Pomalo od svega

30.01.2009., petak


I 'm having a relapsing week!
It's like I am working against everything i ahev acheaved till now.
Working agaist myslef.

Bad, bad, bad.
- 16:33 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

28.01.2009., srijeda

Brussel spruits

A very simple and easy day.

BTW, I started being super hungry for meat.
Actually, as my period is approaching, I feel like as much meat as possible... Weird.
Feel like a wolf, like a real carnivore.

The food:
So, today on my easy day, again I had spelt porridge for breakfast (with one orange).

And for lunch 350gr brussel sprouts, steamed and with a tiny bit of salt an pepper.
And the juice from the meat.
Meat: approximately 400gr(!!!) of meat - it was unbelievable. If there was more, I would have eaten it all. I bought (wanted to try) kangaroo and ostrich steaks (and today was the last day, so I baked them all).

Also I had chocolate (I am allowed - should write about it, shouldn't I?)
But I don't think I'll pursue the chocolate. After a while it comes back and it feels sour.
Nah... that just means chocolate in super small quantities and in a very long time span.

Having a date tonight (and not feeling like going at all).
- 21:15 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

26.01.2009., ponedjeljak


Today I had a very simple and delicious lunch.

Ok,lets go from the breakfast:
Spelt flakes cooked with water (as usual no milk) and a few hazelnuts.
In the end cinnamon powder added and one orange.

2 bigger sweet potato scrubbed well
1 turkey schnitzel
3 beet well scrubbed
1/2 lemon

Bake the turkey on a low temperature until it gets brownish on both sides.

Cut the potatoes and steam for 15 minutes. Take them out and before serving, sprinkle a a bit salt, and ground some pepper over. Then pour some olive oil over.

Grate three beets (that small grate). When done, squeeze all the juice from your half lemon.

It is simple, rather quick and VERY delicious!

BTW, I had a huge intolerance test.
I'll let you know in some other post.
It is unbelievable!

Good night!

- 22:20 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

22.01.2009., četvrtak

Pasternak/beef stew

Today I have great lunch! I have cooked it yesterday evening.

Just to let you know what I do:
Lately I started adding a piece of beef when cooking my chicken soup; so there is a piece of beef and chicken in my soup (beef gives that special, additional taste).

This same piece of beef I used when making three soup batches, so I have decided that it might be time to finally finish it off, and buy new one if I want new soup.

Ok, now you know the background story.
1 onion, thinly sliced
200gr beef
1 small carrot, cubed
2 pasternaks, cubed
2 spoons oil
salt, pepper, dry chopped coriander
red pepper (paprika) powder
arrowroot powder
approx 1.5l water

Put 2 spoons oil in the pan. Heat it up. Add onion. Stir and fry until the onion gets all soft and yellowish.
Add meat and continue frying. Stir for 5 minutes.
Then add the cubes, and keep on stirring for another 10 minutes.
Add one tea spoon red pepper (paprika) powder, and let it fry for 30 seconds, then add some water (0.5l), let it simmer for a while.
When water evaporates, add two teaspoons of arrowroot powder (this is added to make the stew thicker).
Add salt and pepper to your taste.
Then add the rest of the water and let it simmer for another 15-25 minutes, depending how thick you want it.
Before taking off the heat, sprinkle coriander, and stir it in the stew.

I am going to eat it with bread.

Desert: rice cookies with some jam.
- 12:42 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

21.01.2009., srijeda

New year - old resolution

Today I have finally started cooking again.
And I wouldn't have done that if a friend hasn't asked me to have a lunch together today. We already had fish soup, so we decided to cook own lunches.
Then later on, I've been told that she can't make it, can't cook for herself, so I made it all double. :)

In the meantime I have eaten quite badly, well... not THAT bad.
As I was sick for a while, the chicken soup was a must.
Plus, it's a great thing when there is something warm to eat in the evening, especially if the lunch has been skipped (like yesterday, lol. I've finally eaten my warm, delicious clear chicken soup at 22.00h!)

Please don't judge me.
I have eaten a chocolate! It wasn't the milk chocolate. It was made with cacao, but with plenty of soy!
I know I shouldn't have.
And I already feel the consequences.
My face eaches and in a day or two it'll start peeling off, and my poor hands already suffer (skin got rougher).
I am not a happy person. But at that moment, I really was so unhappy, and happy with that chocolate.
Although... I think I will try to make something myself.
I'll let you know about my experiments, lol.
On a positive side, I have stopped stuffing myself when unhappy. This is the first time in 10 months I've done that!
Although the chocolate was good and I enjoyed it, I didn't enjoy the "punishing treatment", lol.

