Pokemon is back

Danas sam bila sa rodicom kopala po nekim stvarima,i pronašla sam pokemon karte.Imala sam preko 100 karata u albumima.Evo da napišem nešto o likovima.

Ash in the main character in the Pokemon TV series. Ash is 10 years old. Ash is wild and energetic. His goal is to become the world's greatest Pokémon trainer and earn the title of "Pokémon Master".Ash is given Pikachu in the first TV show by Professor Oak. The television series follows Ash around in his quest to become the greatest Pokemon Trainer.Ash sometimes isn't the brightest kid you'll ever meet, but he learns from his mistakes, and never lets life get him down.

Pikachu and Ash are best buddies.

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Japanese name - Kasumi
N/A (North American) name - Misty
Age - 12
Favorite color - blue
Pokemon - (Anime) Togepi, Poliwag, Starmie, Staryu, Horsea, Psyduck, Goldeen, Dewgong (Magna) Magikarp/Gyardos, Starmie, Lapras
Home - Cerulean City
Show - Pokemon, Pocket Monsters
Goal - To be the greatest Water pokemon trainer
Possible crush - Ash
Family - 3 sisters (Lily, Violet, Daisy)
Best Friend - Togepi, Ash
Occupation - Water pokemon trainer, Cerulean City Gym Trainer
Description - She was originally 1 of the 4 Sensational Sisters, but she left for an unknown rreason. She meets up with Ash, and follows him until he pays her back for her bike. She is also a gym leader, and 1 of the 4 keepers of the Cascade Badge.She seems mean (Because of hitting everyone with mallets), and she’s stubborn (very), like Ash. But, she’s also sweet and carin

26.08.2006. u 10:09
× 32 thoughts of the world × Print × # ×

Card Captor Sakura

Ovo če se svidjeti Kay´est koja ju obožava.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usSakura Kinomoto is the main character of the anime we all know and love, Card Captor Sakura! :D Cheerful, optimistic, cute, and full of spark, Sakura is a character who is always very much liked by all the people around her. Though at first glance she might not stand out in a crowd of people, her amiable personality is the reason that she is very popular. Very kind-hearted and caring, she hates for her family and friends to get hurt. Sakura was a normal 4th grader going to school with her best friend and living with her father and brother; Little did she know that she would soon be on a very dangerous mission to collect all the Clow Cards.

Sakura is a very popular girl at her school. She makes friends very easily and is not the kind of person to make enemies with others. She is especially good at gymnastics and sports, her favorite subject being P.E. Since she doesn't have a mother, Sakura is also very good with the chores around the house and very responsible for someone her age. She and her brother Touya always split up the chores, since her father is a college professor and doesn't have too much time on his hands. Sakura knows how to cook very well, since most of the time the cooking is also left to her, and she always finishes her chores and duties on time. If something happens with the Clow Cards and she isn't able to do her assignments, then she always makes a deal with Touya, asking him to do her chores this time around, and she pays him back by doing something else for him. Sakura also never pretends to be innocent when she's the one to blame in certain situations.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usMeiling is Shaolan's fiancée from Hong Kong. They are actually cousins, but their families had arranged their marriage for them already. Not that Meiling really minds, that is. She loves Shaolan to pieces, and is always hanging onto him wherever they go. There is a lot of angst against Meiling with the fans. It seems that no one really likes her, especially the Sakura + Shaolan lovers. Everyone always makes her out to be a lot meaner and evil than she really is. I personally think Meiling is cute. Sure, she might not be very likeable in the first few episodes, but later on, she becomes friends with Sakura and co. and shows her much kinder and vulnerable side.

Meiling appears in episode 20 ("Sakura and the Fighting Exchange Student") and she doesn't get off on the right foot with Sakura, or the fans for that matter. Well, the first time she appears is actually in episode 19, where Sakura and Tomoyo are over at Shaolan's house because Sakura and Shaolan both fell into a river and got soaked. Shaolan was letting Sakura borrow some clothes, when all of a sudden, Meiling bursts into the apartment and hugs Shaolan, asking him if he missed her. She then notices Sakura and Tomoyo, and has a fit because Shaolan was letting Sakura borrow the shirt that Meiling once gave him as a gift. Meiling felt that Sakura threatened the relationship between her and Shaolan from the very beginning.

