27.12.2006., srijeda

This is my blast offf to immortallity

okej... fakat je dosadno.. tj nije...

cjele dane visim na kompu i slušam zikku..
te što je naj iznenađujuče PIŠEM PJESME!!!

onak WTF!!!

nikad pa ni tada nisam mislio da ču imat barem malo smisla za to!!!

ali eto po mišljenju mnoge ekipes MSNa zgleda da imam...

I don't know...

Premda sam stalnona netu,ali se stvarno zbližavam s nekim ljudima...
čudno ,a i neki su misve draži ,a drugi mrski...

al i to je život.. Možeš preživjet sve osim sam život...


vi bi ziher da vam pišem!!!

ajd dobro...

Death Dealerz

Morality is a double edged sword…

Once we learn to control our souls
One side is oppressed, while the other glows
Once we where unworthy, now whe are clensed from sin...
so they teach...

in this morality i know ,
that my thoughts must dwell on good,and doing no wrong..

they say that we are the great ,
the one to reach the heaven above ,only if we obay
their sensless laws
hypocrisy rules the world, so does the so called faith..

They say: die for your close friend and so you shall be saved...
They say: do no wrong ,and smite any who oppose..
They teach about love and respect but we still deal DEATH...

Their mind is clouded by the loss of reason ,from a time long ago....
a time when all went wrong...

They kill in the name of my so called god, which i have never seen
No mercy for the nonbelievers, and their souls..
they say the blood of the antichrist will be redeemed
but still say that death must never be dealt...

corrupt society, falsely bred, filled with lies
we live a naked, shallow life
spiritualy we are dead,and that's how they want us to be...
using us for ther sick twisted need...

We are the fuel for the earthly beast ,
devouring humanity
there is no martyr to show us the path...
so we are damned untill we find the light..

there is only one way to go...

Idemo malo post apokalipsa... HELL YEAH

ova nema ime

kao ofol neki FALLOUT

It started with a flash ,and a second ,and a third Untill the count was obsolete

nobody looks forward, nobody sees
everybody dies, everyone bleeds
i look into the future and what do i see
shallow graves and emptiness that remains

The proud force that ruled the earth is gone...
We are human no more...

Destruction and despair upon the remnant of the once mighty and proud race..
Nuclear fallout

our planet is terebly scard, wounded and torn,
begging for help in search of a new antigone...

I see the corpse of my world burnt and rotted away,

salvation was close, but faded away as towers once high now ruined they lie...
forgotten in the past salvation was close , but faded away...
Nothin lies ahead exept burning ruins of my fate...

Angel of death and his swarm ,reep the last living soul...
Hunger,disease ,radiation and despair are your choices now..

so choose...

your final moment beneath this blakened sky..
It starts with Nuclear winter, fall ,spring and summer
all year around Death is the ONly way out...

so die...

Death is dealt like a blessing upon your tormented body,
your fate is now sealed in this neverending struggle to survive
your scream has been heard as death came from above...

so you die...

Sad malo razbijačine za sve proklete TREŠERE NA PLANETU


Beginning the day with a beer in my hand
till Dusk rampageing through the land in search of a good place to get drunk
Night becomes dark ,as dark as satans ass..
my only thought is i wanna get THRASHED..

..still drinking my beer ,and thinking nothing
allways drunk, i dont give a fuck
Cuz i wanna get thrashed
night is still young ,and the drinking has only just begun..

drunk as my ass can be
i kill with no mercy
little emo fucks cry in vain
so i dismember with a beer can

killing 4 fun
so DIE filithy punkass scum
cuz Day of Thrash metal has come

My trusty fist punctures youf flesh with one purpose
to se your guts on the floor
so i wanna drink some more,
and more 'till im drunk and trashed

