petak, 02.03.2007.

ma nema naslova, 01:41, kaj ste pUqli?

zaValjujuci...ovaj put cu bit neskromna...zaValjujuci mojoj malenkosti, svijet je bogatiji za josh jedan sajt!
koliko je dobar, los, zao... procijenite sami :)

titju's corner of the earth

p.s. fala svima koji su mi pomogli na kojekakve nacine, koji su bili uz mene, koji jesu uz mene, koji ce tek biti...kiss

- 01:41 -

gukni golube (1) - nesh valjda unishtavat shume - #

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Ovaj blog je ustupljen pod Creative Commons licencom Imenovanje-Nekomercijalno-Bez prerada.

Opis bloga

This corner of the earth is like me in many ways
I can sit for hours here and watch the emerald feathers play
On the face of it I'm blessed
When the sunlight comes for free
I know this corner of the earth it smiles at me
So inspired of that there's nothing left to do or say
Think I'll dream, 'til the stars shine

corner of the earth