Siječanj 2007 (2)
Prosinac 2006 (2)

Design © Morrigan Wailing's On/Off

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"...But first, on earth as Vampire sent,
Thy corpse shall from it's tomb be rent:
Then ghastly haunt thy native place,
And suck the blood of all thy race;
There from thy daughter, sister, wife,
At midnight drain the stream of life....
Wet with thine own best blood shall drip
thy gnashing tooth and haggard lip;
Then stalking to thy sullen grave Go --
and with the ghouls and afreets rave,
Till these in horror shrink away
From specter more accursed than they!!!!

-- Lord Byron, The Giaour (1813)

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Blogovi na koje JA rado bacan oko...većinom su žene, al su KRALJICE!!!
Najdraža i jedina QUEEN NAMAH!!! smokin
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Najluđa i naopaljenija PUNKERICA...
bulletandthebullseye !!
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Moja DRAGA HOPE !!! kiss
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I ovo vam nastane kad netko živi za nešto...vlasnica je također ludilo ženka ...VARDARIJANA . wink
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Luda ženka, pardon VAMPIRICA, ciji blog opušta!!! ... Black-I-Countess thumbup
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CURA KOJA IMA DARA ZA PISANJE!!! Voice_Of_Death smijeh
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Vratila mi se moja LOST GIRL k.c. pjesnikinja (ilitiga CURA U BOXU!!!!)
TAKOĐER cura koja savršeno piše i naravno voli poet...
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Songs sooooo fucking deep in MY MORTAL Soul!!!!
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You Are I:

When you are sick / I'll be the cure
For your sadness / I'll be the laugh
When you cry / I'll be the tear
The carmine one / so full of fear
When you're down / I'll be the wings
That raise you higher and higher
When you're blind / I'll see for you
I'll see through me / It's strange but true

When you are sick / I'll be the cure
For your sadness / I'll be the laugh
When you cry / I'll be the tear
The carmine one / so full of fear

In a way I shall be unbearden your cross
And i a way you'll feel my pleasure
When I touch you my instant fear
When I am you I feel my death is near

When you are cold / I'll be the fire
That keeps you warm / cremates your dreams
When you sleep / I am in your dreams
Within your soul / and watch your sin

In a way I shall be unbearden your cross
And i a way you'll feel my pleasure
When I touch you my instant fear
When I am you I feel my death is near

When you're in doubt I'll be with you
I've barely fought since I first saw you
When you're weak I'll give you will
The shelter you seek sound to feel

When you hurt / I'll be the pain
The sweet and last / that falls with rain
And when you die / in your pale hands
I will lurk and I will stand
In a way I shall unbearden your cross
And in a way you'll fell my pleasure
When I touch you my instant fear
When I am you I feel my death is near

You My Flesh:








Non Serviam:

Emotion - Buring wooden icons
Menial man - In the candleshadow
Notorious King -
Unblessed & Isolated
Open his wings
Lord himself
Enter to abyss
Non Serviam

Subterranean Ambitions
The undersinged
Never submit
Like flame he escaped
Underestimate the mankind
Unleashed he rule
Shifty bites the heel
Make red-hot under earth
With the face of angel
In flirt with sin
His voice in eternity
Non Serviam

Immortals Sum
Anni non vexaverunt me
Mille suboles certat
contra a tyrannidem
Nus fons ad erevum est
Numguam Recessi
Per te natus sum et tu per me….

Among Two Storms:

Full moon - raise the rainbow
The sea experts -
prepare the bow
An optical miracle -
a moon as high as one

It buzzes around your ears
An easy day will
follow the twilight
It must be the last full moon
It's near the promised time

Two hundreds
High strain
Threaten the mankind
Among two storms

It's hot althought it's midnight
The mothers died at once
Father itself the rainbow
Both sons will last no more

The thunder bears two mothers
The mother bears two sons
Echoes in the distance
All turn to sun's size…

Tu Es Diaboli Juna:

My thoughts have never been this cold in life
But never again I'll live
and breathe amongst mortals
You've summoned me once
And my rise is your torment...
Your immortality was
that close to you
As close as your death now
And now I watch you die
my mortal slaves
I cause realities end...
Listen - a whispering, a crying
Some vague and pulsing imprint
Of long - ago suffering and death
Thousands will be perished
in smoke and ashes
Imagine your lifetime
back when you were born
It's lost...
All over the world your kind
will be destroyed
This is my rebirth - don't cry...
Tu Es Diaboli Juna

Du wirst dich immer erinneren -
An diese Nacht voller
endloser Schmerzen
Sanctus Satanas
Ave Satanas
Rege Satanas
Dominus Satanas
Bezeugt meinen
Ritus Bezeugt meinen Sieg
Es ist vollbracht…

Kingdom Of Darkness:

His kingdom - Kingdom of Darkness
Where you can hear agony screams
Cry eternal
Frozen moon, growing shadows
Glowing eyes are waiting
(The) creator of darkness will rise
And the sun will shine no longer
Cry eternal
Condemned to walk away in the night
In the land where cold winds blow
Where silence reigns
From horizon to horizon
The wind leads your way
Darkness fills your soul
You'll be eternal in his kingdom
Kingdom of Darkness
Embalmed in black
Receive thy might
Our sense of live to harm world
Under the shining moon
We follow your command
Entering your unholy path
Kingdom of Darkness!!!

Rebirth Of Blasphemy:

JESUS - you son of hell, look at my evil face
Hear my calling, tough my rage
Graceless liar, feel my hate!

Anyway there's the time
To throw away the "book of lies"
To suffocate seed of church
Forget the paradise

The church is loaded gun,
war has begun
Rebirth of blasphemy
You still try to bless
blood on your hands
Rebirth of blasphemy
Listen to my speech
you son of a bitch
Rebirth of blasphemy
In my eyes the Vatican burns
Rebirth of blasphemy

Deliverance doesn't come
There are only deceived ones

Bless the cross - bless the Pope
Bless your tricks - bless my dick!

God - you mendacious God
Who with angels makes love
By your own blood
you are always drunk
The fairy tale
doesn't work anymore

At the Bible the childern laugh
they laugh; you were crucified
I'll never kiss your hand
but you can kiss my ass

Kiss the cross - Kiss the Pope
Bless your tricks - Kiss my dick!

God - you mendacious God
I am not blind, I'm really not blind
Fall on your knees and try to pray
If it help because now you die

Lord - I'm your Jack the Ripper!!!

A Quest Into The 77th Novel:

Long ago
-in the shade of timberlands
Horses and wolves united
-with our invoking orbit
In order to blister
-the green summer plains
We heard commands
-from our benighted master:

"Reap from the illumated sky
...and become visible to thy eye!"
"I beseech thee; I entreat me"
"O circle of storms, my shield is cracked!"

We stand here to cultivate
And summon smoke from the meadow
A sweep of an athame
(The widdershin), willunlock
the deep portals

Long ago
-in the shade of timberlands
Horses and wolves united
-with our invoking orbit
In order to blister
-the green summer plains
We heard commands
-from our benighted master:

"Ye overseer of the watchtowers
below all clouds; we thank
you for framing the Rite of Hagiel.
Bygone and beyond, we
must always and without ease,
be explused.

