
Free Image Hosting at I'm sure every one of you has had a moment in his or hers life when someone told you you aren't normal. It happened to me a thousand times. Let's deal with that now. Let's deal with the sentence - "You are not normal!"
The key word here is of course - normal. There is no clear definition of how normal should look like and every person creates its own concept of normal. Therefore, something that is normal to someone doesn't have to be normal to someone else. If we follow this theory then we are all insane to each other, literally, but to ourselves we are normal. Today, this is the most common way of comprehending normal. As common and frequent as it may be, it doesn't make it right. What you need to understand is - there is no such thing as normal. It's an illusion created by our minds with a single purpose and that is to separate everything that we do not understand, everything that we seem to define as not-normal.
However, in this world, there is a certain standard which we abide by and with which we defined normal and not-normal. This standard was necessary for our alignment. We align toward good. We try to be good, and because of that, everything bad is not-normal (this is just one branch of normality, something doesn't have to be bad to be not-normal in the eyes of those who follow the standard, but we'll talk about that later). This failing. People tend to turn to bad...turn to not-normal more and more. Why does this happen? Because bad and not-normal have their benefits. But that is not the issue here.
What I am trying to show you is that normal is flexible. We are tought what normal is. Thou shall not kill!!! These are the words which were being implanted in your head over and over in that very moment when you reached that certain age when you start to think for yourself. You conscience connects to it and suddenly...murder doesn't feel like a good idea at all. It's repulsive (this is entwined with religion and it started with it , but I'll talk about religion another time). ...
Let's go back. The year was 0 when the Earth received a teacher which told them the mustn't kill. And...He gave them a pretty good reason not to, ha? (heaven, hell) Let's suppose that didn't happen. Let's suppose Jesus never came. And let's suppose murder is something our civilization then started to thrive on. Today, we would have murders every day. People would be killing each other on the streets and they would do it for fun. To us, now, that is not-normal, but to them...that would be as normal as playing football is today.
It's all about education. If you are tought that killing is ok, then it would be ok. It would be normal. I know it seems bad to you now, but think about it for a while...

So what is normal anyway? We haven't really reached a conclusion. It's like this: Jesus behaved good (at least what he thought was good and what would lead to a better tomorrow). He gathered followers and they too behaved good. They all showed other people what it's like to behave good. More and more people started to behave good. People saw them behave good and started to behave that way as well. They started in a single town and conquered the world with good. How? The answer is - majority. When you combine 12 apostles and Jesus with a little bit of hokus-pokus Jesus did, you get more people that act good. Then it started like that, but today...what the majority does is normal. You see it in democracy every day.
Let's project that on this world of ours. I see good, and I see bad. And it has come to a point when bad has become the majority, therefore, bad is normal. BAD IS NORMAL. Most people act bad. It's as simple as that. Ladies and gentlemen, when someone tells you "You are not normal" raise your head with pride and say - "THANK YOU!", for today...good is not normal.

08.03.2007. u 00:35
° 7 thoughts of the world ° Print ° # °

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comments no/si?

Primijetio sam da ljudi misle kako su ovo pjesme koje sam ja prepisao od drugih poznatih ili nepoznatih umjetnika, ali da sad raščistim...ovo su MOJE pjesme...ja sam ih napisao...ja sam...bez ičije pomoći...(ok, možda mi tu i tamo netko da inspiraciju, ali to ne znači da su sudjelovali u stvaranju pjesme :P)

Let me wake up in your arms
Hear you say it's not alright
Let me be so dead and gone
So far away from life
Close my eyes
Hold me tight
And bury me deep inside
Your heart...

Here's how I feel...

Given Up Lyrics

icq - 360 787 918
msn -
skype - Feanaro1

About me...

I've been digging into crates
Ever since I was living in space
Before the rat race
Before monkeys had YOU in traits
I mastered numerology
And big bang theology
Perform lobotomies with telekinetic psychology
Invented the mic so I can start blessing it
Chin checking kids to make my point like an impressionist
Many men have tried to shake us
But I twist my chords like double helixes
and show them what I'm made of
I buckle knees like leg braces
Cast the spell of instrumentalness on all of you emcees who hate us
So you can try on
Leave you without a shoulder to cry on
From now to infinity let icons be bygones
I fire bombs ghostly notes haunt this
I tried threats but moved on to a promise
I stomp shit with or without an accomplice
And run the gauntlet with whoever that wants this