Mjesta na kojima zivi ljubav...
na ovom siteu pronadjite sve moje ispovijesti u nesto
vecem formatu popracenim s vise fotografija :)
Corbis- najbolje fotografije
B.a.B.e.-za emancipirane i aktivne
Victoria's secret
Love poems
Poljubac na kishi s najboljim prijateljem... lijepa slika u mom umu

Holden stares ahead. Then he swerves the wheel to the right. The car pulls to the side of the road.

The rain is a bit heavier now.

Holden throws the car into park

Why are we stopping?

Because I can't take it.

Can't take what?

I love you.

You love me.

I love you. And not in a friendly way, although I think we're
great friends. And not in a misplaced affection, puppy-dog
way, although I'm sure that's what you'll call it. And it's
not because you're unattainable. I love you. Very simple, very
truly. You're the epitome of every attribute and quality I've
ever looked for in another person. I know you think of me as
just a friend and crossing that line is the furthest thing from
an option you'd ever consider. But I can't do this any longer.
I can't stand next to you without wanting to hold you. I can't
look into your eyes without feeling that longing you only read
about in trashy romance novels. I can't talk to you without
wanting to express my love for everything you are. I know this
will probably queer our friendship - no pun intended - but I had
to say it, because I've never felt this before, and I like who I
am because of it. And if bringing it to light means we can't
hang out anymore, then that hurts me. But I couldn't allow another
day to go by without getting it out there, regardless of the
outcome, which by the look on your face is to be the inevitable
shoot-down. And I'll accept that. But I know some part of you is
hesitating for a moment, and if there is a moment of hesitation,
that means you feel something too. All I ask is that you not
suppress that - at least for ten minutes - and try to dwell in it
before you dismiss it. There isn't another soul on this fucking
planet who's ever made me the person I am when I'm with you, and I
would risk this friendship for the chance to take it to the next
plateau. Because it's there between you and me. You can't deny
that. And even if we never speak again after tonight, please know
that I'm forever changed because of you and what you've meant to me,
which - while I do appreciate it - I'd never need a painting of
birds bought at a diner to remind me of.

Holden stares at Alyssa. She stares back. Then she gets out of
the car.

Was it something I said?

Holden gets out of the car. It's raining pretty hard now. Alyssa's
hitching up the road. Holden reaches her.

What are you doing?

Get back in the car and get out of here.

You're going to hitch to New York?


Aren't you at least going to comment?

Here's my comment, fuck you.


That was so unfair. You know how unfair that was.

It's unfair that I'm in love with you?

No, it's unfortunate that you're in love with me. It's unfair that
you felt the fucking need to unburden your soul about it. Do you
remember for a fucking second who I am?

So? People change.

Oh, it's that simple? You fall in love with me and want a romantic
relationship, nothing changes for you with the exception of feeling
hunky-dorey all the time. But what about me? It's not that simple,
is it? I can't just get into a relationship with you without
throwing my whole fucking world into upheaval!
But that's every relationship! There's always going to be a period
of adjustment.

Period of adjustment?!? (hitting him)

If this is a crush... then I don't know if I could take the real
thing if it ever happens.

She looks at him, rain drenching the pair. She shakes her head

Go home, Holden.

She walks away. Holden stands there, at a loss. Then he turns and
heads back to his car. As he reaches the door and turns to look back
at her, Alyssa pounces on him, grabs his face and locks lips with him,
big time. He drops his keys and embraces her.

And there they stand, by the side of the road, drenched kissing.

Pohotan ugriz....mordizco

30.12.2004., četvrtak

43sekundna poezija

dopusti mi da slikam...
jer bih najljepšom bojom naslikala tvoje srce

nemoj me mrziti zbog zvuka koji cujem.
to su samo tvoje rijeci i njihova jeka u mom umu

oprosti mom bijednom pogledu.
gladujem za jos jednom dozom tvog ludila

ne dam se u normalne!
jer je u zatvoru punom sjena udobno uz tebe

tvoj mrak mi lezi-
i zvijezde sto ga paraju su beskorisne

ne gledaj me tako duboko...
jer ces vidjeti novi svijet unutar sebe

sakrij se kao sto to najbolje znas.
zadrzi usne vrelima od suza koje nisu moje.

pokloni drugoj tijelo koje nije moje.

ali daj mi samo komadic svog daha...

u cudnom sam stanju u zadnje vrijeme... zato i ne pisem kao inace... sve je tiho i mirno. on spava siguran i spokojan.