The season or solstice is complete
when the shepherd of
Wolves lie upon vanishing hill's way.
We shall lure thy
lost flock from shadows onto day.

Aloneness is our space
of winged sleep and sight;
watchtowers burn before
the lift of the twilight "…


Let the feast begin
Come and sing with me
Raise the glasses high
To our victory

This is the perfect day
I see that we're complete
Let us celebrate
Answer lust and greed

We share the same mentality
The order of damned souls
Enjoy our mass brutality
We know what's our goal

Tonight we do not care
About the ones who didn't know
About the ones who are not here
About the fools who live below

Indulge our glory
Proudly we stand
Indulge our glory
Of the left hand

Now gather around
To dispose our sins
On ceremonial ground
Let the storm being

This song is an ode
To twenty years pleasure
To where I belong
That twenty years of metal
Made me strong…

Hidden in the Fog:

Night in the mountains comes
with the fly of a raven
Carpathians bathed in the
light of the moon
In the old ruins where
the dying shadows
Are watching the shine
from the stars
Nobody remembers
days of glory
Several hundreds
years passed in silence
Not a soul has been
seen here
O am standing
on the hill
So silent in the sky
I am drinking
the cold of this night
Old gray wolf
flying upon my feet
Is licking the hand of mine

It is night: in my heart
It is moon: in my eyes
I am hidden in a fog
- my own breath
Small village in a valley
Sleeping in fear,
in a fear of me!
Loathsome race of mortals
Magic of wolfish teethes,
wings of bats
Faithful guards of religion
Old as the blood itself
The cult of the undead

Frenzy of lust, frenzy of pain
She was only fourteen
No cry has burst from her lips
Pity that she had to die
But bow sweet was her neck
It is night: in my heart
It is moon: in my eyes
I am hidden in a fog
My own breath

Sometimes only my
anthem of triumph
Echoes in mountains landscape
Like blood from thorn
opened arteries
Poison flows
down the tongue
Somewhere far away
a howling can be heard
Oh, how beautiful is the night in

Frenzy of lust, frenzy of pain
Blood is life: ETERNAL!!!!

Christians To The Lions:

Behold bastard son
I am the evil one
no glory to be reached
no more thy slavery
the passion I besieged
spawn terror
smash thy will
ye pale dominion fades away my
will dominates!!!

And watch my star arise
burning up the earth
sun - the eye of gods
threw into the space
watch ye moon eclipse
fallinf from thy grace
watch all nations cry
all feared ov his name
praise the flame!
praise the flame!
Thou art lord!!!

Rise me! Rise me high!
Lead thru the gates ov sun.
Rise me! Rise me high!
Where angels do not dare to fly
invite to feast ov gods
and let me drift away
leave flames ov infamy
and watch me kiss the stars!!!….

Sadomatic Rites:

Black haired witches
Bitches with their goats
Black robes and candles
Rituals can begin!

City of lust
Incest and brutality
City of sin
Pleasures so sweet
City of hell
Born to deviation
City of Sodom
I await my death!

Pagan gods dwell
Within the city walls
Satanic dominion
Darkness prevails
Naked bodies fuck
Fornicate on christian altar
Living in eternal lust
Sodomites and blasphemers

Sinning sex, bestial rape!
Sadomatic rites,
Agony and pain, paradise lost,
Sadomatic rites…

Je Te Connais Beau Masque:

Open the white doors
To the field of thoughts
Where no light dances
Through the 6 panes (white pain)

Sanat muodostuvat ajatusten galleriassa
Tieto on valtaa opettajien holvissa

En skärm av myror som ingen noterar
Ljud fran lador... i luften roterar

Väggen av tunn rök sugs ut
Ensam i en silvervärld
Den sista duvan flögt till slut
Bland snöflingor i vind…

Aquarium Of Children -
Ajatusten Merenpinta:

Like stones in silence I stand
As I draw circles in the sand
Naked under blue glass
Drowned I watch children dance

In a mind of an echo

(I know that I am I, if and only if I
believe that I am I)

I float to the distance to eat the horizon
I cut the sunbeams the day before tomorrow
Tranceform the time to a silent history
Run under water in eternal serenity it easy to run
to run under water? it easy to paint
to paint without colors?

I float to the distance to eat the horizon
I cut the sunbeams the day before tomorrow
Tranceform the time to a silent history
Run under water in eternal serenity

(If i would've been the other I
and if I would've wanted to be the other I
then I could've been I) it easy to run
to run under water? it easy to paint
to paint without colors?

As an echo in the mind…






Crossing The Wounded Mirror Of Death:

(Lady's strong death made a dark sorrow
Breaking piece by piece her man's existence
And he came up helpless to open her silent eyes
Meaningless fight with death's doors
Where his beloved passed to the unrest eternity
He lost her life and she lost his!
A conclusion of a life story will open
A new book written by blood...)

None can call back to him the woman
To enlarge the freedom of his pain
He commits suicide
For the trip of their deadly freedom
Devoted himself to a sleep
Of backward eternity
At once a voice sought
Pains from hell fires
Time erase the wheel of light
abandoned in a new zero hour

Die without awakening
Hostile to the freedom of his possession
Mind and dust had left
The order of chaos made him rest

The hours sharpen their blades
In my eyes, I am lost
Unreachable as I touch your shape
Touching you with my eyes
Watching you with my hands

I can never meet
I will find you, never fear
Out of breath, out of body
To trap us and give us birth
Turn back, is a way not found
I follow and shake within the very depth
Of my most imperfect being

Unconscious in front of Gods punishment
To the indelible scriptures of my testament
The reveal of my sin leads me towards
To a space with no beginning

Doomed insanity, trapped in my abyss
Among the same punishment
I will wander forever free
Slayer of Gods and sinner of love
I will never reach you!!

The Fallen Angel Pt. II (The Rising):

For new era to come
No mercy shall done
For those on my way
And i will surely prevail

As vowed for name astarte
Revenge shall be one part
As now betrayals crushed
All behind turns to dust

- Our victory on battle -

So now i`ve reached the crown
On my feet mortals go down
From shadows my army rides
To end up weakness and light

Now there`s throne for two
I rule the world with you
No enemy shall defeat
Cause we have the only key

- Our victory for the crown -

So now i`ve reached the crown
On my feet mortals go down
From shadows my army rides
To end up weakness and light

- Our victory for eternity -

So now i`ve reached the crown
On my feet mortals go down
From shadows my army rides
To end up weakness and light…

Diabolical Possession:

Oh, unholy wings of death
Ceremony of darkness
Feel the kisses of the whip
Carnal excess - evocation is done

Diabolical possession
Wrapped in blasphemy
Diabolical possession
Deny christian slave morality

Adore my mighty sin
Drown the host in excrements
Immortality of dark desire
Adore my mighty sin
In the sing of the antichrist
Immortality of dark desire

Defecate on the altar of lies
Spoil the back of the goat
Voluptuosly vaginal explosions
Premature embryos - dancing in fire

Diabolical possession
Wrapped in blasphemy
Diabolical possession
Deny christian slave morality

Adore my mighty sin
Drown the host in excrements
Immortality of dark desire
Adore my mighty sin
In the sing of the antichrist
Immortality of dark desire

Crucified image of god
Extreme unction nears…

Shadows Over Transylvania:

Moonlight – descends in the land of the shadows
The cold moon is rising, over blood red skies
Wolves - cries in the freezing night
Gathered in the twilight, to summon the master below.

