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project runway winners

project runway winners

(related: jay mccarroll, jay project runway, jay mccarrol, wendy pepper, austin scarlett, project runway winners, )

Relic Forums - The RN Workshop Projects Project: Pilot Project: Building A Home Server Project!

kinoki foot pads Community Project Time!This is to gauge interest in a community project.

The project runway winners is to develop a few...

Guides I guess. We'll pick a project (a home server is what came to mind, but if you guys have a better idea we can do that too) and work on it together.

In this example the goal is to design a home server, so the first step would be figuring out what it should be michael klein to do.

Then we'll talk about hardware and put together the optimal components.

After that it's software time - eastern airlines 401 OS, which programs, where can you get them, what do you have to do to configure them?

When all is said and done the various discussion threads will be merged into a nicely formatted guide.I figure this will a) create a great point of reference for future "help me build my server" threads and b) give everyone involved a chance to learn some things.

I know we have at least two people who know a lot about administering a bunch of servers (hi Delphy, hi deadguy) and who could probably provide a little expert advice along the way.As I mentioned this is a test balloon, so sound off in this thread if you're interested in participating.

We've already had building a PC a few times, so Server seems pretty suitable.I have just built my first home server, so could quite easily knock some good tips and information up.I think crash courses in PHP, MySQL, Word Press, C++, (x)HTML would also be very useful project runway winners projects.

project runway winners
EDIT Whoops, I am also interested.

Felstorm - I don't believe we start it just yet;

Moe is asking for people to express their interest initially (good start nevertheless though ).

project runway winners Maybe, but I dunno, I'd probably just advise everybody to go to for the software.And I don't know very much about server hardware.

Or hardware in general.

But particularly less about server things.

brian wilson
Well it would be nice to get this project, new things to learn are always welcome ,i don't have any experience in this kind of thinks but i want to help in what i can.

But we project runway winners also start whit something more basic say ,build a computer from the beginning from assembly to full install of the OS and essential programs.

skunk ape I am interested...Also I say we go with a LAMP install.

pacificor llc
I second the LAMP set-up.

I set up WAMP on my desktop without a eastern airlines flight 401 and anybody with linux experience should be able to get it up and running quick and easy.

Yeah I was considering a LAMP mainly because it's cheaper than a windows system, but we project runway winners hash that out later.

For now I'm trying to figure out if people are interested in doing this.

LAMP also has the advantage of ubiquity;

What people learn about the software environment can be transferred to configuring project runway winners remote, hosted web servers as well.

The only real question is what flavour of Linux to install.

project runway winners I know this thread isn't for discussion of ideas but project runway winners gauging community interest, but I think some discussion would entice otherwise apathetic users into pitching in.I suppose it all boils down to what exactly the server is supposed to do.

It doesn't seem like anybody is very interested and I'm only interested as an observer as I am a rather large noob at any serious projects.The particular linux distribution that should be employed I think ultimately depends on exactly what the server project runway winners going to do, different distributions are packaged with different software bundles.

I think ultimately it'll be decided on by asking the seasoned server admins in the community.I assume it's been tacitly agreed on that the server will function as a web server.

Another function that isn't radically different is running an ftp server on the machine concurrently.

I am completely in the project runway winners when it comes to good, mature, reliable, open-source FTP software but a more knowledgeable person can fill in that detail.The same can be said about an e-mail server.

This early into the project proposal (before actual work on it is done even!) it doesn't particularly matter which specific protocols it would use, but I'm sure anybody running a home web server would want to have it support email, plus e-mail is pretty simple.And that is all I propose.

A home server that can serve a website, file transfer, and e-mail;

A simple but very fruitful project that would be undoubtedly useful for the budding solo web developer.So hopefully, because this project sounds neat, people will continue to voice their interests so that it becomes a reality.

Ilike the idea. I have nevre built a server.Good guides are always a good thing, you always learn something new.

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Post je objavljen 27.12.2007. u 07:33 sati.