subota, 29.12.2007.

midnight hour

midnight hour

(related: midnight hour, )

The Midnight Hour

Im gonna wait til the midnight hour
Thats when my love comes tumblin down
Im gonna wait til the midnight hour
When theres no one else around
Im gonna take you boy and midnight hour you
And do all the things I told you
In the midnight hour

Yes I am, oh, yes, I am& [continued]

Popular topics today: buynowbe

- 07:38 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

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so very fresh

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petak, 28.12.2007.

texas bowl

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- 23:30 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

mark siegel

mark siegel

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I have to admit that I’m a little wearier than usual of comics publishers’ tendency to overstate their accomplishments and innovations mark siegel a degree that any actual novelty or merit gets crushed under the self-serving hype.

So I’m quite delighted with ICv2’s recent interviews with Mark Siegel, editorial of First Second. barron hilton spite of a year of genuinely noteworthy commercial and artistic achievements, Siegel comes off as level-headed and creative, appreciative of the successes First Second has enjoyed so far, and focused on what’s still to be done.


Popular topics today: buynowbe

- 09:43 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

spencer guilbert

spencer guilbert

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spencer guilbert

UniLang // View topic - The Truth About muhammad. By Robert Spencer (PBUH)

I would highly recommend all open minds to purchase and read Robert Spencer's (PBUH) new book spencer guilbert Truth About muhammad.It may seem a little short spencer guilbert 200 pages) for $27.95, but spencer guilbert the book is lacking in quantity, Spencer spencer guilbert makes up for it in quality.Spencer (PBUH) simply does what nearly spencer guilbert other islamic group and apologist, muslim and non-muslim alike, refuse to do: he (PBUH) tells the truth about muhammad without the excuse mongering engaged in by so-called moderates and islamophiles.Buy it, before it is banned!And please be spencer guilbert to look a little extra hard for it.

Some bookstores are refusing to place it in a prominent position michael klein pacificor some still have it in their backrooms!You may have to inquire the Dhimmi manager to get it, but it is worth hope lyrics guilbert
spencer guilbert Do you, as a Christian, really think that this author is of the same value just spencer guilbert Jesus and Abraham?For those who also wondered what PBUH means, read here:
spencer guilbert Senatortombstone wrote: spencer guilbert spencer guilbert sells it as a 2-book deal with Mein Kampf for $27 + a soulI guess for some, that's a good dealIf you open someone else's mind by force, it's a broken mind.
Guys, don't forget 'Jewish Supremacy' by David Duke.

Also available in Amazon.Native spanish speaker | Interested in these languages - Corrections are highly appreciatedLast edited by Javier on 2099-12-31, 23:59;

Edited 69 times in total (Don't believe everything you see )
And after we would have established that this Muhammed is not a very nice guy, then what?Prove RAVEN to be MISER.(Lewis Carroll puzzle) gift card swap
spencer guilbert Varislintu, that means that all Muslims are evil - just like all US Americans are evil because Bush invades other countries without legitimation and lets many people be tortured.
Ulven wrote: nfl playoff bracket
spencer guilbert sells it as a 2-book deal with Mein Kampf for $27 + a soulI guess for some, that's a kat von d deal spencer guilbert
Ulven, that's indeed very funny!
I suppose you could also read Karen Armstrong's new biography of muhammad: Muhammad: A Prophet for Our Time (Eminent Lives) , if you prefer excuse mongering to the truth.From the flap of her new book:Karen Armstrong wrote:
Even if you don't like it when people critically analyze islam, I would think that anyone could see how ridiculous the above statement is.Even if you can find a way to argue that every one of muhammad's deeds was just, the fact remains that he engaged in over 70 battles.That alone disqualifies him from being likened to ghandi who engaged in how many battles?The fact that anyone could make such a on the flap of their book is probably a good warning to those intending to read it that it probably isn't accurate, much less unbiased.I have not had time to read the entire book, but so far the structure seems to be:1) Spencer lists various myths and ideas on islam and explains their origins soley using the islamic sources of the koran, hadiths, and the opinions of historic prominent muslim jurists.2) Spencer then recites the faulty apologetics used to whitewash or deny these negative aspects of islam and explains their logical fallacies.Honestly, Spencer's personal opinion is the only thing that I have not come across in my reading of this book.But I have read some of his other books and articles and I have never come across a single bigoted comment or inaccurate statement.The man is sharp and trustworthy.You should musharraf ask yourself why any critical inquiry of islam is automatically assumed to be bigoted.

Given the fact that islamic terrorists - who claimed to be acting on inspiration from the koran, hadiths, and muhammad's example - on average commit a deadly terror attack every 7h20m, I think that a critical inquiry into islam is more than reasonable. spencer guilbert spencer guilbert
While I've read some of this book,most of it I already knew.

(I've studied the Koran for years).

Most of it however is mud slinging.

I don't care much for slander no matter how true it is.

That's spencer guilbert me. When I witness to Muslims, we can't rip THEIR religion apart (that just causes anger), but we just show them the truth in love.PastorAntᏱᎦᏊ ᎣáŹRᏂᏳ ᎠᏓᏅᏙ ᎠᏓᏙᎵᎩ ᏂᎪᎯᎸᎢ ᎾᏍᏋ ᎤᏠᏯᏍᏗ ᏂᎯyigaquu osaniyu adanvto adadoligi nigohilvi nasquv utloyasdi nihiMay God's blessings always be with you.(Use Code2000 font to see)Cherokee, Yoruba, Esperanto, Spanish, Burmese, Amharic
oldest man to walk on moon I have the book, would you mind referencing the pages, paragraphs, and sentences where the mudslinging is?
But there is no slander in this book, only truth.

Should we whitewash hitler or stalin just because nazis' and communists' feelings might be hurt?
If, by "witness," you mean evangelizing, I agree, but this book is not a guide on how to evangelize to muslims.I would also argue, that to make your witness more effective, you need to know the truth about the koran, hadiths, and spencer guilbert so that you can appeal to their innate sense of morality and decency that muhammad's actions would no doubt conflict with.Amikeco spencer guilbert
Of course not, but he is definitely of greater value than muhammad.

Also, Christians are not required to utter a chant everytime they say the name of the LORD.

The only commandment given to Christians regarding this the third commandment: Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy god in vain.
No, the book is fantastic.

I am not giving "biblical truth" when I say I'm uncomfortable with facts.

We shouldn't whitewash evil people, but it is only my personal opinion, with no authoritive value, when I start focusing on the negativity of false teachers instead of the all-mighty God and spencer guilbert love of Christ, spencer guilbert focus.PastorAntᏱᎦᏊ ᎣáŹRᏂᏳ ᎠᏓᏅᏙ ᎠᏓᏙᎵᎩ ᏂᎪᎯᎸᎢ ᎾᏍᏋ ᎤᏠᏯᏍᏗ ᏂᎯyigaquu osaniyu adanvto adadoligi nigohilvi nasquv utloyasdi nihiMay God's blessings always be with you.(Use Code2000 font to see)Cherokee, Yoruba, Esperanto, Spanish, Burmese, Amharic
I apologize.I also agree with you and I admit that I too frequently lose focus on Christ and too easily become embroiled in the debate of the day.It's not that I think that we human beings will ever come up, on own, with a solution to our problems.

I know full well that it will only get worse and that true peace will come only at, and not a moment before, the Glorious Appearing.
I wholeheartedly agree that Christians need to learn about spencer guilbert and it is not the religion of peace as pundits claim.Here's another great site for your perusal:http://www.answering-islam.dePastorAntᏱᎦᏊ ᎣáŹRᏂᏳ ᎠᏓᏅᏙ ᎠᏓᏙᎵᎩ ᏂᎪᎯᎸᎢ ᎾᏍᏋ ᎤᏠᏯᏍᏗ ᏂᎯyigaquu osaniyu adanvto adadoligi nigohilvi nasquv utloyasdi nihiMay God's blessings always be with you.(Use Code2000 font to see)Cherokee, Yoruba, Esperanto, Spanish, Burmese, Amharic
From the flap of Karen Armstrong's new book:Muhammad: A Prophet for butto Time (Eminent Lives) wrote:
Personally, I think that bhutto is nothing but a liar.

In one of her books "The Battle for God," she actually points to the Oklahoma City bombing as an example of violent religious fundamentalism.

She is either boston big dig or ignorant, but Timothy McVeigh was irreligious and was not inspired by any religious belief to carry out his murderous attacks.Due to formating restrictions of this message board, I had to embolden the portions of the text which were for you i will by Armstrong.

The regular portions are Spencers responses.I think that rational minds will agree that Spencer demolishes her.Why are we allowing liars like Armstrong to influence our foreign policy?WAKE UP AMERICA & EUROPE!Robert Spencer posted this artice on July 11, 2005"Karen Armstrong: The label of Catholic terror was never used about the IRA"Robert Spencer wrote:

Popular topics today: buynowbe

- 04:29 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #



(related: martin tankleff, marty tankleff, jerry steuerman, tankleff, cnn, )

Schumer aide: Suffolk D.A. mishandled nurses' case - - Topix

tankleff Apparently it's not just the Republicans who have some serious ethics issues that need investigating.

That "whirring" sound you hear is Schumer backpeddling as fast as he can out of this self-inflicted fiasco.

And Spota seems to be trying to out "Media Ho" "Big Al" Sharpton.

Schumer will end up with a big "I didn't mean it, it was all a big mistake.

Trust me!", while Spota will be left twisting slowly, slowly in the wind.

You pays your money, you takes your chances
Wow, this makes Fensterman, Spota and Schumer look BAD.
A d Schumer throws Spota under the bus ....Could darren mcgavin mean a new look at the Marty Tankleff matter is coming?
They should clear their name's before its too late!

D.A. and Gov't official are spending Tax payer's money for nothing! newhart
tankleff IF they didn't want to work here then they should not have come here.

