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KiSs KiSs Yep/NoPe

by °°Malla Miss°°

* About band members *

This is Croatian fan site bout band us5 .
First and best for everything about Us5 in Croatia!
I will write bout band members .
Also you can read things bout me ,my life and my friends.
Here you can find the last news,pics and much more.
Hope you will like the site and leave comments
Us5 is the best! Us5 rocks 4 - ever

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Blog postoji od 23.05.2008

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subota, 23.05.2009.

Vinnieva poruka sa myspace-a za mene + poruka za fanove koju imaju street team stranicu na myspace-u

Thank you, your're the best. Can you send me the street team e-mail, I am making a log and need all the teams. God bless, much love,
Vincent xoxooxox

Internetom kruže mnoge laži vezano za Vinca i on je naravno jučer ostavio porulu na myspace-u vezano za to ,evo teksta .

To All My Street Teams,

I just want to reassure all of you not to worry. I know many of you think that our US5 world was perfect and what you saw was they way things really were. I know you want to believe we were all having fun together, singing, dancing, traveling, doing shows etc! In reality, we didn't get to spend time together just for fun. We tried to make the most of the situation. I will talk more about that later.

I know this is very difficult for many many US5 fans to accept. I expected there would be some negative remarks from some people. I guess if Richie, Izzy, Chris and even Cayce, were "allowed" to speak then maybe everyone would understand that it is not just me by myself. But I am willing to set the record straight, as you know. I think it is possible the other guys might speak out once I make the first step! Jay claims that he has tried to contact me several times.... he has not made any attempts for a very long time, and that was just to try to bully me to sign a contract! He sent me several really nasty emails. He says he tried to call me- I have all my phone records and emails. And all the stories in Bravo about my mom, Jay is the one who put it all in there, Bravo never even talked to me. When you tell a lie so many times, people start to believe it's the truth. I want them to ask ME what happened? Write to Bravo and Viva and ask them why Jay is the ONLY person they ever talk to??? Please....

I think it is also important for you to know that my mom, my dad, my brother and my sister are great and I love them very much! They support me in whatever I do and whatever I plan to do in the future. They did not make me leave the band.

By the way, I have no regrets in doing this at all! I feel better already. Keep your heads up and don't let this get you down. I am not in a popularity contest, LOL, I love all of my fans and all the support you have given me and I am just trying to do what's right. Have a great day, enjoy your holiday!

p.s. IMPORTANT! Please send me your actual street team e-mail address so I can send you mail, not through myspace. thanks

Vincent xoxoxoxoxoxox

- 19:42 - Naruči!!XD SaMo(6) - Printaj! - #

utorak, 12.05.2009.

Novi komad u us5

Uprkos činjenici da su momci iz US5 sada u malom zastoju i završili sve predstave, na kraju tunela možete vidjeti svjetlo

Prema informacijama, umjetnici se sele u SAD, gdje planiraju novi početak. Istovremeno, poznato je da će se za nekoliko nedelja ekipi pridružiti i peti član.

Četiri garancije, da će novi član biti vrlo uvrnut i unjet će u grupi pozitivnu energiju. Jay Khan je nedavno rekao, da će biti ekvivalenti Mikel.

source us5 forum

- 12:23 - Naruči!!XD SaMo(0) - Printaj! - #

ponedjeljak, 11.05.2009.

Chris Watrin forum

Chrisova poruka

Hallo ihr lieben wenn ihr mal in mein forum vorbei gehen wollte das macht eine bekannte sie fürt den forum sie freut sich auf jeden besuch wünsch euch viel spass dort nur zu info bin auch manchmal dort on also vell. schreibt mann sich ja auch dort hier der link :http://www.boards-4you.de/wbb12/49/

ich danke euch für alles ich liebe euch

in liebe euer chris


- 21:40 - Naruči!!XD SaMo(0) - Printaj! - #

petak, 01.05.2009.


Pošto se nekima ne da dokazat da me ne vrijeđaju ,odlučila sam tome stati na kraj.Pa mislim stvarno šta nemaš pametnijeg posla nego pljuvat po mom blogu koliko ti puta moram reć da sam to ime sama smislila za komentiranje blogova drugih a tebi ako se to ne sviđa NE DOLAZI na moj blog više jer to neću trpit više a kamoli suštat se na tako nizak nivo.Zato moj blog slobodno zaobiđi jer ne podnosim ljude kao što si ti.

- 13:47 - Naruči!!XD SaMo(10) - Printaj! - #

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