Sports tipsters & Betting

ponedjeljak, 08.03.2021.

Koje su sigurne oklade i kako djeluju?

Kao što ste možda otkrili, malo je jamstava kada je riječ o sportskom klađenju u njegovom najobičnijem obliku. Međutim, postoji vrsta oklade koja oduzima element rizika i osigurava vam pobjedu, u teoriji, svaki put.


Sigurna oklada omogućuje vam da iskoristite razlike između kvota postavljenih između kladionica. Dobit je, manje-više, zajamčena bez obzira na ishod događaja - ako toga nema, ne morate se brinuti jer ćete vratiti svoj novac.

Nekada je bio slučaj da je manjina ljudi koja je u mogućnosti potpuno primijeniti teoriju, tj. Profesionalci iz svijeta klađenja, to učinila tako što je gotovo trenutno prepoznala priliku sigurne oklade iz vrlo različitih šansi.

Međutim, krajolik se donekle promijenio. Tehnološki procvat koji je pratio novo tisućljeće uvrstio je metodu u krug kladitelja različitih razina, dok web mjesta za klađenje u Europi nude slične izglede onima koji se temelje na azijskim tržištima, automatski ograničava šansu da se Sigurna oklada u početku predstavi.

Danas, osim što ste uložili puno svog vremena i truda u izvršavanje ove tehnike, za uspjeh vam je potrebna vrlo dobra razina matematike. Srećom, na mreži je dostupno nekoliko web stranica i softverskih paketa koji mogu olakšati primjenu i prepoznatljivost sigurnih oklada.


Ako se planirate kladiti u 'Sigurnu okladu', tada ćete koristiti ono što je poznato kao sustav arbitraže. Podrijetlom s financijskog tržišta, tehnika omogućuje iskorištavanje tržišta koja ne odražavaju uvijek točno njegovu stvarnu vrijednost.

Što se tiče sportskog klađenja, ovo će vam omogućiti da svoj novac raspodijelite na sve moguće ishode određenog događaja uz jamstvo ostvarene dobiti, bez obzira na konačni ishod.

Jednostavno rečeno, stavljanjem jedne oklade po ishodu sportskog događaja, jedna od vaših oklada će pobijediti. Dobitna oklada pokriti će sve izgubljene oklade i vidjeti kladitelja kako zarađuje ili barem neće ništa izgubiti.

Koliko god smo gore zvučali lako, s vaše strane je potrebno prilično vremena i istraživanja da biste učinkovito izveli tehniku.


'Kladionice uvijek pobjeđuju'. Ova je izreka često povezana i s dobrim razlogom.

Opće je poznato u industriji da kladionice uvijek postavljaju kvote u svoju korist i zarađuju novac uzimajući marginu ponuđenih kvota. Da bismo to ilustrirali, zamislite da kladionica 50% gleda na šanse za ishod. Trebali bi prikazati koeficijent od 1/1 (2,00), ali kako bi se jamčilo zarađivanje novca, umjesto toga bit će predloženo 9/10 (1,90).

Tada će kladionica uravnotežiti ulaganja sa svake strane dane oklade prilagođavajući koeficijente tako da su uvijek u plusu.

Potpuno isti princip odnosi se na Sure Bets, jedina razlika je u tome što vi kontrolirate maržu, a ne kladionice.

Prelazeći između različitih kladionica i nailazeći na različite šanse, moći ćete postaviti maržu u svoju korist.

Pogledajte ovaj primjer kako Sure Bet u principu djeluje.

Utakmica ima dva ishoda - bilo igrača A ili igrača B - s dvije različite kladionice koje nude kontrastne koeficijente.

Tenisač A

Tenisač B

Stranica za klađenje 1

9/10 (1,90)

1/1 (2,00)

Stranica za klađenje 2

6/5 (2,20)

7/10 (1,70)

Ovo je sigurno napisano u cijelom tekstu. Izdvojeni pokazatelj koji tražite su odstupanja u koeficijentima dviju kladionica za isti ishod koji je ovdje jasno vidljiv.

Primjenom arbitražnog sustava i klađenjem od Ł 100 na igrača B na 1/1 i 90 Ł na igrača A na 6/5, dobit ćete zajamčenu dobit od Ł 8.