If they wanted to work in jobs that couldn't endanger lives - they could have chosen other work.

- Prosecute them and send them home.

The End.
Spota takes the first bite of the crapcake he made.

WHen will he be full?
Ilove the hypocrissy of news day in the article regarding nurses association it says they have strong political conections so is it ok for them to have conections but not for sentosa???

What a joke
Newsday has this as their pet story/obsession for now....nurses have an obligation to care for their patients, period!

Can one imagine if all nurses walked out of a St.

Francis Hospital--leaving all intensive care hearts patients alone?Spota did the right thing by upholding the law;

Schumer's trying to deflect the spotlight;

After all---one should look at all his campaign contributions--big oil for instance.
Newsday has this as their pet hadrian for now....nurses have an obligation to care for their patients, period!

Can one imagine if all nurses walked out of a St.

Francis Hospital--leaving all intensive care hearts patients alone?Sorry Joe ut you didn't follow the story from its inception.

The nurses never left their jobs as a walk off.

They completed their shifts first leaving no patient in danger!

Hypothetically speaking, if all of these tankleff were injured or killed in an accident, all riding together, what plan did the management mythbusters have in place to allow for these absent nurses?

It is clear that the management facility was putting money infront of the patient.

Know the story indetail. tankleff
Schmuck wrote letters supporting his doners abuse of LEGAL foreign workers.Schmuck used the BACK DOOR to interfere with tankleff investigation of HI$ FRIEND$.Schmuck might call yet another press conference to declare his OUTRAGE and DEMAND that someone DO SOMETHING.Schmuck es un bicho podrio.
The way tankleff Quote: IF they didn't want to work here then they should not have come here.

If they wanted to work in jobs that couldn't endanger lives - they could have chosen tracking santa work.- Prosecute them and send them home.

The End. how come it always appers that these nurses are at fault for leaving their jobs at the end of their shift and on their days off?

Kids "endangered",why can't people see the danger these kids were subjected to even before these nurses came to this country?the dangers these kids will go through everytime the owners/management of this nursing home short-changed them by bhutto giving them what they ought to receive.

The proper staffing and care worth the amount of dollars received by nursing homes from medicaid/medicare meant to spend for these kids. tankleff
PERFECT Quote: Spota takes the first bite of ْارلا برŮĆني crapcake he made.

WHen will he be full?

You will know when Spota is full of the crap cakes when his blue eyes start turning tankleff shows his crap level is full up to the top.on a related Board in a story printed yesterday I actually predicted what happened, happened - Chuckie copped a Brodie and left SPODA hanging in the wind .
tankleff The more they prolonged this case the more tax payer's money they used.

tankleff The $75,000.00 donation is coming back to bite Schumer inthe a that was given by Sentosa Care-related donors.
Does the big mouth Senator from NY have anything to say about rewarding a tankleff ILLEGAL ALIENS driver licences , so they can now drive to the Emergency Rooms Food Banks Welfare Office ?

So They can drive to work whhere the commit felonys by working and not paying tax or using a phoney or stolen Social Security #.

NO not Chuck , he favors the Democratic agenda of making them Americans for their vote and you pay their way !!!

Funny a big issue and his yap is shut It's open about everything else !!!!
We forgot about the main issue here, "THE KIDS" this nurses choosed to resigned 5:30 PM in the afternoon on a friday, after even meeting with the management on wednesday.Their action is premeditated, they want to cause harm not only towards the management but towards the patients.
Joe,As an RN for 20 years I can tell you are quite ignorant to what has been transpiring in healthcare for years.

You should be applauding these Philipino Heros whom I am afraid to say have more "American Spirit" than their American counterparts.

You and every other taxpayer in this country should be screeming at the top of your lungs for healthcare reform.

TRUE healthcare reform that takes the billions of dollars spent each year for healthcare and puts it back at the bedside where patients interface the system most.Your healthcare dollars are providing 7&8 figure salaries to pharmacuetical and DME execs while your local tankleff is closing beds and kicking sick patients out the door as a means of survival.

Big Pharma runs 30-40% profit margins after the execs big pay, research costs,and huge tankleff dividends.

Insurance Companies run maybe 4-10% profits with similar huge CEO salaries and perks.

Your local hospital is barely making a buck if profitable at all.

And thats after the healthcare industry including nurses have set record paces increasing productivity.

My salary today adjusted for inflation is LESS than tankleff I started 20 years ago.

And i have obtained advanced degrees and management sexy ads have no retirement and probably less healthcare benefits than you.

Our healthcare system has become dangerous and untenable and needs to become a single payor system PERIOD.And by the way NYS is an "At Will" employment state.

That means your employer can fire you at any time with or without cause.

But it also means that you can quit at any time just as these nurses did.

Nurses are being asked to do TOO MUCH and its endangering us all.

Patients and the general public are at risk.

Look at even the recent MRSA hysteria-another direct result of overburdened hospitals.

Its only going to get worse unless you and tankleff else starts screeming at the right people and those are NOT the ones in the trenches holding your hand and comforting you.

Quote: Newsday has this as their pet story/obsession for now....nurses have an obligation to care for their patients, period!

Can one imagine if all nurses walked out of a St.

Francis Hospital--leaving all intensive care hearts patients alone?Spota did the right thing by upholding the law;

Schumer's trying to deflect the spotlight;

After all---one should look at all his campaign contributions--big oil for instance. tankleff tankleff And that was after complaining and being lied to and cheated for how long Grace-Months?Any hospital or nursing home could restaff itself instantly with all the tankleff agencies out there.

Funny Avalon never reported to the DOH they had a disruption in ability to provide services as mandated.

Thats because it never happened-their own nursing supervisor on duty at the time has testified she never sensed the patients were in danger.

What does that tell you?

This is just a malicious vendetta by some rich five town Jews who lost a couple of dollars and got burned by people they thought they could easily trample over and take advantage of.

Quote: We forgot about the main issue here, "THE KIDS" this nurses choosed to resigned 5:30 PM in the afternoon on a friday, after even meeting with the management on wednesday.Their action is premeditated, they want to cause harm not only towards the management but towards the patients. track santa
Anyone know of a nursing home that is properly staffed?I've been in many.

All lack adequate staff to answer call bells in a timely manner.

All of them!Joe is correct.

Nursing productivity is incredibly high across the board.I work in an ICU.

Years ago, our typical critically ill patient would have had a one to one ratio for nurse to patient.

Today it could easily be three patients to one nurse.Do you think you get the same quality of care?No. tankleff tankleff

Popular topics today: buynowbe

- 03:36 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

tiger maul

tiger maul

(related: )

Relic Forums - [Gameplay]Tiger vs. King Tiger?

Was wondering, what is the difference between the Tiger tank (Blitz doctrine) a King Tiger (Terror doctrine).

I read from that the main difference is that the Tiger Ace is a normal Tiger tank with all 3 veternecy that a Tiger tank would normally have.Is the Tiger Ace the same as the King Tiger?

Is the King Tiger just a Tiger with all 3 veterncy upgrades included?Thanks for all the help in advanced.
palin The King Tiger is way better than the Ace, but you can only field it once.

If it gets killed, that's it.
But, at the same time, its free as soon as you reach the ability.
Also the tiger ace is no tiger vet 3.

He receives plus 20% higher armor penetration, is a little faster rotates faster has a bit more hp's than the vtiger

Popular topics today: buynowbe

- 02:36 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

bhutto death

bhutto death

(related: bhutto death, )

Bhutto's bhutto death and Suicide Bombings

Popular topics today: buynowbe

- 00:49 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

četvrtak, 27.12.2007.

nelly tip drill

nelly tip drill

(related: tip drill, pavers, amber alerttip drill video, nelly tip drill, ps3 music, )

I found some more glitches about CP.

How to get on the sign next to the dock

heres how

  1. go to http://play.clubpenguin/load.swf
  2. go to the dance club
  3. click on nelly tip drill door continuously even when it says town loading.
  4. you will end up at the sign by the Coffee shop.

How to float up in the air over the coffee shop

heres how

  1. go to ski mountain
  2. walk over to bunnyhill sled race
  3. b4 u do that, open the map
  4. click play race
  5. while the race is playing, go to the town
  6. while it is loading, continuously click nelly tip drill should nelly tip drill up the coffee shop doors, and over it til you reach the map
  7. you can get out of this glitch by clicking on any of the doors (if you teleport, you cant get out of this glitch when you come back).

How to get on the gift shop sign

heres how

(I dont know this yet, but ill update this version after so)

Popular topics today: buynowbe

- 10:40 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

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new years myspace layouts

(related: )

Selama sebulan aku membuat dan mempublish situs ini, kebanyakan pengunjung menggunakan tag free ebook, novel gratis dan sejenisnya. Maka dari itu, untuk memenuhi keinginan free e-book download mania untuk new years myspace layouts koleksinya, sekali lagi aku memposting free e-book novel. Kali ini adalah novel yang pernah difilmkan dan termasuk ke jajaran the Best (iya ga snoqualmie summit di perfilman dunia, yaitu Pride and Prejudice.

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Popular topics today: buynowbe

- 09:45 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

project runway winners

project runway winners

(related: jay mccarroll, jay project runway, jay mccarrol, wendy pepper, austin scarlett, project runway winners, )

Relic Forums - The RN Workshop Projects Project: Pilot Project: Building A Home Server Project!

kinoki foot pads Community Project Time!This is to gauge interest in a community project.

The project runway winners is to develop a few...

Guides I guess. We'll pick a project (a home server is what came to mind, but if you guys have a better idea we can do that too) and work on it together.

In this example the goal is to design a home server, so the first step would be figuring out what it should be michael klein to do.

Then we'll talk about hardware and put together the optimal components.

After that it's software time - eastern airlines 401 OS, which programs, where can you get them, what do you have to do to configure them?

When all is said and done the various discussion threads will be merged into a nicely formatted guide.I figure this will a) create a great point of reference for future "help me build my server" threads and b) give everyone involved a chance to learn some things.

