
četvrtak, 19.06.2008.

Naše grčko vjenčanje – dan prvi / Our big fat greek wedding – day one

Draghi Nashi,
Evo smo malo došli sebi od jezda i jet laga i počinjemo s izvještajem s našeg grčkog vjenčanja.
Sve je počelo tako da smo se u euforiji nakon utakmice Naši – Nijemci pakirali i nikako se nismo mogli odlučit da li odnit 6 pari postoli. Teška srca smo jedan par izvadili i onda smo mogli zatvorit kufer. Za one koji nas ranije nisu čitali (a mogli su tu): išli smo na vjenčanje prijateljici Zoe u Solun.
Let je bi OK ali smo bili pod stresom da ne izgubimo poklon za Zoe kako što smo izgubili i kapot (klik). Tako nas je bilo strah da na aerodromu nismo ništa hotili kupit samo da ne dignemo bursu iz sebe i onda je zaboravimo. Čin nas je Zoe dočekala na aerodromu odma smo jon ga dali: eto ti, eto ti, nemogu više izdržati ti pritisak.
Po dolasku: kafa. U jednom kafiću iznad grada u kojem je možda Zoe ostavila postole za vjenčanje (s olakšanjem smo ustanovili da nismo ni min najgori što se tiče gubljenja). Postole ni našla, ali su kafa i kolači (bez tega u Solunu ne može) bili odlični.

Dear Daleky,
Where finally feeling a bit recuperated from the trip and from the jet lag and we start with the report from our big fat Greek wedding.
The journey started in the euphoria after the game Ours – Germans while we were packing and just couldn’t decide whether we should take 6 pair of shoes. Finally, and with heartbreak we took one pair out and we could close our suitcase. For those who haven’t red us before (and they could do it here): we went to Thessaloniki to the wedding of the friend Zoe.
The flight was OK, but we were so stressed that we could lose the present for Zoe just as we lost the coat (click). As soon as we saw Zoe at the airport we gave it to her: take it, take it, I can’t stand the pressure any more.
After the arrival: the coffee. In a café outside the city where Zoe might had left the wedding shoes (we were relieved to see that we are not the worst case when it comes to loosing things). She didn’t find the shoes, but the coffee and the cakes (you can’t avoid that in Thessaloniki) were great...

...kava je bila odlična a i pogled također
... so was the view too

ovo je kafić, čini nam se da je u kadru kum
this is the caffe, and it seems that the we got the godfather too

ovo gremo na večeru. Isprida nas Zoe i njena rodica
we're going for a supper. Zoe and her cousin in front of us

Iza večere smo se još malo prošetali po gradu i uslikali ovu butigu, samo za vas. Nu.
After the dinner we went for a walk and took the picture of this shop just for you.

Već smo bili i zaoboravili da smo bili i na piće. Ovo je solunska Papaya/Piranha/Coloseum/Casablanca. Trendi prenatrpano misto di trešti muzika uz koju se može samo lagano ljuljat s noge na nogu, u ruci držat piće i gledat ko je što obuka.
This is a trendy Thessaloniki bar. A place where music is loud, it's too crowded, people don't dance but just move from feet to feet, hold they drinks and check what everybody else is wearing.

I na kraju banja u hotelu. Wow, rekli smo kad smo je vidili, wow, wow. Nismo zaboravili za vas vazest šampon od hotela
Finally, the bathroom in the hotel. Wow, we said when we saw it, wow, wow

To je bi prvi dan. Ostatak slijedi.
Vasha Gospođica na proputovanju

This was day one. The rest is cooming soon.
Yours Daleky, travelling

P.S. bit će još slika kad nam pošalju Belgijanke

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