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Znam da sam dosadna ali sam rekla da ču napisat još omewmew power.

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Japanese Name: Lettuce Midorikawa
English Name: Bridget Verdant
Japanese Age: 13
English Age: 15
Japanese VA: Kumi Sakuma
English VA: Bella Hudson
Animal: Finless Porpoise
Weapon: Lettuce Castanets
English Weapon: Combat Castanets
Attack: Ribbon Lettuce Rush
English Attacks: Deep Sea Surge Attack; Tidal Wave Rush; Underwater Surge Attack
First Appears In: Episode 3
Lettuce is a shy girl that Ichigo literally runs into when going to school. She didn't have good friends before she met Ichigo, and was afraid of her strange powers. Lettuce likes to read, and spends time in the library. The strangest thing about her, considering her animal, is that she can't swim.

Bridget Verdant is part bookworm, part porpoise and one big sweetheart!
Don't let that bookish exterior fool you! She may be dainty and demure on the surface, but when it comes to battling 50-foot alien life forms, this girl's no withering wallflower!
If you're looking for brains and beauty, loyalty and loveliness, look no further than Bridget Verdant - a high-powered heroine with hair of green and a heard of gold!

Eto dodala sam još jednog lika mew mew power.O da obečala sam nini da ču stavit na kojim programima može nači anime:
Ovako Kamikaze kamirou Jeanne (mislim da se tako piše) ti je u subotu u 18:30 na rtl-u 2.
Mew mew-na fox-u
Pokemon-nov@ i rtl 2

Sjetit ču se ja još njih pa ču tad ciao

Post je objavljen 20.08.2006. u 15:36 sati.