subota, 29.12.2007.

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petak, 28.12.2007.

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- 23:33 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

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martin scorsese Assigned Certificate #0105Company Name: Lindsay Pike Reptiles and Urotopia UromastyxOwner Name: Lindsay PikeAddress: 207 Louise Ave, Brandon Florida, 33510Phone: 813-681-3541 Lindsay // lpreptiles@aol.comWeb Address:
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- 05:55 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

brandon fraser

brandon fraser

(related: afton fraser, afton smith, brendan fraser, afton, brandon fraser, )

Wow that was really quick! Here is Jespa, modeling my new cd bag. It actually looks like a purse. Anyway, I used the SoundSystem Snuggler pattern from KnitWit & added an i-cord. I hope it wont stretch brandon fraser too much.Okay its 3am & Ill finish this later.

brandon fraser now its later, Im actually at the library. I like my new bag a lot but I really want to work on the shrug. I have The Amazing Race first disc showing up in the mail today, plus Lost tonight so I think Ill be set. The new Amazing Race was on last night, it wasnt as bad as I feared. I was worried about the family aspect. There were a couple of families I liked - the father & daughters, the father & sons-in-law&Im brandon fraser there were others but I cant remember. Man, I miss have instant access to the internet. I mean I cant complain because I can still update this & check barron hilton email but I miss the message boards & being able to check TWOP immediatly. Hopefully soon.

What else? I finished Inkspell and goodnight nobody in the musharraf week & I love them both. Inspell was really LONG but worth it. I love those books so much, and especially the audio books. Im dying for the audio of Inkspell, like now. Brandon Fraser reads it & he made me like Dragonrider way more than I did when I actually read it. Gawd, I cant believe 3 of my authors put books out on the same day. Neil Gaiman was the other but Im going to wait a bit on that. (Too much knitting) goodnight, nobody was really fun, I think my sister will like it. Its not cool to say I love Jennifer Weiner but I dont care. I love her & her books. There Im taking a stand against snobby lit folks. Ill even link to her blog. There.

Lets see, how about some lists.
Top 5 movies in Netflix queue:
1&2 Amazing Race season 1 discs
3 Robots
4 The Interpreter
5 Oceans 12

Last books read:
1 Inkspell
2 goodnight, nobody
3 yarn harlot (currently reading at work - hysterical)
4 Leaping Beauty
5 In Her Shoes (reread)

Current knitting projects:
1 Berraco Shrug
2 The Perfect Caridgan
3 Some sweater I cant remember with fuzzy purple yarn
4 ribbon scarf
5 socks (though I keep putting it off)

Okay thats all for now.

Popular topics today: buynowbe

- 01:41 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

četvrtak, 27.12.2007.

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will smith news

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Popular topics today: buynowbe

- 07:44 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

martin short

martin short

(related: kennedy center honors, kennedy center honors 2007, kennedy center, kennedy center awards, super tuesday, martin short, )

The airport newsstand is not where I generally find my reading materials. And the business books section of said airport newsstand is one of the specific places youre unlikely to find me loitering. I rather pride myself on an aversion to the cheesy books one tends to encounter there, and so my first encounter with The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell comes some six years after the rest of the world was exposed to it. Im intentionally recording my thoughts on the book before doing any internet research on what, if any, consensus has been arrived at by the hive mind.

Mr. Gladwell is best known, of course, as the love-child of Martin Short and Buckwheat:

Martin Short + Buckwheat = Malcolm Gladwell

&though some people may be surprised to know that hes had an article or two published in an obscure rag out of New York with which hes affiliated.

Im not going to rehash the main points of the book. Im sure there are a thousand better places to go for a quick overview. But a summary sufficient martin short my purposes goes thus: the Tipping Point explores the emergence and spread of societal trends (fashion, habits, crime, etc.) by means of a running comparison with disease epidemiology, pointing out unexpected non-linearities and providing speculations as to hidden causes for the explosive spread (or, conversely, failure to launch) of these trends. Though the book is ostensibly aimed at business readers (according to its marketing collateral and genre filing in the newsstand), its most compelling proposals seem to be the novel approaches to problems such as crime, smoking, and disease eradication suggested by example.

First, a coincidence, connection, link, call it what you will. The opening example given in the book is that of the resurgence of Hush Puppies as a stylish footwear choice, in the mid- 90s, owing to its kitchy-ness being mined by trend setters in New York. I happen to have grown up, K-12, with the son of the CEO of Wolverine World Wide martin short company that owns Hush Puppies). We did an incredible number of shockingly stupid things together. Anyway. Whats interesting is that my schoolmates name just came up in a conversation I had with my sister the day martin short yesterday, and thats the first time Id thought of him in at least a couple of years. (The context of that discussion is not entirely relevant here. Lets just say that he and I would provide a rather dramatic counterpoint to Gladwells insinuation that people growing up in the same social martin short anu solankigolden gate fields tend to have similar values and lifestyle choices. Exhibit A: he became a close adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney. I, the record will clearly show, did not.)

The reason this connection between myself and the Hush Puppy, and therefore between myself and this very book, strikes me as so interesting is because I am - according to a test Gladwell presents in his book - not a very connected guy. Like, please hang up and try your call again not connected. Briefly, the test consists of a list of 250 surnames, and youre supposed to go through the list and give yourself a point every time you know someone with that last name. Tally up your points, thats your connectedness score. The average score on the test is 41. The scores for those super nodes in the global social network, people deemed to be those all important connectors that figure into Gladwells scheme of things, are over 100. I scored 11.

While the talk about the necessity of Connectors, Mavens, and Salesman to make something really take off is interesting, and the examples illuminating, the basic concepts seemed rather familiar to me, and therefore didnt come across as revolutionary thinking. Perhaps my reaction would have been different if I had read the book in 2000 when it originally came out, but popular digests of complexity martin short have given even a layman like me a healthy exposure to explanations of emergent riddick bowe in complex systems that exhibit non-linear dynamics. Come to think of it, didnt a different Malcolm teach us about that in Jurassic Park?

On the other hand, the examples describing environmentally-effected behavioral modification are truly fascinating. The idea that traits we normally associate with (assign to?) people are not constant, but are more accurately described as dominant behavioral patterns exhibited by the person in the environment in which we normally observe them never really occurred to martin short before. I mean, Id been exposed to people who espoused, for example, making children wear uniforms to school to make them behave better, but I wasnt aware of the various ways by which sociologists had studied the phenomenon. And I thought Rudy was just being a hard-ass by cracking down on panhandlers in NYC; I had never seen it mentioned that this was part of a larger effort to basically change the environment such that it would be less likely to incite criminal behavior.

I guess the trick is to understand how the environment can be manipuated to make people behave how you want them martin short behave. Eeck! Did I just say that?

Popular topics today: buynowbe

- 05:30 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



(related: pasadena city college, pasadena, )


The one thing about the blogosphere is that theres probably a 10-to-1 ratio of negative and/or angry posts versus positive thoughts. Im perfectly guilty of this (a prime example is the last post that I wrote) since its much easier to sit down and write about the return of the Kyle Orton Era in Chicago Bears football, the failures of the White Sox to get any of the multiple twas the night before christmas story available pasadena the pasadena agent market at the same time that the Tigers have loaded up to the point where they fabian hands dominate the AL Central for the next five years the way the Indians dominated the 90s, how the Bulls should never have been in the position that they are in right now if they had only listened to my pasadena billion pleas for various trades over the past two seasons, or why the Illini basketball team seems to be taking free throw shooting advice from Shaq and Ben Wallace as opposed to saying something positive. Lets face the facts - its pretty cathartic to vent in your blog.

Yet, as we approach Christmas and the New Year, Id be remiss if I didnt take time to point out that Ive led a pretty blessed life as a sports fan. My first real exposure to sports was the 1985 Bears, who I will forever believe would crush any other team in NFL history, including this years vaunted Patriots, in a single game. Growing up, my favorite sport to play and watch was basketball, which made me the luckiest fan in the world since Chicago was the center of the basketball universe for the better part of a decade. From the time when I was in grade school up through college, my idol Michael Jordan played for my hometown team and I witnessed the Bulls go from a young upstart team to a dynasty. For all of the newsprint devoted to how Chicago sports have suffered over the years, the 85 Bears and the 96 Bulls are, respectively, arguably the best NFL and NBA teams in history.

