etvrtak, 31.01.2008.

According to the Plymouth was totally rusted.  The key was rusted in the ignition and the entire inside including the gas tank was rusted out.  I figured this was going to be the result after reading they found a lot of water in the vault. Oh well, it was still a cool idea kjrh would make an fiction story.  Im sure there are a lot of disappointed people in Tulsa right now.,,, kotv, kjrh

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- 22:35 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

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sam lutfi

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Popular topics today: karam gaber ibrahim, robyn o neil, kmov, courtney oliver, nicky barnes, parallelogram, ksdk, .00001 newton s, heath ledger party video, yucko the clown,

- 21:58 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

tulsa weather

tulsa weather

I randomly found this on YouTube.

hmm.. umm.. well.. ok then.

tulsa news, weather, oklahoma city weather, channel 2 tulsa, oklahoma weather

Popular topics today: courtney oliver, yucko the clown, amber room, .00001 newton s, 10 year old vet, nicky barnes, cindy adams, corri fetman, national wear red day, kmov,

- 20:35 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

subota, 26.01.2008.

jim zorn

jim zorn

This is a little snippet from Pro Football Weekly. The writer asked Frank Gore about how he felt with the thought of losing Turner. This was around Super Bowl week. Now I wonder how Gore feels now since Turner bolted.

Gore didn’t have to say much to convince me that he considered that prospect a crushing blow; the genuine tears that began welling up in the second-year back’s eyes spoke volumes.

I hope youre happy Norv. 


Popular topics today: nicholas braun, hooters casino, garth brooks, minutemen, smartest man in america, who s on first, the longest yard, gramophone, highest grossing nc 17 movie,, buynowbe

- 06:38 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

nedjelja, 20.01.2008.

south carolina primary results

south carolina primary results

Popular topics today: dave ressler, runaway jury, suzanne pleshette, jaslyn hewitt, east west shrine game, south carolina primary results, nevada caucus results, nevada caucus, ron pratt, lane frost, buynowbe

- 10:39 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

irish twins

irish twins

Popular topics today: dave ressler, runaway jury, suzanne pleshette, jaslyn hewitt, east west shrine game, south carolina primary results, nevada caucus results, nevada caucus, ron pratt, lane frost, buynowbe

- 09:35 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

tamala jones

tamala jones

Se acabó lo que se daba, amigos. Septiembre ya está aquí, lo que significa que muchos tienen que volver al tajo tamala jones no pueden aplazar por más tiempo el estudio de esa tediosa asignatura que se quedó pendiente& Pero no todo son malas noticias. Kubrick nos da una de cal y otra de arena, así que hoy también es viernes, día de estrenos. Y lo que es mejor, hoy se estrena Death Proof, la nueva película de Quentin Tarantino y pareja, junto con Planet Terror, de la masacrada Grindhouse. Los fans del Gran Hombre estamos de enhorabuena, pero si no eres muy simpatizante de su cine, también tenemos otras propuestas interesantes. empezar, Imanol Uribe vuelve a la dirección con La Carta Esférica, adaptación de la entretenidísima novela de Arturo Pérez-Reverte, un thriller protagonizado por Carmelo Gómez y Aitana Sánchez-Gijón; y  si tamala jones tuyo es pasarlo mal (o pasarlo bien viendo como otros lo pasan mal) también nos llega Wolf Creek, una cinta que apuesta por el terror realista y que viene precedida por más de crítica positiva.

Bueno, hay más estrenos y todos están al alcance de un clic. Mirad, comparad, elegid y ya  me contaréis.

amor-y-otros-desastres-poster-estrenos-semana-cinefagos.jpgTítulo: AMOR Y OTROS DESASTRES
Título original: Love and other disasters
Dirección y Guión: Alek Keshishian
País: Francia y Reino Unido.
Año: 2007.
Duración: 90 min.
Género: Comedia romántica.
Interpretación: Brittany Murphy (Emily Jacks Jackson), Matthew Rhys (Peter Simon), Catherine Tate (Tallulah Riggs-Wentworth), Santiago Cabrera (Paolo Sarmiento), Elliot Cowan (James Wildstone), Beacham (Felicity Riggs-Wentworth), Jamie Sives (Finlay McMillian), Will Keen (David Williams), Michael Lerner (Marvin Berstein), Dawn French (psicoanalista).
Música: Alexandre Azaria.
Fotografía: Pierre Morel
Sinopsis: Emily Jackson (Brittany Murphy), Jacks para los íntimos, se ha convertido en la consejera sentimental de su grupo de amigos: Peter (Matthew Rhys), su compañero de piso homosexual, y Tallulah (Catherine Tate), una neurótica devoradora de hombres. Pero, ¿sabrá Jacks reconocer su gran amor el día en que éste llame a su puerta? Románticos y exigentes, todos sueñan con la perfecta historia de amor, como en las películas. Pero, por el momento, su vida sentimental tamala jones ser calificada como un verdadero desastre.

chanson-damour-poster-estrenos-semana-cinefagos.jpgTítulo: CHANSON DAMOUR
Título original: Quand jétais chanteur
Dirección y guión: Xavier Giannoli
País: Francia
Año: 2007.
Duración: 112 min.
Género: Drama romántico, Musical
Interpretación: Gérard Depardieu (Alain Moreau), Cécile tamala jones France (Marion), Mathieu Amalric (Bruno), Christine Citti (Michèle), Patrick Pineau (Daniel), Alain Chanone (Philippe Mariani).
Música: Alexandre Desplat.
Fotografía: tamala jones Le Saux
Sinopsis: Alain (Gérard Depardieu), un cantante de salas de fiesta, conoce a Marion (Cécile de France), una joven a la que dobla la edad. A pesar de la química que hay entre los dos desde el primer momento, ambos son conscientes de que su historia de amor es imposible.

frauelin-poster-estrenos-semana-cinefagos.jpgTítulo: FRAULEIN
Dirección:Andrea Štaka
Guión: Andrea Štaka; con la colaboración de Barbara Albert y Marie Kreutzer.
País: Suiza y Alemania
Año: 2007.
Duración: 81 min.
Género: Drama
Interpretación: Mirjana Karanović (Ruža), Marija Škaričić (Ana), Ljubica Jović (Mila), Andrea Zogg (Franz), Zdenko Jelčić (Ante), Pablo Aguilar (Fredi), David Imhoof (Stefan), Vera Bommer (Sheila), Robin Rehmann (Momo), Sanja Ristic (Vera).
Música: Peter Von Siebenthal, Till Wyler y Daniel Jakob.
Fotografía: Igor Martinović
Sinopsis: Cuando era joven, Ruža (Mirjana Karanović) dejó Belgrado y se mudó a Suiza con la esperanza de emprender allí una nueva vida. Veinticinco años todo parece indicar que ha cumplido sus objetivos: es dueña de un comedor en Zurich que regenta con mano firme y buenos resultados económicos. Ruža está muy apegada a su rutina diaria, estructurada meticulosamente, pero su ordenado mundo da un vuelco cuando entra tamala jones escena Anna (Marija Škaričić), una joven de veintidós años procedente de Sarajevo. Ruža se siente amenazada por la conducta impulsiva de la joven, aunque también experimenta el magnetismo de su gran energía vital. Poco a poco va creciendo la amistad entre estas dos mujeres que, sin embargo, no consiguen salvar la doble barrera que las tamala jones el temor que siente Ruža tamala jones hora de abrirse por completo a los demás y un secreto inconfesable de />

Dirección: Imanol Uribe.
Guión: Imanol Uribe; basado en la novela de Arturo Pérez-Reverte.
País: España.
Año: 2007.
Duración: 100 min.
Género: Thriller.
Interpretación: Carmelo Gómez (Coy), Aitana Sánchez-Gijón (Tánger Soto), Enrico Lo Verso (Nino Palermo), Javier García Gallego (El Piloto), Gonzalo Cunill (Horacio Kiskoros), Lucina Gil (Rocío Gamboa), Carlos Kaniowsky (Perona).
Música: tamala jones Mendizábal.
Fotografía: Javier Aguirresarobe.
Sinopsis:Coy (Carmelo Gómez), un marinero desterrado del mar por un accidente de navegación ocurrido durante su guardia, conoce en Barcelona, en una subasta de objetos navales, a una mujer atractiva y misteriosa, Tánger (Aitana Sánchez-Gijón), que en pugna con un aventurero italiano, Nino Palermo tamala jones Lo Verso), hacerse con una joya cartográfica: el Atlas Marítimo de Urrutia. Un cuarto personaje aparecerá aquí también en escena, Horacio Kiskoros (Gonzalo Cunill), un argentino de oscuro pasado que utiliza métodos mucho más expeditivos para conseguir lo que persigue. Coy irá descubriendo poco a poco que estos tres personajes tienen un objetivo común: el Dei Gloria, un bergantín hundido cerca de las costas de Cartagena hace ya tres siglos y que transportaba un misterioso tesoro relacionado con la expulsión de los jesuitas de España.
doraemon-poster-estrenos-cinefagos.jpgTítulo: DORAEMON Y EL PEQUEÑO DINOSAURIO
Título original: Doraemon: Nobita no kyôryû
Dirección:Ayumu Watanabe
Guión: Ayumu Watanabe y Kouzou Kusube; basado en un argumento de Fujiko F. Fujio
País: Japón
Año: 2006.
Duración: 100 tamala jones />Género: Animación.
Música: Kan Sawada.
Fotografía: Masahiro Kumagaya
Sinopsis:S¡Ojalá encontrara un fósil de dinosaurio!”, piensa el soñador Nobita. El resto de la pandilla se lo toma a broma, pero Nobita pone todo su empeño en esta nueva misión para cerrar la boca a sus amigos. Lo más sorprendente es que, en su primera excavación, da con un huevo que bien podría ser de un animal prehistórico. Ayudado por Doraemon, Nobita consigue que del huevo nazca un ejemplar de futabasauro, una especie autóctona de Japón, al que bautizan como Pisuke. De la noche a la mañana, Pisuke atrae la atención del barrio y de los medios de comunicación, de modo que tamala jones y Nobita deciden que lo más sensato es devolverlo a su hábitat prehistórico mediante la siempre útil máquina del tiempo. Pero no todo resulta tan sencillo como habían planeado. La irrupción de unos cazadores de dinosaurios sin escrúpulos complica el plan.

flipado-sobre-ruedas-poster-estrenos-cinefagos.jpgTítulo: FLIPADO SOBRE RUEDAS
Dirección: Akiva Schaffer
Guión: Pam Brady.
País: USA
Año: 2007
Duración: 88 min.
Género: Comedia
Interpretación: Andy Samberg (Rod Kimble), Isla Fisher (Denise), Jorma Taccone (Kevin Powell), Bill Hader (Dave), Danny McBride (Rico), Sissy Spacek (Marie Powell), Ian McShane (Frank Powell), Chris Parnell (Barry Pasternack).
Música: Trevor Rabin.
Fotografía: Andrew Dunn.
Sinopsis: El autoproclamado especialista Rod Kimble (Andy Samberg) prepara el salto de su vida. Rod quiere saltar por encima de quince autobuses para obtener fondos para pagar la operación de corazón de Frank (Ian McShane), su insoportable y grosero padrastro. El salto será un éxito, Frank se pondrá bien y Rod por fin se enfrentará a él.

daddy-day-camp-poster-estrenos-cinefagos.jpgTítulo: PAPÁ 2
Título original: Daddy Day Camp
Dirección: Fred Savage.
Guión: Geoff Rodkey, J. David Stem y David N. Weiss; basado en un argumento de Geoff Rodkey, Joel Cohen y Alec Sokolow.
País: USA.
Año: 2007.
Duración: 95 min.
Género: Comedia.
Interpretación: Cuba Gooding Jr. (Charlie Hinton), Lochlyn Munro (Lance Warner), Richard Gant (Buck), Tamala Jones (Kim Hinton), Paul Rae (Phil Ryerson), Brian Doyle-Murray (tío Morty), McLerran (Dale), Spencir Bridges (Ben Hinton).
Música: James Dooley.
Fotografía: Geno Salvatori
Sinopsis: Esta secuela de Papá Canguro presenta a los papás Charlie Hinton (Cuba Gooding Jr.) y Phil Ryerson (Paul Rae) en otra aventura en la que la dirección de tamala jones campamento de verano. Con total desconocimiento de los grandes espacios abiertos, unas instalaciones destrozadas, y un variopinto grupo de campistas, no pasa mucho tiempo hasta que las cosas escapan al control. Frente a las amenazas de cierre y el descenso de inscripciones, Charlie llama a su padre, Buck Hinton (Richard Gant), de quien está distanciado, para que le ayude a montar el campamento.

wolf-creek-poster-estrenos-semana-cinefagos.jpgTítulo: WOLF CREEK
Dirección y guión: Greg McLean.
País: Australia.
Año: 2005.
Duración: 99 min.
Género: Terror.
Interpretación: John Jarratt (Mick Taylor), Cassandra Magrath (Liz Hunter), Kestie Morassi (Kristy Earl), Nathan Phillips (Ben tamala jones Andy McPhee (Barry), Phil Stevenson (mecánico).
Producción: Greg McLean y David Lightfoot.
Música: François Tétaz.
Fotografía: Will Gibson.
Sinopsis:Kristy Earl (Kestie Morassi), Ben Mitchell (Nathan Phillips) y Liz Hunter (Cassandra Magrath) son tres jóvenes excursionistas que se adentran en el Parque Nacional de Wolf Creek en Australia. Los problemas empiezan cuando su automóvil no arranca. Mientras buscan ayuda, se cruzan con Mick Taylor (John Jarratt), un agradable habitante de la zona que les promete reparar su coche. Los jóvenes acceden a acompañarle a su campamento, sin saber que su viaje se convertirá en una encrucijada mortal.

secretos-cantados-poster-estrenos-cinefagos.jpgTítulo: SECRETOS CANTADOS
Título original: Le héros de la famille
Dirección: Thierry Klifa.
Países: Francia.
Año: 2006.
Duración: 102 min.
Género: Drama.
Interpretación: Gérard Lanvin (Nicky Guazzini), Catherine tamala jones (Alice Mirmont), Emmanuelle Béart (Léa OConnor), Miou-Miou (Simone Garcia), Géraldine Pailhas (Marianne Bensalem), Michaël Cohen (Nino Bensalem), Claude Brasseur (Gabriel Stern), Valérie Lemercier (Pamela), Pierrick Lilliu (Fabrice), Gilles Lellouche (Jérôme).
Guión: Christopher Thompson y Thierry Klifa.
Música: David Moreau.
Fotografía: Pierre Aïm.
Sinopsis:Secretos cantados es la historia de un cabaré en Niza llamado El Loro Azul. El dueño del local, Gabriel (Claude Brasseur), muere y lo deja en herencia a sus ahijados, Nino (Michaël Cohen) y Marianne (Gëraldine Pailhas), cuyo padre, Nicky Guazzini (Gérard Lanvin), es un mago que de joven fue acogido por Gabriel. Una vez que el destino del cabaré está en manos de sus hijos, Nicky empezará a descubrir quiénes son realmente.

