Xtina - dirrty girl

28.08.2005., nedjelja

Christina Sets The Record Straight

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Christina sets the record straight about the recent "Britney vs Christina" reports:

"It's really sad to see that some tabloid magazines still have to manufacture ill will between Britney and me. We are both grown ups and have the utmost respect for each other personally and professionally.

If certain journalists want to throw their integrity out the window by spreading false information, then so be it. But I'm not falling for their lies and neither should my fans or Britney’s, alike.

I wish nothing but the best for Britney, her husband, and their family. May they be blessed with continued success and future happiness."

Izvor: Xtina Xposed
- 19:26 - Let´s get dirrrty (3) - Ne treba ti - #

26.08.2005., petak

Is Christina morphing into Gwen?

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Christina Aguilera has always had bags of style, but recently it looks like she has been taking plenty of tips from fellow singer and fashion guru Gwen Stefani.

Gwen has been named a top style icon in numerous polls recently, and it's clear that Xtina has been busy borrowing a few ideas from her in the image stakes.

Both women are fans of the sexy burlesque look - tight corset tops, figure-hugging skirts and sexy heels - and now they also share the same hairdo. While they're both famous for their platinum blonde locks, christina, 24, has taken to pinning hers up, just like Gwen.

Even their make-up is the same - Gwen, 35, has stuck with the same smouldering, heavily lined eyes, arched brows and bright red lipstick for years. Now, after a number of image changes, the Dirrty singer has plumped for exactly the same look.

And when it comes to their live performances, christina has also been imitating Gwen's onstage outfits by teaming tiny white shorts with series of skimpy midriff-baring tops.

christina even follows Gwen's lead when it comesto bodyguards, and is escorted by a man mountain whenever she's out and about.

But Gwen probably won't complain - she ain't no Hollaback Girl, after all!

izvor: Hot Stars
- 23:38 - Let´s get dirrrty (6) - Ne treba ti - #

25.08.2005., četvrtak

Christina u posjeti kod prijatelja u Brentwoodu

S njom u društvu su njen polubrat Mickey ( opaljen mali s plavom kosom) i zaručnik Jordan!!

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- 15:36 - Let´s get dirrrty (2) - Ne treba ti - #

24.08.2005., srijeda

I am back

Nije me neko vrijeme bilo, bila sam na zasluženom odmoru no evo mene opet s novim vijestima o Christini!!!

- 21:43 - Let´s get dirrrty (0) - Ne treba ti - #

13.08.2005., subota

Aguilera's Alleged Remarks Get Laughs From Spears' Rep

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A call by Bill Zwecker of The Chicago Sun-Times to Britney Spears' camp following alleged remarks from Christina Aguilera that Spears has "let herself go too much" only elicited a fairly loud "Hahahahaha" stream of hysterical laughter, followed by a quick, "Consider the source. No comment."

Izvor: http://www.britneychile.com
- 22:31 - Let´s get dirrrty (3) - Ne treba ti - #

Christina izlazi iz frizerskog salona s Mickeyem

Mickey je njen mali polubrat, može se na slikama vidjeti u pozadini Jordan!!

Kliknite na sliku za uvećani prikaz

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- 16:55 - Let´s get dirrrty (3) - Ne treba ti - #

12.08.2005., petak

ChristinaAguilera-SinginG Terrorist Deta)ned Again In Af'hanistan @ ` ` ` ` @

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us A terrorist singing some "classic" Christina Aguilera songs has been detained by U.S. Army Rangers in eastern Afghanistan, the Pentagon reported yesterday.
The terrorist, surprisingly a young Muslim man of Middle-Eastern extraction, reportedly "howled like a banshee" to "assorted Aguilera tunes" while preparing to ambush a convoy of elite U.S. forces.

A Ranger heard "a thick Arabic accent" bellowing out "My body's saying let's go Oh whoa but my heart is saying no." Following the voice, the Ranger was able to detain six al-Qaeda and Taliban fighters.

The U.S. military has been harshly criticized for using Aguilera's music on detainees at Guantanamo Bay prison. Aguilera is widely regarded throughout the Muslim world as "the anti-burqa" and the "infidel of all infidels after Michael Jackson."