More recently, Illini basketball christmas comments to the Final Four and national championship game in 2005, winning probably the best sports game that Ill ever witness. The White Sox won the World Series in 2005 with an improbably dominant postseason pasadena and the Bears made it back to the Super Bowl last season. Finally, the capper to all of this is the Illinois football team getting to the Rose Bowl this season. Regardless of whether we get stomped by USC as the prognosticators seem to believe (I dont know if well win, but it will NOT be a blowout), one of my last sports wishes will be fulfilled on New Years Day and Im pasadena even 30 years old.

So, Ive already been able to see all of the teams that Im a fan of achieve great success during my lifetime, so what more could pasadena for, right? Well, as great as all of those sports moments are, they dont even come close to how blessed that I am in the rest of my life. Im fortunate to have such incredible family and friends, and Im even more fortunate to have my wife as a perfect soul mate and partner in life. I wish all of you a Merry Christmas and see you in Pasadena for the New Year!

Popular topics today: buynowbe

- 01:37 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

srijeda, 26.12.2007.

guitar hero 3 cheats

guitar hero 3 cheats

(related: guitar hero 3 cheats, )

Here are the Guitar Hero 3 game cheats. To enter cheat codes you must go to the options menu and choose the cheats option, then strum down to the Enter Cheat option. Then you strum the codes for the specific cheat you want.

Guitar Hero 3, Legends of Rock cheat codes for all systems.

  • Hyper-speed (Notes will come at a faster speed, with 5 levels to choose from.) = Orange, Blue, Orange, Yellow, Orange, Blue, Orange, Yellow.

    Popular topics today: buynowbe

- 11:34 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



(related: g4 tv, g4 freestuff,, g4 free stuff, g4tv, )

I wrote an article very recently about the possibility of EA developing the 22nd Simpsons video game. Remember the weird EA website with the countdown timer for what appeared to be the website for the next Simpsons game? Remember how the countdown timer went inactive and then the site went offline completely? Well, according to, EA has announced and confirmed the game. Here is the article over at

A couple days ago, Electronic Arts posted (then un-posted) a countdown clock leading to a new game. We thought it was a game based on The Simpsons. Today, EA made it official: A new Simpsons game is coming. Working title: THE SIMPSONS GAME .

Heres what g4tv know about the game:

  • Features a christmas story storyline crafted by the TV show’s Emmy Award-winning writers.
  • The action-comedy game will also feature the full cast of voice actors from the TV show who will reprise their roles.
  • The Plot: Homer, Marge, Bart, and Lisa use exciting, all-new powers to save the world from rising chaos. To help the Simpsons, gamers at home must journey through all of Springfield (as well as vast worlds beyond!), vanquish an amazing array of g4tv and fight their way through parodies of multiple popular games.
  • THE SIMPSONS GAME is scheduled for release in Fall 2007 for the PLAYSTATION PlayStation 2, PSP, Xbox 360, Nintendo Wi and Nintendo DS.

â€SOur goal in developing THE g4tv GAME is to create the most original game ever, which is a lofty goal and only possible given the close collaboration with The Simpsons creative team,” said Scot Amos, Executive Producer of the project. g4tv also especially proud of the game’s warm visual feel, which captures – for the first time ever in a game – the look of the g4tv show.” Added Amos, â€SAs Comic Book Guy says, â€ÜBest. Simpsons Game. Ever!’”

We think a parody of videogames with the unique Simpsons sensibility could be delicious. Well share any new info, screens, videos, etc, with you as soon as we get em!

While Im definitely a hardcore Simpsons fan, Im skeptical about this games potential. I dont doubt that it will be entertaining, and the voice acting should be great, too. As long as its not to pricey, I may end up finding a place for a copy next to my Nintendo Wii. On the other hand, I think, as usual, is getting a little too sexually excited for the game. While a parody of video games with the g4tv Simpsons sensibility could be delicious, will it be nutritious too?


Found this awesome picture with the title of Medal of Homer.  This is obviously a parody of the popular WWII franchise Medal of Honor, developed by EA.  I was a hardcore Medal of Honor: norad santa Assault player so this really resonates with me.

By the way, I found this picture over at Wonderland, an awesome blog that covers funny and interesting things about video games.   You should also check out Wonderlands Cats Love WoW post for g4tv pictures of cats playing World of Warcraft!

Popular topics today: buynowbe

- 00:34 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

utorak, 25.12.2007.



(related: my, )

This dwarf chick at my gym ran into my cock - Global Forum

She turned around without lookin and walked right into my meat.

Shyt was funny as hell.

I taked to her for a second and joked about it.

I ended up getting her number so Imma let her finish the jobIm 6ft 3she 3 ft 6she got ass
God damm yo,Floyd Sr.

Might as well shave the sides off
my At you calling her a dwarf then you bout to bone her
track santa she really take your number after that??for real?did u ask or did she give it up first
Quote: Originally Posted by LAdyxShAde did she really take your number after that??for real?did u ask or did she give it up firstshe gave me hers, she must have felt like she got hit with a lead pipe...dwarves are short, not stupid, she know what Im working with
Damn... midget got game my
Quote: Originally Posted by CrawlSpace god damm yo,Floyd Sr.

Might as well shave the sides offfor a dude have a caesar and like the damn my my
Floyd Senior is the man EVEN if i have no clue what he talks about half the time.It looked like he was even talking to himself DURING his son's fight.he the man.a GREAT defense coach
Ima hit on sat yes
Made up story .. atleast it sounds made up ...

Quote: Originally Posted by mayibeats made up story ..

Atleast it sounds made up the hell norad santa tracker 2007 sound made up?

Your cpu got my text?

my Boy Floyd
*5 stars*
my U huh ..

Popular topics today: buynowbe

- 23:30 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

(related: my,, )™ is the place where you get to play with a MyePets™ pet in an exciting virtual world! MyePets believe in true friendship, accepting others and above being true to yourself!

When you join you can adopt your own MyePets pet and take care of them, keeping them happy and healthy, decorate their house, and interact with other MyePets and much more!

You become a member of after you purchase a plush toy and use the secret code that comes with your MyePets pet. The code will let you adopt your very own MyePets pet and let you join in
the online fun!

To view packages online go to our About MyePets section. packages and products can be found at your local retailer. Please check our Where To Buy for a list of retailers.

Well& Bratz may have questionable attire-choices, and they may lean towards the bratty side of life& but at least theyre in support of Rescue Pets yet another toy line from MGA Entertainment, Inc. is yet another buy the toy, get the code, come explore virtual experience for children. Its targeted for ages 4+

Curious about their safety measures? Check out MGA Entertainments Privacy Policy where it says:

For Website visitors under 18 years of age, MGA has norad santa additional steps to safeguard their privacy. For Website visitors ages 14-17, MGA will notify a parent or legal guardian (each, a â€SParent”),
by e-mail, to inform them that the teen visitor is electing to provide personal information to MGA.
For children 13 years or younger, MGA will collect and keep personal information only with a Parent’s verified consent, or that has been provided by a Parent, after a delayed e-mail
notification, or in aggregated form that is not linked to any personal information or identifiers (for example, 50% of girls under age 13 like the color pink).

So Parents theyll give you a heads up for anyone under 18, but the parent HAS to approve the U13 set, which is great. Its good to see MGA Entertainment break up the age groups for minors and actually PAY proper attention to their teen set. Im sure teens are too excited about that but then again& with such a LARGE barrier of entry (buy this $30 dollar toy for a code), it seems kinda strange for a teen to be interested in gaining access.

I know Ive said the opposit with Barbies open registration (not needing to immediately buy to play), theyre inviting web-wanderers, and theyre inviting their alumni fans to their brand evangelism later in life. Bratz/RescuePets/MGA seem to have made the decision to ONLY engage their doll/toy-playpattern-users (aka their direct target audience).

FYI Parents, if you take a closer look at that privacy policy, you might also notice that the collectings information about you as a user. To be blunt, heres some of the info:

information might include the Website pages that you visited, the type of browser you use (e.g., or Internet Explorer), the level of encryption that your web browser supports, the type of operating system you use (e.g., Windows XP or Mac OS), the name of your Internet service provider (e.g., stores open on christmas Online, Earthlink), the query that you entered into a engine via a website or which led you to the Website, and other types cheaper by the dozen 2 â€Sclick stream” data.