- 00:23 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

24.12.2004., petak

I miss you... like the deserts miss the rain...

Sanjam... i osjećam tvoje ruke oko sebe... I just kept it to myself...
I don't wanna know
If you're playing me keep it on the low
Coz my heart can't take it anymore
And if you're creeping please don't let it show
Oh I don't wanna know...

Tako mi nedostaje... Tek je nekoliko dana proslo od naseg posljednjeg dodira, i opet se ne mogu prisiliti da se pored njega osjecam kao pored brata. Ponovo ga zelim ponovo ceznem. I venem poput kakvog jesenjeg cvijeta na hladnoj zimi. Ponovo. Vrtim se u krug, i zato te mrzim.

Cinis me ovako bijednom cak i u najvecoj sreci. Jer sve je lijepo- grad je prepun tisucu plavicastih lampica, bozicne pjesme odzvanjaju na svakom koraku, a ja sam svejedno prazna. Bez tebe. Odgovori mi da ovo stanje prođe. Spasi me. Samo još danas. Molim te.

Samo nazovi.

Apagar las siluetas

Esta noche me enbuceo en las velas
Hay aquas raras viajando por mis pensamientos
Han creado un camino nuevo entre mi logica
Y por que? Es lo unico que lo puedo preguntar
Este fuego apaga todas las contestas

Tu piel todavia duerme sobre mi
Una parte de tu alma sigue yendo entre mi ser
Una ventana deja la luz entrar por ella
Y enciendo un mil de velas este noche
Para destruir el sabor que me has dado a inhalar

A que esquina duermes este noche?
Aun cuando el me abraza tan fuerte
Y mire entre mis ojos lleno de fe
Cubro la mirada en el crepusculo de la luz
Para no descubrirte en mi

Miento, engano y lloro
Cierro los ojos tranquilamente en la noche

Hasta que inhalas entre de mi transformo en ti
Tu corazon dentro de mi mis ojos
Sobre la mesa de suenos te sirvo mi misma
Mis defectos bajo de tus manos

Un angel sin volar,
Demonios que carician la verdad,
Todo desaparece en la eternidad
Me quedo solo humano,
Sin ropa sobre mi cuerpo.

Ako želite snimiti pjesmu "I don't wanna know" Maria Winansa, odaberite Save target as desnim klikom misha na ovopostovskoj slicici. Love...

- 15:00 - Komentari (3) - Isprintaj - #

22.12.2004., srijeda

Por amarte robaria una estrella... ili Drhtati pod tvojim rukama

Por Amarte

Amor es una cosa especial
no es un viene y va
amor solo te pasa una vez
pero de verdad
Amar es cuando solo piensas
en donde estara
amar es como un milagro
deficil de explicar

Amar es cuando la proteges
de la lluvia y el viento
amar es cuando tu la abrazas
y te olvidas del tiempo
amar es cuando tu la veas
y te pones nervioso
amar es cuando tu te das cuenta
de tus sentimientos

Por amarte robaria una estrella
y te la regalaria
por amarte cruzaria los mares
solo por abrazate
por amarte juntaria la lluvia
con el fuegov por amarte daria la vida
solo por besarte

Amar es cuando escribes tu nombre
por todo el cielo
amar es cuando solo sueńas
con llevartela lejos
amar es cuando tu la ves
y se queda en tus ojos
amar es cuando tu te das cuenta
ella lo es todo

Por amarte robaria una estrella
y te la regalaria
por amarte cruzaria los mares
solo por abrazate
por amarte juntaria la lluvia
con el fuegov por amarte daria la vida
solo por besarte

Kao što sam obećala, nakon konačnog popravka računala, prilažem nastavak priče... Pjesma koju mozete vidjeti iznad je "Por amarte" Enrique Iglesiasa i nazalost zasad je nisam uspjela naci na netu pa nemam link za njen download. Pokusajte s nekim od pretrazivaca za mp3 glazbu. :)

We swung for a while - pressed up close one to another. It was a lullaby for just the two of us. I could feel the sheets from his bedside beneath my body, and I hesitated. Suddenly it felt like all of this was incredibly wrong.