TIERRA RECOMIENDA VER ESTA SEMANA&: Lo nuevo de Tarantino, el pedazo que nos robaron de Grindhouse

death-proof-estrenos-semana-cinefagos-poster.jpgTítulo: DEATH PROOF
Dirección y guión: Quentin Tarantino.
País: USA.
Año: 2007.
Duración: 113 min.
Género: Acción, thriller.
Interpretación: Kurt Russell (Stuntman Mike), Sydney Tamiia Poitier (Jungle Julia), Rosario Dawson (Abernathy), Vanessa Ferlito (Arlene), Jordan Ladd (Shanna), Rose McGowan (Pam), Tracie Thoms (Kim), Mary Elizabeth Winstead (Lee), Zoë Bell (Zoë), Omar Doom (Nate), Michael Bacall (Omar), Eli Roth (Dov), Quentin Tarantino (Warren), Monica Staggs (Lanna), Michael Parks (Earl).
Producción: Elizabeth Avellan, Robert Rodriguez, Erica Steinberg y Quentin Tarantino.
Fotografía: Quentin Tarantino.
Sinopsis:Stuntman Mike (Kurt Russell) es un rebelde que sólo se siente completo cuando se encuentra tras el volante de su mastodóntico coche. Juntos recorren las carreteras en busca de hermosas mujeres que se convierten en víctimas de su sed de sangre.

Fuentes: LaButaca, Yahoo
Fdo: Stan

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- 08:39 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

oregon mayor photos

oregon mayor photos

Oregon MIP laws Oregon - Labor Law Talk

Yesterday the senior class from my school and myself went to the state capitol in Oregon where we witnessed the floor session for the House of Reps.

During the session they brought up a bill, HB 2147 Click here to read, which amended the current law ORS 809.260 which is summarized to if anyone between the age of 13 and 17 (the HB 2147 amends this to 20) is caught with a minor in possession (MIP) charge or having a firearm on public grounds or a court house that their driving license is to be revoked.

Currently even if you are suspected to be drinking and are even proven to not oregon mayor photos been drinking you are still oregon mayor photos an MIP.

This is said to be for the reason that there is suspicion that you will drink.

Although this sounds like a good law the repercussions this causes are not.

In example, last year a friend of mine, age 20, was being a designated driver for his friend who was 22.

A cop pulled him over and noticed the alcohol which he had taken from his oregon mayor photos who was in the back and placed the bottle in-between the seat and the center compartment in his car.

The cop gave him an MIP for which he had to go to a AA type meeting, and had to pay a fine.

This is not what should be happening.

I am looking to find someone here who may be able to help me draft an to give to several of my state reps.

And/or senators to sponsor it.I am looking to break MIP into two oregon mayor photos Minor in Possession(MIP), and Minor in Possession by Affiliation(MIPA).

In the case of a MIP this new HB 2147 would stay the same but in the case of an MIPA the consequences should be much less.

By the way its run now, any person within the same household or area of someone that is underage and drinking can be charged with a MIP regardless weather they have been drinking or not. oregon mayor photos
says absolutely nothing about a person being charged even if the person has not been drinking because the minor MIGHT drink.

It talks about a minor in possesion of alcohol.

In your oregon mayor photos case, he was in possession of alcohol, whether he was drinking or not.

This is not an uncommon law and I don't think you will have any success in repealing it.

Sorry, but it is illegal for a minor to even HAVE alcohol.

If your friend wanted to avoid legal problems, he should have tossed the alcohol instead of stashing it in his car.
oregon mayor photos My friend oregon mayor photos this case still had his friend in the back when the cop pulled him over.

He tried to explain to the cop that he had merely the bottle from his friend to prevent his friend from drinking anymore.

The cop still gave him a ticket.

And that house bill is not what I was speaking of for the fact of getting an MIP in the case of drinking or not.

It is stated in the laws over MIP's that that even by being around it wether knowing about it or not you can get an MIP.

And I don't plan to try and repeal this house bill itself it is just another thing that oregon mayor photos happen to someone who is convicted of an MIP, it is more of an example.

I am speaking of proposing an idea to a Rep., or senator to amend the current MIP laws to split them two sections, one for if you are actually the one abusing the substance while underage and another for if you are only around the substance being abused. oregon mayor photos
oregon mayor photos Quote: My friend in this case still had his friend in the back when the cop pulled him over.

He tried to explain to the cop that he had merely taken the bottle from his friend to prevent his friend from drinking anymore.

The cop still gave him a ticket.

And that house bill is not what I was speaking of for the fact getting an MIP in the case of drinking or not.

It is stated in the laws over MIP's that that even by being around it wether knowing about it or not you can get an MIP.

And I don't plan to try and repeal this house bill itself it is just another thing that can happen to someone who is convicted of an MIP, it is of an example.

I am speaking oregon mayor photos proposing an idea to a Rep., or senator to amend the current MIP laws to split them into two sections, one for if you are actually the one abusing the substance while underage and another for if you are only around the substance being abused.

Doesn't matter. A minor CANNOT be in possession of alcohol, even if he is holding it for a friend.

That's why it is MINOR IN POSSESSION as opposed to MINOR IN CONSUMPTION.
That is the exact reason I am trying to split the laws here.

A minor in possession of alcohol should be convicted of an MIP but someone who is in this example younger should be getting punished yes but not as severly as someone who has actually been using the alcohol.

The person should be getting punished for being an enabler to the person who has been drinking, not for the reason of having the alcohol near by.

I agree that yes the person should be punished for having the alcohol near by as in having it in possession but the fact still remains that they were oregon mayor drinking the alcohol and they had proof by their friend in the back who was of age and was intoxicated at the time.

This kind of proof should be enough to get them a lesser charge of as in what I would like to accomplish as a MIPA.

This would in effect still punish the person for being near and enabling the other person to drink but would you personally rather have someone drive their friend home safely or would you rather oregon mayor photos them scared to drive with the intoxicated person in the car oregon mayor photos make the person who is drunk drive home on their own.

This in a scense could lead to even more drunk driving.

As in the instance of my friend, had he not driven his friend gotten that MIP his friend would have driven home drunk.
Okay, you are missing two key points...One, the alcohol should have been tossed instead of stashed in the car. more alcohol in anyone's possession.

Not the drunk buddy, not him.Two, the order to revoke driving priveleges can be reviewed and dismissed if it is more than 90 days after the citation and the infraction is a first offense.

I think that even you must admit that if a friend isn't drinking, then that friend won't get habitually busted for MIP.
Driving is a responsibility...

Adults can not have "Open Alcohol Containers" in their vehicles either, no matter who was drinking it or even if no one was drinking it.It's nice that your friend is driving his drunk friends safely home, but he needs to a strict rule of no illegal substances or open containers in his vehicle and stick to that rule.Since the law does not prohibit him from being in possession of an impaired minor, he is still safe to drive them home.
And I am just going to chime in on a little bit of reality here.No law maker in the country is going to take any of the teeth out of the penalties for children drinking or being in possession.

Not gonna happen.Why?

Because you can't vote.

However, your parents and other grown ups can, and they don't want you drinking.

Making the penalties LESS harsh is political suicide.They barely want you DRIVING.

This law takes both off the table.

Haven't you figured it out?The make it hard to get a license, then make you renew it a year later, and then can take it away from you until 18 for a serious infraction and THEN hike up your insurance rates so high you can't see them from here.Why?

Because every third fatality car accident is children speeding and hitting something heavy.

Usually, drinking is involved.

Not always... sometimes it is just going too fast or something...

But still.No one wants to see kids die.

Your right to drive doesn't mean diddly.
And add to the fact that there is no 'right' to drive.

It is a privelege to drive.

In order to utilize that privelege, one must show enough maturity and responsibility to obey laws.

Not picking up a bottle of alcohol if you are a minor, no what the excuse for the action, is not a hard law to adhere to.

It stands to reason that if one cannot exhert that much self control, then the person not have the maturity and self control to operate a multi ton machine that can easily turn into machine.

Popular topics today: nevada caucus results, lane frost, allan melvin, south carolina primary results, ufc 80 results, cheyenne jackson, south carolina exit polls, nevada democratic party, dean hrbacek, la caja china, buynowbe

- 00:43 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

pros vs. joes

pros vs. joes

when: Friday October 26th 11:30am-1:15pm

where: 6th Floor, World Trade Centre 9990 Jasper Avenue

details: Both amateur and professional sports are in full swing all over the Capital Region.  This lunch will offer an opportunity to learn more about recreation and how it impacts our community and dialogue with local leaders pros vs. joes young professionals. Discussion will include: Is sport - professional and amateur - only for the rich and who deserves our support and money?

Join interVivos as the Pros Vs. Joes face-off to determine brings more value to the community.  There are only a few seats left!  Please RSVP to connect[at]  Lunch will be provided.

Popular topics today: nevada caucus results, lane frost, allan melvin, south carolina primary results, ufc 80 results, cheyenne jackson, south carolina exit polls, nevada democratic party, dean hrbacek, la caja china, buynowbe

- 00:31 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

subota, 19.01.2008.

pirates online

pirates online

Popular topics today: nevada caucus, allan melvin, jaslyn hewitt, dean hrbacek, mata mata, minnie ripperton, lingerie mayor, executive decision, south carolina primary results, east west shrine game, buynowbe

- 22:29 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

oregon mayor photos

oregon mayor photos

Popular topics today: nevada caucus, allan melvin, jaslyn hewitt, dean hrbacek, mata mata, minnie ripperton, lingerie mayor, executive decision, south carolina primary results, east west shrine game, buynowbe

- 22:14 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

south carolina exit polls

south carolina exit polls

Explorer II: Falklands, South Georgia, South Shetlands & Antarctic Peninsula - Cruise Critic Message Boards

We were not able to find a review of Explorer II on the Boards, notwithstanding that it is one of the principal ships touring the Antarctic region during the Southern Hemisphere summer.

Since we have always valued the opinions we find on the Boards, we hope this posting will be of some use to those contemplating a cruise to the Antarctic.We have just completed a 15-day cruise from Ushuaia to the Falklands, South Georgia, South Shetlands and the Antarctic Peninsula aboard Explorer II.

The ship (which is re-named Alexander von Humboldt during the Northern summer, when she caters to the German/European cruise market) was built in 1989 in Ukraine as a Soviet spy ship.

She was extensively re-built in 1996 by Marrioti in Genoa, Italy (the same shipyard that built the Silversea ships, among others).

She then sailed as Minerva II for Swan Hellenic for a number of years, before present south carolina exit polls Atholl of Monaco, purchased her for expedition cruising.

She is managed by V.

Ships, which operates many other cruise ships.

Explorer II is 12,000 tonnes (gross), 135 metres long and 20 metres breadth.

She usually travels at about 14-16 knots when cruising between stops.The ship has accommodation for over 400 passengers, but she carries a maximum 199 in the Antarctic, to comply with International Association of Antarctic Tour Operators (IAATO) regulations that permit her to land passengers at all sites, except those designated as off-limits to tourists for scientific or environmental reasons.

We were looked after by a multinational crew of 195.

The very congenial and informative Captain, John Moulds, is British;

The equally personable Staff Captain, Giovanni Viasutti, is south carolina exit polls Italy;

And most of the other officers are from Eastern Europe.

The majority of the service staff are Filipino (and excellent), with European bar staff (some quite grumpy).We boarded in Ushuaia, then sailed down the beautiful Beagle Channel through open waters for a day, before reaching the capital of the Falkland Islands, Stanley.

This is a small (pop'n 2,500) town, mainly serving British military personnel, fishing fleets and tourism.

Most interesting for us was our visit to a 23,000 acre sheep farm.

We south carolina exit polls from Sydney, Australia and often visit friends with large sheep properties, so it was fascinating to compare Australian and Falklands standards and practices!

The Falklands have a bleak beauty, like the Highlands of Scotland and the inhabitants are intensely proud of their independence and British heritage.

The war with Argentina is a very recent memory and comes up frequently in conversation.

The effects of the conflict (e.g.

Landmines) are still quite visible.

Other passengers had the choice of visiting penguin colonies, nature and bird reserves, or strolling the town (which doesn't take very long!) to see the interesting Christ Church Cathedral, next to which is the enormous whale bone arch, made south carolina exit polls the jaw bones from two blue whales.

We hoped to find a lovely woollen south carolina exit polls or two, but they were not as comfortable as we hoped and the patterns were somewhat restricted to local geometric designs.The next stop, South Georgia, came after a further two days on the Scotia Sea.

This is south carolina exit polls for those anxious to see Antarctic wildlife (e.g.

Penguins, elephant and fur seals and many sea birds such as the wandering albatross;

Storm petrels and the ever-present and attractive cape petrels), spectacular scenery and whaling history.

We made five landings in Zodiacs, including one at Salisbury Plain to see the huge Penguin colony that stretches up into the hills from the beachfront.

We also landed at Elsehul, Gold Harbour (another highlight), Stromness and Grytviken (our other favourite "port" with Shackleton's burial site south carolina exit polls the justifiably famous Whaling Museum).

We were very fortunate with good weather allowing all planned landings to take place and for us take some amazing photos.

We were told that such good fortune is uncommon in South Georgia, whose weather is readily changeable.

As we had chosen this cruise specifically because it included South Georgia, we were delighted with the outcome.After a further two days at sea during which we saw many birds and some whales (during the cruise we saw Sei, Fin, Southern Rights and Humpback whales), as well as beautiful blue-ish icebergs, we made landfall at Half Moon Island in the South Shetland chain.

After spending an excellent morning there, we travelled to Deception Island, which is known for its volcanic activity and the traditional "Antarctic swim" south carolina exit polls the thermally heated waters alongside the beach.

We were told that it can be quite pleasant but for us, given the incoming icy tide diluting the warm waters, it was still darn cold, but fun!The next day we navigated to Neko Harbour, where we took our first steps on the continent of Antarctica.

It happened to be 1 January 2006, a very special way to start the New Year.

At Neko, we saw a Weddell seal and a colony of gentoo penguins, as well as kelp gulls and skuas.

During lunch, we sailed to Paradise Bay and anchored off an abandoned Argentine research station.

During a Zodiac tour, we visited the cliffside blue-eyed shag colony and saw colourful green and blue rock then proceeded through the stunning Lemaire Channel.

Even though it was cold and late at night, we stayed awake to watch the ship's progress through the narrow, ice-packed channel, which is seven miles long and only 400 feet wide at its narrowest point.

The Explorer II's lack of a forward-facing observation lounge was most acutely felt that evening, as we stood in the freezing wind above the bridge for over two hours, with fog swirling around us, trying to capture the experience on film.By the way, we found our digital camera worked much better and was easier to use under Antarctic conditions than was our film camera.

We took four gigabytes of memory and used most of it.

We had no battery problems, but make sure you take several spares and a charger.

We did not carry a laptop or card reader, but many other passengers did, notwithstanding the problems passing through airports.

We were able to view each day's photos by hooking up the south carolina exit polls cable from our camera to the TV monitor.On the final day in Antarctica, we stopped first at Petermann Island to see Adelie penguins and then at Port Lockroy, home to a fascinating historic British research station, surrounded by a colony of nesting gentoo penguins with chicks.

Port Lockroy is also known for its small gift shop and postal facilities, enabling one to send a postcard from the world's most southern post office at latitude 65 degrees south!The best was yet to come (for those of you worried about seasickness, as we were): the two-day voyage across the notorious Drake Passage back to Ushuaia.

Instead of the legendary monster waves and huge storms, our luck held and we were treated to the "Drake Lake", with smooth conditions and only 3-4 metre swells.

In fact, for the whole of our trip, the seas were generally calm and the weather, though often cloudy and sometimes snowing, was conducive to extensive tours and walks ashore.Against this background and bearing in mind that the opportunity to closely observe the wildlife and natural beauty of Antarctica was for us a once-in-a-lifetime experience, have the following comments on the cruise aspects of our trip.

