Lina - I will come (for Elena)

You're close within my heart
Yet you're so far away
But I know we will meet
Hear me when I say

You are so beyond words
You are beyond fate
I promise I will come
When the hour is late

A star will guide my way
A star that's in your name
We are meant to be
My love, we are the same

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16.12.2007. u 21:31
° 1 thoughts of the world ° Print ° # °

NLP - The power of your subconsciousness (Subconsciousness = God)

So, I've been reading this book called The power of your subconsciousness by Joseph Murphy. I urge everyone to read that book. I will try to describe what the book is about. Basically it's a self-help book, but when I started reading it I had no intention of using it to aid myself, I just wanted to find out how it's done.
So I've described our subconsciousness in the posts before, and I hope you remembered it, cause now I'll talk about how to use the power you have to mend almost anything.
I wanna start with something that caught most of my attention. It's the way that subconsciousness can be directly linked to our belief in one God. In the book they don't say it directly, I think that's because the author didn't want any trouble with the believers, but I don't care, I'll be as direct as possible. So, basically, what the author says is - there is no God as such, or as people perceive Him. God is actually our subconsciousness. When we pray, we don't pray to God, we pray to ourself. I'll explain this.
Ever heard of miraculous things like - people got better, or got cured from incurable diseases by true belief in "God". Yeah, well...they did get better thanks to their belief, but it was not God that cured them. They cured themselves. Subconsciousness created all of your body parts, therefore, it has the capability to cure them. If you believe it can. If you don't believe it, then it won't work. As I said, your subconsciousness accepts what it receives. If someone's suffering from an incurable disease, their thoughts will go in that direction, and they're gonna keep on thinking something like - "My life is over, I'll never get better, I'm incurable..." ... Hehe, and then when they repeat that to themselves their subconsciousness says - "Ok...if you want it that way." That's because your subconsciousness can't tell right from wrong, like I said before. It just accepts what you tell it. If that person up there said - "No...this disease is not incurable...I WILL get subconsciousness will cure me..." and believed in it, a "miracle" would happen again. In that case your subconsciousness would say - "Ok, I'll do it". However, this kind of auto-suggestion (or a prayer), as I said before, needs to reach your subconsciousness, therefore, you need to be in a highly suggestible or hypnotic state.
I started thinking then how priests are actually our guides to our subconsciousness and a church is a place where we fall into light trance and are more suggestible, because we believe that God will help us, when in fact, our subconsciousness will.
I once believed, and still do, that telepathy and telekinesis are possible. Let's take telekinesis for example. Sometimes when I lay in my bed I stare at the objects on my night cupboard that's next to the bed. I pick an object and think of moving it. (don't get too excited, nothing ever moves...yet) After a while when I realized that it won't move I started thinking about what would it take to make it move. I guess that it's pure belief and some practice. Speaking of practice - how many times have you actually thought of moving something with your mind? Never...I thought so...a brain is a muscle too, we need to exercise it. Back to belief. I believe that if I believe enough in it, that I could do it. There's the problem...I believe that if I believe...Imagine yourself in my position - how would you react if the item you're looking at does move? You'd be surprised, as would I, and that's the problem. We need to get ourself to the point where we wouldn't feel any surprise if the item moved. Thought does penetrate mater. Up until recently I didn't know that someone thought of this before I did, but there was a guy that said something like this.
Lets get back to more abstract and simple things. Have you ever heard of talismans and objects that have healing powers? I'm guessing you have. I think that cross can be taken as one of those objects. A lot of people feel more comfortable if they have a cross, so that they are sure that "God" is with them. In fact, none of the objects you've heard of have healing powers. You just believe they do, so they work, when in fact, you are doing all the work through your subconsciousness. Just to link something proven to it. Let's talk - placebo effect. People are given pills that do nothing and yet, they feel better. Why is that? I guess by now you know and I don't have to answer that question. It's just amazing what you can do with yourself. It's true you know - Imperare sibi maximum imperium est.
