Dodirni ozdravitelja u sebi - Pronađi pratnju

srijeda , 26.12.2018.

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ISBN 953-231-001-0 242 VECCHI, Juan E. Zato Te molim, Ti dopuni ono što mi nedostaje.

dodirni ozdravitelja u sebi

Često nije važno o čemu - ali je važno da se obraćamo jedni drugima. Ta čuda je Grčka crkva sabrala u knjige, sa imenima i prezimenima ljudi kojima je svetac pomogao.

dodirni ozdravitelja u sebi - Ponekad ih iznesemo i mimo toga.

dodirni ozdravitelja u sebi

Utorak — Večernja molitva — 14. Ovdje se želim susresti s Tobom, moj Gospodine i Bože. Tu sam blizu Tebe, kao u blizini draga čovjeka, pun pouzdanja i bez ikakvih uvjeta. Prihvaćam sve što mi pružaš i darivaš i u tome priopćavaš svoju radosnu vijest. Radujem se svemu što mi činiš i darujem Tebi svoju zahvalnost i svoju ljubav. Dan se bliži kraju, vraćam se evo natrag k Tebi. Ovdje doživljavam Tvoju ljubav i blizinu. Išao si sa mnom kroz ovaj dan. Darivao mi život, snagu i radost. Zahvaljujem Ti što sam povezan s Tobom. Dopusti da ovu noć dobrota djeluje i sazrijeva. Ispuni me novom energijom za sutra: otvorenošću i radošću za moju okolinu, blagonaklonošću i ljubavlju za moje bližnje, pozornošću za Tvoje vodstvo, zanimanjem za sve dobro i lijepo. Blagoslovi sve ljude s kojima sam povezan. Budi uz bolesne, siromašne, progonjene. Daj nam mirnu noć i ujutro radosno buđenje. Sutra ću učiniti nešto: Nekoga saslušati ne sudeći prebrzo i ne osuđujući. Biti zahvalan za male znakove pažnje koji mi se sviđaju i dobro mi čine. Pozitivno razmišljati i govoriti bez kritike i prigovaranja. Biti otvoren kao cvijet — i razveseljivati svojom prisutnošću. Na početku i na kraju molitve se prekriži! Zahvali se Bogu za današnji dan.

Dara Bubamara - Dodirni me
Vjerujem u Boga - jer On vjeruje u mene. Dan se bliži kraju, vraćam se evo natrag k Tebi. Samo retki kod nas znaju da je u pitanju svetitelj novijih vremena umro je 1920. Zvanični podaci kažu da je sveti Nektarije svetovno ime Anastasije rođen 1846. Tako je nekako i zamišljena da nam služi kao meditativna molitva i zaista su sve lijepe, svaka na svoj način. Daruj mi ljubav da širim radost. Vidite li koliko je duboka njena vera? Udružimo se: sjedinimo se u pouzdanju u Boga, u zajedničkoj hvali i zahvaljlivanju, u pouzdanju u Božju pomoć i radosti života. Ima ih i Srpska pravoslavna crkva, a nalaze se u manastiru Rakovica. ISBN 953-6151-41-3 241 242 TENSEK, Zdenko Tomislav Asketsko-monaska duhovnost otackog razdoblja : poceci i razvoj krscanskog asketizma i monastva do sv. Draga Malena, jako dobro znam tu knjigu jer ju čitam svaki dan kao jutarnju i večernju molitvu.

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Kako ljubav preko interneta izgleda u stvarnosti

Zašto se i vi ne biste oprobali na internetu? I sada imam najmirniju i najstabilniju vezu nego što sam ikada imala u životu. Moja kolegice se sretno udala preko interneta....

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Dobre vode crna gora wikipedia - Stranica za upoznavanje


Click here: Dobre vode crna gora wikipedia

Ovo je prvi popis na teritoriji Crne Gore od ponovnog stjecanja neovisnosti 2006. U Skupštinu se bira 81 poslanik. To je gotovo nenaseljeno područje.

