NK Dinamo je osnovan 9. lipnja 1945. odlukom komunističkih vlasti koje su ukinule prijeratne hrvatske klubove. Dinamo nastavlja tradiciju najtrofejnijeg i najpopularnijeg zagrebačkog kluba prije 2. svjetskog rata HŠK Građanski (osnovan 26. travnja 1911.). Od njega je Dinamo preuzeo plavu boju dresova te nadimak purgeri.
Većina igrača Građanskog je prešla u novoosnovani klub zajedno sa trenerom Martonom Bukovijem, a od 1969. i grb je vrlo sličan grbu Građanskog.
Najveći rival je splitski Hajduk. Dinamo i Hajduk igraju Vječni derbi oko prestiža u Hrvatskoj. U bogatoj povijesti osvojeno je 18 naslova prvaka (Građanski 6 puta, Dinamo 12) te 17 nacionalnih kupova. Dinamo je jedini hrvatski klub koji uspio osvojiti neki europski trofej, Kup velesajamskih gradova 1967. godine, preteču Kupa UEFA-e.
Klub je od osnivanja sportski simbol grada Zagreba i nogometni ponos Hrvata. Istraživanja pokazuju da 33% građana Hrvatske navija za Dinamo. Najviše odigranih utakmica, 802, za Dinamo ima Dražen Ladić, a najbolji strijelac je Igor Cvitanović sa 302 postignuta gola. Najduže je bio kapetan Tomislav Crnković. Trenutni predsjednik Dinama je Mirko Barišić, a trener Branko Ivanković.
Klub nastavlju tradiciju Prvog hrvatskog građanskog športskog kluba (Građanski) utemeljenog u travnju 1911. godine. Pod tim nazivom nastupao je do svibnja 1945. godine, a potom je rasformiran odlukom nove komunističke vlasti, a sva bogata pismohrana je vandalski uništena. Umjesto Građanskog utemeljeno je tada Fiskulturno društvo Dinamo, a pet godina kasnije osamostaljuje se njegov nogometni klub. Godine 1991. klub mijenja naziv u HAŠK Građanski, 1993. u Croatia,a u veljači 2000. vraćen je naziv Dinamo.
Klub je dobio ime po uzoru na moskovski Dinamo. Ondašnji zagrebački sportski komesar Ivica Medarić (koji je najprije igrao u HAŠK-u, potom i u Građanskom) je predložio ime Dinamo koje je prihvaćeno zbog bliskih odnosa sa SSSR-om. Dinamo je nastao udruživanjem 2 kluba tako da je dinamo novi klub od 1945.
Nakon osnivanja 9. lipnja 1945. klubu su pristupili svi najbolji i najpopularniji igrači Građanskog: Urch, Wölf, Kokotović, Lešnik, Cimermančić, Pleše, Antolković, Belošević, Jazbinšek, Reiss, te njegovi juniori: Bučar, Ferković, Martinec, Kukec, Gereš, Čonč i Režek te trener Marton Bukovy. Od igrača HAŠK-a klubu su pristupili Čajkovski, Kacian, Lojen, Peričić. Od njih samo je Čajkovski dugo ostao u Maksimiru - čak jedanaest godina. Dinamo je od Građanskog naslijedio plavu boju dresova i status najpopularnijeg zagrebačkog nogometnog kluba, nadimak "purgeri", navijačku bazu, a od 1969. i grb je vrlo sličan grbu Građanskog.
U razdoblju nakon 2. svjetskog rata bio je glavni predstavnik zagrebačkog nogometa te jedan od četiriju najuspješnijih klubova u SFRJ uz splitski Hajduk te beogradske klubove Crvena zvezda i Partizan (tvz. velika četvorica). Osvojio je jugoslavenska prvenstva 1948., 1954., 1958., 1982. i kupove 1951., 1960., 1963., 1965., 1969., 1980. i 1983.
Iako je u 1960-im godinama imao daleko najbolju momčad u SFRJ nije uspio osvojiti niti jedan naslov. Tome je svakako pridonjelo što je bio hrvatski klub te je postao ono što komunistički vlastodršci nikako nisu željeli - simbol hrvatstva, baš kao što je to bio Građanski u Kraljevini Jugoslaviji. Iz toga je vremena anegdota da u je u statutu Jugoslavenskog nogomentog saveza zapisano u prvom članku da Dinamo ne smije postati prvak. Drugi članak glasi: Ako se to ipak dogodi primjenjuje se članak prvi.
