FIFA 19 Team of the Year - Who Made the Squad?

četvrtak , 31.01.2019.

FIFA 19 Team of the Year - Who Made the Squad?
Monday 7th January 2019 was indeed a remarkable day for all FIFA 19 fans all over the world, as it was the day EU Sports released the names of the 11 players who made it into the FIFA Ultimate Team’s Team of the Year (TOTY) list. The Team of the Year is a big deal for players; infact, it can be said to be the most esteemed and coveted accolade every player seeks to achieve- well, at least in the gaming world- and thanks to EU Sports, FIFA fans and lovers can get to pack all available TOTY player cards.

The 55- man TOTY nominee shortlist had been released by EU Sports right at the beginning of this year and this brought about different reactions from the FIFA community, with lots of game lovers and FIFA fans filling the online space with their songs of praises, love, and support for their favorite players, plus countless questions raging all over the internet as to which players will make the final XI of the TOTY squad. And in the course of all these, a ballot system of voting was done which had players, fans, YouTubers, members of the social media community, pro FIFA players and the whole FIFA community casting their votes to choose their favorite players whom they believe deserved to be on the squad. Users and fans were to submit these votes by using the harshtag #TOTYVote , and after the votes were tallied, it would make 60% of the votes needed, while EA Sports made the remaining 40% percent.

And so on Monday 7th January, the 11-man player squad was announced on Twitter, and we cannot help but say this is a stunning team indeed. What’s more- the announcement also held quite a few surprises in the mix, which definitely got some angry and reactions of disappointments from fans that were looking forward to Paul Pogba making an appearance on the squad. After the main line-up was announced, the EU Sports made it known that there would be a community-only vote for a 12th TOTY player, to be chosen from one of the five players who missed out on being picked in the general votes. So, if you don’t already know, here is the full lineup of players who made the FIFA 19 Team of the Year squad-

MIDFIELDERS: N’Golo Kante, Luka Modric, and Kevin De Bruyne make a formidable midfield trio that great to defeat.

ATTACKERS: Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, and Kylian Mbappe all made the squad, bagging the accolades of the three best attackers in the world of football.

DEFENSE: Marcelo, Sergio Ramos, Raphael Varane, and Virgil Van Dijk form a defensive wall too strong to break.

GOALKEEPER: Manchester United Goalkeeper, David De Gea.

12th TOTY PLAYER: Neymar Jr. took the 12th player spot upon winning the fan’s vote, beating Paul Pogba, Eden Hazard, Mohamed Salah, and Antoine Griezmann to it.

The release of the FIFA 19 TOTY team of course came with mixed reactions- some good, some negative, some odd inclusions, and maybe some weird omissions too- whichever way, we think this team would be giving us an amazing year of solid fun-filled football.

To get news and information on FIFA, your FIFA 19 TOTY, FIFA coins on, and other updates, check out to stay informed.

Devil May Cry Tips for Better Gameplay

srijeda , 23.01.2019.

Turn away! Buy CD Keys from, Games Gold, Games Items and CD Keys are available there. On the off chance that there are at least two higher level adversary types on the battling scene, state a Tyrant, Butcher, Rages or Knights and you're having some inconvenience as you are compelled to evade all the time, simply dismiss your camera from them. I can tell that even a mid-charge Tyrant will quit charging when you dismiss camera, must be turned sufficiently early however, not simply before the effect. Same for Butcher, the saw kid, he would simply stroll around, dishonorably sitting tight for you to take a gander at him with the goal that he would assault you. A negligible oversight? A bug? Likely along these lines, yet it's there so use it in the event that you require it.


Repel signature assaults inevitably! Presently, you will most likely not be deliberately needing to repel low level flunkies, for example, the Stygians yet you beyond any doubt ought to search for a chance to repel Dreamrunners, Drekavac or the Butcher, they are anything but difficult to peruse and along these lines to repel. It's altogether harder to repel with an insignificant Rebellion swing yet it's feasible. Simpler route is with your Osiris' shredder, utilize that to repel the Butcher's tossed saws. Utilize completely charged Eryx when dreamrunners escape into the entrance and plan to seize you, tune in to the sound and when they hop, discharge it, same for Drekavac. It is the more proficient approach to repel them with Eryx as opposed to endeavor to skirmish them. Witch's overwhelming shield is a major inconvenience so in the event that she charges her swords that come flying at you, turn your Osiris or hit 3 splendidly coordinated swings with Rebellion and turn her swords back at her.


