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KiSs KiSs Yep/NoPe

by °°Malla Miss°°

* About band members *

This is Croatian fan site bout band us5 .
First and best for everything about Us5 in Croatia!
I will write bout band members .
Also you can read things bout me ,my life and my friends.
Here you can find the last news,pics and much more.
Hope you will like the site and leave comments
Us5 is the best! Us5 rocks 4 - ever

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četvrtak, 26.02.2009.

Ništa novo

Evo došlo vrjeme da i ja novosti napišem o dečkima iz Us5 pa ovako Izzy i Jay su napisali nove poruke na svojoj official stranici a Jay također ^^

Ovo je Izzy napisao fanovima

Ostalo niš novo nema osim da sam novi myspace napravila

I apologize for this long drawn out and very messy situation.

As many of you know, nothing has been smooth or easy for US5 over the past 4
years and the path for us has continued to be rocky.

A lot "= 2" of misunderstandings, mis-information, and A LOT of hurt feelings.

This has turned into a war of words and I know it's hard not to believe
what you hear during this confusing time, but a few people have been
brought into this conflict that was not meant to be involved.

Deb has been a very close and personal friend to me over many years,
even before US5 existed. She is family to me and so are her children.

Deb has only tried to stick up for me, fight for me, and be my voice
when I wasn't allowed to have one.

I personally ask you fans to remain neutral until all the facts come
out (and trust me, they will soon)
I know it's hard for you fans to be caught in the middle, but media,
magazines, and web posts are not always the gateway to the truth.

of the time it's merely an outlet to a puffed up story.

I do have hopes for the future and pray everyday that US5 can come to a

Until that day, please stop the slandering and bad-mouthing
people and pray with us.

Positivity is the only key to a positive
outcome. Please remain hopeful and stop the negativity.

It is only
making this situation worse and harder to work out.

I love you fans and
hope to see you soon.

Yours Truly,
Ours Truly,
This Life..

Ae veliki Kiss

- 22:50 - Naruči!!XD SaMo(3) - Printaj! - #

nedjelja, 22.02.2009.

Message from Izzy


Currently there are some serious issues internally with Us5.

Sometimes bands have bad problems and this is normal ,especially after 4 years of hard, continuous work.

Please continue to support us in this very rough time we are going through. I do hope we can work out our problems and differences and can make the proper changes so we all will be happy and able to come back and be with our fans again. Some of us have been very unhappy for a long time.

Us5 has communicated with me and we are now trying to work things out.

I have yet to choose whether I am coming back or not.

Yours Truly,
Ours Truly,
this life

source: http://www. izzygallegos-online. com/

- 12:43 - Naruči!!XD SaMo(5) - Printaj! - #

četvrtak, 19.02.2009.

Izzy napustio us5 + poruka od Jaya +Vince otišao


I had hoped that this day would never come.

With a heavy heart and deep sadness I must tell you
I also leave US5. I wanted it all that you know first.

I love you all, and precise details will follow soon.

Yours Truly,
Izzy ...
Ours Truly,
This life

Izzy we all wish you the best for your future! And don't forget that you are always a part of US5 and a part of our heart too!

Yours Truly,

Your Fans ...

Ours Truly,

This life ;)

Good luck Izzy, we love you!

2 poruke od Jaya u vezi Mikela

1. poruka:

Od danas sam ponovo u kontaktu sa Mikelom... I jako sam srećan!
A za one, koji su misleli, da sam se pretvarao o tom nedostajanju:

2. poruka:

I za sve koji su stajali iza mene .. Volim vas ... pravi ste fanovi..
čak i više od toga.. .
Vaš Jay

Info: JayKhan.eu

I Vince je otišao

Moguće je da će se raspast a možda i ne .Kad saznam više napisat ću.Držim fige da ne dođe do najgoreg .

- 13:03 - Naruči!!XD SaMo(0) - Printaj! - #

nedjelja, 01.02.2009.

Novosti u zadnjih par dana o us5

What would be a movie without a music? Now you can vote for the best soundtrack of movie.

VIVA wants to know which is the best soundtrack. The voting is up till 21th of


The chart will be made by you of course. smile
Voe for US5 - The Boys Are Back (HSM3)
Tick US5 and then press "

"Dear US5 Fans,
There won't be a fanclub meeting in time of April till May. Around that time boys still will be in States, Jay will go to USA in February.
For now there won't be any dates for Germany or America up until that time, at least any that I know.
Have a little patience and just write, if possible, to the organizers of all festivals (Happy Family, Rewe, Courage, Real etc.) that you want to see US5 on their stages.;-) Perhaps Then you will have the possibility to see again the guy's, on sage near you.
Greets, Marcus"

The e-mails where to write to you can find under "Read more"

US5-Fanstation Community

- 13:05 - Naruči!!XD SaMo(5) - Printaj! - #

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