Why? You might ask:

[MGA Entertainment websites] use this anonymous or non-personal information for the purposes outlined in this Privacy Policy, as well as for technical, research and analytical purposes, including for instance, to rate and improve the design and content of the Website and to enable us to personalize your experience at We may also use this information in the aggregate to analyze how the Website is used and to offer you products, services, promotions, sweepstakes and contests.

MOST sites do this. Especially if you download a browser bar (like Zwinktropolis, the VW for teens, NOT U13). From a Brand perspective this info they gather helps to make their products better& BUT you should be made aware of the collection. Not everyone reads privacy policies these days ;)

How about safety & chat:

MGA will require verified Parent consent for the collection of any free santa stationary information from children 13 years and younger. For children 13 years and younger, the user account is controlled by a Parent user name and password, so that the Parent will be aware of any changes that are made to the account. Minors ages 14-17 will have their own user name and password Parents will be notified via e-mail when the minor registers for the account.

Open Chat is recommended for children 13 years and younger. Parental consent is required for children 13 and younger to use any chat function except for chat that uses preprogrammed words and phrases, such as ClickChat. Parents children 13 and younger will be able to, at any time, disable or request termination of chat privileges for their child, other than ClickChat or other forms of preprogrammed chat. Parents of minors ages 14-17 will be notified by e-mail if a teen registers for chat privileges. No Parent consent or notice is required for the basic version of chat that uses only pre-programmed words and santa tracker there isnt any information other than the mention of filters to describe their moderation methods. Sigh.

I think the last thing I have to say about the debut of this new site is this:

Does it seem odd that most of MGAs properties strongly resemble OTHER properties? Like&say& The Littlest Pet Shop (which I absolutely LOVE) and Strawberry Shortcake (why did they have to go an update her? I miss the old SS!). I dunno. I mean this happens all the time in toys and cartoons. Successful ideas breed ideas with sudden similarities. The last property listed on the MGA Entertainment website list (at the bottom of bratz, bebratz, rescuepets, and MyePets is:, which is like a mix between the game Candy Land and Strawberry Shortcake. Gotta wonder if theyll push that property forward with the buy+play online experience to help it gain notice? You just never know.

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- 23:30 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

ponedjeljak, 24.12.2007.

tracy phillips

tracy phillips

(related: tracy phillips, )

The image â€S” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.Once upon a time, way back in 2000, New England owner Bob Kraft swam against the tide and hired a 47-year-old coach, Bill Belichick, who brought along a trusted friend with a knack for picking players, Scott Pioli, 34, to run the personnel side of the team.

Pioli would scout and prepare the free-agent and draft lists with his staff, and do contracts, while Belichick would coach and pick the players & with the financial and moral support of Kraft.

The Patriots were $10 million over the cap then, and their top-rated free agent at an important position was a terrific young tackle, Jon Runyan. Nope, Belichick said; were not going to further screw up our bloated cap by signing the richest tackle in football. So the Patriots bit the bullet in 2000 and 2001, trying to get better through the draft (Tom Brady came in 00, Richard Seymour and Matt Light 01).

Then they took a very interesting gamble in 2001. One of their best young defensive players, tackle Chad Eaton, was a free agent, and the Pats let him go his fortune. Eaton signed with Seattle for a bonus of $3.5 million. The Patriots signed 20 mid- to low-roster veteran free agents for a signing bonus total of $2.57 million that spring.

Of course, the barbara stanwyck won the Super Bowl that season, with 16 of those free agents playing in an upset win over St. Louis. Mike Vrabel, Antowain Smith, Roman Phifer and Larry Izzo were among them. In the spring of 2002, New England was the only defending Super Bowl champion in the first nine years of free agency to enter the next season under the salary cap.

After that 2002 Super Bowl game, I told Belichick at the Patriots team party, Youve just given a blueprint to every team in the NFL  draft well, find a quarterback and fill in all the cracks through middle- and lower-class free-agency.

I know, he said.

Footballs the tracy phillips team sport. Isnt that what we always hear owners, GMs and coaches say? The Browns are contending today because they rebuilt their offensive line (Joe Thomas, Eric Steinbach) and handed a former sixth-round pick (Derek Anderson) the reins at quarterback.

The Packers are contending today because a soft-spoken general manager (Ted Thompson) hired the offensive coordinator of the worst offense in football (Mike McCarthy, San Francisco) and let him coach his way.

The Steelers are contending today, at least in part, because progressive owners (the Rooneys) hired a precocious, Noll-like 34-year-old coach (Mike Tomlin) with a big upside.

Dallas has a third-time-is-the-charm rookie head coach (Wade Phillips) and a quarterback (Tony Romo) whose rights cost them $10,000 four years ago.

Jacksonville is contending today because of a strong defense, a two-headed running game (Fred Taylor. Maurice Jones-Drew) and a longtime backup quarterback (David Garrard) playing better than the high-first-round star quarterback (Byron Leftwich) ever did.

Tampa Bay running away with the NFC tracy phillips Key guys: undrafted quarterback (Jeff Garcia), undrafted running back (Earnest ancient receiver on his third team (Joey Galloway).

Thats not every team, obviously. But if Dallas and New England meet in the Super Bowl, it will be a match of coaches who are on their third and second jobs, respectively, starring a free-agent bumpkin from Eastern Illinois at quarterback for one team and a quarterback for the other picked after Spergon Wynn in sixth round of the 2000 draft. The personnel czars would be Pioli and 38-year-old Dallas vice president tracy phillips college and pro scouting Jeff Ireland. Those guys are barely household names in their own households.

(To be fair, Dallas owner Jerry Jones has the final say tracy phillips the draft and in free agency and has a smart season. Jones deserves a couple of back-pats for ignoring geniuses like me who told him paying underachieving ex-Card tackle Leonard Davis big dough to play guard was stupid. Now Davis, deservedly, is going to the Pro Bowl.)

Atlanta was stunned by the Bobby Petrino fiasco, and the teams first reaction was to go after Bill Cowher. Didnt work. Second reaction: Go get Bill Parcells. No go. Third reaction: Pursue Marty Schottenheimer, from all indications. That may happen.

Miami was stunned by the Nick Saban fiasco 11 months ago, and owner Wayne Huizenga  after going from Jimmy Johnson wisconsin roads his heirs to Dan Marino to Saban and not winning a Super Bowl  went the lesser-light route. Coach Cam Cameron and GM Randy Mueller were going to embark on a long-term plan to rebuild the team. Huizenga gave the new plan 13 games before jetting to upstate New York for another big fish. Or Big Tuna. Parcells.

You wont find me criticizing Huizenga for hiring Parcells, who has improved every team hes inherited. Once he finds the right quarterback, Parcells will improve this too.

But I will criticize the NFL ethos of always looking for the star. The other day, someone said to me, Well, the tracy phillips lousy year is really going to screw Rex Ryans chance for a job. My reaction: For Gods sakes, why? Why should one of the two or three best defensive coordinators in the NFL, and a forceful personality too, be eliminated from consideration for a head-coaching job because his team got destroyed by injuries and a lousy offense?

A prominent GM told me the other day that college athletic directors are often concerned when they hire a new coach about winning the press conference. Sometimes, he said, friends in college administration make hires they know will be popular with alums and fans rather than hiring the best men for the job. He says the same thing happens in pro football.

People in dire straits do what is expedient to get themselves out of dire straits as quickly as possible, the GM said. Hiring a name gives them hope because it gives the fans and the organization hope.


In baseball, youth has been served in front offices since the turn of the century. Wisely in the cases of Red Sox GM Theo Epstein, Yankees GM Brian Cashman, Indians GM Mark Shapiro and the Diamondbacks Josh Byrnes. Theres no reason why youth shouldnt have the same chance in football. The names of the young turks who should be at the top of the list for rebuilding franchises:

1. Scott Pioli, 42, New England. Smart. Ready, if he ever chooses to leave his good friend Belichicks side, which hell likely have to do if he ever wants to have his football acumen recognized.

2. Chris Polian, 35, Indianapolis. Working under his prominent dad, Bill, Polian has risen to vice president of football operations and tried to learn lessons from top baseball execs. Tough and precocious.

3. Jeff Ireland, 38, Dallas. Thorough and ultra-prepared, with a reasoned opinion about every player he scouts. Unemotional and methodical.

Close: Philadelphia GM Tom Heckert, 40 (who chris stokes be available because Andy Reid has final authority with the Eagles); Baltimore director of pro personnel George Kokinis, 40; Green Bay personnel analyst John Schneider, 36.

