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kad putujes mrakom
kroz nepoznate ulice
s ciljem bez kraja
zeljom bez vrha

znaj da uvijek
postoji netko
za tebe
tek u tvojoj masti nastaje
ali kad te mrak
cvrsto drzi u svojim
nesigurnim krakovima
imaj nade
da postoji svijetlo.

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eddie-posebna priča...
jim-emo puckica....crazy!
mračno mjesto
mjesto prekrasnih pjesama
moja najbolja vještica
dobra stara mony
daria s j ili bez njega

something about me!

dijete izgubljeno u ovom svijetu bez ikakvih putokaza....

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Teddy Picker Lyrics

Tko ne zna ,a ne zna da ne zna ,opasan je! IZBJEGAVAJTE GA! Tko ne zna,a zna da ne zna , dijete je ! NAUCITE GA! Tko zna,a ne zna da zna ,spava! PROBUDITE GA!
Tko zna,a zna da zna ,mudar je! SLIJEDITE GA!

music is me

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Shot at 2007-08-10

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Shot at 2007-08-16

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the verve-the drugs don't work

All this talk of getting old
It's getting me down my love
Like a cat in a bag, waiting to drown
This time I'm comin' down

And I hope you're thinking of me
As you lay down on your side
Now the drugs don't work
They just make you worse
But I know I'll see your face again

Now the drugs don't work
They just make you worse
But I know I'll see your face again

But I know I'm on a losing streak
'Cause I passed down my old street
And if you wanna show, then just let me know
And I'll sing in your ear again

Now the drugs don't work
They just make you worse
But I know I'll see your face again

'Cause baby, ooh, if heaven calls, I'm coming, too
Just like you said, you leave my life, I'm better off dead

All this talk of getting old
It's getting me down my love
Like a cat in a bag, waiting to drown
This time I'm comin' down

Now the drugs don't work
They just make you worse
But I know I'll see your face again

'Cause baby, ooh, if heaven calls, I'm coming, too
Just like you said, you leave my life, I'm better off dead

But if you wanna show, just let me know
And I'll sing in your ear again

Now the drugs don't work
They just make you worse
But I know I'll see your face again

Yeah, I know I'll see your face again
Yeah, I know I'll see your face again
Yeah, I know I'll see your face again
Yeah, I know I'll see your face again

I'm never going down, I'm never coming down
No more, no more, no more, no more, no more
I'm never coming down, I'm never going down
No more, no more, no more, no more, no more

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Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com

4. The Rover / Achilles Last Stand / The Song Remains The Same

[Originally recorded by Led Zeppelin]

It was an April morning
When they told us we should go
And as I turn to you you smiled at me
How could we say no?
With all the fun to have
To live the dreams we always had
Woah the songs to sing
When we at last return again yeah

Sending off a glancing kiss
To those who claim they know
To know the streets the seaman hears
The devil in his hole
Oh to sail away
To sandy lands and other days
Oh to touch the dream
Hides inside and never seen, yeah

Into the sun the south the north
Lies the first of hope
Shackles of commitment fell
In pieces on the ground
Oh to ride the wind
To tread the air above the din
Oh to laugh aloud
Dancing as we fought the crowd yeah
Oh oooh

To seek the man whose pointing hand
The giant step unfolds
With guidance from the curving path
That churns up into stone
If one bell should ring
In celebration for a king
So fast the heart should beat
As proud the head with heavy feet, yeah


[III. The Song Remains The Same]

[Written by Jimmy Page/Robert Plant]
[From the album "Houses Of The Holy" - 1973]

Oh, yeah

Oh, yeah
Here we go
Wanted to know, oh oh
Sing out Hare, Hare, oh
Dance the Hoochie Koo
The city lights
Oh so bright
As we go sliding
Sliding, sliding, sliding
All right

Free Music

Free Music

Free Music

nedjelja, 07.10.2007.

hello people....evo mene nakon duuuuuugo vremena....fala bogu pa sad imamo produzeni vikend....al meni je ko da ga nisam ni imala....jucer sam bila u daruvaru kaj smo isli igrat 3. ligu, a danas smoo igrale kadetsku ligu, mi 92.godiste....jucer smo zgubile....babe duplo starije i duplo teze od nas i sad ti igraj....a bile smo samo mi 92. godiste....jos smo dobro odigrale....zgubile smo sa samo 5 razlike...i tak to....u posljednje vrijeme mi se puno toga promijenilo u zivotu...vracam se u proslost, ili me ona sustize, ne znam, ali sigurna sam da to nije dobro...al nemrem si pomoci....kladim se da nema nikog ko se u zivotu nije zapital: " kaj bi bilo, da je bilo",......e, mene to pitanje zdere u posljednje vrijeme i nemam mira....imam osjecaj ko da me neko iznutra polako trga...bas tak...katastrofa! ali kaj bus, takav ti je zivot...no, da vas ne ostavim samo tak sa svojim jadikovanjem, evo vam za kraj jedna pjesma, koju sam napisala za svoju naj naj frendicu Luciju, koja je to trebala za skolu...nisam se bas pretrgla od pisanja jer nisam, naravno, imala vremena....

tako tiha i slaba
ko vulkan
rashuktala se u meni
kad sam je postala svjesna
ceznja za slobodom
sve je jaca

i druga srca
teze k ljepoti
jer nasim zilama
ne tece hladna krv

svi putujemo nekim mrakom
u nadi da cemo pronaci svjetlo
sa ceznjom
da ne hodamo sami

svi ocekujemo
neki osjecaj zanosi
a bjezimo od proslosti
gdje je istina

u svima nama
postoji nesto jako
sto nas prati,
poput sjene trci za nama,
nesto poput ceznje...

- 19:43 - Komentari (6) - Isprintaj - #

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