We should begin by saying south carolina exit polls Explorer II's advertising (at least in Australia) bills her as one of one of the most luxurious small ships in the world.

Far from it!- The ship's interior is quite run-down, with worn furnishings and threadbare south carolina exit polls in places.- Cabins are small and utilitarian.

We were in a Suite (one of the ship's largest) that measured just 290 square feet and which, south carolina exit polls our opinion, was poorly laid out and decorated.

The furniture, linens and amenities were not luxurious.

The cabin's good features were a very comfortable queen-size bed and the balcony, which we used often for viewing and photography.

We had an excellent cabin steward from the south carolina exit polls The food, while adequate, was again not up to first class standards, as exhibited by luxury lines such as Silversea and Seabourn.

The cuisine was generally heavy and south carolina exit polls bland and typical of mass-market cruise line food, notwithstanding the small size of the ship.

Non-European dishes were infrequent and generally poor.- The complimentary wine selection was limited to mostly South American wines, which we found to be of low quality, with some notable exceptions.

The complimentary "champagne" was a sweet sparkling white burgundy.

(We discovered by accident on the last day that south carolina exit polls with high-quality food and wine had missed the ship in Ushuaia, which may explain our disappointment on this front.) Drinks are complimentary, except for premium wines, champagne and spirits.- south carolina exit polls expedition staff and naturalists were a mixed bunch.

While some were excellent, others were overbearing and arrogant, which became irritating, especially when ashore.

We had done extensive research about Antarctica south carolina exit polls its ecology prior to the trip and were generally disappointed to find that we often knew as much or more than many of the "experts" aboard.- Communication about landing logistics, procedures and rules within the expedition team and from them to the passengers was often south carolina exit polls confusing.

On many occasions, we found that we had to regroup or wait while something was clarified via walkie-talkie with the ship or the expedition leader, Suzana D'Oliveira, who persisted on running a tight programme.- We felt that the many enrichment lectures (which we had looked forward to) were often "dumbed-down" to accommodate the many passengers who appeared to know little about the trip or what they were likely to see and do.

To us, it was one of the most surprising and disappointing features of the trip that so many had come so far and paid so much for an expedition cruise that highlights learning without educating themselves at least somewhat beforehand.

We often watched the lectures on the small TV in our cabin.- The Captain was always available to answer questions and we and several other passengers enjoyed a lot of time with him and his Staff Captain.

Both are extremely enthusiastic about Antarctica and its wildlife and went out of their way to steer us to the best observation places.- Zodiac landings are quite easy and soon became routine.

The crew were excellent assisting passengers on and off.

However, we found the Zodiacs to be less suitable for sightseeing cruises along the shoreline, given that at any given time half the passengers will have their back to whatever is being pointed south carolina exit polls and discussed by the guide.

During sightseeing cruises, the smell from the aged outboard south carolina exit polls on the Zodiacs is quite nauseating.- Explorer II is a no tipping ship - officially.

Unofficially, some of the staff spend considerable effort ingratiating themselves south carolina exit polls tips by bestowing what they claim are special favours (such as reserving a certain bottle of wine or arranging seats in the dining south carolina exit polls when in fact these are normal courtesies of the ship.

The Captain, at the end of the cruise, invites passengers to contribute to the Staff Welfare Fund, which provides well-earned amenities for the crew.

We accepted his invitation, as we think most other passengers happily did.- Clothing aboard ship was very casual, with only a few male passengers wearing coats and ties at dinner;

Women wore comfortable pantsuits and skirt/sweater combinations.

There were no "formal" evenings, as is common on many other cruise ships.

For going ashore, three to four layers of material (e.g.

Silk, polypropylene, microfibre and fleece) topped off with waterproof pants and the excellent parka provided by the ship is perfectly adequate.

Air temperatures were around the freezing point and the wind chill factor was low.

The ship also provided comfortable, well-fitting Wellington boots and a useful lightweight backpack.

When going ashore you will also be required to wear a small lifejacket over your parka for the Zodiac transfer.

We spent a lot of time worrying about clothing but realised that simply following common sense is sufficient.

Make sure you take a good warm hat, a neck gaiter (rather than scarf), wraparound sunglasses and two pairs of thin gloves you can wear over each other (particularly if you are an active photographer).

There are only two ancient washing machines and driers aboard for passengers' use.

We used the laundry service instead, which was excellent and very reasonably priced (e.g.

US$2.50/shirt).The bottom line is that an Antarctic expedition (including especially South Georgia) is a wonderful experience.

It's not cheap, but if you can take the opportunity to see the animals and natural beauty, you will be well rewarded.

However, don't expect too much from the ship itself.

This cruise is all about the destination and not luxury aboard.We will try to respond to any queries posted on the Board.Gorm & Geoff
Thank you so much for writing such a comprehensive review - I've been having trouble while researching Antarctica cruises myself, and really appreciate it.

I hope you've added this to the review section of this board for everyone to enjoy.I have one question for you - did you research other ships when you were planning your trip?

We had just about narrowed it down to Explorer II, but I noticed that for the same price, Corinthian II has all suites over 235 square feet, even the lowest category.

I can't find any reviews on the food or excursions for them though.Amy
The only other ship we seriously considered was the Hanseatic.

However, they only guarantee English-speaking guides if a certain minimum south carolina exit polls of non-German book for any given voyage and we were concerned this number might not be reached.

We decided early on against of the older and / or Russian ships.

At the end of the day, itinerary is the most important consideration, we believe and would strongly encourage you to include South Georgia on your trip to Antarctica - it is very special.
Hi GormYour review was very interesting particularly because my husband and I cruised Antarctica on board Explorer II in December south carolina exit polls tried to post a review on cruisecritic but the ship did not appear on their list and I was not to submit it.

I south carolina exit polls submitted it to:

Go to Radisson and then ExplorerII).The main difference I found comparing your experience to ours was that we had the most wonderful food.

We had been on five prior cruises and were not expecting much when it came to the experience, but were pleasantly surprised.

Also, we were very happy with the knowledge demonstrated by the expedition staff (save for one member) but perhaps that does have alot to do with how much pre-cruise south carolina exit polls you have done.

My husband and I have hugely stressful jobs and work long hours so had no time to any of our own research.You echo my sentiments exactly south carolina exit polls you say that this is a wonderful experience and that it really is more about the destination than the cruise itself.

We would love to go back! south carolina exit polls
Gorm - I've eliminated the Hanseatic for the same reasons you did.

We're also not interested in the Russian south carolina exit polls at all.

I've been looking at the Corinthian south carolina exit polls mainly because the smallest cabin is 230 square feet, but I can't find out much more about it.Mercury - I believe that when Radisson charters the Explorer II they bring their own chefs and catering aboard.

That may explain the differences.I've never had such trouble selecting a cruise line/ship before.

I guess I'll just wait until the 2008 itineraries are out and see who's in the game.
Quote: Mercury - I believe that when Radisson charters the Explorer II they bring their own chefs and catering aboard.

That may explain the differences.( Partial We were on a Radisson charter south carolina exit polls II last month and had a wonderful experience.

Radisson did supply one chef, who worked with the regular chef - both were Austrians.

They did good!While our cabin was smaller than we usually have, it was quite adequate.

Explorer II can hold some 400 passengers, but capacity is limited for Antarctica - there were 167 on our voyage.Explorer II is one of the larger ships that goes to Antarctica and allows landings.

Larger is better when the seas get rough in Drake Passage, as they often do.

We had relatively smooth seas, except for one night heading back to Ushuaia.

Being a lower deck was an advantage that night.This was our 21st cruise, but first on Radisson, and we were favorably impressed.

If you have any questions please ask.
Having returned from my trip on Explorer II last week, I am happy to report that I did not encounter the south carolina exit polls problems that Gorm did.

After reading his review, I was concerned as to the condition of the ship.

Perhaps it has been refurbished since Gorm traveled.The washer and dryers in the launderette are new.

It's a bit confusing learning how to use them properly, and finding them empty is a challenge (only 2 each for 199 passengers), but they work quite well.The food was very good, and the service by most waiters was south carolina exit polls have not sailed on Seabourn or other 'high end' cruiselines, but I have been on Celebrity many times, and it's cuisine is always top south carolina exit polls truly amazed me that several waiters learned passenger's names within one day.

Explorer II has an open seating policy so you don't get the same waiter each time, but they still learned our names.

I think the most amazing one was Lito.

If I couldn't remember a passenger's name, I'd go to him and ask.

He always knew! The service at the buffet was very good, with waiters finding seats for you and carrying your plates to the table.I was in the least expensive cabin available.

That means 140 south carolina exit polls B deck, aft. Although the size is smaller than I'm used to and I had 2 port holes instead of a balcony, the cabin was actually better than I had expected.

At least my friend and I could get dressed without knocking each other over!The expedition staff on our cruise was excellent!

And I do not think they 'dumbed down' the lectures.

Pat, the geologist, talks were over my head, but that could be because geology is not an interest of mine and I have little knowledge of it to begin with.

Tim, an Antarctic historian, is an excellent story teller and his 'lectures' were well attended.

He made you truly 'feel' the tales of Shackelton, Scott and Amundsen.

Patricia, orinthologist and penguin expert was entertaining as well as informational.

It would take too long to list the others, but I can say without hesitation that I don't think we could have done better.

Ignacio Rojas, expedition leader, was great!As for clothing, it is casual, but there were 2 'formal' evenings.

However, any attire was acceptable and they tell you that in the information that is sent prior to sailing.

The only tuxedo I saw was on Jannie, the cruise director.

Otherwise the men wore everything from sweatshirts to suits, and the woman from casual slacks and blouses up to cocktail dresses.Captain Moulds could have a second career as a stand up comedian.

He was very entertaining and approachable.

An open bridge is no longer allowed due to security concerns, but did allow people on the bridge at certain times.As for tipping, it's true that all south carolina exit polls are included although you do have the option of tipping extra for extraordinary service.

I did do that for the gangway crew who literally had our lives in their hands while getting into and out of the zodiacs.

They were excellent!

And I also gave an extra tip to one of waiters who I thought went above and beyond.

As for the raffles at the end of the cruise, certainly optional.

The prizes were very nice for all 3 raffles.

I think the nicest was the map done by a crew member for the crew welfare fund.

Tickets are $10 each and our south carolina exit polls raised over $4000 for welfare fund.

I think that's a tribute to the quality of the crew and service.If anyone is thinking of going to Antarctica, you must include So.

Georgia. I knew nothing about So.

Georgia, but I had been advised to include this and I am so happy I did.

The wildlife there is better than in Antarctica.

The scenery is better in Antarctica than on So.

Georgia.This trip is by far the best experience I have ever had and south carolina exit polls not think I could ever top it.

If I could afford it, I would go back next year.

So now I'm buying one lottery ticket a week.I think that Explorer combines the best of 'big ship' and expedition cruising.

I highly recommend it.

One caution is that if you are booking on "B" deck, choose an odd number cabin.

On the even number side is where everyone lines up to board the zodiacs and south carolina polls think that could be very annoying.

I didn't hear anyone complain about it, but if you have the choice, pick odd. south carolina exit polls
Amyr - you might take a look at the Clipper Adventurer.

It is a smaller ship at 122 passengers which I prefer for expedition cruising.

I did the shorter trip last February which didn't South Georgia.

But, there is a longer trip including South Georgia mid December -

Zegrahm has leased the ship for a similar cruise mid November -

It is not a "luxury" ship but is very comfortable.

The food and service are south carolina exit polls
We're thinking about a 16 day Antarctica cruise on Explorer II.

The cabin we're looking at is on the Promenade deck.

It appears that this deck is the main observation deck for the ship.

Does anyone have experience with this?

How much time do people spend outside on the Promenade deck?

Is it crowded, is noise a problem?We really appreciated the previous postings about the ship from formerpassengers.
We are still trying to figure out which category to book.

south carolina exit polls Hi!I sailed on Explorer II last January and I can guarantee you it will be the trip your lifetime.

However, I really can't answer your question regarding noise on the Promenade deck as we were on "B" deck.The ship really isn't crowded as it's capacity when not cruising Antarctica is 400 passengers.

For Antarctica they limit passengers to 199.

Yes, people do go outside on the Promenade deck to view scenery and wildlife.

However, you will probably be out there too!

You certainly aren't going to spend much time in your cabin.The only place I wouldn't recommend a cabin would be port side of B deck.

That's where everyone lines up to get on the zodiacs.

Starboard side is fine.If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask.
Thank you for the reply that is exactly the kind of information we are interested in knowing.

Did you spend much time on south carolina exit polls promenade deck or the other decks for viewing?

Do you have any other tips about the cruise or cabin selection?
It's hard to say how much time you will spend outside.

It all depends on the weather, the whales, the penguins, and the icebergs.

We had great weather and even have pics of ourselves on deck without sweaters or jackets.

A couple of brave souls even went in the pool.

(Not me! )I guarantee you that when someone yells 'whales', EVERYONE will be running out to see them!

A lot of viewing was done from the comfort of the South Cape Bar and the Veranda Cafe.When are you planning to go and who are you booking with?

I think deciding on a cabin would be dictated by your travel budget.

The cabin we were in is only 145 sq.

Ft. But it would have cost us each thousands of dollars more to get 20 more sq.

Ft. and it wasn't worth it.

I didn't see any of the larger cabins, but we did manage to fit all our 'stuff' in the small one.

It was south carolina exit polls we did it and never bounced off each other either!To get an idea of what to expect, go the the Abercrombie and Kent website, south carolina exit polls on Antarctica, scroll about halfway down and click on 'ships log'.

It will all be from last year, but it's fun to read.Remember that every trip is different.

Landings south carolina exit polls zodiac tours are dictated the weather which can change in minutes.

But they try their best to give you as much as possible.

If the first plan doesn't work, they look for another.BTW, the food was very good and the service excellent.Again, if there are any other questions, don't hesitate to ask.

And please let me know what you decide. south carolina exit polls south carolina exit polls Thanks for your reply.

It was very south carolina exit polls looked at the A and K ships logs.

The trip sounds wonderful.
south carolina exit polls south carolina exit polls Thank you very much Gorm and Linda, for those reviews.I've booked on the Explorer II for 8-20 December this year.

Unfortunately I won't be going on the extended trip via Sth Georgia and the Falkland Islands because I'm short of time, so my cruise will just be to the Antarctic south carolina exit polls and back.For travelling alone, one of the main points of difference between Explorer and all the others, is that the single supplement I had to pay to have a cabin to myself was significantly cheaper than on any other cruises.

This may be because I booked through A & K though, rather south carolina exit polls Radisson, so I'm not sure how all that works.I'm not too concerned about the standard of food and accomodation on board, as long as it's very clean and the food is edible.

I'm also not planning to spend too much time in my cabin, unless the dreaded seasickness south carolina exit polls while crosing the Drake Passage.

Anyway I have a cabin on the A deck so if anyone wants to compare notes please let me know.

It may be small but if there's south carolina exit polls one of me in it I figure it will be OK!
Enjoy your trip! Pray for Drake's Lake!

You have to cross it twice.

I only had to do it once!

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- 22:06 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

dissociative identity disorder

dissociative identity disorder

One time, many years ago, I sat in a counselors office.  She nudged her glasses down her nose slightly, looked me straight in the eye and said, Its not possible that any one person has had all these terrible things youve told me about happen to them in one short lifetime.  Rather than working on the things you thought youd come to me for, were going to work on your problem with lying.