I passed along his back with my fingers and twisted my arm so I could feel my skin next to his. I loved the lower part of his back... It was so tender and susceptible to touch. Sometimes he would smile as I touched it, like it tickled him. I got the butterflies in my stomach and I couldn't stop.

He pulled his shirt up and took it off across his neck line. He wore a plain white T-shirt undearneath, and I could see his waist line beyond his belt.

While we were singing our lullaby, I couldn't take my lips off his. It was as if I was afraid of letting go. I pondered in the moment. If I had stepped away for a second, he might have moved faster ahead. And my knees where already trembling with insecurity.

I couldn't wait any longer. This point in time froze, and I was moving still...

I knew what he wanted. He was always so impatient. This time I just couldn't care. It was there, in front of me, confronting me inside his blue eyes.

"We lay in each other's arms, but the room is just the nicest place; we left something in there, there's something in the air..."

We parted for a second, and I fell on top of his bedside.

His bed was small and cozy, and probably the only one he ever had. It was and american type of bed - without lim or any rods. Simply a soft mattrace covered with a big, fluffy layer of covers that felt warm just from the touch of it. As I sat on it, it lost its balance for a moment and we laughed because of its crookedness.

Everytime a mishap in our passion occured, my boy and I laughed. It was the most wonderful feeling ever. I could do the clumsiest and silliest event and we would accept it so lightly, as nothing more than part of our pleasurable moment.

But then we stopped laughing. Something much more serious ran like a road runner through my brain cells. And there was no dispute that this very same mental athlete had been training inside his head for this entire time too.

That god awful feeling overflew me again. At this point, there was no turning back. I knew my options. I could run. I could hide. I could tell him everything or I could pretend. I could force myself to this and deny my anguist. I could let go. But instead, I chose to do none of the above. I listened to something hidden inside of me, a whole new part of my soul that lived beyond my control. It felt like fever. It felt like I was a complete case for the psychiatrics, like I had just lost my mind and live solely in this point in time. No past. No future. Just now. MORE. THIS. HIM. ME. UNDER HIS HANDS.


Was I about to do this? Was I capable of giving one final thing I still kept private to my boy? Was he capable of holding my secret with care, not breaking it? Was he going to go this far? Did he know me so well, to know my wishes before his? Did he know me better than myself? Did he ever know me at all? My brain certainly wasn't going to answer all of this for me. So it felt like I was leaving it all up to chance.

He fastly unzipped my jacket and threw it on the floor. But I subconsciously knew this was going to happen. I could have worn my old, puffy black jacket, but instead I chose to wear the smaller, more attractive one that we bought together on our trip to Austria a few weeks earlier. I knew he would look at me differently depending on what I was wearing, as vain as it might seem. That very same vain part of him drove me insane at times. Those times he really acted like the typical male. But then again, this made it so much easier for me to play our game. It made it so clear to me what would tickle his arousal, so I could see the exciting results.

Tricky and sneaky, I know. But I enjoyed it never the less. Was I being bad? Maybe. This unlikely discovery was awaken inside of me in such a rush of emotions, that I needed to cling to it as strongly as I could.

We were kissing so intensely now. I wanted to devour him with my kiss. At first, he was shocked to see me act so uncontrolled. But there was no hesitation in his embrace. He acceptes these new found rules and played along. His tongue was moving more deeply into me than ever before, and his movements were inexplainably rapid.

I changed our rhythm from time to time. I would suddenly slow down my moves, always almost reaching a halt, but never completely stopping or giving him the chance to take the lead. I gently licked his lipd and created soft, quiet sounds of satisfaction because I knew how badly it made him want for more. Every time I sustained in speed I could feel his heart beat and his entire body pulsate as if it was hungry for something. Then we would change paste. I bit him by the lower lip, almost hurting him, but always so gently to let him know how tender I wanted to be with him. I continued nibbling on it faster and faster. I teased his tongue once more and played with it faster as well. Now he couldn't wait anymore, so he took control.