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Prema popisu iz 2011. Oni su se srodničkim vezama povezali sa i , da bi sa početkom pokušali da se suprotstave osvajačima, kako oružjem, tako i ustupanjem primorskih gradova , i drugi.

dobre vode crna gora wikipedia

LARA-S – DOBRE VODE - LETOVANJE - Ustanak je ugušen do polovine avgusta 1941. Zbog ovih potreba, planira se izgradnja i drugog bloka termoelektrane u Pljevljima, hidroelektrane na i 4 hidroelektrane na Morači za dodatnih 407 GWh godišnje , kao i izgradnja minihidroelektrana na 43 vodotoka.

dobre vode crna gora wikipedia

Without proper , you may see , misplaced vowels or missing conjuncts instead of Cyrillic letters. It has a coast on the to the southwest and is bordered by to the west, to the northwest, to the northeast, to the east and to the southeast. Its capital and largest city is , while is designated as the. In the 9th century, three were located on the territory of Montenegro: , roughly corresponding to the southern half; , the west; and , the north. In 1042, led a revolt that resulted in the independence of Duklja from the and the establishment of the. The independent emerged in the 14th and 15th centuries, ruled by the between 1356 and 1421, and by the between 1431 and 1498, when the name Montenegro started being used for the country. After falling under , Montenegro regained de facto independence in 1697 under the rule of the , first under the theocratic rule of , before being transformed into a secular in 1852. Montenegro's independence was recognised by the at the in 1878, following the. In 1905, the country became a. After , it became a part of. Following the , the republics of and together established a known as the , which was renamed in 2003. On the basis of an held in May 2006, Montenegro declared independence on 3 June of that year. Since 1990, the country has been governed by the and its minor coalition partners. Classified by the as an upper middle-income country, Montenegro is a member of the , , the , the , the and the and a founding member of the. The country's name derives from and translates to 'black mountain'. The native name Crna Gora came to denote the majority of contemporary Montenegro only in the 15th century. Originally, it had referred to only a small strip of land under the rule of the , but the name eventually came to be used for the wider mountainous region after the took power in. The aforementioned region became known as Stara Crna Gora '' by the 19th century to distinguish the independent region from the neighbouring Ottoman-occupied Montenegrin territory of Brda ' The Highlands'. Montenegro further increased its size several times by the 20th century, as the result of wars against the , which saw the annexation of and parts of and southern. Its borders have changed little since then, losing and gaining the. After the second session of the during , the modern state of Montenegro was founded as the Federal State of Montenegro : !0257=0 4@6020 &@=5 >@5 Savezna država Crne Gore on 15 November 1943 within the Democratic Federal Yugoslavia by the. After DF Yugoslavia became the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia, the Federal State of Montenegro was renamed to the : 0@>4=0 5?C1;8:0 &@=0 >@0 Narodna Republika Crna Gora on 29 November 1945. In 1963, the FPRY was renamed to the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and coincidentally, the People's Republic of Montenegro was renamed to the Socialist Republic of Montenegro : !>F8X0;8AB8G:0 5?C1;8:0 &@=0 >@0 Socijalistička Republika Crna Gora. Since 22 October 2007, a year after its independence, the name of the country became simply known as Montenegro. The code for Montenegro is ME and the is MNE. Duklja gained its independence from the Byzantine Roman Empire in 1042. Over the next few decades, it expanded its territory to neighbouring Rascia and Bosnia, and also became recognised as a kingdom. Its power started declining at the beginning of the 12th century. After King Bodin's death in 1101 or 1108 , several civil wars ensued. Duklja reached its zenith under Vojislav's son, 1046—81 , and his grandson 1081—1101. By the 13th century, Zeta had replaced Duklja when referring to the realm. In the late 14th century, southern Montenegro came under the rule of the , then the , and by the 15th century, Zeta was more often referred to as Crna Gora : monte negro. As the nobility fought for the throne, the kingdom was weakened, and by 1186, it was conquered by and incorporated into the as a province named Zeta. After the collapsed in the second half of the 14th century, the most powerful Zetan family, the , became sovereigns of Zeta. In 1421, Zeta was annexed to the , but after 1455, another noble family