Use evil spirit trigger! In the event that you end up overpowered, by numbers as well as by the intense adversaries and think mending up would not help to such an extent and your evil spirit trigger bar isn't topped sufficiently off, make a point to dependably convey a fallen angel trigger star, ideally huge and just on higher troubles (Son of Sparda and higher). Utilize one and start Demon Trigger in a split second, not just you will recuperate up all around ok, accordingly dispensing with the requirement for a fundamental star, yet in addition style significantly quicker because of your score counter being helped up amid the DT and in the meantime, killing every one of the foes. Use it, don't spare it.


Seen it too often? When you've experienced the amusement 4 or multiple times, you are most likely not going play the diversion for the cutscenes, you will need to skip them, the catch for that is Backspace. I swear the main reason I'm putting this here is that I thought there is no catch for skipping scenes so I moved with that sufficiently long untill I incidentally discovered. It's BACKSPACE PEOPLE!


Thing punishment. Utilizing things and biting the dust all through one mission hits you with a few punishments toward the finish of the mission, be that as it may, except if you plan on scoring SSS on all Nephilim missions, it require not trouble you.


An absolute necessity get capacities. There are a couple fundamental capacities you ought to get at the earliest opportunity. Those are the Angel Evade, Demon Evade, Angel Boost, Death Coil, Trillion Stabs and Overdrive. When you get the Arbiter, your principle and just concern ought to be the Trinity Smash which alongside Demon Evade does absurd measure of harm.


Presently, Angel Evade is a phenomenal hole nearer just as an instrument of getting away and making some room. Evil presence Evade, whenever planned well, gives you a lift harm for your next assaults so joined with Trinity Smash, you will hit adversaries with an appropriate measure of harm. Deathcoil is vital for the progression of your combos just as is Trillion Stabs, which can be likewise utilized as completion of a battle, as you can pile on a great deal of focuses from it whenever diverted sufficiently long. Your forefinger will take a beating after some time.

Recent Adjustments In The Black Market And Trading From MapleStory 2

srijeda , 16.01.2019.

Last November, MapleStory 2 issued scheduled maintenance—as they always do per patch—to further improve the game. This time around, there are changes that have been made involved the Black Market in order to eliminate Meso farmers who sell and buy Maplestory 2 Mesos.

For those of you who aren’t familiar with what the Black Market is in MapleStory terms, the Black Market is where players can list their own sellable items and purchase other players’ listed items for Mesos. The Black Market has been open to all until the latest update came around and set a limit as to who can go to the market.

Black Market: No Longer a Free for All
Perhaps the most damning change that the developers of MapleStory 2 have brought to the audience is that in order to list an item on the Black Market or initiate a trade with another player, you must be at least level 60 to do so. Hitting the nail in the coffin, only level 50 players or higher are able to purchase an item from the Black Market or accept trades from other players.

Why the Sudden Change?
According to the ongoing investigations by the developers of the game, there has been rampant unintended use of these trading systems such as the Black Market mainly by Meso farmers at low-level ranges. The result of which is a rather wobbly fluctuation in market prices, leaving the economy in shambles. Just before the update, there have been more than 20,000 malicious accounts that were banned to combat this problem. The developers are indeed working as hard as they can to restore the market balance. Clearly, Nexon is drawing the line with more restrictions against Meso sellers and transactions right now.

Is This Change Good?
While few Maplers have actually applauded this reform, most of them were understandably outraged by this update and mingled with the grievance of unfair treatment. These restrictions were generally considered to be “getting out of order” by most of the players. Although nobody would really back up for the Mesos buy and sell aspect of it, players got more furious and irate toward the new terms. This was especially the case with newcomers and old players trying to level up their characters in different servers. As new players greatly depend on saving money in exchange for basic boosting supplies that you can get in the Black Market, these kinds of market restrictions can gradually drive off the game. Even more restrictions in the future may prompt the ire of players as they’ll have to spend more time and effort just to try and reach level 60.

The real madness of this restriction is that it literally cuts loose of any legitimate transactions between low-level players in the Black Market. So a level 20 or lower player will no longer be able to buy orange potions in the Black Market. And the worst part is a player of that level (or lower) won’t be able to afford to buy those supplies and other gear as well from anywhere else because other places that offer these items sell their products at utterly ludicrous prices. Thinking about raising more money by selling some of your items to buy an item of your liking? Well, you can forget about that since you’re excluded from trades in the Black Market because of your level.

Final Thoughts
All in all, the impact of this update was definitely greater than what Nexon could fathom. The changes were supposed to sabotage the Meso farmers. Instead, the legitimate players of the game are the ones who received a bitter surprise since this damages the gameplay of players who want nothing to do with Meso trading and are only in it for the fun that MapleStory2 brings.

