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ZNAJTE, da ste doslovno Ruke Božje na fizičkoj razini i da je Božja Svjetlost koja teče kroz vas beskonačno snažnija od svih izobličenih uzoraka ljudske pogrešne kreacije koja se ovdje manifestira.

Zapamtite, Božansko Svjetlo UVIJEK Pobjeđuje. A VI ste ta Svjetlost.
Nikada ne podcjenjujte svoju sposobnost da budete Sila Božja na ovom Planetu.

Univerzalan zakon je "Traži i dobiti ćeš, Kucaj i Vrata će ti se otvoriti!".

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31.10.2005., ponedjeljak

Što je vaša misija na zemlji? 3.dio

- 1.dio - 2.dio


Kako se ova genetska transmutacija odvija na cijeloj planeti, naš pre-inkodirani genetski program se takođe aktivira. Za neko vrijeme počet ćemo sa deprogramiranjem našeg starog sistema, i pritom ćemo se često osjećati kao da smo malo "grogi". Naš istinski identitet će početi marširati van iz treće dimenzije, dok će naš ego imati tendenciju da se drži broda koji tone kao pijan plota. Kad se stari programi odumirućeg svijeta počnu rasplitati, vjerojatno ćemo osjećati određen stupanj nelagodnosti, odnosno imati osjećaj kao da se cijeli naš svijet ruši. Bilo bi veoma korisno da se za vrijeme tranzicije sjetimo da smo jedan interdimenzionalni majstor, odnosno ekspert za transmutaciju realiteta koji se rasipaju. Mi smo to već prije radili, i to - mnogo puta.


Sve ono što smo podnijeli za vrijeme našeg boravka na ovoj planeti od jedne je veoma bitne važnosti. Ono što bi trebalo biti interesantno nisu one informacije koje nam stižu od strane kontroliranih medija u vezi prirode i posljedica ljudske neodgovornosti, nego je veoma interesantna i bitna činjenica što smo uspjeli pretrpjeti jednu sveobuhvatnu kampanju poricanja ljudskog bića i njegove suštine. Zašto? Zato što mijenjajući sami sebe, sve one beskorisne i štetne šablone koje smo svojom voljom prihvatili na sebe, promijenit će se zajedno sa nama. Iako se mi sada ne možemo lako sjetiti, kad smo se složili učiniti sve ovo da bi pomogli Zemlji u njenom ponovnom uskrsnuću. Priroda našeg dogovora bila je ta da ćemo mi svjesno transformirati ovu matricu u kojoj smo rođeni, kao i sve one laži koje su nam govorili u vezi nas i svega ovoga što se dešava u našoj sadašnjosti. Mi smo se složili da preobratimo upravo taj materijal u jedan ljepši od kojeg će biti sačinjena nova odora transfiguriranog svijeta. Upravo stoga, podsjećanje na ono ko smo i zašto smo došli je veoma važno i to je jedan sveti akt.


Njegov ponovni dolazak je na domaku, i zbog toga se trebamo što prije pripremiti. To je vrlo koristan savjet, jer se ovdje u stvari radi - o nama. Mi predstavljamo njegov ponovni dolazak. Iz tog razloga postani odmah sam svoj Mesija - jer se nema što čekati.


Teret Duhovnog Značaja, kao i Kompleks Mesije su jedna od zamki u koju bi bilo najbolje da ne upadnemo. Problem kod Duhovnog Značaja je taj što je to jedan sporedni produkt duhovnih ambicija, i u vezi s tim bilo bi najbolje kad bi uspjeli izbjeći bilo kakve ambicije te prirode. Djela koja su posljedica duhovne ambicije većinom su po svojoj prirodi bez duha u sebi. Ona nas jedino mogu odvojiti od Duha, pa tako i od naše misije. To naravno ne znači da mi ne činimo ništa što je od duhovne važnosti dok se nalazimo na ovoj planeti. Naš zadatak i jest da ostvarimo ovdje jedan duhovni utjecaj, jer da nije tako onda bismo ostali kod kuće. Međutim, ako nas opsjedne "važnost" naših djela, to bi nas moglo dovesti do jednog identiteta koji je nešto mnogo manje nego što mi to u stvari realno jesmo.

Naša primarna direktiva ovdje je da otjelovimo taj Duh kojem služimo. Ako dozvolimo sebi da nas izbaci iz kolosijeka naš osobni "spiritualni značaj" ili se izgubimo u svojoj vlastitoj "veličini", onda ćemo istovremeno izgubiti vezu sa svojom istinskom važnošću i podbaciti u ostvarenju cilja naše misije. Zapamtite da smo mi ovdje da bi postali živi, tjelesni izraz tog duha. Ništa što ćemo činiti ili raditi ne može biti prihvatljiva zamjena za ono što mi realno jesmo.


U ovo vrijeme tranzicije, moramo biti veoma pažljivi koga i što slijedimo. U stvari, ako uopće slijedimo nekoga ili nešto, to je već prva indikacija da smo skrenuli s puta. Onima od vas koji još uvijek imaju svoje gurue, preporučili bismo da počnu koristiti svoju vlastitu razboritost. Vremena velikih duhovnih učitelja su prošla. Sadašnje vrijeme je vrijeme uzvišenog duha. Taj prijelaz iz učenika u svog vlastitog učitelja može prouzrokovati privremeni porast nezaposlenosti u Indiji i drugdje, ali nemojte da vas to uzbuđuje.

nastavlja se...

- 22:32 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

30.10.2005., nedjelja

Nije za slabe živce! Snimka egzorcizma!

Šesnaestogodišnja djevojka sjedi na stolcu u jednoj ruskoj ortodoksnoj crkvi. Nad njom stoji majka koja ju drži za ramena. Prilazi svećenik i započinje čitati molitvu egzorcizma. Djevojka se počinje grčiti i režati kako svećenik nastavlja čitati.

Ovo nije scena iz filma strave. Ovo je djelomični zapis jednog egzorcizma u jednoj ruskoj crkvi 1. maja 2004.

Snimaka (wma 654kB) nije preporučljiva za ljude koji slabo podnose paranormalne pojave.

Snimatelj je Eugene Safronov, koji je asistent jednom od egzorcista ruske ortodoksne crkve. Pri ovom egzorcizmu nije sudjelovao, nego je imao ulogu svjedoka.

- 20:28 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Mjesec ipak nije mrtav?

Svemirska naselja ispod površine?

Amerikanac Georg H. Leonard je potpuno uvjeren u postojanje izvanzemaljskog života na Mjesecu. U knjizi "Someone Else is on Our Moon" (Netko drugi je na Mjesecu, inače, knjiga je objavljena u Europi pod naslovom Na Mjesecu postoji život), Leonard iznosi mišljenje da su Mjesečevu površinu prekopali gigantski strojevi i da su oni načinili velike kratere. Prema njegovom mišljenju, izvanzemaljci - stanovnici Mjeseca, sagradili su ogromne kupole i tornjeve za stanovanje i to tako da su u Mjesečevoj površini izdubli na kilometre duge spiralne bušotine. Dapače, te bušotine spajaju velike Mjesečeve doline. Leonard je posve siguran da Američka agencija za svemirska istraživanja NASA krije od Zemljana svoja saznanja o boravku svemiraca na Mjesecu. On je, isto tako, uvjeren da su američki astronauti, koji su bili na Mjesecu, birali riječi kad su opisivali njegovu površinu, kako pri prijenosu slika s Mjeseca ne bi izbilo u javnost i postojanje svemirskog života na Zemljinom trabantu.
Prema Leonarđu, milijarde dolara utrošenih u svemirski program i u istraživanje Mjeseca nije utrošeno ni zbog znanstvenih razloga, ni zbog političke slave vezane uz utrku u istraživanju svemira.

Naime, tvrdi Leonard, vlade SAD-a i SSSR-a su sklopile sporazum čiji je cilj da zajedničkim naporima uđu u trag stanovnicima Mjeseca. A kad su prvi astronauti na Mjesecu pronašli ogromne, snažne strojeve svemirskog podrijetla, čiju namjenu nisu mogli objasniti, vlade su odlučile da rezultate istraživanja Mjeseca zadrže pod ključem. Nakon svega, NASA je objavila svijetu da su "u ovom trenutku obustavljeni letovi na Mjesec s ljudskom posadom".

Slova u tlu - orjentacija svemircima

U svojim tvrdnjama, Leonard se oslanja na vlastita proučavanja tisuća fotografija, snimljenih tijekom letova na Mjesec sa i bez ljudske posade. On ističe da njegove zaključke podržava "dr Sam Wittcomb" - to je pseudonim jednog od nekadašnjih suradnika NASA-e. Leonardovi "dokazi" se temelje na fotografijama koje je objavila NASA. Na njima je moguće otkriti "umjetne građevine ha Mjesecu" jedino pažljivim proučavanjem znatno uvećanih fotografija. Prema Leonardu, trebalo mu je tjedan dana da bi proučio "12 kvadratnih centimetara fotografije, koju je objavila NASA", da bi otkrio ono što se vjerovalo da neće biti otkriveno.

Leonard je uvjeren kako fotografije pokazuju objekte tolike pravilnosti, koja može biti rezultat djelovanja jedino umjetne inteligencije. On je uvjeren da je u planinskom predjelu, nedaleko kratera Bullialdus, otkrio veliku grupu zupčanika, među kojima najveći ima promjer osam kilometara.

Isto tako, Leonard vjeruje da je otkrio i generator, otprilike isto tolike veličine. U poznatom krateru Tycho, on je prepoznao umjetno položeno osmerokutnu površinu s ogromnim slovima PAF. Druge brazde, nalik na slova, mogu se vidjeti i na drugim dijelovima Mjesečeve površine.

Najčešće se javljaju slova A, X i P. Leonard je otkrio i slova prastare runske abecede, ali i znak koji izgleda poput "starog hinduskog slova S koje je povezano sa semitskim S". Ova slova, misli Leonard, služe kao točke za orjentaciju, kako bi svemirci u svojim letjelicama, znali koji se krater nalazi ispod njih.

- 15:11 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

29.10.2005., subota

Što je vaša misija na zemlji? 2.dio

- 1.dio

Neki od nas se vjerojatno čude zašto je jedna ovakva tortura bila uopće potrebna da bi se ostvario željeni cilj? Razlog zašto se tome čudimo je taj što smo na ovoj planeti bili već toliko dugo da smo apsorbirali djelomično, ako ne i potpuno i njen način nefunkcionalnog razmišljanja. Morate uvijek imati na pameti da ova planeta uopće nije jedan model za racionalno razmišljanje i da se od onoga što ovdje prolazi kao razumno, ostatku univerzuma se diže kosa na glavi. Potreba da se apsorbira nefunkcionalnost ove planete je bila zbog toga da bi se steklo pravo na izmjenu njene strukture. Svaka druga metoda značila bi jednu invaziju, a mi to nikada ne činimo.

Mi mijenjamo zaslužujući pravo da to činimo. Nikome nije dozvoljeno da uđe u tuđi svijet i mijenja njegovu nefunkcionalnu strukturu a da prethodno nije u njemu i živio. To je u skladu sa Univerzalnim Zakonom, čiji smo mi predstavnici. Iako je naša Intergalaktička Konfederacija već primila mnogo poziva nekih od nas u smislu: "Dolazite već jednom i vadite nas odovud", njih smo na žalost morali samo podsjetiti da to ne bi bilo onako kako smo se dogovorili. Izlaskom van ne bi se ništa moglo postići. Jedini način je da se ovdje dovede što više svjetlosti. Sjećate li se?


Zvjezdana djeca koja su nosioci ove misije pre-inkodirana su da se probude u ovo vrijeme. To znači da je njihova DNA struktura genetički dizajnirana da "eksplodira", kao bomba sa satnim mehanizmom, u jednom određenom momentu, da bi bila u stanju prihvatiti mnogo više svjetlosti nego što je to u stanju jedan običan čovjek. Vrijeme za genetičku detonaciju je sada.


Anomalije u vezi vremena/prostora mogu se već u ovo vrijeme primijetiti na našoj planeti. Većinu ljudi kopka jedan osjećaj da nemaju više onoliko vremena koliko su ga nekad imali. To se obično izražava sa: "pa ovo vrijeme kao da leti"?! Razlog za ovaj osjećaj manje vremena je taj što je stvarno manje vremena. Da bi se jedan dimenzionalni pomak ostvario vrijeme mora kolabirati da bi se stvorio novi dimenzionalni prostor. Isto tako i prostor mora kolabirati da bi se stvorilo novo dimenzionalno vrijeme.

Drugim riječima ova veza vremena/prostora je sada na dohvatu ruke. "Sada" je ono stvarno dešavanje. To se ne odnosi samo na življenje u sadašnjosti, mada se to strogo preporučuje. To uvijanje vremena će se nastaviti sve dotle dok se "sada" potpuno ne dostigne, tako da se dimenzije mogu potpuno međusobno uklopiti, isto kao pristajanje broda u svemirsku luku u jedan moment koji je već predodređen. Sada imamo više "sada" nego što smo ih imali prije nekoliko mjeseci a još više "sada" je na putu prema nama. Kad kažemo: "sada je vrijeme", to nas treba samo podsjetiti na naš genetski dogovor.


Još jedan interesantan aspekt svega ovoga je taj što su genetski kodovi u našoj DNA određeni tako da se "otključaju" upravo "sada", prije nego što krenemo. Kako ste već primijetili, to se ne događa kod našeg rođenja ili u bilo koje drugo vrijeme do "sada". Iako smo već prije živjeli kroz mnogo "sada", kroz ovo "sada" još uvijek nismo. Promjena na našem genetskom nivou podstiče se uz pomoć "sada" da se akomodira još više "sada", tako da je stupanj našeg buđenja direktno ovisan od toga koliko "sada" smo u stanju doživjeti, jer "sada" određuje proces buđenja.

nastavlja se...

- 19:03 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Ajmo se malo vratiti na tsunami

Nakon terorističkog napada na nebodere u New Yorku 11. rujna 2004. godine je objavljeno da se uslijed djelovanja visokih temperatura, izazvanih zapaljenim benzinom, rastopila njihova čelična konstrukcija. Međutim, moguće je dokazati da je temperatura sagorijevanja tog benzina niža za nekoliko stotina stupnjeva od one, potrebne da bi se talio čelik. Da bi se spriječilo ispitivanje ostataka čelične konstrukcije, oni su hitno odveženi u Kinu, gdje su rastaljeni!

Da li se slična manipulacija događa i kad se radi o tsunamiju, pitaju se dr R. Kutza i H.P. Thietz.

Podaci stvaraju zbrku i bude sumnje

Spomenuti autori tvrde da se, nažalost, povijest ponavlja i kad se radi o tumačenju uzroka tsunamija. Prema službenom tumačenju, došlo je do kratkotrajnog sudara tektonskih ploča u tom dijelu svijeta, pa je to, dakle, izazvalo potres katastrofalnih razmjera.

No, kad se radi o potresima, iznosi se točan podatak o njegovoj snazi po Richterovoj skali, koliko je seizmografski izmjereno. Međutim, ovdje to nije bio slučaj. Najprije se tvrdilo da je to bio potres jačine 6,4 stupnjeva, zatim je taj podatak izmjenjen, pa je objavljena znatno veća vrijednost, da bi se u zadnjoj verziji govorilo da je snaga potresa bila 9,0 stupnjeva, pa se potom tvrdilo da je mjestimično iznosila i 9,2 stupnja po Richteru.

Isto tako, razlikuju se podaci o dubini na kojoj se dogodio potres. Dr. Kutza tvrdi da je Američka seizmološka služba najprije iznijela podatak da se potres dogodio na dubini od 10 kilometara, a kasnije je tu dubinu povećala na 30 kilometara. Europski seizmolozi su, međutim, ostali kod dubine od 10 kilometara.

O mjestu epicentra potresa, podaci su, također, dramatično mijenjani u nastojanju da se izbjegne pitanje: Kako su sva ta ogromna prostranstva mogla biti poplavljena, kad se između njih i epicentra potresa nalazi Sumatra kao prepreka valovima? Niz većih potresa, tvrde dr Kutza i H.P. Thietz, koji su potoni uslijedili sjeverno od epicentra, nisu bili dovoljno snažni da bi se tamo formirao razorni tsunami i da bi se širio dovoljno brzo. Sve to budi sumnje, kako ovdje nije po srijedi običan potres, već je on poslužio kako bi se prikrila prava istina. Upravo zato su korigirani podaci o njegovoj snazi, kako bi se prilagodili razmjerima katastrofe koja je uslijedila. Isti tako, najprije se govorilo o zoni potresa dugoj između 1000 i 1200 kilometara, koja se protezala od sjevera prema jugu. Naknadne analize širenja valova potresa su pokazale da potres nije imao jedinstveni epicentar, već da ih je bilo - više.

Ovakvu vrst potresa, kao što je poznato, nemoguće je točno predvidjeti. Može se, međutim, govoriti o seizmičkim aktivnostima, koje mogu prerasti u potres većih razmjera.

Kad se radi o potresu 26. prosinca, to, očito nije bio slučaj. Naime, on, sudeći prema posljedicama koje je izazvao, nije bio predviđen i dogodio se posve neočekivano. Moguće je, međutim, da je on ipak bio predviđen. O tome govori izjava poznatog češkog pjevača Karela Gotta časopisu "Die Bunte", koju je ovaj objavio u veljači 2005. godine. Gott je u kritično vrijeme boravio sa svojom prijateljicom upravo u području pogođeno tsunamijem.

Evo Gottove izjave:

"Bili smo na predivnom kutku ovog planeta u Indijskom oceanu. Uprava hotela nas je 25. prosinca (!) upozorila da ne napuštamo hotel, jer da će se dogoditi neobjašnjiv plimni val..."

Očito, ovo upozorenje nije nikakva besmislica, jer upravi hotela nije u interesu plašiti svoje goste. Drugim riječima, za pojavu velikog plimnog vala znalo se barem dan ranije. Iz toga, opet, slijedi da su sve izjave o uzrocima iznenadnog potresa izmišljene da bi se zavarala javnost, ističu Kutza i Thietz.

Da bi tome doista moglo biti tako, govore izvještaji indonezijskih novina u kojima se kaže da to ni u kom slučaju nije bio uobičajeni plimni val.

Katastrofu izazvao planet Niburu?

Prema dr Kutzi i H.P. Thietzu, "tsunami je, bez sumnje mogao izazvati udarac svemirskog tijela". Za ovakvo razmišljanje postoji nekoliko razloga. Odkako je Zecharia Sitchin objavio svoje teze temeljem proučavanja staroasirskih izvora, naš planetarni sustav bi se povećao za jedan planet. Prema starim tekstovima njegovo je ime Niburu, odnosno Marduk, a u zadnje se vrijeme on spominje i pod imenom "planet X". Niburu, odnosno Marduk, bio bi četiri puta veći od Zemlje. Ovaj planet bi imao putanju nalik na onu kometa, a da je prođe, treba mu 3600 godina. Kad presijeca Zemljinu putanju, može izazvati velike katastrofe. Tako se, na primjer, biblijski potop pripisuje upravo djelovanju Marduka.

Prema asirskim tekstovima, Niburu, odnosno Marduk posjeduje nekoliko trabanata, a vjerojatno je tijekom svog putovanja svemirskim prostranstvima privukao velike količine "svemirskog smeća". Kad se takvo nebe sko tijelo nađe u blizini Zemlje, može doći do udara tog "smeća" u Zem¬lju u obliku velikih kamenih stijena. Neposredno pred 26. prosinca, pojavile su se vijesti o udarima meteora zapadno od Džakarte i u Kini, a kratko vrijeme potom, o isto takvim udarima u Iranu, pri čemu je, probijen krov jedne kuće.

Agencija AP, na primjer, javila je 19. prosinca 2004. godine da je iznad Indonezije primijećen veliki, užareni meteorit, koji bi mogao ući u Zemljinu atmosferu. Istovremeno je agencija DPA javila o "snažnim eksplozijama u blizini Džakarte", a AFP o "misterioznim svjetlosnim efektima iznad Indonezije"! Indikativno jest da je broj vijesti o pojavama meteora izuzetno velik i početkom 2005. godine. No, to nije sve. O vjerojatnosti udara nekog većeg nebeskog tijela u Zemlju raspravljalo se u ljeto 2004. godine. Predlagano je da se to tijelo razbije prije nego što stigne u blizinu Zemlje i to raketama s nuklearnim bojevim glavama.

Rusi sumnjaju u Amerikance!

Ruska tajna obavještajna služba je uvjerena da su u katastrofu, na neki način, umiješane - SAD. Naime, od 10. prosinca, ona je zabilježila, udeseterostručeno povećanje radio komunikacija Amerikanaca u tom prostoru. Rusi su pretpostavljali da će negdje na tom području doći do izbijanja ratnog sukoba, ili pak građanskog rata.

Ovdje treba naglasiti da Amerikanci razvijaju takve sustave "plimnih bombi", a da je izazivanje umjetnog tsunamija bilo i ostalo glavno pitanje njihove strategije razvoja novog oružja. Tako je, na primjer, Indenpendent Media TV objavila u rujnu 1999. godine sljedeću vijest:

"Nove, plimne bombe - velik uspjeh: Tajni eksperimenti s 'plimnim bombama' uspješno se izvode na obali Novog Zelanda. One mogu izazvati plimne valove koju su toliko razorni kao i atomska bomba."

Ako je vjerovati medijskim napisima, sve je započelo kad je profesor Thomas Leech sa Sveučilišta u Aucklandu izazvao seriju podvodnih eksplozija 1944. odnosno 1945. godine. Namjera mu je bila da proizvede - plimne valove! Njegovi su radovi bili toliko značajni, da je tadašnji američki ministar obrane izjavio da će završetku II svjetskog rata toliko doprinjeti, budu li na vrijeme završeni, kao i razvoj atomske bombe!

"Projekt Seal"-"bomba tsunami"!

Detalji o toj "bombi tsunami" sadržani su u dokumentu Ministarstva vanjskih poslova Novog Zelanda, poznatim pod imenom "Projekt Seal". U tom strogo tajnom dokumentu se navodi da su američke i britanske vojne snage razvijale koncem II svjetskog rata projekt "plimne bombe". Isto tako, one su poslale profesora Leecha na atol Bikini, kako bi usporedio svoje rezultate svojih atomskih eksperimenata s onima koji su dobiveni eksplozijom na Bikiniju.

O tome svjedoči pismo koje je Washington 1946. godine poslao Glavnom štabu vojske Novog Zelanda:

"Dr Comton je duboko impresioniran zaključcima profesora Leecha u svezi projekta Seal'. Dr Comton ističe kako je izuzetno važno da se s tim zaključcima upozna rukovoditelj američkog atomskog programa, te da se oni predoče vladi Novog Zelanda radi daljnjih proučavanja."

Jedan od kolega profesora Leecha, Neil Kirton, u listu "New Zeland Herald" je tvrdio da tajni eksperimenti obuhvaćaju seriju podvodnih eksplozija, koje mogu proizvesti tsunami. Pokusi s tim ciljem su izvedeni pod kontrolom vojske na obali Pacifika, u blizini Whanga paraoa.

Što se kasnije događalo s tim projektom, nije posve jasno. No, Neil Kirton je uvjeren kako eksperimenti većih razmjera nisu rađeni, jer oni ne bi mogli ostati neprimjećeni. Indirektno, bio bi to znak da je on sada uspješno izveden, o čemu svjedoče i katastrofalne posljedice.

Amerikanci namjerno izazavali katastrofu

Postoje spekulacije iz kojih proizlazi da je razorni tsunami izazvao vojni događaj u režiji Amerikanaca. O tome piše oštar kritičar američkog predsjednika Busha, Joe Vialls:

"Indijska vlada je točno znala da se nije radilo on 'prirodnom potresu'. Dan nakon tragedije, 27. prosinca, Indija je odbila pristupiti ekskluzivnom "klubu četvorice", kako je to planirao George Bush u namjeri da prekine nuklearnu koaliciju Indije, Busije, Kine i Brazila. Potom je indijska vlada, 28. prosinca uljudno zamolila SAD da svoju vojsku drže podalje od teritorija Indije, a 29. prosinca, list 'Indian Daily Editorial' je objavio ocjenu karaktera razornog tsunamija u obliku pitanja: "Da li je to odlučna bitka jedne države, kako bi pokazala cijeloj regiji, što može bude li regija neposlušna?"

Teoretski, razorni tsunami je mogla izazvati američka termounklearna bojeva glava snage devet megatona, misli Vialls. Nakon svega, nameće se pitanje: Ako je katastrofa umjetno izazvana, kome je ona koristila?

Spomenuti već Kutza i Thietz imaju odgovor i na ovo pitanje:

"Da bi Azija bila poslušna i da se osigura dugoročan unosan posao obnove, dovoljan je tsunami koji je bio usmjeren protiv određenih država. A njega je moguće proizvesti velikom nuklearnom eksplozijom. To nije ništa novo, jer su Amerikanci i Rusi još prije više od 30 godina imali planove kako da izbrišu s lica Zemlje neke obalne gradove korištenjem upravo takve metode. Val, izazvan podvodnom eksplozijom je relativno 'čist', što napadaču omogućuje da preuzme kontrolu nad kopnom i njegovim bogatstvima".

- 15:56 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Varaju nas i lažu - za naše dobro?