Every word Id told her during the three sessions was the absolute truth. Each and every one of those horrible things had happened to me.

Well, does it need to be said that I didnt go back to see her again after that?  She probably just assumed that shed called my bluff and caught me in my lies.

But the sad thing was that I hadnt lied to her.  Id come to her office seeking help because I knew I wasnt equipped to deal with the magnitude of troubles I was trying to work through, and dissociative identity disorder a trained professional to help me sort out the of my difficult young life.

I was only 22-years-old at the time.

Im now nearly 50 & dissociative identity disorder you know what?  Life just dissociative identity disorder on happening.  The issues I dealt with at the dissociative identity disorder of the disbelieving counselor were difficult, tis true, but pale in comparison to the things I deal with now.

Things like discovering after 25 years of marriage (we married when I was 19), that my husband has Dissociative Identity Disorder [DID]   it used to be called Multiple Personality Disorder.  Yep, the whole Sybil and Three Faces of Eve routine.

I found out that Id essentially been married to a mulitude for my entire adult life. 

Unbelievable, you say?  Well, I found it unbelievable dissociative identity disorder first, dissociative identity disorder it sure explained a lot, let me tell It explained the sudden changes in my husband, the memory lapses, the abuses, the kindnesses, the inconsistencies, the rages, the childlike actions, the dissociative identity disorder thinking, everything.

Golly, its been a wild ride.

But then guess what happened?  Youll never guess.  ;-)

My husband (same guy) was diagnosed at almost the same time with a fatal, degenerative brain disorder (Frontotemporal Lobe Dementia, aka FTLD) that has caused his DID to become out of control.  What used to be something that was subtle (or at least subtle to people outside our home, that is) and fairly under control, turned into something he could no longer control.  As the frontal lobe of his brain deteriorates, hes losing impulse control and losing the ability to keep himself from acting out.

For example:  If he feels the impulse to hit someone, he will.  If he feels the impulse to switch to being a young child lost in the city, he will.  If he feels an impulse to rage on the road, he will.  If he feels the impulse to toss someone across the room, he will.

Due to the severe changes and frightening diagnosis my dissociative identity disorder has undergone, it sadly became necessary to in seperate homes.

We have three children (well, theyre not really kids anymore & technically, theyre a preteen, a teen, and a young adult) still living at home.  If itd just been my husband and myself living at home, I think I might have tried to find a way to stay in dissociative identity disorder same house with him (maybe get a deadbolt on dissociative identity disorder room for myself or something).  But I was told by doctors, lawyers, social workers and counselors, that it was dissociative identity disorder for someone with my husbands two conditions (or even just one of the problems) to live in the same house with children/teens.  Itd put them at risk for mental and bodily (if not worse).

So all at once, I not only found out my husband was suffering from a serious mental illness and that he was also dying a slow death from a progressive, untreatable, incureable, degenerative brain disorder & Id also become a single parent & all in one big swoop.


Remember that counselor I mentioned earlier who insisted I was lying about my life?  Well, I suspect if shed known back then that I was married to a man with Dissociative Identity Disorder (with at least 6 different indentifiable personalities), she might have understood a little better what was happening in my life.  Many of the things that had happened were the result of various parts of dissociative identity disorder husband acting out his rages and manipulations on me.

So even though I was just one person, I was married to essentially six different dissociative identity disorder & all with a variety of ways of handling life, and only one of the parts was essentially sane.   In many ways, it was like I got to experience the married life of six abused, battered, and manipulated women in my one little life.

Well, thats a short version of some of what Ive faced over the past quarter century or dissociative identity disorder of married life.


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- 08:37 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

abierto de australia

abierto de australia

.flickr-photo { }
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originally uploaded by Poesje.

Popular topics today: kyle dunnigan, cloverfield ending, ying and yang, cloverfield 2, georgia frontiere, cloverfield sequel, gangs of new york, cloverfield after credits, cloverfield monster, out of the blue, buynowbe

- 08:34 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

boss tweed

boss tweed

A boss tweed pool carved into a commercial barge will dock in Brooklyn in two weeks, Parks Department officials said. The so-called Floating Pool Lady will dock at Pier 2 near Brooklyn Bridge Park, and will be ready for dipping as early as next summer - once permits are issued.

A floating swimming pool may soon land in New York, and that holds out a lot of promise for opening a whole new generation of recreational facilities, said Parks Commissioner Adrian Benepe, who added that floating pools are cheaper to maintain than in-ground ones.

Benepe said when the boss tweed opens, it could be docked near Greenpoint and Williamsburg or the South Bronx - all areas deprived of working swimming pools.

The seven-lane, 82-foot pool is half the size of an Olympic-sized pool, and is surrounded by mens and womens locker rooms, showers and a childrens spray pool.

If successful, the floating pool would be joined by two others, and would be free to the public during the day. In the evening, it could open up to concessionaires, Benepe said.

Neptune Foundation founder Ann Buttenwieser, a waterfront planner, said she stumbled onto the idea of a traveling swimming pool after researching New Yorks history.

In 1870, William (Boss) Tweed opened the first of would become a fleet of 15 floating baths, which drew more than 4 million people, many of them poor tenement dwellers.

That all stopped in 1915, when the Health Department discovered the pools were often filled with raw sewage.

They were placed in areas where there were no pools, but mainly idea was to open up the waterfront, said Buttenwieser, who said she began working on the idea nearly three decades ago. Now were reviving the idea.


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- 06:37 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

free fico score

free fico score

Today I transferred $2330 of my bofa cc (credit card) with a rate of 16.24% which was costing me $115/mo ($1,390/yr) because the balance was around $8500.  So now after transferring to my wamu cc with free fico score til 10/08, with a $70 transfer fee, my bofa payments dropped to $85/mo ($1010/yr) in finance charges.  I just applied for a second wamu card yesterday to get some more low balance transfer rates.  I’m kinda going crazy with it right now, and think I’ve gone over my 5-6 credit cards you should have.

Now, should I pay the minimum on balance transfers and try and be a financial chess master and change it to another 0% offer in October or should I just try and pay it down? think I’m leaning towards keeping the balances and keeping the stocks in my trading account as they’re doing pretty good. Interest rate is my deciding factor.  I’m paying 0% in APR and I’m getting a free fico score interest rate.  Actually, just by leaving money in my wamu savings at 4.75% will be a better bet than paying off the cards as long as I don’t miss payments.


1) I have to set a reminder in my yahoo calendar for the 0% rate expiration in Oct 08 - actually I set it for August 15th so it will give me free fico score leeway as these applications take about a month to go through

2) I have to set up an autopayment of the minimum from  my checking account to this new card so I don’t lose the 0% rate as I have so frequently done so in the past.  I the $9K at 3.99% for the life of the debt, but had some overdrafts from my checking (read 1st blog).  Couldnt find a due date or a minimum amount due in the wamu cc.

3) I set email reminders through the wamu cc site on the account itself for the following:
Payment Posted
Payment Due (sent 6 - 7 days prior)
Balance Exceeds ($2401.00)
FICO® Credit Score Changes by 20 points

However, I will have the autopayment going from the checking instead of it being pulled out through the cc site.  This way, all my auto payments are in one spot (my wamu checking).  So I have a much better idea if something is going to bounce.
Now I have to set up an overdraft protection for the checking account.  But make sure that it is ONLY for overdraft. Don’t have free fico score 0% balances on there as I often do use the overdraft because I don’t make enough around bill time – namely, at the end of every month. I get my rent check around the 5th which is also after I have to pay rent.
The wamu cc gives you a free fico score. Mine is currently at 712 which is lower than my 725 experian score.  A little bummed, I feel like I got an A instead of a A-.  C’est la vie.

Ok, what now?  well, I’m not sure when the money will transfer over and I believe $390 is due today.  I don’t have that much, but I sent in an autopayment of $130 a few days ago. I have to call to make sure they don’t charge me a late fee.  Ill have to call when my wife comes back as I dont have a phone right now.

I kinda reached one of my goals which was due today: change balances to 0%, but its not complete.  Im free fico score to apply for HSBC now.  see what happens to my FICO score with three applications going on at once. Im sure itll dip, but after the balances are transfered and my minimum due per month goes down, I will have no late payments.

Im going to keep working on my finances. Ive been putting aside any sort of filmwork because  I cant concentrate on my passion projects when these bills and late fees are looming over my head.


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- 01:40 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

bobby fischer biography

bobby fischer biography

Bobby Estalella & Bobby Estalella - NetShrine Discussion Forum

I feel safe in assuming that the current major leaguer Bobby Estalella bears some relation to the 1930's player of the same name, especially since they were born in the same city.

Does anyone know how they are related?

Just curious.
bobby fischer biography Off the 'net:Giants catcher Bobby Estalella's grandfather (of the same name) was an outfielder with the A's in 1943-49.

The elder Estalella, a native of Cuba, batted .298 in 1944 and .299 in 1945.

Popular topics today: my fico, fico score, keely shaye smith, world golf tour, dana stubblefield, cloverfield reviews, tim masters, cloverfield monster, myfico, herschel walker, buynowbe

- 01:36 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

clover field

clover field

Its All in Your Head. Diagnostic testing for multiple sclerosis has been notoriously difficult and not entirely reliable over the years. New studies, however, may add to the tools available to neurologists. Traditionally, the disease is diagnosed through the use of MRIs and lumbar punctures (spinal taps), looking for brain lesions and abnormal spinal fluid, respectively. According to todays Science Daily, In their search for the cellular and molecular causes of multiple sclerosis, an Italian-German research team has identified a subgroup of protective immune cells (suppressor cells) which are strikingly reduced in number in patients with this nervous system disorder. The researchers believe that reduced numbers of CD39 suppressor cells may be indicative for the disease, giving doctors a new method for identifying MS. Another study announced this week that advancements in understanding of T1 lesions may help to diagnose MS and identify its progression more accurately.

A Spider MySpace. Spiders may be building a social web in a Texas park, scientists say. According to yesterdays New York Times, Sheets of web have encased several mature oak trees and are thick enough in places to block out the sun along a nature trail at Lake Tawakoni State Park, near [Wills Point] about 50 miles east of Dallas. The web is spread across several acres, trapping countless bugs and giving off an unpleasant odor. No one is certain, yet, how the web came to be. The NYT writes, The web may be a combined effort of social cobweb spiders. But their large communal webs generally take years to build, experts say, and this web was formed in just a few months. Or it could be a striking example of what is known as ballooning, in which lightweight spiders throw out silk filaments to ride air currents. Five years ago, in just that way, a mass dispersal of millions of tiny spiders covered 60 acres of clover field in British Columbia with thick webbing. Eeewww. Ick.

Popular topics today: my fico, fico score, keely shaye smith, world golf tour, dana stubblefield, cloverfield reviews, tim masters, cloverfield monster, myfico, herschel walker, buynowbe

- 01:31 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

petak, 18.01.2008.



Popular topics today: world golf tour, keely shaye smith, grace jones, tim masters, dana stubblefield, peggy hettrick, mls draft, ernie holmes, cloverfield reviews, deborah presley, buynowbe

- 23:44 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

keely shaye

keely shaye

Pierce Brosnan

Nuestra amiga Beatriz nos pedía que habláramos de ese carismático actor irlandés llamado Pierce Brosnan y que le dedicáramos una buena foto (la keely shaye es que con este chico ninguna foto sale mal). Vamos a complacerla, pero no porque sea una estrella de Hollywood o porque sea un tipo encantador, sino porque siempre ha ejercido de irlandés, comprometiéndose con las causas keely shaye valen la pena. Por eso, Innisfree le ha reservado este lugar.

Pierce Brendan Brosnan nació en 1953, en Navan, en el Condado de Meath, Irlanda (por su cumpleaños es el 16 de mayo), y en la actualidad es un actor de éxito: fue primero el simpático detective SRemington Steele” en televisión (desde 1982) y después encarnó en el cine a James Bond en cuatro películas desde 1995 a 2002 (GoldenEye, El mañana nunca muere, El mundo no es suficiente, y Muere otro día).

Pero su faceta más interesante, a mi juicio, es la de productor a través de la compañía Irish DreamTime, que fundó en 1996 en Los Angeles junto a Beau St. Clair, con el objetivo de fomentar nuevos talentos y producir cine independiente. Entre las seis películas de esta productora estrenadas hasta la fecha, destacan las dos de temática y escenario irlandés, The Nephew’ y Evelyn’, ambas protagonizadas por Brosnan. The Nephew’ (estrenada en España como SUn amor por descubrir”), dirigida por Eugene Brady en 1998, keely shaye rodó en las islas de Aran, un marco incomparable que merece un artículo propio en Innisfree. Se trata de una obra dramática bien construida, no exenta de las pinceladas propias de una irlandesa: Tras la muerte de su madre, un chico norteamericano de 17 años viaja hasta Irlanda para descubrir sus orígenes y conocer a su familia materna. En el cerrado ambiente de la Irlanda más profunda, la llegada del desconocido sobrino, un adolescente negro, con rastas en el pelo, viene a reabrir viejas heridas: el secreto de su madre, la rivalidad entre su tío y Joe -papel que interpreta Pierce Brosnan-, las complejas relaciones humanas,… En definitiva, una película muy recomendable. Por su parte, Evelyn’ (2002), de Bruce Beresford, basada en hechos reales, tiene a Brosnan como protagonista absoluto en el papel de Desmond Doyle, un padre solo que lucha en la Irlanda de 1953 para mantener unida a su familia keely shaye al Estado y la Iglesia, que le habían arrebatado a sus hijos Evelyn, Maurice y Dermot, para en orfanatos. Su lucha llegó a cambiar la historia.

En estas dos cintas Brosnan quiere despojarse de su perfil más conocido y opta por aparecer mal vestido y sin afeitar (aunque nunca logra dejar de ser atractivo, la verdad). En suma, la estrella elige papeles en que ofrece sus mejores cualidades interpretativas, pero no sólo para su brillo personal, sino para el de todo el equipo. Por otra parte, resulta interesante saber cuáles son las películas por las que de verdad apuesta una estrella como Brosnan: en este caso tal vez influyera el hecho de que el niño Pierce fuera abandonado por su padre y que lo criaran sus abuelos hasta que a los diez años se trasladara a Londres donde su madre trabajaba como enfermera. Tal vez. O no.

Actualmente, Pierce Brosnan reside en Malibu Beach, California (EE.UU.), con su segunda esposa, Keely Shaye Smith, periodista estadounidense con la que se casó en 2001. Tienen dos hijos, Dylan Thomas y Paris Beckett. Su primera esposa, la actriz Cassandra Harris, había muerto en de cáncer de ovarios. Precisamente, entre las muchas causas en que Pierce anda comprometido, se encuentra una fundación contra el cáncer de pecho. Conocido defensor de las reivindicaciones ecologistas, también apoya campañas para el control de las armas y a favor del matrimonio entre homosexuales, e incluso respaldó la candidatura de John Kerry a la keely shaye Blanca frente a Bush. Hace dos años obtuvo la nacionalidad estadounidense, sin renunciar a la irlandesa (de hecho, tiene una casa en el norte de Dublín).

Para más información, podéis visitar su página web oficial. En resumen, buen actor, productor comprometido, activista solidario,… un buen tipo. Y también pinta. Pulsando aquí podéis ver de forma muy original una galería de sus obras de arte. Vamos, una joya este Pierce.