Rising shadows -over blood red skies
Mournful cries - through the darkened night

Darkness - spreads in a shape of evil
Over the rising kingdom of Transylvania
Shadows - surrounds the ancient castle
The palace of death far away where no light exist

In the realms of Transylvania
The purest blood shall flow
The mortals shall please
The hunger of the undead souls

Shadows - over Transylvania
Darkness - in the land of frost
Whispers - in the winds of evil
Storms - in the blood red skies….


I fed the fire with my flesh and desire
Spilt the blood upon existence
Tracing trails, a furious tail

Barely touching the mirror of reality
The deformation of what depression denote
A spiritual fusion, drown in conclusions
Derail the path, the course that...

The solar solace within the hideous
Here upon the heralds of dawn
The dawn of eternity
A northern notability

Revoke the reviavl of revolt
Burn the treason, the trinity
Yearn the heat of the fire
Face yesterdays tomorrow
The heralds of the past
The winds of a history cast
The profound spiritual fusion
Glimpse inward to my world

A fragment of fire, hordes of imagery
An illumination of all illustrations

The solar solace within the hideous
Here upon the heralds of dawn
The dawn of eternity
A northern notability

Barely touching the mirror of reality
The deformation of what depression denote
A spiritual fusion, drown in conclusions
Derail the path, the course that...

I fed the fire with my flesh and desire
Spilt the blood upon existence
Tracing trails, a furious tail
To the centre of chaos

Burn the treason, the trinity
Yearn the heat of the fire
Face yesterdays tomorrow
The heralds of the past
The winds of a history cast
The profound spiritual fusion
Glimpse inward to my world...

Unearthly Loose Palace:

This night is silent, I set the world ou of its
until only ashes circle around the moon
Close your eyes, follow me blindly
Goddess let my ice cold semen of gods flow

Your only prayer.....

Close your eyes and walk my path
I alter the moons direction
Look around never stop to speak
The star seams to move towards them

Sun groaning in ice, so no longer will the sun
nor the snake leave its shiny skin
O children of the dark will you run with me?
Find the palace
By way a higher bidding

Your only prayer be heard

Come with me I heard their screams
Frightfully as I watched them.......die

Can you know?
Can you match me?
Can you leave?
The sun
Can you feel?

Your only prayer be heard

Sun groaning in ice; so no longer will the sun
O children of the dark will you walk my path?

Seis Seis Seis:

Senor perdoname por mis pecados
Vendi mi alma para protejer el rey nino
En el nombre del padre, hijo, espiritu santo
El dia viene del rey oscuro
Despierta porque te pica el culo
Seis seis seis, seis seis seis

En junio nacio un nino grandote
El cuerpo de cristo sera un cerote
Seis seis seis, seis seis seis

Te chinga en el dia y te coje en la noche
La verga del diablo ya te conoce
Seis seis seis, seis seis seis

Si quieres salir tienes que morir
Como ricky ramirez te chupa los ojos
Mientras le como los sesos a un virgen guero
Mi papa satanas me esta dando besos…


Stig opp pĺ min trone bleke lik

Fall pĺ kne ćrbřdiget foran mine fřtter
Ta imot mitt kalde kyss pĺ din panne
Jeg har lagt veien som fřrer til Helvete klar

Lřft deres sverd til kamp, stolte menn
La massakeren begynne i dag
Hogg hodet av hver kristen
og voldta deres kvinner og barn

Hvert kristenkors du finner skal du vende om
Hver en bygning som bćrer guds navn skal brenne
Hver en kristenmanns grav skal vi skjende

Hver natt skal du vĺkne med ett skrik
og kjenne blodet som brenner dypt i deg
Hver natt skal du rave som en sanselřs i gaten
og utslette hvert et tegn du ser til liv

Hřr min tale menneskedyr
Mine ord er din fremtid
Jeg er Satans legemlige gjřrelse
Jeg er din herre

Jeg er ondskapen
Jeg er antikrist…


And then she came forth,
the forest goddess
Her crying hymns
were calling for me
I followed her through
the eternal vast forest
And so,
so I found myself lost there in...

Black Seeds on Virgin Soil:

Trapped in a fire that burns in my soul
Like parasites infesting my skin
Screaming for vengeance,
and vengeance is mine
With my faith I will prevail
Chained to times of despair
As the end is close
and my demons are here
Craving for my inner thoughts
As I die, I'm losing myself
For blood I hunger,
possessed by the dark
No remorse,
I'll tear your flesh apart
Through my veins t
he poison runs cold
As you die your
faith is left untold
Preachers of life,
opposing the dark side
Deceived from the birth
Mission of lies,
betrayed from the inside
Seeds of the unfertile earth
Wounds so deep,
come heal my soul
Come predict,
what has been foretold…

Neke Rane Krvave Večno:

Moje su srce sahranili ljudi
U svakom oku ja vidim mu grob
Hladan mi kamen ispuni grudi
Da gledam muke grobara svog

Ja nosim rane što krvare večno
I prezir što se u meni koprca
O noći, čuvaj mi otrovne misli
I slike leša mog zaklanog srca

Još mržnja mojom dušom korača
I para me sporo k'o oštrica mača
U mrtvoj tišini, gusta i slana
Izvire mudrost iz svih mojih rana

Moje su srce sahranili ljudi
U svakom oku ja vidim mu grob
Hladan mi kamen ispuni grudi
Da gledam muke grobara svog

"Ne mogu na ovom mestu da sakrijem uzdah.
Ima dana kada me obuzima osećanje,
Crnje nego najcrnja melanholija –
prezir prema ljudima!"

Još mržnja mojom dušom korača
I para me sporo k'o oštrica mača
U mrtvoj tišini, gusta i slana
Izvire mudrost iz svih mojih rana

Ja nosim rane što krvare večno
I prezir što se u meni koprca
O noći, čuvaj mi otrovne misli
I slike leša mog zaklanog srca

"Ne mogu na ovom mestu da sakrijem uzdah.
Ima dana kada me obuzima osećanje,
Crnje nego najcrnja melanholija –
prezir prema ljudima!"

Sex With Satan:

by: Piledriver

Hell on fire, lust, desire
The devil wants to stick you,
yeah, the devil wants to lick you
Wants your body,
he wants your spirit
He comes to you at night,
he wants to take a bite!

Naked, twisting, bodies sweating
You can't escape his hunger,
screams like thunder
Prince of Darkness,
Prince of Evil
Spread your legs and scream,
no this is not a dream!

Sex with satan, excommunication

Degredation, humiliation,
thrusting, shoving, animals humping
Lusting loudly, snorting, panting
He's like a dog in heat,
you're just another piece of meat

Cursed hellhound, craving demon
He fills you with pain,
& now you're bloody and stained
Hurt and beaten, ohhh,
shamed and weakened
He will possess you, he
will molest you..