12 veličanstvenih
MJ-12 (Majestic Twelve): Naziv je za kontrolnu grupu "Operation Majoritv". "Operation Majority" je zajednički naziv za sve operacije što obuhvaćaju istraživanje prisustva svemiraca na Zemlji, kao i posljedica tih događaja.

Tijekom predsjedničkog mandata generala Dwighta Einsenhowera bilo je 1954.godine osnovano tajno društvo "The Jason scholars". Od 1972.godine to je društvo vodio tadašnji direktor CIA-e A.W.Dulles, nakon njega tu je ulogu preuzeo dr.Zbignew Brzezonski, a potom nekadašnji američki državni sekretar za vanjske poslove dr. Henry Kissinger. Tom tajnom savezu pripada 32-oje ljudi. Prema Cooperu, među njegove članove se već odavno ubraja i sadašnji predsjednik George Bush. Grupa broji 19 članova,a "Unutarnje vijeće" tog društva čini njih 12, zvanih MJ-12.

Sjedište te grupe se nalazi na tajnom mjestu u državi Maryland, na koje je moguće doći isključivo zračnim putem. To mjesto je među tamošnjim stanovnicima poznato pod imenom "The Countrv Club".

Suočen s djelovanjem tajnih društava, čovjeku je jasno da one — u prvom redu — rade za vlastitu dobrobit. Bez obzira na sve napore stručnjaka za manipulaciju informacijama koji tvrde suprotno. Da je tome doista tako, lako se može pokazati upravo na primjeru grupe MJ-12 i na njenim naporima da u javnost puste pažljivo odmjerene, nepotpune i netočne informacije o bliskim susretima u kojima je sadržano zrnce istine kako ne bi bile potpuno neuvjerljive.

Pitanje jest, međutim, zašto je tome tako. Milton Cooper bi rekao da je to dio napora u stvaranju novog svjetskog poretka. U službenim američkim izvještajima o bliskim susretima može se, između redaka, pročitati da se radi o fenomenu od presudnog značenja za budućnost čovječanstva. S obzirom na dimenziju nevjerojatnog i neshvatljivog, koja je sadržana u njima, ako bi leteći tanjuri bili prihvaćeni u javnosti kao realnost, mogla bi nastati pomutnja globalnih razmjera.

A to nikome ne bi odgovaralo. Ni svemircima, ni vlastima. Drugim riječima, javnost treba pripremiti za događaje koji će promijeniti našu budućnost, kako bi prijelaz u novo doba vladavine svemirske inteligencije bio što manje bolan. Koliko je problem složen, vidi se na primjeru sadašnjeg američkog predsjednika Georgea Busha. Taj nekada mladi i ambiciozni član Savjeta za vanjske poslove (Council for Foreign Relations —CFR). Nekadašnji direktor u Zapata Oil-u u Nevadi, član grupe MJ-12, postao je predsjednik SAD-a. Sada se nameće pitanje: Ako MJ.12 doista održava tijesne kontakte sa svemircima, kako da im oni nisu osigurali pouzdane podatke o postojanju iračkog oružja za masovno uništenje? Jesu li svemirci izigrali Busha posredstvom tajnih službi? Ako su mu oni dostavili podatke da takvo oružje ne postoji, je li on izigrao njih za potrebe svoje politike? Bilo kako bilo, ceh će platiti tajne službe, ako se pokaže da su krivo informirali predsjednika u procesu donošenja njegove odluke o pokretanju preventivnog rata protiv Iraka«

- 14:16 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Stiže Tropical Storm Beta

28/10/2005 23:30

SAN ANDRES ISLAND, Colombia (AP) -- With near hurricane force winds, Tropical Storm Beta plowed into the small Colombian island of Providencia on Friday, where residents took refuge in brick shelters built on high ground...

29/10/2005 11:30

29/10/2005 16:30

- 01:48 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

28.10.2005., petak

Znanstvenik, luđak, lopov i njihova žarulja

Postali smo ovisni o fosilima.

Mada to možemo poricati, naša potreba za dnevnom dozom fosilnog goriva postala je problem. Uhvaćeni smo u spiralu samouništenja koja će naposljetku, ako nastavimo uzimati »sredstvo ovisnosti«, zaprijetiti našim životima i našim sredstvima za preživljavanje. Čak i da danas prestanemo (a kao ovisnici znamo da bismo mogli kad bismo stvarno željeli), najbolje procjene govore nam da bi našoj klimi za oporavak od zloporaba u prošlom stoljeću trebalo oko sto godina. Dakle, i nagli prekid ostavio bi nas u priličnim problemima.

Sredinom 2000. godine američka vlada objavila je izvještaj pod naslovom »Klimatska promjena u Americi« naručen 1990. godine. H. Josef Herbert, novinar Associated Pressa, u članku prije redovnog objavljivanja već ublaženog izvještaja prenio je njegovu turobnu sliku:

Nestat će planinske livade, kao i mnoga priobalna močvarna područja i otoci. U gradovima će doći do povišenja temperature i vlage... povećat će se potražnja za klima -uređajima, a znanstvenici će se morati boriti s vjerojatnim porastom bolesti koje prenose insekti kao što je malarija.

Izvještaj britanske Kraljevske komisije za zagađenje okoliša (Royal Commission on Environmental Pollution) pod naslovom »Energija - klima koja se mijenja« ima još ozbiljniji prizvuk:

Koncentracija ugljičnog dioksida u atmosferi već je veća nego u vjerojatno tri milijuna godina... Sadašnja koncentracija ugljičnog dioksida sigurno će se dodatno povećati budući da emisije plinova i daje rastu, te zato što se ugljični dioksid zadržava u atmosferi između pedeset i dvjesto godina. U poznatoj geološkoj povijesti ne postoji presedan koji bi nam pomogao razumjeti kakve će to posljedice imati...

Ugroženi će biti i naši izvori hrane budući da će mnoge poljoprivredne kulture patiti zbog nepredvidljivih kombinacija suša i iznenadnih kiša.
Čak i ako potrošnju zadržimo na sadašnjim razinama, doživjet ćemo sve izrazitije promjene vremenskih obrazaca: poplave i oluje postat će redovitije, baš kao i, paradoksalno, duge suše.
Pa ipak, mi niti zaustavljamo niti smanjujemo svoju potrošnju energije. Svjetska potrošnja energije na početku dvadeset i prvog stoljeća deset je puta veća od one na početku dvadesetog.
Prognoze ne izgledaju dobro.

- 18:35 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

26.10.2005., srijeda

Vlade šutjele o ptičjoj gripi

Znanstvenici koji prate proboj H5N1 virusa svakodnevno dobivaju potvrdu da su bili u pravu kada su procijenili da je zaraza nezaustavljiva i da europske vlasti zataškavaju loše vijesti.

Proteklih dana, na web-stranicama kojima se koriste mikrobiolozi, genetičari i epidemiolozi, najviše se raspravljalo kako to da se zaraza ptičjom gripom "zaustavila" tek na - Rumunjskoj, Turskoj i Hrvatskoj?
Razlozi su, piše Večernji list, bili politički i gospodarski. Te su države u postupku ulaska u EU, a razvijene države EU nisu željele da se ponovi katastrofa iz 2003., kada je Nizozemska, zbog pojave ptičje gripe (H7N7 virus), morala uništiti 30 milijuna peradi, što je pričinilo štetu od 500 milijuna eura.

Iz Portugala stižu vijesti o desecima pronađenih mrtvih gusaka, kormorana, galebova, iz Malte javljaju slično.

Egipatske su vlasti na kairskom aerodromu uništile 2,5 tona pačjih proizvoda iz Francuske.

Švicarska, Francuska, Slovenija, Srbija, proglašavaju zabranu držanja peradi na otvorenome, Bugarska zabranjuje uvoz peradi iz Makedonije, u Grčkoj s nekoliko otoka stižu mrtve ptice na analizu, u londonskom Toweru zatvaraju znamenite gavrane u kaveze, piše Večernji.

Dojave o mrtvim pticama stižu iz Libanona, s Kavkaza, sjevera Italije, Albanije, Irske, Skandinavije, opet iz Rusije.

Znanstvenici najavljuju daljnji proboj - smjer istočna Afrika, gdje će se spojiti zaražene ptice selice koje nose H5N1 virus s onima zaraženima, već autohtonim (u Izraelu) virusom H9N2.

Počinje "afrička talionica" novog virusa, za koji nitko ne može predvidjeti hoće li baš taj prelaziti s čovjeka na čovjeka, piše Večernji list.

Vlade će šutjeti i kada gripa pohara prvih par tisuća ljudi. Vlada uvijek šuti da bi očuvala smirenost u narodu i smanjila paniku. No, da li smo stvarno ofce koje ne smiju znati istinu?

- 08:59 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

25.10.2005., utorak

Novo mini nuklearno oružje

quality=best bgcolor=#FFFFFF WIDTH=300 HEIGHT=240 TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash" PLUGINSPAGE="http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash">

What is the Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator (RNEP)?

The Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator (RNEP) is a proposed addition to the U.S. nuclear weapon arsenal. It would be designed to destroy hardened and deeply buried targets, such as underground bunkers containing chemical and biological weapons and military command centers.

Is the RNEP the same thing as a "mini-nuke"?

No. A "mini-nuke" is a term used for a low-yield nuclear weapon. Although both the RNEP and mini-nuke may be designed to burrow into the ground to destroy a bunker, these weapons are not the same. Mini-nukes are nuclear weapons with a yield of less than five kilotons. The RNEP design has a yield up to a megaton, or around seventy times the force used on Hiroshima.

Why does the Bush Administration want such a weapon?

Through the experiences of the Gulf War of 1991, U.S. military planners became increasingly concerned with the development of underground bunkers by potential adversaries. These bunkers could be used to hide chemical or biological weapons from intelligence or to protect them from aerial bombardment. Although many of these targets are vulnerable to attacks from conventional weapons, others are fortified below 100 to 300 feet of concrete. Defeat of hardened and deeply-buried targets emerged as a possible mission for nuclear weapons.

How much will it cost?

Congress already appropriated $15 million for fiscal year 2003 for the RNEP study. The total cost of deploying such a nuclear weapon has not been stated by the Administration, but could be several hundred million dollars.

When would this weapon be deployed?

The RNEP is still in an early development phase. The work will be conducted by the two nuclear weapons laboratories at Los Alamos (NM) and Livermore (CA). The warhead is estimated to take six to ten years to deploy.

Would military planners be more likely to use the RNEP than other nuclear weapons?

Yes. For the last 50 years, nuclear weapons have held a special status within the U.S. arsenal. Since nuclear weapons are so devastating, they would only be used if the U.S. were attacked with nuclear weapons by another nuclear state. The RNEP diverts from this long-established strategy. Because of its earth penetrating capability, the RNEP is considered by some in the Administration as a more "usable" nuclear weapon than existing nuclear weapons.

However, reports by scientists indicate that the RNEP is far from being a "clean" weapon. If detonated in an urban setting, 10,000 to 50,000 people would receive a fatal dose of radiation within the first 24 hours. This estimate does not take into account traumatic injuries arising from the extreme pressures of the blast or thermal injuries arising from the heat of the explosion. Nor does the casualty estimate consider the consequences of fires and the collapse of buildings from the seismic shock that the explosion would produce.

Would the development of the RNEP encourage nuclear proliferation?

Yes. The development of a Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator would have disastrous consequences for the international arms control regime. Since 1978, the United States has pledged not to use nuclear weapons against non-nuclear-weapon states that are members of the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), except if attacked by such a state that is allied with a state possessing nuclear weapons. If the Bush Administration continues to see nuclear weapons as usable, the threshold for using nuclear weapons will be significantly lowered. This will encourage other nations to develop "usable" nuclear weapons.

- 19:09 - Komentari (5) - Isprintaj - #

Čipovi ugrađeni u mozgove vojnika

Supervojnici nikad nisu bili bliže. Znanstvenici koji rade za američku vojsku eksperimentiraju s kreiranjem superpametnih vojnika kojima će u mozgove biti ugrađeni mikročipovi.

Američki vojni stručnjaci pokušavaju napraviti supervojnike koji će biti znatno inteligentniji i ubojitiji zahvaljujući mikročipu implantiranom u njihove mozgove, objavio je australijski web-site News.com.

Zvuči kao znanstvena fantastika, ali znanstvenici vjeruju da će implantant neizmjerno poboljšati memoriju vojnih odreda, tako da vojnici u sjećanje mogu prizvati svaki detalj treninga kroz koji su prošli te time postati znatno učinkovitiji borci.

Istraživači na odjelu bioinženjerstva Sveučilišta u Sjevernoj Kaliforniji kreirali su čip koji djeluje na isti način kao i hipokampus - dio mozga koji upravlja memorijom.

U eksperimentu koji su proveli, tim istraživača izvadio je taj dio mozga mrtvim miševima i nadomjestio ga čipom. Rezultat je bio taj da je implantant slao točno iste elektronske signale kao i pravo ljudsko tkivo.

U idućoj fazi cilj je testirati ovaj implantant na živim životinjama. Ako i to bude uspješno, eksperiment će jednog dana biti realiziran na vojnicima, piše News.com.

Izgleda da se Pentagon uvjerio da je dio koji vojnicima nedostaje upravo mozak, jer se, eto, ne mogu sjetiti ni detalja treninga kroz koje su prošli.

Ipak, iako zvuči kao znanstvena fantastika, sasvim je jasno da ovi znanstvenici i stručnjaci iz Pentagona nikada nisu čitali science fiction, jer inače ne bi radili ovakve stvari.


- 16:06 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

24.10.2005., ponedjeljak

Razlozi za rat

U Njemačkoj, prvo su došli po komuniste, ja se nisam usprotivio,

jer nisam bio komunista,

onda dođoše po Jevreje, ja se nisam bunio, jer nisam bio Jevrej,

onda su došli po unioniste, ja nisam protestovao, jer nisam bio unionist,

onda su došli po Katolike, ja se nisam protivio, jer sam bio Protestant,

Kad su došli po mene, niko više nije ni ostao,

ko bi mogao da se usprotivi

Martin Niemoeller

Već su mnogi od nas koji pokušavaju da razmišljaju svojom glavom dobro iscrpljeni podvrgavajući svoj mozak intezivnoj mentalnoj gimnastici kako bi shvatili razloge za ovaj posljednji pokolj ljudskih bića, od strane ljudskih bića, koji se dogodio na prostorima Iraka.

Nikako da svarimo zvanična objašnjenja i racionalizacije razloga ovog konflikta, kojima su nas danima bombardovali preko strogo i kompletno kontrolisanih medija.

O nevjerovanoj količini hipokrizije i politici duplih standarda, da ne govorimo.

Jedino što smo jasno mogli da primjetimo ovih dana, to je - da se razlika između novinarstva i profesionalne prostitucije, ne može više da primjeti. Čini se da su ova dva pojma postali – sinonimi.

Hitler i Gebels su u svoje vrijeme važili za najveće majstore propagande i tvrdili su da što je laž veća i što se ona češće ponovi – to će je narodne mase lakše progutati kao istinu. Međutim, njih dvojica bi se danas samo mogli da postide kad bi vidjeli svu ovu mašineriju audio-vizuelne dezinformacije čijem je bombardovanju ono što nazivamo «normalnim» ljudskim bićem, svakodnevno izloženo.

S druge strane čovjek bi htio da sazna istinu, ali samo ako se ona može da uklopi u njegove već prekoncipirane stavove i nagađanja. Sve izvan toga smatra se nemogućim. Problem je u tome, dok god pojedinac sam ne sruši sve barijere oko sebe, koje su mu mahom nametnute spolja (mada je mnoge od njih i sam sebi postavio), istina se ni ne može saznati.

Da bi se ovo malo bolje razumjelo, najbolje može da nam posluži analogija Kusturicinog filma «Podzemlje», gdje grupa ljudi godinama živi u podrumu misleći da napolju cijelo vrijeme bjesni rat i to sve na osnovu informacija koje im Marko servira preko «radija» (medija). Oni u podrumu imaju svoj realitet u kome se koliko toliko osjećaju sigurno i nikome ne pada na pamet da izađe napolje. Cijelo vrijeme rade, proizvode u ovom slučaju oružje, čijom prodajom Marko obezbjeđuje sebi ugodan život, i naravno ne pada mu na pamet da oni iz podruma saznaju istinu, nego ih cijelo vrijeme drži u neznanju. U podrumu se nekim slučajem zadesio i majmun, i najtragičnije je to što je on bio jedino živo biće dole, koje se cijelo vrijeme prirodno ponašalo, odnosno – nije bilo programirano. Da majmunu na kraju nije dozlogrdilo i da nije granatom iz tenkovskog topa zatresao podrumski realitet, malo ko bi iz njega ikada izašao i vidjeo da napolju nije baš onako kako je do tada zamišljao, dok je bio u podrumu.

Da je majmun u nekom trenutku otključao i otvorio podrumska vrata, najverovatnije bi neko brzo pritrčao, vrata ponovo zaključao i usput pretukao majmuna, zato što ih je ovaj izložio opasnosti vanjskog realiteta. Znači jedini način da se ljudi istjeraju iz podruma je u stvari bio da se podrumski realitet toliko zatrese, da se oni koji su unutra toliko isprepadaju da im se na kraju ideja da izađu napolje čini mnogo bolja od one, da ostanu unutra.

Mnogi tvrde da nisu razumjeli ovaj film, a nikako da im padne na pamet da je osnovni razlog za to što su ga gledali – iz podruma.

Čini se da dolaze vremena kad će se ovaj naš «podrum» toliko da se zatrese da nećemo imati puno izbora, osim da biramo između izlaska napolje ili da ostanemo zatrpani unutra. Svaki veći potres ima određene znakove koji mu prethode, oni se mogu zapaziti samo ukoliko čovjek pažljivo posmatra.

Rat u Iraku, i sve što se događalo u vezi s njim, mogao bi da bude samo još jedan od tih znakova.

Koji su stvarni razlozi za ovaj rat, pitamo se? Prvo čega moramo biti svjesni, to je da stvarni razlozi za rat – ne postoje, niti bilo kakva opravdanja. Stvarni razlog da ljudsko biće nanosi bol, patnju ili da liši života drugo ljudsko biće – ne postoji!

Pa ni kod jedne životnjske vrste ne možemo primjetiti ovakvu tendenciju prema međusobnoj eksterminaciji, a pogotovo toliko kreativnih načina za nanošenje patnje i bola pripadnicima svoje vrste.

Ono što postoji, to je samo – racionalizacija. Da bi objasnili šta je to racionalizacija najbolje će nam poslužiti ovaj primjer:

Na jednom predavanju na temu hipnoze predavač je hipnotisao jednu osobu iz publike i onda joj dao tzv. posthipnotičku sugestiju da ustane i kukurikne kad god se on uhvati za uho. Naravno, kad ju je povratio iz hipnoze ta osoba se vratila nazad u publiku ne sječajući se ničega, predavanje se tako nastavilo, predavač se onda uhvatio za uho - a onaj iz publike ustao i kukuriknuo. Tako se to ponovilo nekoliko puta. Onda su pitali osobu iz publike koja kukuriče, zašto to radi, ona je nakon kraćeg razmišljanja odgovorila - kako joj se učinilo da je atmosfera na predavanju bila nekako loša, pa je htjela da je malo popravi tim svojim gestom.

Ljudska svijest ima tendenciju da interpretira odnosno racionalizuje svaki događaj i situaciju na osnovu do tada joj poznatih elemenata. Ona istovremeno ne ostavlja mogučnost da samoj sebi prizna - da su njene akcije rezultat kondicioniranja, odnosno programiranja. Kad mislimo da mislimo "svojom glavom" - mi večinom, u stvari, - samo racionalizujemo na osnovu nama spolja zadanih elemenata.

Mi u stvari – cijelo vrijeme mahom “kukuričemo” a da toga nismo ni svjesni.

S obzirom da je način funkcionisanja ljudske svijesti već odavno dobro poznat vladajućoj eliti, nije ni čudo da bukvalno sve može da «prođe», samo ako se adekvatno racionališe.

Oni koji su imalo proučavali noviju istoriju naše «civilizacije» (molim da budemo veoma oprezni kad upotrebljavamo ovaj pojam), jedino što mogu da primjete to je – da je to u stvari istorija terora čovjeka nad čovjekom, ljudskog bića nad ljudskim bićem. U školama su nas učili kako da ovo racionalizujemo, odnosno kako da shvatimo da je sve to na kraju krajeva normalno!?!

Da li je čovjek stvarno po svojoj prirodi toliko krvožedan, brutalan i ratoboran - ili je jednostavno izmanipulisan od strane onih koji su na vrhu «piramide», pitanje je na koje svako od nas mora sam da odgovori.

Svrgavanje Sadama Huseina i «oslobođenje» iračkog naroda je samo još jedna racionalizacija posljednjeg krvoprolića u našoj istoriji. Da nije tužno, možda bi ovo bilo i smiješno. Sanitizirane vijesti glavnih novinskih i televizijskih agencija nisu nam rekle da su snage koalicije samo u prvih nekoliko sedmica «oslobodile» od života i osakatile nekoliko hiljada nedužnih ljudskih bića, niti su nam prezentirali realne fotografije užasnih scena. Od oružja masovne destrukcije (na iračkoj strani), do sada ni traga ni glasa, mada se ne može sumnjati da će ga na kraju i «pronaći». (Zlobnici tvrde da Donald Rumsfield još uvijek čuva priznanice koje je dobio kada je isporučio ovu robu Sadamovom režimu, prije više od nekih 10 godina)

Oružja masovne destrukcije kao Tomahavk i druge vrste raketa, municija na bazi osiromašenog uranijuma, (zabranjena po Ženevskoj Konvenciji jer dovodi do genetske mutacije stanovništva na području njenog korištenja), kasetne bombe koje se raspršavaju na bezbroj manjih bombi (inače zabranjene od strane Amnesty International), skalarno oružje o čijem postojanju svjetska javnost još uvijek nije ni obavještena, elekto-magnetni talasi i ko zna šta još, upotrebljavani se svakodnevno od strane koalicionih snaga protiv iračkog naroda i sve to nije predstavljalo nikakav problem za kontuzovanu međunarodnu zajednicu. Ko je sljedeći na redu, poslije Iraka?

U Belgiji su u međuvremenu frizirani zakoni međunarodnog prava, tako da ni u kom slučaju Buš i kompanija ne mogu da potpadnu u kategoriju ratnih zločinaca.

«Oružja masovne prevare» (medija), nimalo ne zaostaju za već navedim oružjima masovne destrukcije, bolje rečeno oni djeluju u harmoniji jedni s drugima. Oni nam sve ovo tako lijepo racionalizuju, tako da se mi možemo bolje da osjećamo. Oni čak i razmišljaju umjesto nas jer mi naš mozak već odavno ne koristimo u tu svrhu, čovjek mahom razmišlja samo o tome kome će se prikloniti, kome će se moliti, koga će slijediti i slušati, a onda je sklon i kukanju kad se nađe u realitetu koji mu se ne sviđa. Nije mu jasno da nije ni pokušao da ga sam kreira. Samo je mislio da ima izbora u biranju između onoga što su mu drugi ponudili.

Oni koji nisu potpali pod totalni uticaj medija idu malo dalje i kažu da se, u stvari, u ovom ratu radilo samo o jednoj najobičnijoj - pljački nafte, uz malo «kolateralne štete», naravno. Već je dobro poznato da je Irak druga zemlja na svijetu po rezervama nafte.

Po već starom i oprobanom receptu, nakon svrgavanja postojećeg režima, instaliraće se marionetska vlada, koja će omogućiti preuzimanje kako nafte tako i ostalih rudnih bogastava Iraka, od strane multinacionalnih kompanija. Veće firme koje su u stanju da naprave neki profit takođe će biti otkupljene, za pare koje inače u realnosti ni ne postoje, a irački narod će biti samo jeftina radna snaga. Par lokalnih elitnih familija, rotiraće se međusobno na vlasti, biće pod stalnom američkom zaštitom, a za uzvrat će pravno omogućavati amerikancima eksploataciju prirodnih bogastava zemlje. Amerikanci će ih zauzvrat kreditirati kako bi ovi mogli da plate američkim firmama za popravak svega što su ovi srušili, a Iračani će na ove kredite morati da plate i interes koji će biti «čista sitnica».

U medijima će se promovisati vjekovna ljubav između Iračana i Amerikanaca. Osiromašeni uranijum, rađanje deformisane djece itd. neće se pominjati kao što se ne smije pominjati ni na područjima bivše Jugoslavije, jer zaboga, pa sada živimo u demokratiji. Neće biti uputno ni da se pomene kako se prije puno bolje živjelo nego što se trenutno živi, takvi će odmah biti etiketirani kao «Sadam-nostalgičari» i primjerno kažnjeni. (Ovo mi je odnekud poznato)

Ima i onih koji tvrde da je u stvari najveća greška Iračana bila što su se 1999.g-ne odrekli petro-dolara i počeli da trguju naftom u Euro-valuti, čime su oni, doduše, pravili za sebe puno veći profit, međutim, time su uzdrmali vrijednost američkog dolara a poslužili su i kao loš primjer za Iran, Indoneziju i Venecuelu, države koje su takođe poduzele korake da pređu na Euro. (CIA je nedavno organizovala već jedan neuspjeli puč u Venecueli, kako bi svrgla sa vlasti demokratski izabranog predsjednika Chavez-a Frias-a). Ako bi se taj trend nastavio, pretpostavlja se da bio američki dolar izgubio na vrijednosti negdje preko 40%, najviše zbog toga što je taj petro-dolar fiktivna ili «fiat valuta», pare bez pokrića, koje su Amerikanci štampali na osnovu vrijednosti svjetske nafte i time ostvarili veliki profit, odnosno nemaju nikakvu podlogu bilo u američkoj robi bilo u industriji, tako ako bi se samo nekoliko zemalja koje proizvode naftu odrekle ove valute, onda bi one američke banke kojima bi se taj novac vratio na naplatu jednostavno – propale, i to bi moglo da dovede do ekonomskog kolapsa u Americi i istovremenog jačanja Evropske Unije. Da bi to spriječila, USA moraju da zauzmu sve važnije pozicije u azijskom regionu i tako zadrže svjetsku dominaciju, bez obzira koliko ljudskih života to koštalo.

