Big Brother Britain

30 rujan 2007

Officials from the top of Government to lowly council officers will be given unprecedented powers to access details of every phone call in Britain under laws coming into force tomorrow.

The new rules compel phone companies to retain information, however private, about all landline and mobile calls, and make them available to some 795 public bodies and quangos.

The move, enacted by the personal decree of Home Secretary Jacqui Smith, will give police and security services a right they have long demanded: to delve at will into the phone records of British citizens and businesses.

But the same powers will also be handed to the tax authorities, 475 local councils, and a host of other organisations, including the Food Standards Agency, the Department of Health, the Immigration Service, the Gaming Board and the Charity Commission. The initiative, formulated in the wake of the Madrid and London terrorist attacks

of 2004 and 2005, was put forward as a vital tool in the fight against terrorism. However, civil liberties campaigners say the new powers amount to a 'free for all' for the State snooping on its citizens.

And they angrily questioned why the records were being made available to so many organisations. Similar provisions are being brought in across Europe, but under much tighter regulation. In Britain, say critics, private and sensitive information will inevitably fall into the wrong hands.

Records will detail precisely what calls are made, their time and duration, and the name and address of the registered user of the phone.

The files will even reveal where people are when they made mobile phone calls. By knowing which mast transmitted the signal, officials will be able to pinpoint the source of a call to within a few feet. This can even be used to track someone's route if, for example, they make a call from a moving car.

Files will also be kept on the sending and receipt of text messages.

By 2009 the Government plans to extend the rules to cover internet use: the websites we have visited, the people we have emailed and phone calls made over the net.

The new laws will make it a legal requirement for phone companies to keep records for at least a year, and to make them available to the authorities. Until now, companies have been reluctant to allow unfettered access to their files, citing data protection laws, although they have had a voluntary arrangement with law enforcement agencies since 2003.

Many of the organisations granted access to the records already have systems allowing them to search phone-call databases over a computer link without needing staff at the phone company to intervene.

Police requests for phone records will need the approval of a superintendent or inspector, while council officials must get permission from the authority's assistant chief officer. Thousands of staff in other agencies will be legally entitled to retrieve the records once the request is approved by a senior official.

The new measures were implemented after the Home Secretary signed a 'statutory instrument' on July 26. The process allows the Government to alter laws without a full act of Parliament.

The move was nodded through the House of Lords two days earlier without a debate.

It puts into UK law a European Directive aimed at the 'investigation, detection and prosecution of serious crime'. But the British law allows the information to be used much more widely to combat all crimes, however minor.

The huge number of organisations allowed to access this data was attacked by Liberty, the civil liberties campaign group. Other organisations allowed to see the data include the Royal Navy Regulating Branch, the Atomic Energy Authority Constabulary, the Department of Trade and Industry, NHS Trusts, ambulance and fire services, the Department of Transport and the Department for the Environment.

A spokesman for Liberty said: 'Hundreds of bodies have been given the power to look at this highly sensitive information. It is yet another example of how greater and greater access is being given to information on our movements with little debate and little public accountability.

'It is a free for all. There is a lack of oversight of how and why public bodies are using these records. There is no public record of what they are using this information for.'

Tony Bunyan, of civil liberties group Statewatch, said: 'The retention of everyone's communications data is a momentous decision, one that should not be slipped through Parliament without anyone noticing.'

Last year, the voluntary arrangement allowed 439,000 searches of phone records. But the Government brought in legislation because the industry did not routinely keep all the information it wanted.

Different authorities will have different levels of access to the systems. Police and intelligence services will be able to see more detailed information than local authorities. And officials at NHS Trusts and ambulance and fire services can obtain the records only in rare cases when, for example, they are trying to save a patient's life.

The new system will be overseen by the Interception of Communications Commissioner, who also ensures security and intelligence services' phone taps are legal.

The commissioner, Sir Paul Kennedy, reports to the Prime Minister and already carries out random inspections of some agencies legally allowed to see phone records under the existing voluntary scheme. Last year inspectors visited 22 councils already making 'significant' use of their powers' to access phone records. A report said the results were 'variable', but within the law.

Privacy watchdog the Information Commissioner, which has responsibly for protecting personal information and policing the Data Protection Act had virtually no role in the new laws.

A spokeswoman said its only function was to ensure 'data security' at the phone companies, adding: 'We have no oversight role over the release of this information.'