from Zeta, the , became sovereign rulers of the country, making it the last free monarchy of the Balkans before it fell to the in 1496, and got annexed to the of. During the reign of Crnojevićs, Zeta became known under its current name — Montenegro. For a short time, Montenegro existed as a separate autonomous sanjak in 1514—1528, another version of which existed again between 1597 and 1614. Also, region was part of. Prince-Bishopric of Montenegro and fights against the Ottomans Montenegrin refugees during Montenegrin-Turkish war Large portions fell under the control of the from 1496 to 1878. In the 16th century, Montenegro developed a unique form of autonomy within the Ottoman Empire permitting Montenegrin clans freedom from certain restrictions. Nevertheless, the Montenegrins were disgruntled with Ottoman rule, and in the 17th century, raised numerous rebellions, which culminated in the defeat of the Ottomans in the at the end of that century. Montenegrin military strategy was simple but effective: if the Ottomans came with 5,000 soldiers, the Montenegrins were able to withstand the force; if the Ottomans mustered more than the Montenegrins could withstand, the Montenegrins would burn everything, retreat deeper into the mountains, and let the enemy starve. Montenegro consisted of territories controlled by warlike clans. Most clans had a chieftain knez , who was not permitted to assume the title unless he proved to be as worthy a leader as his predecessor. The great assembly of Montenegrin clans Zbor was held every year on 12 July in Cetinje, and any adult clansman could take part. However, the introduced governors who meddled in Montenegrin politics. The republic was succeeded by the in 1797, and the governors were abolished by Prince-Bishop in 1832. His predecessor contributed to the unification of Montenegro with the Highlands. Under , the was enlarged several times in the Montenegro-Turkish Wars and was recognised as independent in 1878. Under the rule of Nicholas I, diplomatic relations were established with the Ottoman Empire. Minor border skirmishes excepted, diplomacy ushered in about 30 years of peace between the two states until the deposition of. The political skills of Abdul Hamid and Nicholas I played a major role in the mutually amicable relations. Modernization of the state followed, culminating with the draft of a Constitution in 1905. However, political rifts emerged between the reigning , who supported the process of democratization and union with Serbia, and those of the , who were monarchist. During this period, one of the major Montenegrin victories over the Ottomans occurred at the. The glory of Montenegrin victory was soon immortalized in the songs and literature of all the South Slavs, in particular the Montenegrins in Vojvodina, then part of. This forced the to officially demarcate the borders between Montenegro and Ottoman Empire, de facto recognizing Montenegro's independence. Montenegro's independence was recognized by Ottoman Empire at in 1878. The first Montenegrin constitution was proclaimed in 1855; it was also known as the Danilo Code. Kingdom of Montenegro 1910—1918 : King with his wife, sons, daughters, grandchildren and sons- and daughters-in-law In 1910, Montenegro became , and as a result of the in 1912 and 1913 in which the Ottomans lost all Balkan land , a common border with Serbia was established, with being awarded to a newly created , though the current capital city of Montenegro, Podgorica, was the old border of Albania and Yugoslavia. Montenegro was among the during 1914—18. From 1916 to October 1918, Montenegro was occupied by Austria-Hungary. During the occupation, King Nicholas fled the country and a government-in-exile was set up in. Kingdom of Yugoslavia Main article: In 1922, Montenegro formally became the in the , with the addition of the coastal areas around and. In a further restructuring in 1929, it became a part of a larger of the that reached the River. Nicholas's grandson, the Serb King , dominated the Yugoslav government. Zeta Banovina was one of nine banovinas which formed the kingdom; it consisted of the present-day Montenegro and parts of Serbia, Croatia, and Bosnia. World War II Uprising in Montenegro 1944. In April 1941, , the , and other Axis allies attacked and occupied the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Italian forces occupied Montenegro and established it as a puppet Kingdom of Montenegro. In May, the Montenegrin branch of the Communist Party of Yugoslavia started preparations for an uprising planned for mid-July. The Communist Party and its Youth League organised 6,000 of its members into detachments prepared for. The first armed uprising in -occupied Europe happened on 13 July 1941 in