_ s.a.N.j.i.n _ _ _ s.v.I.j.e.T _ _ [ sanjin.svijet@gmail.com -#- 298-262-410 ]


Dan 7.
Klomifen. Dva komada. Još samo danas...

Išla sam malo vidjeti da li i ostali opiče pod utjecajem dotičnog. I evo što sam našla.

Clomid - the very name is enough to strike fear in the hearts of husbands of infertile women everywhere. After a few days of it, my husband will wistfully ask, "Why aren't there hormone-free safe houses for men to go to?"

"Hormone hell is probably the best way to describe it. By the third or fourth day of taking it, I would become hysterical for absolutely no reason. I felt as if I had no control over my body. I began to wonder if this was worth it. But, it only lasted a few days, and we all got through it. But it wasn't fun."

Sad mi je puuunooo lakše...
A već sam mislila da ću morati tražiti stručnu pomoć! ;-)

Sigurno vam je sada puno zornije opisana moja topla, kućna atmosfera ovih dana... (hi, hi, hi...)
Ali nije ni meni lako.
Ostatak svijeta se barem može maknuti. A što ću ja sama sa sobom? E, TO ljudi moji treba istrpit'! ;-)

P.S. Danas me nije roštilj spriječio da piskaram (nažalost).
Poslovne obveze postaju pre-pre-prezahtjevne. Možda da netko zbroji koliko sati ima u danu?
I sad, umjesto da sam već na nekoj kavici, zbrajam brojčeke…

- 17:57 - Komentari (3) - Isprintaj - #

ponedjeljak - 06.09.2004.

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