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Za Darlene!

Dragi moji prijatelji,evo mene ponovno u Puli!
Puno vam hvala na komentarima i željama.

A sad je red na meni da nekome nešto zaželim.

Pa onda SRETAN ROĐENDAN Darlene!

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Žao mi je što nisam bila prisutna da ti ga čestitam na vrijeme.
Evo jedna prekrasna pjesma samo za tebe,a ti zamisli da ti je opet rođendan naughty

Happy Birthday, gentle friend
have a blessed day
May your heart be filled with wonders
as you travel on life's way

I pray your day is filled with love
and joy of every kind
May the world rise to greet you
I hope these things you find

Joy, peace and happiness
contentment in your heart
May u find all these spirit fruits
the ones that you impart

Celebrate the miracle
Of all that makes you YOU.
Count a blessing for each candle
Have your cake and eat it too!

Unwrap this day and savor it
And all the love that's there
Send a dream-wish straight to
Heaven on the wings of prayer

Remember what a blessing you are
Even after this day is gone.
You're a gem, a priceless treasure
Let yourself shine on!

Forget about the past, you can't change it!!
Forget about the future, you can't predict it!!
Forget about the present, I didn't get you one!! wink
Happy Birthday!!!


P.S.čekam da mi se malo slegnu dojmovi sa maturalca pa ću vam se javiti.No ukratko,sve najbolje!

Post je objavljen 11.09.2006. u 16:01 sati.