1, kladite se 100 Ł na tenisača B sa kladionicom 1

2, kladite se 90 Ł na tenisača A sa kladionicom 2

Dva moguća ishoda za ovaj scenarij:

Ishod 1:

Pobjeđuje tenisač A

Izgubili ste 100 GBP s kladionicom 1
Pobjeđujete sa svojih 90 Ł sa kladionicom 2. Gledajući kako su izgledi za kladionicu 2 6/5, donosi se dobitak od 198 Ł.
Dakle, izgubili ste 100 Ł s kladionicom 1. Međutim, vraćate svoj ulog od 90 Ł s kladionicom 2 i osvajate 108 Ł, što vam daje ukupni profit od 108 Ł.
Izgubili ste 90 Ł sa kladionicom 2
Dobivate okladu od 100 GBP s kvotom 1/1 na mjestu za klađenje 1. Dakle, vraćate ulog od 100 GBP i osvajate 100 GBP.
Dakle, nakon što ste potrošili ukupno Ł 190, vraćate ulog od Ł 100, kao i dobitak od Ł 100. Vaša ukupna dobit iznosi 8 GBP.
Ishod 2:

Pobjeda tenisača B

Izgubili ste 90 Ł sa kladionicom 2
Dobivate okladu od 100 GBP s kvotom 1/1 na mjestu za klađenje 1. Dakle, vraćate ulog od 100 GBP i osvajate 100 GBP.
Dakle, nakon što ste potrošili ukupno Ł 190, vraćate ulog od Ł 100, kao i dobitak od Ł 100. Vaša ukupna dobit iznosi 8 GBP.
Ukratko, ako pobjedi tenisač A, dobivate 10 Ł, a ako tenisač B osvoji 8 GBP. Kao što vidite, pobjeđujete bez obzira na ishod.

Bodovi koje treba uzeti u obzir:
Iznad je primjer sigurne oklade u svakom smislu. Ali važno je naglasiti da ovo služi samo kao primjer i da primjercima poput ovih može biti teško predstaviti se jasno kao ovaj. Prošla su vremena kada su se kladionice toliko razmahale da su sigurne oklade bile lako mjesto.

Iz primjera ćete vidjeti da je teško zaraditi novac u super brzom vremenu. Dobit između 8 i 10 funti je ostvarena da, ali da biste zaradili pristojan iznos, trebat će vam značajna razina ulaganja ili postizanje velikog broja sigurnih oklada. U oba slučaja preporučujemo odgovorno klađenje.

Uz to, mogućnost pronalaska sigurne oklade postala je još problematičnija otkako su mnoge kladionice osnovale tvrtke za spajanje i sada zapravo posluju pod velikom krovnom tvrtkom kao niz različitih marki. Pronalaženje izgleda za suprotne ishode tada postaje gotovo nemoguć zadatak.


Možete pokušati pronaći siguran ulog na jedan od dva načina.

Prvo uključuje da sami napravite težak potez i pretražite svako mjesto za klađenje (na različitim karticama) kako biste usporedili izglede za isti događaj. To vam može pojesti puno vremena i nije garancija pronalaska šansi za jamčenje sigurne oklade.

Postoje i web stranice i softver koji će vam pomoći u bržem pronalaženju više sigurnih oklada. Neke ćete platiti, druge vam neće ništa naplatiti, dok se kvaliteta usluge koja se nudi također prilično razlikuje.

Iako se na mnoge besplatne usluge ne može pouzdano pouzdati zbog vremenskog odmaka na njihove šanse koje daju netočne rezultate, preporučamo vam da dobro razmislite kad se rastanete s bilo kojim novcem za uslugu koja nudi sigurne oklade. Ne samo da će vam biti vraški naplaćeno, već ćete vjerojatno dobiti male iznose profita. Često ćete zaraditi samo 5% svog izvornog ulaganja.


Spomenuli smo prednosti, ali postoje mnogi rizici za sigurne oklade o kojima morate znati.

Ograničenja i ograničenja klađenja
Poništena oklada / pogreška kladionice
Promjena koeficijenta
Većina kladionica ima ograničenja za kontrolu klađenja koja prelaze određeni iznos. Na primjer, jedno mjesto za klađenje može imati ograničenje od 500 GBP, drugo Ł 100.

Problem je u tome što ćete vjerojatno dobiti obavijest da se ne možete kladiti u predviđeni iznos nakon što izvršite uplatu.