Već je dobro poznato da je američka privreda u recesiji u zadnjih nekoliko godina, samo u posljednja 2 mjeseca, 2 miliona Amerikanaca je ostalo bez posla, a iz istorije nam je takođe poznato da su ratovi često bili odgovor za ovaj problem. U vezi sa svim ovim predviđa se da će Amerikanci uskoro napasti i zemlje kao što su Iran, Sirija, Jordan itd.

Uzgred rečeno i testiranje ubojnog dejstva najnovih oružja, prema vojnim stratezima, najbolje se može verificirati na ljudskim bićima, jer na kraju krajeva, za njihovo uništavanje su i namjenjena. Usput se potroše takođe i stare zalihe, što obezbjeđuje nove poslove za vojnu industriju.

Neki geopolitički analitičari tvrde da se uloga Izraela u svemu ovome nikako ne smije zanemariti. Oni očekuju da će Izrael, koji je inače ostavio dosta otisaka svojih prstiju (nešto na šta se ne smije ni pomisliti, a kamo li pomenuti u štampi) u vezi terorističkog napada na Svjetski Trgovinski Centar, koristiti ovu priliku da se «malo» proširi, što bi moglo da dolije dodatno ulje na vatru, u regionu Bliskog Istoka. Neki idu čak dotle da tvrde da je proširenje Izraela i ključna tačka ovih zbivanja.

Međutim, ni ovo nije cijela priča. Oni koji se bave teorijom Novog Svjetskog Poretka tvrde da je stvarni cilj svjetske elite da naprave što više haosa, razaranja i pogibije, odnosno Treći Svjetski Rat, globalni sukob između Islama i Hrišćanstva. To bi naravno ujedno dovelo i do depopulacije, par milijardi ljudi bi bilo zbrisano sa lica zemlje; oni već odavno tvrde kao nas ima previše i da ovi virusi koje proizvode i s vremena na vrijeme puštaju u opticaj, vrlo sporo djeluju, odnosno nisu tako efikasni kako su mislili. U svakom slučaju u svom tom haosu koji bi uslijedio, ljudi bi tražili da se taj užas zaustavi po bilo koju cijenu. Onda bi naravno elita izašla sa svojim rješenjem, (koje bi u stvari bilo i razlog za izazivanje tog haosa uopšte), odnosno zahtjevala da se svaka zemlja odrekne svog suvereniteta u korist jedne zajedničke države. Formirala bi se jedna vlada, jedna banka, jedna armija itd. ljudi bi se morali da odreknu i ono malo građanskih sloboda koje trenutno imaju i morali bi da se podvrgnu totalnoj kontroli «velikog brata», vjerovatno uz pomoć mikročipova i druge tehnologije. Kontrola svjesti čovjeka bi takođe bila intezivirana, i sve ovo s opravdanjem da se više ne ponove strahote iz prošlosti.

Naravno, da bi se smanjile razlike između ljudi, i sve sadašnje religije bi se ukinule i svi bi morali da prihvate novu religiju - program, nije teško pogoditi da bi to bio – «New-Age», koji se sve više i više propagira u zadnje vrijeme.

Čini se da je Bušova administracija željela ovim ratom da ubije i što više muva, a ne samo ljudi. Jedna od njih je i ta da se odvuče pažnja u vezi sa događajima 11-09-2001, kada je izvršen teroristički akt na zgradu Svjetskog trgovinskog centra, jer je još uvijek ostalo preko 500 neodgovorenih pitanja u vezi sa tim. Mada je Buš već odavno zabranio kongresnu istragu ovoga događaja, pritisak američke javnosti da se on detaljnije ispita od strane nezavisne komisije, raste iz dana u dan. Mada je sve skoro perfektno bilo izvedeno, postoji dosta «sitnica» koje dovode u sumnju da, Osama bin Laden i Al Queada, imaju išta zajedničko sa tim.

Kažu, laž optrči pola svijeta prije nego što istina uspije cipele da obuje. Naravno, istina, koja inače živi veoma turobnim životom, uvijek na kraju uspjeva nekako da savlada laž.

Onima koji imalo poznaju istoriju, dobro je poznato kako je Hitler organizovao paljevinu Reichstag-a, a onda za to optužio komuniste, i kako mu je taj događaj poslužio za opravdanje svega što je kasnije uslijedilo. Isto tako kažu, da će oni koji ne nauče ništa iz istorije – biti primorani da ju ponove. Naravno, ako se za to bude imalo vremena.

I svjetska metafizička zajednica se takođe uključila u objašnjenje trenutnih zbivanja na planeti. Oni tvrde da je sva tajna u tome što je ljudsko biće samo jedna vrsta baterije, do momenta dok ne počne da razmišlja svojom glavom, nego samo reaguje na spoljašnje uticaje u skladu sa tim kako je programiran.

Oni tvrde da cjelokupna kreacija liči na zgradu sa sedam spratova. Svaki sprat odgovara datom stanju individualne svjesti koja opet utiče na to i šta individua može da percipira. Tako na prvom spratu žive minerali, na drugom biljke i životinje, na trećem ljudska stvorenja itd... Oni sa drugog sprata mogu da se hrane jedino sa svog sprata ili sa prvog. Mi sa trećeg sprata hranimo se onima sa drugog (većinom), međutim, problem je u tome što se entiteti koji obitavaju na spratu iznad našeg hrane energijom koju ljudska bića emituju u stanju straha, bola, patnje, neizvjesnosti itd. Najveća količina takve energije emituje se u toku ratnih sukoba i masovnih pogibija. Da bi oni sebi osigurali dovoljnu količinu hrane koja odžava njih same kao i njihov realitet, oni nas preko svojih agenata koji su na našem spratu drže u stanju sličnom masovnoj hipnozi, manipulišući nas u međusobne sukobe i ratove, kad god im to odgovara. Istovremeno im je bitno da svaku pomisao na takvo nešto izbiju čovjeku iz glave.

Svaki haos na našem spratu njima odgovara. To je nešto slično kao kazino, bitno je da je zgrada puna i da se igra, bilo ko da dobija u nekom momenu nije ni bitno, jer na kraju obavezno gubi. Jedini koji su uvijek na dobitku, to su - gazde kazina. U ovom kazinu sva su sredstva dozvoljena, naravno, jedino što nije uputno, to je da se kazino (podrum) napusti.

Sve ove teorije mogu da budu tačne, i nijedna od ovih teorija ne mora da bude tačna. Istina se ne može nikome servirati na tanjuru, čovjek mora sam da ju potraži.

Možda nije loše početi od pomisli da se možda nalazimo u podrumu, i da možda postoji neki drugi bolji realitet?!?

Uostalom kažu da je Buda rekao da čovjek na svom putu ka istini može da napravi samo dvije greške. Prva je - da pogreši put, a druga – da ni ne krene.


- 11:35 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

23.10.2005., nedjelja

Prirodom protiv gripe

Ingredients of Jenny Lee Naturals A-V Tincture

Here’s the recipe of the “Big Twelve” antiviral herbs identified through the research:

• Echinacea

• Olive Leaves

• Garlic

• Astragalus

• Licorice

• Shiitake Mushrooms

• Cat’s Claw

• Ginger

• Onion

• St. John’s Wort

• Lemon Balm

• Green Tea

As you can see, this list is a combination of Amazon herbs, Chinese herbs, Japanese mushrooms and Western herbs.

If you don’t want to buy the tincture, you can make it yourself by buying the bulk herbs and soaking them in strong vodka for several weeks (the longer, the better), then straining out the liquid.

If you can’t get all twelve herbs, get what you can and make the tincture from that. Even if
you only have 2-3 herbs, it’s still better than nothing. You can get bulk herbs at Herbal Advantage (www.HerbalAdvantage.com), local health food stores, or by visiting a local herbalist (either Chinese or Western). They may even have their own additions to the formula, based on their own experience. Another great source for antiviral herbs and tinctures is Michael Tierra’s “Planetary Formulas,” found at http://www.planetherbs.com.

Once you have a tincture, store it in a dark place to avoid light damage. Inside your refrigerator is a great place to store them.

To learn more about how to beat the flu and survive the coming flu pandemic, check out “How to Beat the Flu” at www.TruthPublishing.com. The Flu Solution lists the top herbs, vitamins, minerals, foods and antiviral products that can literally help save your life. Plus, the book offers straightforward advice on boosting your immune system function so that you never get flu symptoms in the first place. It also provides a threestage strategy for defending against the flu or conquering it once symptoms appear. The book is available as an instant download (PDF file, which you can read with Adobe Acrobat reader).

Why the World Isn’t Ready for the Coming Influenza Pandemic,
World Health Organization Warns

A global influenza pandemic isn’t something that most people think about on a day-to-day basis. But it could soon become front-page news, if the fears of the World Health Organization are realized. The group is concerned about the ripening conditions for a global outbreak of a particular bird flu strain currently present in Asia. What makes this situation all the more serious is the humbling fact that the world simply doesn’t have the manufacturing or distribution capacity to provide flu vaccinations to many people.

This frightening fact became quite evident this year with the shortage of flu shots in the United States. But it was also true in past flu pandemics such as the outbreak of 1918 which killed a startling 40 to 50 million people around the world, according to the World Health Organization. And that was at a time when the global population was much lower than it is today. Population density was also lower, and it was extremely difficult for people to travel from one region to the next. Even though, as many as 50 million people were killed by a single strain of the influenza virus.
Today, conditions are far more favorable to the spread of infectious disease. With high population density, and ease of air travel around the world, an outbreak could spread to virtually every city in the world in a matter of a few days. From there, it could spread relatively easily to citizens of those cities. That’s why estimates of the number of people who could die in the next influenza pandemic are reaching astronomical proportions.

The US-based Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that between 2 million and 7.4 million deaths would occur globally from the outbreak. But other scientists are offering much higher estimates: one noted Russian scientists estimates that as many as one billion people around the world could be killed by a viral outbreak that’s expected to arrive soon. He simultaneously estimates hundreds of thousands would be killed in the United States alone.

So what’s the correct number? Nobody knows, of course, but it’s safe to assume that US authorities would downplay the numbers in order to avoid a public panic once the outbreak begins. After all, it now looks fairly certain that the United States won’t be prepared for a pandemic, so the smart political play will be to minimize the number of reported fatalities caused by such an outbreak in order to avoid public criticism for not being prepared.

Right now, 50 people representing drug companies, governments, and vaccine licensing agencies are meeting in Geneva in a closed-door session to discuss what can be done to prevent this next coming flu pandemic. The World Health Organization has flatly stated there will not be enough vaccine to go around. On their web site, they say, “production capacity for a pandemic vaccine will be vastly inadequate unless other companies
engage in vaccine seed development and preparation of batches for clinical testing.” The group also stated that in the event of a pandemic, vaccine will be in short supply and will likely be unequally distributed.

Most people don’t know that deadly flew pandemics appear approximately once every 27 years on our planet. As already mentioned, the 1918 influenza pandemic killed up to 50 million people. Other pandemics occurred in 1957 and 1968, well after the development of antibiotics, which turned out to be all but useless against infectious viral strains. Today, we are past due for the next viral outbreak, and many experts in the area of disease control and infectious diseases are predicting that the H5N1 bird flu strain is a likely candidate to make the cross-species jump and become the next infectious agent for humans.

- 23:08 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Naš spas je u našem strahu

Vampiri i izvanzemaljci imaju mnogo zajedničkih značajki. Psiholog James Hillman je napisao:

„Mitlogija je psihologija antike. Psihologija je mitlogija moderne. Nekoliko stotina znanstvenih godina i racionalnosti izgurali su mitologiju na rubove spoznaja i odvojiti nas od tog bogatog stvarnog svijeta. Bića iz mitova su stvarna, ne izmišljena. Oni su mostovi našeg duha i materija, što oboje postoje u nama. Ranije, u jednostavnijim vremenima ljudi nisu imali problema sa prihvačanjem te stvarnosti. Platon i neoplatonisti zvali su ta bića daimonies. Danas je sofisticirana tehnologija, znanstveana otkriča i psihologija učinila mitologiju takvom da se ona više ne uklapa u naše koncepcije stvarnosti. Tražimo tu realnost u apstraktnom, kao arhetipe izgubljenih dijelova psihe. Vampire, demone i duhove smatramo nadnaravnim, ili još češće, praznovjerjem.“

Ipak, scenario UFO pojave je mnogo teže objasniti. Letimo svemirom, pa se pretpostavlja da nismo sami u Univerzumu.

Sile snage predstavljaju kaos, destrukciju i rastvaranje. Sile svjetlosti, traže red, liječe i spašavaju. Sile mraka prijete nam smakom svijeta, sile svjetla nude besmrtnost. U mitovima te se dvije krajnosti međusobno bore, i ta je bitka vječna!

Naš največi strah kroz cijelu povijest čovječanstva je strah od smrti — rođeni smo u svijetu preokupiranom sa smrću. Bez obzira na vjeru i mistične vizije, ne možemo zamisliti biti bez tijela, bez dokaza kako smo živi i nismo baš sigurni u život poslije smrti.

Kolektivna vjerovanja u vampire preobrazila se u vjerovanje u izvanzemaljce. Filzof Michael Grosso navodi u Final Choice 1985:

„Mi smo ukleti i vođeni, no najgore od svega je što toga nismo svjesni, a to nam čini glad za besmrtnošću. Mnogi dodaju da se bojimo da nikada nećemo utažiti tu glad, i naš nesvjesni strah budi vampire. Kada pobjedimo strah, vampiri će odustati. Sve do tada, ponovo će ustajati i ponovo iz grobova, sjena i tama svemira, prijetiti nam!“

- 20:35 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Nisu nam rekli sve o ptičjoj gripi

A Russian scientist has alarmingly announced that one billion people stand to die from the coming global flu pandemic. In the United States alone, as many as 700,000 people are expected to die in as little as six months following the outbreak.

Are these figures for real? They may be on the high side, but even the World Health Organization now says the next global pandemic is overdue. Furthermore (and perhaps even more importantly), the world is not at all prepared to manufacture and distribute enough vaccines to protect the global population from the coming pandemic. Health officials can't even get flu shots distributed without creating a near-panic in the population. Imagine the fear and confusion that would be created by a killer virus: a flu pandemic.

So what kind of viral strain is expected to strike the world next? Probably a variation of the bird flu (see related ebook on bird flu) virus, or a particular strain known as H5N1, which right now exists in other species but is expected to make the cross-species jump and end up in humans very soon.

You can expect the mass media to severely distort this story as it unfolds in order to avert a public panic. People will be told there is no pandemic even while tens of thousands are dying from it. Vaccines will simply not be available on a widespread basis. But the people in the know will have long since prepared for the pandemic with their own anti-viral herbs and immune-boosting nutritional strategies.

In fact, surviving the next flu pandemic will probably be relatively easy if you have a strong immune system. The key is knowing how to make it strong (and having the discpline to actually do it before the flu strikes).


Kako se obraniti od ptičje gripe (e-book)

- 14:52 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

Što je vaša misija na zemlji? 1.dio


Nemojte sebe za to optuživati, jer većina nas ima taj isti problem. Pa naše instrukcije su i bile takve, da kad stignemo na područje ove planete zapadnemo u san isto kao i ostala lokalna populacija. Složili smo se da kompletno zaboravimo naš pravi identitet i sve što smo znali. Pošto nas je većina stigla ovamo kao novorođenčad, to nam nije ni malo bilo teško. Svaka institucija u ovom društvu potpomogla je na svoj način taj naš gubitak pamćenja, a to je kasnije bivalo sve lakše i lakše, kako je vrijeme prolazilo. Par slučajnih "gafova" koji su nam se ponekad znali omaći u našem djetinjstvu, vrlo brzo su bili odbačeni kao rezultat naše preaktivne imaginacije.


Pošto imaginacija prijeti disfunkciji ovoga svijeta, ona je vrlo brzo izbijena iz nas od strane odraslih stanovnika ove planete. Ono što našim roditeljima nije pošlo za rukom izbrisati, to su brzo uspjeli škola i medicinski sistem, pošto je to njihova specijalnost. Na ovaj način, lokalni stanovnici ove planete nesvjesno su pripomogli u održavanju našeg prisustva tajnim kao i sigurnosti naše misije. Ukratko rečeno, mi moramo biti u stanju da prirodno izgledamo kao da smo odavde a ne da se samo pretvaramo. Jedna totalna nefunkcionalnost mora biti ostvarena prije nego što možemo početi.

Kada vanzemaljski inkarnati koji su u misiji na planeti Zemlji na kraju dođu u jednu situaciju kada više nisu u stanju doći do prirodno čiste hrane i vode za piće, kao i kad ne mogu više udisati zrak na ovoj planeti a da se pri tome ne truju, tada je pravo vrijeme da shvatimo da smo prvi dio naše misije uspješno obavili. To znači da smo mi kao inkarnirani entiteti postali pravi Zemljani, i sada nam to daje pravo da poduzmemo sljedeći korak u našoj misiji.


Kad se počnemo sjećati našeg pravog identiteta, u prvom momentu nećemo biti u stanju primijetiti neki humor u svemu tome. Kompletna procedura podrazumijeva ne samo buđenje naše istinske ličnosti, nego i zaboravljanje svega što smo do sada ovdje naučili, tako da bi se mogli sjetiti onoga što smo znali prije nego što smo ovamo došli. Drugim riječima, moramo baciti u kantu za smeće cijelu ovu ličnost na čijoj smo izgradnji radili skoro cijeli ovaj život. Da li vam je sada jasno zašto u svemu ovome na prvi pogled nema nikakvog humora? To je jedna procedura koja se mora razumjeti.

Mi se sada moramo otkačiti od našeg starog identiteta i distanciramo se od jedne civilizacije koja srlja u propast. Nakon što smo veoma brzo uspjeli zaspati, sada se od nas očekuje da se isto tako brzo i probudimo. Sada je vrijeme da razmontiramo naš lažni identitet. Sada je vrijeme da zaboravimo ono što smo naučili i posvetimo pažnju onome što duboko znamo. Sada počinje proces promjene ljudske povijesti koji zaslužuje strahopoštovanje. Sada je vrijeme za sve, i sada je ovdje.

nastavlja se...

- 14:27 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

19.10.2005., srijeda

Zanimljiv mail

FROM: Patrick H. Bellringer
DATE: Sept. 21, 2005

Dear BR:

Do we want Hurricane Rita? Most people do! They create it by their thoughts. The weather forecasters say, "Oh, we are going to have a bad hurricane!" Without realizing what they are doing the people, who hear the bad weather forecast, turn to their family or their neighbor and say, "Did you hear the weather forecast? We are going to have a bad hurricane!"

What have they done? They have picked up the negative energy created by the weather forecaster, energized it to a higher level by their own thought-power and passed it on to others. If each person told only one other person about the dangerous hurricane, Rita, the negative energy would expand slowly, but that does not happen. Each person will excitedly tell everyone they meet that a terrible hurricane is coming, and the negative energy expands exponentially and creates the horrible hurricane, just as the forecasters said.

The forecasters are nothing more than prophets. They foretell what is going to happen. If the people believe it, it happens! If the people do not believe it and create positive energy to neutralize or cancel out the negative energy, it does not happen! The Darkside used mind control to intensify Hurricane Katrina recently. They know how to use thought-power for their evil intent, but we have not yet learned how to use thought power to neutralize their negative energy.

The Farmer's Almanac is a case in point. This publication was created to tell the farmers what kind of a season to expect along with other helpful information for planting, growing and harvesting of various crops. People became dependent upon The Farmer's Almanac weather forecasts. When the forecast was for a long and very cold winter, everyone believed that would happen and prepared accordingly. Guess what? That is exactly what happened. The farmers thought-created the same energy and made a terrible winter happen every time. I have learned to confront anyone who tries to create negative weather. I negate their negative energy with my positive energy.

A few years ago on the Art Bell radio talk show, Art Bell did an experiment to prove that a group of people can control events by their combined thoughts. Art Bell asked everyone listening to his radio show to think healing, wellness and perfect health for a man who was very ill. They did so and in a very short time the man was totally well. The doctors called it a miracle.

Then Art Bell was asked by some of his listeners to help the farmers in a certain area of Nebraska, who had had no rain for so long that the crops and livelihood of the people were being destroyed. Art Bell agreed and asked his listeners to think positive thoughts about rain for this drought stricken area. During the Art Bell radio show,a couple of nights later the people in the drought area began calling Art Bell to tell him that rain was falling. A long gentle rain fell in that area and saved the crops and livestock. Was that a miracle? It was the result of the combined efforts of many people using their thought-power to focus positive energy on a single event.

Do we want Hurricane Rita to be a category five storm? Apparently, because that is what is now happening this very night. We do not have to have another terrible hurricane. We can thought-create whatever it is that we want. Let us use our positive energy to neutralize the negative energy of Hurricane Rita into a mild tropical storm that cleanses and waters the land with no destruction of property and no harm to anyone. We, the people, can do it!

We can thought-create this storm into nothing at all. Remember, our lessons repeat until we learn them.

In Love and Light,
Patrick H. Bellringer

- 01:02 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

17.10.2005., ponedjeljak

Da li je sve je sve namješteno?

Među masonskim “umjetnickim” muralima na Denverskom aerodromu je i onaj posvecen balkanskom krvoprolicu. Razdragana djeca nose maceve i automate, zamotane u nacionalne zastave, koji su sijali uzas… i sire se prema “crnoj” Africi, arapskom svijetu i azijskom kontinentu. Da li je ovim prikazana strategija masonskih elita za novi milenij?

- 23:56 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

Neka druga istina?

Otkriće da je homo sapiens nastao genetskim inžinjeringom i miksom sa drugom, ne-Zemaljskom, civilizacijom se nije odrazilo na naše školske knjige. I dalje nas se uči da je čovjekov jedini predak majmunoliki čovjek.

Otkriće da je život na Planeti nastajao kontrolirano ništa ne mijenja u udžbenicima Zapadne civilizacije. I dalje se tvrdi da smo mi slučajni plodovi prirode.

Mnogobrojni dokazi o postojanju i besmrtnosti duše, o planetarnim duhovnim omotačima, reinkarnaciji i slično, kao da se ne dotiču (većine) religija i Bogobojaznih institucija. Oni i dalje "obnašaju Zemaljsku vlast".

Primjeri savršenijih civilizacija i djela arhitekture, astronomije, građevinarskih čuda koja su davno prethodila našem ciklusu civilizacije, i dalje netaknute ostavlja enciklopedije koje tvrdoglavo tvrde: čovjekova civilizacija je stara pet do šest hiljada godina. To što su kameni monumenti stari deset i petnaest hiljada godina ispred naših nosova, kao da ne golica istraživački duh čovjekov. A dokazi koji su stari pedeset ili osamdeset hiljada godina? Njih je, valjda, bolje i ne spominjati. I ne rušiti nam idiličnu sliku.

Elitne organizacije se brinu da se događaji odvijaju planiranim tokom. I da ima dovoljno ratova, ljudske bijede i nevolja, straha i neizvjesnosti, negativne energije. A sve to zamotaju u celofan svoje, navodne, brige za čovječanstvo.

Našu vezu sa našim produhovljenim predcima iz Lemurije i Atlantide sijeku u korijenu. Jer prije Sumera, pobogu, "nije bilo ništa". Samo primitivni pećinski čovjek.

To su prave zavjere protiv slobodnih ljudi.

David Icke (“The Biggest Secret”, 1999.) je to vrlo lijepo formulirao. “Konstantni ratovi, konflikti, teroristički ispadi, financijske brige i bezbrojni drugi negativni događaji… su dizajnirani da održavaju čovječanstvo u stanju straha… limitirajući ga i odvajajući od istinske ljudske prirode. Ohrabrivanje i poticanje mržnje, osveta, osuda (sve su ovo manifestacije straha) samo stvaraju uvjete za nove konflikte.

Strah se u ogromnim količinama stimulira sa religijom. Strah od “Boga”, strah od smrti i strah od “Sudnjeg dana”…

Isto je i sa “naukom” i strahom koji ona stvara, od smrti i ništavila. Čovječanstvo je preplavljeno sa strahom i različitim izvedenim izrazima ove negativne emocije. Zato smo i odvojeni od našeg stvarnog Ja…

…Pobrinuli su se da čovječanstvo ostane neobaviješteno kontrolom svega što se uči u školama i na univerzitetima, institucijama “nauke” i medijima. Čovječanstvo provodi svoj život gledajući film vjerujući da je to stvarnost… dok stvarni svijet ostaje skriven….

