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Pokemon is back

Danas sam bila sa rodicom kopala po nekim stvarima,i pronašla sam pokemon karte.Imala sam preko 100 karata u albumima.Evo da napišem nešto o likovima.

Ash in the main character in the Pokemon TV series. Ash is 10 years old. Ash is wild and energetic. His goal is to become the world's greatest Pokémon trainer and earn the title of "Pokémon Master".Ash is given Pikachu in the first TV show by Professor Oak. The television series follows Ash around in his quest to become the greatest Pokemon Trainer.Ash sometimes isn't the brightest kid you'll ever meet, but he learns from his mistakes, and never lets life get him down.

Pikachu and Ash are best buddies.

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Japanese name - Kasumi
N/A (North American) name - Misty
Age - 12
Favorite color - blue
Pokemon - (Anime) Togepi, Poliwag, Starmie, Staryu, Horsea, Psyduck, Goldeen, Dewgong (Magna) Magikarp/Gyardos, Starmie, Lapras
Home - Cerulean City
Show - Pokemon, Pocket Monsters
Goal - To be the greatest Water pokemon trainer
Possible crush - Ash
Family - 3 sisters (Lily, Violet, Daisy)
Best Friend - Togepi, Ash
Occupation - Water pokemon trainer, Cerulean City Gym Trainer
Description - She was originally 1 of the 4 Sensational Sisters, but she left for an unknown rreason. She meets up with Ash, and follows him until he pays her back for her bike. She is also a gym leader, and 1 of the 4 keepers of the Cascade Badge.She seems mean (Because of hitting everyone with mallets), and she’s stubborn (very), like Ash. But, she’s also sweet and carin

Post je objavljen 26.08.2006. u 10:09 sati.