Informacije, književni i haiku natjeèaji, promocije i ostalo...
------------------ HRVATSKO KNJIŽEVNO DRUŠTVO poziva Vas na 2. književni SET u èetvrtak 17.12.2009. u 19 h u caffe BAR ''SET'' - Verdijeva 11A, (pokraj rijeèkog kazališta Ivana pl. Zajca) na promociju novog božiænog CDa U DUHU I NADI pjesnika i glumca Josipa Eugena Šete o CD-u æe govoriti: Lari Šeta, urednik glazbe Valerio Orliæ, sunakladnik CD-a i predsjednik HKD-a a stihove uz autora kazivati glumac Žarko Radiæ i pjesnici Vesna Miculiniæ Prešnjak i Riccardo Staraj Dobrodošli! ------------------------- --- On Mon, 12/14/09, Tatjana Debeljacki From: Tatjana Debeljacki Subject: Welcome to Haiku Canada Date: Monday, December 14, 2009, 11:39 AM --------------------- --- On Sat, 12/12/09, Tatjana Debeljacki From: Tatjana Debeljacki Date: Saturday, December 12, 2009, 10:06 AM ---------------------- Submission The Walrus Magazine The Walrus invites writers to submit brief query letters about prospective story ideas, and artists and photographers to submit their work for consideration. Potential contributors are encouraged to review the magazine's submission guidelines before sending queries, stories, or art. Detailed guidelines, including tips for writers and a Walrus section guide, can be downloaded in .pdf format here. If you cannot open PDFs, please email us at to request the guidelines in another format. Non-fiction queries should be sent to Please place the contents of the pitch in the body of the email. Writing samples may be sent as Word attachments. Short fiction and poetry should be sent to Please place the contents of the story or poem in the body of the email. Photography and illustration queries should be sent to If you are including samples, please send them as JPG attachments, or provide us with a link to your web portfolio. Queries can also be sent by mail, addressed to Editorial or Art, as appropriate, to: The Walrus 19 Duncan Street, Suite 101 Toronto, ON, Canada M5H 3H1 Writers' queries can also be sent by fax to (416) 971-8768. Please note that due to volume we will not consider more than one submission per month. We ask that writers not send completed/on-spec submissions Submission Guidelines The Walrus invites writers to submit brief query letters about prospective story ideas, and artists and photographers to submit their work for consideration. Potential contributors are encouraged to review the magazine's submission guidelines before sending queries, stories, or art. Detailed guidelines, including tips for writers and a Walrus section guide, can be downloaded in .pdf format here. If you cannot open PDFs, please email us at to request the guidelines in another format. Non-fiction queries should be sent to Please place the contents of the pitch in the body of the email. Writing samples may be sent as Word attachments. Short fiction and poetry should be sent to Please place the contents of the story or poem in the body of the email. Photography and illustration queries should be sent to If you are including samples, please send them as JPG attachments, or provide us with a link to your web portfolio. Queries can also be sent by mail, addressed to Editorial or Art, as appropriate, to: The Walrus 19 Duncan Street, Suite 101 Toronto, ON, Canada M5H 3H1 Writers' queries can also be sent by fax to (416) 971-8768. Please note that due to volume we will not consider more than one submission per month. We ask that writers not send completed/on-spec submissions Best regards, Tanja new mail: ---------------------- --- On Wed, 