I'd like to bring another example of what pure belief can do. There is a Derren Brown episode in which he uses a womans belief against her. All those interested can find this clip on youtube, just type in Derren Brown voodoo and click search.
Now, what he did was, bring a woman to the forest. But this was no ordinary woman, she was extremely open to black magic and voodoo, and I think she stated that she thought of it as possible. So we have a woman that believes in voodoo magic. How can we use it...hmmm...right, let's make her think she's under a spell and see what happens. Derren brought a doll that looked like a voodoo doll. He then "took" the woman's ring and put it inside the doll. He told her that the doll now has a soul, her soul if she'd like. This I think is an indirect suggestion. The woman now clearly thinks that the doll is actually her. This is not correct, but remember - she believes in voodoo magic her it's real. Derren then started to tie the doll's legs, and the woman said she couldn't move her legs. He continued with the hands and the mouth. In the end the woman couldn't move. You'll think of this as a fairy tale, but that's your choice. Anyway, while the woman was paralyzed, he told her a story of how our beliefs control us, but if we allow ourselves to question a belief, and think it possible that it's wrong, we would have a lot more liberty. Then the woman started questioning her beliefs and realized that she could move again. It's just amazing. I guess Derren did use some of his old tricks like misdirection and a bit of showmanship, but it doesn't matter.
If we get back to religion and take the Bible for an example. There are a lot of quotes that suggest the power of your subconsciousness, but they all make you think it's about God. But if you take them out of context...something like - "I tell you, really, if someones says : “Lift and throw yourself to the sea" to this hill, and doesn't question it in his heart, but believes that it will be so, it will happen." (Mark 11;23) and let's say - "So I tell you:whatever you ask through a prayer, believe that you already got it and it will be so" (Mark 11;24) It clearly talks of your subconsciousness.
Believe it or not, this ability can transfer to other people. For example if you want to be with someone and you believe that you will be with that person in time it will be so, but, again, only if you believe it will. Hmmm...I wouldn't call this telepathy. If you want something and you believe you'll get it, your body acts accordingly. So if you want to be with someone so bad, and you really believe that you will, then you're gonna be firing of suggestions, anchors, orders, pleas just to get what you want, although, some of it will be subconscious, so you won't be aware of it.
Do you have a friend that keeps saying things like - "Oh, no, I'll never get rid of this problem, I just can't solve it...and I don't even want to...". or - "I'm bored", "I'm sad", "I'm depressed", "I'll never get it"...slap them soon. Those people are destroying themselves just by saying it. Remember - if any suggestion, and I mean ANY, good or bad, reaches your subconsciousness it will just say - "Ok, I'll make it so." BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU SAY!!!.
Now here's an example of my auto-suggestion. Once I read the book and realized some things, I started putting it to use. I would lay in my bed, before going to sleep and dream. Imagine all sorts of stuff in the dark. I'm totally concentrated on the inside, on what's going on inside, therefore, my consciousness is not very active. I'm not looking at anything, listening anything, smelling anything or feeling... So I'm highly suggestible. This is when I cut my thoughts and say something like - "Tomorrow...I'm gonna be a happier person...I'm gonna be calmer...I'm gonna have the will to learn...< censored >" and so on. You can say anything you want, but when you do, you must believe that it will be yours. And also you must visualize it in your mind that it is so now. Imagine yourself laughing and learning...Make it rich in color and sound. Live it!
When I did this is something interesting...after I did this, the next day, I was like...GREAT. Ok, many of the things I said didn't come true, but it's a process, and I believe that it works, however, one thing did work immediately. I was so damn happy...and I had no reason to be. I just was. That day and the day after that (next night I repeated the process) my family like...gave me strange looks like - "What's wrong with you..." I would just laugh and make jokes...I enjoyed life more. It's so great. Try it. You'll see.

I get the feeling I left something out...if I did, I'll add it later...