Dinamo je bio dugo vremena jedini jugoslavenski klub koji je osvojio jedan od europskih kupova: Kup velesajamskih gradova 1967. nakon pobjede u finalu nad Leeds Unitedom, a prije toga je eliminirao njemački Eintracht Frankfurt, talijanski Juventus, rumunjski Dinamo Bukurešt, škotski Dunfermline, čehoslovački Spartak Brno.
Godine 1963. bio je finalist istog natjecanja izgubivši u istom natjecanja od španjolske Valencie.
Godine 1991. klub mijenja naziv (protivno volje navijača) u HAŠK Građanski, 1993. u Croatia, a u veljači 2000. vraćen je naziv Dinamo. U razdoblju nakon hrvatske samostalnosti osvaja hrvatska prvenstva: 1993., 1996., 1997., 1998., 1999., 2000., 2003., 2006., te kupove 1994., 1996., 1997., 1998., 2001., 2002., 2004.
Dres Dinama je tradicionalno tamno plave boje. Rezervni dres je bijeli, a u novije vrijeme je zamijenjen modernijom srebrnom varijantom. Grb Dinama je okruglog oblika podijeljen kosom crtom popola. Na desnoj strani nalazi se na plavoj podlozi malo tiskano slovo "d" bijele boje. Na lijevoj strani nalazi se hrvatski povijesni grb. Grb je obrubljen zlatnom bojom, no u zadnjih par godina, umjesto zlaznog obruba, stavljen je srebrni. U uporabi je od 1969. kada je zamijenio stari grb u obliku štita, a inspiracija mu je bio grb Građanskog. Dinamo, momčadi prvaka
1948. Arneri, Cimermančić, Pukšec, Željko Čajkovski, Jazbinšek, Benko, Jurić, Kacian, Wölfl, Horvat, Pleše
Trener: Karl Mütsch
1954. Majerović, Čonč, Crnković, Osojnak, I. Horvat, Kralj, Dvornić, Strnad, Ž. Čajkovski, Banožić, Benko, Cizarić, Ferković, Lipošinović, Kukec, Šikić, Režek, Mantula
Trener: Ivan Jazbinšek
1958. Irović, Režek, Košćak, Lipošinović, Šikić, Hmelina, Matuš, Benko, Šantek, Jerković, Crnković, Gašpert, Banožić, Čonč, Ferković, Horvat, Hugl, Kolonić i Prelčec.
Trener: Gustav Lechner
1982. Ivković, Vlak, Bošnjak, Kurtela, Stipić, Ćalasan, Panić, Cerin, Hohnjec, Cvetković, Krnčević, H. Dragičević, E. Dragičević, Braun, Bračun, Dumbović, Hadžić, Bručić, Kranjčar, Zajec, Deverić, Mlinarić, Mustedanagić
Trener: Miroslav Blažević
1993. Ladić, Ibrahimović, Turković, Panadić, Ištvanić, Lesjak, Stanić, Mamić, Pakasin, Vlaović, Cvitanović, Gašpar, Adžić, Škrinjar, Halilović, Marić, Kosić, Peternac
Trener: Miroslav Blažević
1996. Ladić, Ibrahimović, Mladinić, A. Petrović, Mamić, Soldo, Krznar, Tomas, D. Šimić, Turković, Jeličić, Mlinarić, Gašpar, Marić, Kosić, Slišković, I. Cvitanović, Viduka, Kovačić, J. Šimić, Golubica
Trener: Zlatko Kranjčar
1997. Ladić, A. Dautbegović, Ibrahimović, D. Šimić, Mladinić, A. Petrović, Jurčić, Galić, Marić, Krznar, Štefulj, Rukavina, M. Cvitanović, Šarić, Slišković, I. Cvitanović, Viduka, Mujčin, Kovačić, Kosić, Gašpar
Trener: Otto Barić
1998. Ladić, Butina, Ibrahimović, Mladinić, M. Cvitanović, Bišćan, Tomas, Jurčić, Krznar, Jeličić, Jurić, Prosinečki, Gašpar, D. Šimić, Šarić, Marić, Mujčin, Šabić, Rukavina, Viduka, V. Petrović, Šokota, Jurčec, J. Šimić, Munoz
Trener: Zlatko Kranjčar
1999. Ladić, Bišćan, Šokota, Štefulj, Jurić, Sedloski, Mujčin, Prosinečki, Jurčić, Banović, Šimić, Tokić, Rukavina, Šabić, Tomas, Mikić, Kozniku, Mikulenas, Cvitanović
Trener: Ilija Lončarević
2000. Ladić, Butina, Vasilj, Šimić, Pavlović, Bišćan, Sedloski, Jurić, M. Cvitanović, Tokić, Tomas, Abramović, Pilipović, Šabić, Bazina, Krznar, Šarić, Jurčić, Mikić, I. Cvitanović, Šokota, Mujčin, Prosinečki, Rukavina, Jeličić, Kozniku, Mikulenas
Trener: Marijan Vlak
2003. Butina, Jozić, Cesar, Poldrugač, D. Smoje, Krivić, Drpić, Sedloski, Čale, Ćosić, Polovanec, Tomić, Krznar, Papa, Mujčin, Agić, Čutura, Janjetović, M. Jurić, Mikić, S. Marić, Balaban, Zahora, Mitu, Mešanović, Olić, Dragičević, N. Kranjčar
Trener: Miroslav Blažević
2006. Lončarić, Turina, Šarlija, Carlos, Drpić, Čale, Buljat, Etto, Ćorluka, Tomić, Bošnjak, Modrić, Chago, Šarić, Vukojević, Marić, Mamić, Junior, Anderson Costa, Eduardo da Silva, Zahora
Trener: Josip Kuže.
