
Premda sam vidjela da mnogi vole naruta evo da nešto napišem.

Name: Haruno Sakura
Age: 13
Birthday: 28 March
Zodiac: Aries
Rank: Genin
From: Leaf
Teacher: Hatake Kakashi
Teammates: Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke
Best friend and rival : Yamanaka Ino
Most heard phrase: "Sasuke-kun" (irritating smile)
The Deal with her: Quoting Shikamaru, Sakura is "a female ninja with no special talent". Her job is to hang around battle scenes getting in the way, yelling "Sasuke-kun!" and pissing viewers off. The pink haired nin is also schizophrenic with Inner Sakura being the only interesting thing about her (hell yea!)Sakura loves Sasuke (who hates her) and hates Naruto (who loves her). She had the longest crush on Sasuke since she was little and fell out with best friend Ino because she liked Sasuke too (sheesh they both need to get a life).
When Sakura was little, she was quiet and shy and often teased about her big forehead. Ino became her friend and taught her to be more confident. As they grew older, Sakura felt she was living in Ino's shadow and grew competitive with her, especially after knowing Ino liked Sasuke too. The first time we see Sakura actually fight was in the Chuunin exams when the Sound ninjas tried to kill Sasuke. In the final exams preliminaries, Sakura tied with Ino.

Name: Uchiha Sasuke
Age: 13
Birthday: 23 July
Zodiac: Cancer
Rank: Genin
From: Leaf
Teacher: Kakashi
Teammates: Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura
Family: Uchiha Itachi (elder brother)
Favourite technique: Grand Fireball Technique
The Deal with him: Sasuke was a regular adorable ninja student with big dreams of being an excellent ninja like his elder brother. But after Itachi killed their family and screwed up his mind to "live in an unsightly way", Sasuke became cool, and calls himself an 'avenger', whose purpose in life was to kill his brother. For some obscure reason, that made all the girls at the academy fall in love with him.
Sasuke first started to use his Sharingan when he fought against Haku with Naruto at Wave Country. His pretty eyes and body attracted the liking of Orochimaru, who wishes to take over his body after he became truly strong. To show his admiration, Orochimaru left a cursed seal after delightfully sinking his fangs into Sasuke's neck, which Kakashi sealed, but threatens to unleash everytime Sasuke gets excited in a fight.After engaging in a precarious fight with Naruto, Sasuke felt inferior as he seemed not to be improving as much as Naruto. Orochimaru took the chance to send the Sound 4 ninjas to convince Sasuke to leave the Leaf village to seek more power from Orochimaru. Thus, Sasuke abandoned Konoha (Sakura's endless whining might have helped him decide to leave in a hurry) and is on his way to the Sound village.

Name: Uzumaki Naruto
Age: 13
Birthday: 10 October
Zodiac: Libra
Rank: Genin
From: Leaf
Teacher: Umino Iruka, Hatake Kakashi, Jiraiya
Teammates: Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura
Ultimate jutsu : Sexy no jutsu
Ambition: To surpass all previous Hokages and have the village acknowledge him.
Background: 13 years ago, a great nine-tailed demon fox aka Kyuubi attacked the Village of the Leaf. In order to save the village, the 4th hokage sealed the demon fox in a newborn baby's body and sacrificed himself to suffer endlessly in Death's stomach. The baby was Naruto.
The Deal with him: Even though Naruto was only the vessel to trap the Kyuubi, the village saw him as the demon itself and everybody hated and ostracised him. Thus Naruto grew up lonely, friendless and determined to make his mark one day as the greatest hokage so everybody would acknowledge him.The first few who acknowledged Naruto were the 3rd hokage, Iruka and Konohamaru (who was totally awed by Naruto's ingenious sexy no jutsu). Who Naruto really wished would acknowledge him then was Sakura, his crush. But Sakura was totally infatuated with Sasuke because he was oh-so-cool and that was one of the reasons Naruto became fierce rivals with Sasuke.
Besides being a ninja, one of his jobs is also to reach out to people like him who had a troubled childhood (eg. Haku, Inari and Gaara).
Naruto harassed the perverted Jiraiya into training him for the final Chuunin exams and the 2 grew rather fond of each other (father-and-son way not the perverted way!!).Naruto also technically saved Konoha by saving Tsunade from Kabuto, and touched Tsunade enough to be convinced that she should be the 5th hokage.Besides mastering a high level jounin technique (the kage bunshin), the summoning technique and rasengan, Naruto also has a secret technique which never failed to 'defeat' his enemy before. That's the sexy no jutsu and the higher level harem no jutsu.