The other five men detained expressed "disgust" at their cohort's behavior. "We're trying to mount a grenade attack and Abu's all, 'If you wanna be with me, baby, there's a price you pay I'm a genie in a bottle, you gotta rub me the right way.' That kind of eliminates the element of surprise," one terrorist said.

Former prisoners at Guantanamo have been recaptured, but this is the first instance where one willingly gave himself away with pop music lyrics.

"Allahu akbar is usually the cry most heard for the mountains in Afghanistan," said one U.S. military official. "Now, apparently, 'What A Girl Wants' is surging in popularity. Ms. Aguilera should be commended for her efforts in helping our soldiers root out the bad guys."

- 23:14 - Let´s get dirrrty (2) - Ne treba ti - #

Christina izlazi iz restorana s Jordanom!!

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- 18:37 - Let´s get dirrrty (0) - Ne treba ti - #

11.08.2005., četvrtak

Telefonski razgovor između Britney i Xtine

Našla sam na internetu zanimljivu šalu na temu nedavne Christinine izjave!! Neka se nitko ne uvrijedi!!
Image Hosted by ImageShack.usHey.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usHey.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usBoy, like, you've really let yourself go.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usKevin and I are a great combo? Thanks, that's so cool of you to say.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usI can't see a comeback in the cards for you now.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usYou think I am one of the vanguards of pop now. That's so sweet.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usYour career is doomed after the baby.

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usMy career will have bloomed after the baby. Wow, you know, you're so kind. Why you have a reputation of being nasty I'll never know.
- 19:48 - Let´s get dirrrty (1) - Ne treba ti - #

Od provokativne klinke do prave dame

Christina Aguilera bila je jedna od najvećih pop zvijezda novog stoljeća, no onda se nakon nekoliko transformacija naglo pritajila. Sada luta po Indiji i traži inspiraciju u njezinoj duhovnosti i tradicionalnoj glazbi, kako bi zgotovila novi album. Usto priprema vjenčanje i čita filmske scenarije...

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usO Christini Aguileri ima malo stvari koje se već ne znaju – djevojka je, na kraju krajeva, bila jedna od najvećih zvijezda teen popa n a prelasku milenija i jedna od najvećih pop zvijezda uopće. Uz svoju vječnu suparnicu, još jednu slavnu plavušu – pogađate, Britney Spears. Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Mediji su je pratili u stopu, sve pikanterije iz poslovnog i privatnog života bile su pod povećalom, a i sama je Christina svojim stalnim (i katkad radikalnim) promjenama imidža davala dovoljno materijala za takvu situaciju. Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

No opet, Christina je istodobno na scenu stupila i kao ne pretjerano obična teen pop zvijezda - moćan glas svojstven jednoj divi, a ne pop pjevačici, razdvajao ju je od većine, kao i prvotna okrenutost ka baladama, na kojima je upravo i mogla prezentirati mogućnosti tog istog glasa.

Rođena kao Christina Maria Aguilera 18. prosinca 1980. u New Yorku, od roditelja irske i ekvadorske krvi, mala Christina često se selila cijelo djetinjstvo, obzirom da joj je otac bio vojnik. Baš kao i u slučaju još jedne kolegice i suparnice, svijetu poznate pod imenom koje označava boju – Pink.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usNakon silnog seljakanja, obitelj se konačno nastanila u Philadelphiji, gdje se već sa šest godina prijavljivala na prve talent showove, ostavivši traga koji ju je na kraju doveo i do nastupa u američkom ‘Turbo limaču’ nazvanom ‘Star Search’, 1988. godine. Iako nije pobijedila, četiri godine kasnije postaje dio The New Mickey Mouse Cluba, emisije na Disneyjevom kanalu kablovske televizije, u kojoj su karijeru započeli i njezini generacijski i poslovni suvremenici – Britney Spears i Justin Timberlake, pa čak i JC Chasez iz grupe ‘N Sync!
Nakon dvije godine TV karijere, Aguilera seli u Japan, gdje snima hit duet ‘All I Wanna Do’, s tadašnjom japanskom pop zvijezdom Keizom Nakanishijem, a 1998. godine, po povratku u SAD, snima i pjesmu za Disneyjev hit crtić ‘Mulan’.

