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KiSs KiSs Yep/NoPe

by °°Malla Miss°°

* About band members *

This is Croatian fan site bout band us5 .
First and best for everything about Us5 in Croatia!
I will write bout band members .
Also you can read things bout me ,my life and my friends.
Here you can find the last news,pics and much more.
Hope you will like the site and leave comments
Us5 is the best! Us5 rocks 4 - ever

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Blog postoji od 23.05.2008

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nedjelja, 31.08.2008.


E pa tak je dosadno mi je ...slušam glazbu .Jooj počinje mi semestar Engleskog a krećem i na Njemački ,oh yeah jedva čekam.
Malo se brinem za Chrisa jer nie dobro sa zdravljem,treba se odmarat a on uporno radi što i inače.

Evo budući da mi je dosadno preuzet ću štafetu od frendice Anamarije poznatije kao Richiegirl .

Ime - Martina

Najdraža pjesma - pa hmmm ne znam

Najbolje frendice - Ivana,Anamaria,Stefani,Matea ,Jasmin

Naj doba dana- predvečer

Kućni ljubimac - pas Korto

Grad u kojem živim - Rijeka

Koje stvari kod ljudi te iritiraju - laži,dvoličnost,ljubomora

Boja očiju - zelena

Boja kose - Svijetlo smeđa

Visina - 180 cm

- 19:27 - Naruči!!XD SaMo(23) - Printaj! - #

četvrtak, 28.08.2008.

Niš novo

Kao što znate preostali dečki su dali svoje mišljene o Chrisovu odlasku za Bravo časopis.Chrisa sam čula par puta ...ali o tome ću kad se vratim iz šetnje ak stignem na net .Do tada cmok svima

- 15:20 - Naruči!!XD SaMo(5) - Printaj! - #

srijeda, 20.08.2008.

Chris napustio us5

Chris Watrin više nije član us5 od jučer .Kako sam kaže ne osjeća se sretno ,nema curu,prijatelje i pod velikim je stresom bio . Žao mi je ali to je najbolje za njega .Nadam se da će opet biti onaj stari Chris nasmijan i uvijek veseo na kakvog smo navikli .Neće se raspast 4 ostaju zajedno i izdat će novi album ali bez Chrisa.

Chris thank you ,you will be in our hearts always

- 22:59 - Naruči!!XD SaMo(25) - Printaj! - #

četvrtak, 14.08.2008.

Trebam tekst pjesme The One

Dakle kao što vidite po naslovu tražim tekst pjesme The one od us5 ...Mikela nisam čula već poprilično dugo javio mi se prek msn-a i ispričao mi se jer ga dugo nie bilo...razumijem ga u potpunosti snima svoju verziju Usherove pjesme ...hehe .Dakako pitao me jel sam ga zaboravila ...pa naravno odgovor je ne nisam ...on mmi je uvijek bio i ostat će the best iako je napustio us5.Priprema novi cd . E još nešto napravila sam kana tatoo ...hehe ..malog leptira sam stavila na desno rame na leđima ...hihihi..Više novosti možete naći na blogu od Richie - girl Klik tu

- 20:27 - Naruči!!XD SaMo(1) - Printaj! - #

srijeda, 13.08.2008.

Ništa novo

Ništa novo o us5 nema ...tako da će ovo kratak post biti .

Ovu sam pjesmu ja pisala


Never belive

I never belive that I feel something like this for you .
Sometimes in life when you'r all alone and you not have someone to hold your hand and that told you everything is gonna be ok ,remember you are not all alone,you have person who love you.

Deep inside you know that is love and true feeling what u can not denny.I can see trought in your eyes that your feelings is so strong but dont worry baby and remember that you are not all alone.
When you need me I'll be here,when u lonely and nobody wants to hold you or you need just hug call me and i'll be there just on time .

The love is a gift from God, but just for people who knows how to love .
I know one thing and these words are true baby I don't want to let you go bcz I love you.

I know other people don't understand when people say they don’t even know you , you know you are the best no matter what happen I will always love you and I’ll be always by your side even if you not have time for us and our love its not important to me because I can’t say my heart who to love and hide my feelings from you.

So I will tell one more time baby I love only you.
Why you can’t take me back?
Why we can’t forget the past?
Tell me how to make you stay in my life.

I wish that other people believe me when I said this love is true but they not see the true and that I’m really fall in love with you.
I can’t go on if you’re not coming back.

I give my whole life away no more else I can say to make you stay.
And no matter if we too far, no matter what other people say they can’t change my feelings for you.

Baby you are my everything and I always thought that our love is true.
Deep inside asking myself why?
Why other people don’t understand what I feel for you and why is so hard to do that.

Now here I stand and thinking bout us, bout love and bout what happen next.
And I need to tell you that I never forget us and our love .

Without you my life is empty …
Without you my heart is broken …
tell me why another people want brake our love coz that feeling is so strong .

Its don’t matter what other people think about us ,all I need in my life is you and that somebody care .
Because I can’t live without you baby if you are not hire in my life.
Hey boy don’t you wish you could have girl like me.
You’re the voice I hear inside my head, the reason that I'm singing,
I need to find you... I got to find you
In my heart but baby that is impossible bcz I think on you whole day and every night
boy you are all the time in my mind .
I know you will say find another guy,
I ‘m not for you,
it maybe crazy but I will say that anyway and agin I love only you.

I can’t stand it all alone hire, some times I think that this love is only my imagination and that is not something real.
Sometimes I ask myself why me, why ?
Deep in my heart I know this feeling is true,
so baby please don’t leave me because I really love you

Za jednog plavokosog dečka

- 20:20 - Naruči!!XD SaMo(6) - Printaj! - #

ponedjeljak, 11.08.2008.


Us5 imaju novu pjesmu zove se The one ,genijalna je imam mp3 ali mi treba tekst pjesme još...hehe.Ostaqlih novosti baš i nema .Doma se vraćam u ovu subotu ili nedjelju,yeeee .Puno hvala Anamariji jer mi je poslala pjesmu njen blog je Klik tu .E da i voljela bih zabranu kopiranja stavit tak da mi ne kradu neki slike,tekstove pjesama i ostalo.
To je sve za danas ,uživajte.


- 18:20 - Naruči!!XD SaMo(0) - Printaj! - #

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