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Ej,evo ljudi novi post.Da nešto objavim sastrane u linkovima vam se nalazi link do moje knjige pa je posjetite ako stignete.Nemam puno vremena za post pa če ovo bit na brzinu.Danas ču pričat o inuzyashi (kako god se pisalo).

Name Inuyasha
Roles Good Guys
Age 17-18 (excludes the 50 years he was pinned to the tree)
Personality Straight forward, easily irritated, naiive
Weapon Claws, Tetsusaiga
Description Inuyasha, the main star of the anime is half demon, half human. He possesses a human heart but strong demon like claws and strength. 50 years ago, he tried to obtain the Shikon stone, which can turn him into a full demon, but was stopped by the maiden who protects the stone: Kikyo.

Post je objavljen 22.09.2006. u 19:56 sati.