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Opis bloga

potaknuta jednim blogom na kojeg sam naisla slucajno,o knjizi 100 poteza četkom prije spavanja, mislim da cu pisat svoje misli tu, kako ih nikada ne bi izgubila. ovo ce biti oda zivotu, smrti i svemu sto se nalazi izmedu - sreci, tuzi, ljubomori, mrznji, divljenju, suzama, skakutanju, uzivanju u zivotu, drogama i alkoholu. neka vrsta dnevnika koji necu bas uvijek imati uz sebe, otvoren je ljudima... ali je tu. i biti ce tu, da nikada ne zaboravim nista.

melissa kriticarka



25.1. In memoriam EKV - Krug(Bg) , Kset --- 50/60 kn

27.1. Rock masters (LZ Tribute), Boogaloo --- 30kn

9.2. Drti dencing Najluđi 80's party u gradu.dj David Hasselhoff, Mocvara --- 15/20 kn

17.2. Krematorij, Mocvara --- 25 kn

3.3. Tribjut mejdenima, Lostful words, Zadar, klub maya

18.3. Majke, Tvornica --- 100 KN (MOJA MAJKA OSVOJILA KARTE PREKO 101 RADIA)

23.3. Manowar, Rhapsody, Hollyhell, Munich --- 52,5 eura + osiguranje 8 eura + 450 kn prijevoz (pitaj bishopa na cmaru)

24.3. Nenormalni Balasevic(Bg), Boogaloo --- 50 kn

31.3 Doors experience , Boogaloo --- 40 kn

25.5 Nanowar, Zagreb, Mocvara --- 25 kn - jako dobri dečki na koncertu...

7.6. Dream Theater, Dominici, Dom sportova, Zagreb --- 200kn/220 kn (eventim)

4.7. Heaven And Hell (Black Sabbath's days with Dio), Budimpesta --- 32.60 eura, 250-280 kn prijevoz

13.7. Robert Plant & The Strange Sensations, Prokurative, Split - 230/250 Kn

20.7 The Rolling Stones, Stadion Ferenca Puškaša, Budimpešta --- 800 kn (ulaznica stajace + prijevoz urban travel)

28.9. Neki novi klinci, Londoner - 15 kn

20.11. Sonata Arctica, Ride the sky, Epica - Budimpesta, Petöfi Hall --- 500 kn

10.12. Therion, Tvornica - 160kn/180kn

19.12. Željko+Mladen+Alen, Dom sportova - 100kn


23.1. 1 hit wonder, Kset

2.2. EKV tribjut, Kset - 60/70 kn
Boogaloo 80.te - 20 kn

9.2. Skroz over, Time
Bob Marley tribjut, Boogaloo

1.3. Kset kafe,N.rodjendan

15.3. Brucosijada Fera, sve besplatno,i dobila majcu

26.4. Prorok, Kuglas

28.4. 9 zivota, Danguba

2.5. Zajecarska gitarijada

4.5. Irish Stew, 9 zivota, Ekv tribjut --- Kst,Bg

17.5. Noc muzeja --- 250 dn

20.5. 9 zivota, Zica

9.6. Mark Knopfler, Dvorana doma Sportova


Drava fest
22.6. Scorpions, The cult,

napuklo srce
sun tzu - umijece ratovanja
antony horowitz - stormbreaker
judy blue - zauvijek zauvijek
melissa p. - sto poteza
tolkien - roverandom

kava+šljiva/amareto/jd/irski/škotski viski


blog.nije da mi treba link al aj neka ga mater mu


neki koje poznajem...
avana saljanka
matea msn

nadam se njihovom povratku


neki koje ne poznajem
kao pjesma
my insomnia

nadam se njihovom povratku
zena o zenama
blokada razuma
livada srece
shvati me
enciklopedija nacizma
purpurno dijete
maske su pale
sharp angel

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
ratnik paorskog srca

kao talas

boza zvani pub


L is for LOVE, baby
O is for ONLY you that I do
V is for loving VIRTUALLY everything that you are
E is for loving almost EVERYTHING that you do
R is for RAPE me
M is for MURDER me
A is for ANSWERING all of my prayers
N is for KNOWING your loverman's going to
be the answer to all of yours

Carve your name into my arm.
Instead of stressed, I lie here charmed.
Cuz theres nothing else to do,
Every me and every you.