22.08.2006. u 21:34
× 16 thoughts of the world × Print × # ×

Znam da sam dosadna ali sam rekla da ču napisat još omewmew power.

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Japanese Name: Lettuce Midorikawa
English Name: Bridget Verdant
Japanese Age: 13
English Age: 15
Japanese VA: Kumi Sakuma
English VA: Bella Hudson
Animal: Finless Porpoise
Weapon: Lettuce Castanets
English Weapon: Combat Castanets
Attack: Ribbon Lettuce Rush
English Attacks: Deep Sea Surge Attack; Tidal Wave Rush; Underwater Surge Attack
First Appears In: Episode 3
Lettuce is a shy girl that Ichigo literally runs into when going to school. She didn't have good friends before she met Ichigo, and was afraid of her strange powers. Lettuce likes to read, and spends time in the library. The strangest thing about her, considering her animal, is that she can't swim.

Bridget Verdant is part bookworm, part porpoise and one big sweetheart!
Don't let that bookish exterior fool you! She may be dainty and demure on the surface, but when it comes to battling 50-foot alien life forms, this girl's no withering wallflower!
If you're looking for brains and beauty, loyalty and loveliness, look no further than Bridget Verdant - a high-powered heroine with hair of green and a heard of gold!

Eto dodala sam još jednog lika mew mew power.O da obečala sam nini da ču stavit na kojim programima može nači anime:
Ovako Kamikaze kamirou Jeanne (mislim da se tako piše) ti je u subotu u 18:30 na rtl-u 2.
Mew mew-na fox-u
Pokemon-nov@ i rtl 2

Sjetit ču se ja još njih pa ču napisat.do tad ciao

20.08.2006. u 15:36
× 24 thoughts of the world × Print × # ×

New begining

Evo ovo je moj drugi blog o animeu.Na njemu če se nači ponešto o mom životu kada nebudem znala šta da napišem.
Moj najdraži anime je mew mew power.

Evo prva je:
Ona mi je najbolja

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Japanese Name: Ichigo Momomiya
English Name: Zoey Hanson
Japanese Age: 13
English Age: 16
Japanese VA: Saki Nakajima
English VA: Amanda Brown
Animal: Iriomote Wildcat
Weapons: Strawberry Bell; Mew Aqua Rod
English Weapons: Strawberry Bell, Rose Bell, Strawberry Sceptre
Attacks: Ribbon Strawberry Check; Ribbon Strawberry Surprise; Ribbon Aqua Drops
English Attacks: Strawberry Bell, Full Power; Rose Bell, Full Power; Strawberry Sceptre, Blue Aqua Drops
First Appears In: Episode 1
Ichigo was a normal 13 year old girl until her DNA was combined with that of an iriomote wildcat. Since that day, she has been able to transform into Mew Ichigo. She was the first Mew Mew to be discovered, and is more-or-less the leader of the group.
Ichigo is in love with Masaya Aoyama, a boy at her school. She is also the love interest of Kishu, one of the aliens.

Zoey Hanson is part teenager, part Wild Mountain Cat and 100% whacky!
As the fearless leader of the Mew Mews, Zoey is under a lot of pressure to prioritize. Should she protect the planet from an extra-terrestrial attack or go out on a date with the cutest boy in school?
Don't worry. She's got it under control...except for the odd freak-out.
Zoey Hanson: The modern supergirl with a passion for pink, a penchant for drama and a personality all her own!

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Japanese Name: Mint Aizawa
English Name: Corina Bucksworth
Japanese Age: 13
English Age: 16
Japanese VA: Yumi Kakazu
English VA: Andi Whaley
Animal: Blue Lorikeet
Weapon: Mint Arrow
English Weapon: Heart Arrow
Attack: Ribbon Mint Echo
English Attack: Unnamed
First Appears In: Episode 2
Mint is a rich girl that lives in a mansion with her parents (who are usually away), brother, grandmother, and dog, Miki. She is also a ballet dancer. At first, she doesn't think highly of Ichigo, and acts like...well, a brat most of the time. Mint tolerates the other girls, but talks the most to Zakuro.