Drunkass i fall to sleep with a bloody beer can in my hand
and dream 'bout Big boobs and bitches giving me head

sudenly the morning comes and i wake up smelling like shit
with a planet for my head ,
still drunk, hangover ,and filled with blood and guts i scream:
motherfuckers you don't have a chance cuz im drunk, THRashed as my ass can be
im immortal and a god
my nectar is bear and i have no fear

killing 4 fun
so DIE filithy PUNKASS scum cuz...
Day of Thrash metal has come

We bow to the legions of death with beer in our hands...
Hail satan we cheer ,While drownning emo fucks in gallons of beer
opening their heds like beer cans,
Killing everything in sight

Beer is our might
Thrash is our life
so we kill for fun...

i'm drunk n' trashed...
once again...


i naposljetku Anarhistička (revolucionarna)

Revengolution ( RIVENĐOLUŠN)

every word a lie, everything is a fake
they live behind a mask, and steal our lives >refren

money and greed ,power and control
no guilt or pain...
they live at the top while we are bottom fed..
no alternative ahead



hungry and fed up
we rise to bring the politics demise
revolition is ahead... a day of return to the old...
reckoning has arived on this fists of men..

we fight for ourselves, and our right to survive
never to be a slave to the man so flawed
destruction, dread and despair for those once high bred

you are sentenced to death, by the power of a free man...
you can't controle my life but i will controle your last breath

rivers of blood, ruins and burnt bodies lie
as a reminder of the past...
widespread genocide, death ,blood, violence
uncertain future and no moral control

it must never happen again
this is what we must surpass
this is what we must FORGET

I jedna Tužna...


I'm writing this in tears…
Tears lost for innocence gone..

I’m saying this with stillness
In my voice
For the moments of life simply gone

For who must I cry once more?
Why must I die over and over again?
For whom must I shed these tears?
When mighty and tall I once stood
Now just a ruin, and misunderstood

I am bleeding once more…

Losing hope in the ever-dying world of lie
Where innocence is lost for a price
And emotions are taken away with force…

My only fear is to live another day
Praying that death will put a smile on my face
Once again…

All is gone.

Burnt inside a dream of a new world
Forged with force…
Brutality and fear only emotions
Now know…

All I want is to sleep till the end of time
Until the fifth sun arrives…

Aaaaaa kak Fenci... Baš mi se sviđa...
Naravno vi prosudite sami!!!

nda... da i malo prokomentiram događaje u mom životu..

Najgori osječaj na svijetu je isčekivanje...

pomisao suda i njegove odluke koja stvara...
isčekivanje sudbine je lakše kada si sam sa sobom i svojim "slobodnim mislima"
kada te nitko ne tjera i govori o racionalnosti tvojih postupaka...

jednostavno je licemjerno biti predstavljen kao gost ,a zapravo potajno se doseliti!!

A još je gore kada te jedu iznutra tvrdeči ti da si pokvaren...

Ako sam loš zašto me OŠ??
zato što me voliš ili neš tako??

Uzajamna potpora je bit svega što vrijedi održat...
Bit je biti blizu kada si daleko ,a i zahvaliti kada nije lako...

prijateljstva su ko glazba...

ukomponirana je... više nas je i zajedno smo savršeni...
kao pjesma... Svatko daje svoju čar...

Ali nekome se ni ta glazba očito ne sviđa, pa sve pada...
Oprost se traži i dobije...
Ali i DAJE...

ponta čovjeka jebiti moralno neiskvaren...
Duševno uravnotežen i pristupačan...

Nezatvoren i iskrivljen...
Čovjek je zasada samo kavez emocija...
pa ako je kavez idemo barem ga nekako uredit za dostojan život te naše duševne živine...

ne savršen sam i to znam... ali znaš da imaš jednu moč koju ima bog...

i ŽELJU!!!

živii pusti da žive... i izgradi želju pomoču ideja...

25.12.2006., ponedjeljak

Universe is just a part of my Heart...

Možda znate ,a možda i ne...

Svijetlost što dolazi sa zvijezda i ostalih galaxija je zapravo pogled u duuuboku prošlost...

npr... sa zemlje pogledate li našu najbližu prijateljicu "andromedu" vidite ju kakva je bila prie 2 milijuna godina...