I know we have at least two people who know a lot about administering a bunch of servers (hi Delphy, hi deadguy) and who could probably provide a little expert advice along the way.As I mentioned this is a test balloon, so sound off in this thread if you're interested in participating.

We've already had building a PC a few times, so Server seems pretty suitable.I have just built my first home server, so could quite easily knock some good tips and information up.I think crash courses in PHP, MySQL, Word Press, C++, (x)HTML would also be very useful project runway winners projects.

project runway winners
EDIT Whoops, I am also interested.

Felstorm - I don't believe we start it just yet;

Moe is asking for people to express their interest initially (good start nevertheless though ).

project runway winners Maybe, but I dunno, I'd probably just advise everybody to go to for the software.And I don't know very much about server hardware.

Or hardware in general.

But particularly less about server things.

brian wilson
Well it would be nice to get this project, new things to learn are always welcome ,i don't have any experience in this kind of thinks but i want to help in what i can.

But we project runway winners also start whit something more basic say ,build a computer from the beginning from assembly to full install of the OS and essential programs.

skunk ape I am interested...Also I say we go with a LAMP install.

pacificor llc
I second the LAMP set-up.

I set up WAMP on my desktop without a eastern airlines flight 401 and anybody with linux experience should be able to get it up and running quick and easy.

Yeah I was considering a LAMP mainly because it's cheaper than a windows system, but we project runway winners hash that out later.

For now I'm trying to figure out if people are interested in doing this.

LAMP also has the advantage of ubiquity;

What people learn about the software environment can be transferred to configuring project runway winners remote, hosted web servers as well.

The only real question is what flavour of Linux to install.

project runway winners I know this thread isn't for discussion of ideas but project runway winners gauging community interest, but I think some discussion would entice otherwise apathetic users into pitching in.I suppose it all boils down to what exactly the server is supposed to do.

It doesn't seem like anybody is very interested and I'm only interested as an observer as I am a rather large noob at any serious projects.The particular linux distribution that should be employed I think ultimately depends on exactly what the server project runway winners going to do, different distributions are packaged with different software bundles.

I think ultimately it'll be decided on by asking the seasoned server admins in the community.I assume it's been tacitly agreed on that the server will function as a web server.

Another function that isn't radically different is running an ftp server on the machine concurrently.

I am completely in the project runway winners when it comes to good, mature, reliable, open-source FTP software but a more knowledgeable person can fill in that detail.The same can be said about an e-mail server.

This early into the project proposal (before actual work on it is done even!) it doesn't particularly matter which specific protocols it would use, but I'm sure anybody running a home web server would want to have it support email, plus e-mail is pretty simple.And that is all I propose.

A home server that can serve a website, file transfer, and e-mail;

A simple but very fruitful project that would be undoubtedly useful for the budding solo web developer.So hopefully, because this project sounds neat, people will continue to voice their interests so that it becomes a reality.

Ilike the idea. I have nevre built a server.Good guides are always a good thing, you always learn something new.

Popular topics today: buynowbe

- 07:33 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

leon fleisher

leon fleisher

(related: kennedy center honors, leon fleisher, kennedy center awards, )

Pick Your Poison – 12 Toxic Tales

Sometimes theyre used with sinister motive, sometimes with healing in mind. Today, as they have for centuries, poisons often turn up where you least expect them.

Here’s my pick from National Geographic Magazine May 2005: Pick Your Poison – 12 Toxic Tales feature.

Comatose Toxicologist.

Bad things come in small packages. On August 14, 1996, Karen Wetterhahn, a toxicologist and professor of chemistry at Dartmouth College, spilled a drop, a leon fleisher speck, of dimethylmercury on her left hand. Wetterhahn, tall, thin, intense, was an expert on how toxic metals cause cancer once they penetrate cell membranes. When she spilled the poisonous droplet in leftover ham recipes lab, she thought nothing of it; she was wearing latex gloves. What she didnt know killed her.

The dimethylmercury was volatile enough to penetrate the glove. Five months later leon fleisher began stumbling into doors and slurring words. After three weeks in a hospital, she slipped into a coma.

I went to see leon fleisher it wasnt the kind of coma Id expected, recalled Diane Stearns, one of her postdoctoral students, now a professor of chemistry herself. She was thrashing about. Her husband saw tears rolling down her face. I asked if she was in pain. The doctors said it didnt appear that her brain could even register pain.

Karen Wetterhahn died five months later. She was 48 years old, a wife and leon fleisher of two. The mercury had devoured her brain cells like termites eating away for months, one of her doctors said. How could such a brilliant, meticulous, world-class toxicologist come to such an end?

Only lion tamers are killed by lions, said Kent Sugdan, one of her postdoctoral fellows.

Rusting Human.

Poison surrounds us. Its not just too much of a bad thing like arsenic that can cause trouble; its too much of nearly everything. Too much vitamin A, hypervitaminosis A, can cause liver damage. Too much vitamin D can damage the kidneys. Too much water can result in leon fleisher a dilution of the bloods salt content, which disrupts brain, heart, and muscle function.

Even oxygen has a sinister side. Oxygen is the ultimate toxin, says Michael Trush, a toxicologist at John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Oxygen combines with food to produce energy, but our bodies also produce oxygen radicals  atoms with an extra electron that damage biomolecules, DNA, proteins, and lipids. We are oxidizing all the time, says Trush. The biochemical price of breathing is aging, Which is to say, we rust.

Oxygen is the ultimate toxin, were oxidizing all the time, biochemical price of breathing is aging  we rust.

Secreto Secretissima (Top â€STop” Secret).

The BorgiasAlexander VI and his son Cesarespecialized in faith-based poisonings. As pope, Alexander appointed wealthy men as bishops and cardinals, allowed them to increase their holdings, and then invited them to dinner. The house wine, dry, with overtones of arsenic, neatly dispatched the guests, whose wealth, by church law, then reverted to their host. English essayist Max Beerbohm wrote:

The Borgias selected and laid down rare poisons in their cellars with as much thought as they gave to their vintage wines. Though you would often in the 15th century have heard the snobbish Roman say&Im dining with the Borgias tonight, no Roman ever was able to say I dined last night with Borgias.

But the capital of conspiracy in Italy was Venice, where the architects of evil were the Council of Ten, a special tribunal leon fleisher to avert plots and crimes against the state.

Venomous Svengali.

Ion channels are conduits, like gates, that control the transmission of electrical impulses within cells. Because their opening and shutting in the cells membrane controls the entry of potassium, calcium, sodium, or chloride ions, the channels and their receptors act as on-off switches that allow a thought, a heartbeat, a breath, a lift of an eyebrow to proceed  or not.

Tarantula toxins can stimulate receptors to hold a gate open in the neurological equivalent of an electrical surge, or slam it shut in the equivalent of a power failure. A busted gate provokes conditions ranging from numbing to outright paralysis on one end to muscle contractions leon fleisher convulsions leon fleisher the other. The same malfunction can provoke high blood pressure, cardiac arrhythmia, or epilepsy.

Spider venoms provoke such potent physiological responses that they turn a spider into a virtual Svengali.

So scientists seek the chemical mastery of the spider. Says Chuck Kristensen, head of SpiderPharm in Yarnell, Arizona:

Who controls potassium channels, controls the pan am worst poison would be our own corrupted humanity  feeding our selfish needs with mortal gratification on this fleeting life. Religion itself is the opium of the masses.

Feeds well, mortal.


National Geographic Magazine May 2005

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Popular topics today: buynowbe

- 02:35 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

srijeda, 26.12.2007.

michael klein pacificor

michael klein pacificor

(related: michael klein, michael klein pacificor, michael klein hedge fund, )

MJFC Forum - check this out- can you tell i love michael

Check this out- can you tell i love michael I wish-i lived with michaeli married michaeli kissed michaeli loved michaeli hugged michaeli talked to michaeli met michaeli painted the town with michaeli was in his house with michaelthats what i wish, what do you wish... michael klein pacificor
michael klein pacificor Hey there. I just sent yu an email so be sure to check up on it.

I'd just like to have a fun day with Michael, gazing at the stars, lying on the grass- just those sweet little momentsReport this pos a moderator | IP: Logged
WOW I wish i found out Michael was my Dad & i go go see & that Prince Paris & blanket where my half brothers & madagascar 2 i go stay with him like live with him & still visit my own home in England.

WOW i swear to god I WISH...sorry guys i know im dreaming a bit but thats what i wish deep down lostlove
michael klein pacificor michael klein pacificor Re: WOW quote:Originally posted by @ngel eyes xxI wish i found out Michael was my Dad & i go go see him & that Prince Paris & blanket where my half brothers & Sister.

& i go stay with him like live with him & still visit my own home in England.

WOW i swear to god I WISH...sorry guys i know im dreaming a bit but thats what i wish deep down lostloveWow....

That was really sweet what you wished ...

Mike to be your dad....

I'd be really proud if he were my dadThere wasn't that option there so I voted that I wish to hug him!!
Hey Where is the all of the above choice!

LOL! I chose "hug Micheal" I don't wan be x-rated here!

LOLDarn my Cat is sitting on me ans is tryng to type on the keyboard!

I'd like to meet michael klein pacificor thats all, i dont wish for him to be my dad as i already have one >.<
michael klein pacificor Wellli'd:marry michaelwhisk michael off his feetlove michael like nobody elsecare for michaeladmire michaeltake a 3 month long honeymoon *heehee*take a bath with michaelkiss michael every morning and every nightkiss michael when ever i looked at himBe so very kind to michaels beautiful childrentalk to michael sincerly everydayshow michael what reaal love can beand lkah;dfo;sdhfaw;rigeirgad;kdfpuHeehee*giggles*
I wish I could marry him and be happy forever by his side.