Corina Bucksworth is part blue-blood heiress, part Blue Lorikeet, and all diva!
What's a spoiled little rich girl to do? Battling ill-mannered aliens, taking advanced ballet lessons and working at the Cafe Mew Mew (well...barely) can really cut into your shopping time.
Oh well, such is the life of a Mew Mew!
Whether it's a wicked drop-kick or a withering wise-crack, Corina's always there to help...or at least tell someone else to do it.

Evo samo ču njih dvije za sad da ne trošim megabajte.posjetite moj prvi blog ako budete imali vremena.

18.08.2006. u 17:34
× 12 thoughts of the world × Print × # ×

Sljedeći mjesec >>

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comments no/si?

Opis bloga

Ovo je blog jedne anime girl koja obožava anime.Zato će pisat sve o animeu.I da mi niste spamali.

warning ^-^

Evo počela sam primat naruđbe za dizaj i za bannere i ostalo,ako kome šta triba nek mi pošanje naruđbu u komentarima ili na mail.
Neke dizajne možete pronači na mom drugom blogu

amy.v@email.t-com.hr Image Hosted by ImageShack.us

Ovdje ispod se nalaze linkovi do vaših blogova tamo gdje sam vas nabrajala

Zovem se Anamarija i obožavam anime.Živila sam u Splitu a sada živim u Rijeci.Jako sam druželjubiva osoba premda imam tri najbolje prijateljice.Osim anima još volim svoga psa Flokija.Premda je nekad mali dosadnjakovič jako ga volim.Moje najdraže društvo preko interneta su Kay,Nicole,avenge_girl,Kate,
Anime queen
Anime manga girl
,Bex,Miss Modest Mouse,Digitalka,
Anime wings
,Digimon frontier.Ako nisam nekog spomenula sorry stavit ču te iduči put.Počela sam pravit dizajne i čini se da se mnogima sviđaju.Moj najdraži planet je Pluton ali sada je ispa iz planeta.Buuuuuuaaa T__T.Član sam grupe Kameleon moje najdraže grupe.Nemam više šta reč možda se sitim da upišem.


Digimon Frontier (zakon cura)
still warrior-ima super blog i super je cura
luda baba(tek upoznala)
L(ima fenomenalan blog)
Heleca-baš su dobre
Mimi-najbolja prijateljica
Mary(tek upoznala)
Nicole(Napravila mi ovaj gušt dizajn)
Bex(obavezno pogledajte)
Miss Modest Mouse

Sorry ako nisam nekog stavila to je zato čto sam ovo radila nabrzinu

Svašta ;)

Ana,moja najbolja prijateljica.
Boje,meni najdraže.
Cure,vrtimo dečke oko malog prsta.
Ćuk,nemogu se sjetit ništa drugog.
Čupavo i Čupko,volim čupavo i volim moju staru igračku.
Dom,moj stan.
Enciklopedija,u njoj možeš nači svašta zanimljivo.
Frula,moj najdraži instrument.
Gluposti,svašta izvodim.
Higijena,moraš je održavati.
Inekcije,nije strašno.
Klupko,za mace.
Lopta,za odbojku.
LJubomora,nešto najgore.
Mama,moja mamica.
Noć,najbolja pojava.
NJuška,sve osjeti i namiriše.
Opasno,volim opasno.
Pas i prijateljstvo,moj Floki,nešto najbolje.
Rijeka,gdje živim.
Split,moj rodni grad.
Škola,bolje da negovorim.
Urlikanje,kada urličem probušim svakom uši.
Vuk,moja najbolja noćna životinja.
Zezancije,svi kažu da se samnom dobro zabavljaju a i meni se sviđa.
Životinje,tako slatke.