The Home Office said there were safeguards to ensure the new law was being used properly. Every authority had a nominated senior member of staff who was legally responsible for the use the phone data was put to, 'the integrity of the process' and for 'reporting errors'.

A spokesman said: 'The most detailed level of data can be accessed only by law enforcement agencies such as the police. More basic access is available to local authority bodies such as trading standards and environmental health who can only use these powers to prevent and detect crime.'

A spokesman for the Local Government Association, which represents councils across England and Wales, said: 'Councils would only use these powers in circumstances such as benefit fraud, when the taxpayer is being ripped off for many thousands of pounds.'

He added that it was 'very unlikely' the powers would be used against non-payers of council tax or for parking fines 'as the sums involved are not sufficient to justify the use of this sort of information or the costs involved in applying it'.

Uf šta bi ih ja zezala smijeh

Noble Midas 07 - NATO Dan 1

28 rujan 2007

Prvi dan - 27.09.2007.

NATO u Splitu - Dan 1 (27.09.2007.)

27 rujan 2007

Dakle, 1.10.2007. u Bračkom kanalu će se održati vojna vježba NATO-Hrvatska. Jutros su stigli prvi brodovi, Talijani i očekuje se još brodova, kaže jedan od zapovjednika u Lori da se danas počinju skupljati party. Koliko sam ja uspila zbrojit bilo je oko 15-ak brodova među kojima je i nosać helihoptera i brodova. Trebale bi stići 4 nuklearne podmornice, ako već nisu. cerek
Danas su se malo pokazivali i divljali sa helihopterima, pa sam im malo rukom mahala da dođu bliže i par puta su preletjeli poviše mene i prijatelja smokin Sve u svemu ja sam happy, iako ih baš ne volim iz nekih drugih razloga.

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Gore ulaze helihopteri, a dole uplovljavaju brodovi.

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Brod se zove TONNERRE i uberite kukasti križ ispod rofl

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Ovaj brod je izašao iz nosača i kada je ulazio falio je ulaz koji je stvarno širo i zabio se u brod roflrofl

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Vidite kako on spusti neka vratašca i ovaj doslovno upliva unutra...

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Na sljedećim slikama možete vidit kako helihopter spremaju u brod. Dovedu ga do djela koji se spušta i spuste ga na donji kat, otvore se vrata i unesu ga unutra.

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Updateam kasnije s videima kada ih uredim.

Chemtrailsi u Splitu - 23.09.2007.

23 rujan 2007

Nakon dugo vremena vratili su nam se NATO-vci i ostavili svoj "pečat" na nebu.

Nova Peru teorija - US satelite?

21 rujan 2007

American Spy Satellite Downed In Peru As US Nuclear Attack On Iran Thwarted

Russian Military Intelligence Analysts are reporting today that one of the United States most secretive spy satellites, the KH-13, targeting Iran was ‘destroyed in its orbit’ with its main power generator powered by the radioactive isotope Pu-238 surviving re-entry and crashing in a remote region of the South American Nation of Peru, and where hundreds are reported to be ill from radiation poisoning.

Western media reports are stating that the US spy satellite debris hitting Peru was caused by a meteor, but which, according to these reports, would be ‘impossible’ as the size of 30-meter crater, if caused by a meteorite, would have hit the ground with about as much energy as 1 kiloton tactical nuclear weapon, and which would have been recorded by the seismic stations around the World.

Most astonishing about these reports, however, are that they state that it was the Americans themselves who destroyed their own spy satellite with the attack upon it being made by the United States Air Forces’ 30th Space Wing located at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California.

This incident further fuels the intrigue involving the United States War Leaders plans to attack Iran in their attempt to engulf the entire Middle East in Total War, but, against which, according to Russian Military Intelligence Analysts, a ‘high ranking and significant’ faction of the American Military Establishment is opposed to.

This can be further evidenced by this past few weeks unprecedented announcement by the United States Air Force that 6 nuclear armed cruise missiles were removed, without authorization, from their secure holding facility, located in North Dakota at the Minot Air Force Base, and flown to Barksdale Air Force Base, located in Louisiana, where they were left ‘unattended’ for ‘nearly 10 hours’.