26.09.2006. u 13:50
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Ej,evo ljudi novi post.Da nešto objavim sastrane u linkovima vam se nalazi link do moje knjige pa je posjetite ako stignete.Nemam puno vremena za post pa če ovo bit na brzinu.Danas ču pričat o inuzyashi (kako god se pisalo).

Name Inuyasha
Roles Good Guys
Age 17-18 (excludes the 50 years he was pinned to the tree)
Personality Straight forward, easily irritated, naiive
Weapon Claws, Tetsusaiga
Description Inuyasha, the main star of the anime is half demon, half human. He possesses a human heart but strong demon like claws and strength. 50 years ago, he tried to obtain the Shikon stone, which can turn him into a full demon, but was stopped by the maiden who protects the stone: Kikyo.

22.09.2006. u 19:56
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Nothing special

Ovako evo napisala sam novi post.Počela sam pisati i knjigu.I neke djelove ču objaviti na mom blogu.

Evo da vam prestavim likove:

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Živi:U malom gradiču blizu Tokya
Karakter i opis:Zita je žensko, vrlo je dobra osoba ali ne govori puno.Njezin Sony se zove Kari.Njezina najbolja prijateljica je Kimmy.Koja ide s njom u razred.Zita nikad nije iznevjerila svoje prijatelje čak i u najtežim trenucima.Njezin tata umro je kada je imala pet godine i od tada je šutljiva.Jedino je ona vidjela očevog ubojicu ali nije svjedočila.Danas živi s mamom ali mamu kao da nema jer je stalno na putovanjima.Jedino što je može utješiti su njezini prijatelji.U školi prolazi sa vrlo dobrim sdoga stalno nekome drži instrukcije.Trenira odbojku i najbolja je u tome.Osvojila je več 5 pehara na koje se vrlo ponosi.Probala je sve sportove ali odbojka joj je najbolja.Nikad nije pušlila niti pila,usprkos očevoj smrti.Imam sestru za koju još nije znala.

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Živi:U malenom gradiču blizu Tokya
Karakter i opis:Paruna je žesko,uvjek je nasmješena i vesela.Obožava se igrati još je kao malo djete.Njezin Sony se zove Cumi.Njezin najbolji prijatelj je Takito ali joj sepolako počinje sviđati.Paruna je jako bogata ali je to ne veseli,ponaša se kao da joj to uopče nije važno.Ima brata Boka koji je zaigran ko ona.ona prolazi sa odličnim i voli to drugima nabiti na nos.Nekad se zna naljutiti te se neželi ispričati osobi koju je povrijedila te čeka ta se ta osoba ispriča.Paruna trenira ples i ona je također najbalja u svojoj disciplini.

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Živi:U malenom gradiču pokraj Tokya
Karakter i opis:Kimmy je žesko i ona je najblađa u skupini.Ona je živjela u Engleskoj te su joj se roditelji rastali mama joj je bakrotirala te je Kimmy trebala ič živjeti s tatom.Dijeli skoro istu sudbinu kao Zita zato se najbolje razumiju i najbolje su prijateljice.Njezin tata je dobio veliki posao pa se sada se vračaju u bolje finacisko stanje.Njezin Sony zove se Dondi.Uči svirati klavir i voli plivati.Vrlo je znatiželjna i avanturistička osoba.