2007. Lončarić, Turina, Carlso, Čale, Ćorluka, Drpić, Schildenfeld, Etto, Mamić, Chago, Jertec, Mikić, Modrić, Pokrivač, Tomić, Vukojević, Da Silva, Pandev, Tadić, Vugrinec, Samir (Agić, Cvitanović i Nowotny zamijenjeni su potentnijim i moćnijim Schildenfeldom, Pokrivačom i Jertecom)
Trener:Branko Ivanković
ostalo ZNA SE!
The warming sun returns again
And melts away the snow
The sea is freed from icy chains
Winter is letting go
Standing on the ocean side
We can hear the waves
Calling us out with tide
To sail into our fate
Oden! Guide our ships
Our axes, spears and swords
Guide us through storms that whip
And in brutal war
Our ships await us by the shore
Time has come to leave
Our country, family and homes
For riches in the east
Some of us won't return
But that won't bring us down
Our fate is written in the web
Woven by the Norns
A ram is sacrificed
Across the longship's bow
And as we set our sails
A strong breeze starts to blow
It carries us out to sea
With hope of fame and pride
And glorious all will be
That with sword in hand will die
Oden! Guide our ships
Our Axes, spears and swords
Guide us through storms that whip
And in brutal war
Oden! Guide our ships
Our axes, spears and swords
Guide us through storms that whip
And in brutal war . .
znaj da mi te volimo,
mi smo uz tebe,
mi smo uz tebe,
znaj da nema predaje!
O, Isuse na nebesu,
daj pomozi plavom dresu,
plavom dresu, plavoj boji,
o, Isuse, mi smo tvoji!
Znaj da te volim Dinamo ja,
i nek cijeli svijet zna za to,
ja volim samo Dinamo,
ja volim Dinamo, ja volim Dinamo...
I opet će se naše pjesme pjevati,
i opet će se naše baklje paliti,
i nek cijeli svijet zna za to,
ja volim samo Dinamo,
ja volim Dinamo, ja volim Dinamo...
Mad Sin
We're not!
We're not!
We're not invited!
I saw you in the magazine
You say you're living your dream
Tonight we're gonna be obscene and crash your party
See us riding down the 101
Down to Hollywood babylon
That's no holidays in the sun, we'll trash your party
There's not lack in reinforcements
When we're one for all
We're not!
We're not!
We're not invited!
Blind spot society is not invited
Our blood and sweat add your fears
Diamond chains and fancy smells
Not like our cockroach hotel
With a riot up in the hills we'll smash your party
Lay your wife, snort your coke
While we're gonna tie a rope
Hang 'em high and watch 'em choke, let's have a party
There's not lack in reinforcements
When we're one for all
A fucking disgrace you are
You damn plastic motherfucker
You've got the cash, you've got the flash
But you ain't got the heart to bleed
I was here when you sucked your thumb
I'll be here to watch you fuckin' fall!
NOBODY LIKES US (Discipline)
I've heard it all
a thousand times before
You all got lots of talk,
do you really want to start a war?!
Nobody likes us - But we don't care!
If you want blood, you've got it,
this time it ain't a game
We're taking no prisoners,
we're going all the way!!