I could feel him breathe inside of me. We shared the same breath, and I felt like our souls and thoughts were entwined in one another. We were one. I sucked on his tongue like a pop sickle and I could hear him humm incoherently as I did this. His hands were all over me at this point. I let him slide against my thights and hips with his fingers and it felt so good. He was so anxious, but this movement was the one movement that he always performed with such tender touch. He was so gentle and careful it made me completely intoxicated by it.

Like animals in heat, we moved slowly, making sure we didn't make loud noises. His mother was about to come home any minute. But I still didn't care about that. All I saw, all I felt, all that existed for me was our energy in that room. This elevation and feeling like I was on dope made me strive for more. Stronger.


The bed squeeked and I wondered about the thickness of the walls next to his neighbour's room across the wall a few times. I still had my winter gloves on, which I didn't remember to take off in the heat of the moment. I threw them off of me and off the bed, and we heard something metal fall to the wooden floor underneath us. It was his ring.

I again gazed into his hands. Oh boy, I love his hands. They were so strong and protective, and I wanted them on top of my skin. I wanted to hold my hand in his, to trap him under me and hold them so tight, as if I were to attack. To make sure he couldn't move. They were rough, like the hands of a skilled craftsman, but when he placed them on me, I responded to them like to the sweetest and gentlest touch ever. He was so good with his hands. This was a craft indeed to him, and I was about to be moulded. I was a clay sculpture waiting to be created into a beautiful piece of art. He changed my expression to his own taste, so I began to tranform into whatever he made me up to be. My being was not in my possesion nor in my control. It was of HIS making. My body melted with the water he introduced to the dirt I was made of before this love, and now the water had made me feel alive. A sculpture created in a rain of feelings unproclaimed; in an eye of a storm about to break free.

I feel under him and he climbed and top of me. His body was so finely crafted and strong. When he was younger, he spent a lot of his time swimming and training, so that now, even though he had stopped, this was forever carved into his posture. His heart beated so fast, and his body shook over mine. I could sense his stomach and his muscles contract in an undefined rhythm. I followed with mine. We moved as one again, him pressing me stronger and stronger with every heartbeat.

He whispered my name into my ear and kissed it gently, but impatiently. I wanted to make him feel me, but it was much too soon for me, for us. I couldn't go that far. Not yet. I couldn't bring myself to trusting him that way, with so much faith in both of us. It was all just to unsecure to become real so soon. He took me by the hand and lowered it against his thighs. I felt afraid, but the fear was weakening more and more. He continued undressing himself and I didn't have the wish to stop him. my curiosity got the best of me. he told me not to be scared and kissed me again. I still don't know if I should have resisted. Was it futile to do so? I touched him and he began to breathe even more intensely now. Hearing him breathe so unproportionaly and uncontrolably made me want him so badly. He couldn't stop. He moned and breathed in and out like a timid child. I kissed him softly and whispered to the beat of his heart bumping against mine.

He would change paste between kissing my lips and my neck. The one sensation I was completely impotent to were his kisses on my neck. His lips were naturally soft and full, so whenever he would cross over my neck bone with them I shiverred slowly and shyly. He was so sly... He would kiss me softly, lick my skin and pull it to his breath, trying to suck me into his it. This made me sooo weak. I couldn't help but get constant flashbacks of the moment we kissed for the first time.

It all began with a love bite, with a hickey. Everybody could see it, and I didn't even try to hide it. Not even from my mother. I didn't think. I felt. That was it. My destiny. To feel. Most people hide their love marks from the world, but me, no. I wanted them to see it. I wanted everyone to know I was his. I belonged to my boy. And he marked me as such with that bite.

This time he sucked on my skin even stronger. it reached the point of pain, but my brain didn't register it as pain at all. In fact, to some mazochistic point, it was the strongest feeling of pleasure ever. I hurt, and I wanted more. NOW. RIGHT NOW. I wanted him to leave a mark.

I wanted to show you I was yours again... You held me captive - I belonged, I surrendered. I was imprisoned. I loved.

He would stop to kiss me on the lips again, but I wanted to divert him back to my neck. Oh god, this must have been 7th heaven. I was weak for his touch. When he would run his hands over my stomach and my waist, I would tremble, and when he combined it with his heavenly kiss, I felt as if and angel had taken me by the hand, had taken me by the heart. And he took all of me. He had taken me away. Far away...