12/9/09, Tatjana Debeljacki From: Tatjana Debeljacki Subject: CEG£A nr 16 "Roulotte" - zapraszamy do konkursu Date: Wednesday, December 9, 2009, 11:59 AM > CEG£A nr 16 "Roulotte" - zapraszamy do konkursu > > 16 nr Magazynu Materia³ów Literackich Ceg³a zosta³ pomyœlany jako > aplikacja internetowa, na której zamieszczane bêd¹ ró¿ne formy literackich > gier, zabaw, konkursów o charakterze literackim. Wszystkie nasze > propozycje bêd¹ zwi¹zane z biografi¹ i twórczoœci¹ Raymonda Roussela. > > Na pocz¹tek proponujemy konkurs na najlepsz¹ sestynê. > > wiêcej informacji na Cegle: >,16,konkurs-na-najlepsza-sestyne,277.html > > > oraz na > > > -- > ----------------------- --- On Wed, 12/9/09, Shamrock Haiku Journal From: Shamrock Haiku Journal Subject: Shamrock No 12 now online To: Date: Wednesday, December 9, 2009, 2:45 AM Dear All, The new issue of Shamrock Haiku Journal, the online magazine of the Irish Haiku Society, is now available at Shamrock is an international quarterly online journal that publishes quality haiku, senryu and haibun in English, and has a home page at This issue has an ample selection of Slovenian haiku in English translation, as well as an international section, an essay, haibun and book reviews. Also, all the winning haiku from the IHS International Haiku Competition 2009 appear in this issue. The results of the IHS International Haiku Competition 2009 can be found here: Shamrock Haiku Journal is calling for submissions from local, national and international haiku poets for the next issue, which will be out in early March 2010. Please submit your work to the editor at irishhaikusociety[at] The deadline for submissions is 30th April, 2010. See submissions guidelines at . With best regards, Anthony "Anatoly" Kudryavitsky, Ph.D. Editor, Shamrock Haiku Journal Dublin, Ireland e. w. - --------------------------- --- On Wed, 12/9/09, Jadran Zalokar From: Jadran Zalokar Subject: FW: Konkurs ART grupa AKT Valjevo To: Cc: "'Boris Nazansky'" Date: Wednesday, December 9, 2009, 7:23 AM Dragima Bori Borisu Jadran From: VRELO [] Sent: Tuesday, December 08, 2009 7:12 PM Subject: Konkurs ART grupa AKT Valjevo Internacionalna Art grupa Akt iz Valjeva raspisuje knjizevni konkurs. Autori mogu slati poeziju, kratku prozu * ne duzu od 20 redova*, haiku i hajbun. Sve kategorije su ravnopravne. Svi radovi moraju biti neobjavljivani. Salju se do 3 priloga u 2 primerka, pod sifrom sa resenjem u posebnoj koverti /adresa i kratka biografija/. Jedan autor moze ucestvovati samo pod jednom sifrom u 1 ili vise kategorija . Rok za slanje radova 31. decembar 2009. Bice dodeljene Prva, druga i Treca nagrada. Nagrade su plakete i umetnicke slike. Od izabranih radova bice stampana knjiga. Dodela nagrada i promocija knjige bice u okviru Medjunarodnog umetnickog projekta "Interkulturalni dijalog II - Valjevo 2010" u maju 2010. godine Radove slati na adresu> "ART grupa AKT" Milica Ilic Gacic, sekretar ul. Duska Radovica 1, 14000 Valjevo, Srbija ------------------ --- On Tue, 12/8/09, Jadran Zalokar From: Jadran Zalokar Subject: FW: Natjeèaj za steampunk antologiju.doc Dragima Bori Borisu Jadran From: Tatjana Debeljacki [] Natjeèaj za steampunk antologiju Vesela vijest za sve postojeæe steampunkere u Hrvatskoj i šire! Ann i Jeff VanderMeer pripremaju nastavak svoje Steampunk antologije i pozivaju pisce da im pošalju svoje prièe. Prièe, naravno, moraju biti na engleskom jeziku i biti prethodno objavljene na webu ili u tisku u proteklih deset godina. Posebno ih interesiraju netradicionalna i multikulturalna gledišta … Ako imate veæ objavljenu steampunk prièu i preveli ste je na engleski, VanderMeerovima je možete slati veæ sada, no pristigli æe se radovi èitati tek izmeðu 15. prosinca 2009. i 15. veljaèe 2010., a svi autori mogu oèekivati odgovor do kraja veljaèe. Primaju se prièe izmeðu 1500 i 10 000 rijeèi. Šaljite ih u DOC ili RTF formatu kao prilog na ponuðenu e-mail ili snail mail adresu, a ako šaljete e-mailom, u sam e-mail kopirajte prva tri odlomka svoje prièe. Nije potrebno slati nikakve biografske podatke, ali napišite gdje je prièa bila prethodno objavljena. Autori èije se prièe objave u antologiji mogu oèekivati i honorar te primjerak knjige. Ako vam sve ovo zvuèi jako primamljivo, ali do sada niste objavili ni jednu steampunk prièu, razlog je više da se potrudite i pošaljete nešto za SFeraKonski natjeèaj te tako sljedeæe godine konkurirate za potencijalnu treæu Steampunk antologiju! ------------- --- On Tue, 12/8/09, sasavazic From: sasavazic Subject: HIA rezultati To: Date: Tuesday, December 8, 2009, 11:57 AM Haiku at HIA Haiku Contest and Symposium (2009) 2009/12/05 The Haiku International Association(HIA), a nonprofit organization aimed at promoting haiku globally, celebrated the 20th anniversary of its establishment with a symposium titled Haiku Worldwide Present and Future on November 28, Tokyo. First of all, HIA President Akito Arima gave a speech of celebration as a greeting. Secondly, they announced the results of the 11th HIA Haiku contest. Here we post the names of haiku poets and their haiku selected as prize winners and honorable mentions (Non-Japanese Section). We also post their haiku translated into Japanese. (Selected by Toshio Kimura) (Prize Winners)ýýýýýýýý Tatjana Stefanovic (Serbia) ýýýýý Gliding to seaýýýýýýýýýýýýý towers of sandy castle. ýýýýýý Long lizard’s tailýýýýýýýýýý Olga Hooper (U.S.A)ýýýýýýýýý late autumnýýýýýýýýýýýýý moonlight preservedýýýýýýýý in a glass jarýýýýýýýýýýýýý (Honorable Mentions) David Dayson (UK)ýýýýýýýýýý ghosts of distant conflictýýýýýý still haunt ýýýýýýýýýýýýý the unarmoured soulýýýýýýýý Roberta Beary (U.S.A)ýýýýýýýý (She is a fellow haiku poet of mine) new coolnessýýýýýýýýýýýýýý soldiers’ black boots crunchýýýýýýý leaves of goldýýýýýýýýýýýýýý Zeljka Vucinic Jambresic (Croatia)ý all the reedýýýýýýý combed in one wayýýý the wind in a marshýý Petar Tchouhov (Bulgaria) full moonýýýýýýýýý the holeýýýýýýýýýý of his wedding ringýýý (Selected by Toru Kiuchi) (Prize Winners) Tomislav Z. Vujcic (Serbia)ýýýýý Two invalids ýýýýýýýýýýý me disabled veteranýýýýýýýý and a deerýýýýýýýýýýýýýýý Owen Bullock (New Zealand)ýýýý waterfowlýýýýýýýýýýýýýý drift intoýý ýýýýýýýýýýýýýý photosýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýý (Honorable Mentions) Pamela A. Babusci (U.S.A)ýýýýýýý night of silenceýýýýýýýýýýýýý I found a river stoneýýýýýýýýýý in my pocketýýýýýýýýýýýýýýý Kirsten Cliff (New Zealand)ýýýýýý winter afternoonýýýýýýýýýýý one empty spaceýýýýýýýýýýý in the library carparkýýýýýýýýý Naomi Y. Brown (U.S.A)ýýýýýýýý moonlight ýýýýýýýýýýýý Spanish moss hung from treeý ghost swayingýýýýýýýýý ýý Tatjana Stefanovic (Serbia)ýýýýýý summer shower:ýýýýýýýýýýý Donald Duck’s head peepingýýý out of gutter-pipeýýýýýýýýýý Thirdly, they gave the symposium, whose panelists were four haiku representatives from the United Kingdom, the U.S., Germany and Croatia, and HIA President Akito Arima. They gave a lecture on principles and present circumstances of haiku and discussed and suggested further information for future haiku. I was deeply impressed with their viewpoints