Ljeto 1999. bilo je doba proboja – odličan pop hit ‘Genie In A Bottle’ lansira je na MTV i boravi pet tjedana na vrhu top ljestvica, da bi potom i album završio na prvom mjestu, prodavši se samo u SAD-u u nevjerojatnih osam milijuna primjeraka!
Aguilera ima i prvi No 1 singl novog milenija, a bio je to ‘What A Girl Wants’, još jedan zamamni, čisti teen pop hit, koji ju je doveo i do velikog božićnog nastupa na gala večeri osoblja Bijele kuće. Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Sve to prije transformacije.

A transformacija je bila šokantna – klinka koja je pucala na kartu nevinosti i pjevačkih sposobnosti 40-godišnjakinje odjednom se polugola trljala s djevojkama i muškarcima, uzvikujući ‘dirty’ u jednom od najprovokativnijih spotova svog doba.

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usPostavši seks simbol bez konkurencije i odbijajući optužbe o vulgarnosti klasičnim argumentima o snazi ženske seksualnosti, Aguilera je znala odlaziti u ekstreme. Teren je pripremila i obradom ‘Lady Marmelade’, zajedno s Pink, Myom i Lil’ Kim, a album ‘Stripped’ uspio je solidno obaviti transformaciju iz tinejdžerske zvijezde u odraslu, seksom i ozbiljnim temama zaokupljenu mladu ženu, koja se u toplesu fotka za naslovnicu albuma, a potresa medije i obnaživanjem u provokativnom (neki kažu ‘soft porno’) sessionu za Rolling Stone. Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Isto kako je postala žderačicom muškaraca opsjednutom piercingom (jednom je izjavila kako je toliko ovisna o stavljanju metala u svoje tijelo da si je piercala sve što se da, uključujući valjda i intimne dijelove...), tako je preko noći postala platinasta plavuša sklona večernjim toaletama i furanju na konzervativnu holivudsku filmsku zvijezdu. Štoviše, upravo je Aguilera izabrana da vodi jednu od kampanja protiv preranog, tinejdžerskog seksa u Americi! Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

U očekivanju nove transformacije i, naposljetku, novog glazbenog materijala, Aguilera nas obavještava kako je na svom proputovanju Indijom otkrila nove, iskoristive kreativne sfere. Kako god uglazbila novootkrivenu duhovnost, Geoff Mayfield, urednik Billboardovih top ljestvica, smatra da će X-Tina svoju novu, odraslu etapu u svijetu slave iskoristiti bolje i lakše nego mnogi drugi: Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

Njezin posljednji album imao je pet radijskih hitova, što je uspješnije od većine drugih, kaže on i dodaje: Mislim da je velik razmak između albuma 'Stripped' i njezinog prvog albuma pomogao da publika odraste s njom. S pjesmama kao što su 'Beautiful' obraća se tinejdžericama, no već je i na prvom albumu imala pjesme kojima je privlačila i odrasle slušatelje. Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us

U međuvremenu, danas 24-godišnja Christina sama kaže kako će nova, još neimenovana ploča biti feelgood retro blues/jazz/soul materijal, kako se priprema za vjenčanje sa svojim dugogodišnjim dečkom Jordanom Bratmanom (koji joj je poklonio dijamantni zaručnički prsten s potpisom istog zlatara koji je radio prstenje za Madonnu i Guya Ritchieja) te kako čita filmske scenarije i planira karijeru na velikom platnu, diveći se glumačkim dostignućima Jamieja Foxxa i Hilary Swank.

Izvor: T-portal
- 11:09 - Let´s get dirrrty (4) - Ne treba ti - #


Magazin iz Velike Britanije!!

Kliknite na sliku za uvećani prikaz!

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- 11:06 - Let´s get dirrrty (0) - Ne treba ti - #

10.08.2005., srijeda

Kalendar za 2006

Ovo nije službeni Christinin kalendar!!

