Heretik aka tHe cHanging One


First word about the subject
So delicate at moment
Calls old wounds to re-open
Renews the pain and torment

The memories of moments
Misloved, mistimed, misplaced
They force me to remember
That I am not embraced

The first drops come in pairs
As couples of glass night crows
They fly down, hit the carpet
And then the real tide goes

Tears fall like rain of hellfire
That burns my painful eyes
And I can't lie about it
I love, no cheats, no lies

Love leaves no place for doubt
No "why should" and no "but"
Stop asking: "Am I loved?"
Love even if you're not!

04:00 --- Reci... (22) --- Ma daj... --- Sjeti se...



...koje nećemo priznati, ali su tu... u našoj generaciji...
O čemu ja to? Pa ako malo obiđete blogove u mojim linkovima znat ćete o čemu ja...
Mislim, ne znam jel to uzrokovano općim nezadovoljstvom društva, našom dobi, ili...
Ali znam da smo svi neki depresivni, pod maskama ove ili one vrste i neprihvaćeni...
A jesmo li? Jel to stvarno tako? Ili je sve stvar našeg prikrivenog pesimizma?
Pesimizam zna bit dobra stvar, kažu da se pesimist češće lijepo iznenadi...
Krivo kažu... iz mog iskustva pesimizam vodi dolje, ne gore...
Očekuješ gore i obično se dogodi gore... nekad JOŠ gore...
Nešto što bi stajalo jednom mom kolegi:

In the neverending
Circle of negation
All see me as a freak
A pure abomination

Hm... da... pesimizam na vrhuncu... i jel to dobro? Nije...
Vodi gorem, kao što sam rekao...

E sad jedna druga strana metal, goth, weltschmertz, pitajboga društva: osjećajnost!
Je li i to maska? Mislim da nije... mislim da je to baš njen izostanak tj. gola istina...
Čuli ste za emocionalnu inteligenciju... e to...
Mi smo ti "intelignetni"

Reklo bi se ovako:

This honest soul
Has nothing to hide
Try proving I lied and
I'll answer with pride

But deep in my heart
I'm keeping something
A jewel I wouldn't
Give up for nothing

Mislim da se ovo može univerzalno primjenit... na većinu "nas"...
Ima li u tome što loše? To ostavljam vama na procjenu... meni nije... nekad...
S druge strane, nekad me to goni i volio bih biti od kamena ili pod debelom maskom...
Nikakve koristi od toga, jer si odmah i manji kreativni genij, a i manje uživaš u životu...
Eto, dosta filozofije za danas, sad će 4 i mislim danas leći sat ranije...
I nek se zna, ovi pjesnički primjeri su zapravo moje djelo...
Jedine strofe nedovršenih pjesama...

03:44 --- Reci... (15) --- Ma daj... --- Sjeti se...


First let me say this won't make sense, ok? Now that we've made that clear, let's just start... a start would be the world around me, as always... Now, the people are what makes that world that interesting... I always liked the good company... but most of time that company wouldn't appreciate me... not as much as I'd like, that is. Now where's the catch? Beats me... this is supposed to be a piece of mind, kinda confession... interpret it your way (like there's any other...)

Is it just me or am I alone again? Again, beats me... never the bright one, not when decisions about my condition are made... no sir, I'm wrong most of the time... What I do know is that the whole thing might even be my own fault. Why? Am I a bad person? Call me an egoist, but I must say: NO... or at least I try with all my heart for that answer to be a NO. All my real sins are made of feelings. All things i did wrong made of misunderstandings, forgetfulness or disbeliefs, none on purpose. I did things for a cause, a good cause that slowly changes for the better... it grows with my character, time brings new ideals to it. That cause keeps me going... It holds my world in one piece, no matter how that world looks like. I try and want to do things that'll keep that cause alive and show its real face to others. I hope that they'll understand, I really do... but sometimes hope does nothing, it just brings back the dissapointment...

Where am I going? You're asking the wrong side... I'm just writing this and the end is none of my damn bussines... it'll come when the hands start to feel tired, cause the brain ain't stoppin' really... no, not yet...

Yes, I'm beginning to wonder: Is all the jabber about "all humans are evil and you can't change that" just silly superstition or what? I mean... I can't say people around me are evil but... wait... now I get it... I'm just being a perfectionist again... gee... this hurts... It's me again... something in my head... isn't that always so? I mean... everything is just a matter of "point of view", right? Which means this goddamn post is just another dream of mine... a dream of perfect society... now a song title crosses my mind: Kamelot - Soul Society... that's what I'm looking for, obviously.. a SOUL society... not a money society, not a goddamn "Me, Myself and I" society... a SOUL society! A dream never to come true... i know... hope dies last but to hope for this to be possible... no, wouldn't make much sense, now would it? I mean, you can't change a society to suit your own selfish needs, that would be... not a paradox, but a catastrophy times 6 billion... or is it 7 already? Who could count... because everyone sees the society his/her own way... I'm just another dreamer, one of many... and won't make a thing to get above the mass... I'll stay just One of many... self-imposed...

Kamelot - Soul Society

If my soul could revive
From my carnal remains
What does it matter to me
If it all fades to black
If I'm born once again
Then no one really is free

How could I be condemned
For the things I have done
If my intentions were good
I guess I'll never know
Some things under the sun
Can never be understood

How can we believe in heaven
Human reason counters all
My tears are soul society
My life is just a fragment
Of the universe and more
There must be more than I can see

In the dark we're the same
In the concept of time
We're like a grain in the sand
And we sprout from the flame
As if death was a rain
'Cause we can not understand

How I wish there was a heaven
All for one and one for all
A flawless soul society

Our lives are just a fragment
Of the universe and more
There may be more than we can see...

01:01 --- Reci... (25) --- Ma daj... --- Sjeti se...


Evo inspiracije... :P

Večeras sam inspiriran... Zašto? Pojma nemam...
A o čemu pisat? Pojma nemam...
Ajmo redom: Pjesme nema... i neće bit... zašto?
Nema inspiracije... za pjesmu... al ima za post...
O čemu post? Čekaj... čekaj... aha...
O PRAZNICIMA! Zašto? Ne znam, došlo mi...
Meni nešto žao što je škola završila... nekako sam baš počeo učit...
Jesam normalan? Nikad, hvala na pitanju...
Gle, neću vidit sve te ljude dugo... neke manje dugo neke više dugo ali...
Dugo! Falit će mi neki... neki manje... ali će mi falit!
Već mi neki fale... ko da sam ih po putu pogubio (ne krivo shvatit:)
A i falit će mi svo to živciranje... taman se čovjek navikne...
Još jedna stvar: praznici su... dakle... ode još jedna GODINA...
Zašto je to bitno? Pa ostanu još DVIJE... a to je malo... premalo...
Ja bi još barem četiri... barem... a možda je i to malo...
Jesam normalan? Jesam rekao da me to ne pitate? Jesam...
Ajmo dalje... nema dalje...
Novi post uskoro...

Luzeri... ne mogu gola dat... luzeri... fuj... hrvatska

00:23 --- Reci... (5) --- Ma daj... --- Sjeti se...



Prođoh s 5...
Prosjek 4.53

16:48 --- Reci... (22) --- Ma daj... --- Sjeti se...



Ljudi, sorry što nema novog posta ali u školi je takva FRKAAAAA
Ne znam kad ću nešto novo napisat, nit imam inspiracije nit vremena... headbang
Odo prepisivat jeb*** likovni, čujemo se DRUGI PUT


23:26 --- Reci... (13) --- Ma daj... --- Sjeti se...

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Svi redom legende:

( Evanescenka, u slobodno vrijeme baxuz smijeh ;)

( Jedan mali plavooki anđeo kiss ;)

( Apocalyptičarka... bistro, ali ludo dijete nut ;)

( Mansonovac, forumaš, BBB, IQ 150... cool :)

want to be pretty
Evanescence blog
void of light



Me, Myself and I...


ovaj metal
onaj metal
svakakav metal
dobar rock
dobar techno

a ni malo plave ne škodi...

učim za fax

Zakleti ateist
u klasičnom smislu

dobru glazbu
svoje prijatelje
(malo ih je pravih)
broj 13

pakosne ljude
previše svjetla
lošu glazbu
svoju lijenost
ljudsku glupost

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