on the meaning and roles of haiku in their daily lives, and also the values of haiku. I was also impressed with the prediction by HIA President Akito Arima. He predicted as follows: Haiku will survive as the shortest form of poetry. Haiku will have more things to do with nature. More and more young people will write and read haiku. More haiku poets will share their haiku on the Internet. Global haiku meet or exchange will increase on the Internet. Here we post the panelists and the coordinator and their haiku. Annie Bachini, President of the British Haiku Society sliding on and offýýýýýýý the river’s edgeýýýýýýýý autumn leavesýýýýýýýý ý Lenard Moore, president of the Haiku Society of America autumn sunsetýýýýýýýý helicopter risesýýýýýýýý from the heliportýýýýýýý Marijan Cekolj, president of the Croatian Haiku Society here, behind the Crownýý ýý of a tree the sun going down ý to the next side of the worldýý Stephan Wolfschutz, president of the German Haiku Society the pebblesýýýýýýýý ý ý under my feetýýýýýýýý ý Buddha’s birthdayýýýýý ý HIA President Akito Arima looking for something lost ýýýý wearing a winter cap Tsunehiko Hoshino, HIA vice-president as coordinator Walking a little apartýýýýý from its shadow ýýýýýý early morning ant Last of all, we post the party held in order for participants to talk about haiku with each other, share and exchange haiku and ideas, and deepen friendship. Many speeches were made and haiku were presented on the stage too. Honorary President of Modern Haiku Association, Tota Kaneko, gave a speech of congratulations. The Fruit grove is the isolated island of mine,ýýý wearing only a shirt What impressed me most was that Marshall Hryciuk, a Canadian haiku poet, demonstrated haiku by sign language on the stage. I made friends with him and Karen Sohne, a Canadian haiku poet. They presented haiku book and haiku publications to me, and I also presented our yearly pamphlet on ‘Akita International Haiku Network’ to them in return. In the haiku book titled ‘Arizona to Crete’, I found that Marshall Hryciuk won first prize at Eighth HIA Haiku Contest, Non-Japanese Section, Tokyo 2006. Marshall Hryciuk (Canada)ýýýýýý in darknessýýýýýýýýýýýýýý i awaitýýýýýýýýýýýýý ýýýý my voiceýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýý Karen Sohne recited her haiku to me.ýý ý steps cut into stoneýýýýýýýý in each cornerýýýýýýýýýýý petalsýýýýýýýýýýýýýýýý We parted, saying ‘Good Luck!’. And we promised that we would exchange and share haiku by e-mail and on the website. By Hidenori Hiruta HIA member -------------------------- --- On Thu, 12/17/09, Jadran Zalokar From: Jadran Zalokar Subject: FW: Albatross magazine No. 12/13, year 2009 To: Cc: "'Boris Nazansky'" Date: Thursday, December 17, 2009, 7:35 AM From: laura vaceanu [] Sent: Wednesday, December 16, 2009 8:11 PM Subject: Albatross magazine No. 12/13, year 2009 ---------- Dear haiku friends, Albatross magazine it is prepared to be edited. It have 250 pages under covers two numbers 2009 year , with essayes about haiku, haibun, haiga, renku, tanrenga and poems too, etc. writed by Romanian and foreigners authors, with pages ( textes into Romanian, English, French, Deutch, Russian, Serbian), about our Haiku Festival in May, the National Colloquium in September, about the project INTERCULTURALITY ROMANIA-JAPAN, (NOVEMBER 2008-DECEMBER 2009). A piece is 5 euro.You can send it in cod IBAN RO42RN0121015099370001, open to Romanian Commercial Bank (BCR) deschis la BCR, the name SOCIETATEA DE HAIKU DIN CONSTANTA, with specification for