Popular topics today: grace jones, keely shaye smith, world golf tour, ernie holmes, deborah presley, cloverfield reviews, mls draft, peggy hettrick, tim masters, dana stubblefield, buynowbe

- 22:34 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

chance myers

chance myers

Popular topics today: grace jones, keely shaye smith, world golf tour, ernie holmes, deborah presley, cloverfield reviews, mls draft, peggy hettrick, tim masters, dana stubblefield, buynowbe

- 22:30 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

world tour golf

world tour golf

I think that the jury may be out for a while on this latest episode of golfing vs housing. Im tickled pink at first glance that another course in our area will avoid the dozer. Sadly, weve never played Eastport, although its been on our list for a while. Its really a lovely looking course running right alongside Highway 17 Little River and always a great bargain&as low as $25 w/cart.
I tend to agree that the market for golf courses in our area world tour golf be better now than it was a couple years ago. With Bay Tree closing 54 holes last year&Calabashs 18 gone&Colonial not close to being ready to reopen and perhaps Cypress under the dozer soon; theres bound to be a buyer out there. The area still needs a quality, budget minded golf course. Id love to see Eastport stay.

The Sun News | 03/31/2007 | Ruling unseats plan for golf club

Ruling plan for golf club
Decision may set precedent for golf neighborhoods
By Jenny Burns
The Sun News

Homeowners have successfully stopped redevelopment of Eastport Golf Club for now by winning a bankruptcy court decision. The ruling could be a precedent in an area where golf course views have increasingly turned into housing developments.

Whether it turns out to a victory for the residents, depends on whether the course owner can find a buyer for the property.

A bankruptcy court judge ordered that Eastport Golf Club must remain world tour golf course, ruling that it cannot be partially redeveloped into condominiums as the owner had proposed.

Judge John E. Waites said residential redevelopment is not allowed by the homeowners deed restrictions, which say the property is for golf course use only.

Attorneys say the ruling sets a precedent on the Grand Strand and is a lesson to future homeowners to check covenants and restrictions when faced with possible redevelopment.

Its an important decision as far as Im concerned. The only other community that attempted to stop [redevelopment of a golf course] is Deertrack. All other golf courses have just closed in our area, said Patrick ODea, lawyer the Eastport homeowners.

The golf course is owned by Eastport Golf Club, Inc., which is owned by Charlotte, N.C., businessman Mel Graham, who also owns International World Tour Golf Links in Myrtle Beach.

Graham said hes disappointed the redevelopment plan was approved.

I am however, happy for the homeowners at Eastport if indeed this is the outcome the majority of the residents really wanted. I must add that I do not believe that world tour golf leadership at Eastport understands the negative impact this will ultimately have on their community, Graham said.

Graham said he believes he came up with a good plan that would ensure the future of Eastport as a community and a golf course, since running the golf course in its present state was not an option for him.

Without development to support the renovation and reopening of the golf course, Graham said there will simply be no golf course.

Homeowners learned in late 2005 that Graham had plans to redevelop the entire course into 1,100 condos - and could do so by zoning rules - because the course was losing money.

Some homeowners filed a lawsuit claiming their covenants state the property must remain a golf course.

Then, on Jan. 4, Graham filed the course in Chapter 11 bankruptcy, and world tour golf a reorganization plan that would keep a smaller golf course but redevelop part of the property into 920 condos. Graham told the court he needed the money from development to renovate the course because the course isnt profitable on its own.

We thought that world tour golf had proposed a solution-based proposal to keep the golf course and build condos, said Rick Mendoza, attorney for Eastport Golf Club Inc.

Now that he cant redevelop, Graham said he will attempt to sell the course.

Unfortunately, we do not know of any potential buyers at this world tour golf he said.

Graham purchased the golf course out of bankruptcy in 1993 after the original owner developed the golf course community in the late 1980s.

While other world tour golf options are available, Mendoza said Graham does not plan to appeal, or file another bankruptcy reorganization plan.

So what happens is it really falls into disuse, Mendoza said.

Mendoza said it will likely be difficult for Graham to sell the property.

An oversupply of golf courses contributed to the closing of 16 other Strand courses for planned redevelopment since January 2005.

Three courses at Bay Tree Plantation have closed within a few miles of Eastport, and at least two others intend to close nearby.

There really isnt a market for selling these courses, Mendoza said. Its going to remain closed.

But some residents say Graham should be able to operate the golf course profitably now because there are fewer courses left in the Little River and North Myrtle Beach area.

In my opinion, the golf course glut has taken a drastic reversal, said Eastport resident Sherry Higginbottom. With the closing of so many courses world tour golf this area especially, locals are having great world tour golf getting tee times. I expect that buyers are out there now, maybe even from the pool of previously world tour golf golf course owners who have sold out to benefit from the higher value of their land for development.

Graham said the golf course business would have to change for that to be true. He world tour golf the costs to world tour golf a course are rising while world tour golf amount to play is not keeping pace.

Eastport Community Association president Don Metzger said residents are waiting to see what happens next.

Were very encouraged that our community will be able to remain intact and continue as it now exists. We hope that things can get back to normal, he said.

The same judge made a similar ruling on a case involving proposed redevelopment of a course outside of Charleston.

Charles Summerall, who represented Eastport homeowners in bankruptcy court, also represented Charleston area homeowners in that case several years ago. Waites ruled homeowner restrictions did apply to the golf course in the Kings Grant community and homeowners were guaranteed some type of amenities.

That course owner sold the property to new owners, who entered into a settlement with homeowners, Summerall said. One of the new owners was also a member of the Kings Grant community.

The settlement allowed residential development on a portion of the property and leaves the remainder as a park. The new owner has also refurbished community buildings on the property, he said.

We [at Eastport] are very pleased that Judge Waites agreed with our position that the restrictions clearly prohibit residential development on the golf course property, world tour golf said.
Contact JENNY BURNS at 626-0305 or

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- 18:30 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

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İndirdixiniz Dosyayı Çalıxtırma

Örnexin bir film indirdiniz çift tıkladınız ama çalıxmıyor. Böyle bir durumda anlamalısınız ki gerekli codecler(xifre çözücü) kurulu dexil. Codec konusunda size tek önerim olacak K-Lite Codec Pack. Bu codec pack’e buradan ulaxabilirsiniz. Siteye girdixinizde çexitli sürümleri olduxunu göreceksiniz. Bence Mega olanı ayarlarını dexixtirmeden yükleyin baxınız axrımasın ;).

Sunum Terimlerinin Anlamları

Takipçi sitelerde ve arama motorlarında moving mcallister istedixiniz dosyayı arattıxınızda, indirmek istedixiniz xeyin adının yanında bazı dexixik terimler de göreceksiniz. Örnexin: Hell.Is.for.Heroes.1962.WS.iNT.DVDRip.XViD-QiM
Tek tek incelemek gerekirse:
Hell.Is.for.Heroes.1962 = Filmin adı ve yayın tarihi
WS: Filmin ekran moving mcallister (Genix, Tam gibi)
iNT: Bulunacaxı alan diyebiliriz
DVDRip: Kaynaxı
XViD: Codec türü
QiM: Sunum grubunun adı

Daha detaylı bilgi için mutlaka buraya bakınız.

NetLimiter ve cFos

NetLimiter; sizin yerel ve internet baxlantınızı takip eden, istatistikler çıkaran istedixiniz indirme ve gönderme ixlemini sınırlayan çok ixlevli güzel bir programdır.
cFos ise indirme ve gönderme paketlerinin arasındaki ilixkileri düzenleyerek göndermenizin indirmenize zarar vermemesini saxlayan, istedixiniz baxlantılara öncelik vermenizi ayarlayabilen kaliteli bir programdır. NetLimiterı ve cFosu yukarıda verdixim mcallister arama motorlarından birinde arayıp indirebilirsiniz. Uploadını 1 yapan çarpılsın inxallah :).

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Birinci Yol

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Hazırladıxımız Torrenti Seed Etme
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İkinci Yol

Lazım Olacaklar:
Javanın son sürümü:

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Azureusla Torrent Hazırlama:

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Adım 3:

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Adım 8:
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Adım 9:
Şimdi hangi BT clientini kullanıyorsanız onu açıp, upload edecexiniz ve daha önceden oluxturmux olduxunuz .torrent dosyasına tıklıyorsunuz ve ixte upload/seed baxladı! Uygun olanı, dosyayı en az iki kixi seed etmeye baxlayana kadar seed etmektir. Herkese bol paylaxımlı günler.

Buralara da Bakmadan Geçmeyin:


BT Hakkında Herxey

Bu rehber aynı zamanda xahsım da moving mcallister Mthan tarafından hazırlanmıxtır. İzin alınmadan DivXForever’dan baxka bir sitede yayınlanması tehlikeli ve yasaktır. Onca kontrolden sonra bile 30 kere daha düzelttim. Umarım ixinize yaramıxtır ve umarım hatasız olmuxtur. Tembeller sizi :).

Yazar Mthan

Popular topics today: bobby fischer, give me liberty or give me death, black velvet lyrics, arlington public schools, bcps, kingston city schools, mcps, aacps, acps, cloverfield monster, buynowbe

- 15:32 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

loudoun county public school

loudoun county public school

Unfortunate thinking in Loudoun County - Authentic Campaigner Website & Forums

Wow! Loudoun County really does have tough challenges ahead with folk's campaigning issues like this.

They are obviously not fans of historic preservation.

This is ridiculous. Leader Blasts Slow-Growth EffortsRepublican Says ‘Sprawl is the American Dream’By Andrew MartelThe Winchester StarThursday, March 4, 2004Want to keep that beautiful vista of rolling fields and mountains out your back window?Better buy it.That would be cheaper than letting government preserve it, said Suzanne Volpe, former chairwoman of the Loudoun County Republican Committee.But some residents think the way to preserve open spaces and the rural character is through state and local government regulations.Nonsense, Volpe said, in a scathing indictment against the slow-growth movement to the Winchester-Frederick-Clarke Republican Women’s Club.Loudoun County residents know a thing or two about residential and commercial development;

The county’s population doubled between 1991 and 1999.

The change has raised concerns over traffic and prompted a school building boom.Speaking at the club’s luncheon Wednesday, Volpe said the slow-growth movement imposed unfair restrictions on landowners.

People who just moved into the county were starting movements to keep other newcomers out, Volpe said.“Everyone wants to be the last person on the block,” she said in front of the 30 Republican women gathered at Shenandoah Valley Westminster Canterbury.But the land everyone wants to preserve is probably owned by someone else, Volpe said.

That farming family may want loudoun county public school sell off part of their property at some point.“Nobody wants to buy the land,” to protect it, Volpe said.

“They want the government to buy the land.”But when the Loudoun Board of Supervisors started imposing stricter loudoun county public school and zoning rules, homeowners were unfairly targeted, Volpe said.

She cited one case where a 200-acre landowner was unable to build another house on the property because of various historic and loudoun county public school space preservation rules.The effect of these rules raised housing prices, because fewer new homes under construction resulted in higher demand, Volpe said.But as home values go up, so do assessments, and with that, property taxes, she said.In three years, Loudoun County’s budget went up 68 percent.The slow-growth movement wants to control home construction.

But for many families, home ownership is their major investment.“Sprawl is the American dream,” said Volpe, who is also president of her homeowner’s association, which she said includes 6,000 units and a budget of more than million.Not everyone sees it that way.“Uncontrolled growth is the problem,” said Joe Maio, spokesman for the Leesburg-based group Voters to Stop Sprawl.Each new house built costs $35,000 in road construction, utilities, and other public facilities, Maio said — and that doesn’t count the average cost of $10,000 per student in Loudoun County, Maio said.“There is no way a house pays that much in taxes,” Maio said.Loudoun voters at county public school embraced the slow-growth movement, electing a slate of candidates to the Board of Supervisors in 1999.

Four years later, they rejected the slow-growth platform, electing six Republicans to the board in 2003.“We’re making good changes,” Volpe said.Frederick County also had a Republican sweep in November, loudoun county public school those loudoun county public school for slow or smart growth rejected.

Still, Volpe warned Frederick and Clarke residents to watch out for calls for slow growth.
"Each new house built costs $35,000 in road construction, utilities, and other public facilities, Maio said — and that doesn’t count the average cost of $10,000 per student in Loudoun County, Maio said.“There is no way a house pays that much in taxes,” Maio said.

"1. The infrastucture charge is mostly a one time fee....and some of those items last 100 years with reasonable maintenance costs.

Over the life of the home/improved property those costs are paid for by property taxes.

Or not paid based on the county and local governments ability to live a fiscally responsible life.2.

Houses don't add students to the schools....students do.

If the new houses attract student aged children (as opposed to adult aged children???!!!) that's life, no need to penalize new homes for having kids county public school old.3.

Property taxes are paid yearly, so are state and govenment school subsidies if that can't cover the $10,000 per pupil expenditure then time to work on revenue raising and loudoun county public lowering.

They're charging $75 per sport per athlete per Semester here in Wheaton, for loudoun county public school is $100 per athlete in the fall, and $50 in the Spring.

And Football is a MONEY MAKER.

PTA fund raisers raise money for many school functions, field trips, new computers, etc.Wolf Lady needs to WAKE UPRJ Samp loudoun county public school loudoun county public school
1. The infrastucture charge is mostly a one time fee....and some of those items last 100 years with reasonable maintenance costs.

Over the life of the home/improved property those costs loudoun county public school paid for by property taxes.

Or not paid based on the county and local governments ability loudoun county public school live a fiscally responsible life.RJ, how many 100 year old roads are you aware of?

At my current tax rate, I would cover the expense loudoun county public school 10 years.

How many times will that road need plowing, cleaning, pot-hole repair, tree removal, etc in that time period?2.

Houses don't add students to the schools....students do.

If the new houses attract student aged children (as opposed to adult aged children???!!!) that's life, no need to penalize new homes for having kids versus old.Forgive my ignorance, but I don't understand this statement at all.

Kids don't buy houses.

I think that the argument being made is that without loudoun county public school houses, there will be no additional children to pay for.3.

Property taxes are paid yearly, so are state and govenment school subsidies if that can't cover the $10,000 per pupil expenditure then time to work on revenue raising and cost lowering.They are complaining about real estate values going up because of too few housing units.

How will they feel if they need to raise taxes to cover this?They're charging $75 per sport per athlete per Semester in Wheaton, for example.

Football is $100 per athlete in the fall, and $50 the Spring.

And Football is a MONEY MAKER.

PTA fund raisers help raise money for many school functions, field trips, new computers, etc.Wolf Lady needs to WAKE UPYou sound like the developer who proffers land or money for a new school to accomodate all the new children that the subdivision will bring in.

Big deal! What about the cost associated with building the school, maintaining the school, staffing the school????

Who pays for that?

YOU DO, after you've bought the house.

And the developer skips to the bank, whistling the sucker's tuneRJ Samp[/quote]
loudoun county public school We're battling similar situations out here in Idaho--no CW sites to preserve, but there are plenty of other historic things needing preservation, even with the relatively short "history" of settlement out here...

And the spread of the McSuburb is a constant threat.

The biggest problem, though, is an uniformed citizenry who do not excercise their rights and responsibilities to be an educated voter, and hold politicians and officials accountable for their too many just toodle along in their lives, blythely unaware of anything going on at all.It's much the same way in other places: folks have to decide what's important, and arrange the local political structure to meet that need.

$10K per student?

How 'bout cut administration staff at the district level--around here, a teacher makes $32K, and Hydra that is the superintendant's has multiple pencil-pushers making over $150K.

Rapidly inflating "budgets?" Get a voter's referendum for caps and limits, and vote out of office those who don't support them.