Teams looking for more veteran guys could look at former Saints GM Bill Kuharich, 54, now the Chiefs VP for player personnel, or Chris Mara, 50, the Giants VP for tracy phillips evaluation.

Those arent the only ones, but theyre a start, and theyre not the usual suspects.

The next question is who Parcells will go after to build his new organization. That decision might lead to some tracy phillips When Huizenga hired Parcells, the owner said, Anything that has anything to do with football, directly or indirectly, reports to Bill. That includes doctors and trainers and everything. Everybody is going to report to himWell, unless a front-office executive Parcells might consider hiring has his contract expire with his current team at the end of this year, or the guy is currently working without a contract (not altogether uncommon in the personnel business), Parcells might have a fight on his hands to woo a top personnel executive.

The NFL rule is that if a front-office man not have control over the draft and free agency, and he is being offered a job with that final football authority, then his team would be obligated to allow him to interview if permission was requested.

Will that apply in Miami? Maybe.

Theres a good chance that if Dallas Jones were asked by Miami for permission to speak with Ireland, he might say (as might any smart-thinking NFL executive), Hold liopleurodon here. Why should I allow my top personnel man to go somewhere where he might have the title of GM, but we all know he wouldnt be free to make the final football decisions? In other words, Parcells might say his GM free to make those kinds of decisions, but it would be up to the league to determine whether a new hire would really have that kind of authority.

I spoke with Parcells twice about this on Sunday. The first time, I told him what I thought  that a team with a good personnel guy might challenge the Dolphins ability to hire that personnel guy with the promise of giving him final football authority, because they would say Parcells is real final football voice.

Thats not the way it is, he said from his home in Saratoga Springs, We set it up so the general manager I hire will have that authority. I want to make it clear: I dont want to be the general manager. I dont want to be the head coach. I told Wayne that very clearly. I dont think it will be an issue.

A few minutes later, Parcells called back. You got me thinking, he said, so I got my contract out. I wanted to be sure about the wording.

Then he tracy phillips me the wording of what he said were the applicable clauses in the contract. As Executive Vice President of Football Operations, Parcells read, employee shall be responsible for overseeing the clubs football operations. Employee shall act as club designee for purpose of [executing] contracts with head coach and general manager.

Said Parcells: So what I am is the owners designee. My job is to hire a coach, hire a GM and put a structure in place for them to operate.

Will the league buy that? As I said on NBC last night, I believe theres a good chance some team might bring a grievance against the Dolphins over this.

Im not worried about it, Parcells said.

Clearly, the league could be skeptical about allowing any front-office man currently under contract to leave for a GM job in Miami way its structured right now. I could see NFL executive VP and legal counsel Jeff Pash asking Huizenga, with a jaundiced eye: Youre paying Bill Parcells $3 million a year or so, and youre telling me you want to hire someone to have final football authority in the organization over him? Thats not going to fly.

Remember, though, that if a personnel man is working without a contract, or if his team allows him permission to leave (which I could see happen with the gentlemanly Packers and good-soldier Schneider, if Miami were interested), the Dolphins would be allowed to interview that candidate.

Its way too early to predict what will happen in Miami. An educated guess would be tracy phillips Parcells aims for a strong personnel man, then interviews a slew of NFL assistants  and not just those he knows  to be the new head coach. It wouldnt surprise me if he went for a smart, malleable, egoless, unknown type  like Dallas assistant head coach Tony Sparano  as his new coach.

1. New England (15-0). Classic ho-hum job over Miami. The most fired-up the crowd got might have been when Youkilis, Schilling and Ortiz brought the Word Series trophy onto the field before the game.

2. Indianapolis (13-2). Its scary how good the Colts are right now. Theyve tracy phillips target store holiday hours straight by an average of 13.3 points per game.

3. Dallas (13-2). God is good. It could have been worse, said Terrell Owens, just before walking of the Cowboys locker room Saturday night in Charlotte with his sprained ankle. Actually, he didnt walk out of the locker room the way his teammates did. He walked out on crutches. In a walking boot. The guess here is we wont see T.O. until the divisional playoff game in 19 or 20 days.

4. Green Bay (12-3). Somebody needs to do a psyche transplant on that punter, Jon Ryan. Talk about a bad day. Thats one of the all-time awful days for a punter.

5. San Diego (9-5). These are your fathers Chargers & last four games: 130 points.

6. Jacksonville (11-4). My first question to Fred Taylor postgame: Did you go out today with vengeance against the Pro Bowl voters? No, he said. I wasnt going to use that as motivation. If you use that as motivation, and you lose or play bad, what good does that do? I do wish wed get to vote after 16 games, not 13. I always finish with a strong November-December.

Couldnt have said it better, Fred! In fact, down in Ten Things, youll get a much longer take on how fans, players and coaches should vote for the Pro Bowl. Taylor had his fourth straight 100-yard game, this time tracy phillips carries for an eye-popping 111 yards.

7. Pittsburgh (10-5). Of all the stupid opinions I had in my King 500 (the top 500 players in football, which I authored for the SI NFL preview), perhaps the biggest was not having Ben Roethlisberger in my top 20 players.

8. Tampa Bay (10-5). Interesting comment from tracy phillips league official on Friday. The Bucs are amazing, said Prominent League Official. Theyre running away with their division, theyve got a quarterback whos played great in the playoffs, theyve got a Super Bowl coach, and its like they dont tracy phillips You never hear a word about them when people talk about Super Bowl contenders.

9. Tennessee (9-6). Big game Sunday night at Indy. The Titans win and theyre in the playoffs. So heres the last eight meetings between Tennessee and Indy, from oldest to most recent: Colts by 26, Colts by 2, Colts by 14, Colts by Colts by 21, Colts by 32, Colts by 1, Titans (on the Rob Bironas 60-yarder to win) by 3. In other words, Tennessees got its proverbial work cut out Sunday at the RCA Dome.

10. Washington (8-7). Weve gone in the span of a month from preparing to award Joe Gibbs his gold watch to preparing to give him a two-year contract extension. What a performance by the Redskins. If youd have told me a team would go 80 yards in 10 plays on the Vikings to make the score 23-zip in the first half & Id have said something like, Whos that? The Patriots?

11. Cleveland (9-6). Scary game by Derek Anderson, who looked nothing like the top-10 quarterback hes played like for 80 percent of this season. Not a good time for him to be forcing, aiming tracy phillips underthrowing receivers.

12. Seattle (10-5). A bit of a surging ground game against the Ravens: 34 carries, 148 yards.

13. New York Giants (10-5). In the history of this proud franchise, never, ever have the Giants had two 100-yard rushers in a game. At Buffalo, Ahmad Bradshaw and Brandon Jacobs both went over 140. tracy phillips that around in your brain tracy phillips a while. Its amazing enough that the ground-hugging Giants had never had two guys surpass 100 in a game.

14. Minnesota (8-7). So much for the Vikes automatic bid into the NFL Tournament. Now Washington must lose to Dallas and Minnesota must win at Denver. This is great for interest in Week 17, which was nearly nil 24 hours ago, but it could be bad for the men in purple.

15. Philadelphia (7-8). Brian Westbrook went over 2,000 combined yards at New Orleans in another powerful performance. Hes on his way to earning my All-Pro vote. Hes at 2,005. By the way, Phillys last four road games have been against teams in the playoffs or who entered Week 16 with playoff chances. Philly won at Washington, lost at New England, won at Dallas, won at New Orleans. This is the best team that wont make tracy phillips playoffs.

15. Buffalo (7-8). You think the Bills might have gotten a tad inspired from the appearance of Kevin Everett in their locker room before the game? By 1:22 p.m. ET, it was 14-0, and Trent Edwards had two perfectly thrown touchdown passes  one to the man signed as a replacement for Everett, tight end Michael Gaines.

The Awards Section

Najeh Davenport (123 yards, 2 TDs vs. the Rams) reminds many of another Steelers back  likely Hall of Famer Jerome Bettis.
Elsa/Getty Images

Peter King will answer your questions each week in Monday Morning Quarterback: Tuesday Edition.
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Offensive Player of the Week

Pittsburgh RB Najeh Davenport, who just might be Bettis Jr.

Willie Parker goes down on the second play of Thursday nights game with a broken leg, leaving the Steelers without the leading rusher in the league (at that moment). Disaster.