Montenegro. Unexpectedly, the uprising took hold, and by 20 July, 32,000 men and women had joined the fight. Except for the coast and major towns Podgorica, Cetinje, Pljevlja, and Nikšić , which were besieged, Montenegro was mostly liberated. In a month of fighting, the Italian army suffered 5,000 dead, wounded, and captured. The uprising lasted until mid-August, when it was suppressed by a counter-offensive of 67,000 Italian troops brought in from Albania. Faced with new and overwhelming Italian forces, many of the fighters laid down their arms and returned home. Nevertheless, intense guerrilla fighting lasted until December. Liberation of Montenegro from foreign occupation from 1711 to 1918 Fighters who remained under arms fractured into two groups. Most of them went on to join the Yugoslav Partisans, consisting of communists and those inclined towards active resistance; these included , , , , , , , and. Those loyal to the and opposing communism went on to become , and turned to collaboration with Italians against the Partisans. War broke out between Partisans and Chetniks during the first half of 1942. Pressured by Italians and Chetniks, the core of the Montenegrin Partisans went to Serbia and Bosnia, where they joined with other Yugoslav Partisans. Fighting between Partisans and Chetniks continued through the war. Chetniks with Italian backing controlled most of the country from mid-1942 to April 1943. Most of them were moved to , where they fought in the against the Partisans, but were dealt a heavy defeat. During the German operation Schwartz against the Partisans in May and June 1943, Germans disarmed large number of Chetniks without fighting, as they feared they would turn against them in case of an Allied invasion of the Balkans. After the capitulation of Italy in September 1943, Partisans managed to take hold of most of Montenegro for a brief time, but Montenegro was soon occupied by German forces, and fierce fighting continued during late 1943 and entire 1944. Montenegro was liberated by the Partisans in December 1944. Main article: Montenegro, like the rest of Yugoslavia, was liberated by the in 1944. Montenegro became one of the six constituent republics of the communist SFRY. Its capital became Podgorica, renamed in honour of President. After the war, the infrastructure of Yugoslavia was rebuilt, industrialization began, and the was established. Greater autonomy was established until the ratified a new constitution in 1974. In the , the turnout was 66%, with 96% of the votes cast in favour of the federation with Serbia. The referendum was by the Muslim, Albanian, and Catholic minorities, as well as the pro-independence Montenegrins. The opponents claimed that the poll was organized under anti- with widespread propaganda from the state-controlled media in favour of a pro-federation vote. No impartial report on the fairness of the referendum was made, as it was unmonitored, unlike in 2006 when observers were present. Mausoleum of , in During the 1991—1995 and , Montenegrin police and military forces joined Serbian troops in the attacks on , Croatia. These operations, aimed at acquiring more territory, were characterized by a consistent pattern of large-scale violations of human rights. Montenegrin General Pavle Strugar was convicted for his part in the bombing of Dubrovnik. Bosnian refugees were arrested by Montenegrin police and transported to Serb camps in Foča, where they were subjected to systematic torture and executed. In 1996, 's government severed ties between Montenegro and its partner Serbia, which was led by. Montenegro formed its own and adopted the German as its currency and subsequently , although not part of the. Subsequent governments pursued pro-independence policies, and political tensions with Serbia simmered despite the political changes in. Targets in Montenegro were bombed by NATO forces during in 1999, although the extent of these attacks was very limited in both time and area affected. In 2002, Serbia and Montenegro came to a new agreement for continued cooperation and entered into negotiations regarding the future status of the. This resulted in the Belgrade Agreement, which saw the country's transformation into a more decentralised state union named in 2003. The Belgrade Agreement also contained a provision delaying any future referendum on the independence of Montenegro for at least three years. Independence flies over the. The status of the union between Montenegro and Serbia was decided by a on 21 May 2006. A total of 419,240 votes were cast, representing 86. This narrowly surpassed the 55% threshold needed to validate the referendum under the rules set by the European Union. According to the electoral commission, the 55% threshold was