Of course that that includes:- live with him- kiss him- showers/baths together- hug him- you can imagine what comes next...right?lol michael klein pacificor
I wish to be a true friend of michael, since he can't trust anyone...but he could trust me.Love you michael
Quote:Originally posted by PascalouHey Where is the all of the above choice!

LOL! I chMicheal" ose "hug I don't wan be x-rated here!

michael klein pacificor If i kept on posting how much i love michael...and how i really fealt bout be banned from this site for sure!!*blushes*
Hahaha me and mawders got a severe warning for that.... michael klein pacificor
michael klein pacificor Ahaha,I wish i go read what that convo was bout, lmao!!
MJ LOVING definately to get a huge loving hug from michael is what i would love more than anything, to feel his love pouring out over you would michael klein pacificor a dream come true !!!

Popular topics today: buynowbe

- 22:47 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

27 dresses movie

27 dresses movie

(related: 27 dresses sneak preview, 27 dresses, 27 dresses movie, )

27 up 27 down? - Baseball Fever

Was wondering if any pitcher has gone 27 up 27 down, and not be perfect?

Saved by double plays.
Babe Ruth and Ernie Shore combined on a 27-up 27-down no-hitter that 27 dresses movie not a perfect game because Ruth walked the first batter, then got ejected for santa radar the balls and strikes.

Shore came in, caught the runner stealing, then retired 26 straight.Harvey Haddix and Pedro Martinez both also pitched games in which they retired the first 27 consecutive batters and thus had 9-inning perfect games, but they both allowed baserunners in extra innings (Martinez in the 10th, Haddix in the 13th) and are not credited with perfect games because MLB currently does not have a category to recognize a "nine-inning perfect game."
27 dresses movie I think there are a few other pitcher who have retired at least 27 in a row, but it was spread out over more than one game. santa tracker
I was at a game in 1997 Yankees against Philadelphia in Philly.

Mike Grace pitched a 3 hitter with no walks and no errors.

1 guy, I think Jeter, was caught stealing.

2 others were erased on double plays.

27 batters total.I think Odalis Perez did it a couple of ago as well but his was a one-hitter with a DP to erase the only baserunner.
It's happened quite a few times.

I came up with a list a couple of years ago.

Here is:7/22/27 Red Luces (Cincinnati)Pitched a 3-0 one-hitter against the Dodgers while facing the minimum 27 batters.

The "hit" is a 6th inning grounder by Hank DeBerry that goes between the legs of Cincinnati 2B Hughie Critz.

No details on how DeBerry was retired.8/18/60 Lew Burdette (Milwaukee Braves)Pitched a no-hitter, beating the Philadelphia Phillies 1-0.

Burdettefaced the minimum 27 batters.

Tony Gonzalez reached first in the fifth after being hit by a pitch and was wiped out in a double play.5/29/80 Bob Welch (Dodgers)Faces the minimum 27 batters in a 3–0 one-hitter against the Braves.

The lone Atlanta base runner is Larvell Blanks, who singles in the 4th inning and is erased on 27 dresses movie play.5/22/84 LaMarr Hoyt (White Sox)Faces 27 batters in a 3–0 one-hitter against the Yankees.

New York's 27 dresses movie hit is Don Mattingly's opposite-field blooper in the 7th 27 dresses movie which is followed by a double play.4/26/85 Orel Hershiser (Dodgers)Pitches a 2–0 one-hitter against the Padres allowing 27 dresses movie 2 runners.

Tony Gwynn is picked off first base following a walk in the 1st.

Gwynn gets San Diego's lone hit with a 4th-inning single but is caught stealing second by Steve Yeager.9/14/87 Floyd Bannister (Chicago White Sox)Faces the minimum 27 batters in 27 dresses movie one-hitter 27 dresses movie Seattle, striking out 10 while walking none.

Harold Reynolds singles in the 3rd but is thrown marble collegiate church by Gary Redus trying to stretch it into a double.

Mark Langston pitched a two hitter in defeat.9/21/88 Bob Knepper, (Houston Astros)Pitched a 1-0 one hitter against the Braves.

Dale Murphy singled in the 2nd but was caught stealing.

In the 9th Albert Hall pinch ran after a Bruce Benedict walk and he too was caught stealing.8/15/90 Terry Mulholland (Phillies)The Phillies Terry Mulholland spins the major leagues' 8th no-hitter of the season.

Mulholland faces the minimum 27 batters in blanking the Giants 6–0, as just one runner reaches base on a 7th inning throwing error by Charlie Hayes.

Rick Parker is then erased on a double play hit into by Dave Anderson.7/06/90 Jack Morris (Detroit Tigers)In a 4-0 win over the Royals, Morris finishes with a one hitter.

The only hit was a 27 dresses movie in the first by Kurt Stillwell.

Stillwell is erased on a double play by George Brett and Morris retires the next 24 in a row.7/21/90 Tim Belcher (Los Angels Dodgers)Pitched a one hitter against the Pirates allowing just 2 baserunners in a 6-0 victory.

In the 4th Jay Bell is caught stealing following a base hit.

In the 6th Orlando Merced hits into a double play after Mike LaValliere walked.9/29/92 Denis Rasmussen (Royals)Hurls a one-hit, 2–0 shutout over the Angels while facing 27 batters.

Damion Easley's leadoff single in the 4th inning is the only California hit.

He is then caught stealing Rasmussen to Joyner to Wilkerson.9/2/97 Mike Grace (Phillies)Grace followed up Schilling's 16-strikeout victory with a three-hitter, facing the minimum 27 batters, to lead the Philadelphia 27 dresses movie to a 5-0 win over the Yankees.

Grace, who 27 dresses movie his first major-league win in 15 months last week, allowed a fourth-inning single to Derek Jeter, an merry christmas myspace comments single to Paul O'Neill, and a leadoff single to Charlie Hayes in the ninth.

Jeter was thrown out stealing, while O'Neill and Hayes were erased in double plays, as Grace got 15 groundball outs in his second career shutout.5/24/01 Jon Lieber (Cubs)Throws one of the best games of his career in a 3-0 victory over the Reds when he needs just 78 pitches to win the one-hit complete-game affair.

Juan Casto was the only Cincinnati player to reach base.

Lieber 27 dresses movie the minimum 27 batters after getting a double play grounder from Scott Winchester on a botched sacrifice attempt in the sixth to erase Castro's one-out single and a game-ending double play grounder from Ruben Rivera to erase a one-out walk to Castro in the ninth.9/6/01 Woody Williams (Cardinals)Shortstop D'Angelo Jimenez spoiled Williams' perfect-game bid, hitting the first pitch of the seventh inning to center for a single.

But the 27 dresses movie was thrown out at second by Jim Edmonds trying to stretch a single into a double.

Ben Davis got the Padres started in the ninth with a single to center.

After pinch-hitter Tony Gwynn flied out, pinch-hitter Wiki Gonzalez grounded into a 3-6-3 double play to end the game.4/26/02 Odalis Perez (Dodgers)Perez was perfect for six innings as Los Angeles beat the Cubs 10-0 Friday at Wrigley, but he wound up with a one-hitter after speedy Corey Patterson beat out a bad-hop infield single leading 27 dresses movie the seventh.

Chris Stynes then hit into a double play, and Perez faced the minimum 27 batters in his first career shutout.NOTE: THIS OCCURRED ON THE SAME DAY AS DEREK LOWE'S NO HITTER.6/17/03 Jae Sao, David Weathers, Armando Benitez (Mets)Jae Sao and two relievers combined on a one-hitter Tuesday as the New York Mets posted a 5-0 triumph over the Florida Marlins.

Sao (5-2) did not allow a hit until the fifth inning when Juan Encarnacion singled to left.

Following his single, Encarnacion tried to steal second.

He appeared to get a hand on the bag before Roberto Alomar applied the tag, but second base umpire note from santa Joyce called him out.

Sao, who left after 6 2/3 innings with a 27 dresses movie nail on his right index finger, struck out four and did not walk a batter.

Weathers pitched 1 1/3 innings before Benitez pitched a perfect ninth.
Thanks for all the replies.

I was at the Oakland vs.

Yankees Games last week and Wang was on target till about the 6th inning.

Then wondered if it ever happened. 27 dresses evander holyfield
On May 19th, 1981, Jim Bibby of the Pittsburgh Pirates gave up a lead-off single to Terry Harper of the Atlanta Braves.

Bibby the retired the next 27 batters!

What a shame he didn't get Harper!May 19th, 1981: Pittsburgh 5, Atlanta 0
Quote: Originally Posted by 1995hoo Babe Ruth and Ernie Shore combined on a 27-up 27-down no-hitter that was not a perfect game because Ruth walked the first batter, then got ejected for arguing the balls and strikes.

Shore came in, caught the runner stealing, then retired 26 straight.Harvey Haddix and Pedro Martinez both also pitched games in which they retired the first 27 consecutive batters and thus had 9-inning perfect games, but they both allowed baserunners in extra innings (Martinez in the 10th, Haddix in the 13th) and are not credited with perfect games because MLB currently does not have a category to recognize a 27 dresses movie perfect game." Ruth walked the first batter and was ejected.

Shore picked off that runner and retired the rest.

It was once considered a Perfect game Shore until they changed the rules.Haddix retired the first 36 batters he faced then walked two batters, including Hank Aaron before Joe Adcock hit one over the fence but was only credited with a double because he passed Aaron on the basepaths when Aaron left the basepaths after the first run scored.

Milwaukee 1, Pittsburgh 0.

Haddix was also originally credited with a perfecto.Who was the Braves pitcher that day?
27 dresses movie Quote: Originally Posted by soberdennis Ruth walked the first batter and was ejected.

Shore picked off that runner and retired the rest.

It was once considered a Perfect game by Shore until they changed the rules.Haddix retired the first 36 batters he faced then walked two batters, including Hank Aaron before Joe Adcock hit one over the fence but was only credited with a double because he passed Aaron on the basepaths when Aaron 27 dresses movie the basepaths after the first run scored.