It is interesting to note, too, that Barksdale Air Force Base is where the United States President was ‘ordered’ to report to on September 11, 2001 by the United States Air Force Strategic Command prior to his being ‘transferred’ under ‘armed escort’ to Offutt Air Force Base Strategic Command Center near Omaha, Nebraska, where the first ‘truce’ between Americas War Leaders and its Military Forces was ‘negotiated’ by billionaire Warren Buffett as intermediary between the rival power blocs.

Though the rival American power blocs do seem to have maintained their uneasy truce, and which have, to date, prevented further attacks within the United States itself, these latest events, according to these reports, appear to show that this truce is now breaking down over threats and planning by the American War Leaders to attack Iran, and which Russia has warned would be ‘catastrophic’.

What remains unknown to us, at this time, is what counter-planning the American War Leaders have in store for furthering their war aims against Iran as the United States Military have ‘clearly signaled’ that it will not allow nuclear weapons to be used, even to the extent of denying to their War Leaders one of their most prized spy satellites used to guide their nuclear cruise missiles to their intended Iranian targets.

As the American peoples desire for war appears to be exhausted, and with new polls showing their President and Congress’ approval ratings at ‘record lows’, these reports paint a frightening picture of an American War Leadership determined to engulf the entire World in Total War in order to perpetuate their hegemony.

Not since last century’s German Nazi and Japanese Empire’s has the World seen such naked aggression towards the capture of the Earth’s resources, and which caused the deaths of nearly 100 million people, but which the United States and its Western Allies now seem determined to see through to its brutal, and bloody end.

By: Sorcha Faal

Bush VS Zombies

19 rujan 2007


Misteriozna bolest nakon pada meteora

18 rujan 2007

Mještane južnog Perua je zahvatila misteriozna bolest nakon što je pao meteor nedaleko njihovog sela.

U subotu, sredinom dana, mještane je prepala eksplozija i vatrena kugla za koju su bili uvjereni da je avion srušen blizu granice s Boliviom, nedaleko sela.

Mještani se žale na glavobolju i povračanje na čudan miris koji je donošen vjetrom, kaže lokalni zavod za javno zdravstvo.

Sedam policajaca koji su otišli provjeriti prijave, su se također razbolili i morali su ih spojiti na kisik prije hospitalizacije.

Spasilačke ekipe i stručnjaci su izašli na teren gdje je meteor napravio krater širok 30 metara i dubok 6 metara.

Kipuća voda je počela izlaziti iz kratera i čestice kamenja i pepela su nađene nedaleko kratera. Stanovnici su zabrinuti.

Hitler`s Flying Saucers

Uz pomoć knjige Hitler`s Flying Saucers sam napravila video od 30 minuta popračen s preko 100 slika. Ustvari sam tu knjigu stavila u skračenoj verziji u video formatu. Video je velik oko 97MB i uploadan je u rapidshare-u.

Hitler`s Flying Saucers Download

Free Hugs

11 rujan 2007

Gledam U potrazi za samim sobom... blog i ne mogu a da ne "ukradem" jednu od njegovih tema sretan
Radi se o jednoj globalnoj akciji koju je pokrenuo Juan Mann sasvim neplanirano.

Kako je kolega bloger upučeniji od mene, prenit ću ono što je on napisao kao opis ove akcije.

Juan je zivio u Londonu, ali nakon fatalnih promjena u njegovom zivotu morao je otici u Sidney. Kao sto to cesto biva na aerodromima, svi su nekoga docekivali, grlili, bilo je tu puno radosti, ali on je stajao tu, sam, bez ikoga, samo s onom svima poznatom tezinom u srcu..
Kad je vidio sve te ljude koje se grle, sinula mu je ideja na pamet. Uzeo je bijeli komad kartona i na njega flomasterom napisao "FREE HUGS" (besplatni zagrljaji) na obje strane, te ga podigao u vis. Nekih 15-ak minuta, ljudi su ga cudno gledali, ali mu je napokon jedna zena prisla, zagrlila ga, te rekla kako je taj dan bio godisnjica smrti njene kceri u automobilskoj nesreci, kako se osjecala uzasno usamljenom i trebao joj je upravo: zagrljaj. Tako je sve pocelo. Okupilo se vise ljudi, pridruzili su mu se, ... No, nakon nekog vremena, policija je zabranila takva okupljanja (kao prosvjede, javna okupljanja). Nakon sakupljenih 10 000 potpisa, kampanja je mogla nastaviti svoj put prema jednostavnom usrecivanju ljudi...