Albatros magazine. ,term ten days. No iby envelope, we aren't sure to receive it. You can tell the others haiku poets. We have too, 15 pieces of Congress Book, 2007, (3 euro) and last numbers of Albatros 2008 (4 euro) The best wishes, and tanks a lot for your understanding. Staff of Constantza Haiku Society Laura Vaceanu, Alex andra Flora Munteanu, Radu Patrichi, Anasatasia Dumitru ------ --- On Thu, 12/17/09, Jadran Zalokar From: Jadran Zalokar Subject: FW: Contemporary Haibun Online, New December Issue To: Cc: "'Boris Nazansky'" Date: Thursday, December 17, 2009, 7:26 AM Ovo od Raya Jadran From: Ray Rasmussen [] Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2009 12:48 AM To: Ray Rasmussen Subject: Contemporary Haibun Online, New December Issue The new issue of Contemporary Haibun Online has just been released. Good reading over the holidays. Ray Rasmussen, Managing Editor, CHO CONTENTS: quill Editor Ken Jones' Selection from This Issue In each issue, one of our editors selects and comments on a haibun appearing in one of this year's issues that was in some way outstanding for him. For this issue, Ken Jones picked Joshua Gage's "Tragedy." buttonJoshua Gage, Tragedy (with Ken Jones' comments) quill CHO Haibun Selections buttonEd Baker, So buttonCollin Barber, Smudge buttonJacob Bathanti, Hurricane Faye buttonAva Cipri, 236 Laurel Hill Drive buttonAva Cipri, Character Study buttonAva Cipri, Third Anniversary buttonMarcyn Clements, Desert Birding buttonGlenn G. Coats, A Safe Distance from Home buttonGlenn G. Coats, Baptisms buttonGlenn G. Coats, For the Sake of a Quarter buttonGlenn G. Coats, Glittering Prizes buttonGarry Eaton, Earth, Air, Fire and Water buttonJudson Evans, Arsenale buttonJudson Evans, Snuff Blog buttonJudson Evans, Sonata for Garden Tools buttonNancy James, Autumn: Momiji buttonNancy James, Beans for Good Luck buttonNancy James, Children’s Day buttonStephen W. Leslie, Red-tailed Hawk buttonBob Lucky, A Change of Heart buttonBob Lucky, Maria Distasio buttonFrancis Masat, Not a Black-or-White Matter buttonFrancis Masat, Way, Way Down the Tracks buttonMelissa Meek, A Fine Pair of Croopy-downs buttonSabine Miller, Altar buttonJim Norton, Leafbursts buttonCarol Pearce-Worthington, I heard She Took His Ashes buttonStanley Pelter, Arc Walk buttonRay Rasmussen, Concert buttonRay Rasmussen, This Advice Business buttonTracy Royce, Productivity buttonAdelaide B. Shaw, Mary’s Cats buttonAdelaide B. Shaw, The Invitation buttonRichard Straw, Horses buttonBeverly Tift, A Great American Past Time buttonBeverly Tift, Escape Velocity buttonAmy Whitcomb, At Dusk quill Haibun by the Editors buttonKen Jones, The Fall buttonJim Kacian, In High Times buttonBruce Ross, The Blue Mosque quill Recent Articles & Interviews haibun Hortensia Anderson: A Tribute haibun Bruce Ross, Matsuo BashM, Suthorn Pho & Contemporary World Travel Haibun haibun Jeffrey Woodward: Terra Incognita–The World of Haibun and Tanka Prose, An Interview with the editor of Haibun Today and Modern Haibun & Tanka Prose ------------------- International Section First Prize alfresco the sommelier decants a red sunset — Scott Mason (U. S. A.) Second Prizerst écouter »,International Listening all alone in the voice of a turtledove the voice of my distant ancestors —Slavko Sedlar (Serbia) underneath the blooming laburnum the deserters await their execution —Michael Andrew (Ireland) Second hand market— the scent of acacia blossoms is wrapping all —Oprica PÑdeanu (Romania) old cherry tree: knotty branches embrace full-bosomed moon —Ferenc Bakos (Hungary) searchlight at the border two halves of the autumn sky —Anthony Kudryavitsky (Ireland) the New Year’s Eve— in the gnawed coat a banknote without value —Livia Sfaraila (Romania) a rook arriving from the fog swallowed by the fog —Stjepan Rozic (Croatia) gentle curve of shore the old dock nothing but poles —Patrick M. Pilarski (Canada) Dans le matin rose Nous apercevons nos âmes En descendant la rue —Frédérique Chevarin (France) Dans le caniveau Des lambeaux de ciel bleu Parmi les ordures —Isabelle Hémery (France) Wind in the reeds Like the sea, I am a long way from my childhood —Andrea Kobayashi (Japan) Le bruit des vagues L’entends-tu à travers l’eau De mon ventre? —Cynthia Medina (France) HONORABLE MENTION Eagle pair drifting apart…soundless cloudless sky —Angela Cornelia Voss (Germany) bamboo leaves glisten a breeze shakes and stirs the dew early morning rain —Billy Antonio (Philippines) country garden cat burying a petal with its droppings —Željko Funda (Croatia) tornado— only a table left still set for tea —William Cullen Jr. (U. S. A.) Irish coffee drunk with mittens waiting for the moon —Charlie Smith (U. S. A.) After the storm above the pampas grass clouds of steam —Paul E Truesdell Jr. (Japan) the backyard the bed is inversed on the other bed under the thin sheet of snow —Fereshteh Panahi (Iran) base for skyscraper fresh concrete is mixed with cherry petals —Arturas Silanskas (Lithuania) my taciturnity a murmuring waterfall lost in deep silence —Kadir Deniz (Turkey) a young lady walks nodding to the mobile phone— her fancy summer hat —Toshi Ida (Japan) underground station two pigeons gliding by eastbound doors —Marshall Hryciuk (Canada) village toilet sound of geese sound of water —Zoran Mimica (United Kingdom) transparent lift— sadhu in yellow robes descends —A. Sethuramiah (India) receding wave… crab holes breathe the milky way —Kala Ramesh (India) Give me a stick to scratch the universe I will render love verses —Eurydice Reinert (France) as untimely as with an almond tree this very fruit bursts forth immaturely delicious —Bugra Yasin (Turkey) a bread crust hopping across the lawn and a tit —Ljudmila Milena Mrsic (Croatia) casting their nets over the lake two large spiders —Tiong Chung Hoo (Malaysia) Jellyfish float you’ve become an island the wide summer sea —David McMurray (Japan) bright moon the security guard checks every room —Dick Whyte (New Zealand) An ice’s crust broke— the reflection of moon lost in muddy water. —Zoran Antonic (Serbia) Barbed wired fences dreams within concrete tombs hope flying with the wind —Brenda Cazares (U. S. A.) wiping his face with an embroidered hanky the banjo player —Patricia Prime (New Zealand) pallid daymoon the pumpkin vine withered —Nathalie Buckland (Australia) morning bus stop warming my hands canned coffee —Teruko Omoto (Japan) Venetian canal— lifting fog reveals another mask shop —Scott Mason (U. S. A.) first snow— the mailman’s bike with new tires —Damien Gabriels (France) night train the low tones of a stranger’s recent divorce —Mark Miller (Australia) Slowly... mother’s life reaches where river and sea meet —Kuniharu Shimizu (Japan) mackerel sky and the cries of crows— the pitcher’s stretch —Ellen Compton (U. S. A.) snowmelt a new rhythm to the shishi odoshi —Sandra Simpson (New Zealand) last day of summer the street vendor discounts the stones of fortune —Dorota Pyra (Poland) behind tall cornfields the autumn sun how soon it sets! —Pamela Cooper (Canada) In the sultry heat upon the empty wall a lizard’s never-ending