Alma Mater:

Mother Tongue speaks to Me
In the strangest way I've ever seen
I know that she sees in Me
Her proudest child, her purest breed

She speaks to Me in colour
That I can't really understand
I only know that they are ours
And to those I'll proudly bend

For I am your only child
And you my dearest mystery
From an ancient throne I defy the world
To kneel before the Power within

For I am your only child
And you my dearest mystery
World can't you see it?
Am I alone in my belief?

Virando costas ao Mundo
Orgulhosamente sos
Gloria Antiga, volta a nos!

Breaking waves announce my bride
It is the only way the Sea could sing
Legends of Lusitanian pride
He sings the words I can not spring

At the Moon Mountain six wolves cry
Your lost glory we'll regain or die

For I am your only child
And you my dearest mystery
Pagan Gods in conspiracy
For the sword of Tyranny

Mother Tongue speaks to Me
In the strangest way I've ever seen
World can't you see?
Am I alone in my belief?

Virando costas ao Mundo
Orgulhosamente sos
Gloria Antiga, volta a nos!


Opium, desire or will?
Inspiration bound from an elegant seed
Subversion, through smoke I foresee
Erotic motions of lesser gods in ecstasy

Opium, bring me forth another dream
Spawn worlds of flesh and red,
little jewels of atrocity
Opium, I sleep in debauchery
And burn with you
when you burn in Me

Opium, we fantasise
as we fuse with your root
You are a strange flower,
we are your strangest fruit

Opium, it burns in me and you
Opium, it burns for me and for you

"Por isso eu tomooacute
pioteacute um remeacute dio.
Sou um convalescente do Momento.
Moro no reacutes
do chatildeo do Pensamento
Ever passar a vida faz-me teacute dio."

To Eve The Art Of Witchcraft:

Crawl in awful stealth to me
Forever a voyeur I've been
Nocturnal Goddess of the Moon
So she comes, unseen

Thus (Uzza and Azel) speak

The burning seed, is thrust in Eve
and yearning keeps me, captive of desire

Make me as a flower that grows
forever in your throne
that I might pollinate the world
with darkness as your own
Embrace me in spellbinding eyes
the fire of life that never dies
tear deeper through my paper wounds
and never leave inside

Love shall consume and bathe the Lady
whom I worship and ride thereon
She will greet me as a serpent
in her dark, secret Eden
and I will always want
for her witchcraft is
Desire... (Desire...)
My soul is poisoned from within...

I crawl with languid guilt to thee
forever flushed in sin
Lamia, latria I give
my soul is poisoned from within

Wisdom breeds, fecundity
and her cunt she feeds,
to fulfill her desire

To Eve I cum...

Sevenfold my passion wrought
To ransack Eden, and to taste the whore
I cling beyond her sabled court
She is a gateway, to that darkness lost

(Now dream...)

''..I am the gentle stream
that trickles through the summer glades
of ever green peace
Therefore we will drink my sleep
and dream
I am the bleeding sky,
the snatching wind of war
blowing through the savage garden
My crown is fire,
the erotic sinews of lust
like strings to be pulled,
and cut
I will make my puppets dance
The men will bow down before me
to take my flesh as lucid thoughts
of dark, unbridled lust
I am all these things and more
Thus I await you,
nemesis of restraint
The code of life,
and the bride of evil itself…''

Oh, the fevered need for Her
when greed and lust are sharpened in that one desire
the all-consuming fire
Reveal to me your mysteries, Witch
the tree is plundered but I have the seed
to be sown in thee…

...A Distance There Is...:

Come in out of the rain thou sayest –
but thou ne'er step'st aside;
And I am trapp'd -
A distance there is...
None, save me and the bodkin
- pitter-patter on the roof:
Behold! - 'tis not the rain;
thence me it has to be -
I will not drink thy vintage wine, my dear;
Thou hast heed'd that I am of innocence,
yet thou let'st thy lass into peril
Thou let'st me be parched;
My heart is of frailty,
my pale skin is hued damask.
When thou thy tears hast hidden,
"Come back!", thou sayest -
There I soon am to be
- but how am I to run when my bones,
my heart!
Thou hast me bereaft! -
But run thou sayest; I run -
And there and then I behold
that a time will come when
I again dead will be.
Thou tell'st me to
leave without delay -
I leave with my bodkin
and my tears in my hands;
- the shadows,
the sky - descending;
So by a dint of smite
I gait ere I run and melt
together with dusk.
In my mind in which
is this event,
But it seems as if naught
is to change anyway?!
After all these years thou
left'st me down in the
emotional depths -
The sombre soaked velvet
-drape is hung upon me,
Turning my feelings away
from our so ignorant world:
All the beatiful moments shared,
deliberatlely push'd aside -
...a distance there is...

In My Darkest Hours:

In my darkest of hours
I yearn for the light
my life devours
Winter's at hand
In search of a key,
a door, an end

Hear my voice,
don't quail inside the void
nor fear the sound
of winter winds around

In my darkest of nights
I yearn for the dawn
to bring me alive
How to ascend?
While you hold the key
that shield my end

Hear my voice,
it's calling on the dawn
Ascend to fall,
but never to withdraw

Winter nights...
I hold them inside
I stand to fall,
giving in on life as a whole
Winds of time...
won't mend my sombre mind
I can't deny that
I'm on a closing way down

Morning star...
shining from afar
your radiance diminish
every day now
Evening star...
you've lost your stalwart
Your skies endark
like my mind,
my soul and my heart

Come take my hand
and lead me on towards the end
The darkness in me
devours the strength I craved
for all these years

These feelings
I have never shown
remain unknown
I really don't know if
I'm that strong...

These secrets I have held inside
through all my life
I guess I'll shield them till I die...

December Elegy:

May thou carry me to the sea
Like autumn leaves...
heaven wither
Savage is the winter
prevailing within
I fall for thee...
Sorrow entreating me
Makes me leave heaven

Breed my night
like tears of sorrow
Creep with life
the days that morrow
Thee scent like snow

I find thy lilies
there of snow
Where once I died...
weeping for thee
Everlasting seems the strife
ascending within
Falling for thee...
Darkness confounding me
Makes me leave life

Breed my night
with thy sorrow

Examinate this pain like snow
Driven far from my efferly loss
Enter this extended night of sorrow,
Pain,flowing tears...

Breed my woe
Descend with broken wings
Midwinternight inside
Merged by life...
like thousand
frozen tears
Come melt the ice... maytime...

All Alone:

I look to the sky
the sun has faded away
the moonlight shines
down on me
the gods play
their symphonies
I feel so lost
I fall on my knees
I think about times
that used to be

when we danced
just you and me
I cant't find the right words to say
I don't know how to say goodbye I is bright...
...There's no sorrow...
nothing can stop us...
...Showed us hope...
.Angel of my forest...
...Saw my perfect...
in my own soul…
death is unfair...
that's real pain...
...Remoun you...
I'm almost dead...
I've lost my hope...
my will to live...
...My last farewell...
all alone...

In my eyes
you see no pride
In my eyes
you see no light
In my eyes
you see a tear
In my eyes
you see my fear
In my eyes
you see my love
In my eyes
you see no plight
In my eyes
you see my hate
In my eyes
you see my fate

Forever all alone….


