Dobro došli u virtualni hrvatsko - japanski centar
blog o Japanu, Hrvatskoj, njihovim međusobnim odnosima i
koječemu drugom vezanim za Zemlju Izlazećeg Sunca;
autor & voditelj bloga (moderator)
tomislav, mushin munen (nihonkichigai)
suosnivač i bivši potpredsjednik Makoto hrvatsko japanskog
društva, bivši potpredsjednik Kyudo društva Zagreb te član (zamrznutog statusa) Kendo
kluba Zagreb; u bliskoj suradnji s Hrvatsko japanskim kulturnim i gospodarskim
društvom iz Zagreba ( HJKGD) i Hrvatsko-japanskim društvom prijateljstva Varaždin ( HJDPV)
kao i Japansko hrvatskim društvom u Japanu sa sjedištem
u Tokyu i podružnicama u Sendaiju i Nagoyi; također u bliskoj suradnji & komunikaciji s Kućom Aikida i Aikido društvom Zagreb te članovima Društva hrvatskih haiku pjesnika i ostalim haiku majstorima širom naše male planete;
Na veliku radost svih zaljubljenika u Japan demystified blog je opet više
nego aktivan a saznati možete mnogo toga što niste znali o Japanu.
Na hagakure blogu možete vidjeti kako sjajno može funkcionirati suradnja
jedne hrvatske i jedne japanske vrhunske glazbenice. Nadamo se samo
uskoro i gostovanju u Zagrebu. Na nihonkichigai blogu predstavljamo mini tjedan japanske kulture koji se dogodio ovaj vikend u Zagrebu.
Za kraj jedna priča koju sam pronašao na you tubu. Priča je to o strašnoj tragediji
koja se dogodila prošle godine u Japanu. Duboko vjerujem da nas ovakvi događaji
mogu jako puno toga naučiti da se što bolje možemo pripremiti ako bi se ovako nešto
ponovilo. Također želim vjerovati da nas ovakvi događaji mogu još više zbližiti.
Sara and her band traveled to Japan to join All Hands to help with the recovery after the Tsunami. Full documentary will premiere on March 23rd on VEVO.
Donate to All Hands:
Message from Sara:
Earlier last year, my touring family and I went to Japan for the very first time. It was absolutely incredible. My experience in that beautiful country was bittersweet, as we arrived a mere 2 months after the tragic Tsunami had occurred. In addition to spending time and energy simply celebrating the richly textured traditions and people that make up Japanese culture, we were also acutely aware of the fact that the country was suffering. It was palpable, and justified. But perhaps the most moving element of watching this nation begin to heal, was the stoic sense of honor and grace each person seemed to carry throughout it all. I will never forget how poised and gentile everyone was, in spite of their sorrow.
Part of our intention of going to Japan and honoring this captivating place was to join with a volunteer organization that was doing hands-on work to help heal and cultivate growth within communities that had been affected. All Hands Volunteers was the perfect fit for us. They are a grass-roots organization that is literally changing the world, one pair of hands at a time. All Hands integrate into small communities that have been impacted by natural disasters and have made a huge difference in Haiti, New Orleans, Japan and another handful of places around the world. They welcomed us into their relief efforts, and educated us in so many incredible ways.
This film documents our time in Japan, both as musicians and volunteers. Japan is still healing from this devastating natural disaster, and it is my honor to continue to support relief efforts and hopefully encourage others to find ways to contribute. Thank you for listening.
Arigato Gozaimasu, Sara
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