wait —Rupashree Biswas (India) end of the life line smoke ring by smoke ring from my pipe —Krzysztof Kokot (Poland) winter eve on top of the fireplace grandpa’s lost pipe —Victor Gendrano (U. S. A.) grass shoots— the loudness of a small stream —Paul Miller (U. S. A.) autumn leaves a man rips off a page of obituaries —Jessica Tremblay (Canada) drinking gin a white slice of the moon on the bottom —Jacek Margolak (Poland) sipping tea—alone ticking of the wall clock slows down —Dubravko Korbus (Croatia) Inhales the air, exhales flower— a wild cherry-tree —Enes Kisevic (Croatia) more fragrant than the darkness is a deep sweet smell of acacia —Bozena Zernec (Croatia) Even darker dusk. Frog’s eyes disappearing into a still marsh. —Zeljka Vucinic-Jambresic (Croatia) in the bathroom… the vacuum catches a science fiction book —Claudia Brefeld (Germany) The bells are beating the down of the dandelions amid larks —Cezar Ciobicã (Romania) in the playground a newborn whirlwind felt dizzy and vanished soon —Yasushi Munetaka (Japan) round sky turns square a flash of lightning —Noriko Kumamoto (Japan) mon voisin qui taille son cerisier me salue avec une brindille —Verica Živkoviæ (Serbia) Admirant la vigne, On touche ces raisins Dans la lumière du soir. —Hiroyuki Yamauchi (Japan) Ses longs cheveux noirs perpétuent en ma mémoire de lointains printemps —Dông Phong Nguyen (France) Le monde à l’envers, C’est la clepsydre renversée. Qu’importe, le temps coule. —Constantin Frosin (Romania) Jeunesse baisse, chéri, Vieillesse monte en graine, malsaine. Que devenons-nous ?! —Elena Pelletier Frosin (Romania) dans ma cour le tilleul de mon age fleurit— moi j’ai deja devenu vieux —Dragan J. Ristic (Serbia) La demi-lune glisse Sur le saké tiède L’ombre des cerisiers —Hélène Duc (France) au coeur de la nuit il se prend pour la lune le lampadaire —Patrick Faucher (France) la neige très fine celle de février— dimanche à broder —Luce Pelletier (Canada) premier quart de lune le veuf déserte la fête en titubant —Philippe Quinta (France) Nuit étoilée L’univers Me contemple —Sylvia Coelho da silva (France) cascade minuscules poissons goûtant mon orteil —Gilles Brulet (France) Grincement de hanches marche à marche l’escalier plus haut chaque jour —Anick Baulard (France) L’ennui me guette Et de partout Je ne m’y prête Que coups à coups Car une minette Me prit au cou. —Ali Azi (France) Silence de minuit la voie lactée au bout du sein —Richard Jodoin (Canada) pluie intermittente— dans son jargon médical mon rein droit malade —Diane Descôteaux (Canada) sur le lac un claquement d’ailes soulève l’aube —Hélène Leclerc (Canada) Un frigo s’entrouvre Diffusant sa lumière blafarde Parmi les vivants —Jean François Chapelle (France) Rue froide une main gantée chauffe une main nue —Paul de Maricourt (France) dans l’ascenseur seau et serpillière montent et descendent —Daniel PY (France) Tache bleue qui titube Papillon Au-dessus d’un charnier —Marc Bonetto (France) rouges fleurs d’hibiscus— déjà si lasse ce matin hum... la ménopause? —Elsie Suréna (Haïti) Sur ma tombe pas la froideur aseptisée du granit ! pas ça ! —Patrick Somprou (France) Marchands de charbons Leurs mains toutes ridées caressent Des sacs sous la lune —Jean Frantz Philippe (Haïti) Sous le soleil d’août Bijoux verts et bleus, des mouches... Sur l’écrin des crottes —Henri Lachèze (France) foin fleuri dans le prunier le fer d’une faux éclairé par la lune —Dan Pomarjanschi (Romania) berceau d’enfant pendu à une branche de tilleul— le parfum des fleurs —Maria Tirenescu (Romania) l’eau