Milwaukee 1, Pittsburgh 0.

Haddix was also originally credited with a perfecto.Who was the Braves pitcher that day?

Lew BurdetteHe was asked about the tough luck of Haddix losing the perfecto after the game and said something about Haddix shouldn't have allowed all the hits in one inning or something.

Burdette himself allowed like 15 hits in that game.

Popular topics today: buynowbe

- 22:46 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

san francisco zoo tiger

san francisco zoo tiger

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Popular topics today: buynowbe

- 06:30 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

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india australia cricket live

(related: india australia live, india australia, india australia sopcast, india australia test match, india australia live streaming, india australia cricket live, )

Where is Sania Mirza She is in INDIA or out of INDIA? - Yahoo! Answers India

Where is Sania Mirza She is in INDIA or out of INDIA?
Why ?
She is at home having lunch with me.

Why / she is not gonna invite you.

Don't worry don't look at the food.

She is not gonna share it. india australia cricket live
Didn't you know that she had gone to a trip to queens christmas speech with her boyfriend She is too well known on earth a christmas story cast merry christmas comments
Who cares ?
She is out playing sincinnati open india australia cricket live
Out of india..playing the cincinati open, where she will kick but.

She is out of india playing bob clark cincinnati open.

She is moving hard there moved into 2nd rnd in both doubkes and singles india australia cricket live

Popular topics today: buynowbe

- 04:35 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

utorak, 25.12.2007.

santa progress

santa progress

(related: )

My friend Megan watches Santa fly around the world every year. Apparently, the government has an extensive network of satellites set up which are used to track Santas path across the sky on Christmas Eve. You can watch his progress the evening of the 24th here!

Fun for the whole family!

Popular topics today: buynowbe

- 01:31 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

ponedjeljak, 24.12.2007.

nfl on cbs

nfl on cbs

(related: )

Yeah, I think the NBA will still be around.

1. WNBA gets better ratings than NBA games.

2. Seattle sues for the 5004th time on the Keyarena lease. Team was in Oklahoma nfl on cbs since 2013.

3. Isiah Thomas inadvertently hits on Joakim Noah, mistaking him for a girl.

4. Marv Albert inadvertently bites Joakim Noah, mistaking him for a girl.

5. Roger Goodell takes over as commish; bans timeouts, slam dunks, free throws.

6. Grant Hill becomes first NBA player to play while on a nfl on cbs Michael Jordan comeback rumors swirl.

8. The Pistons and the Spurs make the NBA Finals, but cant compete due to setting offensive play 100 years back.

9. Greg Oden dies of old age.

10. Memphis Grizzlies run out of fans.

11. Los Angeles Lakers get #1 pick in the draft; select unknown from Ukraine.

12. ESPN cant find a single team to be biased towards.

13. Mark Jackson has duct tape around his mark due to being the worst analyst since the time of man.

14. 29 of 30 teams select at least one 720 tall Chinese player at some point in the NBA Draft.

15. NBA defunct.

Popular topics today: buynowbe

- 03:35 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

kristin herrera

kristin herrera

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¿Es Hilary kristin herrera la cantante más sexy del momento?

TOP 8 (7) DIDO



Popular topics today: buynowbe

- 01:32 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

nedjelja, 23.12.2007.

leah hickman

leah hickman

leahhickman.jpg Leah Hickman 

Clark Davis

Huntington police are searching for a Marshall University student that’s been missing since last Friday. Family and friends of 21-year-old Leah Hickman began to worry Saturday when she did not report to her job at the Dress Barn in Barboursville. When she missed work again Sunday, the police involvement became more intensive.

John Williams: â€SAt this point we’re giving this 100 percent of our attention,” Huntington Police Sgt. John Williams said. â€SAs you know with any investigation, the first few days are very critical from gordie howe hat trick time the reports are received, so we’re acting accordingly on that. No, nothings pointing to it one way or the other. Of course, we’re keeping all possible scenarios and options as far as the investigative course.” 

Williams says the case is perplexing. There is no evidence of foul play, but it isn’t like Hickman to disappear.

John Williams:  â€SIntensive is we’re checking all options, checking the background, we have several agencies assisting us and checking some information and stuff. There’s nothing in her lifestyle that would indicate that this is any type of normal behavior for her. It causes us concern and thats unlike her. ”

Meanwhile, fliers have been put up in neighborhoods in the Huntington area and Lawrence County, Ohio. Hickman is a junior from Mason County majoring in journalism.

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- 00:31 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

subota, 22.12.2007.

nach baliye 3 winner

nach baliye 3 winner

Wer fliegt ab Dezember auch immer Fr nach Barcelona und So zurĂĽck nach DĂĽsseldorf? - Yahoo! Clever

Wer fliegt ab Dezember auch immer Fr nach Barcelona und So zurĂĽck nach DĂĽsseldorf?

Hallo,suche Vertical Limit die wegen der Arbeit auch zwischen Barcelona und DĂĽsseldorf pendeln.

Meist geht es am Sonntag abends nach Düsseldorf und Freitag am späten Nachmittag nach Barcelona.Meldet Euch, dann kann man mal einen Kaffee trinken und die Flüge werden nicht so langweilig!
Beste Antwort - ausgewählt durch Abstimmungsorry ich hab das pendeln vor 18 jahren aufgegeben und bin gleich in barcelona geblieben, hier ist das wetter eh schoener, viel glueck beim suchen
Erna Sauerkraut --- Magermilch Helga ---Hartpfurz Isolde
Sorry ich nicht

Popular topics today: danielle fischel, leah hickman, a very brady christmas, taral hicks, nach baliye 3 winner, citros flavored vodka, jessica simpson mask, coppin state, guitar center locations, to have and have not, buynowbe

- 22:32 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

confessions of a teenage drama queen

confessions of a teenage drama queen

yesterday, i got a rose from wen hui. pic is (fresh) rose yesterday night (bit dark. took it at a bus stop while bored and waiting for the bus), bottom pic is (dying)rose tonight. beautiful. today has got to be the best valentines day so far. not that i had a hot date or anything. anyway, the day started out normal. went for tutorials, screwed up the EN presentation, forgot to bring my EL tutorial and had to rush out something in 10mins. stoned for 2hrs outside LT12. went to sign up for RP. (stupid thing) EN lecture. no screening cos the topic was advertising. did you know that in 1 day, a child is exposed to an average of 3000 ads? by the time youre an adult, youve been exposed to at least 10,000,000 ads. haha! could say i spent time with a guy. lect and choir mate joseph. ;D

anyway, later comes the fun part. met duan hui at the forum at 4. hung around, half chit chatted and half studied. saw a HUGE bunch of muslim guys praying on the 2nd floor. very interesting. first time i saw such a sight. left nus at 5 something to go to poh lins hostel for steamboat! yay! first time going into the ntu hostel room.

squeezed into the train at clementi. the crowd was just crazy. and they refused to move in. anyway, the crowd ALL cleared by the time it reached jurong east. lucky we decided to move forward the meeting time to 6 instead of 6.30. there was just not enough time. met poh lin and sumi at boon lay and went to ntu.

saw city harvest church along the way. well, the place looked a whole lot smaller than i expected. i think i expected it to look something like st mary of the angels. but it looks like a squashed version of marine parade library. loved the way they did the cross tho. bit weird. they had this gallows-like structure but instead of a hanged man, it was a cross hanging there. interesting.

anyway, moving on. poh lins hostel is nice. its so cosy and homey. so different from the nus hostels. so much better than the nus hostels. gave me a bit of deja vu but& the hall was a elliptical building built around a courtyard. 4 stories high. but what i like is the space. its so spacious there. especially at the corridors. actually have their own built in shoe rack and personal space to dry their laundry. beautiful. and its so peaceful and quiet.

anyway, about the steamboat. when we arrived at her hostel, we went to prepare the food in the toilet, cos the pantry was too far away and we were all too lazy to walk. then, me and duan hui went back to poh lins room to prepare the soup for the steamboat. anyway, we were struggling to figure out how to plug in the steamboat cos the plug didnt seem to fit. poh lins roomie came to give us a hand. and i switched on the switch, and almost got electrocuted. scary sia. there was this flash of white light that came out of the switch. haha! could have DIED.

well, poh lin came back and was her usual self about how sua-ku we are about the thing. and got it started without anyone dying. piled in the fishballs, crab sticks, cabbage, sausage, egg, etc etc. so full now. the 4 of us were squished in a corner of the room while watching confessions of a teenage drama queen on poh lins very beautiful acer lappie. wish someone could have taken a picture. we were sitting on the floor so every now and then, when we want more food, wed all be kneeling to the steamboat. like praying to it or something.

sumi had to leave early cos of her class tmr. me and duan hui helped clear up the stuff. actually, that just consisted of grabbing everything in sight and throwing it away. yup. picture of the leftover food after we were done with dinner. and took photos together. (with tigger)

bit blurry pics. i think my hand shook. used my phone camera. poh lin took me on a tour of her hall. very nice. very very trevor berbick if nus halls were like this, id stay. kept wondering why didnt i choose ntu i had the chance. anyway, ya, sat in the tv room and watched chinese drama for a while. then had to leave by 10 so that we can catch the train back home. kinda fun time.

other stuff. all this happened through friendster. a friend wrote to the guy about me. and he wrote back to me. now, while im happy about it, i kinda feel that he only wrote to me because he felt like he had to, cos of what my friend wrote to him. ya anyway, no matter what his intentions were, it was a nice v day surprise. we were speculating on whether or not he would even respond. looks like he proved me wrong for once. ya. thats that for now. just friends.

rumour has it. clays new cd will be released on *drumroll*

may 9!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh the anticipation. heehee.

yup. anyway, it was a good v day cos i didnt spend it pathetically at home with will shakespheare for company like i did the previous years. :D

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- 22:32 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

nach baliye 3 winner

nach baliye 3 winner

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- 21:35 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

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Buyers sometimes make comments, such as Youve probably seen it all when it comes to home and building defects. From a buyers or sellers perspective, a Tampa area home inspectors knowledge and experience might sometimes appear to be that complete. But in truth, no inspector has encountered every possible situation. And just when an inspector is developing that false level of self-assuredness, something new and surprising emerges in the types of defects found at Tampa area inspections.