passed by only 2,300 votes. Serbia, the member-states of the European Union, and the all Montenegro's independence. Serbia did not object to the declaration. Euro-Atlantic integration in the 21st century Montenegrin Prime Minister with NATO secretary-general in after Montenegro's accession to the alliance on 5 June 2017. On 12 July 2011, the Parliament of Montenegro passed the that rehabilitated the and recognized limited symbolic roles within the constitutional framework of the republic. In 2015, the investigative journalists' network named Montenegro's long-time President and Prime Minister 'Person of the Year in Organized Crime'. The extent of Đukanović's led to street demonstrations and calls for his removal. In October 2016, for the day of the , a by a group of persons that included leaders of the Montenegrin opposition, Serbian nationals and Russian agents; the coup was prevented. Since 2012, Montenegro is in with the. The view to acceding by 2022 was revised to 2025. Satellite view of Montenegro Internationally, Montenegro borders , , , , and Albania. It lies between latitudes and , and longitudes and. Montenegro ranges from high peaks along its borders with Serbia, Kosovo, and Albania, a segment of the of the western Balkan Peninsula, to a narrow coastal plain that is only 1. The plain stops abruptly in the north, where and plunge into the inlet of the Bay of Kotor. Montenegro's large Karst region lies generally at elevations of 1,000 metres 3,280 ft above sea level; some parts, however, rise to 2,000 m 6,560 ft , such as 1,894 m or 6,214 ft , the highest massif among the coastal limestone ranges. The valley, at an elevation of 500 m 1,600 ft , is the lowest segment. The mountains of Montenegro include some of the most rugged terrain in Europe, averaging more than 2,000 metres 6,600 feet in elevation. One of the country's notable peaks is in the mountains, which reaches a height of 2,522 m 8,274 ft. Owing to the hyperhumid climate on their western sides, the Montenegrin mountain ranges were among the most ice-eroded parts of the Balkan Peninsula during the last glacial period. The number of species per area unit index in Montenegro is 0. The number of is also high — there are 392 Balkan regional endemic species, equivalent to over 7% of Montenegrin flora. To date, 40,742 marine fish species have been recorded in Montenegro, which represent 70% of the species recorded in the Mediterranean. The mountain regions of Lovćen and Prokletije are particular hot spots for amphibians and reptiles. Of these, 204 species nest in the country. The : Predsjednik Crne Gore is the , elected for a period of five years through direct elections. The President represents the country abroad, promulgates laws by ordinance, calls elections for the , proposes candidates for , president and justices of the Constitutional Court to the Parliament. The President also proposes the calling of a to Parliament, grants amnesty for criminal offences prescribed by the national law, confers decoration and awards and performs other constitutional duties and is a member of the Supreme Defence Council. The official residence of the President is in. The : Vlada Crne Gore is the of government authority of Montenegro. The government is headed by the , and consists of the deputy prime ministers as well as ministers. Honorary Guard of the Army of Montenegro in the state protocol, residence of in. The : Skupština Crne Gore is a body. It passes laws, ratifies treaties, appoints the Prime Minister, ministers, and justices of all courts, adopts the budget and performs other duties as established by the Constitution. Parliament can pass a vote of no-confidence in the Government by a simple majority. One representative is elected per 6,000 voters. The present parliament contains 81 seats, with 39 seats held by the after the. Foreign relations of Montenegro Western Balkan Summit, The implementation of this constitutional responsibility was vested in the Ministry of , which was given the task of defining the foreign policy priorities and activities needed for their implementation. These activities are pursued in close cooperation with other state administration authorities, the President, the of the Parliament, and other relevant stakeholders. Integration into the is Montenegro's strategic goal. This process will remain in the focus of Montenegrin foreign policy in the short term. The second strategic and equally important goal, but one attainable in a shorter time span, was joining , which would guarantee stability and security for pursuing other strategic goals. Montenegro believes NATO integration would speed up EU integration. In May 2017 NATO accepted Montenegro as a NATO member starting June 5, 2017. Although it