But theres a reason personnel czar Kevin Colbert wanted Davenport so much before the 2006 season. Its because hes capable of having nights like he had at the Edward Jones Dome in the Steelers 41-24 win over St. Louis, rushing 24 times for 123 yards, a 5.1-yard average, with two touchdowns.

We didnt change anything when Willie went down, said Roethlisberger.

For his six-year career, Davenport has the equivalent of one long season: 372 carries, 1,761 yards, 4.7-yard average. A very good season. Brett Favre went a little too far, perhaps, when he said about Davenport during his Packer days, The only thing standing between Najeh Davenport and a rushing title is Ahman Green. Thats how good Davenport could be. The Steelers will need every bit of Davenports potential to win in the playoffs.

Defensive Players of the Week

Cincinnati safeties Chinedum Ndukwe and Marvin White, both rookies. After tracy phillips out on Friday theyd both be starting because of injuries to the starting safeties, they played with reckless abandon and helped torment Cleveland quarterback Anderson into four interceptions. Ndukwe and White combined for 11 tackles, two interceptions, three pass deflections and a fumble recovery.

Intellective, instinctive and really eager to play, defensive coordinator Chuck Bresnahan said of his two second-day draft choices. They played the kind of game they had to play for us to win today.

Tennessee DE Kyle Vanden Bosch, for his inspired play (I think we could say that about him every week) in a 10-6, playoff-chances-saving win. Three sacks, 11 tackles, a forced fumble. Someday well give Vanden Bosch the credit he deserves for being one of the top five defensive ends in football.

Special Teams Players tracy phillips the Week

Detroit TE Casey FitzSimmons. One of the great stories in the NFL today, the never-say-die FitzSimmons, born in the hamlet of Wolf Point, Mont., played eight-man football at Chester (Mont.) High, went tracy phillips to play at NAIA Carroll (Mont.) College and walked on as a college free agent to make the Lions in 2003. Against Kansas City on Sunday, he broke through the line on a Chiefs punt, got one big paw in front of a Dustin Colquitt punt, blocked tracy phillips and it bounded out of the side of the end zone for a safety.

Chicago CB Charles Tillman, whose flying layout block a Jon Ryan punt in the third quarter clinched the Bears upset of the Packers. Textbook example of how to sacrifice your body to block a punt  and this one resulted in a Bears touchdown.

Coach of the Week

Cincinnati defensive coordinator Chuck Bresnahan. After losing a crushing game at San Francisco in Week 15, and then losing starting safeties Madieu Williams and Dexter Jackson in practice on Thursday (talk about when it rains it pours), Bresnahan simplified the gameplan so as not to overwhelm his rookie safeties and emphasized pressure on Derek Anderson.

We had to establish the pressure game early and keep it going for tracy phillips quarters, said Bresnahan on Sunday night. I thought we played coverage well, and he [Anderson] threw a couple right to us.

Its a mark of a good coach when youve got nothing to play for, the other team has everything to play for, and you come out like the team that has something at stake.

Goat of the Week color="#000080">Green Bay P Jon Ryan. tracy phillips the wind was awful liga española the Windy City, but come on. Two punts blocked, in part because of his tracy phillips slow mechanics, and one fumbled snap from center. Thats intolerable on a team that needed this game to stay in the home-field race with Dallas.

Quote of the Week I
Peyton wont play the whole game. [Backup quarterback Jim] Sorgi will get at least a half. Its unfortunate the way the schedule falls. We have to look at what is best for us, and thats how were to approach the final game.

 Indianapolis coach Tony Dungy, who says he will do whats best for his team, and not what other coaches, fans and players might want him to do, in the final game of the season. Dungy will likely rest some starters tracy phillips most, if not all of the game. Tennessee, the Colts foe tracy phillips will make the playoffs with a win. Which brings us to &

Quote of the Week II
Its not up to the Indianapolis Colts to do us any favors. Theyve played well enough to deserve the right to play who they want this week. Kudos to them. tracy phillips like Peyton to play four quarters, obviously, but we understand what theyre doing.

 Cleveland linebacker Willie McGinest, who told me Sunday night he didnt hold it against the Colts for easing up on the gas in their final (and meaningless) regular-season game, and he december 24 think his teammates would tracy phillips align="justify">Quote of tracy phillips Week III
Obviously, Bill didnt tracy phillips cheap. That doesnt matter to us. Were not afraid to spend the money to win.

 Miami owner Wayne Huizenga, announcing the hiring of vice president of football operations Bill Parcells to a four-year contract that is estimated to be worth at least $14 million.

Quote of the Week IV
Its an epidemic that has attacked America. I was sitting there, in counseling, with good people. They are not bad people. It encompasses everybody.

 Philadelphia coach Andy Reid, describing the six weeks he spent in a drug-treatment center in Florida last spring with son Garrett, who has struggled with drug-addiction for years.

MVP Watch
1. Tom Brady, QB, New England. I noticed Brett Favre conceded the race to Brady the other day. Rightfully so. Brady tracy phillips touchdowns, eight interceptions) should win it in a walk.

2. tracy phillips Romo, QB, Dallas. Adrenalins a great equalizer, Romo said after the Cowboys 13th tracy phillips on Saturday night. That masked the pain in his badly bruised tracy phillips thumb, and he needed it.

3. Peyton Manning, QB, Indianapolis. He rises above Favre because of the way theyve both played the last month.

4. Brett Favre, QB, Green Bay. Not helping his cause with nine picks in his last four tracy phillips

5. (tie) Randy tracy phillips WR, New England; Ben Roethlisberger, QB, Pittsburgh. Roethlisbergers playing heroically under intense pass-rush pressure, and hes playing hurt. Moss became the second receiver in the 88-year history of the NFL to have 20 or more touchdown catches in a season on Hell need two to pass Jerry Rice for the all-time record Saturday at the Meadowlands.

Stat of the tracy phillips />When you look at the difference between the AFC North co-leaders, Cleveland and Pittsburgh, I bring you one word: sacks. Its amazing the teams are tied atop the standings entering the final week with such a huge disparity in how they protect the quarterback.

Last year the Browns allowed 54 sacks, third-most in the league. This year theyve allowed 17, second-fewest in the league. In Pittsburgh, Ben Roethlisberger has been dropped almost four times per game in 14 games.

Clevelands amazing turnaround can be traced to two major factors: the addition of Joe Thomas at left tackle and Eric Steinbach at left guard. The duo has solidified a leaky side of the line that not only has kept Anderson clean, but also helped Jamal Lewis be great again. In addition, free-agent vet Steinbach has been the smart and loose leader this line For his part, Anderson has gotten rid of the ball on time and in rhythm.

What follows is a chart of the most-sacked and least-sacked quarterbacks  of the ones starting in Week 16  in the NFL this year. The final number in each row is the frequency of sacks. For example, Roethlisberger has been sacked once per each 9.6 dropbacks from center, four times as frequently as Anderson has been sacked.

Most Sacked/Least Sacked QBs in 2007
Most Sacked Pass tracy phillips Sacks Dropbacks Frequency of sacks

Roethlisberger, PIT 404 47 451 1 per 9.6 dropbacks

Kitna, DET 497 49 546 tracy phillips 11.1 dropbacks

Bulger, STL 353 34 387 1 per 11.4 dropbacks

McNabb, PHI 397 37 434 1 per 11.7 dropbacks

Least Sacked Pass Attempts Sacks Dropbacks Frequency of sacks

Brees, NO 550 12 562 1 per 46.8 dropbacks

*Anderson, CLE 459 12 471 1 per 39.3 dropbacks

Favre, GB 492 14 506 1 per 36.1 dropbacks

Brady, NE 503 17 520 1 per 30.6 dropbacks

*Charlie Frye was sacked five times in the season-opener for Cleveland before Anderson was inserted the Browns lineup in the second half of week one.

You know what this chart says to me? That Roethlisberger is having a truly amazing season in the midst of consistent protection breakdowns. To have a 32-11 TD-to-interception differential under that kind of pressure is stunning.

Factoid of the Week That May Interest Only Me
Tracy Phillips, the daughter of Dallas coach Wade Phillips, plays a belly dancer in a critical scene of Charlie Wilsons War, the film tracy phillips Tom Hanks, Philip Seymour and Julia Roberts. Phillips does a seductive dance in front of the Egyptian defense minister. Its a long story. Well all have to see it to understand it. Daughter joined Dad in Charlotte for the Cowboys-Panthers on Saturday night, by the way.