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~*~...Vampire's Love and Sorrow...~*~

utorak, 16.01.2007.

In memori of Giosue Carducci, 1865 ......

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Ja se nadan da ce te razumit ovaj hvalospjev
zajedno sa prevodom.....rolleyes
......jerbo nisan znala kao da to iskombiniram!!bang
Pa znaci....
Prva kitica vam je orginala
(inace kitice san oznacila brojevima
i nema ih malo zijev ),
a ispod nje njen prevod na engleski ( AKO VAS DOBRO SLUŽI no )...
.....A možda neki i skuže šta znaci SALUTE wink
( ako se pitaju zašto ja to uvik pišen) !!!
.....a ono što vam uleti u zagradama
to vam je kao onaj tip :
kako, di , kad , s cimn i zašto !!! nut Na strofu poviše!!
A ako to spojite u jedno
( dakle citajuci samo to u zagradma)
dobivate cilo obješnjenje hvalospjeva ilitiga himne!!
...Ja se nadam da ce te skužit ovaj hvalospjev
ovog slavnog Nobelovca yes
( e covik je dobija i Nobelovu nagradu )!!!!
Pa Carducci poštovanje i "R.I.P" !!!!!! party

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*~*~ Inno A Satana ~*~*
(Hymn to Satan)

A Satana

( To Satan )

1. A te, de l’essere

Principio immenso,

Materia e spirito,

Ragione e senso;

To you, creation’s

mighty principle,

matter and spirit

reason and sense

( A toast!
The poem was originally written
as a dinner-party toast.
It is easy to visualize the poet
with glass raised as he recites the poem.)

2. Mentre ne’ calici

Il vin scintilla

Si’come l’anima

Ne la pupilla

Whilst the wine

sparkles in cups

like the soul

in the eye

3. Mentre sorridono

La terra e il sole

E si ricambiano

D’amor parole

Whilst earth and

sun exchange

their smiles and

words of love

4. E corre un fremito

D’imene arcano

Da’ monti e palpita

Fecondo il piano;

And shudders

from their secret embrace run down

from the mountains, and

the plain throbs with new life

5. A te disfrenasi

Il verso ardito,

Te invoco, o Satana

Re del convito

To you my daring

verses are unleashed,

you I invoke, O Satan

monarch of the feast.

5. Via l’aspersorio,

Prete, e il tuo metro!

No, prete, Satana

Non toma in dietro!

Put aside your sprinkler,

priest, and your litanies!

No, priest, Satan

does not retreat!

( Against Satan, priests have no power. )

6. Vedi: la ruginne

Rode e Michele

Il brando mistico

Ed il fedele

Behold! Rust

erodes the mystic

sword of Michael

and the faithful

( Even the Archangel Michael,
who led the army of faithful angels
against Lucifer’s rebels,
is deplumed
and left with a rusted sword. )

7. Spennato arcangelo

Cade nel vano.

Ghiacciato e’ fulmine

A Geova in mano

Archangel, deplumed,

drops into the void.

The thunderbolt lies frozen

in Jove’s hand

( Even Jehovah himself is powerless. )

8.Meteore pallide,

Pianeti spenti,

Piovono gli angeli

Da I firmamenti

Like pale meteors,

spent worlds,

the angels drop

from the firmament

(The rebel angels descent
to Earth from the heavens. )

9. Ne la materia

Che mai non dorme,

Re de I fenomeni

Re de le forme

In unsleeping


king of phenomena,

monarch of form,

( Satan is king of the physical,
material realm. )

10. Sol vive Satana.

E tien ‘impero

Nel lampo temulo

D’un occhio nero,

Satan alone lives.

He holds sway in

the tremulous flash

of some dark eye,

( Satan’s realm or empire
(“impero”) can be perceived
wherever the life-force is in evidence: )

11. O ver che languido

Sfugga e resista,

Od acre ed umido

Pro’vochi, insista.

Or the eye which languidly

turns and resists,

or which, bright and moist,

provokes, insists.

( … in the flashing eye of a woman
in a state of arousal, )

12. Brilla de’ grappoli

Nel lieto sangue,

Per cui la rapida

Gioia non langue,

He shines in the bright

blood of grapes,

by which transient

joy persists,

( … in the glimmer of a glass of wine,
which makes us happy, )

13. Che la fuggevole

Vita ristora,

Che il dolor proroga,

Che amor ne incora

Which restores fleeting

life, keeps

grief at bay,

and inspires us with love

14. Tu spiri, O Satana,

Nel verso mio,

Se dal sen rompeni

Sfidando il dio

You breathe, O Satan

in my verses,

when from my heart explodes

a challenge to the god

( …and even in the blasphemous rebllious
power of the poet’s own words. )

15. De’ rei pontefici

De’ re cruenti;

E come fulmine

Scuoti le menti.

Of wicked pontiffs,

bloody kings;

and like lightning you

shock men’s minds.

( Both popes and kings -
the heads of authoritarian regimes -
were loathed by the republican Carducci. )

16. A te, Agramainiio,

Adone, Astarte

E marmi vissero

E tele e carte,

Sculpture, painting

and poetry

first lived for you, Ahriman,

Adonis and Astarte,

17. Quando le ioniche

Aure serene

Beo’ la Venere


When Venus


blessed the

clear Ionian skies

( Venus Andadyomene (i.e. ‘emergent’)
born from the foam of the seas
around Cyprus represents Greek civilization. )

18. A te del Libano

Premean le piante,

De l’alma Cipride

Ristorto amante:

For you the trees of

Lebannon shook,

resurrected lover

of the holy Cyprian:

( Adonis, the lover of Venus (‘holy Cyprian’)
was killed by a boar but resurrected
by Jupiter at Venus’ request. )

19. A te ferveano

Le danze e i cori,

A te ii virginei

Candidi amori,

For you wild dances were done

and choruses swelled

for you virgins offered

their spotless love,

( Carducci understands the Greek festivals
of Adonis as having originated
along the Syria/Lebannon coast )

20. Tra la odorifere

Palme d’Idume

Dove biancheggiano

Le cipre spume.

Amongst the perfumed

palms of Idumea

where the Cyprian

seas foam.

( and its hinterland (‘Idumea”)
- the region of ancient Phoenicia. )

21. Che val se barbaro

Il nazareno

Furor de l’agapi

Dal rito osceno

To what avail did

the barbarous Christian

fury of agape,

in obscene ritual,

( He points out that the Christian
fanatic destruction of Satan’s pagan
temples was of no avail because
the Satanic religion of )

22. Con sacra fiaccola

I templi t’arse

E ii segni argolici

A terr sparse?

With holy torch

burn down your temples,

scattering their

Greek statuary?

( rationalism,
fleshly pleasure, material good,
and free inquiry survived ‘underground’. )

23. Te accolse profugo

Tra gli dei lari

La plebe memore

Ne I casolari

You, a refugee,

the mindful people

welcomed into their homes

amongst their household gods

24. Quindi un femineo

Sen palpitante

Empiendo, fervido

Nume ed amante,

Thereafter filling the throbbing

female heart

with your fervor

as both god and lover

25. La strega pallida

D’eterna cura

Volgi a soccorrere

L’egra naura.