Recimo, već ste položili okladu od 500 GBP na jedno mjesto za klađenje i prijeđite na drugu s namjerom da učinite isto. Tek nakon što stavite svoju drugu okladu na drugu web stranicu, postajete svjesni ograničenja klađenja koje sprečava da se takva oklada napravi. Ne samo da vam se položio najbolji plan korištenja sustava Sure Bet, što je možda najvažnije, postoji šansa da izgubite ulog stavljen na prvo mjesto za klađenje jer niste pokrili sve ishode događaja.

Može biti i slučaj da stranice za klađenje odjednom ograniče pojedinačna ograničenja na ograničenje koje nije vrijedno ulaganja u Siguran ulog. Bez mogućnosti klađenja na velike iznose, šansa za zaradu od sigurne oklade gotovo nije početna.

Stranice za klađenje imaju pravo poništiti okladu. Dakle, čak i ako ste prepoznali priliku za sigurnu okladu i ušli u postupak stavljanja novca na isti događaj s različitim web mjestima, kladionica se uvijek može okrenuti i u potpunosti povući vašu okladu. Često tvrde da su izdali pogrešne koeficijente i mogu vratiti dobitke. Ne samo da je ovo razočaravajuće, potencijalno ste izgubili i novac uložen na drugoj web stranici.

Ne postoji točna znanost u procesu sigurnog klađenja i u osnovi ste u rukama bogova koji se klade. Ali ne može biti puno frustrirajućih problema od pronalaska sigurne oklade, postavljanja novca na jedno mjesto i otkrivanja šansi za promjenu na drugom.

Koeficijenti se mogu promijeniti u roku od nekoliko sekundi, tako da morate biti što brži u stavljanju oklada ili riskirati da izgubite priliku za osiguranje određene dobiti.


Sam postupak arbitražnog klađenja je 100% legalan. Iz očitog razloga, poput kladionica koje ne žele izgubiti novac, kladionice će obeshrabriti oklade koje će imati kazne jasno navedene u uvjetima i odredbama za sve one za koje smatraju da to čine.

Kladionici može biti teško naići na slučajeve sklapanja sigurnih oklada, ali najgori scenarij proteže se samo na zabranu pristupa web mjestu i povlačenje dobitaka.


Da se ne biste doveli u opasnost da izgubite račun ili povučete dobitak, najbolje se držite azijskih kladionica koje zapravo potiču igrače koji klade i nisu protiv ideje sigurnih oklada. SBOBet, Pinnacle i Betfair tri su primjera koji neće toliko udariti kapak ako se postavi siguran ulog.

Iako je postupak u cjelini dobrodošao na azijskom tržištu, nipošto nije lakši zadatak naići na otvor za siguran ulog s obzirom na nedostatak nejednakosti između kvota koje su objavile kladionice.

- 14:51 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Tesla will close its forums to replace them with a "social network"

And the fans, needless to say, are not happy. Tesla will close its forum because it does not have enough content moderators: the social network that will take its place, however, is different from what one might expect.


Tesla , Elon Musk's electric car company, plans to close the forum section for its users and fans currently hosted on its official website, to make room for a new social platform called the Tesla Engagement Platform . " From March 15, the Tesla Forums will become read-only ": thus reads the laconic warning that the users of the forum - a historical reference point for Tesla fans from all over the world - have seen appear on its homepage.

The change was not appreciated by the users of the forum, first of all - writes TechCrunch - because the new platform does not allow you to create discussion threads on the models produced by Tesla like the Tesla model s, but rather invites users to engage in brand financing campaigns or, at the most, allows users to comment on company initiatives. In short, Tesla Engagement Platform looks more like a company's press organization than a social platform.

According to what has been learned thanks to a comment on the forum published by an alleged employee of Tesla, the old community is about to close its doors because the company does not want to hire full-time the number of moderators necessary to control the content. Therefore Tesla would have opted for closing the forum and diverting its users to a more controlled environment . “ Please don't get rid of the forums ”, one user on the new platform has already written, “ this is not a substitute . The forums (with the exception of the trolls) have led to informed discussions to help other owners with problems ” .

Also according to TechCrunch , the absence of moderators to control the speeches on the forum had led the environment to become an inhospitable place where, in some cases, the most active and more experienced users took it out on those in the first experiences with a Tesla. , first of all when they asked questions that for an expert were all too obvious.