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15.12.2007. u 10:36
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NLP - Suggestions

Our mind is basically divided into two main parts (actually in NLP there's four parts, but I want to keep this simple). That would be conscious and subconscious mind (the other two would be critical factor and unconscious mind. Though, critical factor is more of a threshold between conscious and subconscious mind). Our conscious mind processes what we want it to. Whenever you see something (for example, let's just take this text you're reading), your conscious mind acknowledges it and interprets it so that it would be understandable to you. It tells you what color are the letters, what is the meaning of a word, connects the words into a sentence and then summarizes it and gives you a picture of what you are seeing. I think the conscious mind is boring XD. So lets move on to something more interesting - your subconscious mind. Your subconscious mind processes everything. Oh, I really do mean EVERYTHING. If we were to take this text, for example, unlike you conscious mind, that would only be reading these letters, your subconscious mind sees this whole page. It sees the calendar on the right, it sees what I wrote about my songs, it also sees the address bar of your browser and all those buttons you have near. It also sees outside your monitor. Whatever you may have within your visual range your subconscious mind sees it and believe it or remembers it. So basically, if I wanted to study for an exam for which I have to learn say...two pages (wishful thinking), all I would have to do is take a glimpse look at those pages, I don't even have to read the words, and my subconscious mind memorizes it. Now, I know what you're thinking. If that were so, then none of us would ever have to spend a lot of time learning. But that's where the tricky part comes into play. If I were to put away the pages that I just looked at and then tried to recall them, of course, I wouldn't be able to. Now, that's because it's pretty hard to access our subconsciousness. If I were to read those pages for two hours straight than that would be another story. I think that's the way photographic memory works. People with that kind of memory have the ability to easily access their subconscious mind. This is where hypnosis comes into play. If say, after a had a look at those two pages, I were to be hypnotizes by someone who knows how to do it and if he (or she) guided me well enough to those pages, I'm pretty sure I would be able to read them from within my mind. Hmm...that's strange...I'm not sure if this is true, and even though everything I read about this says that it could be experiments were made, or none that I could find. Anyway, more of the powers of hypnosis later.
This also works with an auditive sense. And now that we're here let's talk suggestions. Everything you are and everything you know and believe is stored in your subconsciousness. It all got there while you were little, back then you were very suggestible. When your parents told you - "No, you can't throw rocks at cars!" you immediately accepted it. If not, it was beaten into you (I guess that's one way to bypass the critical factor - more later). Anyway, it became a part of who you are and to this day, you still know you're not supposed to throw rocks at cars. As you grew older, you became more resilient to suggestions and you started questioning them. If you weren't told not to throw rocks at cars when you were young but when you got older then you'd say - "Why shouldn't I? I've been throwing rocks at cars for so long and why should I stop now." That's because it became a part of you. It became your routine (routines are stored in your subconsciousness as well). You reject this idea because you think about it and then you dismiss it because you know that to you it's wrong. So your conscious mind thought about it, rejected it and the suggestion did not pass that critical factor mentioned earlier and did not enter your subconsciousness and therefore did not become a part of who you are. Now, if you're reading this, I guess you're old enough to be questioning everything. Little can be done about your routines and beliefs (unless you use proper procedures).
Let's talk patter interrupt! Yes, I just remembered it. So like I said, inside your mind there are routines that you do everyday. One of such routines, for example, is the one that we all have and that's exactly why it's most commonly used in pattern interrupts. It's a handshake. When someone stretches their hand toward you as if they're going for a handshake you automatically move you're hand to do the same. This is a routine or a pattern. It means that we do it without thinking. If such a pattern is interrupted, that means that somewhere within the act of this pattern you break it or change it, the subconscious mind becomes confused because of the change. You're conscious mind goes like - "What the...this is not in the manual...!!!" And in that moment you are quite open for suggestions. This backs up the fact that you are very suggestible when you are young...because you don't know how to do anything, it's not in the manual...back then your very life was a BIG pattern interrupt, hehe. So, anyway...once you interrupt a pattern, like the one described up there, you are able to say almost anything to that person you interrupted and they will automatically accept it because the suggestion goes around the critical factor, that was weakened by the interrupt and goes straight into your subconsciousness. This can also be used for inducting trance when you want to hypnotize someone but more about that when it's hypnosis's turn.
The method described above is just an easier way of making a suggestion acceptable to someone. I'm sure you've all had pattern interrupts in your life, but no one really used them to this purpose. I had one of my patterns interrupted recently...and that's the first time I actually knew what happened, because I read about it. But there are other ways of suggesting. One of them is persistence. If you repeat something over, and over, and over to someone or to yourself, your body will begin acting according to that suggestion. That's called autosuggestion, which I discovered quite recently and I didn't waste any time, I got right on it! I'll talk more of autosuggestion later if you want me to.
Oh, God...I could go on, and on about this...I'm not even sure what I wrote up there...but there are a lot of words so...I guess I said enough.