only borders , , , , and , Montenegro also counts former Yugoslav republics and as its neighbouring countries, for historical and regional reasons, as well as the neighbours of former Yugoslavia: , , , , and. Symbols See also: An official , based on the royal standard of , was adopted on 12 July 2004 by the Montenegrin legislature. This royal flag was red with a silver border, a silver coat of arms, and the initials , in Cyrillic script corresponding to NI in Latin script , representing King Nicholas I. On the current flag, the border and arms are in gold and the royal cipher in the centre of the arms has been replaced with a golden lion. The national day of 13 July marks the date in 1878 when the recognized Montenegro as the 27th independent state in the world and the start of one of the first popular uprisings in Europe against the on 13 July 1941 in Montenegro. Military The is a fully professional under the and is composed of the , the , and the , along with. Conscription was abolished in 2006. The currently maintains a force of 1,920 active duty members. The bulk of its equipment and forces were inherited from the armed forces of the State Union of ; as Montenegro contained the entire of the former union, it retained practically the entire naval force. Montenegro was a member of NATO's program and then became an official candidate for full membership in the alliance. Montenegro applied for a Membership Action Plan on 5 November 2008, which was granted in December 2009. Montenegro is also a member of. Montenegro was invited to join on 2 December 2015 and on 19 May 2016, NATO and Montenegro conducted a signing ceremony at NATO headquarters in for Montenegro's membership invitation. Montenegro became NATO's 29th on 5 June 2017, despite 's objections. The government plans to have the army participate in missions through the UN and NATO such as the. Administrative divisions as its national currency. The economy of Montenegro is mostly and is in to a. According to data, the Montenegrin GDP per capita stood at 41% of the EU average in 2010. GDP grew at 10. The country entered a in 2008 as a part of the , with GDP contracting by 4%. However, Montenegro remained a target for , the only country in the Balkans to increase its amount of direct foreign investment. The country exited the recession in mid-2010, with GDP growth at around 0. In 2007, the made up 72. There are 50,000 farming households in Montenegro that rely on agriculture to fill the family budget. Infrastructure Roads of Montenegro in service and two planned: red - , blue - The Montenegrin road infrastructure is not yet at Western European standards. Despite an extensive road network, no roads are built to full standards. Construction of new motorways is considered a national priority, as they are important for uniform regional economic development and the development of Montenegro as an attractive tourist destination. Current that pass through Montenegro are and. The backbone of the Montenegrin rail network is the , which provides international connection towards. There is a domestic branch line, the , which was operated as a freight-only line for decades, now also open for passenger traffic after the reconstruction and electrification works in 2012. The other branch line from Podgorica towards the Albanian border, the , is not in use. Montenegro has two international airports, and. The two airports served 1. The is Montenegro's main seaport. Initially built in 1906, the port was almost completely destroyed during , with reconstruction beginning in 1950. Today, it is equipped to handle over 5 million tons of cargo annually, though the breakup of the former Yugoslavia and the size of the Montenegrin industrial sector has resulted in the port operating at a loss and well below capacity for several years. The reconstruction of the and the proposed are expected to bring the port back up to capacity. The country was a well-known tourist spot in the 1980s. Yet, the that were fought in neighbouring countries during the 1990s crippled the tourist industry and damaged the image of Montenegro for years. With a total of 1. The Montenegrin coast is 295 km 183 mi long, with 72 km 45 mi of beaches, and with many well-preserved ancient old towns. It is listed every year by prestigious tourism guides like Lonely Planet as top touristic destination along with Greece, Spain and other world touristic places. It was not until the 2000s that the tourism industry began to recover, and the country has since experienced a high rate of growth in the number of visits and overnight stays. The has set the development of Montenegro as an elite tourist destination a top priority. It is a national strategy to make tourism a major contributor to the