Enjoyable/Aggravating Travel Note of the Week blessing of all blessings: My biggest road trip in tracy phillips last seven days was a 40-minute train trip, which was on time in both directions, to HBO last Wednesday. Every air traveler Ive encountered in the past few days has some tale of holiday woe to tell. Thats one great thing tracy phillips being off the road most weekends this season.

Ten Things I Think I Think

Pittsburgh corners Ike Taylor (above) and DeShea Townsend tallied seven deflections and one interception return for a guess who s coming to dinner on Thursday night.

Peter King will answer your questions each week in Monday Morning Quarterback: Tuesday Edition.
Your genealogy search align="justify">5. I think Laurence Maroney, the leading ground-gainer in Week 16 (14 carries, 156 yards), is doing a great job proving hes both tougher than we thought and more productive too. Last eight quarters: 260 rushing yards. The Patriots dont have to worry about running the ball in January.

6. I think this is what I liked about Week 16:
a. Seattle and Denver are pretty good offensive teams, right? Better than pretty good, really, and theyve kept their quarterbacks healthy, too. Theyve combined for 71 touchdowns this season. Thats the same number as the Patriots alone have scored. New England set the NFL record on Sunday with its 71st. In the numbers blizzard that is the NFL these days, lets not let that one go idly by.

b. What a great cutback run, stiff-arm and show of power by DeAngelo Williams on Saturday night, knocking Terence Newman back five yards.

c. I guess Steve Smith got tired of being irrelevant.

d. If Marion Barbers not one of the five best running backs in football, then my names Grantland Rice.

e. Seattle locked the third seed with the most versatile offensive game the Hawks have played in a month.

f. Do not give up on a rested Chad Pennington when the Jets (in all likelihood) put him out to pasture this offseason. Nice TD toss on the run in the first half at Tennessee on Sunday. Are you listening, Ozzie Newsome, Arthur Blank, Bill Parcells? Pennington might be the perfect bridge to your next long-term quarterbacks  he might even be better than that.

g. Donovan McNabb, take a bow. Great game, and not just because of the numbers (24-of-35, 283 yards, three TDs, no picks, plus a 40-yard scramble). It was his presence. He looked like the McNabb of old.

h. McNabb looks like McNabb Classic. With the playoffs not an issue anymore, he might be auditioning for Baltimore or Chicago or Atlanta.

i. What a TD snatch by T.J. Houshmandzadeh in the second quarter against Cleveland. The ball went through his hands, and he caught the end of the ball, probably helped by the tackiness of the gloves.

j. Great job by the Giants running down 14-0. Brandon Jacobs and the offensive line made it look like he was running downhill instead of fighting 40-mph wind gusts.

k. Heck of a takedown of Packers linebacker Nick Barnett by umpire Jim Quirk, tracy phillips up a scrum late in Packers-Bears.

l. Want to see the best fourth-and-goal, goal-line stuff of the year? Check out the tape of Buffalo defensive tackle John McCargo busting through the Giant line and wiping out Reuben Droughns for a 4-yard loss. Superb and athletic sniffing out of a play.

7. I think this is what I didnt like about Week 16:

a. Did I miss what I really think I missed Saturday night? Was NFL Network actually isolating on Patrick Crayton on the first snap of the Dallas-Carolina game for some asinine reason? Are you kidding tracy phillips any of us want to see is the snap from center from a first-time starter, Cory Procter, tracy phillips Tony Romo, playing with a bruised thumb, and instead we see Crayton sprinting off the line and Romo diving on the fumbled snap a split-second later. We didnt see the snap until the instant replay. Now thats a good start to a telecast right there.

b. Terrible non-interference call on Dallas corner Jacque tracy phillips with Dallas up 17-10 and Carolina throwing a bomb, trying to tie it early in the fourth quarter. Talk about an awful non-call.

c. Steve Smith tracy phillips youve got to make that long catch, perfectly thrown by Eli tracy phillips Is there any receiving corps  backs included  with worse hands than the Giants?

d. And Brian Moorman, youll kick yourself when you watch the special-teams video of Bills-Giants today. You had space and time to punt on the first debacle of a try, instead of fumbling around and getting snowed under by the Jint rush.

e. Tennessees in trouble with Albert Haynesworth. He cant finish a game, and so much of what they do on defense depends on his inner forcefulness.

f. Playing out the string: Ravens, tracy phillips Both in big ways. I really thought the Raiders would put up more of a fight than letting Fred Taylor gallop 62 yards on the first play of the game.

g. I dont want to kill Derek Anderson, because the Browns would never be in position to make a Week 17 playoff run without him. But its sad that when the Browns look back on this season, if they dont make the playoffs, a big reason will be his four interceptions Sunday.

h. I have never seen such lousy punt and field-goal ballhandling in one week in my life. Weather tracy phillips the big reason, obviously, for punters to not have gloves on in weather like that is just dumb.

i. Poor Willie Parker.

8. I think I have to hand it to the San Francisco 49ers for the classy, tear-jerking way defensive end Bryant Young left the field  on his teammates shoulders  after his last home game. Beautiful. And so right for such a solid player. Young had two tackles, two quarterback hits and a pass deflected in the 21-19 upset, and, in a ritual usually reserved for the winning Super Bowl coach, Youngs teammates hoisted him on their shoulders and carried him off the field. tracy phillips job, Niners.

9. regardless of whether your team won this weekend, you had to be extremely happy about two things: 1) A ground-swell of current players donating Week 16 game checks to their football ancestors through the Gridiron Greats program; 2) Kevin Everett walking through the Bills tunnel into his home-team locker room for the first time since his harrowing accident three months ago. Both are cause for a glass of Christmas cheer.

10. I think these are my non-football thoughts of the week:

a. George Martin just passed through Memphis over the weekend, 1,100 miles into his 3,300-mile walk from New York to San Francisco to benefit 9/11 first-responders. Im hugely grateful for all of you who contributed to his cause, which is helping the 40,000 men and women with physical and mental health problems stemming from the attacks at Ground Zero six years ago. Martins not one to shill for money, so Ill do it for him. He needs more than $8 million to reach his tracy phillips goal for the trip, and I can guarantee you its one of the worthiest causes in America today. To donate, visit

b. The fact that, in the NHL, New Jersey played in Edmonton Friday for the first time in six years  a stupid, maddening, fan-hating practice  is one more reason to laud the league, barely, for fixing its schedule.

The fixed version is better than nothing, but still not good enough. I am so sick of Devils-Islanders and the Regional Hockey League, which has each team in one conference playing teams in the opposite conference once every three years. Now teams will six games against division foes, 40 against other conference teams and 18 against the 15 teams in the opposite conference.

Thats still not enough, as far as Im concerned. If Im in Edmonton, why should seeing Sidney Crosby and Martin Brodeur every other year be good enough? Every team should play every other team home tracy phillips away, minimum, every season.

c. I dont know Stuart Scott, but I am pulling for him in his fight against cancer. Get well, Stu.

d. Merry Christmas, Mike McGuire. Good luck to you and your men over in Germany as you prepare for another tour in Iraq.

e. Very inside version of Coffeenerdness: Judy Schenk, be prepared to meet Andrew Perloff this morning. Judy runs The Barge, the campus coffeehouse at Colgate University in Hamilton, N.Y., which also employs Mary Beth King. Andrew edits pro football at, and he is spending Christmas with family in Hamilton and staying at the Colgate Inn, a few storefronts down the street from The Barge. This morning, Judy, be on notice that Andrew plans to come in for some Christmas Eve coffee.

f. By the by, you can now purchase some of the best dark coffee out there, Colgate Blend, online through the Colgate bookstore. I recommend it very highly. Its Italian roast in its intensity. If you care:

g. The merriest of Christmases to you who celebrate tomorrow, and the happiest of holiday seasons to all. In honor of the day, I hope you dont mind me skipping my Tuesday column this week. Ill be back with 6,000 fresh words next Monday, including these topics: figuring out the coach of the year, telling you my choice for Enlightened and Unselfish Football Player of the Year, and an all-pro choice or two.

Who I Like Tonight, and I Mean Tony Kornheiser
San Diego 33, Denver 30. Heres what San Diego faces: They win out, and theyre the third seed. Significant, because the Chargers would face a lesser team than Jacksonville (Cleveland or Tennessee) in the wild-card round, then have a divisional game at Indy instead of New England. Whereas the fourth seed, Pittsburgh, has Jacksonville coming to town (and the Jags have a three-game winning streak over the Steelers), with the traveling to New England the following week. Im going all out to win this one if Im the Chargers.