04.12.2007. u 18:39
° 1 thoughts of the world ° Print ° # °

Lina - Lifestruck (For the girls that jumped...)

Did the wind blow hard up there?
Did the sun force you to close your pretty eyes?
Was there no one there to stop you?
Was there no one there to hear your lonely cries?

Was it that life was hard?
Was it that every day you ran onto a bump?
I bet you never gave it another thought
Before you chose to end it with a jump

But I know how much it hurts
I know that pain inside your chest
And I know what you thought
It's death in life that is the best

Their cruelty left you breathless
That's what happens to us without luck
It leads to death
In whatever form
That's what happens when you get lifestruck

Did the wind blow soft up there?
Did you fully feel that cold gentle breeze?
I know you couldn't fight them off
I know it's them that brought you to your knees

It's with great remorse and rage
That I will clench my fists and say
That it's all that you could do
And for us there's no other way

Were they blind to all you did?
Were they deaf to all you said?
It's their fault that you're no more
It's their fault that you are dead

They forced this world upon us
They bathe in regret and they get stuck
Serves them right
Cause they don't care
It's us that always get lifestruck

They keep asking why
Yet no one thought of asking you and me
So we say goodbye
With hope that maybe then they all will see

I despise their every tear
Because they didn't even try to care
And now it's up to us
Now it's a burden we are forced to bear

They forced their ugly word upon us
With no direction we got stuck
Now they scratch their heads and wonder
Why is it that we get lifestruck

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02.12.2007. u 22:51
° 2 thoughts of the world ° Print ° # °

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Primijetio sam da ljudi misle kako su ovo pjesme koje sam ja prepisao od drugih poznatih ili nepoznatih umjetnika, ali da sad raščistim...ovo su MOJE pjesme...ja sam ih napisao...ja sam...bez ičije pomoći...(ok, možda mi tu i tamo netko da inspiraciju, ali to ne znači da su sudjelovali u stvaranju pjesme :P)

Let me wake up in your arms
Hear you say it's not alright
Let me be so dead and gone
So far away from life
Close my eyes
Hold me tight
And bury me deep inside
Your heart...

Here's how I feel...

Given Up Lyrics

icq - 360 787 918
msn -
skype - Feanaro1

About me...

I've been digging into crates
Ever since I was living in space
Before the rat race
Before monkeys had YOU in traits
I mastered numerology
And big bang theology
Perform lobotomies with telekinetic psychology
Invented the mic so I can start blessing it
Chin checking kids to make my point like an impressionist
Many men have tried to shake us
But I twist my chords like double helixes
and show them what I'm made of
I buckle knees like leg braces
Cast the spell of instrumentalness on all of you emcees who hate us
So you can try on
Leave you without a shoulder to cry on
From now to infinity let icons be bygones
I fire bombs ghostly notes haunt this
I tried threats but moved on to a promise
I stomp shit with or without an accomplice
And run the gauntlet with whoever that wants this