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Živi:U malenom gradiču pokraj Tokyu
Karakter i osobina:Takito je muško.On je vrlo energičan i voli zezati cure.Nekada zna biti dobar a nekada očajan.Njegov soni zove se Famuro.On trenira nogomet ni nije baš dobar u tome, prolazi s tri i sve profesorice ga mrze jedna je otišla u ludnicu.Njegov život je savršen.

19.09.2006. u 12:45
× 12 thoughts of the world × Print × # ×

Lend of the living

Evo da vam ispričam što mi se desilo prije par dana.Išla sam mamo prošetati psa bilo je kasno navečer i dok sam hodala sam stalno čula zvukove hkuij nemaju nikakve veze.Kada se okrenem nema nikoga,i nakon nekoliko minuta opet i opet se okrenem nema nikoga.

Evo da napišem nešto o yu-gi-ohu

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usWhen Yugi first completed the Millennium Puzzle, he got more than he bargained for. A dark presence invaded his mind. This presence was Yami Yugi - a mysterious spirit from ancient times.

Unlike some of the spirits inside other items, Yami Yugi isn't all that evil. He acts more as a guardian to Yugi and protects him from danger.

He is a master of the duel monsters card game. When Yugi is in a duel, Yami Yugi will sometimes take over and assist his little friend. When Yugi transforms into Yami Yugi, his physical appearance changes slightly. He grows taller and his expression is harsher than little Yugi's. Yami Yugi is stronger than his little friend as well. In the shadow realm, Yugi has trouble holding himself together. When he begins to break down, Yami Yugi usually takes over and fights for his friend.

Yami Yugi is incredibly loyal to his other half. At first he only believes in winning duels, but soon he learns that friendship is important aswell.

Deep within Yami Yugi is a mysterious past. His memories have been erased, but his identity as an ancient pharaoh is revealed as the story progresses.

When Yami is not in control, he spends most of his time in his soul room. His soul room, however, is stranger than any other ever encountered. It's a labyrinth of paths and doors. Very few that enter his soul room ever make it out. Also, the complexity of his soul room suggests that he is a lot more elaborate than he seems. The truth about him is hidden in secrets. After all, he is an ancient spirit trapped in a puzzle. Who knows what he really is?

15.09.2006. u 19:34
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Magical DoReMi

Prije nego što počnem pisati o doremi moram objaviti da počinjem mali biznis.Otvorit ču svoju stranicu na kojoj čete moči pronači sve o animeu.

Ajde da počnemo.Dorie Goodwyn (Doremi Harukaze in the Japanese version) is a young schoolgirl who has a crush on Robbie (Igarashi, Grade 6 student in Football club), a fact that her younger sister Caitlyn (Poppu) likes to tease her about. She is also some kind of rivalry with Todd (Tetsuya Kotake), her classmate. Luckless and clumsy, she complains often that she is "the unluckiest pretty girl in the whole world." One day, she visits the mysterious old shop The Rusty Broom (Makihatayama no Maho-do). There she meets an old woman who looks like a storybook witch, and she instinctively shouts that she is a witch. When witches are discovered they are punished because of the Curse of Majogaeru and to Dorie's surprise, the old woman transforms into a small green blob. The old woman's name is Patina (Majorika), and because of Dorie she is now a witch blob (majogaeru), who is not powerful enough to return to her human form after transforming.