…Masovna kontrola uma i emocija je na djelu. Kroz farmaceutske kartele i proizvođače hrane napada se na ljudsko tijelo i njegove mentalne procese. Droge, cjepiva, dodatci hrani, genetski izmijenjena hrana, flourid u vodi ili zubnoj pasti, zaslađivači (na primjer aspartam u gaziranim pićima)… svi oni predstavljaju oružje u borbi protiv čovjekovog slobodnog mišljenja. Ovi aditivi su i izmišljeni da onemoguće mozak i ćelije da prihvaćaju više, pozitivne frekvencije…

Naravno, radnici u proizvodnim pogonima ili ljekari koji daju cjepiva po Africi ili Americi, nemaju pojma što rade… Odluke se donose na mnogo višem nivou…

Tehnologija svemirskog antiraketnog oklopa američke armije je samo dio elektromagnetne mreže oko Planete koja služi da se generalna svijest čovječanstva održava na niskim frekvencijama. Ekstremno niskofrekventni odašiljači šalju signale diljem svijeta. Mikrovalne transmisije u našim kuhinjama…Celularni telefoni…Mikročipovi…Konvencionalna električne energija radi u smjeru obrnutom kazaljci na satu… I to je direktno u suprotnosti sa našim tjelesnim čakrama. Elektro kablovi u našim kućama rade na 60 ciklusa u sekundi čime se svjesno oštećuje naše tijelo i valovi moždane aktivnosti...

…Živimo u pulsirajućem elektromagnetnom oceanu koji neprestano utječe na naše emocionalno, mentalno i duhovno zdravlje…

…Obrazovni sistem je strukturiran na taj način da čovjeka zatvori unutar njegove lijeve moždane polovine. Poznato je da je lijeva polovina mozga sjedište logike, intelekta i čula fizičkog svijeta (ono što vidimo, dodirujemo, čujemo i mirišemo). S druge strane, desna polovina mozga je centar inspiracije, umjetnosti, bezgranične ljubavi i veze sa dušom…

Obrazovanje i mediji su nastrojeni tako da su profesori i nastavnici, novinari i naučnici, zarobljenici lijeve moždane polovine… I oni se obraćaju lijevoj polovini mozga svojim učenicima i slušaocima. Desna polovina se isključuje. Obrazovanje puni lijevu polovinu mozga informacijama, “školskim gradivom” koje je najčešće netočno i onda se putem testova učenike prisiljava da samo tu polovinu mozga koristi. Ako se ponašate kao roboti, onda ćete proći test. Ako filtrirate informacije kroz desnu polovinu mozga i kažete “ovo je glupo ili netočno”, onda test nećete položiti. Nema veze što ste u pravu…

…Tek otvaranjem našeg srca i uma aktivirati ćemo desnu polovinu mozga, srušiti ćemo zid koji je dijeli od lijeve polovine. Intelekt će se spojiti sa intuicijom i inspiracijom, a onda i sa kozmosom…”

Sve je energija. Energetska polja. Različite energetske vibracije stvorene mišljenjem i emocijama.

Energetske forme su bezgranične. I kao što se voda može manifestirati kao tekućina, oblak, para, led… i pri tome izgledati vrlo različita… ona je još uvijek voda u različitim formama.

Isti je slučaj i sa energijom. Manifestira se kao čovjekovo fizičko tijelo ili kao čovjekov um ili kao čovjekov duh ili, pak, kao ptica, biljka, životinja…

Na nivou čiste energije, sve je spojeno. Ne postoje Oni i One. Postojimo samo Mi i Ja.

Tako gledajući, mi posjedujemo potencijal da se spojimo sa svim bićima i procesima u prirodi putem zajedničke energije od koje smo nastali. Da se spojimo i sa Univerzalnom, kozmičkom, kreativnom pra-energijom.


Kreator nije neko apstraktno biće odijeljeno od nas. Svi smo mi dio istog beskrajnog uma i energije.

Koliko ćemo koristiti naše potencijale zavisi samo i isključivo od nas.

Naš vlastiti izbor je koliko ćemo biti “uključeni” ili “isključeni”.

Možemo i dalje pristajati biti manipuliranima… i misliti da smo obični i nemoćni… i biti rukovođeni strahovima i brigama… bez snage da preuzmemo kontrolu nad svojim životima.

Ili, pak, otvoriti um i srce… slomiti ovu umjetnu školjku i moždane barijere… i prihvatiti da smo više od jednog kratkog i besmislenog života… i promatrati ovaj život kao samo jedan od bezbrojnih… na našem vječnom evolutivnom putu…

- 23:10 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

12.10.2005., srijeda

08.10. snimljen NLO u Sarajevu

Slučajno sam danas nabasao na ovu vijest. Objavljeno danas na Rense.com.

Slijedi link

Video (2 Mb download)

- 00:33 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

11.10.2005., utorak

Sivi i gušteri

"And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the
dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels, And prevailed not; neither was
their place found any more in heaven. And the great dragon was cast out,
that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole
world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with


This initial report is concerned with two groups of aliens: Greys and Reptilians. There are several different kinds of both Greys and Reptilians, but for now I will simply refer to them as single groups. Both groups live on this planet or beneath its surface and in space. They have been here for a long time.

The Greys are also 'working' for Reptilians, relative to the abductee as an individual and to the human race as a whole. They have been used by the Reptilians as the middlemen, doing the work and exposing themselves to us on behalf of and instead of the Reptilians (although reptilian-based, the 'saurian' Grays are less visibly so, which is why they have been chosen to interface with abductees. - Branton). The Greys are consistently referred to as a mercenary force.

Some Reptilians -- eat [humans] like we eat chicken. In the United States, there are rumors of great, underground food-storage rooms full of preserved human bodies. Sometimes the rumor has it that the bodies are those of children. I asked the Greys why, if this was true, would it be children? I was told that it is not only children but also adults that Reptilians eat.

Children are preferred because they are generally unpoisoned by substances like caffeine, nicotine, alcohol and other things adults are saturated with, as a group.

The Reptilians seem to have little regard for us as living beings. [They think that we are as ugly and repulsive to them as we ever portrayed them to be, and that we, the human race, are "as valuable as weeds."] However, they do seem to consider some of us valuable property. One gets the feeling they will continue to USE us as they see fit, or, if we ever become a real problem as a group, they would sooner wipe us out than deal with it. They do not fear us, considering themselves far superior to us by all comparisons. They supposedly consider the surface of this planet to be a poisonous, inhospitable environment and 'allow' us to live here (as lifestock? - Branton), since they live below the surface and in space. [We and our surface environment function as a physical buffer or living shield around their home underground.].

(Note: Some sources claim that many of the Greys and Reptiloids are moving en-mass to massive underground centers below major human cities for the sole purpose of having a "human shield" in order to protect themselves from earth-penetrating weapons which their 'enemies' might decide to use against them. These 'enemies' are various human worlds with common genetic ancestry that were colonized from the original Lyran/Solar Federation that has been at war with the Alpha Draconians for ages... i.e. humans from Zenatae Andromeda, Tau Ceti, Procyon, Taygeta Pleiades, Alpha Centauri, Wolf 424, Bernards Star, and other colonial worlds, many of whom -- as do the reptilians themselves -- make the 'galactica' type claim that planet earth was once the ancestral planet of genesis for their 'ancient astronauts' - Branton)

Socially and culturally, Greys and humans are VERY different. [They] fear us because they know we are potentially powerful beings. However, they insist that they 'own' us: They say they created us (LIE! - Branton) and therefore have the right to do what they will with us. Beyond this original 'right' to interfere with us, they say they have additionally earned the right through their control. Because they can control us on an individual and cultural basis both physically and mentally, they say they "own us".

These attitudes are PROPAGANDA. Their control over us in any capacity is ultimately very frail due to its very nature (depends on us NOT KNOWING that we are being controlled. - Branton). Their control is based on intimidation and advanced technology. As we become more aware, we are harder to control, harder to lie to, harder to confuse. Our technology would definitely be competitive to their theirs if we had access to it. Much of the technology we would need to effectively overcome this situation exists now (within the alien-manipulated military-industrial establishment which is part of the 'secret' or 'corporate' government technocracy - Branton). It just isn't made available to the PUBLIC, for economic reasons, as well as "national security."

The preceding statements about the Greys are based on conversations with them and long observation of them. Impressions about the Reptilians are more general. I have not engaged in conversations with the [taller] Reptilians, though they have sometimes spoken to me. Most of my experience with them does not include direct communication between me and them. Almost all of my consciously recalled memories of Reptilians also include Greys, who usually do the communicating between us. Often the Reptilians seem to be present during abductions as observers only, standing off to the side of the action, just watching...

- 23:57 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Potres u Pakistanu nije bio slučajan


Incredibly, this extremely powerful earthquake forms a "911", thus tying it into the global effort to stage the coming Masonic Christ. Further, two earlier quakes show occult signatures of "11" and "1-9-11" respectively! Three massive earthquakes all showing occult numbers in a variation of the theme of "11".

Delicate Earth - History Science - Planet X
Censored books: Delicate Earth and Blindsided are not allowed to be sold in any major book store. This extremely serious subject is too hot to handle by the majority of the public according to the powers-that-be. Lies, partial-truths, attacks, denials, attempts at making this subject appear humorous, and mainly silence are a small portion of the tactics being used to suppress this knowledge. The evidence of Planet X and its IMMINENT PASSAGE, plus its entourage's continuing current passages FROM THE ONE SOUTHERLY DIRECTION and impacts on the sun are in the main the cause of:

1. The UNPRECEDENTED SOLAR ACTIVITY we are experiencing now in the middle of what should be the minimum part of the solar cycle. This is primarily due to the electromagnetic interaction with these objects.

2. So-called global warming which is all to do with the suns activity. Mars is experiencing it now too without SUVs being driven there.

3. MAJOR CATASTROPHIC EARTH CHANGES that have accompanied previous passages, which is the MOST SIGNIFICANT ISSUE.

The opportunity to produce another book about Planet X has been given and ceased. Since writing Blindsided the discerning eye brought forth about what to include in this work has become somewhat seasoned. Much revealing and clarifying information has come to light in the last 3 years. Delicate Earth is the resulting historical chronicle of how the subject has progressed. Creating this book could be compared with producing a movie. The researchers, authors, insider disclosures, interviewers, and scientists are the stars of the book. Choosing and weaving their work together as an executive researcher/producer was in part my job as author, along with designing the cover, raising the money for printing, and marketing. My writing is but a minor bit of the book.

The disinfo-crew has helped me greatly in choosing to narrow my focus to the History and Science of Earth and Planet X. What the disinfo crew is most worried about they ignore or attack; namely the science, scientists, researchers, and history. What they offer on their web sites; prophesy, psychics, channeled aliens, outdated and bad science, I excluded. Now there will be no doubt about it. What people do with this knowledge is their business.

As many know there is a wide array of disinformation sites and people out there posing as individuals working to quash the Planet X awakening. It's a huge coordinated undertaking. These disinfo agents can't SEEM TO BE AFFILIATED WITH EACH OTHER. So, most all disinformation sites and people attack each other and don't associate themselves with anyone else to make it appear they are not working together.

I've named many people in this new work giving honest information. James McCanney's work is perhaps the best I've seen. In my new book Delicate Earth History Science Planet X I thank, cite, and name 3 pages of scientifically minded people who helped with the work; astronomers, physicists and astrophysicists, Nobel Prize winners, NASA scientists, professional and amateur investigators, military personnel, explorers, priests, scientific historians, investigative journalists, engineers, biologists, oceanographers, researchers, surveyors, astronauts, archeologists, geologists, anthropologists, and several authors of which many are doctors in their respected fields of research.

Mark Hazelwood.

- 17:42 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

09.10.2005., nedjelja

RFID Tags Already in Euro Notes

Steve Watson

They told us they were going to do it by 2005 and now they have. Euro bank notes have RFID radio tags in them.

If you were listening to the Alex Jones show on Monday 1st March you will have heard Paul Watson report the story that RFID tags have been found in the new US $20 bills. A letter sent to Henry Makow Ph.D. described how two citizens found alarms in shops being triggered by their wallets, curious and wise to the RFID proposals they chose to 'microwave' over $1000 in twenties in a stack. The right eye of Andrew Jackson on the new twenty was uniform in it's burning.

I remembered I had a couple of Euros in my wallet from my last visit to France and decided what the heck, I'll microwave them. After just three seconds the first note exploded into flame and fearing for my microwave's safety I quickly pressed the stop button. A fluke? Maybe, I tried with the second note, a five, again after precisely three seconds the same bright flash of flame.

It was obvious to see where the tags had been as two perfectly round holes could be seen in my notes. I noticed that the holes lay precisely over the metal strip within the notes. I thought to myself that maybe it was just the metal in the strip that was reacting, so i tried again. Ten, twenty, thirty seconds went by and... nothing. The strip was completely unharmed.

The fact is that my bank notes were tagged. Should I be suprised, well no, they said they were going to do this by 2005

Of course, the official line is that these tags are there "to protect us", they stop counterfeiting and enable security agencies to track illegal money. Why would illegal money come in five or ten Euro notes? Surely your classic suitcase with wads of cash consists of 200s or 500s not fives and tens, you would need a whole truck to transport large amounts.

The truth is where ever we go are being tracked by our governments. RFID is the latest technology to be used in the ever-growing control grid that dictates the way we live our lives. Walmart has recently carried out RFID trials, even though they claim it is only to monitor possible theft of razors!

We live in a society that is now ten times worse than Orwell's 1984, everything is surveilled. Our clothes are being tagged, our money, where ever we go we are caught on CCTV numerous times a day, cameras are going up in the streets, the schools, in bathrooms. Many will say "I have nothing to hide, why should I worry?" Yes, that's the way the New World Order is training you to think, give up your liberty, know you are losing your rights and don't even care! Then when you have given everything up, when you have nothing left to give the agenda is complete and you have ever so slowly consented to be a slave to your elite masters.

Want to do something now? Go and microwave your money - it's a start.

- 21:27 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

07.10.2005., petak

2012. i fotonski pojas


By Noel Huntley, Ph.D.

By means of satellite instrumentation, astronomers in 1961 discovered what appeared to be an unusual nebula. We normally understand the nebula phenomenon as a vast cloud-like mass of gas or dust. This one, however, appeared to have anomalous properties and was named the Golden Nebula. The public's attention was not drawn to this unusual revelation until much later, presumably when it was realised that this nebula's location was coincident with the projected orbit of our solar system. Around the early 1980s a radio announcement in the U.S. was made (heard by the author) that our solar system was, in fact, going to collide with an 'electromagnetic cloud' in the not too distant future. This incredibly important statement of astronomical and historical significance was expressed in the usual casual and indifferent manner as though of little consequence--just as was, about that time, the announcement that the FDIC (bank-depositor's insurance) was penniless! Follow-up data was then suppressed and another government cover-up was contrived for the typical purpose of exploiting where possible natural events to camouflage contrived chaos.

What is this electromagnetic cloud, this golden nebula, sometimes referred to as the radiant nebula by ETs? Its more universal designation is 'photon belt' or 'photon band', consisting of many bands, and any encounter with this belt is recognised by extraterrestrials as of great import. It is in fact referred to by more enlightened ETs as a 'planetary trouble shooter'.

Let us outline the mechanics of this anticipated encounter of our solar system with the photon belt. The whole universe is held together by means of vortices within vortices of centripetal energy--with their associated electromagnetic fields--like whirlpools on water, within larger whirlpools (this is the machinery behind Einstein's spacetime topology of general relativity). These spiralling energies give rise to natural spacetime orbits: satellites around planets, planets around stars, solar systems around other more major vortex centres, and so on. Our planet Earth orbits the Sun once a year but our solar system as a whole also traverses an orbit in this section of the galaxy with a period of about 24,000 years. There are many other solar (star) systems in this cyclic motion (just as there are numerous planets orbiting the Sun). The Pleiades, which is encircled by the photon belt, is about 400 light years from us, and is part of this system and in fact our solar system orbits the central sun of the Pleiades, Alcyone. The belt consists of many photon bands emanating from the centre of the galaxy, and associated with the spiral arms of the galaxy.

Thus our solar system, and therefore planet Earth, takes some 24,000 years to come back to its same point in this particular orbit. Picture several star systems in a massive orbit, but now envisage overall a toroid or doughnut-shaped cloud cutting across these orbiting star systems. It is also described as an amoeba-like cloud of particles but most of its frequencies are invisible. This is the photon belt, or photon band. This means our solar system goes through the belt twice each cycle of 24,000 years (that is, every half cycle). The thickness of the photon cloud is such that technically it takes about 2000 years for our solar system to pass through, and therefore about 10,000 years between each encounter with this belt (2 x 10,000 plus 2 x 2000 = 24,000 years). Nevertheless, some sources state that the period in the band could be much less: 30 to 40 years, depending on man's resistance to change. This is difficult to relate to our fixed cyclic picture but, in addition, this same source points out that Earth was in trouble from the damage incurred by our civilisation and called for the photon belt--a typical emergency call procedure for planets. The fact that the 'call' was synchronous with the orbital position merely indicates the higher plans--that the big picture would already have matters organised to happen in that way. This 'call' occurred in 1947 and manifested as a signal which could have been monitored on the AM band, producing a clicking sound--see Robert Shapiro's Explorer Race and Shining The Light series of books.

When will this interaction occur? Scientists around the globe in 1992 predicted that the encounter would occur within months to a year; with significant disagreements. A particular source of Pleiadian extraterrestrials indicated that it would not occur until just after 2010 and that it was difficult to predict since the belt was oscillating randomly. There have been in fact huge discrepancies in channeled material regarding the date of this revelatory occurrence, ranging from 1987 to 'definitely before the end of this century' to 2003 and finally about 2011-2012. Other Pleiadians tell us that our solar system skimmed the belt for a few days in 1987, then contacted it for over a week in the following year, increasing the degree of entry each year, and then the Sun went in fully in 1998. The information indicates that Earth does not enter fully until 2012. At the present time we are being informed that the Earth is in the belt (for the period December, 1998 and June, 1999). The belt does, however, have an outer aura which we enter first, and we are not expected to experience the full-blown effects until 2012.

What does the photon belt consist of? What will be its effects on the life on our planet, positive or negative? Also what is its purpose, if any? The radio announcement used the term 'electromagnetic' to describe the phenomenon--this is the same as photon, which is a particle of light or electromagnetic radiation.

The photon belt is an immense region of space which is radiating intense electromagnetic radiation throughout the visible spectrum and beyond, into high-frequency invisible light; even including some x-ray spectra. It is part of a magnetic flow of light throughout the galaxy. Reference has already been made through the media to huge increases in intensity of 'dangerous' radiation entering through the holes in the ozone layer in certain regions of our planet.

It appears that for mankind on this planet the photon belt encounter will be essentially a spiritual experience--but this really depends on man. Nevertheless, the real benefits of this phenomenon is from what is actually causing the photons. It is linked with the so-called convergences. If we are sufficiently evolved at the time, great advancements will occur in our consciousness as we attune to the higher-frequencies. If we are negative, that is, possess too many lower vibrations, the result of selfish actions, we are not expected to survive the frequency incompatibility.

The convergence is the end of a stellar activation cycle--this is explained in detail in Anna Hayes' material. Thus, what causes the photon belt? The stellar activations have already begun and will continue through 2012 to 2017. The principle time cycle is 26,556 years, which is the precession of the equinoxes and is caused by a slow wobble of the Earth as it spins and orbits around the Sun. This is known by astronomers. Note that this period is not to be confused with the 24,000 (or so) year cycle in which our solar system orbits Alcyone.

Stellar activation occurs when our solar system lines up with the higher frequency bands of Pleiades (star Alcyone), Sirius, Arcturus, Orion, and Andromeda. The frequency bands then merge and pass through Earth. If Earth is out of balance within itself due to abuse from invader ETs, the illuminati, and Earthman's behaviour, the higher frequencies will cause an 'Armageddon'.

To understand the alignment, one could think of circles within circles (cycles within cycles) turning at different rates to which are attached magnets. Clearly, periodically they could line up, forming one long and powerful magnet. This would act like a powerful current. It is called a holographic beam since it contains the fundamental energy of these systems.

After the convergence, this holographic beam carries the remains of photon activity. When Earth is in alignment, it merges with higher-dimensional parallel Earth, Tara. During this process the particles and antiparticles of these planets and their antiparallel planets are unified in certain specific ways. When these particles and antiparticles come together they create intense photonic activity which we know as the photon belt. It is continually renewed each cycle as the holographic beam passes out through Alcyone, leaving the band around this star.

As implied, there will be a natural spiritual selection. In the initial stages of the photon-belt encounter only sensitives will detect anything strange but when we enter fully, even the most hardened individuals will receive the full effects. Both great illumination of consciousness will occur and great resistance to new ideas. This is a period of awakening essentially due to the ascension cycle and planetary alignment. What proportion of effects are directly due to the belt is difficult to say. Nevertheless this phenomenon of both the photon belt plus stellar activity will reduce the veil stopping us from seeing who we are. It will remove some of the barriers around cells and DNA making them more reactive or responsive to new energies, and in fact the DNA will attempt to respond to the changing frequencies, increasing its capacity.

Psychological characteristics of entering the belt are the effect of uprooting hidden, secret, or withheld material, bringing it to the surface for transmutation. This means psychological and physical disease patterns will be forced to the surface, that is, the conscious mind. This will give tremendous opportunity to make advancements but also where there is too much to handle will cause illness, depressions, disease and death.

More advanced viewpoints see the photon band as a being, a consciousness, which essentially has a 'personality' for change and action. It presents opportunities for change on a planet by adding new energies. It increases the flow of energy in the magnetic grids of Earth, attracting new ideas and energies. People will feel the need to transform but those who consider this physical reality their only expression will dwindle into greater fixations, blocks and negativity. Nevertheless it aids eradication of a species' self-destructive tendencies, which might mean wiping out the civilisation. Even the most dense person will be accelerated into a higher state of consciousness, causing possible havoc in their mind and body if they are not prepared. Channeled material from the Shining the Light books tells of a civilisation which was utilising the planet's resources to make it into a dynamo. This was killing the planet and it called on the photon belt which eradicated the race, everyone, in three days, by putting them to 'sleep'. Nothing as drastic as this will be necessary for Earth; the energy will encourage people to come into balance but where resisted will cause further imbalances.

Other information from this source has been given about the effect on animals. They will forage more widely and attempt to give birth more often to maximize their species. They will also be drawn to built-up areas; in some cases this will be old territory for them but in general they will feel the need to be closer to humans. This would only apply to wild animals.

The effects on the Earth's body are expected to be quite dramatic. The photon belt enables the planet to repair herself. She will, for example, protect her oil. Too much is being drawn off by man and cannot all be replaced--not dissimilar to drawing off man's cerebral spinal fluid. Mother Earth will harden the crust under the surface and pull in the oil, also gases, coal and ores, deeper into the centre, shifting harmlessly also benevolent races into protected regions. The photon belt will not apparently leave until humans utilise surface resources only, including water.

Scientists will find that sub-atomic particles will become more evident and easier to detect. Electricity will be reduced and become less available in the next 50 years--this represents an energy depletion of the planet. Earth is taking on a new energy and scientists must find new ways of working with it. They will even give more attention to how love affects life and its chemistry. New diseases will arise and abnormal heart rhythms for the descending group but expansion of the heart for the ascending group.

Other spectacular effects, some of a temporary nature, were expected prior to the recognition that Earth intended to receive the photon belt as gently as possible as our Sun system moves into it. Earth is circling the Sun, thus it is alternatively ahead of the Sun and behind in its linear translation towards the belt. Consequently, either the Sun or our planet would enter first. Scientifically it would have been impossible to predict which, since, as stated, the photon belt is expanding and contracting randomly. If the Sun reached the photon cloud before Earth it had been channeled that darkness would ensue for about three to five days. It would have been expected to be pitch dark with probable cancellation of electrical power sources. If, however, Earth went in first then the darkness would have been avoided. This was all earlier speculation.

We were told by one source of ETs that as our planet enters the bands, which would be at a relatively high velocity, we would experience an immediate electric shock, lasting about one tenth of a second, but not dangerous. This appears unlikely now as we are moving in very gradually. Apparently it could have been sufficiently sudden to destroy the civilisation and to heal the planet quickly, but Earth requested a very gradual repair.

Of greater concern were said to be the effects of the intense photon activity on the radiation belt around Earth and the sudden compression of the atmosphere and expansion, which was expected to be such that the radiation belt could ignite. If it did, within minutes the sky would be lit up with intense light, more powerful than from a welder's torch. If eyes were not protected it would cause blindness. This intense light was expected to last three days. These dangers appear to have been by-passed. The photon belt encounter, thanks to Mother Earth, has been adjusted to give minimum suffering to mankind and maximum benefit.

Another spectacular feature given in earlier reports but not high-lighted so much in the present ones, will be the effect of the intense photon activity on matter. High excitation of atoms will occur, causing fluorescence of all objects, and as a result there will be no normal night time during the period of interaction.

The stellar alignments and accompanying photon-belt encounter will play a significant role in the (biblical) transformation of man. Our interaction with it has been referred to in channeling as the Christus. Moreover, the event is supposed to be the true nature of the ascension or rapture, well known in the prophecies of Christianity. The term 'Christus' apparently expresses the Second Coming of Christ. (Christ is a state of being/consciousness --some ETs refer to it as the 'Christ office'. Jesus was not Christ but he could attune to this state--which in turn then paradoxically means he was (being) Christ.)