Hmmm mnogo vremena za promjenu...

dakle obješnjenje , svijetlost putuje 300000 km/s (300 tisuća) što je full brzo ,ali svejedno put je fakat dugaćak... Dakle...

Ali pogledom krzo teleskop Putujemo kroz vrijeme i prostor...


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Za Dariju...

Život je jednostavan od samog početka do kraja...
Stvoren si od jednostavnog plus jednostavno plus jednostavno

sve dok se ne desi nešto...

Kolektivno uzburkana misao počinje isticati da
skup jednostavnosti zapravo komplicira stvari...

Nekome je zraka svijetla samo to
,ali ona je spektar svega i ničega...

ta zraka te spaja s nekime koga vidiš ,a nemožeš..

ga imati...
ga dotaknuti...

ali sama ta nejednostavnost i daje mogučnost da ga pamtiš zauvijek...
Uvijek je s tobom makar je bila miljama daleko...

i ako za trenutak nestane svijetlosti, ti je imaš tamo gdje je želiš...

Hvala ti za trud i borbu... jer dala si sve za mene ..

sve moje mane
malo su manje...

ali sve će jednom nestati...


ovo nije tužna priča..

Sve nestaje osim Energije koja ti je dala da
jednostavno nebudeš Jednostavan...

Hvala za sve...

Ti si moj vodik ,sunce toplina ,a ja mali helij koj dolazi...

=) =)

za Ivonu...

Harmonija dodira i boje...
borim se za oboje, ali živim za nešto treće...

ipak pogled na tebe mi je najdraži...

Kao čistina bogata svime ,ali ne ...

kamen po kamen gradim svoju piramidu da uglendam Njenu...
Jer iz visine pogled na njenu mi daje sve...

bespuća i nezamislive granice
pitanja i odgovore...

ja sam samo mali čovjek u malome gradu na malom kontinentu u beskonačnosti...

moje srce ima mjesta za sve ,ali je dovoljno malo da te sakrije...

budi mi blizu...

u mom srcu...


svjetlo te mami i pokazuje put,
ali tko kaže da je put lak i da nije trnovit...
ali ko zna isplati li se...
trud, muka, žrtva..

..sve su to sastavni djelovi samog
tog svijetla što ti pokazuju put!!

Pa jedino što možeš učiniti je da ima ponudiš isto to...

("Fotonima svijetlosti treba 10000 god da se pomaknu 1 cm u suncu
,a kad se odmaknu od sunca idu 3000000 km/s")

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24.12.2006., nedjelja

I perish as I fall...

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NE shvačam kako je pogled u budučnost ponekad tako iskrivljen, Znamo da ju imamo i vidimo...

Ali svejedno ostaje onaj prokleti osječaj...


Najbolje se ustaliti i biti tamo gdje si siguran...

Voljeti i pružiti...
Ali ne biti primljen...

Nesebično je stajati na mjestu i uživati i pustiti druge da žive...

dok stojim ,nemogu ni zamislii kako je listu što pada..
znam da će pasti ,ali nikada nezna gdje će završiti...

Nelagoda i osječaj nepoznatog...

Za neke je...


ili oboje...

Pusti me da živim i živjet češ dublje...
Smislenije i jače...

ravna crta je uvijek najkrači put do druge točke.. (osim ako varaš)

istina je u listu što pada i u vodi što mami...

Neiskusan češ dotaknuti visine ,ali u padu češ nestati bez traga ,
i tako dalje...


Za Ivonu...

23.12.2006., subota

This Rainstorm is from my heart...

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No da ovako se osjećam...

Iz svoje perspektive vidim cijeli svijet!!! Ali ostaje onaj osjećaj kako klizim iz realnosti prema ponoru izgubljenih snova i želja...

Držim se zadnjim snagama volje ,ali želja je prejaka,
Vječna borba između biti i htjeti...

To je jednostavno
onako kako treba

I must fall...

and again...

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