Despite this, these forums have been the place where Tesla fans, investors and certified owners of the cars of Elon Musk's company were able to talk to each other , ask questions and clarify doubts about the cars of the house. The new platform, on the other hand, as we said, is defined as a social network but allows one-way interaction: the company publishes updates and users can only send their comments. A little bit for a social network.

- 14:13 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Google allows real money gambling apps

real money gambling apps

While the debate about the countries' gambling treaty, which will come into force in 2021, is in full swing, the American search engine provider Google seems to be seizing the opportunity and has announced that it will also distribute gambling apps via its in-house app store in Germany from March onwards to allow. This is surprising because up until now these have been strictly prohibited.

Real money gambling apps

Gambling apps that allow you to bet for real money have been banned for a while in the Google app store . Only so-called online casinos were tolerated, where you can deposit but not withdraw money and only play with virtual currencies. Together with Germany, the range of gaming apps is to be expanded in the USA, Japan, Denmark and Spain as well as 9 other countries from March onwards .

In terms of gaming apps, Google basically distinguishes four categories: online casinos, lottery apps, sports betting and fantasy sports. According to the new guidelines, both lottery apps and sports betting should then be allowed. Online casinos and fantasy sports are still prohibited categories. In order to create a fair environment for consumers, Google has assured that it will control apps from these categories far more thoroughly in the future and subject them to a strict test procedure.

Country-specific requirements

In its reorganization, Google adheres to country-specific requirements and pays attention to local conditions. That is why it was only now, shortly before the introduction of state gambling regulation, that the decision was made to take this step. It is not known how Google will deal with lottery apps in the future, because our “ 6 out of 49 ” and most of the other lotteries are subject to the state lottery monopoly, so that a release here could be difficult.

Incidentally, this also applies to many other countries. Not least for the USA, where not a single country but 50 partly very different states have to be taken into account, all of which do their own thing. In addition, there are countries in which all gambling is administered by the state and there are also those that get by without any regulation. It is important to Google that there are state licenses in each country and that the apps comply with all applicable laws. In addition, gambling apps may under no circumstances be offered for a fee.

Criticism from consumer advocates

Google has recently had to listen to harsh criticism from consumer advocates . Not least because a few apps are already offered that work in a similar way to casinos or have elements of them. The so-called “ loot boxes ” are mentioned again and again . This is a kind of container that you have to buy for real money and that contains items of different rarity levels with corresponding probabilities. As with a lottery, you buy a kind of “ ticket ” for a chance of winning, which is played out when you open the box.


For Google, offering gambling apps could become a lucrative business . After all, the provider receives a commission on all purchases made with or through the app. It's also good that all apps are carefully checked before they are discontinued. But whether this is also morally justifiable, because it is very easy to enter the store even as a minor, the group will have to decide for itself in the last instance.

- 14:10 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Covid-19 and SARS compared: the new SARS-Cov-2 is much less lethal but more contagious

Covid-19 and SARS compared: the new SARS-Cov-2 is much less lethal but more contagious. One of the reasons lies in the ways in which the spike protein moves by adapting its shape as it enters cells. What is the importance of this protein


The world of coronaviruses today is a little better known than even a few years ago, due to the dramatic circumstance of the Covid-19 pandemic. Sars-Cov-2, the cause of Covid, is much less and fortunately much less lethal than the viruses responsible for Sars and Mers , however the infection is much more contagious . Today, a research group from the University of Arkansas in the United States has identified one of the reasons why the virus causing Covid-19 is much more transmissible than the one responsible for SARS. The key is in the spike protein , with which viruses enter the host cell. The results were presented at the 65th annual meeting of theBiophysical Society , an international scientific society that deals with Biophysics.

Coronavirus: a diverse family

Coronaviruses are a family of rna viruses, divided into various genera. Coronaviruses cause common colds and more dangerous pathogens such as the now known Sars-Cov-2 are part of it. Unfortunately, the group is expanding with the discovery of recent viruses such as Sars-Cov-1 in 2002, responsible for Sars , Mers-Cov in 2012, cause of Mers , and in 2019 Sars-Cov-2 with Covid-19 . Although similar, because they belong to the same family, these pathogens are very different from each other, both for contagiousness and for lethality.