You inspired the witch,

pallid from endless enquiry,

to succor

suffering nature

( Carducci sees the origin of modern medicine
in the witch’s craft which healed
the sick in olden times. )

26. Tu a l’occhio immobile

De l’alchimista

tu de l’indocile

Mago a la vista,

You, to the intent gaze

of the alchemist,

and to the skeptical eye

of the sorcerer,

( He also sees
the beginnings of modern science
in the essentially rationalist
and secular fields of sorcery and alchemy. )

27. Del chiostro torpido

Oltre I cancelli,

riveli I fulgidi

Ciele novelli.

You revealed bright

new heavens

beyond the confines

of the drowsy cloister.

28. A la Tebaide

Te ne le cose

Fuggendo, Il monaco

Triste s’ascose

Fleeing from material

things, where you reside,

the dreary monk took refuge

in the Theban desert.

( The Theban desert of middle Egypt
was a favored ascetic suffering ground
for early Coptic Christian hermits. )

29. O dal tuo tramite

Alma divisa,

Benigno e’ Satana;

Ecco Eloisa.

To you O soul

with your sprig severed,

Satan is benign:

he gives you your Heloise.

( The poet here speaks to Abelard,
a 13th c. Franciscan monk
whose rational philosophyangered the church.
His affair with Heloise got him castrated and exiled,
but his Satan-given love of her persisted. )

30. In van ti maceri

Ne l’aspro sacco:

Il verso ei mormora

Di Maro e Flacco

You mortify yourself to no purpose,

in your rough sackcloth:

Satan still murmurs to you

lines from Maro and Flaccus

( Maro and Flaccus are the poets Virgil and Horace.
Licoris and Glycera
are beautiful women of which they wrote.. )

31. Tra la davidica

Nenia ed il pianto;

E, forme delfiche,

A te da canto

Amidst the dirge

and wailing of the Psalms;

and he brings to your side

the divine shapes,

32. Rosee ne l’orrida

Compagnia nera,

Mena Licoride,

Mena Glicera

Roseate amidst that

horrid black crowd,

of Lycoris

and Glycera

33. Ma d’altre imagini

D’eta’ piu’ bella

Talor si popola

L’insonne cella

But other shapes

from a more glorious age

fitfully fill

the sleepless cell.

34. Ei, da le pagine

Di Livio, ardenti

Tribuni, consoli,

Turbe frementi

Satan, from pages

in Livy, conjures fervent

tribunes, consuls,

restless throngs;

( In his cell,
the monk’s sleep is interrupted by Satan
- inspired nightmarish visions of crowds
and leaders from Livy’s history of Rome. )

35. Sveglia; e fantastico

D’italo orgoglio

Te spinge, o monaco,

Su ‘l Campidoglio

And he thrusts you,

O monk, with your memories

of Italy’s proud past

upon the Capitol.

( For his treason against Rome’s true roots,
the monk dreams, he is impaled. )

36. E voi, che il rabido

Rogo non strusse,

Voci fatidiche,

Wicleff ed Husse,

And you whom the raging

pyre could not destroy,

voices of destiny,

Wycliffe and Huss,

( John Wycliffe and Jan Huss,
early reformers and martyrs
of the late 13th and early 14th centuries. )

37. A l’aura il vigile

Grido mandate:

S’innova il secolo

Piena e’ l’etate

You lift to the winds

your waning cry:

‘The new age is dawning,

the time has come’.

38. E gia’ gia’ tremano

Mitre e corone:

Dal chiostro brontola

La ribellione,

And already mitres

and crowns tremble:

from the cloister

rebellion rumbles

( The poet alludes to the existence
of secret rebels inside the church. )

39. E pugna e pre’dica

Sotto la stola

Di fra’ Girolamo


Preaching defiance

in the voice of the

cassocked Girolamo


( Savonarola was a defiant reformist monk
who was burned at the stake in 1499. )

4O. Gitto’ la tonaca

Martin Lutero

Gitta ii tuoi vincoli

Uman pensiero,

As Martin Luther

threw off his monkish robes,

so throw off your shackles,

O mind of man,

( The poet chooses Martin Luther
as an example here explicitly
because using him as an example would infuriate
the church more than any other name. )

41. E splendi e folgora

Di fiame cinto;

Materia, inalzati:

Satana ha vinto.

And crowned with flame,

shoot lightning and thunder;

Matter, arise;

Satan has won.

42. Un bello e orrible

Mostro si sferra,

Corre gli oceani

Corre la terra:

Both beautiful and awful

a monster is unleashed

it scours the oceans

is scours the land

43. Corusco e fumido

Come ii vlucani,

I monti supera,

Divora I piani;

Glittering and belching smoke

like a volcano,

it conquers the hills

it devours the plains.

44. Sovola ii baratri;

Poi si nasconde

Per antri incogniti,

Per vie profonde;

It flies over chasms,

then burrows

into unknown caverns

along deepest paths;

45. Ed esce; e indomito

Di lido in lido

Come di turbine

Manda il suo grido,

To re-emerge, unconquerable

from shore to shore

it bellows out

like a whirlwind,

( The Church had proclaimed the steam-engin
e train to be a tool of the Devil
and the poet here embraces the symbolism. )

46. Come di turbine

L’alito spande:

Ei passa, o popli,

Satani il grande

Like a whirlwind

it spews its breath:

‘It is Satan, you peoples,

Great Satan passes by’.

( He sees it as a man-made, science-derived invention
that would deliver prosperity to the secular
people of Italy. )

47. Passa benefico

Di loco in loco

Su l’infrenabile

Carro del foco

He passes by, bringing blessing

from place to place,

upon his unstoppable

chariot of fire

( In the new age of industry Satan
(humanity’s ingenuity unfettered by the chains of church)
destroys Jehova and thereby
the oppressive and restricting tyranny of the Pope.)

48. Salute, o Satana

O ribellione,

O forza vindice

De la ragione!

Hail, O Satan

O rebellion,

O you avenging force

of human reason!

49. Sacri a te salgano

Gl’incensi e ii voti!

Hai vinto il Geova

De ii sacerdoti.

Let holy incense

and prayers rise to you!

You have utterly vanquished

the Jehova of the Priests.....

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|19:52| Bleed?? 9| Nicemu ti ne služi… | #| Na Vrh|

petak, 12.01.2007.

~*~.... For my GODDESS.... ~*~

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....~*~ DARK MOTHER ~ * ~......

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I call Her forth from darkness
Her misty visage deepening
becoming clearer, separating fog
Her tendrils of power shoot forth
and I, the darkened child
submit and accept Her in awe .

In the silence of the shell
...She whispers....
Through the hole in the dark oak
She spies
and smiles on me knowingly,
as I through deep still waters glide .
No time, no place, no single name
for She who lives within and out
In dreams of Truth she waits
and I, the darkened child
draw in her essence....

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.... Oh, Mother,
thou art wise and strong;
alone, you stand united
Embrace, envelope, penetrate
Truth in mysteries, unveiled
I love Thee and honor Thee
Dark Mother…

by: Dominae

....~ * ~ Spirits of The Air (or Morrigan's Skry) ~ * ~....