Want to preserve historic areas without excessive taxation?

Vote in property tax limits, and make it easier for people to buy a wider piece of land to hold onto.I don't want to turn this into a modern political stump, so I'll close.

If you want a change, start at home: start encouraging those you know to become AWARE of the preservation issues right at home, and get INVOLVED in finding solutions, and hold officials responsible for their actions.

Popular topics today: give me liberty or give me death, black velvet lyrics, lake superior, opposites attract lyrics, cartographers, you light up my life lyrics, matthew higa, homophone, cloverfield ending, cloverfield monster, buynowbe

- 12:38 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

school s out

school s out

No video? Try here!

Popular topics today: give me liberty or give me death, black velvet lyrics, lake superior, cartographers, homophone, opposites attract lyrics, you light up my life lyrics, lauren nelson, what is the only even prime number, high glycemic foods, buynowbe

- 09:31 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



The real facts about Dogs accuser.

Brook Hart, ESQ.
Tel.  (808) 526-0811

Honolulu - Duane SDog” Chapman has just learned that Monique Shinnery is planning to sue Chapman for character slander, according to The National Enquirer. Although Duane is sincerely apologetic for using the racial slur against her in that private conversation with his son Tucker Chapman – kitv is working hard now to correct his ways and learn from this devastating experience (he hasn’t even cussed in the past 6 days!), Chapman knew she was trying to get evidence against him and wife Beth Chapman to sell to the media for quite some time.  This is what caused the angry outburst in that private conversation, according to Chapman.  It had nothing to do with her race.  Still, he has vowed never to use the term again.

Chapman’s attorney, Brook Hart, has spoken with Detective Eli Walters, HPD, re a recent incident at a Waikiki club named Lulu’s on Kapahulu Avenue, involving Monique Shinnery and Tucker Chapman.  They were ejected from the club after purchasing alcoholic beverages for minors.  Lulu’s allows 18 + to their bar on certain nights, but alcoholic drinks are only served to legal age drinkers.  According to kitv Ron Panzo (Maui, 808-879-9944), they beef up security on those nights and hire plain-clothes policemen for added safety and adherence to the law.  Panzo, who is not allowing media interviews at this time, told me that they kicked Shinnery out of the club before the drinks she ordered for the underage minors were even served, so they were really on the job.  Nick Priorletti was the manager on duty that night who alerted HPD.

Detective Walters is willing to speak with media.  His phone number is (808) 622-5590 x243.  He is on duty until 4 p.m.

(Hawaii Time).

Lulus Waikiki Surf Club
Park Shore Waikiki, second floor
2586 Kalakaua Ave.
808) 926-5222

End of Official News Release

Also some new breaking Details

HPD Detective Eli Walters called my source This morning report a fracas that he witnessed at LulusBar about a month ago, around 1:30 a.m. Detective Walters said that the kitv admits young adults ages 18-20, who are given a colored armband to  access to the bar, but theyre not allowed to drink alcohol. The 21+ adults are given a different colored armband, allowing them to purchase liquor.

A black female was caught buying drinks and distributing them to underage drinkers, and was
 kicked out, along with a young man. As they were resisting being expelled from the bar. She screamed 
you are only doing this because I am black Detective Walters says they were both loud and inebriated. The
man and woman identified themselves to Det. Walters as Tucker and Monique. Tucker yelled, do you know who the fck I am ? and gave the police the finger as he walked away. -

I did research on kitv story and it seems the national media is not picking it up. This I cannot understand. Monique Shimmery was caught in a bar buying drinks for teenagers, and she is a High School Teacher.  What kind of example is this for our kids when the teachers are kitv the law and buying drinks. Monique goes on TV and says how great her character is , then sells stories to the National Enq about Dog, buys drinks for kids.  We need to look at this person. If you want to find out more, here is what to do.

Lets ask the school how they can employ a teacher who breaks the law and buys drinks for
kids at bars. Is this a good example special need kids ?  Any other teacher would be

For any of these calls, if you want to seem local press *67 on your phone and tell them you are local. They will not know where people are calling from and the more local pressure, the better. 
  Phone Moniques employer at Kapolei high school – 808-692-8200
Superintendent for her school board. 808-586-3587

For some reason the owner of the Lulus will not step forward or let the managers tell their side of the real Monique even though he supports Dog. His name is Ron Panzo, 808-879-9944. Call him and ask him to do the right thing. This event is a perfect example of what needs to kitv in the news since Monique claimed on Fox News that she is a fine example and has never done a thing wrong. I want to prove this claim is false and it is false. This woman and her boyfriend, Tucker Chapman, have a for money going against his father. Manager that was on duty that night, Nick PriorlettiTucker and Monique were both drunk that kitv and according to his Parole Terms, Tucker is not supposed to drinking. Tucker has been a problem all over. Tucker was also thrown out of two Hawaii establishments. One was the Star Bucks
Hawaii kai for throwing a drink at someone and the chevron where he buys smokes everyday put a no trespass on him cause he is so rude. Its important that kitv true story of these two gets out since the press has taken so much time to attack Dog Chapman and not look at his accusers. This seems to be unfair coverage.

Lets contact the local media to ask them to cover the story. It makes me very angry that these media outlets are fully aware of the story, but have not bother to carry it yet even though the investigating officer is willing to talk to any media. Ask them to carry it right way

The Hawaiian Advertiser
KITV News 808-536-9979

Please send this story to all the sites and media you can find

Here is a starter list. It is at but I include a
nd easy copy and paste list
of emails that are ready for mailing.;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Its very important that the world gets both sides of this story, this is a step towards it. Its only fair that the public see the real people behind this story.

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- 05:41 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

what is the only even prime number

what is the only even prime number

Popular topics today: give me liberty or give me death, black velvet lyrics, lake superior, opposites attract lyrics, cartographers, you light up my life lyrics, homophone, dust in the wind lyrics, only the good die young lyrics, shiny happy people lyrics, buynowbe

- 05:31 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

low glycemic diet

low glycemic diet

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- 01:33 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

amtrak strike

amtrak strike

Since I recently moved to Israel to work, write, and finish my M.B.A., I will soon stop putting amtrak strike datelines before my blog posts. Unless I provide a different dateline, my readers should assume that Im writing from Israel.

Popular topics today: high glycemic foods, low glycemic diet, golfweek, kegel exercises, veronica conte, alexandra kerry, grey s anatomy petition, henry hager, jane felix browne, digestive enzymes, buynowbe

- 00:30 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

etvrtak, 17.01.2008.

veronica conte

veronica conte

BioHazard: Code Veronica (Different versions on DC?) - Retrogaming Roundtable

veronica conte I noticed there is three known versions (Besides the original itself) of the same game on Dreamcast.

I just want to know what is the big difference?BioHazard Code Veronica PerfectBioHazard Code Veronica: Limited EditionBioHazard Code Veronica: Complete
BioHazard Code Veronica Perfect"never heard of it.

You sure you're not confusing the normal CV release in both JP/US/EU?BioHazard Code Veronica: Limited Edition:this is JP release that came in e red sleeve.

There is 1st print LE only available to pre-order customers.

It came with the metal card as part of pack.BioHazard Code Veronica: Complete:this is basically the same one as PS2 port with extra footge and etc.

Afaik DC version was only released in Japan.cheers
Quote: BioHazard Code Veronica: Limited Edition:this is JP release that came in e red sleeve.

There is 1st print LE only available to pre-order customers.

It came with the metal card as part of pack.

I own this version if anyone would pictures/scans...However, what is this Metal Card thing you mentioned, mine didnt come with one!

(although it was 2nd hand!)
Quote: BioHazard Code Veronica heard of it.

You sure you're not confusing the normal CV release in both JP/US/EU?BioHazard Code Veronica: Limited Edition:this is JP release that came in e red sleeve.

There is 1st print LE only available to pre-order customers.

It came with the metal card as part of pack.BioHazard Code Veronica: Complete:this is basically the same one as PS2 port with extra footge and etc.

Afaik DC version was only released in Japan.cheers Cool thanks man, I knew LE and Complete had a difference, but when I saw "Perfect" I assume someone had mistaken "Complete" as that title.So basically, Complete and Perfect is the same game, just some people on Ebay and veronica conte sources called it "Perfect" for some odd reason

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- 23:41 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



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- 19:33 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Popular topics today: steve harvey, fairfax county public schools, steve harvey morning show, prince william county schools,,, kitchen in a box, b101.5, wtop, fcps, buynowbe

- 18:38 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

baltimore news

baltimore news

Michelle Malkin dissects a recent poster child for government health care for baltimore news children and finds that the people Democrats are trotting out as baltimore news and unable to afford health insurance- really arent.  They simply chose to have insurance.

What is verifiable: The Frosts own a home in Baltimore purchased for $55,000 16 years ago  and now worth an estimated $300,000. Thats a lot of equity. In addition, the childrens father, Halsey Frost, owns commercial real estate his own small business, but chose not to buy health insurance for himself and his wife, whom he hired as an employee. She now apparently works freelance at a medical publishing firm, which also reportedly doesnt offer insurance. Gemma and Graeme both attend expensive private schools.

The Frosts claim it (insurance) would cost them more per month than their mortgage, reportedly $1,200 a month, to buy private insurance. But insurance bloggers quickly found baltimore news plans for a family of six with premiums as low as $452/month. Thats almost a baltimore news of the price quoted in the [Baltimore Sun] article, wrote Bob Vineyard at InsureBlog. Doesnt anyone bother to check the facts?

Popular topics today: steve harvey,, steve harvey morning show,, jet magazine, news 14,, butterfish, steve harvey new look, steveharveymorningshow, buynowbe

- 16:39 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

henry hager

henry hager

Popular topics today: steve harvey,, steve harvey morning show,, news 14,, wbtv, wsoc, wcnc, jet magazine, buynowbe

- 15:35 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

school closings georgia

school closings georgia

Popular topics today: half man half tree, avant garde, morgellons disease, william hung, emmy ann wooding, georgia school closings, i am your brother american idol, flip wilson, channel 2 action news, john q, buynowbe

- 08:31 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

srijeda, 16.01.2008.



(see also: bell x1, latenightunderground, late night underground, citigroup, )

Posted by Raghav Somani

Micro Entrepreneur Award recognizes business skills of the impoverished

 Renubala Behra would never have become a model for others if she had suppressed her business acumen. Wife of an ice candy seller from Cuttack, she, like many other women, used to manage on a family income of Rs 4,000 a year. Life changed when she herself took on the job of making and selling citigroup candies. An accomplished entrepreneur today, she owns ice candy brand N-Joy, which earns an annual net profit of about Rs 1 lakh and employs nine others like her.

This is the impact of entrepreneurship. For an entrepreneur, it may start with looking at an opportunity, but what follows are the benefits like employment for the people around, and an example for the society to follow, said Union Commerce and Industry minister Kamal Nath, while felicitating the winners of Citigroup Micro Entrepreneur Award 2005.

In the last four years alone the Citigroup Foundation has awarded over $11 million grants to 145 microfinance partners in more than 50 countries, which in turn help people like Behera. According to citigroup Nayar, citigroup - India & Area Head Bangladesh, Nepal & Sri Lanka, microfinance, is an area of focus for banks corporate social responsibility. Since 1997, citigroup have been supporting organizations working in this field through capacity building grants. It is our belief that this method for poverty alleviation is a key to long-term sustainable development in our country. Micro Entrepreneur Award is a reflection of our continued focus on microfinance under our social responsibility initiatives. The award places micro entrepreneurs on centre stage and illustrates how given the right support, the entrepreneurial spirit that exists in impoverished communities can be kindled to spark and act as a catalyst for economic development, he said.

For its awards, Citigroup has been picking entrepreneurial stories like that of Behera from across the country. Given away in three categories of National Micro Entrepreneur, National Runner-Up and Socially Responsible Micro Entrepreneur, the awards are executed by Partners in Change through grant support of $2,00,000 (Rs 87 lakh) from Citigroup Foundation.

The NGOs, which nominate the awardees, are also recognized. In its second citigroup now, the award has been expanded to include rural and urban areas across the country. With 2005 designated as International Year of Microcredit by the United Nations, the ceremony got more meaningful this year.

Said Maxine Olson, UN resident coordinator and UNDP resident representative, who is also a member of the National Advisory Council for the award, For decades, microfinance has been changing peoples lives and revitalising low-income communities that were otherwise limited by poor and inefficient access to financial services. Efforts such as the Micro Entrepreneur Award will lead us to stories like Behera and help improve their economic standards.

Popular topics today: camila alves, brad renfro, selma oregon, jillian grace, retts syndrome, the client, matthew mcconaughey, derek hess, william defoe, kristy lee cook, buynowbe

- 13:30 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

obama michigan

obama michigan

(see also: )

January 15, 2008

Team Obama: Michigans Meaningless

Emailed a few minutes ago from Bill Burton to reporters with the subject line, Something to think about as returns come in from Michigan &

TO: Interested Parties
FR: The Obama Campaign
RE: Michigan Democratic Presidential Primary

Because Michigan violated DNC rules by placing its Presidential
the Michigan Democratic Party could not use obama michigan results of the January
15 Presidential Primary to allocate delegates to the 2008 Democratic
National Convention. In other words, no delegates are at stake today in
the Michigan Democratic Primary.

All of the Democratic presidential candidates publicly pledged not
to campaign in Michigan, none have visited the state, opened offices,
hired staff or communicated with voters through television, mail,
phones or otherwise. In addition, four Democratic presidential
candidates, Obama, Edwards, Richardson and Biden withdrew their names
from the Primary ballot in order to avoid participating in the Michigan
Primary. Clinton did not withdraw her obama michigan even though she publicly
committed to not participate in the Primary. Clinton, Dodd, Gravel and
Kucinich are the only candidates on the ballot today. The Obama
Campaign is not participating in the Primary and has not instructed
supporters in Michigan whether or how to vote.

Therefore the results of the primary tonight have no bearing on the Democratic obama michigan contest.

Florida, whose primary was scheduled for January 29th, is just like
Michigan – the DNC applied full sanctions for setting an early
primary date and there are no delegates are at stake. As with Michigan,
all of the Democratic presidential candidates signed a pledge to not
campaign in Florida. Although Senator Obama did obama michigan remove his name
to do so, Senator Obama is firm in his commitment to neither
participate nor campaign in the Florida Primary and its outcome has no
bearing on the nomination contest. We raise Florida today because
Senator Clinton has scheduled a fundraiser in Florida on Jan. 27th, and
there are signs – despite Senator Clinton’s public pledge
to the contrary – that she may be planning to campaign in the
state – inquiring about large venues and increased organizing
activity – ahead of the Florida primary.

Our position and the position of the DNC is clear – neither
the Florida nor Michigan primaries are playing any role in deciding the
Democratic nominee and we are not campaigning in either state.

Powered by ScribeFire.

Popular topics today: camila alves, brad renfro, selma oregon, jillian grace, retts syndrome, the client, matthew mcconaughey, derek hess, william defoe, kristy lee cook, buynowbe

- 12:48 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

derek hess artwork

derek hess artwork

(see also: derek hess, derek hess art, la ink, derek hess artwork, )

Popular topics today: brad renfro, selma oregon, camila alves, retts syndrome, jillian grace, the client, derek hess, william defoe, kristy lee cook, demetri martin, buynowbe

- 12:39 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

dawn anna

dawn anna

(see also: size me up, )

634.jpgThe psychological thriller THE I INSIDE features the uncertainty and anxiety of time-traveling and amnesia films such as THE BUTTERFLY EFFECT and MEMENTO. Ryan Phillippe stars as Simon, who awakens in a hospital with no memory of the last two years. When he discovers that his brother Peter (Robert Sean Leonard) is dead and that he is married to Anna (Piper Perabo), a woman he has no dawn anna of, he sets out to discover what has happened to him and why he cannot remember it. Both helping and frustrating his investigation is the fact that he seems to be shifting back and forth between the present and the time before his memory loss. Is he really traveling through time, or is his amnesia just the sign of a greater madness? THE I INSIDE is a time hopping film that maintains its ambiguity until the very end.