Ova akcija se provodi i u Hrvatskoj, u Zagrebu, jednom mjesečno na trgu Bana Jelačića.

Više o ovoj akciji možete pročitati na Free Hugs Campaign

"Sometimes, a hug is all what we need."

7 Amazing Holes

10 rujan 2007

Zahvaljujem Reini na linku s ovim prekrasnim rupama na Zemlji, bilo one umjetno napravljene ili prirodno.

Rudnik dijamanta, Siberia

Ovaj rudnik ima titulu najvećeg rudnika dijamanata na Zemlji. Dubok je 525 metara, s promjerom vanjskog kruga od 1200 metara. Zabranjeno je prelijetanje iznad jer je bilo slučajeva kada je rupa usisala helikoptere.

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Strelica na donjoj slici pokazuje ogromni kamion

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Kimberley big hole - South Africa

Prividno najveća iskopina na svijetu, ovaj 1097 metara dubok rudnik je dao preko 3 tone dijamanata prije nego su ga zatvorili 1914. godine.

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Težina zemlje koju su radnici uklonili za vrijeme kopanja je oko 22,5 milijuna tona.

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Glory hole - Monticello Dam

Sveta rupa se koristi kada je brana punog kapaciteta i voda se mora ukloniti iz rezervara.

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Ova sveta rupa pripada Monticello brani u Kaliforniji i najveća je na svijetu. Njena veličina omogućava primanje 14`400 kubika vode svaku sekundu.

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Rupa se vidi na gornjoj slici, u lijevom gornjem kutu. Da skočite unutra iz nekog razloga, bili biste "ispucani" na dno brane s druge strane, kao što vidite na donjoj slici.

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Bingham canyon mine, Utah

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Pretpostavlja se da je ovo najveća ljudska iskopina na Zemlji. Kopanje je započeto 1863. godine i traje dan danas. Rupa se konstantno povečava i trenutno je duboka 3/4 milje i 2,5 milje široka.

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Great blue hole, Belize

Rupa smještena 60 milja od kopna Belize je nevjerojatan geografski fenomen poznat kao plava rupa. Mnogo je plavih rupa diljem svijeta, ali ni jedna nije zapanjujuća kao ova.

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Na površinskom dijelu, skoro perfektni krug je širok 1/4 milje, a dubina u središtu je oko 145 metara.
Više o ovoj rupi možete pročitati na Plava Rupa, Belize.

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Diavik mine, Canada

Ovaj nevjerojatni rudnik se nalazi 300 km sjevero-istočno od Yellowknife-a u Kanadi.

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Rudnik je toliko velik i područje toliko udaljeno da ima vlastiti aerodrom s pistom koja može primiti Boeing737.
Rudnik jednako lijepo izgleda i kada je voda oko njega smrznuta.

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Sinkhole, Guatemala

O ovoj rupi smo pričali kada je i nastala što nije davno. Za nju kažu da je nastala zbog zemljinog upijanja velike kolićine vode zbog čega je došlo do urušavanja zemlje.

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Rupa je progutala desetak kuća i poginulo je najmanje troje ljudi.

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"Officials blamed the monster of a hole on a ruptured sewage pipe."

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News Report


NWO Prosvjedi - September 22, 2007.

08 rujan 2007

Organiziraju se prosvjedi protiv New World Order-a i Global Control-a 22.09.2007. u cijelom svijetu. Je li vrijeme da kažemo dosta? Napravite plakate i polijepite po svojim gradovima. Ako netko slika svoje djelo nek slobodno pošalje na moj mail i objaviti ću slike na blog i još neke sajtove.

The Secret

Sinoć sam bila kod prijatelja i pokazao mi je dokumentarac na koji sam naišla nebrojeno puta i svaki put bi rekla da ću kasnije vidjeti o čemu se radi i potom bi zaboravila. Dokumentarac se zove "The Secret" i govori o snazi naših misli.
Iako svi živimo na jednom planetu, ne živimo u istom svijetu. Svaka osoba život drugačije doživljava, ima drugačija iskustva koja drugačije shvaća i na kraju krajeva, svak ima svoju karmu. Većina život doživljava kao nekakvu muku i kaznu. Život nije ni muka ni kazna ako mi to ne želimo. Život provedemo u željama koje se uglavnom ne ostvare, nesretni smo svaki put kada odlazimo na posao i vračamo se kući, uvijek očekujemo ono što ne želimo i to nam se upravo i desi. Koliko samo energije trošimo na stvari koje ne volimo i koje ne želimo da nam se dese? Naše misli okreću svemir prema nama. Svaka misao se odašilje i vraća s rezultatima. Ako su nam misli crne, dobiti ćemo takve rezultate. Ne želite biti nesretni, prestanite govoriti kako ste stalno nesretni i kako vas sreća stalno zaobilazi, jer dok god vjerujete da vas sreća zaobilazi vi joj ne otvarate vrata i ne dajete priliku da se zaustavi kod vas.

