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< svibanj, 2008 >
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Prosinac 2008 (2)
Studeni 2008 (1)
Kolovoz 2008 (3)
Srpanj 2008 (2)
Lipanj 2008 (7)
Svibanj 2008 (3)
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Siječanj 2008 (7)
Prosinac 2007 (2)



Ime: Laura

cudna je... povucena, blesava...
voli tog jednog prekasnog decka...
sve bi napravila za njega
i sve vas voli da ne zaboravim :)
nije sigurna u sebe, ne vjeruje nikome, pa ni sebi... iznenaduje samu sebe svojim ponasanjem... luda je


slobodno mejlajte il dodajte...


visina: 179

02.11.2008. - novi pocetak eek
oko 66 kg namcor

64 -
63 -
62 -
61 -
60 -
59 -
58 - najveca zelja

2.11. +
3.11. +
4.11. +
5.11. +/-


nekadasnje i sadasnje:


Just me

Ne težim za savršenstvom, samo želim smršaviti

Samo želim biti lijepa

Thin Fantasy

Baby Ana

Nesretna i debela




I wanna be thin...

debela sam

Anna Freak

*look what they have done to my dream*

ghetto girl



Miss Ana

Smjer Ilica

Best friend to Anna


Be my baby

Jedna od mojih najdrazih:
Beautiful_disorder :)

Leptirice chat



Ovo nemojte shvacat Pro-ana jer ja nisam Proana... ovo je samo za cure koje poremecaj u prehrani vec imaju i dobro znaju kaj je to i kak je to.... nadam se da ce vam pomoc bar malo....

1.) ne preporucam vaganje svaki dan... voda i sve to... radije svaka 4-5 dana
2.) uvijek morate imat cilj, bez cilja cete jako brzo odustat
3.) ponekad je osjecaj gladi najljepsi osjecaj...
4.) zabavite se necim... napravite si manikuru, provedite dan u shopping-centru, zabavljajte se... samo da ne mislite na hranu
5.) nemojte govorit drugim ljudima da ne jedete... pocet ce vas uvjeravat da vam treba hrana, da niste normalni i na kraju ce se udaljit od vas jer nece znat kaj da naprave s vama
6.) ako se zelite nekom povjerit il vam je tesko, sigurna sam da ce barem jedna leptirica saslusat i pomoc... ja sam uvijek tu za vas
7.) nemojte gladovat pa se navecer prezderat... jedino kaj s tim dobijete je uzaaassaaannn osjecaj krivnje, isti tren se osjecate duplo deblje i na kraju pošizite do kraja... radije jedite malo tijekom dana umjesto gladovanja i recite NE
8.) pisite postove redovito... pomaze i vama da pratite kilazu, osjecaje, promjene i da razmisljate o necem drugom, a pomaze i curama koje citaju
9.) nadite neku svoju mantru... ponavljajte ju kad vam je tesko i kad vidite da neide dalje... nek vam to da snage da nastavite
10.) thinspiration... predivna stvar.. svakoj od vas preporucam bar jednu sliku mrsave cure u novcaniku il na zidu...
11.) nemojte se zavaravat s tim da su sve kalorije iste... mozda uneses 500 il kolko vec kalorija dnevno, al nije isto dal je to 500 kalorija špeka, čipsa i čokolade il 500 kalorija jabuka i naranči, kaj ne? zato pazite i na kvalitetu i masnocu hrane, ne samo kalorijsku vrijednost
12.) ZLATNI SAVJET... ako dulje vrijeme ne jedete il jedete npr. samo naranče il nesto kiselo vrlo vjerojatno dobijete žgaravicu ili bolove u zelucu il nesto... sir pomaze... samo kockicu nekog mrvicu masnijeg sira pojedite i odma ce bit bolje... puno bolje nego da (na vjerojatno jaaako prazan zeludac) pijete tablete...

to bi bilo to, dodat cu jos toga kad smislim nesto pametno :D


"Someone I Once Knew"

She wasn't born anorexic, but nowadays she suffers,
staring at these half-naked stars on magazine covers.
feeling pressured by the public.
She only weighs 90 pounds but still sucks in her stomach.
On the inside she's dieing, lying to herself, thinking:
- 5 more pounds won't jeopardize my health.
One day she might just collapse, she can't avoid it.
Too many sleepless nights spent bent over a toilet.
Spewing vomit, like she was an alcoholic.
Praying to a God she never believed in to stop it.
Hasn't eaten in weeks, drinks water by the heaps.
Now she looks like the skeleton she sees in her closet.
So close to death she can taste it, body looks wasted.
Hates life, hates you, hates the way she looks naked.
Now she's feeling drowsy, lousy,
thinking maybe this world's better off without me

I'm so sorry for all that I've done,
I'm so sorry for what I've become.
I'm so sorry, so sorry for wasting your time,
I can't hold you back 'cuz I'm losing my mind.
I'm so sorry for all that I've done,
I'm so sorry for what I've become.
I'm so sorry, so sorry for wasting your time,
I can't hold you back 'cuz I'm losing my mind.

