24.08.2013., subota

suma sumarum ketua u 12.kući

puno ljudi me u zadnje vrijeme pitalo da im napravim natalnu kartu [jyotish] iako svaki put svima kažem da ne volim to radit i da ništa ne znam (a ovakav sam stav poprimila tek odnedavno, zapravo..)
al dobro.
onda im napravim onda oni guglaju i uopće nemaju jasan uvid u to i vjerojatno je sve krivo i to onak krivo na 700.
em je vjerojatno krivi čart jer ne znam naštimavat, em je kriva moja interpretacija, em je krivo i površno sve što piše na netu, em je kriva subjektivna percepcija onom kojem se čart radi, itd. uglavnom izdistorzirane informacije.
i onda mi je žao promicat takav amaterizam... no da ne duljim, guglat sam onda ja išla svoj čart, što je praktički nemoguće jer su mi svi planeti nagruvani jedni do drugih u par kuća i onda je to malo kompleksnija situacija i onda nisam mogla ništ guglat.. jedini planet tj sjenka planeta koji solira mi je ketu
ma u biti me ni ne zanima ništa od toga, tak svejedno, zapravo, đotiši mi je dovoljno rekao da mi vilica otpadne, a periodi su ionako bitniji u svakodnevici, a to je jasno ko dan
ali, isto tako, ketu u 12. kući mi je najzanimljiviji
jer je on demon prosvijetljenja smrti života itd a 12. kuća je kuća prosvijetljenja, smrti, života itd. da ne ulazim u detalje
onda mi je to dobro kao (iako će me jebat stvari/okolnosti takve velike da me nauče velike stvari, tipa smrt... al nije bed jer meni kao ništa neće bit bed, čak ni siromaštvo predviđeno)

guglam i ekšli naiđem na par zapravo zanimljivih tekstova za koje sam osjećala da me skroz opisuju a smijala sam se na neke stvari

The twelfth house can teach us the
benefit of aloneness, instead of the
experience of loneliness. Meditation,
yoga, and other spiritual austerities
may be experienced through this
house. Islands, remote places, and
caves are also associated with the
twelfth bhava.

Ketu is the “moksha
karaka” graha and also reflects twelfth
house matters to an extent. Ketu is the
planet of enlightenment and liberation
as well as loss and confusion. Ketu
placed in the twelfth bhava can reflect
a deep spiritual awareness.

The ideal place for this Ketu would be a high rocky monastery in the middle east or the Gobi desert or the Karakoram ... somewhere inaccessible except after a long climb up, and somewhere very quiet and windy, very regulated, with a fixed schedule of activities every day. There are still some places like that in Egypt, Yemen, Greece, Syria, Turkey... wars and the drama of the people below do not affect these ancient monastery retreats.

The people Ketu is attracted to can be young but still dried out from "windy" diseases, from fasting, or just constitutionally they are parched, wrinkled, creaky and boney. Ketu even likes alcoholics who are trying to dry out.

Ketu also likes people who are trying to reduce their over-involvement with things; those who are trying to separate and disconnect from a part of the past that is finished. For example, people who are trying to reduce contact with the outside world by entering a monastery, or who are trying to reduce their weight by going to a residential diet spa, or reduce drugs/alcohol, or reduce some type of outdated behavior.

Ketu in the 12th house is an
excellent placement for the spiritual upliftment of the person. This
otherwise troublesome energy in the 12th house gives good
discriminative ability and an interest in spiritual evolution.

Ketu: Good for moksha or
spiritual liberation, intuitive gifts,
need for spiritual community or
ashram, enjoys distant travels. Need
to create a peaceful living

Ketu is a wanderer. Ketu wants to meditate, to be psychically attuned through neutral clairsentience -- seeing and hearing communication from the spirits, but NOT reacting to it and not getting committed to any relationship.

Ketu the Witness accepts losses.
Ketu the Witness accepts everything.

"In your mind you think of spiritual life as real and true and so you know that material life is not the aim of life.

This comes gradually as you get older, as material expectations are one by one ruled out as unfulfilling.

Therefore , gradually through life, you spend more of your time and energy towards serving good causes.

Also, in an attempt to sort things out in this transition, you become restless,

and sometimes try to spend for pleasure, only to feel increased frustration.

Overall, you should do well because of your sincere approach to life.

Areas to try to prevent disease troubles would include

the feet, eyes and private parts."

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