Today, I had my (spelt) porridge, with goji berries, hazelnuts and papaya.

And for lunch:
Steamed cod fillet, oven baked potatoes, steamed sweet potato, and seaweed salad.

Place approx 50ml water in the frying pan, add some oil.
When it starts boiling, put the fish in. Ground some salt/pepper on the top.
Sprinkle with rosemary or any herb that you like (I use already prepared mixture called provancalse kruiden - oregano, thyme, rosemary, and something else). Squeeze a half lemon, approx 2 soup spoons of lemon juice.

Wash and scrub potatoes. Half them. Put in the oven on 225C for 30 minutes.

Steamed sweet potato:
Take a bigger potato. Wash and scrub it well, cut in small cubes and let it steam for 10 minutes.
When serving, generously sprinkle coriander over.

Seaweed salad:
Take as much wakame seaweed as you want. I took approx 30gr.
Cut the seaweed in short stripes, 2-4cm long.
Soak it firstly.
Boil water and pour over the algae. Soak for 5 minutes.
After soaking, I cooked them a bit, 5 minutes.
Let it cool down.
In the mean time fry sesame seeds on a dry frying pan.
Sprinkle the sesame seeds, salt, pepper. Season with oil and lemon juice, mix it all well and that's it.
- 10:38 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

09.01.2009., petak


Hiya all!
"Finland, Finland, Finland!
The country where I quite want to be
Eating breakfast or dinner
Or just watching tv."
by good old Monthy Phytons

I'm not writing as I am in Finland at the mo (although still cooking sretan).
Everything going right, this post should come with photo's and a small story.
Kiitos for your attention! belj

- 14:29 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

01.01.2009., četvrtak

Sretna Nova 2009 godina!

Happy New Year!
Gelukkig nieuw jaar!

Ok, I admit. This post is not about the food. But I couldn't resist it anyway, lol.
I still HAVE to describe my New Year's Eve. It's a must.

On New Year's Eve, it was VERY cold -5° C.
But, when I have bought my little black dress, I KNEW I was going to wear it on New Year's Eve, lol.
And I looked good, no false modesty.
You can all ask my sister, my Mum and my friends, lol. A bit too much black, though.

I've asked a friend if there were any parties where I can dance and sing and then at midnight go around and congratulate New Year to full strangers, kissing and laughing and having fun.
And there was one!
There was a Novi val (new wave) party in Zagreb, in “Tvornica” hall/stage.
In the mean time, my other friend has decided to join us, and brought along a friend, too.
The more, the merrier, lol!
Well, I am glad to inform you that I was late. 10 minutes, and ABSOLUTELY not my fault.
The bus chauffeur was sooooo slow. There was NO ONE on the street, and he was still driving like an old grandma (well, like me, actually).
My friend picked me up from the station and by tram we went to Tvornica, where luckily, the other friend was already queuing to enter.
And then we all entered.

What can I say?
That was the best ending of this year!
From the moment we entered the hall (around 22.45h), I haven't stopped dancing.
And have I mentioned that I was wearing my comfy high hills, lol? I danced until 04.15h!
And I sang! Hey, I sang!!
The music was all from the 70's/80s/90's, the times when the radio was always on, when watching TV was a big thing and there were no video clips (well, not as they're today with half naked women shaking their tush right above the camera).
Hey, I never knew I know and still remember the lyrics I heard as 6 year old (Pusti pusti modu – Colic), or music I listened as a teenager. Or that I have even collected, memorised so many ex-Yu songs.
It was a pleasant surprise.
At midnight I've done just what I wanted: I hugged and kissed and wished a happy new year.
And then in the end of the year, I danced with a very good dancer! There was a group of 5 guys, and one of them was trying to get girls to do some style dancing with him. But the girls were not interested at all.
Well, guess who likes style dancing? :D
So, I asked for dance, and we did. No, it didn't go easy, as I haven't done it for ages. But in the end, it smoothed.

And the last song before fajrunt?
“Kad Hodas” by Bajaga, but this was Riblja Corba version (I guess, Bajaga was still with them)
Oh, boy...
Could it be better New Year Eve?
I was with my friends, listening to the music I grew up with, giving it all out, singing with all my might, shouting and dancing and laughing.

And the end of a great evening?
Well, I chatted with great people, wished them happy New Year, one bouncer made me a very happy girl, by simply being himself. :D
And when I came out, it was snowing.
A new beginning.

My dear friends, I wish you a happy and prosperous Year 2009!
- 11:23 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

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