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*...If I left You go I will never know, what my life would be holding You close to me, will I ever see You smiling back at Me, how will I know, if I left You go...*
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......I can hear you when you whisper, but you cant even hear me screaming..........


When will I ever be free from this pain and and misery?
Myspace Scary Icons

.......You left me hair alone....
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--------You are all what ever i need, to be happy-------
myspace layout

myspace layout

..........Nobody will ever love you, like i do....
Myspace Kiss Icons

............Dear heart, i met a boy today, prepare to shatter.............
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I don`t want dream of, i wont be with you.......
Friendster images

Friendster images

I could never love anyone, like i love him....
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Missing you isnt what hurts, its knowing that i once had you, that kills me....
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I wont you love me like i love you...........
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..........Can we yous stay in this moment....
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...............I know you don`t love me, so why i am even trying...
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.............My heart still bleeds for you...........
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............Never again will my treas falls for you.........
Myspace Scary Icons

------------I want the truth from you even if it hurts me!--------------
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......................A broken heart never really heals........
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image hosting file

..............I like walking in the rain cause no one know I'm crying…..
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.............So what if I like black? It doesn`t make me to a bad person........
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............I feel so empty inside..............
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I`ve been looking in the mirror, for so long that i`ve com to believe my souls on the other side.
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You never realise ho much it hurts........Until it happens to you.............
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____________Don`t try fix me, i am not broken____
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..............You don`t know what love is,until it breaks your heart.....
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....Everybody needs Somebody...............
Myspace Love Quotes Icons

Take my heart please, but don`t break it tham....
You already did it.
Myspace layouts

Myspace layouts

...........I want for spend for ever in your arms.........
blog layouts

blog layouts

............Never make somebody your everything cause when they're gone you've got nothing..........
Myspace Scary Icons

................Take me far away from here.........
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...........You love is in my heart, and i will always love you forever..........


is like a pan....
you can cross, something out, but you can never erase it....
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......Treas are words that heart can say....
Myspace Icons

....No one loves you like i do........

-----I wish you where here-----------
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.......I still hate you....
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Images for your blog

....I am too busy being me to care what do you think........
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..........He has the key to my heart.....


........I love him........
Myspace Icons

...........I would walkaway but then i will cry cos i no u wont fallow..........
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Love, is danger.....
You never now what it wont for your heart.....
Lucky soul or blood and death.....

Love is just a pain..........

I focus on the pain, There is the only thing that`s real....

......Never take life too seriously, nobody gets out alive anyways........

I hate your smile, because it takes the pain anyway, only four a second,
because it is then that i see you, when you smile to her
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Emo boys:
Girl paints, lip ring, hair eating face, converse, eyeliner, is it too much four ask four?
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...How high will you fly with broken wings?...
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..........I thing i fall in love, it scares me......
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Everybody hate me because for that four what I AM.
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How will you know,
I am hurting if you cannot see any pain?
To ware it on my body, tells what words cannot explain
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Suicide is a beutiful night, I think I will kill myself....
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Some times its the only way to kill the pain...
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I crowed your name of the bullet, so people would know you ware the last thing going through my head...
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.....When you cried, i cried, when you died I died inside....
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....Love is the softest form of suicide.......
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So, thats why i cry myself, every night....
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...In my eyes you are always perfect....
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If i laugh and talk to loud, It`s because i`m trying forget that I`m sad....
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Love is like fire, so longer it burn to harder is it put down.
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Pain fills my heart with sadnesses.....
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When will all the pain go away?
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.......Cherish the memories, ignore the pain......
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When you walk away
I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now?
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.....A million memories flood my brain
Drown my sorrow, Kill my pain, Whets my thirst for you again
Just another night to get through.......
Myspace .Icons
-----All my neighbors scream for quiet at my door
Shattered glass and torn up photos on the floor
Well, I couldn't stand to see your pictures anymore--------

