Magical DoReMi

Prije nego što počnem pisati o doremi moram objaviti da počinjem mali biznis.Otvorit ču svoju stranicu na kojoj čete moči pronači sve o animeu.

Ajde da počnemo.Dorie Goodwyn (Doremi Harukaze in the Japanese version) is a young schoolgirl who has a crush on Robbie (Igarashi, Grade 6 student in Football club), a fact that her younger sister Caitlyn (Poppu) likes to tease her about. She is also some kind of rivalry with Todd (Tetsuya Kotake), her classmate. Luckless and clumsy, she complains often that she is "the unluckiest pretty girl in the whole world." One day, she visits the mysterious old shop The Rusty Broom (Makihatayama no Maho-do). There she meets an old woman who looks like a storybook witch, and she instinctively shouts that she is a witch. When witches are discovered they are punished because of the Curse of Majogaeru and to Dorie's surprise, the old woman transforms into a small green blob. The old woman's name is Patina (Majorika), and because of Dorie she is now a witch blob (majogaeru), who is not powerful enough to return to her human form after transforming.

Dorie must now become a powerful witch herself in order to help return Patina to her human form. Dorie is granted a Dream Spinner (magical tap in the Japanese version) which is used to transform her into her witch costume. The tap is installed in the chest of the clothes after the transformation and produces her witch's wand when tapped again. Her training as a witch's apprentice is much more demanding than she had expected and her wand (named Wandaler in English version) requires the use of many spell drops (magic spheres in the Japanese version) to use magic. On top of this, Dorie has to keep her identity as an apprentice a secret or she will suffer the same blobby fate as Patina. Her friends Reanne Griffith (Hazuki Fujiwara) and Mirabelle Haywood (Aiko Senoo) quickly discover this secret however and are able to become apprentices themselves because of this. Through their training, they become much closer and co-operate by redecorating and managing The Dusty Broom successfully to buy magical spheres so that they may train and take exams to become witches and dispel Patina's cursed fate. When an individual girl does not have enough power, they also co-operate by using Perfect Harmony to cast stronger magic. They later meet another girl, Ellie Craft (Onpu Segawa), a famous actress and singer in Japan, who is also a witch. Ellie is the witch apprentice of Patina's arch-rival, Petunia (Majoruka). Though at first they do not get along very well, at the end of the series they become friends.

E da skoro sam zaboravila mislim da se Nicol nešto naljutila na mene,stalno joj ostavljam komentare ali ona ništa.Što da radim??

12.09.2006. u 20:21
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Ovo je blog jedne anime girl koja obožava anime.Zato će pisat sve o animeu.I da mi niste spamali.

warning ^-^

Evo počela sam primat naruđbe za dizaj i za bannere i ostalo,ako kome šta triba nek mi pošanje naruđbu u komentarima ili na mail.
Neke dizajne možete pronači na mom drugom blogu

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Ovdje ispod se nalaze linkovi do vaših blogova tamo gdje sam vas nabrajala

Zovem se Anamarija i obožavam anime.Živila sam u Splitu a sada živim u Rijeci.Jako sam druželjubiva osoba premda imam tri najbolje prijateljice.Osim anima još volim svoga psa Flokija.Premda je nekad mali dosadnjakovič jako ga volim.Moje najdraže društvo preko interneta su Kay,Nicole,avenge_girl,Kate,
Anime queen
Anime manga girl
,Bex,Miss Modest Mouse,Digitalka,
Anime wings
,Digimon frontier.Ako nisam nekog spomenula sorry stavit ču te iduči put.Počela sam pravit dizajne i čini se da se mnogima sviđaju.Moj najdraži planet je Pluton ali sada je ispa iz planeta.Buuuuuuaaa T__T.Član sam grupe Kameleon moje najdraže grupe.Nemam više šta reč možda se sitim da upišem.


Digimon Frontier (zakon cura)
still warrior-ima super blog i super je cura
luda baba(tek upoznala)
L(ima fenomenalan blog)
Heleca-baš su dobre
Mimi-najbolja prijateljica
Mary(tek upoznala)
Nicole(Napravila mi ovaj gušt dizajn)
Bex(obavezno pogledajte)
Miss Modest Mouse

Sorry ako nisam nekog stavila to je zato čto sam ovo radila nabrzinu

Svašta ;)

Ana,moja najbolja prijateljica.
Boje,meni najdraže.
Cure,vrtimo dečke oko malog prsta.
Ćuk,nemogu se sjetit ništa drugog.
Čupavo i Čupko,volim čupavo i volim moju staru igračku.
Dom,moj stan.
Enciklopedija,u njoj možeš nači svašta zanimljivo.
Frula,moj najdraži instrument.
Gluposti,svašta izvodim.
Higijena,moraš je održavati.
Inekcije,nije strašno.
Klupko,za mace.
Lopta,za odbojku.
LJubomora,nešto najgore.
Mama,moja mamica.
Noć,najbolja pojava.
NJuška,sve osjeti i namiriše.
Opasno,volim opasno.
Pas i prijateljstvo,moj Floki,nešto najbolje.
Rijeka,gdje živim.
Split,moj rodni grad.
Škola,bolje da negovorim.
Urlikanje,kada urličem probušim svakom uši.
Vuk,moja najbolja noćna životinja.
Zezancije,svi kažu da se samnom dobro zabavljaju a i meni se sviđa.
Životinje,tako slatke.