1. I think these are my quick-hit thoughts of Week 16:

a. I dont know how you can play the position of corner, in tandem, better than DeShea Townsend and Ike Taylor did it the other night in St. Louis. Seven deflected passes and an interception returned for the insurance touchdown in a 41-24 Steelers win. Thats whats called four quarters of quarterback torment.

b. I cant believe how many friends of mine, who are big football fans, say they not only dont get NFL Network at home, but dont try to tracy phillips somewhere to watch the the channel shows. Ill tracy phillips very curious to see what kind of ratings, if any, Giants-Pats does Saturday night.

c. My guess is its probably not the happiest of holiday seasons in the Rich McKay household.

d. Nor Cam Camerons.

e. But if I know Cameron, hell make lemonade out of the lemons hes been handed. Talk about a power-of-positive-thinking guy.

f. Although I would say this about Cameron: Be surprised, but not shocked, if Parcells keeps him. tracy phillips definitely going to be in play there.

g. Parcells first day at work, by tracy phillips way, is Thursday. Hell watch practice for two days, meeting with Mueller and Cameron, then watch the final Miami game of the year against Cincinnati on Sunday at Dolphins Stadium.

h. When we talk about great tights ends, why dont we ever talk about Chris tracy phillips Did you see how open he got last night on that first-quarter touchdown pass from Todd Collins?

i. Todd Collins Leads Redskins To Brink of Playoffs. Cant think of a more unlikely newspaper headline in 2007.

j. Hope your 2008 is better than 2007, Mike Nolan.

f. Great lead in the St. Paul Pioneer Press Saturday about players and guns in the wake of Sean Taylors murder. Every time his doorbell rings, Vikings defensive tackle Pat Williams answers with him 9mm Glock holstered on his hip, wrote Vikings beat man Sean Jensen, who went on to quote Williams as saying: You never know. [Taylors death] made me more aware. I dont trust nobody. Chilling.

l. Graphic of the Day, on CBS: All 22 Indianapolis starters have played their entire careers with the Colts.

m. Havent seen Tony Dungy as angry on the sidelines as he was protesting a horse-collar tackle call on Marlin Jackson. Looked like a real horse-collar to me.

n. Stole this from Collinsworth on Sunday afternoon: Its unfair to compare the stats of Peyton Manning in his tracy phillips dome to the stats of Brett Favre in a frigid tornado in Chicago or brother Eli in a 40-mph gale in Buffalo.

o. Packers 12-3, track santa 6-9. Pack 0-2 versus Bears. Go figure. Thats football.

p. Why is Brett Favre in a 35-7 game in the fourth quarter in Arctic Circle conditions?

q. I cannot believe 59 points were scored in that weather in Buffalo.

r. Dont look now, but Shaun Hills 2-0 as an NFL starter & with, as you know, not a very good team around him.

2. I think this is my pet peeve about the Pro Bowl, the most meaningless game on the planet, other than the Major League Lacrosse all-star game. (So, you ask, if its so meaningless, why is this the number two topic in the Ten Things? Good question. But itll be my last mention of it all winter, believe me.) The game is played Feb. 9. Why is fan voting closed 60 days before the game (Dec. 11), with three games left in the season, and why is player and coach voting done the same week?

Two perfect examples of how voting early screws the teams that are selected. One  Fred Taylor and Jamal Lewis both deserve to be on the AFC team ahead of Joseph Addai. Taylor, the 18th-leading rusher of alltime, has never made a Pro Bowl and was tracy phillips choice this year  and a deserving pick. Taylor is on a four-game streak of 100-yard games, and his 147-yard mashing of the Steelers in Pittsburgh, after the voting closed, was one of the most impressive performances of the year. But that game doesnt count in the Pro Bowl voting, nor will either of his last two.

Lewis 33-carry, 163-yard dominating of the Bills in the hacked by body last Sunday was just as good as Taylors. Look at the AFC rushing standings right now: Taylor 1,202 yards, Lewis 1,176 and Addai Why is Addai in? Because the vote was taken with three weeks to go in the season.

And two: Jonathan Ogden at left tackle is about as smart as picking Steve McNair at quarterback. As of the time of the vote, Ogden had started seven of 13 games for Baltimore. Why doesnt the league just pencil in Ogden tracy phillips left tackle the year after he retires? Not only has Ogden been a shell of himself this year, as norad santa he hasnt shown up for half the games! Joe Thomas of Cleveland has played every snap this year and led a resurgent Cleveland offensive line to prominence. Hes also been responsible for allowing just 1.5 sacks in 15 games.

3. I think the more football I watch, the more I think I was too hasty last summer when I said the NFL should go to a 17-game schedule. This year hasnt been any more injury-plagued than any other; but late in the season, when fatigued players continue to drop (three Cowboy starters went out in the first half alone Saturday night), you get a different view of injuries and how they affect teams than you do in July.

Maybe Terrell Owens will be fine, his high ankle sprain wont be very serious and hell be ready to go next week in Washington, or in three weeks in the divisional playoff game. But if he isnt, the Cowboys have lost Tony Romos favorite weapon. In the 25 Cowboy regular-season games started by Romo, hes hit Owens 5.5 times a game for 86 yards (a 15.7-yard average), with 23 touchdowns in the 25 games. To add a 17th game and think more significant players wouldnt get hurt doesnt make sense.

4. I think the juice for moving the tracy phillips Bowl to the site of the Super Bowl and playing it before the Super Bowl is fizzling. tracy phillips expect the league to move the Pro Bowl from Hawaii back to the mainland in the near future, if ever. I liked the idea because at least it would have made the game slightly relevant. Slightly, mind you.

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Popular topics today: buynowbe

- 06:37 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

nedjelja, 23.12.2007.

leah hickman

leah hickman

Huntington police believe they have found the body of missing Marshall University student Leah Hickman. 

They said they found the body Friday evening in a crawl space under the apartment building where Hickman lived. 

Police had not made an official identification as of Friday night, but they said they believed they had found Hickman’s body. missing college student has been the subject of nationwide publicity and a massive search.

Popular topics today: children of the corn, marie hilley, danielle fischel, dorothy hamill, leah hickman, to have and have not, ben savage, kansas department of transportation, jessica simpson mask, danielle fisher, buynowbe

- 00:39 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

subota, 22.12.2007.

sacha baron cohen

sacha baron cohen

Sacha Baron Cohen, el actor inglés que interpreta a Ali G y a Borat, interpretará al famoso líder de Queen, Freddie Mercury, en una pelicula que se está preparando sobre su vida.

Los productores, entre los que se encuentra Robert de Niro, han decidido que Sacha Baron Cohen es el más apropiado por su gran parecido físico y su gran versatilidad a la hora de meterse en la piel de tan diversos personajes. Además, los propios componentes de Queen están a favor de que sea él quien hagas el papel de Freddie Mercury.

Popular topics today: to have and have not, danielle fischel, marie hilley, leah hickman, children of the corn, a very brady christmas, nach baliye 3 winner, ben savage, jessica simpson mask, danielle fisher, buynowbe

- 23:40 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

ruin romo

ruin romo

Okay, Terrell, man, do you actually think that Jessica Simpson was the reason behind the teams loss, well, go think again, even though she might have had a hand in it, but nope, the Cowboys are not superman, they do lose&yeah&.Its like telling a kid that Santa is real, well for any kid thats reading this Santa is real :), well, Owens, Jessica showing up at her boyfriends knix wearing his jersey is okay I guess, except if you are from the Country of LU Losers United, where you dont have a girlfriend, you only have a wife that keeps picking on you, so going back to our story, a funny guy seems to have this stupid idea of making people wear Jessica Simpsons face mask and attend Tony Romo games, thats kind of childish too, for the pomander GET A LIFE MAN!!&and Romo, please get your head in the game!!..