du lac— je m’y regarde brosser les dents —Claude Sainnécharles (Dominican Republic) International Children First Prize The rainy season cracked up a patch of the sun god Ashura’s figure appears — Yuki Furuya (Japan) age 15 SECOND PRIZE scorching hot swat “A fly” feel cool —Daiki Kawaguchi (Japan) age 16 Beautiful flower basket Many thanks and a little bashful in it Mother’s day today —Haruna Suzuki (Japan) age 16 The beautiful, beautiful Woman jumps in The sound of waves —Daiki Fukushima (Japan) age 16 International Children Second Prize The preying mantis grasshopper gone from its cage a big green belly —Izak McMurray (Japan) age 7 cold day slashing the silence the sound of a bow —Rikuto Nishigaya (Japan) age 16 square sky from the new seat gives me dreams —Eriko Souma (Japan) age 16 the window is opened warm window, gentle light, today different from yesterday —Chinami Hata (Japan) age 12 In the river Caught fish is Maple tree color —Suwabe Hiroyuki (Japan) age 16 In my classroom A dream seat for everybody The seat in the back corner by the window —Shoichi Hirose (Japan) age 16 short night morning sun is dazzling the surface of water —Keita Satou (Japan) age 15 Two boys under the sun Many cicadas are crying Water is dripping from a watermelon —Shuhei Takahashi (Japan) age 15 j’rrose la fleur demain elle aura grandi et pas moi —homas Toan Verlon (France) age 7 ---------------------- Bok boro Ovo od tanje Lp jadran -----Original Message----- From: Tatjana Debeljacki [] Sent: Thursday, December 17, 2009 7:35 PM To: Tatjana Debeljacki;; Jadran Zalokar; dvr; Dusan Nonkovic;; Cc:; Jadran Zalokar; dvr; Dusan Nonkovic;; Subject: natjeèaj za topnièke dnevnike natjeèaj za topnièke dnevnike Ponekad me nemaštovitost naše Vlade ozbiljno zabrinjava, umjesto što usred noæi pretumbavaju tuðe kuæe u potrazi za tzv. Topnièkim dnevnicima i dižu jadne bunovne ljude iz toplih kreveta (zar nisu èuli za onu staru ne diraj lava dok spava), do sada su u Vijencu ili Hrvatskom slovu mogli raspisati sto i jedan Književni natjeèaj za Topnièke dnevnike i imati sto i jedan topnièki dnevnik iz ruku najboljih i najmaštovitijih hrvatskih pera. Pa se uistinu ne bi imali razloga sramotiti pred specijalnim isljednikom Brammertzom, Haagom i EUom zbog eventualnih gramatièkih pogrešaka i opæe nepismenosti u originalnim dnevnicima ako takvi uopæe postoje i nisu negdje odavno podložili neèiju vatru. Da ne govorim koliko bi takav Natjeèaj djelovao kulturnije, uljuðenije i civiliziranije pred oèima uvijek budne svjetske zajednice, u svakom sluèaju civiliziranije od neukusnog noænog zaskakivanja zbunjenih ljudi u još neukusnijim piðamama Ujedno bi uèinak takvog Natjeèaja bio dvostruko povoljan za Hrvatsku, zadovoljila bi se europska birokracija (do sljedeæe izmišljene prepreke) i potaknula hrvatska pisana kultura par excellance! Sigurna sam da bi svatko od nas volio dati svoj obol, u pisanju toliko željenih Topnièkih dnevnika, jer nama je dobrobit Hrvatske na prvom mjestu, pa ako svijet kaže daj topnièke dnevnike - dajmo im topnièke dnevnike! Isto bi tako svi sutra priskoèili da kojim sluèajem traže i kruha povrh pogaèe, jel´tako Stoga u interesu Hrvatske, ako neæe Vlada... Književni natjeèaj ½Topnièki dnevnici½ proglašavam službeno otvorenim! ---------------- lp, boro --------------- Ne zaboravite na Karolinu Rijeèku Pozdrav od svih nas: Lore, Vedrana, Dimitra, Jadrana i Bore -------------------- Pozdrav od Hrvatskog književnog društva HKD-CWA ---------------------------------- |
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