Novogodišnji koncert u Beču - rezultati..


Dear Mrs. Rudarka,

The annual drawing for tickets to the end of year concerts of the Vienna Philharmonic has now been completed, and we regret to inform you that your application was not among those selected. We are thus unable to offer you any tickets for the New Year's Concert on January 1, 2009.

We thank you for your interest and hope that you will participate in the next drawing for tickets to the end of year concerts 2009/2010, which will begin on January 2, 2009 at

With best wishes we remain


Vienna Philharmonic

Nažalost ili na sreću (pošto mi je "minus" komatozan) nisu me izvukli za kupnju karata za famozni novogodišnji koncert.

Tako da neću morati razmišljati gdje ću provesti doček slijedeće godine.
Tako neću morati razmišljati što ću obući za koncert.
Tako neću biti tamo... Buaaaa....

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