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Most men fear the Dark Mother.
Her's is the Final Embrace
that cannot be escaped.
Her maniac laughter
floats above every
battlefield and funeral pyre.
Her death rattle echos
in the shadowy spaces
between worlds.
Her's are the glamorous
spirits of the air,the castrating witches
devouring men's genitalia,
drinking blood,
weaving shrouds,
wandering the labyrinths
of the dead,
passing freely from
the world above
to the world below,
flying as crow,
or dragon,
or bat,
crawling as spider,
slithering as snake.
She is the Death Goddess
riding Nightmare,
swooping down topluck dying souls
and carry them
to the Land of the Dead.

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Her's is the sweet
Kiss of Death,
taking the Final Breath,
and death in Her arms
can be ecstatic.

Her's is the Power
to re-birth souls,
for She is also
the Keeper of the
Sacred Fires and
Stirrer of the Cauldron,
the Vessel of Life.
She is Spirit Pruner
and Time Watcher,
destroying the old
that new life might grow.
She is the Repository
of Wisdom,
the Weaver of Dreams,
the sweet mistress
of all that florishes
in velvet nights.
Her's is the instinctual
earthy aspect of
the Feminine,
the blood that flows
between our thighs,
the primal, wordless
state of being
that connects
women to the Goddess
in Her orgiastic rites,
riding to the very edge,
sexual abandon.

She leads us down
into Darkness,
into the Nightmare Land.
Darkness is also
the Womb where life begins,

for without winter stillness,
no seeds could grow,
and even in the depths
of the darkest winter night
can be felt the promiseof a warm summer breeze.

by: Nebris The Water Dragon
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|14:29| Bleed?? 5| Nicemu ti ne služi… | #| Na Vrh|

četvrtak, 28.12.2006.


Evo da se napravin malo pametna… bang napisat ću malo aforizama…
onako meni dragih…inače za one koji ne znaju…
…..ukratko ću objasnit…a da i prije svega ako van se ne čita nemojte… yes
…Živo mi se jebe i da vam se ne sviđa!!!smijeh

AFORIZAM : Sad se postavlja masu se pitanja. rolleyes
Dali je aforizam koncentrirana, sintetska misao
o bilo kojoj pojavi u čovjeku ili oko njega?
Ili je aforizam citiram :
˝ Što prostranija i što dublja i što bistrija misao
u što manjem prostoru jezika, a koja može živjeti
nezavisno od teksta u kojem je nastala. ˝
( S. Šimić.)
…ili je pak (opet citiram) : ˝ Svemir u kaplji vode.˝ ( M. Kessel) ,
pa u svijetu misli, znaci što književnosti znaci pijesma…..
Bilo kako bilo, aforizam je dakle i sintetska i što dublja misao
u što manjem prostoru jezika,
neovisna od prvobitnog (matičnog ) teksta
i svemir u kaplji vode i pjesma,
a u područje AFORISTIKE ulazi zbog svog aforističkog karaktera….
A to mogu biti epigrami, a često i epigrafi,
gotovo uvijek tzv. sentecije i mudre izreke
kao i narodne poslovice. ..itd….bla,bla,bla…
Pa ču ja sad iznit par zanimljivih
(meni također pre jebeno dobrih)
na našem i neke na izvornom jeziku, …
(samo nešto sitno)
……jer ja ih iman mali milijun a evo ove san amo reš izrizala
kao najzanimljivije…po meni….… dead
A i nije baš da mi se da toliko pisat!!! thumbup

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* Mi smo stvoreni za bol.
Suze su za srce ono što je voda za ribe.

Nous sommes organises pour le malheur.
Les larmes sont pour le coeur ce que l'eau
est pour les poissons.
( FLAUBERT Pensees ) *

* Trojica mogu zadržati tajnu
ako su dvojica od njih mrtva!

Three may keep a secret
if two of them are dead!
( FRANKLIN, Poor Richard ) *

* Jedino nam iluzije pomažu živjeti;
njih moramo poštovati u drugima kao i u sebi.
Čovjeku koji bi spoznao svu istinu ne bi preostalo drugo
već da sjedne na rub ceste i da plače do smrti.

Seules les illusions nous aident a vivre; nous devonts
les respecter en autrui comme en nous-meme.
Un homme qui connaitrait totue la verite
n'aurait plus qu'a s'asseoir sur une borne de chemin
et a pleurer jasqu'a sa derniere heure.
( Edmond JALOUX, Pensees ) *


Si ceux qui disent du mal de moi savaient exactement
ce que je pense d'eux, ils en diraient bien davantage.
( Sacha GUITRY, Toutes reflexions faites, I ) *

* Koliko puno ima čarobnica
I čarobnjaka neznanih međ nama,
Što nalik budu, mijenjajući lica,
Ljudima milim i dragim ženama.
Ne čine čini vrač ni vještica,
Nit vraštvom štiju tajne u zvijezdama,
Već lažju, varkom, himbenim govorom
Vezuju srca nerazrješnim čvorom.

Oh quante sono incantatrici,
oh quanti / incantator tra noi, che non si sanno! /
che con lor arti uomini e donne amanti / di se,
cangiando i visi lor, fatto hanno. / Non con spirti
constretti tali incanti, / ne con osservazion di stelle
fanno; / ma con similazion, menzogne e fordi /
legano i cor d'indissolubil nodi.
( ARIOSTO, Orlando furioso, 8, 1 ) *

* Laž može uzrokovati bolsto puta veću negoli koplje.
( Afrička narodna poslovica –Mozambik- ) *

* Velika je razlika u tome čitam li iz užitka i
razonode ili radi spoznaje i pouke.
( GOETHE, Maximen und Reflexionen ) *

* Budale se kod slavnog pisca svemu dive.
Ja čitam samo za sebe
i volim samo ono što mi za nešto služi!!

Les sots admirent tout dans
un auteur estime.
Je ne lis que pour moi; je n'aime que
ce qui est a mon usage.
( VOLTAIRE, Candide ) *

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* Dijete je pola majmun, pola anđeo.
Koliko treba da se uzdiže i koliko da se spušta
dok ne postane čovjek!?

Felig majom, felig angyal,
ilyen a gyermek. Mennyti kell emelkednie s
mennyit sullyednie, mig emberre valik.
(Jozsef EOTVOS, Gyermekek) *

* Položiti zavjet siromaštva
znači obavezati se zakletvom na lijenost i krađu;
položiti zavjet čistoće
znači obećati Bogu neprestano kršenje
najmudrijeg i najvažnijeg od njegovih zakona;
položiti zavjet poslušnosti
zaći odreći se neotuđivog prava čovjeka
- - - slobode.
Ako se drži tih zavjeta, čovjek je zločinac,
a ako ih se ne drži, onda je krivokletnik.
Samostanski život je život zanesenjaka ili licemjera.
( DIDEROT, La Religieuse ) *

* Ne govorimo zlo o Đavolu!!
On je možda mešetar dragoga boga.

Ne disons pas de mal du Diable.
C'est peut-etre l'homme d'affaire
du Bon Dieu.

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* U Paklu je Đavao pozitivan lik.

W piekle Diabet jest postacia pozytywna.

