
subota, 03.02.2007.


Večeras mi se desilo nekaj ružno. Sjedio sam sa svojom curom u centru Zagreba i pričali mi. Stali su pored nas neki pijani tinejđeri i počeli nabacivati vulgarnosti. Ja sam ih ignorirao, ali to je jednog još više isprovociralo i bilo je jasno da hoće svađu. Ja sam pokušavao biti miran. U jedno trenutku je pukao, strgnuo mi naočale i lupio u lice.
Krist me uči da okrenem drugi obraz. I jesam. Nisam reagirao na njegov udarac (prvo bilo me je strah, drugo bilo ih je 5-6, treće znao sam da ne smijem). Nije lako tako se postaviti, ali bolje je. Jer sa da sam mu se išao bahatiti tko zna kako je moglo završiti, ovako je samo malo nastradao moj nos. Ne mrzim tog dečka, štoviše nisam ni ljut. Žao mi ga je, jer "nije znao što čini".

03.02.2007. u 00:50 • 3 Tko kaže da je šutnja zlato?Print#

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Me, myself&I

ime: xxxx xxxx
godina: 27 komada
zanimanje: dipl. povjesničar i prof. povijesti (i nije tak fora kak zvuči)
zaposlen: da
status: imam curu
volim: puno toga
hobi: pa zapravo ga i nemam (bed)
poseban: ma naravno
mana: lijenost
mrzim: ustajanje ujutro
filmovi: samo ako su dobri
muzika: slušam


Third Day - I'll Carry my Cross
Third DAY video by Jesiah

Casting Crowns -Who Am I?

Third Day...Cry out to Jesus

To everyone who’s lost someone they love
Long before it was their time,
You feel like the days you had were not enough
when you said goodbye.

And to all of the people with burdens and pains
Keeping you back from your life,
You believe that there’s nothing and there is no one
Who can make it right.

There is hope for the helpless,
Rest for the weary,
Love for the broken heart.
There is grace and forgiveness,
Mercy and healing,
He’ll meet you wherever you are.
Cry out to Jesus, Cry out to Jesus.

For the marriage that’s struggling just to hang on,
They lost all of their faith in love.
They’ve done all they can to make it right again,
Still it’s not enough.

For the ones who can’t break the addictions and chains,
You try to give up but you come back again.
Just remember that you’re not alone in your shame
And your suffering.

There is hope for the helpless...

When you’re lonely
And it feels like the whole world is falling on you,
You just reach out, you just cry out to Jesus,
Cry to Jesus.

To the widow who suffers with being alone,
Wiping the tears from her eyes,
For the children around the world without a home
Say a prayer tonight.

There is hope for the helpless...

Cry out to Jesus, Cry out to Jesus.

Johnny Cash...njegov posljednji spot...pjesma Hurt