1. In one church, in a place where there was a great drought, the pastor called the inhabitants to a prayer for rain. The whole village came. Although it was sunny, one boy brought an umbrella. It is faith. 2. When you throw children in the air, they laugh because they believe you will catch them. It's trust. 3. Every night we go to bed without any certainty that we will wake up alive in the morning, but we set the alarm clock. That is hope. 4. We have big plans for tomorrow, even though we know nothing about the future. It is self-confidence. 5. We observe how difficult it is to live today, and yet we get married and have children. This is Love. 6. An old woman was wearing a T-shirt with the inscription - I am 80 years old, I am a cute sixteen-year-old with 64 years of experience. It is a personal attitude. Remember - good friends are rare pearls of life, they are hard to find and cannot be replaced. But also, they are just people so let’s have an understanding for their mistakes as well. Have a nice day! |