Sucker love, a box I choose.
No other box I choose to use.
Another love I would abuse,
No circumstances could excuse.

In the shape of things to come.
Too much poison come undone.
Cuz theres nothing else to do,
Every me and every you.

Like the naked leads the blind.
I know Im selfish, Im unkind.
Sucker love I always find,
Someone to bruise and leave behind.


Nevolem,nikog, lutko, takva mi je narav
kao ođak star i grav
puno dima je kroz mene proslo.
Nevolem,kad mi gace udju, di vec udju,
te sto brinu brigu tudju,
kosticu u strudli od visanja.
Nevolem,zatucane, gratis, kravatase,
hipohondre sto se plase,
da dobiju rak od razmisljanja.
Nevolem,lopuze sto voze tudja kola,
znaju azbuku do pola,
micu usnama dok sricu pejdzer.
I ne samo da ih ne volim nego ih se malo i gadim ...
Nevolem,sizove i nervne bolesnike,
pre ih pustali za vikend
sad ih puste pravo pred kamere.
Nevolem,sve te lezibejke, da prostite,
prorocice, travestite,
nek mi gospon-dame ne zamere.
Sta je ovo - solo.Ih, nevolem solo.
Aaa, to je onaj sopran saksofon.
To tek ne volem.
Al' tebe volem, to je fakat,
ti si mi ljubav jedina,
prodacu onu nasu kucerdu na lakat,
pa nek' je stoput dedina.
Napuklo srce na dve pole,
ljubav je teret pregolem,
cak i to sto te tolko volem - ne volem.

Uh, sto ne volem kad se ovako zavrsi pesma - ko racija.
Sto, bas je logicno.
E sto tu logiku tek volem. Tu si me nas'o...

od moje drage

This love, this love is a strange love
In that it can lift a love, this love

This love,I think I'm gonna fall again
And ever when you held the hand
And turn 'em in your fingers, love

This love, now rehearsed we stay, love
Doesn't know it is love, this love

This love, doesn't have to feel love
Doesn't care to be love
It doesn't mean a thing, this love

This love loves love
It's a strange love, strange love

I'm gonna fall again love
Doesn't mean a thing
Think I'm gonna fall again

jednostavno najbolje sto ostaje u srcu - luki

Iza prozora nemirnog sna
Osjećam njihove sjene
Gledam kako kroz zidove plešu
Kurvini sinovi...
Zatvori gubicu nije vrijedna za narod
Istresi gorčinu do kraja
Na strateškim mjestima njihovi ljudi
Kurvini sinovi...

Lutke od krvi bez trunke ideje
Ubice na cesti
Loša noć, bježim iz grada
Oni dolaze
Kurvini sinov

Otišao sam daleko do krajnjih granica
More je uzimalo od neba
Na drugoj strani znaci oluje
Vidio sam kako plaze u tami
Hladna noć pred velike događaje
Ne želim više da se sjećam
Znali su gdje će me naći
Kurvini sinovi...

mojoj dragoj

I feel the wind in my hair
And it's whispering, telling me things
Of the storm that is gathering near
Full of power I'm spreading my wings

After the storm there's a calm
Through the clouds shines a ray of the sun
I am carried from all of my harm
There is no one that I can't outrun

Now I'm leaving my worries behind
Feel the freedom of body and mind
I am starting my journey, I'm drifting away with the wind
I go