Ive discovered that no one ever sees or knows it all. Theres always some new surprise when you least expect it. However, Ive also found that there are common types of property defects which rear their heads often, not just in older homes, but often in brand new ones, even before the smell of the new paint has become a memory. So here is our most common list of defects likely to appear in a home.

Improper Surface Grading and Drainage:  By far the most frequent problem, it is responsible for the most common household aggravations, including water penetration into the basement or crawlspace. Most basements will eventually leak. Correction can be as simple as regrading the exterior grounds or adding roof gutters. Unfortunately, major drainage improvements are often the only practical solutions, requiring costly ground water systems such as French drains designed by experts such as geotechnical engineers.

Roofing Defects:  Problems with roofing material, either due to aging and wear or to improper installation dead leaves likely to be found in the majority of homes. This does not mean that most roofs are in need of replacement, but rather that most are in need of some type of maintenance or repair.

Ceiling Stains, Indicating Past or Current Roof Leaks:  The problem here is that you often cant tell if the roof still leaks, unless it is inspected on a rainy day. Some stains are merely the residual effects of leaks that have been repaired. There is also the possibility that ceiling The Last Drop were caused by a former plumbing leak in the attic, bathrooms, etc&

Water Intrusion:  Water intrusion into basements or crawlspaces due to ground water conditions: Such problems can be pervasive, difficult to resolve, and sometimes very damaging to buildings. Correction can be as simple as re-grading the exterior grounds or adding roof gutters with splash blocks and extensions to direct water away from the structure. Unfortunately, major drainage improvements are often the only practical solutions, requiring costly ground water systems such as French drains designed by experts such as geotechnical engineers.

Electrical Safety Hazards:  Electrical safety hazards, especially (but not always) in older homes: Examples are ungrounded outlets, lack of ground fault interrupters (shock protection devices), faulty wiring conditions in electrical panels or elsewhere in a building, etc. Such problems may be the result of errors at the time of construction, but more often they are due to wiring that was added or altered by persons other than qualified electricians.

Rotten Wood:  Rotted wood at building exteriors and at various plumbing fixtures: In places where wood stays wet for long periods, such as roof eaves, exterior trim, of decks, around tubs and showers, or below loose toilets, fungus infection is very likely to attack, resulting in a condition commonly known as dry rot. If left unchecked, damage can become quite extensive.

Building Violations Where Additions and Alterations Were Constructed Without Permits:  Homeowners will often tell a home inspector, We added the garage without a permit, but it was all done to code. This statement is a red flag to most home inspectors, because no one could possibly know the entire building code, and the average person without professional involvement with the code is likely to know very little of it. Whenever an owner offers code assurance, I know that problems are likely to be found. south dakota road conditions will make note of obvious renovation or additions requiring permits in our inspection report.

Unsafe Fireplace and Chimney Conditions:  These can range from lack of maintenance, such as neglecting to hire a chimney sweep, to faulty installation of fixtures. Most common among these are the lack of spark arrestors and substandard placement of wood-burning stoves. Free-standing fireplaces are typically installed by home owners and handymen, people without an adequate knowledge of fire safety requirements. The most common violations in these cases involve insufficient clearance between hot metal surfaces and combustible materials within the building. Fire hazards of this kind are often concealed in attics, where they remain undiscovered until a roof fire occurs. 

Faulty Installation of Water Heaters:  In most localities, less than 5% of all water heaters are installed in full compliance with plumbing code requirements. Violations can include inadequate strapping, improperly installed overflow piping, unsafe flue conditions, or faulty gas piping. It should also be remembered that todays water heaters are designed to have shorter longevity than in the past. In fact, leaks can develop in units that are only five years old. marshall faulk size="1"> 

Hazardous Conditions Involving Gas and Oil Heaters:  Most gas and oil fueled heaters are in need of some maintenance, if only the changing of an air filter or a long-overdue review by an expert. In some cases, however, gas and oil heaters contain life-threatening defects that can remain undiscovered until too late. These can range from fire safety violations to the venting of carbon monoxide into the building. A The Edge heat exchanger, for example, can remain undiscovered unless found by an expert or until tragic consequences occur.

Firewall Violations In Garages and Attics of Condominium/Townhouses:  Special fire-resistive construction is required for walls and doors that separate a garage from a dwelling and separate multi dwellings. Violations are common, either due to faulty construction, damage or alterations to the garage or attic interior, or changes in code requirements since the home was built. In older homes, where firewalls are not installed, sellers and agents will often say that the building predates the code. However, these conditions should be corrected for safety reasons.

Inadequate Ventilation Of The Attic Space:  Effective attic ventilation will keep your home more comfortable throughout the year, prevent premature damage to roof framing and sheathing, and will help improve indoor air quality. During the cooling season, temperatures in your attic can reach in excess of 150 degrees. As heat builds up in the attic, it radiates to the attic floor, then into adjacent living areas. This makes rooms beneath the attic uncomfortably hot and more difficult to cool. That means air conditioning and appliances will run longer and waste energy.

During the heating season, heated indoor air and moisture travels from the home into the attic. The average home produces a significant amount of moisture from bathing, cooking and cleaning  as much as 22 pints of moisture per day. When moist air hits cooler rafters and roof sheathing, it condenses and drips, wetting insulation and contributing to the growth of mold and mildew. This in turn can affect items stored in the attic, lead to wood rot and mold growth.  

During the heating season, ice dams are often caused by poor attic ventilation. Without adequate air exchange, warm air accumulates at the peak of an attic while the eaves remain cold. After a heavy snowfall, escaping attic heat melts snow at the ridge of the roof, and the water raton pass road conditions down the roof. At the eaves, the water freezes, forming a dam of ice. Some of the trapped water can seep through the roof, damaging shingles, the roof deck, even your homes interior. kyle orton attic ventilation and insulation prevents ice dams. Thats because heat can be vented out of the attic, resulting in a cold roof deck where snow melts evenly.

Tampa Home Inspector

Popular topics today: a very brady christmas, leah hickman, taral hicks, danielle fischel, coppin state, citros flavored vodka, south street, nach baliye 3 winner, confessions of a teenage drama queen, jessica simpson mask, buynowbe

- 21:33 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

leah hickman

leah hickman

leahhickman.jpg Leah Hickman

By Clark Davis

The search continues for 21-year-old Marshall University student Leah Hickman, as friends and family keep hope alive.

  • Read story - Leah Hickman missing

    Popular topics today: a very brady christmas, leah hickman, taral hicks, danielle fischel, coppin state, citros flavored vodka, south street, nach baliye 3 winner, confessions of a teenage drama queen, jessica simpson mask, buynowbe

- 21:32 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

coppin state

coppin state

On the Bayou

LSU looked like a team that should compete for a national title. They have the defensive line production (which is at a premium in college football) to go with their overall speed on defense. They have playmakers in the offensive backfield and at WR. They lost Jermarcus who?

Not so Golden Dome

I was dead wrong nasdtec thinking that Notre Dame could play with Georgia Tech when I announced that the Irish would beat the Jackets on my Saturday morning radio show. To compound the issue of Notre Dame’s poor play they did it in their own stadium. The Irish did lose a lot of production from last season and it was not going to be a banner year in South Bend by any means. But, with their ridiculous schedule, and judging by Saturday’s performance a 1-7 start is not out of the question for ND.

The Zooker

Yes, Illinois turned the ball over 5 times in a one score loss to Mizzou. Yes, they lost close games to both Wisconsin and Ohio State last year so that could be the same old Illinois. But, you have to give Ron Zook credit on the recruiting front. They could have some of the best pure athletes on the offensive side of the ball in the Big 10. And, they are all young….. My gut tells me that the wins are coming. And, more will come when the defense improves.

Most Impressive Week 1 win (by a 1-A school……….sorry, but Appalachian State will get their props if you scroll down)

My vote goes to Georgia, who looked very good in defeating an Oklahoma State team that has the talent and experience to compete for the Big 12 South title. They did play â€Übetween the hedges’, but the Dawgs dominated this game from the middle jamie lynn spears pregnant the 2nd quarter on. Look out Florida……….

Screen of the Week

Has to go to Murray State. They executed a textbook slip screen play to cap off a great drive by scoring to tie Louisville at 7-7. Afterwards, new UofL coach Steve Kragthorpe lambasted his defense as they came back to the sideline. Awwww, I would have probably done the same thing. But, man, that was a pretty screen.

BOO!!!! Of the week

Reports that EKU and WKU may have to end their gridiron rivalry. Not enough room in this blog for me to begin to explain how I would feel about this.

Ho-Hum ACC

Seeing Clemson beat Florida State left me with the feeling that Florida State’s defense was recruited from New Hampshire and Clemson can only compete for a conference title because they are in the ACC. Neither Wake Forest nor Boston College looked like a potential top 20. North Carolina State lost to UCF (not good for UofL’s ratings as they will play NC State in a few weeks). Heavy-hearted Virginia Tech only beat East Carolina 17-7.

The ACC team that looked the best: Georgia Tech. Maybe, Notre Dame won’t be so bad. The more likely scenario is that the ACC is simply the worst BCS conference this year.

Unforgettable Moment #1

Each college football regular season always leaves us with two or three moments that we remember forever.

As time goes by, we can’t always put the moment with the correct year, but we never forget the moment itself. We got our first one for 2007 navy utah when Appalachian State upset Michigan in the â€ÜBig House.’ In no other sport at any level does home field advantage mean as much as it does in college football. Add to that the fact that this is the first 1-AA school to ever beat a ranked 1-A school and you have, in my opinion, the greatest sports upset since the US hockey team beat the Russians in the 1980 Winter Games. Of course, it won’t, and shouldn’t reach the stature of that upset. However, the blocked FG attempt on the game’s final play will be one moment football fans will remember forever.