Nobody likes us - But we don't care!
We're hated by everyone
we didn't come here to make friends
But we don't care anyway
we'll just see where it ends!!
Nobody likes us - But we don't care!!
LOVE TO BE HATED (Agnostic Front)
Well I know somebody somewhere is gonna
Love me!
Well I know somebody somewhere out there is gonna
Hate me!
Well I'm loved and I'm hated
And I'm loved and I'm hated
And I'm loved and I'm hated
And love love love to be hated!
Well I know somebody somewhere is gonna
Make me feel alright!
Well I know somebody somewhere is gonna
Piss me off tonight!
Well I know somebody somewhere is gonna
Wanna fuck me!
Well I know somebody somewhere is gonna
Try to hurt me!
Tatoo moje žene i mene
Love / H8
Subculture in our public schools
Got real drunk and acted cool
Tought me how to hate myself
So fuck you and everyone else
In retrospect the wasted time brings me down
Thoughts of revolution follow me around
Everywhere I got it bugs me to this day
THat most of us are causing all this pain
Yes,some I love, but most I hate
Strain the bullshit from my brain
Enough to make you go insane
Independence is extinct
SO try no to swim while we sink
Fourtunately now Im skeptical and wise
You can blow your smoke, I'll read between the lines
Everywhere I go it bugs me to this day
that most of us are causing all this pain
Yes,some I love, but most I hate
The flame was almost extinguished
The will had faded and escaped me
Two years have passed and they wilted away
All that was left were memories of days I never lived
Now the fight is on, until there's nothing left
I'll fight like never before
The right is on, until my final breath
I've never wanted anything more
I must never let it die
Bonds are strengthened when they've been tested
And mended when they've been torn
So give me all yourself that there is to give
Cause in life to have never risked is to have never lived
So give all of yourself that there is to give
Cause in life to have never risked is to have never lived
Now the fight is on, until there's nothing left
I'll fight like never before
The fight is on, until my final breath
I've never wanted anything more
I must never let it die
So resolve, reassure and push on without fear
Ignite the flame, because only you govern what tomorrow holds
It's inside us all waiting to be awoken
It's more then words describe
This is the spark, let it burn, make it build
It will never be denied
Because the right is on, until there's nothing left
I'll fight like never before
The fight is on, until my final breath
I've never wanted anything more
I must never let it die
We will let it die, NEVER
"We Will Survive"
I just can't believe this country today
People always trying to put me to shame
Always gotta worry about the other guy
People always trying to take away your pride
Oi Oi Oi we're skinheads
Oi Oi Oi we kick fucking heads
Oi Oi Oi we'll survive
Oi Oi Oi we will survive
Whenever we're alone we always collide
With people that we know are from the other side
We always gotta profit just to stay alive
We'll never give in we'll never lose our pride
Oi Oi Oi we're skinheads
Oi Oi Oi we kick fucking heads
Oi Oi Oi we'll survive
Oi Oi Oi we will survive
I just can't believe this country today
People always trying to put me to shame
Always gotta worry about the other guy
Someone's always trying to take away your pride
Oi Oi Oi we're skinheads
Oi Oi Oi we kick fucking heads
Oi Oi Oi we'll survive
Oi Oi Oi we will survive
Fighting in the street
The strong survive you'll see
Pacing every move
We will not be tamed
I wonder if you think of me
As a human being
We don't really care
To us you mean nothing
Bloodshed in the streets
As the Bruisers defeat
Trying to make a find
Of our weakest link
You'll never get the answer
So don't you even think
Because we are here
And here to stay
We will rule the streets
And you will win no wa
"Till The End"
Drinking a Familiar ale
As I listen to a tale
Of a friendship that was won and lost
A long time ago
And I just can't pretend
That it doesn't hurt at all
You'll never see the Day
That I walk away
I'll never turn my back on you
No fear good friends
Brothers till the end
That's what we said so long ago
No fear good friends
Brothers till the end
Means more to me than you will ever know
Do you ever think back
To the nights we swore it would last
You turned your back you lost your way
Forever that's what we said
Those dreams we had some are coming true
But I've done it all in spite of you
Till the end that's what we said
But where are you now
No fear good friends
Brothers till the end
That's what we said so long ago
No fear good friends
Brothers till the end
Means more to me than you will ever know
Call it fate call it what you like
But you stole away like a thief in the night
Once I called you my brother
And I just can't forgive
I blame you for the damage done
I never thought you'd turn and run
As though you never knew me
And you never will again
"United Blood"
Talk about unity
Talk abour conformity
You don't want to support the scene
Why don't you get the fuck away from me
I'm a skin, you're a skin
Who's gonna suffer
Live in sin, where you been
You're all gonna go under
I'm a skin, you're a skin
You're gonna suffer
Push around and stab each other
Fight around and kill each other
Fight Fight Fight Riot Riot
Beat him hard, beat him dead
Beat him harder, beat him down
Break their legs
We're gonna break their legs. Let's go.