There will be a rebirthing of planet Earth. We are told it will divide; each part retaining wholeness though, producing a 3rd density (frequency density) Earth and a 4th density Earth. This will not be perceived physically; the planets will be in different dimensions. One will be in a parallel universe relative to the other. Earth has many parallel bodies: one around 3.0; we are about 3.5, then 4.0 and 5.0, etc. (the 4th is apparently relatively unoccupied except for some animals having left us and are waiting). The Voyagers books of Anna Hayes describes the division into three time tracks and is highly recommended reading.

(Note that serious books on physics cover parallel-universe theories--there is nothing particular weird or new about this. It has been channeled that we sometimes move into parallel-universe planes and back, which are sometimes virtually identical. A further example is that an advanced civilisation exists in the centre of the Earth but this particular civilisation is in a parallel plane which is reached by entering 'electromagnetic' corridors near the openings at the poles and certain other regions.)

Possibly the only sad event will be that some families will be split up by the natural spiritual selection of the photon-belt encounter. Some individuals will go with the more evolved Earth, referred to as 4th density, and others with the 3rd density Earth, which could permanently separate their evolution by several thousands of years (in rare instances one person taking the more evolved path may suspend progress to wait for the other).

There are a number of greater cycles involved at this time, for example, 225 million years (the Reptilian cycle), 26,556 years (as mentioned), and 104,000 years (a prominent evolutionary peak after four cycles of 26,556 years), culminating in a powerful convergence at this time. It has also been stated that this point in time coincides with the universe reaching its maximum point of expansion. Synchronisation of all such nodes would be expected to open up the dimensional strata for the influx of new energy and the subsequent changes--in other words, a major alignment.

The photon cloud has a high density of electrons and positrons (positive, anti-electrons). When an electron and a positron collide they are annihilated and the mass is converted into radiation--photons. The presence of these positrons, however, has been predicted to interfere with electricity, of which the latter is due to the flow of electrons. It has been indicated that before this event occurs it would be possible to redesign the present polarity system, giving a reversal of our polarity to compensate for this problem (we haven't noticed any effect yet). The photon energy as a result of the collision of electrons and positrons will become a major source of free energy (and at this time the NWO will be unable to suppress its use).

According to channeled information, extraterrestrials will be aiding our transition during this photon-belt event. It is stated that they altered (years ago) the basic polarity of the Sun to allow it to maintain the integrity of the Sun's planetary system. At a later time, however, NASA's space probe Ulysses detected that the magnetic field of the Sun no longer has a north and south pole! The Sun's magnetic field was found to have changed dramatically into a homogeneous field. No scientific explanation was given, and of course it has been withheld from the public. Furthermore, the SOHO satellite more recently revealed that the Sun responded abnormally to the impact of cosmic bodies causing an eruption of some 30 to 35 solar flares, which is unprecedented. (Note that unknown to present physics the Sun and planetary bodies, etc. have powerful high-frequency electromagnetic fields which would be expected to form the basis for the solar system integrity, despite interference and jeopardy from magnetic pole variations.)

The photon-belt encounter and its origin, the alignments, are intended to be a positive experience but only man with sufficient discipline to improve and elevate his consciousness can ensure that the anticipated Golden Age will manifest.

- 23:37 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

06.10.2005., četvrtak

Chipping away from freedom

11 September 2005 – THE FICTION

By 2005, the war on terror had spread throughout the world. The definition of a terrorist had widened. Outspoken academics had their funding withdrawn. Journalists reporting controversial aspects of the war were chastised. Peaceful demonstrators were cut down with capsicum spray and stun batons. Anti-globalisation activists were probed by intelligence agencies. Outspoken politicians were assaulted with costly court cases and legal actions.

The independent media and Internet sites had been gob smacked by UN declaration WORLD PATRIOT (World Order Ruling to Leverage Democracy by Providing Appropriate Tools Required To Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism). The nightly news was riddled with fear and paranoia. A terrorist suspect detained outside a local kindergarten. A man with shoe bombs in a parliamentary lift. White powder envelopes delivered to media executives. A major food tampering scare. Grainy videos purporting to show terrorist training camps.

Millions lived a prison like existence, secured inside their gated communities, knowing intuitively that the terrorists were everywhere, like ticking time bombs waiting to go off. Thankfully, most citizens were on the look out for the evil doers and could dial 1300TERRORIST. Suspects were automatically arrested and detained without legal counsel for 48 hours.

Human tracking and surveillance had become universal by 2005. Most people in the cities had been microchipped. It was just logical – anyone not microchipped was obviously part of a terrorist network. Only terrorists – people that wanted to roam around freely without being tracked and monitored by the government – rejected the Countering Homeland Insurgency and Terrorism Implant (CHITI). If you were caught without a microchip, you were taken in for questioning, behaviour modification and routine implantation at the local CENTRELINK (Centre for Enrolment of National Terrorists, Radicals, Extremists, Loonies, Insurgents, Nonconformists and Kidnappers).


In the early days after 11 September, there were many warnings about police state measures and emerging totalitarianism. Critics referred to the linking of technology and the police state which had been perfected by Adolf Hitler’s Nazi regime in the 1940’s. In those days, Hitler developed a strategic alliance with IBM, then America’s most powerful corporation. The partnership began in 1933 in the first weeks that Hitler came to power and continued well into World War II.

As the Third Reich embarked upon its plan of conquest and genocide, IBM and its subsidiaries helped create enabling technologies, step-by-step, from the identification and cataloguing programs of the 1930s to the selections of the 1940s. Only after Jews were identified – a massive and complex task that Hitler wanted done immediately – could they be targeted for efficient asset confiscation, ghettoisation, deportation, enslaved labor and ultimately, annihilation.

Hitler’s cross-tabulation and organisational challenge was so monumental it called for a computer. In the 1930s no computer existed, but IBM’s Hollerith punch card technology did exist. Aided by the company’s custom-designed and constantly updated Hollerith systems, Hitler was able to automate his roundup of Jews. IBM technology was used to organise much of Germany and then Nazi Europe, from the identification of Jews in censuses, registrations, and ancestral tracing programs, to the running of railroads and the organisation of concentration camps.

IBM and its German subsidiary custom-designed complex solutions, one by one, anticipating the Reich’s needs. They did not merely sell the machines and walk away. Instead, IBM leased these machines for high fees and became the sole source of the billions of punch cards that the Reich needed.

Hitler would have been salivating over many of the late 20th century technological breakthroughs, especially implantable microchips. They had been on the breadboard for more than a decade before the terrorist strike on 11 September, 2001.

People first got used to the idea of microchips when governments and local councils started to introduce regulations for control of domestic animals. In Australia, the New South Wales Companion Animals Act required microchipping and registration for both cats and dogs. The argument went that puppies and kittens could be injected with a microchip so that if they became lost, they could simply be scanned like a can of coke at a checkout. A unique number would be displayed on the scanner and matched with an identification database containing pet owner’s names and addresses. The hapless puppy and happy owner could then be reunited. It was not only companion animals that literally copped it in the neck. Millions of farm and research animals – even fish and canaries – throughout the ‘civilised world’ became victims of vast microchip experimentation.

While microchips were being developed for animals, with the ultimate goal of human implantation, the latter were being softened up with new identification regimes. Originally, the system was devised so that PIN numbers gave way to smart cards with digitised photos. But with smart card technology too expensive and low uptake rates by the banking industry, the entire smartcard phase was leap-frogged by 9/11, with biometrics heralding the new security revolution.

The biometric companies were quick to capitalise on the terrorist threat. Numerous schemes were rolled out just days after 9/11, while the World Trade Centre was still a smoking ruin. Airport security, driver’s licenses, and national identity schemes were all touted to make a citizen’s life more secure and terrorist proof.

Many corporations had previously engaged in trials of biometric technology. In 1999 Sensar introduced the first iris scanning ATM in the US with others to follow throughout Europe and Japan. A trial of biometrics (INSPASS) at major US airports used hand geometry to verify the identity of overseas travellers. Hundreds of government departments and corporations used biometric fingerprint recognition for employees to access secure areas. The US defense forces undertook major biometric research in the field and the National Security Agency headed up the Biometric Consortium of companies interested in the technology. Even McDonald’s customers in California could authorise payment for a Big Mac using a fingerprint instead of a credit card. Maccas called it “Pay by Touch”. Customers used a ‘finger image” because McDonalds thought the ‘finger print’ was fraught with negative connotations. The new system was promoted as “faster, easier and more secure than cash, paper checks and plastic cards”. Customers were invited to “Sign up today to touch to pay. Prizes awarded every day.”

In many respects, the post 9/11 environment was a police state with a Hollywood face. A kind of slick, sickly propaganda washed over citizens and ebbed into their brains. Technology corporations offered up surveillance technology for free – out of the goodness of their hearts. Newspaper articles urged a new role for the icon of American cultural imperialism, coke-a-cola. “An alQa’ida type gets his box cutter out. No worries, just chuck a can of Coke at the bad guy, whip his nose off with your belt buckle and garrote him,” the Weekend Australian urged.

Snappy, jingoistic Presidential speeches urging a widening of the war on terror were given standing ovations. A lot of people knew the real war was an information war but feeling powerless against the machine, they just stuck their heads back in the sand. The media lapped it up. Finally something big had come along to make their life even easier. The Pentagon and the State Department, with their respective allies across the world, churned out information 24 hours a day. In the age of desktop journalism the media releases flowed freely via email and fax. A spokesperson was always available for a glib TV or radio grab adding just enough realism to give the report an air of authoritative authenticity.

The call for human microchipping came just days after the World Trade Centre was pulverised. Applied Digital Solutions (ADS) implanted its first human chip when a New Jersey surgeon, Richard Seelig, injected two of the chips into himself. He placed one chip in his left forearm and the other near the artificial hip in his right leg. He was motivated after he saw firefighters at the World Trade Center writing their Social Security numbers on their forearms with Magic Markers. He thought that there had to be a more sophisticated way of doing identification.

The implantation procedure had been proven safe by Kevin Warwick, a cybernetics professor from the University of Reading in the UK. Warwick once told reporters: “I was born human. But this was an accident of fate – a condition merely of time and place. I believe it’s something we have the power to change.”

Warwick’s first experiment, Cyborg 1, began in August 1998 when a silicon chip was implanted in his left arm, allowing a computer to monitor him as he moved through the halls and offices of the Department of Cybernetics. His implant communicated via radio waves with a network of antennas throughout the department that in turn transmitted the signals to a computer programmed to respond to his actions. At the main entrance, a voice box operated by the computer said “Hello” when he entered; the computer detected his progress through the building, opening the door to his lab as he approached it and switching on the lights. The implant was in place for nine days.

The next phase of the project, Cyborg 2, planned to move a step further by placing implants in two people at the same time. The goal was to send movement and emotion signals from one person to the other, possibly via the Internet. Irena, Kevin Warwick’s wife, bravely volunteered to go ahead with his-and-hers implants.

Much of Warwick’s groundbreaking work focused on the need to help people with disabilities, an area known as rehabilitation robotics. Ultimately microchips would allow blind people to navigate around and give amputees and people in wheelchairs greater mobility. While Warwick and his team concentrated on the humanitarian angle, across the Atlantic, Applied Digital Solutions (ADS) was ready to roll out the microchip as a means of identification.

ADS was marketing two products. The VeriChip, similar to the devices implanted in millions of pets in the United States and Australia. The chip was a 12mm by 2.1mm radio frequency device, about the size of a grain of rice. The chip contained a unique identification number and other data. Utilising an external scanner, radio frequency energy passed through the skin energising the dormant VeriChip, which then emitted a radio frequency signal containing the identification number. The number was displayed by the scanner up to four feet away and transmitted to a secure data storage site by authorised personnel via telephone or Internet. The identity of a person could be checked and their data linked up with any other relevant information. As the technology developed, the VeriChip insertion procedure was able to be performed in an office setting, requiring only local anaesthesia, a tiny incision and a small adhesive bandage.

The second ADS product, Digital Angel, was more elaborate. It combined a global satellite positioning system and monitoring service. The system combined a watch and a device the size of a pack of cigarettes that clipped onto a waistband or a belt like a pager. At first it was suggested Digital Angel could be helpful to monitor Alzheimer’s patients and parolees. Later, it was mooted as a device for people who were potential kidnap victims. The company agreed to distribute its product first in South America (needing no FDA approval), where the GPS system could help locate kidnapping victims, and the VeriChip could identify them if they were drugged, or in a worst case scenario, killed.

The potential for microchipping humans was enormous, only limited by imagination. The chips could carry huge amounts of data on an individual, such as health insurance details, blood type and blood pressure allowing information to be communicated to online doctors over the Internet. The chips helped business – individuals with implants could be clocked in and out of their office automatically. The exact location of any employee and whom they were with was known at all times. It was then easier to contact them for an urgent meeting or in the event of a terrorist attack. Human microchips were extremely useful for car security. For example, unless a car recognised the unique signal from its owner, it would remain immobilised.

Other uses were managing livestock and other farm-related animals; pinpointing the location of valuable stolen property; managing the commodity supply chain; preventing the unauthorised use of firearms; and providing a tamper-proof means of identification for enhanced e-commerce security. The list just grew exponentially.


In an environment of heightened suspicion, terror and fear, the media glorified human microchipping for its security – there was little danger in losing an implant or having it stolen and it made life so much safer. The microchip television advertising campaign was necessarily emotional. One ad featured grandpa saved by the chip after a stroke. Another depicted a lost child reunited with an emotional mother. In 2004, a new chip, the SafeTChip came on the market. SafeTChip could send and receive data in an instant. It became indispensable for high flyers and political types who could send a distress call to a satellite if they were in trouble. Response by a UTTF (Universal Terror Task Force) was guaranteed within thirty seconds. Peace of mind became a big selling point. The ad for SafeTChip won a Golden Globe award.

The Personal Safeguard Technology market boomed as society embraced the idea of using microchips for human identification. By 2005, the market for implantable chips reached $70 billion per year. Although the whole system was voluntary, the chip became a defacto global ID card. At first, the chips were used widely on prisoners and members of the military who couldn’t really refuse. Then, as the war on terror turned to the home front, it became a matter of voluntary compliance. People without the chip were investigated, ostracised and discriminated against. Many had their assets confiscated because of their alleged terrorist links. Law-abiding citizens who were chipped could access services provided by the State. No chip, no service. Taxpayers without the chip paid the highest marginal rate. And so it went on.

The crux came after the 2003 terrorist food-tampering alert. Although not a single person was hospitalised as a result of the scare, millions lined up for the implant procedure. In a global televised hook-up, the food multinationals joined with world leaders to declare that supermarkets and shopping malls were the new frontier for terror attacks. Only those who could prove they were not terrorists, by virtue of having the implant, were allowed to purchase food. In the capital cities, supermarkets were shut down because of the threat and food was rationed out, again, only to those who were chipped. People that grew their own food were obviously terrorists and were relocated to the AW’s (Agricultural Wastelands) where they were forced to work for the multinationals growing genetically engineered supercrops.

Mobile Chip Implantation Clinics travelled the country stopping at local schools and sports grounds. People receiving the chip got special rewards points, a Chips-R-US bumper sticker and a one off government payment in return for helping to stamp out terrorism. By 2004, 94% of the population had been chipped. The other 6% were loose cannons. Many had returned to the land, banding together on remote communities to make a new start. Life was harsh and they lived in constant fear of being spotted by the Big Bird spy satellites. A mini ionospheric heater onboard the Big Bird simply irradiated their plot of land, withering their crops and killing their animals. The people themselves died a slow and painful death from cancerous lesions.

In the cities, life became a manufactured utopia. The chip enabled the ultimate fusion of humans and machine. The rich had many of their human parts replaced with chip based spares. It became fashionable to have a robotic hand instead of a real human hand. The lower classes marvelled at their new virtual apartments with walls and appliances that interacted with the implanted chip, turning on the TV, chilling beer and heating up instant dinners in the microwave. Some signed on for the microchip brain implant IntelEct, enabling negative thoughts to be zapped away by a remote computer. Others picked custom made implants to perform certain functions. A popular implant was the ShagChip for male impotency. It was supplied with a software package enabling users to choose from several levels of performance.


Need we go on? Thankfully, it’s not 2005. New Dawn magazine hasn’t been shut down by WORLD PATRIOT and human microchipping hasn’t spread very far – yet! What is happening, though, is a quickening of the sort of police state control and surveillance systems that New Dawn has been reporting on for more than a decade. Much of the enabling technology, described in this article is a reality. Microchips are being sold by Applied Digital Solutions and humans are lining up to be implanted. It’s just a matter of time before that Mobile Chip Implant Clinic becomes a reality. We can continue to live like robots in this emerging police state utopia, or do something about it now while the chips are still down. Once the chips are up and functioning, there will be nowhere to run and nowhere to hide.

- 16:51 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

05.10.2005., srijeda

PlanetX u bibliji

Bible Prophecy and Planet X?

Planet X seems to fit in with Bible prophecy, in a number of instances. The Book of Revelation is perhaps one of the best examples of this correlation and is the last book in the New Testament. It is said to represent, in symbolic language, the record of events received in the form of visions given to John by an angel, sent by Jesus. It speaks of conditions and events that could occur prior to and during Jesus' second coming. The chapters and verses are characterized by 7 seals, 7 trumpets, and 7 bowls, which describe the order of these purposive events as they may occur.

The sixth seal deals with "Cosmic Disturbances". Compare the words of the chapter addressing the sixth seal, Rev 6:12-15, with what is predicted during Planet X’s passage.

Rev 6:12-15

"I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as late figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind. The sky receded like a scroll, rolling up, and every mountain and island was removed from its place. Then the kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and every slave and every free man hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains."

In analyzing this:

"There was a great earthquake". 9-15 Richter scale quakes could occur during a pole shift.

"The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair". The ash from the many spewing volcanoes could block out the light of the sun.

"The whole moon turned blood red" The planet's comet-like tail is comprised of much red dust which may make the moon appear to be red when viewed through it.

"The stars in the sky fell to earth" Asteroids, space debris, boulders, gravel, and dust are held in the suns giant magnetic field and follow along in Niburu's comet like tail. There is much ecological evidence that this has swept the earth before. The earth could also become highly charged due to increased solar flaring. Both earth’s electromagnetic charge and its gravity could pull some of this debris into it again. An alternate perspective might be, that during a possible shifting crust, the stars would look like they are rapidly moving or falling, when viewed from earth’s surface

"The sky receded like a scroll, rolling up" This possibly describes ash plumes of a myriad of volcanoes may erupt globally, or again, moving or scrolling up or down while the shift is occurring.

"Every mountain and island was removed from its place" During a possible pole shift, when the inner magma is shifting, the crust could also shift mountains and islands from their current positions.

"The kings of the earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty, and every slave and every free man hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains" The US Government has apparently already built over 129 underground cities, along with an interconnecting tunnel systems. Contractors are continuing to build domes in highly elevated locations for more government officials. Others are building concrete fortresses to take refuge in. As ocean water could be responsible for many drowning and much destruction.

Other Bible Prophesies Regarding End Times

The prophecy of Revelation 16:12 has lain quietly for almost 2,000 years, virtually defying fulfillment. It declares that the mighty Euphrates River will be dried up at the time of the Battle of Armageddon. But who is kidding whom? The Euphrates is the principal water source of the entire Middle East. This is like predicting that the Mississippi River will dry up! This Euphrates prophecy just appeared to be impossible. At least it did until the shocking headline appeared on the front page of the Indianapolis Star, January 13, 1990. It read, "Flow of Euphrates to Be Stopped for 30 Days." The article explained that Turkey had built the huge Ataturk Dam. Thirty days would be required to fill up the newly constructed reservoir and the Euphrates was temporarily stopped. The river is flowing again now, however, as of 1990, the mechanism is in place that can stop the flow of the Euphrates at will. The prophecy states that, at the time of Armageddon, the flow of the Euphrates will be dried up to facilitate the invasion of Israel. It will really be very simple. Just push the button, raise the dam, and the Euphrates stops. But remember, it’s only been possible since 1990!

Revelation 13:17: "And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name." This prophecy simply states that, during the end time, everyone will need a mark or a number in order to participate in the economy. How could such a system possibly be implemented? Until recently, it couldn’t. Only since the invention of the computer and the advent of the Internet, has the fulfillment of this ancient prophecy been remotely possible. It has now become commonplace to see articles proposing a cashless society. Who hasn’t been prevented from using a credit card because of forgetting a PIN number (personal identification number)? Experiments are already being conducted with using eye scans, face scans and fingerprints for proof of identity. Positive ID has become necessary in a world that increasingly does business "online."

What about micro chipping? This has already begun. We were acclimatized to this early on through our pets. The step has been to targeted elderly, of course under the guise of providing them with a sense of security, knowing that all their medical records are obtainable by any medical service provider, with a simple scan. Micro chipping has also been suggested for children to appease parental fears of abduction. Your child can then be tracked by satellite, anywhere on the planet. But as your child grows into an adult, then what? Apparently some military personnel are already enslaved as such.

The new money of Europe, the euro, has been in use for over two years. Millions of euros are traded every day and yet to until 2002, physical euros did not exist. All transactions were electronic and cashless! Euro notes and coins were introduced in January 2002. Can a cashless society work? Europe has proven that it can.

Between online transactions and the use of smart cards, the current technology exists to set up a cashless society. The only blockade is public acceptance. How long will it be before society is able to get used to it? The Bible is crystal clear that the prophesied economic system will be implemented during the final three and one-half years before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. Never possible before…totally possible now!

Most of the prophecies of the Bible are written in symbols or are encoded. Only four or five give the literal name of a person or a place. Two of these special prophecies may have come to pass during the last fifteen years. When Saddam Hussein was forced to withdraw from Kuwait in 1991, he wreaked his vengeance by setting 700 of the world’s richest oil wells on fire. As a result, the sun was not seen in the area for the next three months. At noon, it was as dark as at midnight. In this apocalyptic vision, John saw what he described as locusts coming out of the smoke. These were not ordinary locusts. He said that the locusts had "breastplates of iron", "the faces of men", and "their stings were in their tails." John heard the sound of these "locusts." He said, "The sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle." Does this sound like a description of the modern helicopter to you? Remember that John had never seen a helicopter. He was merely attempting to record what he saw in his vision. It's anyone's guess whether this part of John's vision was about the 1991 Kuwait nightmare or if this has yet to come to pass.

Geologists Speculate on Noah's Flood

Some feel that the great flood of Noah’s Ark (Genesis 6 through 10) was a result of the passing of Planet X.

Some biblical fundamentalists have expended great energy searching for the remains of Noah's Ark. Geological research does find reason to believe there was indeed a vast, sudden and deadly flood around 5,600 B.C. (3,600x2), close enough to the possible time of Noah to fascinate biblical literalists and liberals alike. The Ryan Pitman candidate for the Great Flood locale is what we know as the Black Sea, bordering Turkey to the north. In 1993, Ryan and Pitman joined a Russian expedition on the Black Sea and used the latest technology to examine evidence of geological patterns, soil layers and forms of aquatic life that existed in ancient times. One telltale clue: freshwater mollusks with smashed shells gave way to saltwater creatures that had intact shells, a biological transition that could be dated through carbon-14 testing of the shell remains. From such research, the scientists spin this scenario: Until about 5600 B.C., the Black Sea was an inland fresh water lake, considerably smaller than today's saltwater sea and lying far below the level of the Mediterranean Sea.

Black Sea

From the article: "Trailing Ancient Mariners", Washington Post, September 26, 1999

As the story is told in the Old Testament, the Great Flood lasted for 40 days and 40 nights, and submerged every living thing on Earth beneath 24 feet of water, sparing only Noah, his family and the pairs of animals he protected on his ark. Scientist never found Noah or his ark, but they believe in his flood. It happened about 7,600 (3600x2), when the Mediterranean Sea, swollen by melted glaciers, breached a natural dam separating it from the freshwater lake known today as the Black Sea.

The theory of the Black Sea's Neolithic catastrophe was developed by Columbia University marine geologist William Ryan and Walter Pitman over three decades of research and published this year in their book Noah's Flood. The authors describe how the sea level worldwide began to rise as glaciers melted at the end of the last ice age 15,000 years ago. When the melt began, the Black Sea was a fresh water lake fed by rivers, among them those known today as the Danube, the Dnieper and the Don. On the lake's southern edge, a 360-foot natural dam held back the waters of what is the Mediterranean Sea. By 7,600 years ago, sea levels probably had risen to within 15 feet of the lip of the Bosporus. "An apocalyptic deluge followed, inundating the freshwater lake below the dam, submerging thousands of square miles of dry land, flipping the ecosystem from fresh water to salt practically overnight and probably killing thousands of people and billions of land and sea creatures."

According to Biblical prophecy, when will Planet X arrive? Jesus in Matthew 24 versus 36 and 37 says: "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven," but my Father only. But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be." Jesus clearly states that only God knows the exact time of these events. Could it be more than coincidence that these versus compare the end times to the great flood?

In Matthew 24:3-14, the disciples asked Jesus what would be the signs of the end of the age. Jesus outlined specific disasters that would occur before His return. These included false Christs, wars and rumors of wars, famines, pestilence, earthquakes, false prophets, lawlessness, violence and a lack of love for others, all of which are happening in the world today.

Unlike most Biblical prophecies that sometimes take thousands of years to occur, such as in the prophecy of the birth of Christ in the book of Genesis, the seven seals give the appearance that they will happen rapidly. This gives the impression that all seven seals will occur within a few years.

The sixth seal holds the very real possibility of referring to Planet X’s passage or a similar cosmic event. If the seals are any indication of current events, then the arrival of Planet X in the very near future could certainly be fitting.

