The Hospital

Da.. Nije me bilo skoro pa tjedan dana.. Bijah tamo gdje stvarno nisam nikada mislila da cu provesti vise od par sati.. u bolnici.. na operaciji.. ok da bila sam samo dva i pol dana, gotovo tri, nije to bio neki jaki operativni zahvat, artroskopija na koljenu naravno, sada imam pet dana mirovanja.. i dvanaest dana sa savovima.. i dvadeset dana do kontrole..
prvi dan je bio definitivni stres, jos je gore bilo to sto sam bila s nekom koma bakicom u sobi koja misli da je kraljica svih bolnickih djelatnika..uf.. operacija je bila na valentinovo.. s obzirom na to da me ljube cekao cijela cetiri sata dok sam bila u operacionoj sali i jos dosao u osam ujutro i ostao do osam navecer, bilo mi je uistinu lijepo valentinovo. ok, osim onoga kada su mi skucali inekciju s anestezijom u kraljeznicu i kada su mi stavili infuziju u ruku, a da ne spominjem to da su mi dva puta davali sredstvo za smirenje. jer po rijecima anesteziologice sredstvo koje se daje u tu rupicu s infuzijom djeluje gotovo kao par casa bijeloga vina- koje na mene ne djeluju.. bila sam previse nemirna jer sam htjela izaci otamo a umjesto toga su me jos vise zadrzali.. znaci, cijelo valentinovo sam skoro bila nadrogirana, od 5.30 ujutro kada su mi dali tabletu da se osjecam malo viju gdje sam jedva dosetala do wc-a .. neki feeling -i napusen i pijan..
ali ok..evo sada se tu jedva povlacim po kuci sa zavojima i ledenom kompresom..
Ali.brzo ce i to proci, kada budem mogla ponovno normalno mogla sjediti,spavati,hodati po stepkama...ah..sweet memories.. :)

Ali ono sto sam zaista htjela ..reci.. jest to da iako sam valentinovo dozivjela omamljena.tabletama,3 bocama infuzije,anestezijom bez osjeta donjeg dijela tijela (tko zna sto su doktori radili iza one pregradice...) je bilo neusporedivo s tim samime sto je moj dragi (nemam neki drugi pseudonim za njega pa cu tako ga oslovljavati) 12 sati proveo samnom,unatoc mom iscrpljenom stanju i pomalo nesvjesnom ponasanju i radnjama.. gdje mio je pokazao, za razliku od sestara u bolnici koje misle da ljubav vise ne postoji..
ima je jos, cak i onda kada mislis da nece biti tu jer mra biti u skoli ispravljat komade, on provede cijeli dan s tobom, ima kuci sranja i stedi pare kako bi se sjetio onoga sto ti volis i godisnjice..
mozda je ipak ova operacija dosla u dobro vrijeme da se vidi da valentinovo ipak moze nesto znaciti..

18.02.2006. u 15:51 | 4 Komentara | Print | # | ^

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Komentari da/ne?
Posljednji pozdrav
Ona s Krka
Samo za odrasle
Bar se trudi,priznajte
vjetrom nosena
mladi pisac u usponu..

Savršenstvo postoji, ali samo onda kada ti to prihvatiš sebi savršenim; ne traži nedostatke onome što ih nema.


I'd like to close my eyes, go numb
but there's a cold wind coming from
the top of the highest high-rise today.
It's not a breeze 'cause it blows hard.
Yes and it wants me to discard the humanity I know,
watch the warmth blow away.

So don't let the world bring you down.
Not everyone here is that fucked up and cold.
Remember why you came and while you're alive
experience the warmth before you grow old.

So do you think I should adhere to that pressing new frontier?
And leave in my wake a trail of fear?
Or should I hold my head up high
and throw a wrench in spokes by
leaving the air behind me clear?

So don't let the world bring you down.
Not everyone here is that fucked up and cold
Remember why you came and while you're alive
experience the warmth before you go.

So don't let the world bring you down.
Not everyone here is that fucked up and cold.
Remember why you came and while you're alive
experience the warmth before you grow old.

Before you grow old.
Where did it go?

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In my hour of need
On a sea of gray
On my knees I pray to you
Help me find the dawn

Won't you light my way
Won't you light my way

A bullet is a man
From time to time he strays
I compare my life to this
To this I relate
And I'm willing
To listen to your answers
And I'm not ashamed
To tell you I need you today

Won't you light my way
Won't you light my way

So when I'm lost
Or I'm tired and depraved
Or when my high bullet mind
Goes astray won't you light my way

I've been watching
While you've been coughing
I've been drinking life
While you've been nauseous
And so I drink to health
While you kill yourself
And I've got just one thing
That I can offer

Go on and save yourself

And with the early dawn
Moving right along
I couldn't buy an eyeful of sleep
And in the aching night under satellites
I was not received
Built with stolen parts
A telephone in my heart
Someone get me a priest
To put my mind to bed
This ringing in my head
Is this a cure or is this a disease

Nail in my hand
From my creator
You gave me life
Now show me how to live

And in the after birth
On the quiet earth
Let the stains remind you
You thought you made a man
You better think again
Before my role defines you

Nail in my hand
From my creator
You gave me life
Now show me how to live

And in your waiting hands
I will land
And roll out of my skin
And in your final hours I will stand
Ready to begin
And take it out on me

I'm not a martyr
I'm not a prophet
And I won't preach to you
But here's a caution
You better understand
That I won't hold your hand
But if it helps you mend
Then I won't stop it

Go on and save yourself
And take it out on me

Drown if you want
And I'll see you at the bottom
Where you'll crawl on my skin
And put the blame on me
So you don't feel a thing

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Slusa se : Incubus Audioslave A Perfect Circle Blink 182 Box Car Racer Angels And Airwawes Guzva u 16-ercu Pasi Debeli Predcjednik Mikrofonija Urban Laufer Foo Fighters Pennywise Rancid Ramones Depeche Mode The Reel Big Fish Pink Floyd Soundgarden Pearl Jam Prodigy
Cita se : Jerome D. Salinger Goethe Dostojevski Tolstoj Whitman Kamov E.A.Poe A.G.Matos J.R.R.Tolkien Dickens