My mother says that books help us in self-education. - ytca -


utorak, 01.06.2010.

My mother says that books help us in self-education.

Poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese.
I'm going to stay in show business until I'm the last one left.
Be careful that victories do not carry the seed of future defeats.
Love is the ability and willingness to allow those that you care for to be what they choose for themselves without any insistence that they satisfy you.
There is only one success - to be able to spend your life in your own way.
I have always felt that a politician is to be judged by the animosities he excites among his opponents.
Quotation, n: The act of repeating erroneously the words of another.


01.06.2010. u 05:38 • 0 KomentaraPrint#