We convince ourselves that our lives will be better when we get married, we have a child, then another child. Then we get frustrated when we see that kids they are not old enough and we think we will be more satisfied when they grow up a little more. We are again frustrated by the fact that we have the teenagers we need to live with. We certainly will be happier when that phase passes them by. We tell ourselves that our lives will be more complete when our spouse becomes better organized, when we get a nice car, when we are able to leave on a nice trip, or when we retire. The only truth is that there is no better time for happiness of this present. If not now, when? Your life will always be filled with challenges. You better accept that and decide to and besides, you will be happy. Happiness is the only right path. Therefore, appreciate every moment you have, and appreciate it even more when you share it with someone special, enough special to spend time with him. Remember that TIME IS NOT WAITING FOR ANYONE. So stop waiting: Until you pay off the car or the house Until you get a new car or house Until your kids leave the house Until you go back to school Until you finish school Until you gain 10 kg Until you lose 10 kg Until you get married Until you have children Until you retire Until spring Until summer Until the fall Until winter Until you die There is no better time for happiness than the present. Happiness is a journey, not a destination. So, work like you don't need money He loves like you've never been hurt And dance like no one is watching you. William Gorsuch, Jr. |