Montenegrin economy. A number of steps were taken to attract foreign investors. Some large projects are already under way, such as , while other locations, like , , and , have perhaps the greatest potential to attract future investments and become premium tourist spots on the. If the methodology used up to 1991 had been adopted in the 2003 census, Montenegro would officially have recorded 673,094 citizens. The results of the 2011 census show that Montenegro has 620,029 citizens. Montenegro is in which no ethnic group forms a majority. Ethnic composition according to the 2011 official data: Number % Total 620,029 100 278,865 45. Also, , , and are recognized in usage. All of these languages, except Albanian, are mutually intelligible. According to the 2011 census, most citizens declared Serbian as their mother tongue. Montenegrin is the majority mother tongue of the population under 18 years of age, although by a very narrow margin- 39. In 2013, announced the results of public opinion research regarding the identity attitudes of the citizens of Montenegro, indicating that the majority of the population claims Montenegrin as their mother tongue. Previous constitutions endorsed as the official language in and the during the. According to the 2011 Census the following languages are spoken in the country: Number % Total 620,029 100 265,895 42. Montenegrins have been, historically, members of the governed by the , and is the most popular religion today in Montenegro. The was recently founded and is followed by a small minority of Montenegrins although it is not in communion with any other Christian Orthodox Church as it has not been officially recognized. Despite tensions between religious groups during the , Montenegro remained fairly stable, mainly due its population having a historic perspective on religious tolerance and faith diversity. Religious institutions from Montenegro all have guaranteed rights and are separate from the state. The second largest religion is Islam, which amounts to 19% of the total population of the country. One third of are 8,126 in the 2004 census while the two other thirds 22,267 are mainly ; in 2012 a protocol passed that recognizes as an official religion in Montenegro, ensures that foods will be served at military facilities, hospitals, dormitories and all social facilities; and that Muslim women will be permitted to wear headscarves in schools and at public institutions, as well as ensuring that Muslims have the right to take Fridays off work for the Friday -prayer. There is also a small Roman Catholic population, mostly Albanians with some Croats, divided between the headed by the Primate of Serbia and the that is a part of the. Religious determination according to the 2011 census: Religion Number % Total 620,029 100 446,858 72. Main article: Education in Montenegro is regulated by the. Education starts in either pre-schools or elementary schools. Children enroll in elementary schools : Osnovna škola at the age of 6; it lasts 9 years. The students may continue their secondary education : Srednja škola , which lasts 4 years 3 years for trade schools and ends with graduation. Higher education lasts with a certain first degree after 3 to 6 years. There is one public University and two private and. Various types of elementary education are available to all who qualify, but the vocational and technical schools gymnasiums , where the students follow four-year course which will take them up to the university entrance, are the most popular. At the secondary level there are a number of art schools, apprentice schools and teacher training schools. Those who have attended the technical schools may pursue their education further at one of two-year post-secondary schools, created in response to the needs of industry and the social services. It is a preparatory school for university, and hence the most academic and prestigious. Higher schools Viša škola lasts between two and four years. Post-graduate education Post-graduate education post-diplomske studije is offered after tertiary level and offers , PhD and specialization education. Montenegro Part of Natural and Culturo-Historical Region of Kotor Cultural: i, ii, iii, iv Reference Inscription 1979 3rd Area 14,600 ha Buffer zone 36,491 ha Art The culture of Montenegro has been shaped by a variety of influences throughout history. The influence of Orthodox, Ottoman Turk , Slavic, Central European, and seafaring Adriatic cultures notably parts of Italy, like the have been the most important in recent centuries. Montenegro has many significant cultural and historical sites, including heritage sites from the pre-, and periods. The Montenegrin coastal region is especially well known for its religious monuments, including