Ptitchitza u niskom letu

srijeda, 21.03.2007.

Lajf izgud

Cak mi u horoskopu pise:

Stress is not always a bad thing -- in fact, it can bring out the best in you.
Some people look at the big picture and immediately think a situation's hopeless. You, instead, realize what the end game is, figure out what's needed to get there and tackle issues one by one.
It's not the most comfortable sensation in the world, but tension is not always a bad thing -- in fact, it can often bring out the best in you. A stressful situation can give your creativity and intelligence a terrifically satisfying jolt. So stop seeking out people who are completely compatible with you. If you surround yourself with only like-minded thinkers, your own mind soul will no longer be challenged -- and they will no longer grow.
Daily Flirt:
You're determined to help people, especially where the environment is concerned. You can set an example for others, whether it's through giving money, time or your organizational skills. You can lead the way.
Daily Couples:
You're going to want to talk about travel with Sweetie, even if you won't be able to get out of town anytime soon. Just thinking about hanging out together in foreign lands will be incredibly romantic.
Daily Singles:
That practical brain of yours is coupled with some extra emotional wisdom now. Between your mind and your heart, you're able to perceive things about yourself and others that you've missed until now.
A wise perspective will put you in the mood for unusual assignments and conferences in exotic locales. If you're stuck in the office, keep your head out of the clouds by adhering to a strict schedule of concrete tasks.

A continuous dialogue
This influence is a powerful stimulus to the mind and to all kinds of communication and interchange with others. You will be engaged in an almost continuous dialogue with others today, which should tell you exactly how you stand with respect to them and how they are reacting to you. It is extremely important that you be receptive to anything that is presented to you. If your thinking is dominated by concern with yourself and your own position, to the point that you cannot hear what anyone else is saying, this is likely to be a day of argument and unconstructive dispute. But if you are receptive, you will be able to learn much. At the same time you can promote your own ideas by making it clear to others that your ideas are not a threat to theirs and that you are willing to work with them as a team.

Dobio sam danas veliko priznanje, potpuno neocekivano i nevezano za ista direktno vezano za posao koji obavljam ali od drugog covjeka u Instituciji (prvi = predsjednik, drugi = tajnik). Organiziram projekciju jednog fascinantnog filma, dobio sam dozvolu od rezisera i kompozitora, film se zove Decasia i posvetit cu mu cijeli post drugom prilikom. Da se niz tako vaznih ljudi pokrenuo i angazirao oko posve privatne inicijative jednog obicnog sluzbenika, wow! Ja, naravno, nisam "jedan obican sluzbenik" ali... ne bih nikada ocekivao tako jasan i bezrezervan angazman... Stvarno sam zatecen.

Moj je zivot zapravo prilicno dobar, steta kaj sam inace takav cmizdravac pa se cesce desi da zaboravim...

- 16:55 - Komentari (5) - Isprintaj - #

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  • HEINEKEN or: Is there life before death in the Netherlands?
    Ovaj je blog nastao u nesretnim vremenima kao dokument postepenog raspada zivota kakvog sam znao. U posljednje vrijeme pisem ga cesce na engleskom jer mi pomaze ako imam razloga misliti da ga mozda cita moja neprezaljena Femme Fatale.

    This blog has been created in times of a personal crisis. Mistaken is (s)he who thinks that only bad times define me; they do, however, provide a referential point in determining a personal span of happiness.

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Tresla se zemlja...

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    (Ova cijela 'arhiva' nije od davnina bila azurirana & posljedicno je sadly out-of-date... a nece biti osvjezena barem jos mjesec dana. Eto.)