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Evo imala sam šansu napisati post ali na brzinu.Pisat ču ih i dalje napisat ču vam nešto o digimonima.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usTaichi Kamiya (Tai): Known as Tai, is the self-proclaimed leader of the group. He's the one who began telling the story of Digimon in the first episode. He enjoys physical things where he can prove how good he is, like sports, especially soccer (he’s the center forward in his soccer team). He's also a very take-charge kind of guy, to the point of being kind of bossy. Tai often thinks that his way of doing something is the only way to do it. When he first landed in Digiworld he thought being the leader would be fun and easy. However, he soon learns that leading isn't as easy as it looks. He has to make hard decisions, and sometimes the others don't totally agree with him (especially Matt, who has a thing with authority figures). Him and Matt don’t get on at all, this is because of many reasons but I can’t put my finger on any one specific reason in particular!
Back on Earth his family is his mom and dadTai's Parents and his little sister Kari, who we have now found is the eighth Digi-Destined! They live in an apartment with a cat named Miko.
Tai always looks after his little sister Kari, especially as he believes he nearly killed her when she had a cold as a child. He took her outside so he could play soccer, and she collapsed

Sora Takenouchi: Sora is a sensible and thoughtful girl. Because of this, she feels that she has to be a sort of mother or older sister to everyone, trying to protect them all. She sticks up for the kids who are teased by the rest of the group (usually Izzy or T.K.) and tries to be the most mature and responsible. She's also very brave. In a fight she'll think of others, not herself.
Under all this though, Sora is still just a kid herself. She tries to bury her fears and doubts by being very serious and suspicious, but these feelings are still a part of her. She's a bit of a tomboy, plays soccer, and calls her blue hat "lucky."
She lives with her mom,Sora's mom who runs a flower shop. Her mother worries about her daughter, and doesn't want her to play dangerous sports. They used to have some trouble communicatingas as she didn’t like Sora playing Soccer, but after the Digimon came into their lives they became much closer. This is because Sora realsied that her mother just loved her and wanted to protect her, just like Sora loved Biyomon.
Sora's dad Sora's dadis a Professor and doesn't get to see his family very often

I to sam i ja prije gledala ajde bok

Post je objavljen 06.09.2006. u 19:57 sati.