Towards The Light
Dark, cold, that is
some fog around me
I can feel the smells
hear the last bells
And icy wind wraps me up
and gently like the waves rocks my arms
everything disappears
here comes the time of the fears
And all my thoughts line up like soldiers
but in my mind there is no disorder
I'm looking for the might in my hidden life
this is the way towards the light
Dark, stout, that is
some leaves on my feet
I can feel the cold seeping of the stones
the deep cracking of my bones
I hear the noise of my steps
and I think that this trip will never end
every night I'll live it again
inside the forest of my head
The moon is shining on the frozen stream
I touch the ice, it's so keen
the pain and the joy are revealed
I reached the light, I'm able to see
I want to scream and hurl away all the pain
I want to kill
I never saw my life before
no, I won't trick it anymore
Revenge and hate are what I store
the light is dying, I'm waiting for the new dawn
The change of seasons passes
Neverending iwth the day
The wizard we call winter
Can bring storms into our bays
First we pray for sunshine
Then we plead for rain
But the deadly time of year
Is the season we cannot change
Tramping through the snowdrifts
We'veweary and battle fatigued
Anticipating ambush
At every rustling tree
We're two months away from death
Trudging ever onward
Frostbitten feet and frozen breath
White winter brings the new-fallen snow
Nature's eulogy for sin
The coming of winter, a season of love
And the waging of war between men
Headed for a battlefield where we will surely die
Our fate is written in the stars tonight
Our future changes, though I know not how
Destiny is changed - now!
A wizard upon us , eyes blazing, spells spewing from his mouth
Flames leaps from his hands, hallucinations
We will never know as we're engulfed in flames
Oh, to die this way, when we're defenseless
At the hands of this occult master gone insane...
Awaken shackled, and my men are here
As for my comrades, two are dead I fear
Until I see life in both of them
Torchlight approaches - here!
An old man unlocks me, and the rest of my men as he speaks these words
"I am Krakenaus, you must follow me,
We will escape from this forsaken pit of hell!
Now come quickly, if we're discovered
You will suffer a fate that is worse than death!"
Following a stranger, I'm dependent for life
Hoping the man is not a deceiver
The walls are getting cold, we must be nearing an out
In Krakenaus I am now a believer
Running blind through the flurry of snow
Guided only by the page of a master
We know the wizard's here, he has pursued us this night
Greeted only by his hideous laughter
"You have betrayed me!", the wizard screams
In a second, he's sprouted demon's wings
Four words are spoken, "La Fem Acroche Ach"
And Krakenaus is - gone!
The wizard upon us, eyess lunatic, spells spewing from his mouth
Flames leap from his hands, not illusions
We think otherwise then we're engulfed in flames
Oh to die this way, when we're defenseless
At the hands of this occult master gone insane...
O Bože, fala ti kaj purgeri smo mi
O kako bi vi sretni bili da ste purgeri
Lijem krv, a suza nema
Ti si boja mojih vena
Neka cijeli svijet sad čuje
To ja volim Dinamo
Ja volim Dinamo, samo Dinamo,
Života mog je sreća sva i ljubav najveća.
Već dugo panduri, uprava nas mrze,
samo zato što volimo Zagreb i Dinamo.
Mi smo Bad Blue Boysi,
čuvari zagrebačke časti,
Katoličke Crkve i Hrvatske!
Išli smo sa tobom,
Svaki put daleko,
Tražili smo pobjede,
Nije važno kako,
Dali ste nam pobjede,
Dali ste nam snove,
Igraj igraj Dinamo,
Purgeri te vole,
Igraj igraj Dinamo,
Za pobjede nove,
Igraj Igraj Dinamo,
Purgeri te vole.
Ajmo svi purgeri mojiiiii,
Ovu noć zapjevajmoooo,
Sa sjevera nek se oriiii,
Naaajbolji je Dinamo,
Dinamo, Dinamo, Dinamo, Dinamo,
Je šampion, šampion, šampion.