A billion tear drops fallen from my eyes
But it's just a joke now
And I'm laughing at your lies
You make me hard as rock and now I realize
Myspace Icons
............Baby, I could have been someone
I could have been something
It would have been nothing to die for you
Baby, you're going to need me
You'd better believe me
It would have been easy to die for you...................
Myspace Emo Icons
............I always needed time on my own
I never thought I'd need you there when I cry
And the days feel like years when I'm alone
And the bed where you lie
is made up on your side..................
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.............If I smile and don't believe
Soon I know I'll wake from this dream
Don't try to fix me, I'm not broken
Hello I'm the lie living for you so you can hide
Don't cry.................
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---When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
All the words I need to hear to always get me through the day
And make it OK
I miss you-------------
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------------I've never felt this way before
Everything that I do
Reminds me of you
And the clothes you left
they lie on my floor
And they smell just like you
I love the things that you do-----------
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.......I walk this empty street
Were the city sleeps
And I'm the only one and I walk a
My shadows the only one that walks beside me
My shallow hearts the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
Till then I'll walk alone.....
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-.-.-.-.-.-I walk a lonely road
The only one, that I have ever known
Don't know were it goes
But its home and I walk alone-.-.-.-.-.-.
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----When you left
I lost a part of me
It's still so hard to believe
Come back baby please
We belong together----
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.....These wounds won't seem to heal
This pain is just too real
There's just too much that time cannot erase.....
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.......All I ever wanted was for you to know
Everything I do I give my heart and soul
I can hardly breathe, I need to feel you here with me.....
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.......When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears
When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears
And I held your hand through all of these years
But you still have
All of me.................
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.....I didn't mean it ,When I said I didn't love you so
I should have held on tight, I never should've let you go
I did nothing, I was stupid, I was foolish, I was lying to myself,..
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Znaći, ovaj blog piše jedna spodoba kojoj su nadjenuli ime Ena, to malo biće s crnim mislima, pesimizmom, i velikoj dozi perverzije u svojoj glavi prolazi kroz život. Rodilo se i živi u Zg-u. Zbog svoje ekcentrićnosti živi u samoći, te troši veliki dio svog života na msn-u, facebooku, vampirefreak-u i myspace-u. Ako želite poboljšati socijalan život te spodobe, dodajte je na msn ena7539@hotmail.com
Uglavnom, ta Ena kako je nazivaju, kvari svoj sluh na preglasnom slušanju Bullet for my vallentie-a, Armore for sleep-a, Funeral for a friend-a, i daljnim grupama tipa Panic at the disco, Linkin park, Korn, Slipknot, Boys like girls, The faint, makar se tu pridruži Amy Winehouse.
Bliska je gothicarima, emachima, metalcima, punkerima i ostalim ljudima koji nemaju ništa protiv nje.

Toliko o njoj. Za pojedinosti, pitajte ili ćitajte postove:-)

Par fotki da imate šta za vidjet.

Me&Ćiro (znam nekog tko mrzi ovu sliku, toćnije, jako ga zbunjuje)
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Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
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Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us
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From day one I talked about getting out
But not forgetting about
How my worst fears are letting out
He said why put a new address
On the same old loneliness
When breathing just passes the time
Until we all just get old and die
Now talking's just a waste of breath
And living's just a waste of death
And why put a new address
On the same old loneliness
And this is you and me
And me and you
Until we've got nothing left

subota, 20.06.2009.

Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't


Na kratko ću se osvrnut na moj prošli post, tj. na moju pjesmu. Unatoč što nije komentirana na blogu, poslala sam je par ljudi te je uistinu zadobila pozitivne kritike. Bar od mojih najdražih kritičara;-)
Iskreno, sama sam sebe iznenadila. Usprkos mojih silnih poštapalica i slabom izražavanju, doista je došao do izražaja moj nešto bolji vokablar, no dobro, dovoljno o tome.

Ovaj post pišem u 20. lipnja, tj. 4 dana nakon dugo išćekivanog koncerta Slipknota koji me uistinu zadivio. Koji se zbio sasvim neočekivano.
slipknot Pictures, Images and Photos
U polusnu sam naglo odlućila da neidem na maturalac i to oko mjesec dana prije njegovog nadolaska. I stvarno imam osjećaj da sam donjela ispravnu odluku. Još jedan dokaza moje ekcentričnosti:-) Te sam odlućila dio novaca namjenjen za taj maturalac potrošit na karte za koncert.

Pratnja mi je bio jedan dečko tj. frend od mog buraza. Izrazito drag, s mnogo soli u glavi. Pošto smo se se morali preguravat da bi dospjeli sve do drugih redova od stage-a, nešto smo se kratko držali za ruke. Pogotovo zbog ludih naguravanja pomalo pijanih metalaca, no dobro, ipak nije bio smisao u huliganskom naguravanju nego u dobroj zabavi. Predgrupe su bile dobre, Slipknot savršen, dobro društvo, gala (moja nova poštapalica) atmosfera. U trenutku kad je Slipknot izvodio moju naj naj naj pjesmu Psihosocial, postala sam svijesna koliko sam zapravo u tom trenutku bila ponosna na sebe. Bila sam na koncertu, među metalcima, odjevena u crno s crnim ružem na usnama bez ikakvog srama zbog moje ekcetrićnosti. Konačno među sebi slićnima.
dark love Pictures, Images and Photos
Osjećala sam se u svojoj crnini lijepo, puna samopuzdanja, i naravno sretno. Među starijom ekipom, za koju smatram da sam dovoljno zrela. Uz moju najdražu glazbu, a da nisam morala slušat na slušalice bez osjećaja nelagode što odskaćem od okoline cajkera i fensera. Unatoć što je bilo nevino (no ipak mi je bilo drago), bila sam u društvu pametnog, starijeg i ambicioznog dečka, s kojim sam se držala za ruku koji me nije pocjenjivao i koji je prihvaćao mene kakvu jesam u toj crnini bez osjećaja gadljivosti (čak sam mu dala i pusu;-))))
I taj event propustit zbog maturalca, na kojem bi bila nezadovoljna zbog društva, glazbe, robe(mrzim nosit sandale) i osjećala bi se totalno drugaćijom od "obićnog puka" stvarno mislim da nebi imalo smisla. Unatoć što sam navikla da odskaćem od okoline.
Mogu vam reći da sam zadovoljna, napokon:-)))

To bi bilo to, uživajte,-)))

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