Dorie must now become a powerful witch herself in order to help return Patina to her human form. Dorie is granted a Dream Spinner (magical tap in the Japanese version) which is used to transform her into her witch costume. The tap is installed in the chest of the clothes after the transformation and produces her witch's wand when tapped again. Her training as a witch's apprentice is much more demanding than she had expected and her wand (named Wandaler in English version) requires the use of many spell drops (magic spheres in the Japanese version) to use magic. On top of this, Dorie has to keep her identity as an apprentice a secret or she will suffer the same blobby fate as Patina. Her friends Reanne Griffith (Hazuki Fujiwara) and Mirabelle Haywood (Aiko Senoo) quickly discover this secret however and are able to become apprentices themselves because of this. Through their training, they become much closer and co-operate by redecorating and managing The Dusty Broom successfully to buy magical spheres so that they may train and take exams to become witches and dispel Patina's cursed fate. When an individual girl does not have enough power, they also co-operate by using Perfect Harmony to cast stronger magic. They later meet another girl, Ellie Craft (Onpu Segawa), a famous actress and singer in Japan, who is also a witch. Ellie is the witch apprentice of Patina's arch-rival, Petunia (Majoruka). Though at first they do not get along very well, at the end of the series they become friends.

E da skoro sam zaboravila mislim da se Nicol nešto naljutila na mene,stalno joj ostavljam komentare ali ona ništa.Što da radim??

12.09.2006. u 20:21
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Sailor moon

Ajme kad sam ja ovo gledala bila sam još mala,to sam gledala dok sam bila u Njemačkoj.I sječam se par eizoda,tada je smenom i moja mama gledala jer na programu nije bilo ništa zanimljivog.Evo da napišem o čemu se radi u crtam.Jednoga dana djvojčica po imenu Usagi kao i obično kasnila je u školu.Trčeči prema školi srela je2 dječaka kako gnjave jednu maču.Otjerala je dječake i spasila macu kada je skinula flaster s njezinog čela vidjela je znak mjeseca,ali je samo ostavila mačku i otišla toliko se sječam od prve epizode.Ubiti kasnije tih par cura spašava svijet od negativaca.Evo likovi koji se spoinju Sailor moon,Sailor mars,Sailor merkury,Sailor Jupite,Sailor saturn,Sailor uran,Sailor Neptun,Sailor Pluto(moja najdraža).

E imam nove vjesti otvorila sam anime forum ako želite dođite i registrirajte se

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09.09.2006. u 19:28
× 16 thoughts of the world × Print × # ×


Evo imala sam šansu napisati post ali na brzinu.Pisat ču ih i dalje napisat ču vam nešto o digimonima.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usTaichi Kamiya (Tai): Known as Tai, is the self-proclaimed leader of the group. He's the one who began telling the story of Digimon in the first episode. He enjoys physical things where he can prove how good he is, like sports, especially soccer (he’s the center forward in his soccer team). He's also a very take-charge kind of guy, to the point of being kind of bossy. Tai often thinks that his way of doing something is the only way to do it. When he first landed in Digiworld he thought being the leader would be fun and easy. However, he soon learns that leading isn't as easy as it looks. He has to make hard decisions, and sometimes the others don't totally agree with him (especially Matt, who has a thing with authority figures). Him and Matt don’t get on at all, this is because of many reasons but I can’t put my finger on any one specific reason in particular!
Back on Earth his family is his mom and dadTai's Parents and his little sister Kari, who we have now found is the eighth Digi-Destined! They live in an apartment with a cat named Miko.
Tai always looks after his little sister Kari, especially as he believes he nearly killed her when she had a cold as a child. He took her outside so he could play soccer, and she collapsed

Sora Takenouchi: Sora is a sensible and thoughtful girl. Because of this, she feels that she has to be a sort of mother or older sister to everyone, trying to protect them all. She sticks up for the kids who are teased by the rest of the group (usually Izzy or T.K.) and tries to be the most mature and responsible. She's also very brave. In a fight she'll think of others, not herself.
Under all this though, Sora is still just a kid herself. She tries to bury her fears and doubts by being very serious and suspicious, but these feelings are still a part of her. She's a bit of a tomboy, plays soccer, and calls her blue hat "lucky."
She lives with her mom,Sora's mom who runs a flower shop. Her mother worries about her daughter, and doesn't want her to play dangerous sports. They used to have some trouble communicatingas as she didn’t like Sora playing Soccer, but after the Digimon came into their lives they became much closer. This is because Sora realsied that her mother just loved her and wanted to protect her, just like Sora loved Biyomon.
Sora's dad Sora's dadis a Professor and doesn't get to see his family very often