Popular topics today: a very brady christmas, leah hickman, taral hicks, danielle fischel, coppin state, citros flavored vodka, south street, nach baliye 3 winner, confessions of a teenage drama queen, jessica simpson mask, buynowbe

- 21:34 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

cole porter

cole porter

Popular topics today: leah hickman, anthony adverse, valerie bertinelli, south street, jack frost, arabella spencer churchill, ice dams, sacha baron cohen, away from her, sarasota herald tribune, buynowbe

- 16:32 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

ali mcgraw

ali mcgraw

Beside the busy plot with so many characters and loud pyro-technic from its action scenes, “X-men, The Final Stand” striked me as a Love Story on steroid. Dr Jean Grey (Famke Janssen), the heroin in the first two installments has a split personality called “Phoenix”. Dr. Jean Grey, now Phoenix in this film is out to kill anyone who stands in her way and annihilate all life on earth. Wolverine (Jack Hughman) who ‘tan leun” (secretly in love with) Jean, have to kill Phoenix in order to save earth and release Jean from her evil twin sister.Jack Hughman, is fantastic here as a tortured soul with an unrequited love for a colleague, Jean. Of course, don’t ask me how Jack can hide his feeling from a colleague who can read mind! How I wish the love scene with Jean in the lab could be better developed. If you had followed Famke since her Goldeneyes’ days, you know what I mean. I missed Famke in her Goldeneyes’ days. Her death-lock love-making scene with James Bond (Pierre Brosnan) was tantalizing, to say the least. Famke’s “Xenia Zaragevna Onatopp’ was visually stunning and that impression had remained.

X-men 3 is an accidental love movie that I like. Like Ali McGraw and Ryan O’Neal original Love Story in 1970, the tagline (Love means you don’t have to say “Sorry”) applies equally well here. In the final showdown, when Wolverine stabbed Phoenix and killing her, Jean schizoid twin, I could almost hear Jean telling Wolverine “love means you don’t have to say “Sorry”. Despite the loud and crowded actions in the final scene, i was surprised the message "Forgiveness and letting go…the greatest sacrifice of love" reached out and touches me.

I can’t believe this is the last installment. There is no closure and a lot of questions remained Jigsaw Is Cyclop, the original love of Jean gone for good? How Jack is going to spend his loveless life since he had accomplished his two missions…the school was already in the good hands of Storm and the world had rid itself of Magneto, what is next? Will there be an X-Men 4…I would not rule it out.

Popular topics today: yahoo greetings, leah hickman, away from her, okka magadu songs, sacha baron cohen, valerie bertinelli, sweeney todd lyrics, arabella spencer churchill, carlos marroquin, see spot run, buynowbe

- 14:51 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

40 year old virgin

40 year old virgin

Update: I finally got around to watching this film in its entirety. My review is here.

Another Update: James Wolcott soupy sales Vanity Fair has Bringing Down the House entry on Little Miss Sunshine here.


As a member of NYFCO (New York Film Critics Online), I get to see films for free at AMC/Loews theaters. Unlike my colleagues, I tend not to use the privilege that often. Generally speaking, they have professional obligations to cover the latest dreadful weekly openings. I tend to review documentaries, foreign films and rented vintage films. NYFCO has an awards meeting at the end of the year that picks the best out of Hollywood in the spirit of the Oscars. Last year my nominations were viewed with a mixture of annoyance and bemusement. This year I feel honor-bound to try to take in some of the more critically acclaimed independent films made in the USA that are generally favored by my colleagues. As my first foray into this unfamiliar territory, I went to see Little Miss Sunshine with an open mind. It only took me 10 minutes to walk out of this off-putting mess of a film.

The first 10 minutes of the film introduce you to the most unpalatable group of characters imaginable, all members of the dysfunctional Hoover family in Albuquerque that goes on a cross-country trip to enter their young daughter at a beauty contest of the sort that JonBenet Ramsey was exploited at until she was murdered. I got off at the first exit myself.

Greg Kinnear plays Richard Hoover, the little girls father. He is first seen presenting one of those dopey motivational talks about how to succeed in business in nine easy steps to a tiny group of paying customers. This of course establishes him as a complete loser. How can you make a living giving such talks when you cant fill the seats yourself?

His teenage son Dwayne is played by Paul Dano. His bedroom is constructed as a shrine to Friedrich Nietzsche, whose writings have inspired him to take an oath of silence. Why is not exactly clear. When I was a miserable adolescent myself, reading Nietzsche made me want to speechify. Despite his deep alienation, Dwayne has his heart set on being accepted at the Air Force Academy as a first step culvert realizing his dream of being a fighter pilot. In other words, the character has no reality. Teenage boys with such hopes do not read Nietzsche. They play video games, watch football and beat up boys like Dwayne.

Richard Hoovers father Edwin (played by Alan Arkin) lives with the family. We first meet him in the family bathroom snorting heroinhe has been thrown out of a senior residence for unspecified misbehavior.

Olive Hoover, the youthful beauty contest aspirant, is played by Abigail Breslin. She is obsessed with Miss America contests and spends every free moment watching past contests on her VCR.

Richards wife Sheryl (Toni Collette) returns home with Richards brother Frank, a college professor and Proust scholar who has just been released from the hospital after slashing his wrists. He is played by Steve Carrell, the star of the horrid 40 Year Old Virgin, another film that has him typecast as a pathetic loser.

As the entire clan sits down for a dinner of take-out fried chicken, Frank explains the bandages on his wrist to Olive, who was initially told that he was in some kind of accident. He confesses that he attempted suicide after being rejected by a male student that he had fallen in love with. Olive is aghast at the news that men can love other men. It seems doubtful, of course, that a 10 year old in contemporary America would be unaware that homosexuals exist. While munching on a corncob, the grandfather says that there are words to describe such behavior but he would refrain from using them.

Shortly after dinner, Richard expresses his anxiety about getting a phone call from Stan Grossman who has been working with him to get his book published. When I heard that name, I said to myself that rings a bell. After beginning to reflect more on the character that Greg Kinnear was playing, a pathetic loser with delusions of grandeur, I suddenly realized that Stan Grossman was a character in Fargo, the financial adviser to the millionaire father of the kidnapped woman. The Kinnear character was practically lifted from the husband (played by William Macy) of that woman.

new york and tailor made I get it. The film had now classified itself, if there was any doubt, as belonging to the freak show tradition mastered by the Coen brothers and emulated by bright young things coming out of film school everywherebut without the talent of the Coen brothers (sadly mostly now eroded.) The idea of spending another 90 minutes with the Hoovers was about as appetizing as getting root-canal work, so I walked out.

The 10 minutes of this film left me feeling with such a sour taste that I decided to write about it when I got home. arabella spencer churchill was responsible for this freak show crafted for an audience whose sense of humor has largely been molded by television situation comedies and SNL?

It is co-directed by Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris, who have never made a feature film before. They have done nothing except music videos before, featuring attractions like Paula Abdul and the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Indeed. It was written by one Michael Arndt, who had never written a screenplay before. It shows.

I suppose I should have been more careful given this endorsement from Marc Cooper:

Faster, shorter movie review: Little Miss Sunshine is fabulous. Its been a long, long, long time since I have so thoroughly enjoyed a movie. Go see it this weekend and report back.

I guess that Cooper is more in line with mainstream opinion on this film than me, since 93 percent of the critics on, where my reviews appear, raved about it. (Of course, 93 percent of Americans probably hate Hugo Chavez along with Cooper as well, for what thats worth.) Indeed, the audience was guffawing at the stupid jokes as I made my way up the aisle out of the theater. I guess I needed reminding why shows like Will and Grace remain on the air, if not beloved by millions.

Recently economists have been mulling over the question whether American workers have progressed at all since 1973. While the numbers indicate that more hours are needed to secure a house and other basic goods, some economists argue that the introduction of new technologies like cell phones, microwave ovens and video games, etc. more than make up for this.

I know. I often feel nostalgic for the 1950s when you could go into a fruit store like my fathers and eat a tomato whose flavor expresses a kind of Platonic ideal, not to speak of the fact that you didnt have to worry about e. coli.

I also feel nostalgic for the movies I used to watch when I was an undergraduate. The other night I caught most of The Seventh Seal on TCM and sat enthralled once again by Ingmar Bergmans genius.

Ill tell you what. Ill give back my cell phone if I could see films like that any day of the week.


Excellent review of Little Miss Sunshine


Popular topics today: howard schnellenberger, dave thomas foundation, leah hickman, ali mcgraw, feels like the first time lyrics, florida atlantic, sweeney todd lyrics,, confessions of a teenage drama queen, 40 year old virgin, buynowbe

- 07:27 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

petak, 21.12.2007.

are barnacles plants or animals

are barnacles plants or animals

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- 18:54 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

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