Pomalo od svega

21.01.2009., srijeda

New year - old resolution

Today I have finally started cooking again.
And I wouldn't have done that if a friend hasn't asked me to have a lunch together today. We already had fish soup, so we decided to cook own lunches.
Then later on, I've been told that she can't make it, can't cook for herself, so I made it all double. :)

In the meantime I have eaten quite badly, well... not THAT bad.
As I was sick for a while, the chicken soup was a must.
Plus, it's a great thing when there is something warm to eat in the evening, especially if the lunch has been skipped (like yesterday, lol. I've finally eaten my warm, delicious clear chicken soup at 22.00h!)

Please don't judge me.
I have eaten a chocolate! It wasn't the milk chocolate. It was made with cacao, but with plenty of soy!
I know I shouldn't have.
And I already feel the consequences.
My face eaches and in a day or two it'll start peeling off, and my poor hands already suffer (skin got rougher).
I am not a happy person. But at that moment, I really was so unhappy, and happy with that chocolate.
Although... I think I will try to make something myself.
I'll let you know about my experiments, lol.
On a positive side, I have stopped stuffing myself when unhappy. This is the first time in 10 months I've done that!
Although the chocolate was good and I enjoyed it, I didn't enjoy the "punishing treatment", lol.

Today, I had my (spelt) porridge, with goji berries, hazelnuts and papaya.

And for lunch:
Steamed cod fillet, oven baked potatoes, steamed sweet potato, and seaweed salad.

Place approx 50ml water in the frying pan, add some oil.
When it starts boiling, put the fish in. Ground some salt/pepper on the top.
Sprinkle with rosemary or any herb that you like (I use already prepared mixture called provancalse kruiden - oregano, thyme, rosemary, and something else). Squeeze a half lemon, approx 2 soup spoons of lemon juice.

Wash and scrub potatoes. Half them. Put in the oven on 225C for 30 minutes.

Steamed sweet potato:
Take a bigger potato. Wash and scrub it well, cut in small cubes and let it steam for 10 minutes.
When serving, generously sprinkle coriander over.

Seaweed salad:
Take as much wakame seaweed as you want. I took approx 30gr.
Cut the seaweed in short stripes, 2-4cm long.
Soak it firstly.
Boil water and pour over the algae. Soak for 5 minutes.
After soaking, I cooked them a bit, 5 minutes.
Let it cool down.
In the mean time fry sesame seeds on a dry frying pan.
Sprinkle the sesame seeds, salt, pepper. Season with oil and lemon juice, mix it all well and that's it.
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