Just because I have to!!!!

For those of you who want a playoff in 1-A, ask yourself this: Would the Appalachian State moment mean as much if we had a playoff in 1-A? The answer is no. If you don’t think so then you have 10 seconds to name the NAIA school that beat Ralph Sampson’s #1 ranked Virginia team in the early 80’s. You can’t do it can you. Because it was a regular season game and the tourney is all that matters in college hoops. You know and remember Cleveland State, Siena, Coppin State and Valparaiso. But, you can’t name the college basketball team that pulled the greatest upset ever in college hoops. I won’t write the schools portrait of suzanne bloch here because I would have to look it up, as well. In College Football we have a four month long tournament with fabulous moments along the way that are meaningful and resonate. That only happens for a three week period in basketball. What we have in college football is not broke and I wouldn’t want the next Flutie Miracle to mean any less.

Point the pen (or keyboard) at yourself

Since Michigan lost to Appalachian State many commentators and columnists have brought up the idea that Wolverines’ coach Lloyd Carr should be on the hot seat and/or lose his job. I just wonder how many of those talking heads or sportswriters contributed to Michigan being ranked #5 in the AP poll. Hmmmm. Maybe, we should look at the ballots, and any individual who had Michigan ranked as a top 10 team should lose their job as a commentator or writer for college football. At least, they should lose their AP vote if they paul thomas anderson are saying that Carr should be fired. I mean, how smart are these people to rank a team #5 that gets beat by a 1-AA school. Yes, the polls hold no validity early in the season, but if you want to go as far as to say a man needs to be fired then you should step up and admit that you were totally off base with your analysis of their team. If not, then you lose your validity as someone who should be judging and ranking teams, period….Just my two cents…..

Popular topics today: a very brady christmas, leah hickman, danielle fischel, citros flavored vodka, south street, jessica simpson mask, in good company soundtrack, richmond coliseum, susan walsh, the truth about chuck norris, buynowbe

- 20:38 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

boondock saints

boondock saints

by zEke

the boondock saints posterKitty Genovese was a New York City woman who was murdered in the early morning on March 13, 1964 by Winston Moseley. The crime became vox populi since according to the New York Times article: Thirty-Eight Who Saw Murder Didnt Call The Police. There probably were not thirty-eight, and even though some details remain unclear, what happened is still today understood as a shameful proof broken arrow chamber of commerce apathy. It is precisely this apathy that serves Troy Duffy as a starting point for his debut as a writer and director, and his only work to date.

In current day Boston both Italian and Russian mafias do and cbs survivor at ease. Irish brothers Connor (Sean Patrick Flanery) and Murphy (Norman Reedus) McMannus decide that someone has to do something about it. Feeling that God has, not notting hill soundtrack given them the right, but asked them, to do it, they start their own divine cleaning. Meanwhile, FBI agent Paul Smecker (Willem Dafoe) investigates the crime scenes novasis the McMannus brothers leave after them.

Even though the starting point promises a clever look into justice and truth, this never really happens. The movie gets away from the deepness of the issue and turns into an action feature filled with violence and blood. Nevertheless, the movie succeeds as a such because of the simplicity of the script and the appeal of the characters Christmas with the Kranks those lovers of the genre. Those who like the movie will forgive its weakest points, while those who dislike it will probably forget everything before sunset.

Willem Defoes portrait of an FBI agent who is gay and both secretly admires and publicly chases the Saints, is probably the most remarkable thing of the movie. The rest of the cast is mediocre, which does not mean they are bad. Something that keeps bothering me is the caricaturization of gunmen in this kind of movies, that pretend to be somehow serious, far from what one might expect them to be. The Russian and Italian gangsters the McMannus brothers face off, are simply ridiculous. Now, I understand you do not need a degree to fight law and order, but between black and white there is a whole range of grays.

the boondock saints supposed an at least promising debut for writer and director Troy Duffy, who also used to lead a band he named after the movie when it was first released. Unfortunately, let me doubt that, he has not tried again even though rumor has it that he has been working on the sequel. Biased reasons to that might be found in the documentary about the rise and fall of Troy Duffy overnight (2003), which was directed by his former friends Tony Montana and Mark Brian Smith.

For the deadhours of those who do not go to church on Sunday morning.

deadrate: δair

Dak miu mai shing site | imdb

Popular topics today: leah hickman, anthony adverse, valerie bertinelli, south street, jack frost, arabella spencer churchill, ice dams, sacha baron cohen, away from her, sarasota herald tribune, buynowbe

- 16:35 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

danielle bux

danielle bux

Rain Man href="" title="photo sharing">

Popular topics today: yahoo greetings, leah hickman, away from her, okka magadu songs, sacha baron cohen, valerie bertinelli, sweeney todd lyrics, arabella spencer churchill, carlos marroquin, see spot run, buynowbe

- 15:36 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

joanne herring

joanne herring

Because Im feeling just a little bit Christmas-y today, with the slight chill in the air and all, here are some of my favorite Christmas songs for your consideration:

Fairytale of New York, by The Pogues and Kirsty MacColl
For a song that includes the lines Youre a bum, youre a punk, youre an old slut on junk and You scumbag, you maggot, you cheap, lousy faggot this song makes me well up damn near every time I hear it.

Merry Christmas Everybody, by Slade
Aside from being a generally upbeat and rocking song, the video itself is pure entertainment.  Think glam rock meets The String Cheese Incident meets Christmas.

Happy Christmas (War Is Over), by John Lennon and Yoko Ono
Although I despise Yoko Ono, its hard not to love this song.

Wonderful Christmas Time, by Paul McCartney and Wings
Because Paul couldnt let John be the only one with a Christmas Number One.

The Christmas Song, by Alvin & the Chipmunks
I wore down three different pressings of this record album when I was a little girl.  This was my absolute favorite when I was a kid (when cartoons were still good, dammit!).  Pissed-off Alvin and his:  I still want a hula hoop! crack me up to this day.

Christmas Time Is Here, by The Vince Guaraldi Trio
The Charlie Brown Christmas special each year is like the macaroni and cheese of the Christmas movie world: the ultimate in comfort film.  When I watch A Charlie Brown Christmas, I feel like Im wrapped inside of Linus blanket and no wrong can befall me.

Popular topics today: sweeney todd lyrics, howard schnellenberger, leah hickman, ali mcgraw, national treasure 3, confessions of a teenage drama queen, dave thomas foundation, florida atlantic, arabella spencer churchill, feels like the first time lyrics, buynowbe

- 08:22 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

petak, 21.12.2007.

philadelphia magazine

philadelphia magazine

NYPD refuses to return stolen property despite video documentation | Dec. 18, 2006

By Steve Watson

In the latest attack on the first amendment, a shocking video has emerged of the NYPD attacking Way of the Vampire and stealing his camera and footage at a demonstration demanding justice for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire independent video journalist who was shot and killed earlier this year.

The filmmaker, Flux Rostrum, was filming the interaction between protestors and police outside the Mexican Consulate in late October at a demonstration protesting the murder of journalist Brad Will, who was shot and killed on October 27, 2006 during the teachers strike in the Mexican city of Oaxaca. His murderers are believed to be local officials.

Flux was not arrested, nor did he receive a leader of the band for seized property. Without any warning, he was jumped by two police officers, one of whom is an NYPD captain, and knocked down onto the asphalt of 39th Street. A police officer then snatched the camera out of Fluxs hands. As Flux attempted to protect himself and his equipment from being trampled and beaten, the cop with the camera conferred with another officer and scurried back into the building to hide the camera.

Video of the events quite clearly shows the cop saying I want that camera before Flux is jumped and attacked. View the video below.


When Flux attempted to get his camera back after the demonstration, he was threatened with arrest by a Lieutenant at the 17th Precinct. His lawyer was told that camera was found abandoned at the scene and that it had been turned over to the Manhattan District Attorneys office to be used as evidence against people arrested at the Mexican Consulate demonstration that day. 

In an email message sent to me by Flux he states:

I would NOT have released the video below that details the incident from about 7 different camera angles if I thought others with a vested interest would not help spread the word.

I am seeking to get the camera and footage back.

I am seeking to punish them in any way possible in order to send the message that cops can no longer get away with smashing and stealing peoples cameras.

Everyone who films in public needs to toss my case a little attention about now& it could make us all a little safer out there.

The PD are using a variety of stall tactics and so weve decided to go public with this video in order to pressure them into admitting guilt muffuletta righting their wrongs. & But mostly so they think twice about doing this again. Camera smashing & stealing by the cops has become routine and hard as nails is a great opportunity to put a stop to it.

The actions taken by the police in this video are indicative of the attitude of authorities towards peaceful protest in Back to the Future Part III today. They seek to make the demonstration violent simply as an excuse to break it up, we see this over and over again.

Imagine what would happen to protestors if they reacted this way when police film them at demonstrations. Filming in public is a right every American citizen has under the first amendment, which is why the cops in this instance had to steal the camera and the footage, because there was no legal basis to seize it.

It seems that filming and photographing is now deemed to be a threat per se. Pick from any number of stories archived at for example.

In Seattle, police banned a photography student from a public park. He was taking photographs of a bridge for a homework assignment. The officers who ban him from the park do so without the knowledge of park officials Mio West, Il have no authority to do so.

In Texas a man was first threatened by neighbors and then reportedly accosted and sprayed with pepper spray by police. He was walking around his neighborhood, filming with his new video camera.

In New York, National Press Photographers Association members stage a protest in the New York subway system to bring attention to a proposed law to ban photography in the subway system.

In Philadelphia a magazine photographer was detained and questioned after a parade for taking architectural shots while waiting for a subway train.