She's staring at her belly, she's so scared to touch it,
imagining the feeling when it kicks inside her stomach.
Too late for safe sex, should have used a latex.
She can't afford a baby on minimum wage paychecks.
Her waistline climbs by inches,
'cuz she traded in the morning workouts for morning sickness.
Feeling nauseous, sleeps on a mat because she's cautious.
Give life or take life, that's her only options.
Only if she had a magic wand, she'd go back to that night
and put her clothes back on.
But she can't change time, or what's growing inside.
How could she love something that's barely alive?
Her body's aching, shaking, from sweaty palms, and cold sweat.
Mentally exhausting like phone sex.
No regrets, life or death, it's high stakes.
'cuz right or wrong, it's only her choice to make.

I'm so sorry for all that I've done,
I'm so sorry for what I've become.
I'm so sorry, so sorry for wasting your time,
I can't hold you back 'cuz I'm losing my mind.
I'm so sorry for all that I've done,
I'm so sorry for what I've become.
I'm so sorry, so sorry for wasting your time,
I can't hold you back 'cuz I'm losing my mind.

- Help!
[Girl:] You smell like perfume. That's NOT mine.
[Guy:] Your head's going fucking crazy, Your head is going crazy.
Gotta get outta here and look after myself.
[Girl:] What? What's so wrong with me that you can't love me?
[Guy:] Look-
[Girl:] What is wrong with me? I do everything for you.
I, I, I make myself look good, I go to the gym.
I, I eat like a fucking rabbit.
I don't, I don't know what else to do.
Tell me.
[Guy:] Baby, you don't understand because-
[Girl:] What it is I have to do to make you love me.

I'm so sorry for all that I've done,
I'm so sorry for what I've become.
I'm so sorry, so sorry for wasting your time,
I can't hold you back 'cuz I'm losing my mind.
I'm so sorry for all that I've done,
I'm so sorry for what I've become.
I'm so sorry, so sorry for wasting your time,
I can't hold you back 'cuz I'm losing my mind.
I'm so sorry for all that I've done,
I'm so sorry for what I've become.
I'm so sorry, so sorry for wasting your time,
I can't hold you back 'cuz I'm losing my mind.



I told another lie today
And I got through this day
No one saw through my games
I know the right words to say
Like "I don't feel well," "I ate before I came"
Then someone tells me how good I look
And for a moment, for a moment I am happy
But when I'm alone, no one hears me cry

I need you to know
I'm not through the night
Some days I'm still fighting to walk towards the light
I need you to know
That we'll be OK
Together we can make it through another day

I don't know the first time I felt unbeautiful
The day I chose not to eat
What I do know is how I've changed my life forever
I know I should know better
There are days when I'm OK
And for a moment, for a moment I find hope
But there are days when I'm not OK
And I need your help
So I'm letting go

I need you to know
I'm not through the night
Some days I'm still fighting to walk towards the light
I need you to know
That we'll be OK
Together we can make it through another day

You should know you're not on your own
These secrets are walls that keep us alone
I don't know when but I know now
Together we'll make it through somehow
(together we'll make it through somehow)

I need you to know
I'm not through the night
Some days I'm still fighting to walk towards the light
I need you to know
That we'll be OK
Together we can make it through another day


"Ana's song"

Please die Ana
For as long as you're here we're not
You make the sound of laughter
and sharpened nails seem softer
And I need you now somehow
And I need you now somehow

Open fire on the needs designed
On my knees for you
Open fire on my knees desires
What I need from you

Imagine pageant
In my head the flesh seems thicker
Sandpaper tears corrode the filth

And I need you now somehow
And I need you now somehow

Open fire on the needs designed
On my knees for you
Open fire on my knees desires
What I need from you

And you're my obsession
I love you to the bones
And Ana wrecks your life
Like an Anorexia life

Open fire on the needs designed
On my knees for you
Open fire on my knees desires
What I need from you
Open fire on the needs designed
Open fire on my knees desires
On my knees for you



When you were here before
Couldnt look you in the eye
Youre just like an angel
Your skin makes me cry
You float like a feather
In a beautiful world
And I wish I was special
Youre so fuckin special

But Im a creep, Im a weirdo.
What the hell am I doing here?
I dont belong here.

I dont care if it hurts
I want to have control
I want a perfect body
I want a perfect soul
I want you to notice
When Im not around
Youre so fuckin special
I wish I was special

But Im a creep, Im a weirdo.
What the hell am I doing here?
I dont belong here.