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- 19:15 - Let´s get dirrrty (2) - Ne treba ti - #

MTV Retracts Original Lawsuit Statement

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us For The Record Aug 09, 2005

Contrary to a report run in this column on Monday, Christina Aguilera is not named in her songwriter Matt Morris' recently filed lawsuit to receive payment for the work he did on her album Stripped; he is seeking damages from his publishing company. ...

Izvor: MTV

- 14:59 - Let´s get dirrrty (0) - Ne treba ti - #

Christina is NOT sued by song writer

Aug 09, 2005

Dear M@ Pack Members,

In case you've heard, MTV.com ran a story yesterday in their "News - For The Record" section stating that Matt had filed suit against Christina Aguilera in Davidson County Court for nonpayment of royalties relating to five songs he co-wrote on her CD "Stripped".
We wanted to let you know that this story is untrue, and it was removed immediately by MTV from their website. Matt is not suing Christina!

The M@ P

Izvor: Official Fan Club
- 13:15 - Let´s get dirrrty (0) - Ne treba ti - #

Zabava u povodu zaruka Christine i Jordana (30.04)

Slikano je ispred Buffalo kluba u Santa Monici gdje se zabava održavala!!

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- 12:49 - Let´s get dirrrty (0) - Ne treba ti - #

09.08.2005., utorak

Christina Balances Work And Play

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us What a girl wants...is to make another multiplatinum album! Christina Aguilera, 24, has been putting in long hours (up to six a session) in a LA recording studio on her 2006 follow-up to Stripped. But she's also managing to mix work and play. She and music manager-fiance Jordan Bratman, 27, spent their second weekend in Las Vegas at the end of July. It's rumored that the two will marry in September.

Izvor:Life & Style Weekly Aug 15, 2005
- 19:51 - Let´s get dirrrty (2) - Ne treba ti - #

Aguilera Hit With Lawsuitstrong>

Image Hosted by ImageShack.us Christina Aguilera has been slapped with a lawsuit by a man who claims he's owed money for a number of songs used by the star.

MATT MORRIS filed the suit against the Dirrty singer in Nashville, Tennessee's Davidson County Court last week, claiming he has yet to be paid in full for co-writing five songs on her Stripped album, reports MTV News.

Morris co-wrote Underappreciated, Can't Hold Us Down, Walk Away, Infatuation, and Loving Me 4 Me.

Izvor: Contact Music

Ukratko Matt Morris tuži Christinu Aguileru jer tvrdi da mu ona treba platiti za 5 pjesama na kojima je i on radio!!!
Novi album na kojem Christina trenutno radi bi trebao biti negdje krajem ove godine ili početkom slijedeće! Službenih izjava o datumu još nema!!
- 10:07 - Let´s get dirrrty (0) - Ne treba ti - #

08.08.2005., ponedjeljak

07.08 studio u Hollyoodu

Christina je naravno s Jordanom!!

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- 18:18 - Let´s get dirrrty (4) - Ne treba ti - #

Jessica Simpson Talks Britney And Christina

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.usJessica Simpson was thrilled to beat Britney Spears for the role of Daisy Duke in The Dukes Of Hazzard, and has taken a backhanded swipe at the superstar singer.
The victory was all the more sweet because Simpson missed out on a part in kids show The Mickey Mouse Club at the expense of Spears and Christina Aguilera - but the Newlyweds star now insists she's glad she never made the grade.

Simpson says, "I'm glad I didn't get the Mickey Mouse Club. I got to be a normal kid."

"It makes me more proud to have gone through failure and then have success."
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Izvor: Teen Hollywood

- 13:23 - Let´s get dirrrty (3) - Ne treba ti - #

1999 - photo shoot za Christinin debi album I. dio

Fotograf: Yariv Milchan

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- 11:22 - Let´s get dirrrty (4) - Ne treba ti - #

07.08.2005., nedjelja

Behind The Scenes Youth Aids kampanje

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- 23:55 - Let´s get dirrrty (1) - Ne treba ti - #

Christina & Jordan Pucker Up!

Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us Leaving a Hollywood studio around midnight on July 28 after six hours of recording for her still-untitled soul album, sexy singer Christina Aguilera, 24, still had enough spark to plant a wet one on her music executive fiance of six months, Jordan Bratman, 27.

"She looked tired," an onlooker tells Us, but when a photographer asked the duo to pose for a kiss, she hapilly obliged! "They're very much an affectionate couple," says the witness.

Then Bratman - who stayed by Aguilera's side all day as she worked on the hotly anticipated follow-up to 2002's quadruple-platinum Stripped - gallantly opened the car door for his fatique fiancee.

"He [always] pays attention to her," says a source. "He's very much like that."

Izvor: US Weekly
- 14:32 - Let´s get dirrrty (5) - Ne treba ti - #

Good charlotte hope to work with Christina


Good Charlotte would like to broaden their musical horizons and have even drafted an eclectic wish-list of artists they would like to work with, including Justin Timberlake, Christina Aguilera, Nine Inch Nails and Marilyn Manson.

Cijeli članak na:MTV News

- 13:00 - Let´s get dirrrty (0) - Ne treba ti - #

Christina odlazi iz hotela L`Ermitage s Jordanom!!!!

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- 10:56 - Let´s get dirrrty (1) - Ne treba ti - #

06.08.2005., subota

Na aedromu

To su slike kada je išla u Francusku, na tjedan mode gdje je izabrala kreatora za vjenčanicu za svoje vjenčanje s Jordanom!!!

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- 16:07 - Let´s get dirrrty (2) - Ne treba ti - #

US Weekly

Christina je išla doktoru zbog ruke koju je ozlijedila. Zato je i na tjednu mode u Parizu imala crni povez oko ruke ako ste primjetili!!!

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- 14:46 - Let´s get dirrrty (0) - Ne treba ti - #


Christina ide doktoru na Beverly Hills!!!

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- 09:24 - Let´s get dirrrty (3) - Ne treba ti - #

05.08.2005., petak


To su njemačke novine. Christina se nalazi na naslovnici te pišu o tome kako ona ima krizu identiteta u što ne bih ulazila!!!

Kliknite na slike da biste vidjeli uvećane stranice!!

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- 22:59 - Let´s get dirrrty (4) - Ne treba ti - #

Volim cure i kad me vežu

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U ljudskoj je prirodi seksati se svakog dana, ako je to moguće, rekla je u provokativnom intervjuu Christina Aguilera, otkrivši svoje najsočnije seksualne fantazije.

Provokativna pop zvijezda Christina Aguilera otkrila je u intervjuu za britanski tabloid "News of the World" da voli kinky igrice - posebno vezanje za vrijeme seksa!

"Nemam ništa protiv ako moj ljubavnik želi eksperimentisati s vezivanjem lisicama!", rekla je dvadesettrogodišnja gospodarica top-lista.

"Koji je smisao suzdržavanja dijela svoje ličnosti, ako je to napaljivo i oboje vas uzbuđuje", zapitala se Aguilera, dodavši: "žena sam od krvi i mesa koja se ne srami svojih seksualnih potreba. U ljudskoj je prirodi seksati se svakog dana, ako je to moguće".

"Ponekad volim nježno vođenje ljubavi, a ponekad volim grublju igru, u kojoj ne dopuštam muškarcu da bude dominantan", rekla je Christina, koja je u jednom intervjuu dala naznačiti kako je pali i seks s djevojkama.

To je potvrdila i britanskom tabloidu. "Moram priznati da me uzbuđuje ideja da dvije djevojke završe skupa u krevetu. Žene su prekrasna stvorenja i pogled na njih kako se međusobno ljube ili maze vrlo je napaljiv."

Otkrila je i svoju najvruću maštariju: izvući nekog zgodnog obožavaoca iz publike na koncertu i odvući ga u svlačionicu na seks nabrzaka.

"Često primijetim nekog dečka u publici i pomislim: Mmm, sviđa mi se kako izgledaš!", povjerila se Aguilera cjelokupnom čovječanstvu.