I am Hunting High and Low
Diving from the sky above
Looking for, more and more, once again
I'm Hunting High and Low
Sometimes I may win sometimes I'll lose
It's just a game that I play

ne postoji
nešto što ne postoji
nekad se stane
nekad se nastavi
možeš odlučiti
možeš izabrati
kada ćeš krenuti

da li zbog dosade
ili zbog navike
bojiš se na kocku staviti srce
možda se sve dogodi
možda se sve pojavi
samo od sebe
pokreni se, izmjeni se
dok ne pokušaš
nećeš saznati
tko si zapravo ti
pokreni se, izmjeni se

ponekad postaneš
tek kada ostaneš
ponekad nestaneš
tek kada prestaneš
možeš odlučiti
koliko ćeš se mučiti
na jednom mjestu

Puno pijem
Dok ležim u sobi sam
Moje ljubavi više nema
I ne želim da svane dan
Ne želim sunce
Nek traje ovaj mrak
Jedna zvijezda kao da pjeva
To meni moja draga šalje znak
Ne želim više biti tu
Poljubit ću ponovo svoju dragu
Ili u raju ili u paklu

Ja sam ono čega nema
Ja sam ono što ti se sprema
Ja sam sudbina koja se ruga
Ja sam podli đavolji sluga
Ja sam istina koja je glupost
Ja sam neizdrživa glad
Ja sam bio nekad, ja sam sad
Ja sam situacija teška
Ja sam velika greška
Ja sam istina koja je glupost
Ja sam od milion godina tuga
Ja sam na kraju devetog kruga
Ja sam razapet pas, ja sam ludost
Ja sam budućnost
Da li ti se sviđam

Uvijek budi tu
Ne mogu bez tebe
Hajde gurni me
Volim tebe
Volim sve te jake stvari
Ti si divlja
Ti si uvijek
Ti si zauvijek

jednom seljaku

Remember when you were young, you shone like the sun.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Now there's a look in your eyes, like black holes in the sky.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
You were caught on the crossfire of childhood and stardom,
blown on the steel breeze.
Come on you target for faraway laughter,
come on you stranger, you legend, you martyr, and shine!
You reached for the secret too soon, you cried for the moon.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Threatened by shadows at night, and exposed in the light.
Shine on you crazy diamond.
Well you wore out your welcome with random precision,
rode on the steel breeze.
Come on you raver, you seer of visions,
come on you painter, you piper, you prisoner, and shine!


there are no shortcuts to any place worth going. the glory is not in never falling, but in raising every time you fall. the best way out is trough. the only limits are always those of vision. if you do something but there's a better way to do it...find that way. your own self is the only corner of the universe you can improve. everything comes to him who hustles while he waits. nothing is perfect from every point of view. there is so much in this world for us all of we only have the eyes to see it. the strongest person in the world is the person who stands alone. each problem has in it an opprtunaty so powerful that it dwarfs the problem. the greatest succes stories were created by people who recognised a problem and turned it into an apportunity. is the power of endurance weakens with age, the urgency of the pursuit grows more intense. in the field of observation, chance favours only the prepared mind. take time to laugh - it is the music of the soul. the most wasted of all days is the day one did not laugh. you may be disapponted if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try at all. you can long to accomplish great things and noble tasks, but it is your chief duty to accomplish small tasks as if they were great and noble. some day we shall harness the energies of love, then for a second time in history of the world, we will have discovered fire. in research the horizon recedes as we advance. we must choose whether to be rich in things or in freedom to use them.

The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love, and be loved in return. my heart aches completly every hour every day. only when i'm with you the pain goes away.

i can't fall in love with enyone

Thor Heyerdahl
Nikad nisam razumio značenje vremena. Ne vjerujem da ono uopce postoji.
Taj me osjećaj uvijek ponovo obuzme kad sam daleko u prirodi. Tada
vrijeme prestaje postojati, a i budućnost i prošlost.

Vincent van Gogh
Nisam pustolov zbog toga što sam tako izabrao nego jer je tako izabrala
moja sudbina

Mozda se u neko idilicno vrijeme djeca nisu ubijala - kada pomislimo na to,postajemo nostalgicni za stvarima koje nikada nismo vidjeli, vremenima u kojima nikada nismo zivjeli...