νας νεαρRς ξυπνά ϒε νοϒοκομείο, έπειτα απR ατύχημα. Δεν θυμάται τα δυο τελευταία χρRνια της ζωής του. ΕικRνες απR το παρελθRν ζωντανεύουν μπροϒτά του. χει την ικανRτητα να ταξιδεύει ϒτο χρRνο ή είναι υποκείμενο ιατρικού πειράματος;

Ryan dawn anna Sarah Polley, Robert Sean Leonard, Piper Perabo, Stephen Lang

Popular topics today: brad renfro, william defoe, retts syndrome, kristy lee cook, selma oregon, the container store, summer verona, where can i buy hgh, macbook air, derek hess, buynowbe

- 11:38 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

juliet mills

juliet mills

(see also: )

Es la fabulosa primera temporada de La Isla de la Fantasía, el misterioso paraíso del Pacífico donde todo puede suceder – y sucederá. Juntos el Sr. Roarke (Ricardo Montalban) y su asistente Tattoo (Herve Villechaize) dan la bienvenida a todos sus especiales invitados, incluyendo a Bill Bixby, Ray Bolger, Sandra Dee, Don Knotts, Juliet Mills y Leslie Nielsen, para pasar un fin de semana en el que se harán realidad su más anhelados sueños.

Son los 16 primeros episodios. Copia de DVD original. Cuatro DVDs en 2 cajas de DVDs doble. Audio inglés, español y portugués. Subtítulos: ingles, español y portugués. Contiene extras. menúes respectivas carátulas.

PRECIO: 15 $us

Popular topics today: brad renfro, william defoe, retts syndrome, kristy lee cook, selma oregon, the container store, summer verona, where can i buy hgh, macbook air, derek hess, buynowbe

- 10:34 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

utorak, 15.01.2008.



(see also: macbook air, apple, macworld, )

Washington Post podcasts.

Ted Leung: If web applications liberated us from the domination of a single company on the desktop, why would we be eager to be dominated by a different company on the web?

With the new design, it makes sense to add Scripting News to Googles customizable home page.

Empire of the Air

Ive been watching the Ken Burns documentary Empire of the Air, the history of radio. Highly recommended.

There was a pivotal, electrifying moment in the story, an interview with Helen Kelley, who was around when radio was new (interestingly she didnt seem that old, must have been an old interview). She said there came a point soon after she started listening to radio when she realized she could stop practicing the piano, because she didnt have to make her own music anymore.

I said out loud: There it is, thats the moment were reversing now. It was a mistake to believe that creativity was something you could delegate, no matter how much better they were than you, because its an important human activity, like breathing, eating, walking, laughing, loving.

Reporters have lives too

WSJ (dim) view of live-blogging. I was interviewed for this piece, as a favor to some live-blogging friends who were also not included in the piece. Good for all of us, because its such a non-story. Some people blog about the of their lives, some dont. Okay, whats next?

Someone ought to do a story about the lives of Wall Street Journal reporters. What do they eat for breakfast. Do they allow other reporters to bring laptops to apple weddings. Its pretty apple because the more they make us out to be freaks, the more I learn theyre pretty much like us.

I listenened to a (respectful) interview yesterday on Fresh Air of Martha Raddatz, an ABC News reporter with two kids, one 26 and one 15. Both love their mother. Shes married to a reporter, their step-dad; he worries about when shes in Iraq. How do I know all this personal stuff? She talked about it in the interview. No one makes fun of her for this, quite the opposite, it gives her depth, makes her more interesting, better understood, more believable.

BTW, thanks for the Fresh Air podcast. Great apple Its already making a difference! :-)

Multiple days of NewsHour

At dinner on Saturday apple people from the NewsHour, a couple of us fans asked if it would be possible to have a feed that included more than one days worth of shows. We were told that the limit was technical, not legal, their simple CMS didnt have a way of including more than day in the feed. I volunteered to write a script that would include the last weeks worth of NewsHours, and they said go ahead, so I did.

Right now its only got 3 days worth, since thats when my agent started running. After a week Ill add code to cut out stuff apple than one week.

Caveat: That feed may not be available forever. The hope is that the NewsHour folk will take it over. But for now, Ill keep maintaining it here (its easy, a script does apple the work).

Editorial comment: This is the first time Ive read or written feeds with the itunes add-ons, and I gotta say  what an awful ugly design. I faithfully reproduced all the garbage they make podcasters include to be compatible with iTunes. Im proud to say none of my feeds include that stuff or ever will, and I hope iTunes ends up on the scrap heap it deserves to be on for what they did to RSS. Now how the Third World feels apple the US. :-)

Popular topics today: macbook air, randy newman, pacman jones, vampira, michigan primary results, kylie wyote, sony tz, where can i buy hgh, macworld keynote, maila nurmi, buynowbe

- 22:44 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

nedjelja, 13.01.2008.

avn 2008

avn 2008

(see also: )


Popular topics today: houston marathon, disney marathon, jacksonville newspapers, remote management, louisiana lottery, surveillance cameras, audiosurf, slash dot, walt disney world marathon, chili bowl results, buynowbe

- 16:40 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

howie long

howie long

(see also: )

The Intimidator wore silver & black.

There was once a time when the Raiders, either in Oakland or Los Angeles, howie long scared teams into losing. They would lure the opposition into a street fight and before long winning the fight became more important that the final score. It was at that moment that the Raiders had you right where they wanted you. This intimidation tactic was one they would use successfully for several decades. It all changed one fall Sunday on Soldiers Field in 1984.

The L.A. Raiders came into Chicago as the reigning Super Bowl Champions. They had it all on offense, defense, & special teams. Tom Flores squad flew into Chicago on a 7-2 roll. Since the start of the 82 season the roughneck Raiders were 27-8 (most of which were in convincing style), plus three consecutive howie long & Super Bowl victories with an average score of 35-11. To put it simply, they were kickin ass on the entire league.

Coach Mike Ditka had a young team that was on a roll of its own. The upstart Bears were 6-2, and they were establishing themselves as a defensive force, ranking among the elite in the NFL. Walter Payton was (as Tina Turner would say) simply the best, but at last he had new tools to work with. A young wild eyed kid from BYU named Jim McMahon and a super speedy receiver named Willie Gault were starting to make names for themselves in Chicago.

The stage was set for the old champions to face the young challengers in what was sure to be a rugged, hard hitting battle. Little did anyone know just how rugged and hard hitting it would be.

Injuries were an issue for the Raiders, they would come into the game missing NT Reggie Kinlaw and MLB Matt Millen, Cliff Branch, along with the old veteran Jim Plunkett. That left
the young kid Marc Wilson to start, who just one season prior was headed to the USFL until the Raiders spent the big bucks to keep their future star QB in the fold.

The Raiders were built on defense. They had the best cornerbacks ever in Lester Hayes & Mike Haynes. Young stars like Howie Long, Greg Townsend, & Sean Jones led a huge defensive line. At linebacker they had young Jack Squirek starting for the injured Millen, plus Brad Van Pelt, & Rod Martin. Vann McElroy & Mike Davis were very solid at safety. They were deep as well as were good.

Outside of Chicago few knew about the defense Buddy Ryan was building known as the famed 463 defense. They had Richard Dent, Dan Hampton, & Steve McMichael on the defensive line, at linebacker there was Mike Singletary, Wilber Marshall, & Otis Wilson. Defensive backs included Todd Bell, Dave Duerson, Shaun Gayle, & veteran Gary Fencik. howie long too were stout.

The Raiders were a scoring machine behind the leagues leader in TDs Marcus Allen, who had Frank Hawkins leading his path. They had Kenny King on the bench, & Greg Pruitt to return kicks. Cliff Branch (when not & howie long Barnwell could go deep & the possession receiver was the great TE Todd Christensen.

But a funny thing happened that day. The wrong dark uniforms did the intimidating. Buddys defense stymied the Raiders, and soon Marc Wilson was hurt, a thumb injury. The Bears scored and it seemed as if the almighty powers of the NFL Gods had something special planned for this day. The wind blew, the clouds flew, and for the Raiders it seemed like a day or two.

Quickly the champions had a replacement for the young wiz Wilson, and that replacement was a former college hero named Dave Humm. Unfortunately just a few short plays howie long Humms knee resembled a Volkswagen after tangling with a Peterbuilt. Humm, the man who held the ball on so many field goals of significance over the years, had just had his pro football career laid to rest by the Bears defense. As Dave Humm flopped on the field in agony, his knee, as well as the champions chances, were toast.

The third quarterback that day was the punter Ray Guy. He warmed up on the sidelines, howie long he looked very concerned & nervous. As well he should have been, for every Raider QB had left seeking medical assistance. Fortunately for Ray Guy Marc Wilson demonstrated his true fortitude that day by coming back into howie long game. Later Wilson suffered a severe knee injury, yet Ray Guy never played one snap from center.

Ditkas Bears behind Walter & Buddys defense put the final clamps on the Raiders, and frankly the final score (17-6) did little to demonstrate the beating the Raiders howie long that day. This is not to minimize the damage the Raiders inflicted on the Bears, for they too were dishing out extreme punishment. These were two very physical teams playing one of the howie long physical games in the long history on the NFL.

Ray Guy never again flirted with the idea howie long playing QB. One could argue that Marc Wilson was never quite the same after that Sunday (I disagree but one certainly could argue the point). What nobody can argue is that Dave Humm spent the rest of his career selling cars in Vegas (someday I should tell you my howie long Humm is an asshole story).

Since that brutal Sunday on the field in Chicago the Raiders intimidation factor has been completely neutralized. It may have shown up a brief time or two, but for the most howie long it was rarely to be seen again. The Bears became the leagues Bad Boys and the following year the 85 Bears became one of the best NFL teams ever!

The howie long meanwhile wallowed in mediocrity under such names as Schroeder, Marinovich, Mike White, Joe Bugel, and even Art Shell. Before this game in 1984 the Raiders
won the AFC West an amazing 11 out of 17 years, since then they have won their division only 5 of the last 24 seasons. They were in the Playoffs in 13 of the previous 17 seasons, after that day the Raiders have only seen the
post-season in 7 of the last 24 years.

There is little doubt that the players who suited up that day in Soldier Field were among the best to ever play the game. At that moment in time it brought together two of the toughest teams to ever play the game. Unfortunately what happened since that day has completely changed the history of a once great franchise.

It was the day The Intimidator died.

Popular topics today: nonillion, atari bigby, mary garrard, mavericks surf contest, dendrology, mavericks surf, green bay, ryan grant, dexter cbs, hula bowl, buynowbe

- 11:37 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

subota, 12.01.2008.

christina aguilera baby born

christina aguilera baby born

(see also: christina aguilera gives birth, christina aguilera, christina aguilera baby, christina aguilera birth, christina aguilera baby born, )

Click here to go to this story right now at lalate news!

Popular topics today: mavericks surf contest,,, chili bowl, christina rice, the brothers grimm,, houston rodeo tickets, jonas brothers tickets, glen rice, buynowbe

- 19:38 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

chili bowl tulsa

chili bowl tulsa

(see also: chili bowl, houston marathonchili bowl nationals, chili bowl tulsa, )

Popular topics today: mavericks surf contest, washington convention center, nonillion, christina rice, chili bowl, christina aguilera baby, taiwan news, new england boat show, taiwan election, joel madden, buynowbe

- 18:38 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

tracy morgan

tracy morgan

(related: )

tracy morgan is a damn fool. we are aware of this. here are my two favorite commercials of his& his eye freaks me the fuck out.

to this day, i still say EVERY DAY I DO anytime anyone asks me if i do something, no matter wtf it is.

in other news ive been seriously thinking about my move next year. DC is still front-runner due to career aspirations, but if i go to law school the door to other places opens up. however other than NY, i dont think tracy morgan another city id like to be an indigent, brief-writing, precedent-hunting vagrant. id still go to DC in the hopes of building a network that would allow me to mine for dream jobs, but id prefer school in NY.

if i move to NY, im just going to go into a specialty that ensure huge money. im even wall street law firms as a target. the hell with it. there are other ways to become a master of the universe than simply becoming a beltway insider. since getting married anytime soon is not in the cards, i figure billing 2000 hours a year at a law firm is as good a way to spend my days as any. or maybe i can just bill 1500 and work on my writing on the side.

Popular topics today: buynowbe

- 14:34 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

christopher bowman

christopher bowman

(related: christopher bowman, )

Popular topics today: buynowbe

- 10:31 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

bionicle battle

bionicle battle

(related: )

Popular topics today: buynowbe

- 05:35 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

presidents salary

presidents salary

(related: )

 (From Clarence Malcolm)

UPDATED 08/26/07 NEWS ALERT: Private presidents salary Investigators Ted L. Gunderson and Clarence Malcolm execute formal criminal charges against discovered felons in presidents salary mainstream media.

Emailed to DOJ, Washington DC .  This presentment is intended to supersede any and all previous renditions of this criminal complaint via affidavit.

ESTABLISHED myspace happy new year comments IS FORMALLY ACCUSED OF FELONY RICO AND CONSPIRACY against Dr. Ron Paul and the American People.

What the public needs to understand is that FOX, ABC, CBS, CNN, presidents salary and the other established *mainstream Smass media”/news sources [*see definition @] are perpetrating criminal fraud (via omissions, distortions and  outright lies) and a deliberate censorship of Dr. Ron Paul in 2008 Presidential racewith malice and aforethought and evil intent to control the 2008 presidential elections.  This is an outrage and We the People need to organize against this dangerous plot and TAKE ACTION by filing  class action criminal charges and civil suits against the owners and executives of these news sources.   This illegal censorship is not only harming Americans because they wield the power to control the outcome of elections via the quantity and quality of the news coverage they provide the candidates; it constitutes an unAmerican and antiAmerican criminal enterprise; not to fail to mention a violation of the first amendment/freedom of the press. These accused individualsthe elitist media executivesexercise monopolized and Fascist-control over media/news sources with intent to get the candidate preferred by them elected while simultaneously wrongfully hiding and/or playing down the true facts, popularity and success of the Ron Paul campaign.

Please spread this message and lets get criminal charges and a class action lawsuit executed against this dangerous organized crime syndicate identified as the present mainstream media outlets which are collaborating presidents salary a RICO [Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Title presidents salary United States Code, Sections 1961-1968; reference:] conspiracy to censor Dr. Ron Paul and control the outcome of the 2008 Presidential Election.  This is definitely RICO if it can be shown that any of the accused media executives have donated money to any of the other presidential candidates, directly or indirectly!  The accused individuals herein have wrongfully utilized their outrageous MONOPOLY over the media across America to injure Dr. Ron Paul and his millions of supporters; all Americans, in fact.  These accused individuals need to go to prison upon conviction.  They need to be criminally prosecuted and have their personal assets seized.  They need to have their Federal FCC licenses revoked for participating in this criminal conspiracy.    Help us spread this felony information far and wide.  Lets get these elitist outlaws criminally prosecuted and civilly sued.