I to sam i ja prije gledala ajde bok

06.09.2006. u 19:57
× 18 thoughts of the world × Print × # ×

The end

Evo ljudi napokon sam napisala novi post.Tata mi više neda da pišem blog ali vjerojatno če mi dati još koji put.Malo manje ču odsada komentirati vaše blogove zbog tate, ali eto štačeš.Nemam pojma šta da vam napišem osim da se čujemo još koji puta.E da i drugi če blog biti zatvoren privremeno ali ču ja još uvjek čitati vaše komentare.Jedva sam čekala da napišem post a sada neznam što da napišem.Možda iduču nedjelju napišem novi post.A do tada CIAO

03.09.2006. u 13:36
× 9 thoughts of the world × Print × # ×

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comments no/si?

Opis bloga

Ovo je blog jedne anime girl koja obožava anime.Zato će pisat sve o animeu.I da mi niste spamali.

warning ^-^

Evo počela sam primat naruđbe za dizaj i za bannere i ostalo,ako kome šta triba nek mi pošanje naruđbu u komentarima ili na mail.
Neke dizajne možete pronači na mom drugom blogu

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Ovdje ispod se nalaze linkovi do vaših blogova tamo gdje sam vas nabrajala

Zovem se Anamarija i obožavam anime.Živila sam u Splitu a sada živim u Rijeci.Jako sam druželjubiva osoba premda imam tri najbolje prijateljice.Osim anima još volim svoga psa Flokija.Premda je nekad mali dosadnjakovič jako ga volim.Moje najdraže društvo preko interneta su Kay,Nicole,avenge_girl,Kate,
Anime queen
Anime manga girl
,Bex,Miss Modest Mouse,Digitalka,
Anime wings
,Digimon frontier.Ako nisam nekog spomenula sorry stavit ču te iduči put.Počela sam pravit dizajne i čini se da se mnogima sviđaju.Moj najdraži planet je Pluton ali sada je ispa iz planeta.Buuuuuuaaa T__T.Član sam grupe Kameleon moje najdraže grupe.Nemam više šta reč možda se sitim da upišem.


Digimon Frontier (zakon cura)
still warrior-ima super blog i super je cura
luda baba(tek upoznala)
L(ima fenomenalan blog)
Heleca-baš su dobre
Mimi-najbolja prijateljica
Mary(tek upoznala)
Nicole(Napravila mi ovaj gušt dizajn)
Bex(obavezno pogledajte)
Miss Modest Mouse

Sorry ako nisam nekog stavila to je zato čto sam ovo radila nabrzinu

Svašta ;)

Ana,moja najbolja prijateljica.
Boje,meni najdraže.
Cure,vrtimo dečke oko malog prsta.
Ćuk,nemogu se sjetit ništa drugog.
Čupavo i Čupko,volim čupavo i volim moju staru igračku.
Dom,moj stan.
Enciklopedija,u njoj možeš nači svašta zanimljivo.
Frula,moj najdraži instrument.
Gluposti,svašta izvodim.
Higijena,moraš je održavati.
Inekcije,nije strašno.
Klupko,za mace.
Lopta,za odbojku.
LJubomora,nešto najgore.
Mama,moja mamica.
Noć,najbolja pojava.
NJuška,sve osjeti i namiriše.
Opasno,volim opasno.
Pas i prijateljstvo,moj Floki,nešto najbolje.
Rijeka,gdje živim.
Split,moj rodni grad.
Škola,bolje da negovorim.
Urlikanje,kada urličem probušim svakom uši.
Vuk,moja najbolja noćna životinja.
Zezancije,svi kažu da se samnom dobro zabavljaju a i meni se sviđa.
Životinje,tako slatke.