter's night,
open the only book with the only poem I can read...
In blood I sign my name and seal the midnight with a tear.
Burn the paper, every line for them I cried...

If you fall I'll catch, if you love I'll love, and so it goes, my dear, don't be scared,
you'll be safe, this I swear.
If you only love me back.

I am the Playwrite and you are my Crown, make me cry for your love,
like you've done many times, so I know.
I can't write these storylines without you, lady pain, make me strong,
can't we be together without them forever...

The words I write can only hurt you, sorry for the rain.
Thank you, my only one, you gave me this pain...I leave you gently on the floor,
take one step towards the door.
Where's the letter never written, good night now...

If you fall I'll catch, if you love I'll love, and so it goes, my dear, don't be scared,
you'll be safe, this I swear.
If you only love me back.

If you fall I'll catch, if you love I'll love, and so it goes, my dear, don't be scared,
you'll be safe, this I swear.
If you only love me back.


Wake up my child, hope is here.
With the vengeance, we have no time to bleed.
My only world filled with fear.
I never saw the sower of the seed.

Where is the world we had. Who can ever save you and your little lives.
A child guides a child guided child.
A child is never guilty. But you should not run free...

The grave is open, let us pray without remorse.
Empty the cradle with fire for them once again.
Why not look through your fingers what they've done.
Your own blood will clean the blood, for now the glory days are gone....

Time has come for everyone, to think what we have done.
Open your eyes and see, it's not a dream.
You aim for a common goal, you are one with your foe.
If only we could wake up soon and scream.

Abandoned, pleased, brainwashed, exploited, madness has a reason.
Throw money at the problem and it will remain.
Your life has no value for them, "violate me and this never ends.
My children will then hate you too."
The grave is open, let us pray without remorse.
Empty the cradle with fire for them once again, tonight.
Why not look through your fingers what they've done.
Your own blood will clean the blood, for now the glory days are gone....

Now, when it seems that we have nothing to believe in.
Maybe we should be waiting for the rock to come.
For our children soon have nothing they should learn.

The grave is open, let us pray without remorse.
Empty the cradle with fire for them once again.
Why not look through your fingers what they've done.
Your own blood will clean the blood, for now the glory days are gone....

Time has come for everyone, to think what we have done.
Open your eyes and see, it's not a dream.
You aim for a common goal, you are one with your foe.
If only we could wake up soon and scream.

Time has come for everyone, to think what we have done.
Open your eyes and see, it's not a dream.
You aim for a common goal, you are one with your foe.
If only we could wake up soon and scream.


Make the sadness go away
Come back another day
For years I've tried to teach
But their eyes are empty
Empty too I have become
For them I must die
A sad and troubled race
An ungrateful troubled place

I see the sadness in their eyes
Melancholy in their cries
Devoid of all the passion
The human spirit cannot die
Look at the pain around me
This is what I cry for
Look at the pain around me
This is what I'll die for

Make the sadness go away
Come back another day
The things I've said and done
Don't matter to anyone
But still, you push me to see
Something, I can never be
Why am I their shattered king?
I don't mean anything

I see the sadness in their eyes
Melancholy in their cries
Devoid of all the passion
The human spirit cannot die
Look at the pain around me
This is what I cry for
Look at the pain around me
This is what I'll die for

"Stand Alone"

Listen not to ones who preach
Those who feel you're a freak
Everything about you is wrong
You must be sick, you don't belong

Father said, worry not what they say
Use your mind, your own free will
In a time when everyone follows
Ignorance can kill

They only say what they want you to hear
Half-truths have been twisted to conceal your fate
In a world of spoon-fed emotion
Intelligence can save

Stand alone
Hear what I say
Stand alone
You will seize the day

Son, say what you mean, don't be afraid
Tell them how you feel, hear what I say
Be true to yourself and true to your own
Your spirit will crush the hearts of stone

Stand alone
Hear what I say
Stand alone
It's a leap of faith


As human beings, we're a complex thing
Sometimes so beautiful, other times so vain
We've built an empire, the blood is on our hands
Genocide and the chains that bind
The consequence ahead

Oh, you ought to know
Oh, you ought to know

Wrote about in history as if it's all O.K.
A race of people murdered another one enslaved
Now our world crumbles, it's happening within
Open your eyes and realize
The world we're living in

Oh, you ought to know
Oh, you ought to know

If we could focus on important things
Live and let live true freedom, not everyone's the same
No more war for your god, no more war for your race
It's our world, it's what we make it
Make it a better place

Oh, you ought to know
Oh, you ought to know

We can change the world that we're living in
Live and let live true freedom
Let the reign begin


Mother watch your children
The iron fist of fear is ruling our lives
It's not too late to change the course
We can make this world a better place to be in
How much more do we want until we're satisfied?
What happens when we have what we want?
Acquiring more , still there's never enough
We forget those who really are in need
The end is near, or so they say
Selling peace with guns
Infinity - Where do we go from here?
Infinity - Where do we go from here?
Infinity - Where do we go?
Infinity - Where do we go from here?
Guns spitting (out the) message of peace everywhere
Is it really that we don't care?
See mercenaries of fear selling love
Telling salvation comes from above
Arrogance and fear walking hand in hand
We must see that there's much more to life than this
Mother see your children
Make us understand and help us to find the way
The answers lie inside
They are locked inside to the vault of truth for us It's time
to spread the word around
Be yourself and do what you want to do with your life
Remember, you get just what you give
You reap all what you sow
You are in charge of your own life Infinity...
You make your own way As long as you are here
Find your place in life
Make your dreams come true
There's so much more than this
A million ways to live
Unlock the door
To the universe with love
Free your soul

"Perfect Warrior"

I was falling into the boundless sea
I'm the sacred one who chose to change this world
Everything I hate to see...
Everyone I hate to hear...
Raise your sword and never fall again

I was calling, world never answered me
Time was standing still and life plunged into ruin
Everything I hate to see...
Everyone I hate to hear...
Hold your head up high and spread your words

Mob of "right", I despise your way of life!
I'm a "sinner", yet forgive me nothing
I'm a "heathen", but forever free

If you try to break my wings
If you dare to watch my dreams
You'll forever bare your blame
In the name of pain

If you try to break my wings
If you try to steal my dreams
You will never free your name
From the chains of pain

If you try to break my wings
If you dare to touch my dreams
Then my curse will be your pain