Forest gump
neznam da li imamo sudbinu ili slucajno plovimo na povjetarcu zivota. mozda je i jedno i drugo

Tolerancija omogucuje ljudima da zive i pored onih koji se smatraju nepozeljnima.

Tolerancija ne znaci pomanjkanje predanosti vlastitim vrijednostima ona znaci neprihvacanje proganjanja i ugnjetavanja drugih.

Emanuel Kant
Po pravnom zakonu covjek je kriv ako krsi pravila protiv drugih ljudi. po etickim pravilima, on je kriv vec ako pomisli da bi to mogao uciniti.

Anatole France
Da bismo postigli nešto veliko, ne smijemo samo djelovati, nego i sanjati, ne samo planirati, nego i vjerovati.

Coco Chanel
Na lijepo odjevenoj zeni primjecujemo odjecu. Na ruzno odjevenoj zeni - zenu.

You laugh because I'm different. I laugh because you're all the same.

You asked 'What's wrong?' I smiled and said 'Nothing', but than I turned my back on you and whispered to myself 'Everything...'

You don't need to be thin to be beautiful, or good looking to be pretty...

True friend are hard to find, harder to leave, and impossibile to forget.

It's funny how someone can break your heart, and you still love them with all the little pieces.

I love you. Not for who you are, but for who I am when I'm by your side.

Friendship is not a big thing. It's a million little things.

Everyone is going to hurt you sooner or later. You just have to decide whose worth the pain.

Best friend is the one who can see you with the biggest smile on your fice and still know something's wrong.

Svi su ljudi usamljeni dok ne nadju nekoga tko ce im pomoci razbiti tu usamljenost.

What do you do when the person that make you stop crying is the person that made you cry?

When I first saw you, I was affraid to meet you. When I first met you, I was affraid to kiss you. When I first kissed you, I was affraid to love you. Now that I love you, I'm affraid to lose you...

Tears are words that heart can't say.

There are many tipes of ships. Like wooden ships,than plastic ships, metal ships. But the best and most important type od ships is friendship...

The best things in life are unseen. That's why we close our eyes when we cry, dream, kiss...

What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us...

I may not be the4 perfect girl. I am aware of my flaws. I know I'm impatient, I let things get to me, I jump to conclusions, and I am unpleasent to be around most of the time. But when I'm with you baby, I feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. You make me realize, everyone has a different perfect. and it just so happenes, my perfect is you...

Find a guy who calles you 'beautiful' instead of 'hot', who calls you back when you hang up on him, who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off the world even when you're in your sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends or says 'That's here...', who thinks you're just as pretty without the make up, one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares, and loves being with you, and how he is the luckiest guy in the world to have you.

Trough it all, the nights that lasted forever and the days that went by so slowly, the crazy times that we will replay in our heads as our best over, all the boys that we've kisse and the boys that broke our hearts with the promisses they never kept, the alcohol that we drank of the drugs we took when everything seemed to go wrong, the other girls that hated us and lived the live we never had. You were there. And i love you for that.

Every girl wants to meet a guy that she can go to in her sweats, hair a mess, make up running down her face, eyes red for crying and the first thing he says to her is 'You are beautiful' and means it...

Somewhere between all our laughs, long talks, stupid little fights and all our jokes, I fell in love.

When people say 'You've changed' it's only because you've stopped living life their way.

Friendship isn't about who you've known the longest, it's about who came and never left your side.

Živi za danas jer jucer je proslost,a sutra mozda neces dozivjeti.

četvrtak, 17.01.2008.

tuesday's gone

iskreno, je gone
dodje mi da izbrisem blog
i da izbrisem postove
i da ne razmisljam
pojela sam jedan sendvic s jednim krastavcem
u subotu idem na rodendan
mozda izdrzim da mu ne napisem poruku
ali necu. on je moj dragi prijatelj.
ili cu ga nazvati.
kako god.
sada cu igrati canastu
i slusati metallicu
i mozda,samo mozda necu pomisliti na njega

ne, ljubav nije sranje
samo ju treba zasluziti.

ako me neko vrijeme ne bude, znate gdje me mozete naci
shine on

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