In Harrisburg, PA a man was swarmed by 8 Police and accused of being a member of Al-Qaeda after shooting pictures of his new car under a bridge.

We have recently exposed how some police now do not understand that they are violating the rights of individuals. In other cases we have witnessed police pull out pocket constitutions from cars and question their legality.

Earlier this year journalist Greg Palast, whilst working for ABC, had charges brought against him by the Department of Homeland Security for videotaping the Elektra of Katrina evacuees still held behind a barbed wire in a trailer park encampment a hundred miles from New Orleans.

The DHS deemed this to be unauthorized filming of critical infrastructure. After exposure in the alternative media, the charges were dropped. One would also hope that exposure of Fluxs case, in the context of other blatant attacks on freedom of speech and the right to assembly, will lead to a back down on the part of the NYPD.

Popular topics today: abc supply, ken hendricks, francis bean cobain, shawn hornbeck, philadelphia magazine, sarasota herald tribune, nataline sarkisyan, soupy sales, michael devlin, eric volz, buynowbe

- 23:35 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

ike turner funeral

ike turner funeral

What is it with todays youth and their to string a coherent sentence together? I hate to sound like an old man, but when a 26 year old is bemoaning todays youth you really have to wonder what the hell is wrong with the current generation. I appreciate that with SMS theres a requirement for shorthand, its not only convenient (particularly in the days before predictive texting where you had to bash the same key repeatedly to get the letter or symbol of choice) but economical. Most of the time by shortening individual words youre able to fit more into one text and lakota nation down the number of messages you need to send, thus saving money. Although given the advance in technology (bringing with it predictive text) and the increasingly competitive offers on the marketplace (many packages now including free texts) neither of these excuses is quite as watertight as perhaps they once were. But nonetheless, theyre valid.

Yet what I fail to understand is why it has to be used on the internet. Even when texting I use it only as a last resort, now that we have predictive texting I usually begin by attempting to write the message out in full using proper English, and only if the message cuts off, or I have more to add, do I then go back and alter parts into textspeak. Whats worse is that what was once textspeak is now netspeak, as if to apply the same shorthand from use on SMS, where it is logical to do so, to the internet, where it is not, john berg somehow just natural evolution. This is no minor issue either, its not all about good grammar or anything quite so snobby as that. I fear for a world where the netspeak generation actually run things because you can bet it will be a world where the shortcut will prevail. Forget road safety and having a safe working environment, because that would require doing things properly. No, instead expect a world where because everyone is taking a shortcut, people get hurt, or worse yet, die.

Yes, you heard right people, netspeak costs lives. So if not for me, if not for yourself (and your own literacy), please, for the sake of humanity, cease being so lazy and actually try using the language skills youre blessed with.

Popular topics today: abc supply, ken hendricks, francis bean cobain, shawn hornbeck, philadelphia magazine, sarasota herald tribune, nataline sarkisyan, soupy sales, michael devlin, eric volz, buynowbe

- 23:32 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

ruin romo

ruin romo

ruined orgasms with toes - Fem Dom Forums – Femdom Message Board

Hi can we see some clips of the mistress ruining the guys orgasmn by rubbing the head of his cock with her toes.Thanx
Yes, I agree, I've requeste his footjob ruined orgasm, or footjob post orgasm torture on other stores but none of them will do it.after seeing the Footsession with Maya and Taylor, please do some moreif you do these, I'll just all my clips here.can you have the guy tied up so he can't stop the rubbing.

Quote: Originally Posted by tagaytayboy yes, I agree, I've requeste his footjob ruined orgasm, or footjob post orgasm torture on other stores but none of them will do it.after seeing the Footsession with Maya and Taylor, please do some moreif you do these, I'll just all my clips here.can you have the guy tied up so he can't stop the rubbing.Its unbelievable the business some of those store do without accepting requests or replying to emails fans sen hem.

They live by a "we make it, you buy it" mentality.

I stopped buying from one of those places simply because they never replie o any of my emails.

But even the small stores are guilty of that.Fortunately, we have Mistress Taylor, and she values our input and actively solicits our requests.BTW, I think a toes ruined orgasm would be a grand idea.I can imagine Mistress Taylor getting a guy to that point, an hen as he spurts, she pulls her feet away.

His *&$@ throbs and flails around as the cum seeps out a little at a time.

Then she could use her toes to get the rest of it out.

Taga i have also requeste his at other stores but like jedi sai hey all think they know what we want.

Everyday i Fair Game a look through clips4sale, every couple of months do i find a clip i like.p.s I agree with Taga the tied up version would be amazing.
Quote: Originally Posted by jediofthefeet Its unbelievable the business some of those store do without accepting requests or replying to emails fans sen hem.

They live by a "we make it, you buy it" mentality.

I stopped buying from one of those places simply because they never replie o any of my emails.

But even the small stores are guilty of that.Fortunately, we have Mistress Taylor, and she values our input and actively solicits our requests.BTW, the poughkeepsie tapes a toes ruined orgasm would be a grand idea.I can imagine Mistress Taylor getting a guy to that point, an hen as he spurts, she pulls her feet away.

His *&$@ throbs and flails around as the cum seeps out a little at a time.

Then she could use her toes to get the rest of it out.yes, amen to that.

Have you seen the footsession clip, I'd like Maya to be in it as well, she's really good at footjobs.

Quote: Originally Posted by Unregistere aga i have also requeste his at other stores but like jedi sai hey all think they know what we want.

Everyday i have a look through clips4sale, every couple of months do i find a clip i like.p.s I agree with Taga the tied up version would be amazing.I di hat as well, never a reply, I also check the clips4sale everyday, but I never really see what I like, I'm gla hat I foun his site.yea, tied up would be sweet, he'll be tied up on the floor and you can havemistress taylor, and maya sitting on a chair or a couch and just completely have their way on him., you can even add kayla there.

Group Footjob Post Orgasm esp game Group Footjob Ruined Orgasm!!that would be a dream clip!!!

I am doing another session with that slave this week with another girl I will work into doing this video.

If that does not work out I will still shoot it.

think secret
Foot Session Cock Tease with Orgasm RUINED not SpoiledThis is a special clip.

Its not staged or scripted in any way.

Its a real filmed session with Maya, Taylor and a slave.

When one of Mistress Taylor's longtime slaves saw Maya in the "Girly Dommes" store he called repeatedly until he could get the Tease & Denial Foot session with both Taylor & Maya.

Being only nineteen Maya has not had a lot of experience in sessioning an hat comes off on camera as Mistress Taylor points her in the right direction and leads her through the session.

The slave was constantly edging as he starts off getting titsmothered by Taylor as Maya put her feet up on his chest and gave him a sed handjob.

Taylor then showed Maya a trick to "take the edge off" with this slave--HARD COCKSLAPPING!

He needed a lot of it to keep from cumming in this dream session an hey provided it for him.

They must slap his cock HARD 80 times!

A double footjob was to follow an hen Mistress Taylor strokes him off while Maya rubs his balls with her feet.

Well that did it and cheryl dunlap he was cumming an hen Maya surprises even Taylor by slapping her foot over the end of his cock as she has become fond of ruining orgasms.

Taylor runs with this and won't let go as the session ends in a wrestling match as Maya and Taylor shriek with glee at the horrible way they ended such a sexy terrific Tease & Denial Session.

Http:// Originally Posted by Unregistered hi can we see some clips of the mistress ruining the guys orgasmn by rubbing the head of his cock with her toes.Thanx
Is the scene where maya ruins his orgasm in dial up pt 2 ?

Quote: Originally Posted by Mistress Taylor I am doing another session with that slave this week with another girl I will work into doing this video.

If that does not work out I will still shoot it.

Ok, looks like it is set up.

I will post the girls name as soon as it is confirmed for sure.I hate saying something is booked an here is a conflict.

Quote: Originally Posted by Unregistered is the scene where maya ruins his orgasm in dial up pt 2 ?

It should be.
Hi Mistress TAylorI just wante o compliment you for that very awesome video "foot sessions"I'm really looking forwar o that clip that you're going to shoot, (is the guy going to be tied up?, while going through footjob/dbl.

Footjob post orgasm torture hell )and I'm hoping you'd make more clips like that.I'm a regular visitor of clips4sale but i don't really find anything I like, I always just have to compromise to what they put out.

Until I foun his store.

Thank you very much andkeep up the work.your customer/slave for lifeT View from the Top

Popular topics today: larry stewart, ruin romo, winter solstice, v7 5.6 digital photo frame, sweet home alabama lyrics, mars asteroid,, soupy sales,, jessica simpson mask, buynowbe

- 18:26 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

utorak, 04.12.2007.

marjorie gross

marjorie gross

Alone again in the DL (distance learning) lab. It didnt take long for the phone to ring and someone that I had helped with podcasting in last Fridays workshop needed some general help with iTunes, Blackboard, and some other odds and ends.
So, I took myself to her office. Marjorie Gross had a nice list of problems she had encountered while tyring to set up her classes in Blackboard. It seems the new version was having some difficulty in her margins when she created an assignment. With the point values and other attributes of the assignment showing, all of her assignment was crunched over to one tall column. Unfortunately, I was not able to help her fix that problem. What I did find was little quirks such as some of the edit features that were getting hung up and not able to allow changes. Once we played a little with the code, it reset itself and allowed changes to occur.


iTunes was a different animal. For some reason, the Dell she was working on wasnt allowing iTunes to operate properly. We did check for an iTunes upgrade, which was available. Once I had that installed with the latest version of QuickTime, everything worked.


What was fun about helping Marjorie is that she (and I) enjoyed my visit. I found myself listening to stories about her kids and grandkids. She asked for some suggestions about Car Magazines for her 12 year old grandsons birthday (which I was easily able to do considering that muscle cars fall into my hobby catagory). Reflecting back to my 6040 class, I found that the Many Hats game about Instructional Designers was again accurate. You have to sometimes take on many roles other than just a designer to solve issues in instruction.

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