Dokumentarac govori upravo o tome kako da mi sami okrenemo svemir u pravcu u kojem želimo i da mislima oblikujemo vlastiti život.

Prvih 20 minuta dokumentarca. Cijeli možete skinuti preko torrenta.
Nekima će se učiniti da je ovo new age, možda i je, ali radi. Provjereno!

Sadi, ne pali!

07 rujan 2007

Naišla sam na lijepu sličicu koja me potakla da napravim bannere koji bi pozivali naša eko društva da pokrenu akciju sađenja stabala u svrhu obnove naših izgorenih šuma. Također pozivaju na pažnju za vrijeme ljetnih dana.
Piromane ne treba spominjati jer njih ni mrtvi vatrogasci nisu spriječili da podmeću požare. Večer nakon incidenta na Kornatima u 22:55 je buknuo požar na Mosoru.
Banneri su namijenjeni blogovima, forumima i web sajtovima.

Tragedija na Kornatima

04 rujan 2007

Zadnje vrijeme nema nešto postova jer nemam vremena. Moram srediti nešto oko faxa i još nekih stvari pa ću se vratiti gomilavanju postova. Kad već nešto pišem, dotaknit ću se glavne vijesti ovih dana u Hrvatskoj, a to je tragedija na Kornatima. Ne znam za vas, ali meni cijela priča nema nikakve logike. Trava se zapalila koja je svega do koljena visoka, a osmero ih pogine. Kako nastradali vatrogasci još nisu imali prilike reći što se desilo, neki nažalost neće imati priliku u ovom životu to reći, ne znamo što se zaista desilo i kako je ustvari sve to izgledalo. Kako kaže onaj vatrogasac iz Rijeke; "Zar su ovce pametnije od ljudi?" Samo su ljudi izgorili na požarištu, ćak su i ovce uspjele pobjeći.
Helikopter ih je spustio, kako kažu, u srce požarišta, a nije ih mogao spasiti zbog jakog vjetra...kako ih je onda po tom jakom vjetru mogao spustiti??? Zar je vatrena linija debela 10 metara pa nisu mogli preskočiti zapaljenu travu? Vatrogasna oprema kao da je bila lako zapaljiva, bez onog benzina koji su nosili sa sobom... Puno je tu pitanja. Kako čujem specijalna vojska je izašla na teren..otkad specijalna vojska vrši očevide na požarištima? I također mi neke informacije kažu da je otok okružila vojna mornarica...Ne znam odakle te informacije osobi koja mi ih je rekla, ali ako je istina, čemu ako se ne radi o nekom vojnom eksperimentu?
Iskreno, moja sućut obiteljima poginulih. Kako stvari stoje s cijelom pričom i onim opuškom (yeah right), teško da će ostati netko od preživljelih živ, nadam se da hoće.

I Rusija će imati bazu na Mjesecu

02 rujan 2007

Rusija do 2025. godine planira let na Mjesec s ljudskom posadom, a do 2032. godine namjerava na Zemljinom prirodnom satelitu uspostaviti stalnu bazu. Na Crveni planet Rusi planiraju 2035.

"Prema našim procjenama, spremni smo poslati letjelicu s ljudskom posadom na Mjesec do 2025. godine, te uspostaviti i staviti u funkciju stalnu bazu na površini Mjeseca između 2027. i 2032. godine", rekao je ravnatelj ruske svemirske agencije Roskosmos Anatolij Perminov.

Dodao je da bi prvi let s ljudskom posadom na planet Mars Rusija mogla ostvariti do 2035. godine.

Četrdeset i šest godina nakon leta Jurija Gagarina, prvog čovjeka u svemiru, grandiozni planovi Rusije o osvajanju Mjeseca i Marsa suočavaju se, još od raspada Sovjetskog Saveza, sa stalnim nedostatkom sredstava za sektor svemirskih istraživanja.


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