- Što je kaos ?
To je Harmonija koja je uništena
prilikom stvaranja svijeta.

Co to jest Chaos?
To ten lad ktory zniszczono przy Stworzeniu Swiata.
( Stanislaw Jerzy LEC, Mysli Nieuczesane ) *

* Kad me napnu misli pune taštine
i kad mi duh smuti zavist,
uputi se prama maloj uzvišici gdije se nalazi
groblje moga grada.

Ma quando assale un pensiero
di orgoglio e turba la invidia,
m'incammino la dove sopralieve emineza
giace il cimitero della mia citta.
( Francesco D. GUERRAZZI ) *

* Svi smo mi mrtvaci na dopustu.
( August CESAREC, Bijegunci) *

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* Svatko vidi kako izgledaš, ali ih malo zna ono što jesi.

Ognun vede quel tu pari,
pochi sentono quel che tu sei.
( MACHIAVELLI, II principie, 18. ) *

* Kršćanstvo je mnogo napravilo za ljubav
napravivši od nje GRIJEH.

Le Christianisme a beaucoup fait pour l'amour
en en faisant un peche.
( Anatole FRANCE, le Jardin d'Epicure) *

* Onaj tko te u suze tijera taj te i voli.

Ay qe te ben te qajsh, ay te do!
( Albanska narodna izreka ) *

* Ma kako loše muškarac mislio o ženama, nema te žene
koja o njemu ne bi mislila još gore nego on!

Quelque mal qu'un homme puisse penser des femmes,
il n'y a pas de femme qui n'en pense encore plus
mal que lui.
( Nicolas-Sebastien R. CHAMFORT,
The Unknown Quantity ) *

* Muziku smatram korijenom svih ostalih umjetnosti!
( Heinric v. KLEIST) *

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* Bog je, gospodine, krvnik.
Svakog dana hoće mu se mrtvih (….)
…Od vremena do vremena priušti sebi ratove
da bi vidio dvjesta hiljada vojnika gdje leže na tlima,
smrvljeni u krvi i blatu,
polomljenih ruku i nogu,
razbijenih glava,
dok topovska tanda pada poput tuče.

Dieu, Monsieur, c'est un massacreur.
Il lui faut tous les jours des morts (….)…Et il se
Paye des guerres du temps en temps, pour voir deux
cent mille soldars par terre, ecrasses dans le sang et
la boue, creves, les bras et les jambes arraches,
les tetes cassees par des boulets comme des oeufs
qui tombent sur une route.
( MAUPASSANT, Moiron ) *

* U riječima Bog i religija vidim tminu,
mrak, lance i bič.

* Biblija ne može biti od boga
već i zato što on u njoj govori odviše dobro o sebi
i odviše zlo o ljudima.

Die Bibel kann schon darum nicht von Gott sein,
weil er darin gar zu viel Gutes von sich selbst und
gar zu viel Schlimmes von den Menschen sagt.
( Friedrich HEBBEL, Tagebucher, 1. II 1845. ) *

* Više bi volio nebo---zbog klime.
Samo u Paklu mora da je kudikamo ugodnije---
zbog društva.

J'aimerais bien le paradis, a cause du climat.
Seulement, l'enfer doit etre joliment plus agreable,
a cause de la societe!
( Tristan BERNARD)

…ili po našem: U raj zbog klime , u paka zbog ekipe!!! *
ah da….i uživajte u pogledu!!!! naughty smokin

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|17:39| Bleed?? 10| Nicemu ti ne služi… | #| Na Vrh|

nedjelja, 24.12.2006.

....Once more.....

He…stari blog je izbrisan headbang mad burninmad blabla puknucu
(iz više razloga)
al ja nastavljan kako
san i dosad radila prijašnji
…i pokušat cu da bar malo slice bang ,
a oni koji su ga posjecivali znaju o cemu san "pisala"…..

**…The Archaic Apocolypse …**

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In the darkness I sit and wait
Tonight mankind will end in fate.
I sit and remember, it seems like forever
since that night long ago by the lake.


I sat by the water, engulfed with sorrow,
not wanting to see another tomorrow.

Then HE appeared, took away my tears,
and said, "You are wasting time borrowed."

There is no hope for my soul,
sinister intentions have taken control.
To live or die? To laugh or cry?

Diabolic temptation plays its role.
From then on out, I followed HIM,
catered to HIS every whim.
And in return, from HIM I learned,
all the ways of the creatures so grim.

It did not take long for my transformation,

I always had a morbid fascination.

With HIS deadly kiss, I felt pure bliss,

and embraced eternal damnation.

I knew there was no forgiveness for my mortal sins,
but no remorse did I feel within.
With open arms promising no harm
The Dark Lord welcomed me as kin.

At HIS side I would always be,
to do HIS bidding, secretly.
I would carry out HIS plan, masked as a human,
to destroy the worlds morality.
For centuries, I roamed in search for prey
to take their pathetic lives away.

It’s them I need on which to feed-
the disconsolate ones in dismay.

And HIS fallen ones, they have worshipped me
as I walked the earth inconspicuously.
Not one mortal aware of the evils I bear,
I was disguised with a false lucidity.
Of all the wrong acts I did commit
and all the blood in which I sit,
it has gone unknown, my powers have grown,
now my wrath will be released from its pit.

Since the beginning of time, this has taken place.
Every million moons, the world must face
this plague of evil where every devil
will rise up from the Hell’s fiery gates.
I am pleased to be a part of this.
To bring forth this archaic apocalypse.

In just a few hours, the force of my powers
will summon shadows from the darkest mists.

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But until the final hour nears
no one will ever know real fear.
I patiently wait for this ghastly fate
when all vile creatures will rise here.~
While under this hypnotic spell
I hear the chime of the spirits bells.
They ring for me to set them free,
to release their damned souls from Hell.

And once again, it is time.
The moon has taken its millionth rise.
Explosions from the pits!
No one can resist!
Soon all we will hear are the mortals cries.
I unleash the evils held deep inside,
no longer will they have to hide.

Unto the world corruption is unfurled,
at last, inner serenity will I find.

**…Mistress of Sin…**

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Oh, mistress of sin am I
for I tempt thee creature of the night

to lay with me, at my side,
and gaze into the starry night.
I wrongly tempt you to be with me
although a mortal am I, merely.

I corrupt you, do you see?
I make you want me lustfully.
One taste of me, you’ll not be the same.
One moment of passion, you’ll go insane.
But I’ll be the only one to blame
for the longing I feel when you’re gone again.

My soul awaits you knowing
that the feverish feeling is flowing.
My lust for you is growing
and not an ounce of fear is showing.
Please, come to me, my sweet
as you do in my dreams
to fulfill the desire within me
that awakens in each fantasy.
I wish that you were mine,
if only for a short time.

Like a child, lost and blind,
I know not what you hold inside.
You come, your head filled with lust.
You want me too, I know you must.

I hope this dream won’t turn to dust
and fade away in a mysterious gust.
Before I can hold you.
Before I can touch you.
Before I have told you
how much I love you.

By: JoAnna Martin

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|18:09| Bleed?? 8| Nicemu ti ne služi… | #| Na Vrh|

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