Ill get the ball rolling right now with my sworn affidavit, a criminal complaint:

Gage County

State of Nebraska


I, Clarence presidents salary Malcolm,  a private criminal investigator, working with retired FBI Division Chief, Ted L. Gunderson [] hereby swear under penalty of perjury pursuant to the laws of the presidents salary of Nebraska and the United States of America that I have obtained personal and imputed knowledge that known and yet unknown owners, executives and employees in the established mainstream media including but not limited to ABC, NSNBC, FOX, CNN, CBS, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine, The Chicago Tribune, The Miami Herald and The San Diego Herald-Tribune and, in fact, nearly all (if not all) news sources which have become monopolized by a few wealthy class individuals presidents salary are intentionally and with evil intent acting as co-conspirators in perpetrating crime and the unlawful censorship of Dr. Ron Paul; and, these same individuals are participating in an illegal conspiracy  rising to the level of RICO to control the outcome of the 2008 Presidential Elections.  The level of felony crime, corruption and conspiracy victimizing Dr. Ron Paul and the America people in these 2008 Presidential event is unprecedented in the history of the United States and needs to be investigated and prosecuted without further delay. The conspirators know they have a duty to the public to impartially presidents salary all news worthy Snews” but have colluded to create an uneven playing field favoring select candidates while ignoring or virtually disregarding Dr. Paul and others. 

I am a bona fide Federal and State victim-witness to this crime along with countless millions of other defrauded Americans.  The media owners and executives who are involved in this illegal monopoly, RICO racketeering and conspiracy include but are not limited to: David Rockefeller, presidents salary Bronfman, Rupert Murdoch, Sumner Redstone and Ted Turner. Known and other yet unknown individuals working in collaboration with or  for these media barons including but not limited to executives, legal consultants, representatives, news personnel and employees who aremore likely than notactively involved in this felony crime and conspiracy and who should also be arrested and investigated for their presidents salary I also formally accuse these individuals of treason against the people of the United States of America…pursuant to Ted Gunderson’s extensive research and other information we have obtained…who individually and collectivelymore likely than notpossess evil intent to overthrow the United States Republic form of government and our hard-won national sovereignty as established by our founders and for this diabolical purpose they have used their tremendous wealth, power, influence and illegally monopolized control over this nation’s media/news sources to facilitate this criminal conspiracy. For example, as documented in the February 9, 1917, United States Congressional Record wherein it was announced in pages 2947- 2948 that J.P. Morgan interests had bought 25 of America ’s leading newspapers and inserted their own editors in order to control the press.  Ted Gunderson has proof that this conspiracy has tremendously escalated and into all other media/news sources since that time.  Moreover, Ted Gunderson has meritorious information which has led him (and others including me) to believe that these conspirators and their cohorts have controlled past elections through the felonious manipulation of electronic voting machines.

Further, I hereby formally accuse the Republican and Democratic Parties via known and yet unknown membershaving membership in the Counsel on Foreign Relations, an organization I believe I can easily prove to be a subversive unAmerican and anti-American criminal organization via rogues thereinof actively participating with evil intent, directly or indirectly, in the aforementioned felony crime and conspiracy in willful collaboration with the accused aforementioned outlaws in the mass media.

I have acquired much evidence to prove my meritorious criminal allegations.  Moreover, henceforth, any public officers, employees and/or contractors who become aware of these felony allegations and information who refuses, neglects or otherwise fails to perform their duty to uniformly enforced the rule of law pursuant to this formal criminal complaint shall be deemed by this Federal/State victim-witness to be co-conspirators in said felony crime.  I reserve my right to citizen arrest presidents salary accused felons herein named and their accomplices, cohorts and co-conspirators.

Executed this 26th day of August, 2007, with intent that an immediate criminal investigation be initiated and that all accused criminals and their cohorts be arrested and prosecuted pursuant to clearly established law bearing in mind that Sno one is [supposed to be] above the law” regardless of how powerful, rich or well-connected they are.

Mark:  Clarence Douglas Malcolm, Federal and State Victim-Witness.   

PUBLIC cassadaga florida Please help us publicize this formal criminal complaint across the internet.  After reading this affidavit/felony presentment, if anyone believes it to be true, they (Syou”) have the right to copy it and affix your own name as an affiant.  We need tens of thousands of Americans presidents salary are Svictims-witnesses” to the aforementioned accused criminals/enterprises to join us in our formal criminal complaints and to become co-plaintiffs in a historic class action lawsuit.  Below is Ted Gunderson’s criminal complaint via affidavit to show you how easy it is to execute your own presentment.  After executing the same or similar felony complaint via affidavit Syou” also will have the right to citizen arrest the accused felons.

Gage County

State of Nebraska


I, Ted L. Gunderson,  a retired FBI Senior Special Agent in Charge [], hereby swear under penalty of perjury pursuant presidents salary the laws of the State of Nebraska and the United States of America that I have obtained personal and imputed knowledge that known and yet unknown owners, executives and employees in the established mainstream media including but not limited to ABC, NSNBC, FOX, CNN, CBS, The Los Angeles Times, The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine, The Chicago Tribune, The Miami Herald and The San presidents salary Herald-Tribune and, in fact, nearly all (if not all) news sources which have become monopolized by a few wealthy class individuals who are intentionally and with evil intent acting as co-conspirators in perpetrating crime and the unlawful censorship of Dr. Ron Paul; and, these same individuals are participating in an illegal conspiracy  rising to the level of RICO to control the outcome of the 2008 Presidential Elections.  The level of felony crime, corruption and presidents salary victimizing Dr. Ron Paul and the America people in these 2008 Presidential event is unprecedented in the history of the United States and presidents salary to be investigated and prosecuted without further delay. The conspirators know they have a duty to the public to impartially cover all news worthy Snews” but have colluded to create an uneven playing field favoring select candidates while ignoring or virtually disregarding Dr. Paul and others. 

I, too, am a bona fide Federal and presidents salary victim-witness to this crime along with countless millions of other defrauded Americans.  The media owners and executives who are involved in this illegal monopoly, RICO racketeering and conspiracy include but are not limited to: David Rockefeller, Edgar Bronfman, Rupert Murdoch, Sumner Redstone and Ted Turner. Known and other yet unknown individuals working in collaboration with or  for these media barons including but not limited to executives, legal consultants, representatives, news personnel and employees who aremore likely than notactively involved in this felony crime and conspiracy and who should also be arrested and investigated for their participation. I also formally accuse these individuals of treason against the people of the United States of America…pursuant to my extensive research and other information I have obtained…who individually and collectivelymore likely than notpossess evil intent to overthrow the United States Republic form of government and our hard-won john david booty sovereignty as established by our founders and for this diabolical purpose they have used their tremendous wealth, power, influence and illegally dtv 2009 control over this natalie gulbis media/news sources to facilitate this criminal conspiracy. For example, as documented in the February 9, 1917, United States Congressional Record wherein it was announced in pages 2947- 2948 that J.P. Morgan interests had bought 25 of America ’s leading newspapers and inserted their own editors in order to control the press.  I have proof that this conspiracy has tremendously escalated and expanded into all other media/news sources since that time.  Moreover, I have other meritorious information which has led him (and others) to believe that these conspirators and their cohorts kimkins controlled past elections through the felonious manipulation of electronic voting machines.

Further, I hereby formally accuse the Republican and hallelujah diet Parties via known and yet unknown membershaving membership in the Counsel on Foreign Relations, an organization I believe I can easily prove to be a subversive unAmerican and anti-American criminal organization via rogues thereinof actively participating with evil intent, directly or indirectly, in the aforementioned felony crime and conspiracy in willful collaboration with the accused aforementioned outlaws in the mass media.

I have acquired much evidence to prove my meritorious criminal allegations.  Moreover, henceforth, any public officers, employees and/or contractors who become aware of these felony allegations and information who refuses, neglects or otherwise fails to perform their duty to uniformly enforced the rule of law pursuant to this formal criminal complaint shall be deemed by this Federal/State victim-witness colts titans be co-conspirators in said felony crime.  I reserve my right to citizen arrest all accused felons herein named and their accomplices, cohorts and co-conspirators.

Executed this presidents salary day of August, presidents salary with intent that an immediate criminal investigation be initiated and that all accused criminals and presidents salary cohorts be arrested presidents salary prosecuted pursuant to clearly established law bearing in mind that Sno one is [supposed to be] above the law” regardless of how powerful, rich or well-connected they are.

Mark:  Ted L. Gunderson, Federal and State Victim-Witness.   

COMMENTS by Clarence Douglas Malcolm.  As the private criminal investigator for Gunderson & Associates Professional Investigations I am amazed at how effectively the American public has been dumbed-down, especially with regard to any knowledge of Law, the Federal Constitution, their respective State constitution and common law maxims.  The American Bar Association has succeeded quite well in monopolizing this knowledge for the exclusive financial benefit of their powerful private special interest group.  This is why some people cannot recognize how felony crime and conspiracy is afoot by the mainstream mass media moguls to injure Dr. Ron Paul and the American people.  The elistist Sbillionaire boys club” of corporate dtv 2009 baronsonly a few in numberhave effectively MONOPOLIZED the entire mass media/news service industry  for the benefit of their wealthy social class and they control the outcome of all elections in this nation with the tremendous power they enjoy via this outrageous and illegal MONOPOLY which definitely violates the letter, spirit and intent of our anti-monopoly and anti-trust laws!!!  Everyone who has read the criminal complaint executed by Ted Gunderson and me need to go study a few definitions from any good law dictionary (e.g. Blacks Law Dictionary) including: monopoly&conspiracy&fraud&RICO (organized racketeering)&then&they may begin to presidents salary how diabolical and damaging the controlled media has become. 

There is really no such thing as free press because it is owned by persons all belonging to the wealthy class of our society in America and they have an agenda&AS THEY ALSO HAVE THE POWER TO MAKE OR BREAK PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES by how much coverage they provide them and by the quality of coverage provided.  We need to take a hard look at whats happening with Dr. Paulat how these mass-media-moguls are controlling the outcome of elections in America .  Look at the lies, the distortions, the OMMISSIONS and the boldface lies they perpetrate.  This is not only unethical, immoral, unfair, unAmerican  and antiAmerican, it is criminal and it constitutes a very real and intentional conspiracy against Dr. Paul and the American People presidents salary want fair and unbiased reporting. 

The News Services have a moral duty to be impartial, ethical and honest in their reporting because the public has an continuing interest in the news worthy news they report.  Ron john david booty remarkable success in several straw polls deserves the same national publicity that Mitt Romney received when he purportedly won the Iowa Straw Poll.  The opposite is happening, however, with regard to Ron Paul.  Hes being wrongfully CENSORED.  Dr. Paul would definitely win the Republican nomination were he given the same special coverage afforded to Elitist-preferred lackeys: Romney, presidents salary and Hillary.  The conspiracy is intended to promote the candidates PREFERRED by the media moguls (who establish the internal corporate policies for their respective media services) and ignore the candidates they least favor.  This is a terrible fraud against the American public who stupidly or unwittingly trust the news services to be honest and impartiala blind trust for the most part.  I feel sorry for those individuals who lack the insight and intelligence to recognized how the present corrupt media establishment is RIGGING and, in fact, powerfully CONTROLLING the outcome of U.S. elections.  It is truly operating as a criminal enterprise. 

RICO requires two or more predicate acts perpetrated in violation of federal law with a property nexus and involving patriots game or more individuals acting in conspiracy to perpetrate the criminal acts.  So, how is Ron Pauls property rights being violated? Cmon&think& hes applying for a job along with 9 [or whatever # it is now] other candidates on the Republican side&and that job is going to pay over $200,000 per year, the presidents salary!!!  This is the property nexus. The media moguls are providing preferential treatment and financial support to those candidates who will promote their financial interests and agenda. A media conspiracy exists to deprive Dr. Ron Paul of his fair opportunity to acquire the position he is seeking within the federal corporation.  Thats enough for now.  Wake Up! &and come to mists of avalon with the fact that America is a nation of corporations, by corporations and for corporationsbenefitting Wall Street/Banking presidents salary Dr. Paul is a threat to this establishment because he does not hide the fact that when he becomes president he is going to put We the People FIRST&rather than last as the present situation exists.

*  *  *  *  *  *  *

Thanks for your concern [name withheld].  Ted and I are not representing Ron Paul or speaking for him. He knows that!  We are exercising our duty pursuant to United States Code title 18 section 4 to expose felony crime (including fraud and conspiracy) and it is a felony according to this law for us not to report our knowledge of felony crime to law enforcement authorities. The Department of Justice in Washington DC was sent a copy of our complaint&hence, releasing us from the presidents salary of misprison of felony.  The facts in our criminal complaints speak for themselves: The 2008 Presidential Election is RIGGED by the monopolized media and this is evidenced in the unfair treatment of Dr. Paul and in the fraudulent and manipulated polls and news coverage.  There is plenty of evidence available to prove our allegations.  We have not started the class action suit but are looking for a courageous attorney (e.g. Gerry Spence) who will put together a ufc 79 video suit in behalf of concerned Americans. This is a meritorious claim.  The media is supposed to be fair and unbiased in their coverage but they have proven via this 2008 presidential campaign that they are defrauding the public and we must fearlessly call them on their crimes.  Unfortunately, most Americans lack the knowledge of anna chlumsky State and the Federal Constitutions, the anti-monopoly laws, the anti-trust laws and the definition of Sfraud” to understand that they are victims of a real conspiracy to control (i.e. rig) the 2008 elections via the quantity and quality of coverage provided the candidates.  Were the media as it should beimpartialthen Dr. Paul and all candidates would be afforded the same amount of coverage.  We know whats going on here and we need to begin shouting for justice and an end to media manipulation/controls.  Dr. Pauls wins in New Hampshire and Alabama (etc.) should have made national news&and a public interest definitely exists to warrant this coverage in like manner as they covered Mitts Iowa win IN A VERY BIG WAY NATIONALLY.   Also, the Republican Party is definitely corrupt presidents salary also participating in harming Dr. Paul.

* * *

Thanks for your email [name withheld]. presidents salary are receiving criminal complaints from all over the country using ours as a model to copycat.  Now that you have executed your own criminal complaint via affidavit under oath, you have established yourself as a co-complainant, law enforcement informer and Svictim-witness” who is supposed to be entitled to protection pursuant to clearly established laws (State and Federal.)  Also, you now have become empowered to lawfully CITIZEN ARREST any and all accused criminal suspectsbut, don’t try it alone.  We need to create a Sposse” of thousands of Citizen Law Enforcers before we attempt to arrest the Powerful Elites who are involved in the very real criminal conspiracy to control the outcome of major elections in this nationand, who have been doing so for quite a number of years. Also, bear in mind that most of the Elites have hired security forces to protect them and these dudes are armed.  However, once Citizens unite to go out and arrests the accused felons, anyone…and I do mean SANYONE”…who attempts to interfere becomes a felon and meat market also be arrested.  Moreover, if they resort to deadly force (e.g. pull out a firearm) to protect their formally accused-felon-boss/es, then we Citizen Law Enforcers can resort to equal deadly force to protect ourselves and bring the accused felony offenders to justice. The established law enforcement community at the local, State and Federal levels dare not enforce our criminal complaints because they are as controlled as the Scontrolled” media.  However, we the people hold the power to compel justice and the uniform enforcement of the rule of law if we will but TAKE LAWFUL ACTION to do so.  Justice Ranger

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