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How to Play Football Manager Better?

ponedjeljak , 14.01.2019.

It's very enticing when playing Football Manager to permit your colleague chief and the amusement's default settings to direct your side's strategies and style of play.

Assuming, be that as it may, you're hoping to venture out of the secondary lounge and adopt an additional hands-on strategy, at that point utilize these tips as motivation to channel your internal Klopp.

Pick a base style and work from that point

One of our most loved highlights in the new look Football Manager diversion is the determination of base strategic styles, from gegenpressing to tiki-taka.

Put your pride to the other side and utilize one of these default strategies as an establishment to your group's center strategies, previously adjusting it and building up your very own mark strategy.

Three is an enchantment number

It's very simple to wind up over-dependent on one arrangement, yet chiefs who support their wagers and tinker between three developments will see better outcomes in the long haul.

It's imperative not to over-burden your players, in any case. Balance this via preparing your side in only two arrangements at the start of the vocation, before presenting a third one in the number one spot up to the midpoint of the season.

When your group are very much familiar with every one of the three developments, ponder your up and coming restriction's past installations – seeing which strategies worked successfully against them – and choose the arrangement which best fits that arrangement of assault.

Regardless of whether you just utilize two out of the three strategies in matches, the third strategy could see your players enhance diverse regions of their amusement.

Watch and learn

Oppose the impulse to easily finish diversions, and rather settle on expanded features and watch your group, and your opposition's, strategies. This is undeniably more compelling than depending on your partner administrator's directions.

This will enable you to spot defects in your strategies and see whether a player is suited to an explicit player job. For example, on the off chance that you have a middle back set as a ball playing safeguard and you watch them over and over giving the ball away, change them to a straightforward protector and cut those slip-ups out of your diversion.

In the event that you would prefer not to furrow excessively time into Football Manager, despite everything we prescribe completing this for the main couple of recreations in a season before assuming a lower priority approach.

Know your breaking points and play to your qualities

This appears glaringly evident, however it's value re-repeating: don't attempt and actualize an exceptionally mind boggling brand of football in a lower class side.

As such; strategies that work for Barcelona, state a tiki-taka approach, most likely won't work for Brechin City.

Rather, play inside your points of confinement.

In the event that you aren't honored with actually talented maestros, however are skilled with a trio of six-foot in addition to assailants with strong hopping details, decide on an immediate style of play and put an accentuation on intersection, as opposed to attempting to develop your very own image of complete football.

New player jobs

Football Managers ought to likewise exploit the most recent cluster of player jobs executed by the group at Sports Interactive.

The Pressing Forward will see your striker bug protectors, putting them under strain and confining their time on the ball – think Bobby Firmino at Liverpool. Utilize this strategy on players with high animosity, stamina, work rate and collaboration.

Protectively players can utilize the straightforward focus back and simple full-back job on players with high handling, checking and heading, however poor passing and self-control – think Robert Huth.
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Annoying Fortnite Grappler Bug Is Costing Players Victory Royales

petak , 04.01.2019.

It’s the seventh season of Epic Games’ hit game “Fortnite: Battle Royale” and it’s still in its “Early Access” stage. The game was released more than a year ago and it is far from being perfect. Fortnite’s huge fanbase with more than 125 million players, seem to overlook the usual “Matchmaking Errors” and frequent disconnection. The reason for it is that they know that the developers are adding new features, items, and game modes almost every week.

More features in less amount of time mean less testing. Less testing means more bugs. No wonder the game still has “Early Access” label on it because it is not flawless. Still, everyone wants to continue playing Fortnite. Although there are certain bugs that make players want to uninstall this game and one of them is the new Grappler bug.

New Grappler bug in Fortnite

Fortnite’s Grappler Bug Broke The Item
Popular Fortnite streamer “Nick Eh 30” discovered the recent Grappler bug at a very wrong time. Even though the item has been out since season five, players are still finding new bugs related to this item. For Nick, the item stopped working the way it was supposed to work when he was in the storm. Instead of sticking to the surface, the Grappler just glitches through the ground. Watch the whole clip below:

Nick Eh 30 tried to “fix” the bug by cycling through his inventory and it didn’t work. “I hate this game so much, but I want to keep playing it,” says Nick Eh 30 as he gets eliminated, just meters away from the safe zone. After the clip was uploaded to Reddit, other players have reported that they also encountered the same bug. Some players also said that Balloons are a victim of a similar glitch. Fans hope that the bug will be fixed in the next update now that it has been brought into Epic Games’ attention.

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