Shes running out again,
Shes running out
Shes run run run running out...

Whatever makes you happy
Whatever you want
Youre so fuckin special
I wish I was special...

But Im a creep, Im a weirdo,
What the hell am I doing here?
I dont belong here.
I dont belong here.



If I was beautiful like you
All the things I would do
Those not so blessed would be crying out murder
And I’d just laugh and get away with it too
Like you do

If I was beautiful like you
I would never be at fault
I’d walk in the rain between the rain drops
Bringing traffic to a halt

But that would never be
That would never ever be
Cause I’m not beautiful like you
I’m beautiful like me, beautiful like me

If I was beautiful like you
I’d be quick to assume
they’d do anything to please me, why not
To see their reaction when you walk into the room

But that would never be
That would never ever be
Cause I’m not beautiful like you
I’m beautiful like me, beautiful like me
Beautiful, beautiful like me
Like me, Like me...

If I was beautiful like you
I’d have so many friends
All fighting for my time to be next in line
So if I hurt one, I wouldn’t have to make amends

That would never be
That would never ever be
Cause I’m not beautiful like you
I’m not beautiful like you
I’m not beautiful like you
I’m beautiful like me
Beautiful like me, beautiful like me
I’m beautiful like me, I’m beautiful like me.


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Control + Time = Thin
petak, 09.05.2008. u 10:31

Drage moje leptirice!
4. dan je uspjesno prosao! izdrzala sam 4 dana, nijednom nisam zajebala i sad imam motivaciju za dalje yes
kilaža je 63.6 kg što je 1.2 kg manje nego prije 4 dana dead
po mom koristenju smajlica, mislim da je ocito da sam presretna sa svim wink
u skoli je nekim cudnom sve OK, ljubavi nit nema u mom zivotu pa se bar oko toga nemoram brinut, s frendovima je isto sve super, a i dijeta mi je krenula napokon! izgleda da mi je napokon doslo neko dobro razdoblje i to nakon jedno 6 mjeseci depre, crnoga, suza... zato me sad ovo stanje jaaaako veseli!!! mozda zato kaj je napokon toplo, mozda zato kaj polako preboljujem svoju nepreboljivu bivsu ljubav, mozda zato kaj se blizi ljeto... neznam, al znam da se osjecam dobro, sretno i entuzijasticno cerek mislim da sad mogu sve! imam samopouzdanja opet polako, osmjeh na licu i neku neobjasnjivu unutarnju snagu :)
kaj se tice UNke, striktno sam se drzala programa iako mi je tesko izdrzat tih 5-6 sati izmedu obroka... nisam navikla imat samo 3 obroka dnevno, nije mi bas preugodno cim se probudim jest voce i osjecam se uzasno na kraju UH dana kad moram požderat puno sladoleda il kolača, al valjda cu se i na to naviknut...
pocetak je uvijek najtezi... bilo koji pocetak... al mislim da bi sad bilo pravo vrijeme da zapocnem i novu vezu i da se napokon ponovno zaljubim... na Njega (bivsega) sam potrosila godinu svog zivota, litre i litre suza, radila stvari koje nikad nebi napravila samo zbog nekog decka (pogotovo ne zbog decka kojem bas i nije tolko stalo), a za uzvrat nisam dobila nista,.. osim jos par suza... al mislim da sam sad napokon spremna srceko svoje poklonit nekom drugom.. nekome ko ce me cijenit i voljet zbog toga sto jesam, a ne iskoristavat moju zaljubljenost i tjerat me na stvari koje ne zelim. mislim da mogu nac nekog ko ce me podrzavat u svemu i bit uz mene... stvarno mi fali netko ko ce me zagrlit kad mi je tesko, ko ce me drzat za ruku kad me strah, uz koga cu se moc stisnut kad vani bude hladno, neko pod ciji kisobran cu se moc ugurat kad iznenada pljusne kisa, neko koga cu moc utjesit i bit uz njega kad mu je najteze... zelim s nekim vodit kasne nocne razgovore do pred jutro a onda prije spavanja samo rec: Volim te... to tako dugo nisam mogla... to mi tako fali...
ajme... sad sam tolko sva u tome.. samo bi decka... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa... trebam decka eek greedy

sad sam se raspisala... al mi se stvarno neda ic ucit povijest iako pisem test danas... nemogu se koncentrirat na nis... leptirici u trbuhu :) ako nista drugo, dokle god imam leptirice ni ne pomisljam na hranu, to je onda ok valjda thumbup

idem ipak malo ucit, nemogu si sad na kraju godine jedinicu dozvolit..
Pusa od preeesretne Laure dead
i samo zapamtite, kolko god da je tesko, in the end everything's gonna be alright!!! smijeh

volim vas sve i puuuno hvala na svoj vasoj podrsci male moje :)

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