Ovo je malo starija Christinina izjava, vjerojatno se je sjećate od prije. Hvala Miranu Madonna.blogšto mi je poslao taj članak!!

- 10:57 - Let´s get dirrrty (4) - Ne treba ti - #

04.08.2005., četvrtak

Pisala sam o tome kako su u Intouch magazinu(kolovoz) tvrdili da Christina oponaša Beyoncine pokrete. To me je podsjetilo kako je Beyonce prije dvije godine na MTV movie awards nosila haljinu kakvu je Christina početkom te iste godine nosila na plakatu za Versace!!! Pa bi dakle mogli reći da Beyonce kopira Christinu!!!

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- 22:40 - Let´s get dirrrty (5) - Ne treba ti - #

UsWeekly 08.08

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- 12:21 - Let´s get dirrrty (1) - Ne treba ti - #
Image Hosted by ImageShack.us Herbie Hancock o Christini: "I knew she could sing. I knew she could really sing. But I didn't know she could sing like that. She knocked me out. She did her first take and I said, 'Well, you nailed it.'
- 10:08 - Let´s get dirrrty (4) - Ne treba ti - #

A Song For You

Christina Aguilera feat. Herbie Hancock

I've been so many places in my life and time
I've sung a lot of songs I've made some bad rhyme
I've acted out my love in stages
With ten thousand people watching
But we're alone now and I'm singing this song for you

I know your image of me is what I hope to be
I've treated you unkindly but darlin' can't you see
There's no one more important to me
Darlin' can't you please see through me
Cause we're alone now and I'm singing this song for you

You taught me precious secrets of the truth witholding nothing
You came out in front and I was hiding
But now I'm so much better and if my words don't come together
Listen to the melody cause my love is in there hiding

I love you in a place where there's no space or time
I love you for in my life you are a friend of mine
And when my life is over
Remember when we were together
We were alone and I was singing this song for you

You taught me precious secrets of the truth witholding nothing
You came out in front and I was hiding
But now I'm so much better and if my words don't come together
Listen to the melody cause my love is in there hiding

I love you in a place where there's no space or time
I love you for in my life you are a friend of mine
And when my life is over
Remember when we were together
We were alone and I was singing this song for you
We were alone and I was singing this song for you

- 08:35 - Let´s get dirrrty (1) - Ne treba ti - #

03.08.2005., srijeda

Aguilera Speaks Out For Aids Campaign

CHRISTINA AGUILERA has been working tirelessly on behalf of awareness project YouthAIDS in a bid to stamp out the fatal disease.

The DIRRTY singer is desperate to bring details of the worldwide epidemic to light, and push the planet towards a greater understanding of preventing AIDS from spreading.

She says, "People I know have been devastated by it. The more we ignore this, the more guilty we are. Everyone is going to know someone who is affected by AIDS or even be affected themselves.

"It's about people having respect for themselves and respect for humanity."

Izvor: Contact Music

Kliknite na sliku i vidjet ćete Christinin plakat za kampanju!!

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- 21:55 - Let´s get dirrrty (3) - Ne treba ti - #

Beautiful covered by Elvis Costello

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Rocker Elvis Costello will add another level of quirkiness an upcoming episode of Fox TV's unusual medical drama, "House."
Executive producer David Shore said Costello recorded his own version of Christina Aguilera's "Beautiful" specifically for the show, Zap2it.com reports.
Shore said the song will be heard in an episode about a sick child.
"At the beginning of the episode, she's listening to (Aguilera's version of) this song," he said. "And at the end of the episode, House (Hugh Laurie) is listening to (Costello's cover). So we get a really, I think, a lovely bookending."

Izvor: United Press International
- 14:17 - Let´s get dirrrty (1) - Ne treba ti - #

True Brit sings with a touch of Spice


Članak o Natashi Bedingfield. Christina je spomenuta.

She rocks out on "If You're Gonna," that sounds like Christina Aguilera fronting Evanescence as Bedingfield spits out lines like "I'm looking for a guard dog, not buying a Chihuahua."