Revelation 16:9 speaks of an intense and exceedingly sore glowing heat and calamities coming upon earth. This could be solar radiation caused from solar flares and/or the increased core temperature of Earth.

Revelation 8:5 mentions thunder and lighting and a "vibrating commotion" This could be a reference to an atmospheric disturbance caused by a celestial object.

Revelation 8: 7 indicates that a third of the trees being consumed wholly and burned up along with some green pastures of hay. Note: This is consistent with Jude Verse 8, which mentions a large mountain that glows with lighting and little coals of fire, lifting up above the plain. Is this volcanic activity due to the gravitational effects of a Planet X type object?

Revelation 8:10 describes an "aster," glowing as a torch or lamp which looses force (orbit?) and alights on earth. Strong defines the word aster as a comet. Comet or Asteroid?

The Bible also speaks of a thousand years of peace after the catastrophic events described in the book of Revelation.

Revelation 20:1-6 says: "Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key to the bottom-less pit and a great chain in his hand. He laid hold of the dragon, that serpent of old, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years; and cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal on him, so that he should deceive the nations no more till the thousand years were finished. But after these things he must be released for a little while. And I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was committed to them. Then I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded for their witness to Jesus and for the word of God, who had not worshipped the beast or his image, and had not received his mark on their foreheads or on their hands. And they lived and reigned with Christ for a thousand years. But the rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is he who has part in the first resurrection. Over such the second death has no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years".

The basic viewpoint regarding what is called the Millennium, or 1,000-year reign of Christ, holds that after the victory in Revelation 19, Christ will set up an earthly kingdom and will reign with the resurrected saints in peace and righteousness for 1,000 years. The good people of the world will prevail in the end.

- 23:38 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

PLANET X i njegov mjesec

Deseti planet ima mjesec

Slika Opservatorija Keck pokazuje planet u sredini i njegov mjesec kao malu točku (na 3 sata)
Deseti planet zapravo još uvijek službeno nije planet, jer kandidata za 'deseti' ima više, a među astronomima opet se rasplamsala rasprava o tome što 'planet' jest, a što nije.

Poljednji otrkiveni potencijalni deseti planet Sunčevog sustava za sada se zove 2003 UB313, a prema astronomskom običaju, njegov mjesec označen je kao – S/2005 (2003 UB313) 1.

Otkriće 10. rujna, koje je službeno objavila Međunarodna astronomska unija, dogodilo se zahvaljujući adaptivnom optičkom sustavu na teleskopu Keck II, čime je znanstvenicima omogućeno da odrede masu oba nebeska objekta.

Mike Brown, astronom iz Caltecha, koji je u lipnju 2003. otkrio UB313 i nazvao ga Xena, prema televizijskoj ratnici-princezi, mjesec zove Gabrielle, prema Xeninoj prijateljici.

Mjesece 'transneptunskih' objekata – čija je orbita udaljenija od Sunca nego Neptunova – vrlo je teško vidjeti jer su vrlo blijedi i na nebu izgledaju jako blizu objekta oko kojeg kruže. No Brown je počeo tražiti mjesec odmah po otkriću 2003 UB313. "Imati mjesec je totalno cool", kaže on.

Mjeseci također mogu otkriti informacije o nastanku planeta. A astronomi mogu izračunati masu oba objekta mjerenjem mjesečeve orbite i perioda.

Do sada je Brownova ekipa za promatranje mjeseca imala samo jednu noć i u njoj se Gabrielle pojavila kao točka 4,4 magnitude bljeđa od Xene.

Deseti planet i njegov mjesec nevjerojatno su udaljeni od Sunca

Mjesec je deset puta bliži svom planetu nego što je to Mjesec u odnosu na Zemlju, a par je 97 puta udaljeniji od Sunca nego što je to Zemlja. Gledane sa Zemlje, Xena i Gabrielle pojavile su se razdvojene samo za jednu kutnu sekundu.

Najnovija procjena Xenine veličine je oko 2700 kilometara u promjeru, što je oko petine veličine Zemlje. Gabrielle, čija je veličina samo desetinu veličine Xene, velika je kao jedna osmina našeg Mjeseca.

Zanimljiva posljedica najnovijeg otkrića je da tri od četiri velika objekta koji se nalaze iza Neptuna, uključujući Pluton i 2003 EL61, imaju svoje prirodne satelite.

Brown kaže da zato mora biti odgovoran neki vrlo obični mehanizam. On misli da su ti mjeseci nastali sudarima ledenih trasneptunskih objekata, koji su nalikovali sudaru gotovo dovršene Zemlje i objekta veličine Marsa, nakon čega je nastao Mjesec.

Daljnja promatranja s Hubbleom i Keckom u idućim mjesecima otrkit će više o Xeni i Gabrielle. No, Brown ističe da otkriće mjeseca neće riješiti problem definiranja planeta, što je rasprava koja je ponovno postala aktualna otkrićem Xene. "Činjenica da 2003 UB313 ima mjesec ne mijenja ništa po tom pitanju."

- 11:36 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Chemtrails - VIDEO

O Chemtrails-ima sam već pisao ranije, a sada sam naletio i na video. Zanimljivo za pogledati. Kao što sam već napomenuo, viđeni su i kod nas.


- 02:31 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

Simulating black holes to counter artificial hurricanes

According to some scientists, a covert war is being fought in the world by creating and guiding artificial hurricanes. It requires enormous amount energy to do this unless the technique can coincide with powerful solar winds. The energy can also be tapped from the hyperspace radiation through appropriate openings through Fermions.

Scientists all over the world are eager to find counter measures that can neutralize these alleged artificial hurricanes.

The clue came from black holes. According to Karl Schwarzchild, as a solution to Einstein’s field equation, space-time around an spherically symmetric black hole has a defined point based on r=2M – a point called “even horizon”. Not even light can escape beyond this point. It is the inevitable singularity at the black hole’s center.

If someone tries to get into this black hole approaching radially, the entity will slow down gradually. Eventually it would appear to take her an infinite amount of time to cross the event horizon.

Scientists are simulating putting an artificially created hurricane into an artificially created black hole. What really would happen to the hurricane is that it would stall completely and then the event horizon can be moved into a safer area in the ocean so that the hurricane can be systematically dismantled.

If a hurricane is created artificially, it is also guided to make sure it is guided to the right area. Once the artificial hurricane is entrapped within the counter measure of the black hole, the adversary’s guidance mechanisms will also be absorbed by the clack hole.

The biggest question is how a miniature black hole can be simulated around the artificial hurricane. The answer comes from the same technology used in creating the hurricane in the first place. If the magnetosphere and the ionosphere can be manipulated appropriately and the incoming solar winds used, a simulated black hole can be created to the extent that it can contain the artificial hurricane.

- 00:30 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

04.10.2005., utorak

Religija i kontrola svijesti čovjeka

Mnogima je poznato da oni koji se bave hermetičkim naukama često koriste jedan simbol kojeg oni nazivaju “drvo života.” Oni koji su taj simbol vidjeli znaju da se radi o na prvi pogled jednom običnom drvetu sa pupoljcima u njegovoj krošnji kao i vidljivom korijenju u zemlji.

Stara hermetička maksima kaže: “Kako gore, tako i dole”.

Ako odemo “dolje” do nivoa ćelije koja predstavlja jedan mikrokosmos za naš organizam i ako pogledamo kako nervna ćelija izgleda, vidjećemo da ona veoma liči na stablo, gdje dendriti predstavljaju njenu krošnju a aksoni korjenje. Daljim istraživanjem dolazimo do podatka da se na “krošnji” nalazi i određen broj receptora koji veoma liče na - pupoljke.Ti receptori, koje takođe možemo da smatramo i “bravom”, služe za prihvat “ključa”, odnosno – liganda, koji je donosilac informacije. Kada informacija dođe uz pomoć liganda do ćelije, ona onda unutra aktivira određene funkcije koje regulišu život te ćelije a time i cijelog našeg organizma. Znači ligand mijenja stanje u ćeliji donoseći joj određenu informaciju. Sada treba da zamislimo jedan primjer, recimo da se istina zove – adenozin, a laž – kofein.

Dnevnom aktivnošću tijelo čovjeka se zamara te se usljed njegovog metabolizma oslobađaju molekule adenozina koje na neki način možemo smatrati - ISTINSKOM INFORMACIJOM.
Te molekule adenozina se onda kao ligandi počinju da vežu za receptore ćelije donoseći joj informaciju: “vrijeme je za spavanje”. Što se vremenom više receptora ćelije okupira od strane adenozina, to se aktivnost te ćelije sve više i više smanjuje, čovjek počinje da zijeva i na kraju ide na spavanje, te tako na osnovu istinske informacije on omogućava svom organizmu da se odmori.

Međutim, šta se dešava ukoliko je taj čovjek na prve znakove sanjivosti odgovorio jednom kafom? Nekim slučajem molekule kofeina, kojeg smo već nazvali – LAŽ, imaju sličnu konfiguraciju kao i molekule adenozina, te se vežu upravo za one receptore na ćeliji koji su namjenjeni za adenozin, odnosno ISTINU.Vezanjem za te receptore ligandi kofeina ih okupiraju te tako receptori nisu više u stanju da prime ISTINU, što dovodi to toga da se ćelija ponaša sasvim drugačije nego što bi se ponašala u normalnim okolnostima.

Sve zbog toga što se LAŽ “zaljepila” namjesto ISTINE.

Da li je i ovo onda slučajno: religija – religare - ligare – ligand (da li možda ovdje imamo posla sa – vezivanjem - nečije svijesti)?!?Sada idemo “gore”. Naš um takođe možemo smatrati jednim “organom” sa određenim brojem receptora. Kada primi neku informaciju on je prenosi duboko u našu svijest gdje onda ta informacija može dramatično da promjeni njeno stanje.

Na kraju, još samo treba da zamislimo šta se događa ukoliko je naš um prihvatio laži umjesto istine, te su tako te laži okupirale većinu njegovih “receptora”, tako da je veoma malo ostalo slobodnih receptora koji su u stanju da prihvate istinu. Kakvog to onda odražaja može imati na našu svijest, percepciju i ponašanje?Prema tome, jedini način za naše buđenje, ili – deprogramiranje, je da oslobodimo naše receptore od laži, da bi imali gdje da prihvatimo istinu, te tako drastično promjenimo i stanje naše svijesti i percepcije.

Zajedno s tim obično dolazi i do jedne veće glavobolje, kad u jednom momentu tog procesa čovjek primjeti kako je malo šta od onoga što je on do tada prihvatio kao istinu i na osnovu čega je formirao svoju ličnost – realna istina. Mi smo svoje ličnosti sagradili na lažima, a to može opet da razumije samo onaj koji je pokušao bar malo da radi na samom sebi, u ovom smislu.
Sve u svemu, religija je samo jedan od programa koji imaju funkciju zatvaranja svijesti čovjeka i koji ga čine sklonim programiranju.

- 00:45 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

03.10.2005., ponedjeljak

Opasni fluor

The Dangers of Fluoride

Study Shows No Benefits In using Fluoride Toothpaste

In the 1980s, the largest study ever was conducted on fluoridation and tooth decay. Data was taken from nearly 40,000 children of school age in 80+ areas around the United States. The statistics showed no significant difference between the rates of tooth decay in fluoridated and non-fluoridated cities.

Also a study in the late 80's (1989) by the National Institute for Dental Research came to the conclusion that 12% of school children living in areas that were artificially fluoridated (at just 1 to 4 parts per million), developed dental fluorosis. This condition causes discoloration and weakening (brittling) of the teeth. How much advertising have you seen over the years that implies that fluoride is great for your pearly white smile!

Fluoride Actually Weakens Tooth Enamel

Fluoride is good for your teeth, that's what we are constantly being told. The truth is that extensive research has shown that rather than protecting our teeth, flouride may actually be weakening them. After years of adding flouride to toothpaste, mouthwash and drinking water, the rate of dental decay and cavities is on the increase, not decrease. This is a worrying indication that flouride is not the answer.

For decades, children, teens and adults have been regularly brushing with flouride yet they still have poor dental health. Surely with the addition of fluoride, toothpastes should be protecting our teeth from cavities and decay.

Fluoride May Also Be Poisoning Us

At first glance, fluoride seems harmless enough. It is a naturally occurring element that has dental protection properties, right? Wrong, look at where fluoride comes from and you will soon begin to see the problem. It is a toxic waste by-product from the aluminium manufacturing process. Highly toxic with proven unwanted side effects. It is harmful to all animal life and is to be avoided at all costs. Fluoride is linked to 10,000 cancer deaths yearly. Fluoridation is also responsible for 40 million cases of arthritis, dental deformity in 8 million children and allergic reactions in 2 million people. - Dr. Dean Burke and Dr. John Yiamouyiannis, National Cancer Institute, USA, 1997

The Race To Forget Fluoride

Recently, there has not been so much trumpet blowing about Fluoride and it fact it has been "down played" in most forms of commercial advertising. Educated consumers are learning of it's harmful and potential serious side-effects and and turning to natural alternatives that do not harm teeth and health. This has left manufacturers desperate to avoid a "consumer revolt" which will mean "lost sales and profit". As people in their thousands turn to natural alternatives, mainstream toothpaste manufacturers have wised up and are being forced to supply safe products, or go out of business.

Think about it - when was the last time you heard a toothpaste advert singing the praises of fluoride? It simply doesn't happen anymore. So why is it that Fluoride is still the main "active" ingredient in most brands of toothpaste? Because in addition to water fluoridation, the toothpaste manufacturing industry is one of the biggest ways to dispose of a major problem. The highly toxic waste product, fluoride!

This is a highly scandalous and dangerous practice but once you understand the plain facts, you begin to see why it happens. Fluoride is a highly toxic waste product that needs to be disposed of and humans are the way to dispose of it through toothpastes and mouthwash.

The Best Solution Is a Healthy Approach

The best solution to oral hygiene would be a natural one, free from alcohol, sodium lauryl sulphate and fluoride. Increasingly, responsible manufacturers are offering a complete range of dental products, specifically designed for families who want safe, yet powerful, dental care - from keeping cavities at bay and plaque under control to eliminating tooth decay and bad breath.

Avoiding Fluoride containing products, especially oral ones, at all times is absolutely essential for long-term dental health and physical health.

KJAY Health - August 2005

- 20:14 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

02.10.2005., nedjelja

20 scenarija završetka svijeta

20 Ways the World Could End
Swept away.

By Corey S. Powell

We've had a good run of it. In the 500,000 years Homo sapiens has roamed the land we've built cities, created complex languages, and sent robotic scouts to other planets. It's difficult to imagine it all coming to an end. Yet 99 percent of all species that ever lived have gone extinct, including every one of our hominid ancestors. In 1983, British cosmologist Brandon Carter framed the "Doomsday argument," a statistical way to judge when we might join them. If humans were to survive a long time and spread through the galaxy, then the total number of people who will ever live might number in the trillions. By pure odds, it's unlikely that we would be among the very first hundredth of a percent of all those people. Or turn the argument around: How likely is it that this generation will be the one unlucky one? Something like one fifth of all the people who have ever lived are alive today. The odds of being one of the people to witness doomsday are highest when there is the largest number of witnesses around— so now is not such an improbable time.

Human activity is severely disrupting almost all life on the planet, which surely doesn't help matters. The current rate of extinctions is, by some estimates, 10,000 times the average in the fossil record. At present, we may worry about snail darters and red squirrels in abstract terms. But the next statistic on the list could be us.

Natural Disasters

1 Asteroid impact Once a disaster scenario gets the cheesy Hollywood treatment, it's hard to take it seriously. But there is no question that a cosmic interloper will hit Earth, and we won't have to wait millions of years for it to happen. In 1908 a 200-foot-wide comet fragment slammed into the atmosphere and exploded over the Tunguska region in Siberia, Russia, with nearly 1,000 times the energy of the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Astronomers estimate similar-sized events occur every one to three centuries. Benny Peiser, an anthropologist-cum-pessimist at Liverpool John Moores University in England, claims that impacts have repeatedly disrupted human civilization. As an example, he says one killed 10,000 people in the Chinese city of Chi'ing-yang in 1490. Many scientists question his interpretations: Impacts are most likely to occur over the ocean, and small ones that happen over land are most likely to affect unpopulated areas. But with big asteroids, it doesn't matter much where they land. Objects more than a half-mile wide— which strike Earth every 250,000 years or so— would touch off firestorms followed by global cooling from dust kicked up by the impact. Humans would likely survive, but civilization might not. An asteroid five miles wide would cause major extinctions, like the one that may have marked the end of the age of dinosaurs. For a real chill, look to the Kuiper belt, a zone just beyond Neptune that contains roughly 100,000 ice-balls more than 50 miles in diameter. The Kuiper belt sends a steady rain of small comets earthward. If one of the big ones headed right for us, that would be it for pretty much all higher forms of life, even cockroaches.

2 Gamma-ray burst If you could watch the sky with gamma-ray vision, you might think you were being stalked by cosmic paparazzi. Once a day or so, you would see a bright flash appear, briefly outshine everything else, then vanish. These gamma-ray bursts, astrophysicists recently learned, originate in distant galaxies and are unfathomably powerful— as much as 10 quadrillion (a one followed by 16 zeros) times as energetic as the sun. The bursts probably result from the merging of two collapsed stars. Before the cataclysmal event, such a double star might be almost completely undetectable, so we'd likely have no advance notice if one is lurking nearby. Once the burst begins, however, there would be no missing its fury. At a distance of 1,000 light-years— farther than most of the stars you can see on a clear night— it would appear about as bright as the sun. Earth's atmosphere would initially protect us from most of the burst's deadly X rays and gamma rays, but at a cost. The potent radiation would cook the atmosphere, creating nitrogen oxides that would destroy the ozone layer. Without the ozone layer, ultraviolet rays from the sun would reach the surface at nearly full force, causing skin cancer and, more seriously, killing off the tiny photosynthetic plankton in the ocean that provide oxygen to the atmosphere and bolster the bottom of the food chain. All the gamma-ray bursts observed so far have been extremely distant, which implies the events are rare. Scientists understand so little about these explosions, however, that it's difficult to estimate the likelihood of one detonating in our galactic neighborhood.

3 Collapse of the vacuum In the book Cat's Cradle, Kurt Vonnegut popularized the idea of "ice-nine," a form of water that is far more stable than the ordinary kind, so it is solid at room temperature. Unleash a bit of it, and suddenly all water on Earth transforms to ice-nine and freezes solid. Ice-nine was a satirical invention, but an abrupt, disastrous phase transition is a possibility. Very early in the history of the universe, according to a leading cosmological model, empty space was full of energy. This state of affairs, called a false vacuum, was highly precarious. A new, more stable kind of vacuum appeared and, like ice-nine, it quickly took over. This transition unleashed a tremendous amount of energy and caused a brief runaway expansion of the cosmos. It is possible that another, even more stable kind of vacuum exists, however. As the universe expands and cools, tiny bubbles of this new kind of vacuum might appear and spread at nearly the speed of light. The laws of physics would change in their wake, and a blast of energy would dash everything to bits. "It makes for a beautiful story, but it's not very likely," says Piet Hut of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Princeton, New Jersey. He says he worries more about threats that scientists are more certain of— such as rogue black holes.

4 Rogue black holes Our galaxy is full of black holes, collapsed stellar corpses just a dozen miles wide. How full? Tough question. After all, they're called black holes for a reason. Their gravity is so strong they swallow everything, even the light that might betray their presence. David Bennett of Notre Dame University in Indiana managed to spot two black holes recently by the way they distorted and amplified the light of ordinary, more distant stars. Based on such observations, and even more on theoretical arguments, researchers guesstimate there are about 10 million black holes in the Milky Way. These objects orbit just like other stars, meaning that it is not terribly likely that one is headed our way. But if a normal star were moving toward us, we'd know it. With a black hole there is little warning. A few decades before a close encounter, at most, astronomers would observe a strange perturbation in the orbits of the outer planets. As the effect grew larger, it would be possible to make increasingly precise estimates of the location and mass of the interloper. The black hole wouldn't have to come all that close to Earth to bring ruin; just passing through the solar system would distort all of the planets' orbits. Earth might get drawn into an elliptical path that would cause extreme climate swings, or it might be ejected from the solar system and go hurtling to a frigid fate in deep space.

5 Giant solar flares Solar flares— more properly known as coronal mass ejections— are enormous magnetic outbursts on the sun that bombard Earth with a torrent of high-speed subatomic particles. Earth's atmosphere and magnetic field negate the potentially lethal effects of ordinary flares. But while looking through old astronomical records, Bradley Schaefer of Yale University found evidence that some perfectly normal-looking, sunlike stars can brighten briefly by up to a factor of 20. Schaefer believes these stellar flickers are caused by superflares, millions of times more powerful than their common cousins. Within a few hours, a superflare on the sun could fry Earth and begin disintegrating the ozone layer (see #2). Although there is persuasive evidence that our sun doesn't engage in such excess, scientists don't know why superflares happen at all, or whether our sun could exhibit milder but still disruptive behavior. And while too much solar activity could be deadly, too little of it is problematic as well. Sallie Baliunas at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics says many solar-type stars pass through extended quiescent periods, during which they become nearly 1 percent dimmer. That might not sound like much, but a similar downturn in the sun could send us into another ice age. Baliunas cites evidence that decreased solar activity contributed to 17 of the 19 major cold episodes on Earth in the last 10,000 years.

6 Reversal of Earth's magnetic field Every few hundred thousand years Earth's magnetic field dwindles almost to nothing for perhaps a century, then gradually reappears with the north and south poles flipped. The last such reversal was 780,000 years ago, so we may be overdue. Worse, the strength of our magnetic field has decreased about 5 percent in the past century. Why worry in an age when GPS has made compasses obsolete? Well, the magnetic field deflects particle storms and cosmic rays from the sun, as well as even more energetic subatomic particles from deep space. Without magnetic protection, these particles would strike Earth's atmosphere, eroding the already beleaguered ozone layer (see #5). Also, many creatures navigate by magnetic reckoning. A magnetic reversal might cause serious ecological mischief. One big caveat: "There are no identifiable fossil effects from previous flips," says Sten Odenwald of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. "This is most curious." Still, a disaster that kills a quarter of the population, like the Black Plague in Europe, would hardly register as a blip in fossil records.

7 Flood-basalt volcanism In 1783, the Laki volcano in Iceland erupted, spitting out three cubic miles of lava. Floods, ash, and fumes wiped out 9,000 people and 80 percent of the livestock. The ensuing starvation killed a quarter of Iceland's population. Atmospheric dust caused winter temperatures to plunge by 9 degrees in the newly independent United States. And that was just a baby's burp compared with what the Earth can do. Sixty-five million years ago, a plume of hot rock from the mantle burst through the crust in what is now India. Eruptions raged century after century, ultimately unleashing a quarter-million cubic miles of lava— the Laki eruption 100,000 times over. Some scientists still blame the Indian outburst, not an asteroid, for the death of the dinosaurs. An earlier, even larger event in Siberia occurred just about the time of the Permian-Triassic extinction, the most thorough extermination known to paleontology. At that time 95 percent of all species were wiped out.

Sulfurous volcanic gases produce acid rains. Chlorine-bearing compounds present yet another threat to the fragile ozone layer— a noxious brew all around. While they are causing short-term destruction, volcanoes also release carbon dioxide that yields long-term greenhouse-effect warming.The last big pulse of flood-basalt volcanism built the Columbia River plateau about 17 million years ago. We're ripe for another.

8 Global epidemics If Earth doesn't do us in, our fellow organisms might be up to the task. Germs and people have always coexisted, but occasionally the balance gets out of whack. The Black Plague killed one European in four during the 14th century; influenza took at least 20 million lives between 1918 and 1919; the AIDS epidemic has produced a similar death toll and is still going strong. From 1980 to 1992, reports the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, mortality from infectious disease in the United States rose 58 percent. Old diseases such as cholera and measles have developed new resistance to antibiotics. Intensive agriculture and land development is bringing humans closer to animal pathogens. International travel means diseases can spread faster than ever. Michael Osterholm, an infectious disease expert who recently left the Minnesota Department of Health, described the situation as "like trying to swim against the current of a raging river." The grimmest possibility would be the emergence of a strain that spreads so fast we are caught off guard or that resists all chemical means of control, perhaps as a result of our stirring of the ecological pot. About 12,000 years ago, a sudden wave of mammal extinctions swept through the Americas. Ross MacPhee of the American Museum of Natural History argues the culprit was extremely virulent disease, which humans helped transport as they migrated into the New World.

Human-Triggered Disasters

9 Global warming The Earth is getting warmer, and scientists mostly agree that humans bear some blame. It's easy to see how global warming could flood cities and ruin harvests. More recently, researchers like Paul Epstein of Harvard Medical School have raised the alarm that a balmier planet could also assist the spread of infectious disease by providing a more suitable climate for parasites and spreading the range of tropical pathogens (see #8). That could include crop diseases which, combined with substantial climate shifts, might cause famine. Effects could be even more dramatic. At present, atmospheric gases trap enough heat close to the surface to keep things comfortable. Increase the global temperature a bit, however, and there could be a bad feedback effect, with water evaporating faster, freeing water vapor (a potent greenhouse gas), which traps more heat, which drives carbon dioxide from the rocks, which drives temperatures still higher. Earth could end up much like Venus, where the high on a typical day is 900 degrees Fahrenheit. It would probably take a lot of warming to initiate such a runaway greenhouse effect, but scientists have no clue where exactly the tipping point lies.