The spike protein: Covid-19 and Sars

The Arkansas group, like many other teams around the world, has focused on the spike protein , the key to everything, also the target of Covid vaccines . To enter cells and infect them, the spike protein must reposition itself and move from position and from active to inactive state . The authors studied how this transition occurs in Sars-Cov-1 and Sars-Cov-2 and reproduced the dynamics of the movements with molecular simulations . From the simulations they found that the changes in the shape of spike proteins needed to penetrate cells are very different between the two viruses.“Sars-Cov-1 moves faster” , explains Mahmoud Moradi , who coordinated the research, “it activates and deactivates, in a dynamic that does not give it much time to enter the human cell because it is not very stable” . On the contrary, Sars-Cov-2 is stable and ready to attack . Probably there are also additional mechanisms by which the new virus is more contagious than SARS-Cov-1 and other research groups are working on the subject. Here the image of the spike proteins of the two coronaviruses.


The importance of the spike protein

Studying the spike protein of the new coronavirus and its possible mutations is very important to learn more about the transmissibility of Sars-Cov-2 and any new, more contagious variants . And there is a region of the protein, according to researcher Moradi, the final tail of the spike, which has been largely overlooked by research and should be studied more. Not only for mutations but also to seek new therapies . "We could develop treatments - concludes the expert - that alter the dynamics and make the inactive state [of the spike protein ed.] More stable., thus promoting the deactivation of Sars-Cov-2. This is a strategy not yet adopted ” . We are still in the realm of hypotheses but such an approach could be studied, in the future, not only against Covid-19 but also against other viruses and epidemics with the help of the covid-19 hpc fund.

- 13:55 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

nedjelja, 07.03.2021.

Counter Strike Betting: Detailed Guide, How to Play

cs:go esports

The eSsports have come for good in our lives in recent years, and in Europe more and more players choose to deal with these bets. In the following text we will deal with one of the most popular games in this industry, Counter Strike: Global Offensive or CS: GO for short. It is a first-person, multi-player video game developed by Hidden Path Entertainment and Valve Corporation.

It is the fourth game in the Counter Strike series and was released for both PC and Playstation and Xbox consoles in the summer of 2012. Counter Strike: Global Offensive has millions of users worldwide, which has led many betting companies to make purchases. to bet on it.

The birth of online gaming

In the early 2000s, computers were slowly entering our lives and neighborhood internet cafes opened their gates one after the other, offering an unprecedented experience to all. eSports gaming was an unknown word in the sense we know it nowadays, the reference to electronic games was made for the consoles of Sony, Nintendo and Sega.

It was then that Valve decided to create an FPS (First Person Shooter) game in which two teams, the Terrorists and the Counter-Terrorists, clashed on various maps with the ultimate goal of killing each other. Counter Strike was so simple, but at the same time so fun and innovative for the data of the time that it caught everyone's eye. Twenty years later it remains at the forefront of gamers, filling arenas with audiences to watch the world's best teams in major tournaments with multi-thousand euro prizes.

The way of playing

Each map consists of 30 rounds, with the teams changing sides after completing 15 rounds. The first to win 16 rounds is the winner. In case of a tie, an extension follows, which is judged in six rounds. Each team plays three rounds on each side. The team wins when it prevails in at least four of the six rounds. The ultimate goal of both teams is to neutralize the opponent. However, they will have to "chase" some other goals in the game:

Terrorists to plant a bomb in one of the two places where it is allowed and Counter Terrorists to try to neutralize it before it explodes. When activated, the latter have 40 seconds to act. In the event that the bomb explodes or all members of the Counter Terrorists are killed, then the Terrorists win the round. If the Counter Terrorists deactivate the bomb or prevent it from being placed within the time allowed then they win.

Counter Strike: Global Offensive in betting

As the audience for Counter Strike: Global Offensive continues to grow, with more and more gamers making it professionally, betting companies have decided to include it in their coupons, offering many markets for betting. Some of them are the winner of the map, the exact score, the total kills and the winner of the round with pistols on the map.

At the same time, there are many special bets that have to do with the players of the teams. Those wishing to bet on Counter Strike: Global Offensive can do so at various year-round tournaments in many parts of the world, which can be watched live streaming through the betting platforms, Twitch. tv,, YouTube etc.

Some of the countries that have been conducted are England, Germany, USA, Russia and China. In some of them, 1,000,000 euros are distributed to the participating teams! Some of the top teams in CS:GO are Astralis with total prizes reaching $ 6,000,000, Fnatic ($ 3.5 million), Faze ($ 2.9 million) and ($ 2.6 million).

- 15:20 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #