28.07.2009., utorak

Do I feel like a fool?

There's a story in your eyes
I can see the hurt behind your smile
For every sign I recognize
Another one escapes me

Let me know what plagues your mind
Let me be the one to know you best
Be the one to hold you up
When you feel like you're sinking

Tell me once again
What's beneath the pain you're feeling
Don't abandon me
Or think you can't be saved

I walk beside you
Wherever you are
Whatever it takes
No matter how far
Through all the may come
And all that may go
I walk beside you
I walk beside you

Summon up your ghosts for me
Rest your tired thoughts upon my hands
Step inside this sacred place
When all your dreams seem broken

Resonate inside this temple
Let me be the one who understands
Be the one to carry you
When you can walk no further

Tell me once again
What's below the surface bleeding
If you've lost your way,
I will take you there

Oh, where everything is wrong
Oh, where hopelessness surrounds you
Oh, the sun will rise again
The tide you swim against
Will carry you back home
So don't give up
Don't give in

I walk beside you
Wherever you are
Whatever it takes
No matter how far
Through all that may come
And all that may go
I walk beside you
I walk beside you.

What do I have to do?
I'm going head unto
Something I know I will fail.
Why can't this kiss be true?
Why won't you please let me through?
I don't understand why you always push me away.

Why you always push me away?
Why you always push me away?
Why you always push me away?
Why you always push me away?
Why you always push me away?

- 21:53 - Komentari (8) - Isprintaj - #

14.07.2009., utorak

Do you think we're forever?

Elrond: "Arwen. It is time. The ships are leaving for Valinor. Go now, before it is too late."

Arwen: "I've made my choice."

Elrond: "He is not coming back. Why do you linger when there is no hope?"

Arwen: "There is still hope."

Elrond: "If Aragorn survives this war, You will still be parted.
If Sauron is defeated, and Aragorn made king and all that you hoped for comes true… you will still have to taste the bitterness of mortality.
Whether by the sword or the slow decay of time, Aragorn will die. And there will be no comfort for you. No comfort to ease the pain of his passing.
He will come to death. An image of the splendor of the kings of men in glory, undimmed before the breaking of the world.
But you, my daughter, you will linger on in darkness and in doubt. As night falling winter has come without a star.
Here you will dwell, bound to you grief, under the fading trees, until all the world has changed and the long years of your life are utterly spent.
Arwen… there is nothing for you here, only death."

Uvijek pretrnem zbog ovoga.
Mrzim vječnost.
I mrzim kad si sjeben cijeli dan i budem u kurcu kad razmišljam o tome.
Ne brine me to što ću jednog dana umrijeti.
Život boli više nego smrt.
Brine me to što ću nakon toga cijelu vječnost biti mrtva.
Neću ništa biti.
Moj svijet će se srušiti.
U tom jednom trenutku će sve nestati.
A taj trenatak će trajati vječno.
Vječnost kao trenutak a bezbroj toga ukrug i ukrug.
I to što se nakon toga više nikad neću probuditi.
Ono vrijeme koje je prošlo dok se još nismo rodili je kao da smo bili mrtvi.
Vječnost je previše.
To je ukupno vrijeme.
Nema kraja.
A život...naspram toga...je prekratak.
Ništa od tog nevalja a nema drugoga.
A u kurac.

Ikuda nas vodi ovo sve
Nazire li se igdje kraj
Ima li netko odgovor na sva moja pitanja
I kako da sklopim oci kad znam da nocas netko kao ja
sklapa ih,zauvijek
I kako da mirno zaspem kad znam da
necija zvijezda nocas pada, nekome sunce gasi se, zauvijek, zauvijek...

sve je sjebano i danas mi se psuje.
želim pričati i filozofirati s tobom o tome koliko bi podignuo razinu jezera kad skočiš u njega, koji avion će prestići kojega, riba nije meso, a ono što se dogodilo možda se i nije dogodilo jer se više ne događa, pa toga nema.
želim se zamarati s time što me ubijaš u pojam kad govoriš da je riba meso kad nije.
i želim zaboraviti na sve. sve što me muči.
želim se nalokati burna.
želim slušati replicu.
ne želim zaspati danas.
ne. ne. ne.
želim ići na noćno kupanje.
želim da se pojaviš sutra na jezeru.
krast ćeš mi empetri.
a ja ću te daviti što ideš u zagreb. zagreb.
ideš u zagreb i ići ćeš na sve naredne metal koncerte...
ideš u zagreb...i još ćeš rijeđe dolaziti doma jer je daleko.
ideš u zagreb...i...i...i....
zar nikako ne razumiješ?
već si trebao odavno shvatiti.

Ja sam Arwen, a ti si Aragorn.
Razlika je samo u tome što ti nećeš umrjeti nego otići.
A ja ću ostati.

- 15:11 - Komentari (18) - Isprintaj - #

03.07.2009., petak

Ne postoji mjesto gdje bi mogla stati, visoko dignuti ruke, i pjevati našu pjesmu...

Nothing compares to you.
Ti si moje posebno.

Možda ti je ipak stalo.
Možda me se ponekad sjetiš...

Jučer sam došla na igrališe.
Rekli su evo ti je došla je.
Gdje je?
Aha tu si.
Čekaj stani.
Nabavio sam još jedan cd od Nightwisha bile su dvije tetovaže evo tebi jedna_______________________________________________

Dobio si dvije. Jednu si ostavio sebi...a jednu si dao meni.
Čekao si mene da mi ju daš.
Nisi ju htio dati nikome drugome nego meni.

Kad sam došla doma sjela sam na krevet izvadila ju iz džepa i cijelu noć gledala u nju.

But the strenght I always loved in you finally gave way.

Ipak odlaziš. A sve moje crteže koje sam nacrtala samo tebi, uramit ćeš i stavit ih na zid u domu.
Nemoj nikada zaboraviti...

With a sigh
You turn away
With a deepening heart
No words to say

You will find
That the world has changed forever.

The trees are now turning from green to gold
And the sun is now fading
I wish I could hold you closer

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- 15:58 - Komentari (12) - Isprintaj - #


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I am a rock, I am an island.
I've built walls, a fortress deep and mighty, that none may penetrate.
I have no need of friendship; friendship causes pain.
I won't disturb the slumber of feelings that have died.
If I never loved I never would have cried.
I have my books, and my poetry to protect me.
I am shielded in my armor, hiding in my room, safe within my womb.
I touch no one and no one touches me.
And a rock feels no pain.
And an island never cries.

design by Ruby Nelle