"Unwritten" gets bogged down by too many ballads. But that's easier to forgive when Bedingfield does so well with mid-tempo dance-pop songs such as "Single," which is similar in sound and theme to Aguilera's "Can't Hold Us Down."

Izvor: Newsday
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Madonna Laughs Off Aguilera And Stefani Duet

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Sažetak:Madonni su smiješni tračevi da ona radi na duetu s Christinom i Stefani. Njezin album koji izlazi u studenom zvat će se Confessions On A Dance Floor (Ispovijed plesnog podija)!

Superstar Madonna has laughed off reports she will collaborate with Christina Aguilera and Gwen Stefani on her eagerly-awaited new album.

After her politically-themed 2003 album American Life, the Like A Virgin singer is returning to dance music with Confessions On A Dance Floor - which hits music stores in November.

After Aguilera and Madonna were spotted leaving the same West Hollywood, California recording studio, reports suggested they were planning to collaborate.

However, Madonna's spokeswoman Liz Rosenberg tells gossip site The Scoop, "Christina is working on an album in the same building as Madonna, but they have not seen each other."

"Gwen Stefani is not guesting on the record either. It's all Madonna, all the time - a total dance record called Confessions On A Dance Floor."

Izvor: Teen Music
- 08:51 - Let´s get dirrrty (0) - Ne treba ti - #

02.08.2005., utorak

Studio u Holywoodu 27.07

Također je s Jordanom.

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- 17:27 - Let´s get dirrrty (3) - Ne treba ti - #

Na utakmici (Yankee) s Jordanom

Prije sam objavila slike njihovog dolaska. Tu su sada slike s utakmice!!!

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- 12:06 - Let´s get dirrrty (0) - Ne treba ti - #

Hear No Evil. See No Evil. Speak No Evil.


Silence, ignorance and complacency are the biggest obstacles in the fight to prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS. ALDO and YouthAIDS are teaming up to raise funds to reverse this trend, which will be used to create a global fundraising and awareness campaign to educate and prevent HIV/AIDS among teenagers and young adults.

Hollywood elite and the music industry’s leading talent who have donated their time to the campaign, include: Salma Hayek, Ashley Judd, Christina Aguilera, Cindy Crawford, Penélope Cruz, LL Cool J, Elijah Wood and Josh Lucas.

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Cijeli članak na :YouthAids.org
- 10:06 - Let´s get dirrrty (3) - Ne treba ti - #

01.08.2005., ponedjeljak


Cijela verzija ovdje već spominjane pjesme!!!

A Song For You- Christina Aguilera and Herbie Hancock
- 12:00 - Let´s get dirrrty (0) - Ne treba ti - #

J14 - kolovoz

Christina se pojavljuje na dve stranice. Na prvoj gdje čitatelji pitaju nešto u vezi slavnih, pa dakle ovdje pišu o Xtininoj odluci da ne pozove Britney na svadbu. Također je i na stranici gdje pišu o proslavi Disneylandovog 50. rođendana!!

Kliknite na sliku za uvećani prikaz!!!

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- 08:47 - Let´s get dirrrty (1) - Ne treba ti - #

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Music By Shimmering Graphix


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IME : Christina Maria Aguilera

SPOL : Žensko


DATUM ROĐENJA: 18.12. 1980.

MJESTO ROĐENJA: Staten Island, New York, USA

ZANIMANJE: glumica, prvenstveno glazbenica

OBRAZOVANJE : Ingomar Middle School u Wexford, Pennsylvania
North Allegheny High School in Wexford, Pennsylvania (maturirala 1999.)
Mickey Mouse Club

TATA : Fausto Aguilera (vojnik; roditelji rastavljeni)

MAMA: Shelly Kearns (podrijetlom iz Irske; violinistica, svira i klavir; predsjednica Christininog fanclub)

SESTRA: Rachel (mlađa; rođena 1986)

POLUSESTRA: Stephanie (mlađa)

POLUBRAT: Michael (mlađi; rođen 1996), Casey (mlađi)

OČUH: Jim Kearns

POČETAK KARIJERE: Hit singl Genie in a Bottle (1999)