10 Ecosystem collapse Images of slaughtered elephants and burning rain forests capture people's attention, but the big problem— the overall loss of biodiversity— is a lot less visible and a lot more serious. Billions of years of evolution have produced a world in which every organism's welfare is intertwined with that of countless other species. A recent study of Isle Royale National Park in Lake Superior offers an example. Snowy winters encourage wolves to hunt in larger packs, so they kill more moose. The decline in moose population allows more balsam fir saplings to live. The fir trees pull carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere, which in turn influences the climate. It's all connected. To meet the demands of the growing population, we are clearing land for housing and agriculture, replacing diverse wild plants with just a few varieties of crops, transporting plants and animals, and introducing new chemicals into the environment. At least 30,000 species vanish every year from human activity, which means we are living in the midst of one of the greatest mass extinctions in Earth's history. Stephen Kellert, a social ecologist at Yale University, sees a number of ways people might upset the delicate checks and balances in the global ecology. New patterns of disease might emerge (see #8), he says, or pollinating insects might become extinct, leading to widespread crop failure. Or as with the wolves of Isle Royale, the consequences might be something we'd never think of, until it's too late.

11 Biotech disaster While we are extinguishing natural species, we're also creating new ones through genetic engineering. Genetically modified crops can be hardier, tastier, and more nutritious. Engineered microbes might ease our health problems. And gene therapy offers an elusive promise of fixing fundamental defects in our DNA. Then there are the possible downsides. Although there is no evidence indicating genetically modified foods are unsafe, there are signs that the genes from modified plants can leak out and find their way into other species. Engineered crops might also foster insecticide resistance. Longtime skeptics like Jeremy Rifkin worry that the resulting superweeds and superpests could further destabilize the stressed global ecosystem (see #9). Altered microbes might prove to be unexpectedly difficult to control. Scariest of all is the possibility of the deliberate misuse of biotechnology. A terrorist group or rogue nation might decide that anthrax isn't nasty enough and then try to put together, say, an airborne version of the Ebola virus. Now there's a showstopper.

12 Particle accelerator mishap Theodore Kaczynski, better known as the Unabomber, raved that a particle accelerator experiment could set off a chain reaction that would destroy the world. Surprisingly, many sober-minded physicists have had the same thought. Normally their anxieties come up during private meetings, amidst much scribbling on the backs of used envelopes. Recently the question went public when London's Sunday Times reported that the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) on Long Island, New York, might create a subatomic black hole that would slowly nibble away our planet. Alternately, it might create exotic bits of altered matter, called strangelets, that would obliterate whatever ordinary matter they met. To assuage RHIC's jittery neighbors, the lab's director convened a panel that rejected both scenarios as pretty much impossible. Just for good measure, the panel also dismissed the possibility that RHIC would trigger a phase transition in the cosmic vacuum energy (see #3). These kinds of reassurances follow the tradition of the 1942 "LA-602" report, a once-classified document that explained why the detonation of the first atomic bomb almost surely would not set the atmosphere on fire. The RHIC physicists did not, however, reject the fundamental possibility of the disasters. They argued that their machine isn't nearly powerful enough to make a black hole or destabilize the vacuum. Oh, well. We can always build a bigger accelerator.

13 Nanotechnology disaster Before you've even gotten the keyboard dirty, your home computer is obsolete, largely because of incredibly rapid progress in miniaturizing circuits on silicon chips. Engineers are using the same technology to build crude, atomic-scale machines, inventing a new field as they go called nanotechnology. Within a few decades, maybe sooner, it should be possible to build microscopic robots that can assemble and replicate themselves. They might perform surgery from inside a patient, build any desired product from simple raw materials, or explore other worlds. All well and good if the technology works as intended. Then again, consider what K. Eric Drexler of the Foresight Institute calls the "grey goo problem" in his book Engines of Creation, a cult favorite among the nanotech set. After an industrial accident, he writes, bacteria-sized machines, "could spread like blowing pollen, replicate swiftly, and reduce the biosphere to dust in a matter of days." And Drexler is actually a strong proponent of the technology. More pessimistic souls, such as Bill Joy, a cofounder of Sun Microsystems, envision nano-machines as the perfect precision military or terrorist tools.

14 Environmental toxins From Donora, Pennsylvania, to Bhopal, India, modern history abounds with frightening examples of the dangers of industrial pollutants. But the poisoning continues. In major cities around the world, the air is thick with diesel particulates, which the National Institutes of Health now considers a carcinogen. Heavy metals from industrial smokestacks circle the globe, even settling in the pristine snows of Antarctica. Intensive use of pesticides in farming guarantees runoff into rivers and lakes. In high doses, dioxins can disrupt fetal development and impair reproductive function— and dioxins are everywhere. Your house may contain polyvinyl chloride pipes, wallpaper, and siding, which belch dioxins if they catch fire or are incinerated. There are also the unknown risks to think about. Every year NIH adds to its list of cancer-causing substances— the number is up to 218. Theo Colburn of the World Wildlife Fund argues that dioxins and other, similar chlorine-bearing compounds mimic the effects of human hormones well enough that they could seriously reduce fertility. Many other scientists dispute her evidence, but if she's right, our chemical garbage could ultimately threaten our survival.

Willful Self-Destruction

15 Global war Together, the United States and Russia still have almost 19,000 active nuclear warheads. Nuclear war seems unlikely today, but a dozen years ago the demise of the Soviet Union also seemed rather unlikely. Political situations evolve; the bombs remain deadly. There is also the possibility of an accidental nuclear exchange. And a ballistic missile defense system, given current technology, will catch only a handful of stray missiles— assuming it works at all. Other types of weaponry could have global effects as well. Japan began experimenting with biological weapons after World War I, and both the United States and the Soviet Union experimented with killer germs during the cold war. Compared with atomic bombs, bioweapons are cheap, simple to produce, and easy to conceal. They are also hard to control, although that unpredictability could appeal to a terrorist organization. John Leslie, a philosopher at the University of Guelph in Ontario, points out that genetic engineering might permit the creation of "ethnic" biological weapons that are tailored to attack primarily one ethnic group (see #11).

16 Robots take over People create smart robots, which turn against us and take over the world. Yawn. We've seen this in movies, TV, and comic books for decades. After all these years, look around and still— no smart robots. Yet Hans Moravec, one of the founders of the robotics department of Carnegie Mellon University, remains a believer. By 2040, he predicts, machines will match human intelligence, and perhaps human consciousness. Then they'll get even better. He envisions an eventual symbiotic relationship between human and machine, with the two merging into "postbiologicals" capable of vastly expanding their intellectual power. Marvin Minsky, an artificial-intelligence expert at MIT, foresees a similar future: People will download their brains into computer-enhanced mechanical surrogates and log into nearly boundless files of information and experience. Whether this counts as the end of humanity or the next stage in evolution depends on your point of view. Minsky's vision might sound vaguely familiar. After the first virtual-reality machines hit the marketplace around 1989, feverish journalists hailed them as electronic LSD, trippy illusion machines that might entice the user in and then never let him out. Sociologists fretted that our culture, maybe even our species, would whither away. When the actual experience of virtual reality turned out to be more like trying to play Pac-Man with a bowling ball taped to your head, the talk died down. To his credit, Minsky recognizes that the merger of human and machine lies quite a few years away.

17 Mass insanity While physical health has improved in most parts of the world over the past century, mental health is getting worse. The World Health Organization estimates that 500 million people around the world suffer from a psychological disorder. By 2020, depression will likely be the second leading cause of death and lost productivity, right behind cardiovascular disease. Increasing human life spans may actually intensify the problem, because people have more years to experience the loneliness and infirmity of old age. Americans over 65 already are disproportionately likely to commit suicide. Gregory Stock, a biophysicist at the University of California at Los Angeles, believes medical science will soon allow people to live to be 200 or older. If such an extended life span becomes common, it will pose unfathomable social and psychological challenges. Perhaps 200 years of accumulated sensations will overload the human brain, leading to a new kind of insanity or fostering the spread of doomsday cults, determined to reclaim life's endpoint. Perhaps the current trends of depression and suicide among the elderly will continue. One possible solution— promoting a certain kind of mental well-being with psychoactive drugs such as Prozac— heads into uncharted waters. Researchers have no good data on the long-term effects of taking these medicines.

A Greater Force Is Directed Against Us

18 Alien invasion At the SETI Institute in Mountain View, California, a cadre of dedicated scientists sifts through radio static in search of a telltale signal from an alien civilization. So far, nothing. Now suppose the long-sought message arrives. Not only do the aliens exist, they are about to stop by for a visit. And then . . . any science-fiction devotee can tell you what could go wrong. But the history of human exploration and exploitation suggests the most likely danger is not direct conflict. Aliens might want resources from our solar system (Earth's oceans, perhaps, full of hydrogen for refilling a fusion-powered spacecraft) and swat us aside if we get in the way, as we might dismiss mosquitoes or beetles stirred up by the logging of a rain forest. Aliens might unwittingly import pests with a taste for human flesh, much as Dutch colonists reaching Mauritius brought cats, rats, and pigs that quickly did away with the dodo. Or aliens might accidentally upset our planet or solar system while carrying out some grandiose interstellar construction project. The late physicist Gerard O'Neill speculated that contact with extraterrestrial visitors could also be socially disastrous. "Advanced western civilization has had a destructive effect on all primitive civilizations it has come in contact with, even in those cases where every attempt was made to protect and guard the primitive civilization," he said in a 1979 interview. "I don't see any reason why the same thing would not happen to us."

19 Divine intervention Judaism has the Book of Daniel; Christianity has the Book of Revelation; Islam has the coming of the Mahdi; Zoroastrianism has the countdown to the arrival of the third son of Zoroaster. The stories and their interpretations vary widely, but the underlying concept is similar: God intervenes in the world, bringing history to an end and ushering in a new moral order. Apocalyptic thinking runs at least back to Egyptian mythology and right up to Heaven's Gate and Y2K mania. More worrisome, to the nonbelievers at least, are the doomsday cults that prefer to take holy retribution into their own hands. In 1995, members of the Aum Shinri Kyo sect unleashed sarin nerve gas in a Tokyo subway station, killing 12 people and injuring more than 5,000. Had things gone as intended, the death toll would have been hundreds of times greater. A more determined group armed with a more lethal weapon— nuclear, biological, nanotechnological even— could have done far more damage.

20 Someone wakes up and realizes it was all a dream Are we living a shadow existence that only fools us into thinking it is real? This age-old philosophical question still reverberates through cultural thought, from the writings of William S. Burrows to the cinematic mind games of The Matrix. Hut of the Institute of Advanced Studies sees an analogy to the danger of the collapse of the vacuum. Just as our empty space might not be the true, most stable form of the vacuum, what we call reality might not be the true, most stable form of existence. In the fourth century B.C., Taoist philosopher Chuang Tzu framed the question in more poetic terms. He described a vivid dream. In it, he was a butterfly who had no awareness of his existence as a person. When he awoke, he asked: "Was I before Chuang Tzu who dreamt about being a butterfly, or am I now a butterfly who dreams about being Chuang Tzu?"

- 23:47 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

10 stvari koje niste znali o GOOGLE-u

1 It's a calculator. Type '25 miles in kilometres' (without the quotes) into the search box and see what happens.

2 It can be manipulated to produce desired results. Try typing 'miserable failure' (without the quotes) and see what happens. This is called Googlebombing.

3 Googlewhacking is a game where you have to think of a single word which, when typed into the search box, will produce just a single 'hit'.

4 How many pages does Google index? Answer: nobody knows. Google used to publish a number under the search box (when last seen it was over 8 billion) but it has stopped doing that - possibly because Yahoo is now claiming to index 20 billion pages.

5 It does really useful online maps of the UK. Go to maps.google.co.uk. And you can search for restaurants, churches, bars or schools just by typing the appropriate term (e.g. 'restaurants in Bedford') in the search box.

6 Google's two co-founders are each worth about $7 billion. They are just 32 years old.

7 If you use Google's webmail, the messages reside forever on a Google server.

8 Google's power means that it knows more about each of us than any other internet search engine.

9 Google's Gmail software scans every email, identifies key phrases, and puts what it regards as relevant ads on the right-hand side of the screen.

10 Its services, such as Google Images, Google News, Froogle, Blogger, Google Mail and Google Maps can be accessed from any browser

- 21:45 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

DAVID ICKE interview

David Icke is the most controversial author and speaker in the world. Since 1990 David has been on amazing journey going where others fear to thread, exposing hidden agendas and lost truths.

The RINF.COM Media Hijack group took part in a question & answers session with very special guest, Mr David Icke.

This interview took place in May 2005. You can catch up with David Icke here.

Can we have the low-down on the new book?

David Icke:
It is about the illusory nature of reality and how it is manipulated to hold us in a mind-prison. It explains how we live in a holographic version of the Internet in which we are fed a collective reality in waveform which our DNA, a biological computer, decodes into holographic pictures, much as a television does in theme. It also talks about how we disconnect from the program and take control of our own reality, and, therefore, experience.

Have you ever been contacted by Illuminati agents, received threats, warnings etc?

David Icke:
Not in the sense that they have done it openly.

Do you worry about your personal safety?

David Icke:

And what advice would you give to those trying to expose these hidden agendas?

David Icke:
Do what you know to be right without fear of the consequences. Fear of the consequences manifests the consequences.

ABTS asks:
Mr Icke, first of all let me thank you for all the work you're doing for the people of this planet. You've often spoke about an energy or entity around you. What do you think this is? A spirit guide, a guardian angel? Have you had communications with this being?

David Icke:
Thank-you. I have come to understand this 'force' around me far more in recent times. It is consciousness beyond the 'Matrix', beyond the program, that is feeding in information to explain the illusion that we are caught in - and how to free ourselves. Anyone can access this level of knowledge, but most people don't because they identify who they are with the programmed 'world' and believe it to be real to all there is. What we believe, we experience. This guiding force is getting stronger and stronger within me every day to the point where I don't have to research as much in the 'five-sense' way anymore. Much of it comes direct.

ABTS asks:
Do you ever see "orbs"?

David Icke:

Sixy asks:
Do you think that you, and the beliefs that you hold, have been unfairly represented in the media? And do you see this as a conspiracy against you?

David Icke:
Yes, of course, they have unfairly represented, indeed often fundamentally mis-represented, what I am saying, but that goes with the territory. Anyone who has operated outside the box has been ridiculed, condemned and mis-represented by those in the box. And journalists as a profession, with honourable exceptions, are children of the box. Yes, there is an agenda to present me in a negative way to people, but those orchestrating this are a tiny few. The rest of the journalistic comedy club just do what they always do - take the piss out of those who are different and thus, ironically, serve the conspiracy they deny exists!

Goat asks:
Have you ever read any of Robert E. Howard's Cthulhu Mythos stories and if he has, what he thinks about them.

Specifically "The Shadow Kingdom".

David Icke:
No, not seen those.

Taro asks:
Since there is an endless amount of unconsciousness and suffering in the world, at what point do you stop paying attention to all the tricks of the Illuminati in order to start creating that heaven or joyous existence for yourself and others in our virtual hologram or conscious utopias? LOVE&RESPECT

David Icke:
Why can't we do both? What we have here is a need for reconnecting ourselves to those levels of consciousness beyond the Matrix, beyond the mind prison. But the greatest block to that is the way society and people are manipulated to stay mesmerised by the illusion - the one with all the unconsciousness and suffering. To expose and remove that manipulation and control would bring down the dam that holds people in mental, emotional and spiritual servitude more than anything else because the guards would be removed from the gateways to enlightenment. So its not one or the other, I would say, but both.

Do you notice a change or shift in human behavior?

David Icke:
Very much so. I have been a barometer of it in many ways since I went public with this 15 years ago. I have also been to more than 40 countries researching and talking. There is a massive awakening taking place, just as I was told there would be in 1990, and the next ten years are going to bring about a fantastic transformation that will, however, not be without its serious challenges. The Illuminati will do all they can to block it, but they are like King Canute to the rising tide. We are at a fork in the road and it is decision time on which way we want to go.

Malio asks:
Are you familiar with Grant Morrison's mega-conspiracy comic-book series The Invisibles ? If so, do you perceive Grant as being on any particular 'side'?

David Icke:
No, not seen that. Sounds about right, though, with the title.

Malio asks:
I'd also be interested in hearing how you would characterise the type of society that would exist if the Illuminati project was completely successful. Where exactly are we headed if they are not resisted? If I understand your thinking correctly, they only 'conspire' because they don't want to reveal their plans explicitly while it would still be possible to resist them. If we ever reached the stage where they had no need to hide their intentions what kind of a world would we be in?

David Icke:
It would be a global version of Nazi Germany, the worst of what George Orwell foresaw in his book, 1984. The structure for this is being connected together by the day now. What people call 'globalisation' is the fascist centralisation of power unfolding before us.

Cush asks:
I'm interested in your views of the genetic engineering of fish, particularly in open sea areas. As a main source of protein for humans, farming fish is a lucrative means to corral corporate power at the expense of the oceanic ecosystem. Are there any concrete links between genetic fish farming and international corporate structure?

David Icke:
Genetically engineered food is designed to genetically engineer us. That's the agenda, as I explain in the new book.

Fletch asks:
Do you still believe you are the son of God? If not, was there any particular moment when you realised you were not the offspring of a Deity or was it a more gradual process?

David Icke:
I am a Son of God, if you can open your mind enough to perceive us all as a droplet in the same infinite ocean of consciousness that some call 'God'. Indeed, open your mind some more (sorry about the headache, Fletch) and you will see that we are not only a droplet, we are the ocean also. Thus, continuing the analogy, we are both the 'son' and the 'father'. Yep, even you, mate

Fletch asks:
Also if you admit that you were wrong doesn't that make what your saying now also slightly suspect.

David Icke:
See above. And whether anyone sees what I say as slightly suspect or utterly brilliant it is all the same to me. It is information, make of it what you will. And what you will is none of my business.

Fletch asks:
If you still think you are the son of God do you think that gives you any special insight?

David Icke:
I have a special insight that I am seeking to use. Most people have a special insight they do not seek to use, not least because they are told from cradle to grave that it doesn't exist. And the insight is not actually 'special', it is the nature of existence. We have just been manipulated to forget that.

Fletch asks:
And, can I join your religion?

David Icke:
Fletch, to those who have bothered to find out anything about me that is not provided by the mainstream media, the question must be hilarious. Religion is the greatest form of mind control every invented.

Fletch asks:
If you never believed you were the son of God , why do you think people interpreted you as making this claim?

David Icke:
Can you give me the address of your time warp, Fletch, and I'll write to you!

Fletch asks:
Also, did you enjoy the Jasper Carrott routine based on the possibility that you may actually be the son of God and how your future followers would then worship you?

David Icke:
If it was funny I'm sure I would like it.

Fletch asks:
Will you stop saying the royal family are lizards if you get a knighthood?

David Icke:
The very thought that I would be offered a knighthood, let alone accept it, leads me to ask you the question you ask of me below, Fletch.

Fletch asks:
Do you think there is the slightest possibility that throughout the years you've consistently misinterpreted/distorted evidence, facts and/or have relaxed the use of your rational facilities to the point where what you say is obviously very unlikely to correspond to reality or if there are a multitude of realities that your reality is the silliest and not worth bothering about?

David Icke:
What is reality, Fletch? Explain it to me in your own words. What is the 'world' you are looking at now? Do you think it's 'solid' and 'physically' 'real'. Yes? Then I ask you again: 'Do you think there is the slightest possibility that throughout the years you've consistently misinterpreted/distorted evidence, facts and/or have relaxed the use of your rational facilities to the point where what you say is obviously very unlikely to correspond to reality or if there are a multitude of realities that your reality is the silliest and not worth bothering about?'

Fletch asks:
If not and you're certain you're right, doesn't that make you as dogmatic as a religious fundamentalist?

David Icke:
Religious fundamentalists seek to impose their view, I don't give a shit what people think of mine, let alone demand that anyone believes it. By the way, look in the mirror and see what dogma looks back at yourself.

Stephan asks:
Dear David, Have you yourself ever seen anybody shape shift and could you please tell me if the Dutch Royals are shape shifters (They have a boat that's called "the green dragon" and live in a castle that's called "dragonstein")?

David Icke:
I have not seen a full shapeshift, but I can sense the eyes and energy of these bloodlines. It is very, very distinctive once you begin to recognise it. The Dutch royal family are big time reptilian shapeshifters, yes.

strangedream asks:
What are your thoughts on the current education system being used today?

David Icke:
Gandhi was asked what he thought of western civilisation and he said 'I think it would be a very good idea.' My feelings exactly on 'education'. What we have is not an education system, but an indoctrination machine that implants the desired view of reality to keep the next generations in the same reality box as their parents. But many young people are now beginning to wake up from the trance and reject the programming.

Georgie asks:
You talk a lot about the matrix. have you ever spoken to Sophia Stewart, the woman who claim to be the original creator of the matrix and the terminator trilogies? she seem to have a lot of knowledge on that topic, and whets your thought on that?

David Icke:
No, I have never spoken to her, but the Matrix movie concept was a brilliant portrayal of the illusory world we think we live in that only exists in our minds.

Georgie asks:
have you ever heard about the hypnotherapies dr. Bruce Goldberg, who also have stumbled upon "the reptiles"? he's thoughts on them fits very good with what you are saying, except the shape shifting.

David Icke:
No, sounds interesting, I'd like to know more.

Georgie asks:
what's your thoughts on Jordan Maxwell?

David Icke:
Very good information on symbolism. I think I'll leave it at that.

Georgie asks:
what's your response to Ivan Fraser's concern about you and Arizona Wilder when the biggest secret was released?

David Icke:
He has a right to his opinion. The ever-gathering wealth of information has shown it to be misguided, however. The idea that all my information about the reptilians etc. has come from that one source is utterly laughable, ridiculous beyond words, but that was the impression that seemed to be given by many would-be detractors of The Biggest Secret. For every one like Arizona who has had the guts to go public with her name, I speak with countless others who tell me of similar experiences but are frightened to speak openly.

Georgie asks:
what topics are you currently researching now?

David Icke:
Wherever life takes me. But it seems to be focusing on the nature of reality, how it is manipulated, and how we can take control of the reality we create.

Rinf.com asks:
What has been your families reaction to your work, and in what ways has it changed their lives?

David Icke:
It has opened their minds to a greater picture and my former wife, Linda, and my daughter Kerry both work with me with Bridge of Love Publications in getting this information out around the world.

bornlightman asks:
Hello David,
Thank you for your hard work and research in getting people to see a bigger picture.
Do you know of anyone on earth who is capable of bringing the diverse masses together for some real tangible change benefiting the earth as a whole?

David Icke:
Yep, the diverse masses. And the connection is consciousness beyond the Matrix that we are all capable of accessing. It's coming, have no worries.

I've all but lost hope in US.

David Icke:
The United States is an Illuminati/Matrix entity, that's all, a figment of the illusion. The people living in the US have the potential to reunite with their infinite consciousness in awareness of itself - and that can change anything it wants, including the current plight of what we call the United States.

bornlightman asks:
Also what can you tell us of the afterlife.

David Icke:
There is no 'after' life, just the continuation of eternity. The 'afterlife' is the dream that replaces this one in our sense of reality after the illusion we call death.

realview asks:
I relate to at least 2 main components to the NWO. That is the Jesuits and the Money Lenders. The money lenders have been around perhaps forever. The Jesuits have solidified the process with ruthless organization and leadership. How do you reconcile the "Reptilians" with the two groups. I would like to see a clear unified perspective. I'm open to the possibility of the Reptilians, the Zionists the whatever but I do see the basic Money Lender and Jesuit components very clearly.


David Icke:
You are right about the money lenders in that they control the world at every level of five-sense reality through the imposition of debt. I talk about this in great detail in my books. The money scam is at the heart of all Illuminati manipulation of global societies. The Roman Church was the Church of Babylon relocated and so the Jesuits are the agents of the Church of Babylon, the ancient stronghold of the Illuminati bloodlines. They are very significant indeed to the Illuminati agenda.

BaNoyse asks:
Given that Reptilians are as you detail, is there a way to cause the reptiles true form be to be shown?

David Icke:
From the hundreds and hundreds of people I have met and communicated with who have seen shapeshifting , it seems that they are most likely to shift in states of extreme anger - fury - sexual fervour and in situations where they are safe to do so, especially their sacrifice rituals.

BaNoyse asks:
Do you think those controlled by the bonds of religion are also controlled in the next dimension by the tenets they believe in.

David Icke:
They can be, yes . Death is no cure for ignorance and, as I explain in the new book, the Matrix is multi-dimensional.

BaNoyse asks:
Are these beings trans dimensional and is that their focus with geometry?

David Icke:
In the end, the Matrix can be brought down to the level of mathematics, as I explain in detail in the new book.

BaNoyse asks:
Do you believe that they infest the Universe?