the in Cattaro under the Venetians , the basilica of St. Luke over 800 years , Škrpjela , the and others. Montenegro's medieval monasteries contain thousands of square metres of frescos on their walls. Literature Montenegro's capital Podgorica and the former royal capital of Cetinje are the two most important centres of culture and the arts in the country. Media Foods from Montenegro Montenegrin cuisine is a result of Montenegro's long history. It is a variation of Mediterranean and Oriental. Montenegrin cuisine also varies geographically; the cuisine in the coastal area differs from the one in the northern highland region. The coastal area is traditionally a representative of , with seafood being a common dish, while the northern represents more the Oriental. Sport Main article: The Sports in Montenegro revolves mostly around team sports, such as , , , , and. Other sports involved are , , , , , , , and. Most popular sport is. Among many great players from Montenegro were , , , or. Montenegro's is one of the top ranked teams in the world, winning the gold medal at the in , , and winning the gold medal at the , which was held in Montenegrin capital,. Montenegrin team from became a champion of Europe at the 2009 in ,. The is also known for good performances and had won a lot of medals in the past as part of the. In 2006, the along with this team joined the FIBA on its own, following the. Montenegro participated on two Eurobaskets until now. Among women sports, is the most successful, having won the and finishing as runner-ups at the. At the in London, won the Silver medal losing to defending World, Olympic and European Champions, in an exciting match 26—23. This is also Montenegro's first ever Olympic medal. Less than half a year later the team got revenge by beating Norway in the final of the , thus becoming champions for the first time. The official language in Montenegro shall be Montenegrin. Cyrillic and Latin alphabet shall be equal. Serbian, Bosnian, Albanian and Croatian shall also be in the official use. Retrieved 12 July 2011. Retrieved 23 January 2018. United Nations Development Programme. Retrieved 14 December 2015. Archived from on 1997-01-16. Godine 12 October 2007 at the. Retrieved 11 September 2010. Retrieved 11 September 2010. Archived from on 7 November 2016. Retrieved 8 November 2016. Retrieved 8 November 2016. Retrieved 8 November 2016. Retrieved 8 November 2016. Retrieved 2 June 2017. Environmental Protection Agency of Montenegro. Environmental Protection Agency of Montenegro. Archived from PDF on 26 March 2010. Retrieved 11 September 2010. Retrieved 11 September 2010. Retrieved 20 May 2016. Archived from on 25 July 2011. Retrieved 11 September 2010. Retrieved 30 March 2011. Archived from PDF on 7 August 2013. Retrieved 13 December 2011. Retrieved 14 December 2009. Archived from on 14 May 2011. Archived from PDF on 11 May 2011. Archived from on 29 March 2010. Retrieved 11 September 2010. Retrieved 11 September 2010. Archived from on 5 June 2010. Retrieved 11 September 2010. Retrieved 11 September 2010. Retrieved 30 March 2011. Archived from PDF on 30 August 2016. Retrieved 24 January 2016. Retrieved 24 January 2016. Retrieved 11 September 2010. Strengthening Religious Tolerance for a Secure Civil Society in Albania and the Southern Balkans. International Religious Freedom 2000: Annual Report: Submitted By The U. Retrieved 11 September 2010. Archived from on 21 December 2012. Retrieved 11 September 2010. The Late Medieval Balkans: A Critical Survey from the Late Twelfth Century to the Ottoman Conquest. The University of Michigan Press. New York: Columbia University Press.

Dobra Voda, Crna Gora
Ujedno, priobalni dio mora, uz međunarodne vode, čini granicu sa , koja je u nekim dijelovima Crne Gore, u periodima mletačke dominacije, ostvarila i vrlo velik kulturološki uticaj. Most of them went on to join the Yugoslav Partisans, consisting of communists and those inclined towards active resistance; these included , , , , , , , and. Nastala je kao narodna pjesma Crne Gore. Vladajuća stranka u Crnoj Gori od uvođenja višestranačja je , u koaliciji sa mnogo manjom. U okviru objekta postoji i internet kafe sa 10 računara. Balkansko poluostrvo je za vreme imalo relatvno blažu klimu i bilo utočište brojnim biljnim i životinjskim rodovima i vrstama. Tokom narednih vijekova, Rimljani su zauzeli cijeli Balkan, a posljednji otpor Ilira slomljen je za vrijeme —. Crna Gora je članica , , , , i , kao i osnivački član. Arhivirano iz PDF na datum 14. Dobre Vode u Crnoj Gori Dobre Vode predstavljaju jedno od najlepših CrnoGorsko primorskih mesta.

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Upoznavanje sa zenama
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