David Icke:
I think they are biological software programs, very much like Agent Smith in the Matrix movies. Again, see the new book. I don't know about 'infest', but the reptilian genetics - program - seems very significant within the Matrix. Look at the human brain, for example, the oldest part of which is called by science the R-Complex or 'reptilian brain'.

and this piece found in Noah, Enoch wife after the flood

When Batenosh my wife noticed that my face had changed (its) _expression [ … … ] then she gained control of her emotion(s) and spoke with me. She said to me, "O my master and [brother, recall for yourself] my pregnancy. I swear to you by the Great Holy One, by the Ruler of Hea[ven] that this seed is yours, that this pregnancy is from you, that from you is the planting of [this] fruit [and that it is] not from any alien, or from any of the Watchers, or from any heavenly being.
Why has the appearance] of your face changed like this upon you? And (why) is it disfigured, and your spirit dejected like this? [ … for I] tell you (this) truthfully. vacat

David Icke:
I spent two weeks recently with the Zulu shaman, Credo Mutwa, in South Africa and he told me of the countless times he hears this same basic story from African women who become pregnant through the 'Chitauri' - the 'Children of the Serpent'. They suffer terribly because people don't believe they became pregnant from a reptilian entity that appeared to them, they say they cheated on their husbands. Then, after about three months, they wake up to find the child has gone from them.

The watchers and aliens - why do you think she speaks so?

I also always wonder how a small isolated island could amass such prestige.

David Icke:
The Illuminati located much of its operation in Britain, especially after William of Orange came over from the Netherlands to take the throne in the late 17th century.

Thank you for you and your families courage.

seriouosthinker asks:
Hi David,

I first have to thank you for turning my life around. Had my girlfriend not given me "the biggest secret" to read, i would have still been a fat lazy idiot.

I have many questions i would like to ask but only want one answered at this time.

Have you ever met a man called David Gemmell? He is a brilliant writer of heroic medieval fantasy books. In these books they are full of symbolism, and many references are made to reptile-like creatures.

David Icke:
No, not seen those.

seriouosthinker asks:
He has even wrote a book called "The Last Guardian" which is an excellent read and is amazingly, about an army of alien-reptile-soldiers from another dimension that invade earth through a special gateway.

David Icke:
Sounds about right.

The similarities between your work and this book in particular are quite amazing.

David Icke:
The thing is that the reptilian connection is far more widely known about than you would think from looking at the mainstream media. The reason it only seems to be me is that I have been one who has managed to get the subject talked about more widely by not being afraid to be dubbed crazy. But a lot of people know about it, as did many ancient peoples.

Rinf.com asks:
Finally David, thank you for taking the time to answer our questions and do you recommend any aura cleansing / meditation techniques to prevent these negative energies of from tuning in or clinging to our psyche?

David Icke:
Live with joy and without fear. Aura cleansed.

- 21:35 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Objektivna realnost?

Na ovoj našoj planeti ljudska bića u jednom ili drugom obliku žive već milione godina, po vremenskim mjerilima karakterističnim samo za 3-ći denzitet i u ciklusima od po ~ 300000 g. nakon čijeg završetka postoji mogućnost da se jedan “dio” planete, kao i ljudskih bića koja obitavaju na njoj preseli u 4-ti denzitet, odnosno sasvim drugu i višu ravan postojanja, dok se drugi dio “vraća” na "praistorijsku" Zemlju i počinje iz početka, a neki možda idu i nadole prema životinjskom i biljnom carstvu i primarnoj materiji, odnosno, drugom i prvom denzitetu.

U Svemu Što Jeste postoji 7 ravni/oblasti/nivoa postojanja (denziteti) i u svakom od njih obitavaju oni čija je svijest razvijena u stepenu koji odgovara tom denzitetu tj. stanje/razvojni stepen nečije svijesti je ono što mu određuje u kom denzitetu će da živi, odnosno, kvalitet njegovog života.

Mi smo manifestacija “primarnog Kreatora” koji se na neki način po svojoj prirodi u svemu ovome neutralno ponaša, pa čak i prema onima koji pokušavaju da se predstavljaju kao on, kako bi kontrolisali druge i držali ponizne i poslušne. Recimo da se on samo podjelio na svoje "sastavne djelove", što smo trenutno mi i sve ostalo, te tako ne može ni da predstavlja nekog odvojenog entiteta koji gleda sa strane šta se dešava i sudi.

Ta primarna svijest/energija/kreator samo se podijelila na bezbroj manjih "komponenti" “big-bangom” i svaki njen djelić je ravnopravno dobio sve elemente i potencijale cjeline, te je na njemu samom kako će da iskoristi materijal koji je dobio, odnosno, ima na raspolaganju, za svoju egzistenciju u Svemu Što Jeste.

U svemu tome postoje dva glavna polariteta koje elementi svijesti mogu da imaju, kao i treći koji bi se možda mogao nazvati slobodnom voljom, a prva dva bi bile frekvencije Orjentacije samo prema sebi i Orjentacije prema drugima, odnosno energija koja teži konstikciji (destruktivna energija) i energija koja teži ekspanziji (kreativna energija).

Svi mi smo tako “nekada davno” možda morali da krenemo od primarne materije, 1-vog denziteta, pa nakon nekog “vremena” provedenog u tom stanju uspjeli da proširimo svoju svijest do nivoa koji nam je omogućio da pređemo na idući “sprat”, odnosno biljno i životinjsko carstvo 2-gog denziteta.

Sva stvorenja 2 denziteta imaju jednu tzv. grupnu dušu ali individualnu svijest (mada ne postoji ništa što je 100% individualno), te usljed njenog razvoja odnosno daljim širenjem svijesti jedinki koje tamo obitavaju, neke od njih kad dostignu “kritičnu masu” prelaze na idući sprat tj. 3-ći denzitet, u obliku ljudskog bića koje u tom stepenu svog razvoja ima individualnu svijest ali ne i individualnu dušu.
(Nakon završetka 2-gog razreda, idemo u treći).

Daljim prirodnim tokom događaja ta ljudska bića, antropoidi ili pre-adamični ljudi (“sinovi božji?”) stiću individualnu dušu i u jednom momentu, kada dostignu određeni stepen razvoja svoje “individualne” svijesti i priliku da uz njenu, kao i pomoć svoje individualne duše, naprave tranziciju na 4 nivo denziteta.

Ljudska bića koja su stekla individualnu dušu, poslije smrti svog tijela idu u 5-ti denzitet, gdje imaju priliku da se malo odmore, sagledaju šta su do tada naučili, šta još treba da nauče, te se onda opet inkarniraju (većinom) na 3-ći "sprat", prethodno se slažući sa svojim “budućim” životom, jer su u stanju da ga odatle manje više sagledaju, prije nego što ga fizički prožive? (Promjena naših tijela bi tu bila nešto slično kao kad mjenjamo odjela, - a znamo da niko ne bi želio da nosi cijeli svoj život jedno te isto odijelo).

U svemu tome postoji i par zakona kojima Sve Što Jeste pokušava da održi svoju ravnotežu, među kojima i tzv. zakon karme, koji moramo imati u vidu prije sljedeće inkarnacije, jer u idućem životu treba da izbalansiramo sve negativno što smo učinili u prethodnim životima. (Univezum prirodno teži – ravnoteži).

Tu imamo i jedan “problem” u vezi toga što nakon rođenja na neki način zaboravimo šta smo do tada proživjeli, kao i to koje lekcije treba da naučimo, te iz tog i nekih drugih razloga imamo tendenciju da proživimo svoj život "u nesvijesti"? Mudrost koju smo stekli u prošlim životima ne stoji nam (našoj ličnosti) na raspolaganju, mada ih je naša duša svjesna, ali naša ličnost nije svjesna nje, čak je skoro izgubila svaki kontakt s njom.

Naša ličnost/personalitet u životu na 3 nivou i naše suštinsko biće – nisu jedno te isto. (Možda zbog toga što je ono prvo “programirano” da ne priznaje ono drugo, mada je ono drugo uvijek prisutno?)

Vrijeme, ovakvo kakvog ga mi znamo, jedna je kategorija karakteristična samo za ovaj naš denzitet i kao takvo ne postoji na drugim ravnima postojanja.

Prva 3 denziteta su po svojoj suštini OPS tipa (Orjentacija Prema Sebi) a kod prelaska u 4-ti denzitet, oni sa individualnom dušom, na osnovu svih svojih iskustava imaju priliku da promijene i polaritet svoje individualne duše i svrstaju se (svojom slobodnom voljom) na OPD stranu, pa tako bića koja nastanjuju denzitete od 4-6 mogu (generalno) imati jedan od ta dva polariteta, (što ne znači da neko ko generalno ima OPD naboj, ne može imati i neke od elemenata OPS polariteta)

Entiteti OPS tipa iz 4-tog denziteta/”sprata” hrane se onima koji obitavaju na trećem “spratu”, isto kao što se oni s trećeg “sprata” hrane onima s drugog, itd…

Jedna vrsta takvih entiteta (reptoidi/lizard stvorenja/drahomonidi) zaposjela ovaj naš sektor vremena/prostora u onome što bi mi nazivali prošlost, te preuzela totalnu kontrolu nad ovim našim realitetom u cilju obezbjeđenja svoje ishrane.

Mi smo (odnosno ~ 50% ljudskih bića koja trenutno žive na ovoj planeti) u jednom momentu već bili dostigli 4-ti nivo (“Raj” ili “Eden”) i proveli tamo određeno “vrijeme”, pa se iz određenog “razloga” vratili nazad na ovaj treći (“sinovi čovječji”?)
Tu smo zatekli one antropoide (odnosno, ostalih ~50% bića koja trenutno žive na ovoj planeti) koji su u tom “vremenu” dostigli svoj stepen prirodnog razvoja koji im još uvijek nije obezbjedio individualnu dušu ali im je obezbjeđivao priliku za to”? (“sinovi božji”)

Reptoidi (kad su u 4D), hrane se samo jednom vrstom (emocionalne) energije koju im mogu da obezbjeđuju samo oni od nas koji imaju individualnu dušu.

Oni veoma sofisticiranim metodama redovno abduciraju mnoge od nas koji imaju individualnu dušu, te ih koriste za raznorazne eksperimente a između ostalog, njihova tijela i kao hranu, kad borave u 3-ćem denzitetu.

Oni upadom u ovaj sistem vremena/prostora zaustavljaju antropoidnog čovjeka u njegovom prirodnom razvoju te ga počinju koristiti kao jedan od glavnih alata za isisavanje energije iz ljudskih bića sa individualnom dušom i njeno prosljeđivanje u 4D. (antropoidi nisu svjesni te njihove funkcije)

Oni su prethodno tijela koja su koristili oni s individualnom dušom, odnosno, njihovu DNA “skratili” (određenim sofisticiranim tehnikama) sa 12 na 2 lanca

Oni su onda ovdje instalirali veoma sofisticiran sistem za programiranje uma ljudskih bića sa individualnom dušom, kako bi se oni poistovjetili sa antropoidima, razmišljali kao antropoidi, ponašali kao antropoidi i tako "zaboravili" na svoju dušu. (U svemu tome, antropoidi postaju glavni nosioci tog “projekta” jer po svojoj suštini ne mogu da kreiraju nego samo kopiraju, odnosno slijede zacrtan sistem i uputstva, duhovnost nemaju, mada mogu i to da kopiraju a čak imaju tendenciju i da promovišu ono što su iskopirali, mada često ne mogu da razumiju i suštinu onoga što su prekopirali – daunlodovali. Zanima ih većinom ambalaža, dok se suštinom i sadržajem rijetko kada bave).

U ovoj prastaroj priči upravo se o tome govori:

Našao neko orlovo jaje i stavio ga pod kokoš.
Orlić se izlegao kad i pilići i odrastao je sa njima.
Čitavog života orao je radio isto što i kokoši u dvorištu,
misleći da je jedna od njih.
Kljucao je naokolo u potrazi za bubama i glistama,
Kokodakao je i lepršao krilima, uzdižući se koji pedalj iznad tla.

Prošle su godine i orao je ostarjeo.
Jednog dana ugledao je u visini, na vedrom nebu, čudesnu pticu moćnih raširenih krila, kako lebdi na vjetru.
Stari orao je zapanjeno gledao uvis. “Šta je to?” pitao je.
“To je orao, kralj ptica”, rekla mu je jedna kokoš.
“On pripada nebu, dok mi, kokoši, pripadamo zemlji”.

I tako je orao umro među kokošima,
ne znajući ko je.

Mi smo se u međuvremenu, što iz razloga naše mentalne programiranosti što iz ignorantnosti (koja je je možda takođe jedan od elemenata tog programa) ili nekih drugih razloga, toliko “izmiješali” s antropoidima da smo postali po razmišljanju i ponašanju sličniji njima, nego oni nama, te se na kraju krajeva više ne može ni znati ko je ko.

Sada trenutna razlika između antropoida i duhovnog ljudskog bića samo u potencijalu tj. ljudsko biće s individualnom dušom –“adamični čovjek”- može se (teoretski) probuditi, i izbjeći iz zamke/kaveza, dok antropod ne može.

Adamičnom čovjeku sada prijeti opasnost da zbog svoje “nesvijesti” izgubi svoju individualnu dušu za koju se već jednom uspjeo izboriti, te tako "zauzme pravac" nazad prema donjim “spratovima”, ili će on zbog “lošeg učenja”, odnosno, neadekvatnog korištenja svog vlastitog uma, morati da ponovi “3-ći razred (traje 300000 godina?)

Reptoidi su istovremeno ovdje već odavno instituisali 3D entitete sa jakim OPS nabojem (iluminati familije), postavljanem članova ovih familija na sva ključna mjesta sistema na ovoj planeti.

Ti entiteti se odlikuju većom količinom reptilskih gena koja obezbjeđuje da frekvencija njihovih tijela odgovara takvim tipovima individualnih OPS duša, te oni sada, u njihovo ime, kreiraju takav sistem života na ovoj planeti u kome će se stalno obezbjeđivati za njih (reptoide) dovoljna količina emocionalne energije – hrane.

(To što je u zadnjih 100 godina, u ovim njihovim sistemima, njihovim manipulacijama ratova i obezbjeđivanjem uslova za raznorazne katastrofe, život izgubilo 2 milijarde naših pripadnika, samo je jedan od efekata te njihove uprave. Mi bi vjerovatno, kao čovječanostvo, mnogo bolje prošli da smo doživjeli jednu direktnu invaziju vanzemaljaca).

Članovi tih familija danas posjeduju sve važnije medije, banke, izvore energije i rudna bogatstva, obrazovni sistem, farmaceutsku industriju, vojsku i sve važnije pozicije u većini država na ovoj planeti.

Oni po sistemu piramide upravljaju svim događanjima na ovoj planeti na način da oni koji su ugrađeni u tu piramidu, a pogotovo oni na samom njenom dnu, pojma nemaju šta se u stvari događa.

Cijela “zavjera” sastoji se u tome što je “uspavani” adamični čovjek hrana entitetima sa gornjeg sprata i da se on nikada ne “probudi”, jer ako bi on postao svjestan i prešao na neki od gornjih nivoa, naše “komšije” OPS polariteta bi ostale bez hrane, te bi se tako njihov opstanak doveo u pitanje . (Oni se iz nekih određenih razloga ne mogu hraniti antropoidima). S obzirom da bi cijela situacija u vezi s tim bila od krucialne važnosti za ove entitete, oni bi naravno dali sve od sebe da održe svoje "ovce" programiranima što je moguće duže i po bilo koju cijenu.

Uz sve to, skorašnjim dolaskom velikog talasa opet se približava kraj jednog od ciklusa koji traju 300000 godina, a time i šansa za adamičnog čovjeka da u momentu prelaza denziteta, pređe na gornji sprat i tako stekne priliku da izbjegne dalju kontrolu od reptoida?

Od krucijalne važnosti za reptoide da što više ljudi u ovim momentima “spava” kako ne bi mogli primjetiti promjenu (jer da bi se primjetila “otvorena vrata kaveza” treba biti “budan”)

U njihovom denzitetu “vrijeme” selektivno, te oni mogu manipulisati nama i na taj način što se mogu ubacivati u našu “prošlost”, brisati sve spise i izvore iz kojih bi mi mogli saznati istinu, a istovremeno ostavljati veoma sofisticirane “svete knjige” i instituisati raznorazne religije i sekte, kao glavni nosilac programa za zatvaranje/vezanje (religija – re ligare – ligare = VEZATI) naše svijesti, kao i sve kasnije podjele među nama iz kojih se rađaju sukobi, pa tako i naša emocionalna energija, tj. njihova hrana.

Oni vide iz denziteta u kome se nalaze, našu sadašnjost, prošlost i najvjerovatniju verziju budućnosti (koja ne može da bude 100% fiksna), te stalnom interferencijom i zahvatima na pojedinim tačkama scenarija, pokušavaju da naprave krajnji ishod najoptimalnijim za njih same. (To bi bilo analogno snimanju jedne sekvence odnosno kadra filma onoliko puta koliko je potrebno, sve dok se režiser ne zadovolji njegovim krajnjim ishodom).

Situaciju komplikuje i to što ovaj naš sunčev sistem posjećuje jedan klaster kometa svakih 3600 godina, koji je rezultat prolaska (svakih 27 miliona godina) jedne zvijezde (Brown Dwarf/Nemesis/Vulcan?) koja sa našim suncem čini binarni sistem, kroz Ortov i Kuiperov pojas asteroida, te ih odatle izbija kao čunjeve, i što se rijetko kada dogodi da nekoliko njih pri tome ne udari i u našu planetu te tako izazove kataklizmu.

Taj vremenski period je takođe interesantan za određena OPS stvorenja iz drugih denziteta-oblasti postojanja (jedan od razloga – oslobađa se ogromna količina emocionalne energije nesvjesnih, isprepadanih i očajnih ljudskih bića adamičnog tipa)

Oni koji se na vrijeme probude, mogu da izbjegnu i ovu “neugodnost”, jer eventualnim prelaskom na 4/ti nivo izlaze iz realiteta kojeg ove komete narušavaju.

Vrijeme za sljedeću pojavu ovih kometa veoma blizu

Jedino što bi moglo da bude od suštinske važnosti za adamičnog čovjeka, to je da poduzme sve što je u njegovoj moći da se odupre kontroli svog uma, probudi se i preuzme kormilo svog broda.
To su “vrata” kroz koja čovjek samo sam može da prođe tj. ni na čijoj grbači, niti u naručju bilo kakvog spasitelja.

Vrijeme za “buđenje” bilo juče, a danas je poslednji čas!

- 15:18 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Implanti su uređaji različitih dimenzija (od mikronskih pa do par milimetara) koji se, kako se čini, odavno ‘instaliraju’ u ljude ne samo od strane vanzemaljaca, nego i od strane tzv, “tajne vlade” čija je tehnologija, navodno najmanje 50 godina ispred onoga što se nama javno prezentira. Čini se da su implanti ‘tajne vlade’ nešto “primitivniji” i da ih je u nekim slučajevima moguće hirurški odstraniti dok je sa vanzemaljskim implantima stvar mnogo komplikovanija.
Neki implanti su napravljeni od metalnih komponenti i moguće ih je vidjeti na rentgenskim snimcima, dok drugi imaju kristalnu strukturu te se ne mogu na njima vidjeti.
Danas postoji mnogo indikacija da ljude otimaju i implantiraju i jedni i drugi, tj vanzemaljci i “tajna vlada,” mada razlozi tih otmica i implantiranja vjerovatno nisu potpuno isti. Bilo da se radi o prvima ili drugima, za nas to nije toliko bitno, jer nam ni jedni ni drugi ne misle dobro.

Sjećam se da sam prije nekoliko godina čitao o jednom eksperimentu gdje su neki ruski naučnici ugradili čovjeku implant u ruku, iznad kosti a onda ga daljinski kontrolisali uz pomoć neke vrste elektromagnetnih talasa. Čovjek je radio ono što mu je bilo naređeno, kao neka vrsta robota ili zombija, a kasnije se nije sjećao tih svojih postupaka. (Nešto slično imali smo priliku vidjeti u filmu Mančurijski Kandidat). Ovi implanti se navodno mogu da koriste i za praćenje ljudi. Implanti tajne vlade često su locirani ispod kože u blizini neke kosti (naliježu na nju) i u nekim slučajevima mogu se napipati rukom.

Takođe postoje neke indikacije da vanzemaljci instaliraju njihove implante u područje sinusa i mozga. Iznenadna pojava krvarenja iz nosa može da bude posljedica implantiranja. Bilo je dosta slučajeva gdje su ovi implanti bili izbačeni iz nosa kad čovjek npr. kihne a u nekim slučajevima bili su odstranjeni i hirurškim putem.

U poslednje vrijeme u USA i nekim drugim zemljama učestala je pojava potkožnih implanata u blizini uha ili u ušnoj školjci. U nekim slučajevima radilo se o kojekavim besplatnim ljekarskim pregledima, besplatnoj “vakcinaciji” a često i pregledima iz alterantivne medicine u smislu iridologije itd. gdje je “doktor” usput izvršio i “pregled” ušiju uz pomoć neke sprave nalik na hemijsku olovku sa iglicom na vrhu.
nešto više o tome može se naći ovdje:


Naravno, ovo je jedna od onih tema gdje je veoma teško doći do istinskih informacija, tako da nije lako ni utvrditi sve osobine ovakvih implanata niti simptome koji idu zajedno s njima. U nekim slučajevima, neposredno nakon ‘instalacije’ implanta često se javlja lokalna upala kao reakcija tkiva na njih. Upala se vremenom smiri a onda se može napipati jedna “kvržica” (potkožni implanti).
Povremeno “zujanje u ušima” je jedan od njihovih simptoma. (Ovdje moramo naglasiti da “zujanje u ušima” često ne mora da bude u vezi s implantima!) Neki ljudi čuju visoko frekventne tonove slične “Morzeovoj azbuci”, (kao da imaju telegraf u glavi). Ti tonovi kao da dolaze iz glave a ne spolja. Drugi čuju glasove ili neke druge specifične šumove.

Čini se da je glavna funkcija ovih implanata - manipulacija čovjekove svijesti. Tako će možda neki od onih koji su implantirani za specijalne (dezinformativne) svrhe naglo stupiti u direktni kontakt s “bogom” koji će im prišapnuti na uho npr. materijal za knjigu Razgovor s Bogom, drugima će “bog” naložiti da ubiju nekog političara, neku drugu važnu osobu ili članove svoje porodice a treći će promovisati “duhovne” i druge “istine” koje im “bog” šapće na uho ili izvoditi egzibicije kao onaj Prorok Jahweh sa NLO-ima. Čini se da se između ostalog radi o pokušaju pretvaranja normalnog ljudskog bića u agenta ovih sila mraka ili jednostavno u njihovu žrtvu.

Naša svijest je već prilično izmanipulisana i bez ove vrste tehnologije, tako da se ovdje radi o još jednom vidu njene manipulacije koji komplikuje stvar. Pored onih koje vanzemaljci redovno otimaju u sklopu njihovog programa za reprodukciju i hibridizaciju, postoje neke indikacije da se takođe implantiraju i oni ljudi koji su kandidati za buđenje (ili OPD opciju?) te takvi iznenada dobijaju nagon da prestanu sa svojim istraživanjem objektivne realnosti. Njih s vremena na vrijeme zadesi mentalna poplava kojekavih religijskih simbola i iznenadna želja da se bace “bogu” ili Isusu u naručje. Povremeni napadi iracionalnog straha, nemira, opšti psiho-fizički zamor itd. često idu zajedno s tim. (Ponekad se takođe se javlja i određen strah od posjećivanja ovakvih vebsajtova). Čini se da se radi o veoma sofisticiranom pokušaju farbanja crnih ovaca u bijelo, odnosno, njihovom vraćanju nazad u tor.
Na osnovu odeđenih indikacija, mislim da je veći dio, (ako ne svi?!) adamičnih ljudi (sa individualnom dušom), implantiran sa jednim ili više implanata. Čini se da uz pomoć ovih implanata vanzemaljci mogu pratiti čovjekove misli i mnoge druge parametre u vezi sastava, frekvencije i procesa koji se odigravaju u čovjekovom fizičkom, genetskom, i spiritualno-eteričkom tijelu.

Prema nekima, kod nekih vrsta potkožnih implanata mogu da pomognu neodmium-magneti koji se mogu naći u hard drajvima starih kompjutera a takođe i raznim zvučnicima. Oni su prilično jaki, pogotovo kod manjih zvučnika, krhki su tj. lako ih je odlomiti a onda fiksirati iznad implanta uz pomoć flastera. Navodno, ti magneti mogu da neutrališu neke implante, mada sam malo skeptičan u vezi toga. Neki su takođe uvjereni da su izmislili neke sprave za neutralizaciju tih implanata i da one prilično dobro funkcionisu. Jedan od njih je i Don Croft ( www.worldwithoutparasites.com ). Tu bih preporučio oprez! Činjenica je da sve ima neku svoju slabu tačku, međutim, nju treba pronaći.

Paranoja takode može da ide sa svim tim. Ukoliko uzmemo u obzir da čovjek služi kao emocionalna baterija, odnosno, generator energije za ove entitete, onda moramo uzeti kao mogućnost da nas oni uz pomoć ovih implanata pokušavaju ‘uključivati’ i ‘isključivati’, odnosno, regulisati količinu energije koju ćemo da emitujemo!? Činjenica je da se čovjekovo raspoloženje i stanje svijesti mogu mijenjati ukoliko se on izlaže elektromagnetnim talasima određenih frekvencija.

Čini se da je najbitnije biti svjestan. Čovjek mora da zna koje su misli stvarno njegove a koje su one koje mu stižu iz “strane instalacije,” odnosno, - vanjskih izvora. Znači: - Razboritost-bazarana-na-Znanju je od presudne važnosti. Razmišljanje s čekićem! Tu se opet vraćamo na prepoznavanje onih “A” uticaja (“matriksa”) i “B” uticaja (Duha), na koje se možemo podsjetiti iz materijala na temu Gnostika.

- 15:11 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

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