* * *

As I layed there, sleepless under his arms holding me tightly, I gazed away to see a hundred blue stars on the ceiling. As his hands continued to travel across my skin, up and down, I came from the lowest point of calmness to the highest in an explosion of emotions. I wondered constantly if he felt but a small part of this beautiful sensation.

I wanted to crawl into his head and read his mind like an open book. This was always so hard for me. He was a mystery. A puzzle made up of millions of pieces which I needed to assemble together to understand the big picture. And with every new discovery, his life seemed to penetrate more deeply into mine. He had made me fall in love. I am in love. Why does he choose to ignore it?

He continued to corress me gently. I could feel his fingers get warmer by every moment of friction created between our skins. he places them underneath my shirt and moved them up my belly, across my waist... To my breasts. He fell upon me with all his strength and removed the cloth from the left part of my red vest. I wore this old red vest which my dear aunt bought for me many years ago. It was my favorite, and I believe, most beautiful one. Its color was of the most wonderful, passionate red shade, entwined in love, blood and intensity. I wore it because I felt truely beautiful in it. And I hoped I'd be beautiful i his eyes, too. It had a long, V-cut neckline and my skin felt sensitive just to the feel of the tiny, sweet fabric above it. He pulled one side of my vest a bit more to the left and tickled me over my laced, nightly black bra. He hesitated for a moment, trying to tease me by making me yearn for more in this bittersweet anticipation.

Strung out for a dose. I was a junkie.

Man makes holy what he believes, as he makes beautiful what he loves. - Renan[/I]

- 20:16 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

18.12.2004., subota

Tehnicke zavrzlame... perdoname mis compadres

Trenutno imam malih problema s internetom i kompjutorom opcenito pa ce moje objavljivanje postova u narednih par dana biti minimalno i svedeno na ovakva kratka javljanja iz zg webcafe-a...

"U can say what you want, but it won't change my mind
I feel the same about you...
And you can give me your reasons but it won't change my feelings
I feel the same about you..."

Jos uvijek sam u stanju delirijuma. Opijat, droga, ma kako god to zelite nazvati. Danas sam smislila besmislen razlog o pravljenju bozicnih poslastica samo da ga nazovem i cujem mu glas... Opet se nasmijao preko telefona... Obozavam kad to radi, mogu mu zamisliti usne i njegov dragi pogled koji me vjecno prati... Pitam se razmislja li on o meni ikada?

Spremna sam na sve.

Los quiere hasta la muerte de si misma, senorita L.

- 22:11 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

17.12.2004., petak

El aroma de colita; luna, luna de nadie...

U noci punog mjeseca svog jedinog sanjam umorna, trazenje se oduljilo, a želja beskrajna... "I am lost and I rejoice in the openness; I cannot decide

where to go, so for now I will dance where I am and be.

There is no goal, no destination; just wilderness and life

and being. I sing and dance and live in the wilderness-

And I am home."


Hotel California - Gypsy Kings

Por el camino del desierto
El viento me despeina
Sube el aroma de colita
Luna, luna de nadie
Ella a lo lejos
Una luz centela
La idea de mi estar
Quedar por la noche
Alli estaba a la entrada
Y las campanas a sonar
Y me di con llamarme mismo
Que es puerta del cielo
Ella enciende una vela
En muestra del camino
Suenan voces en el corredor
Y lo que indican diciendo

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place
Such a lovely place

Ella al lado que brillaba
Tenia una Mercedes
Rodeada de chicos guapos
Ella llamaba amigos
Cuando viene despacio
Del tumba de verano
Aquel era pa’recordar
Y otro pa’ olvidar
Le pedi al capitan
Que sirve el vino
Y pedi con un amor
Tenido este alcohol
De este sesenta y nueve
Famosa y que llamando
Pues me va a despertar
La noche para decir

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place
Such a lovely place

El espejo en el techo
Champana en el hielo
Y ella dijo somos todos prisioneros
De propia voluntad
Y en los cuartos principales
Hacen sucias esta
Hasta aca a la bestia
Pero no la logra a matar

Mi ultimo recuerdo
Corria hacia la puerta
Ver una candela en el camino
Por donde habia llegado
"Relax" dijo el portero
Por mi es honor recibir
Puede salir cuando quiere
Pero nunca yo partir

Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place
Such a lovely place...

- 21:56 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

16.12.2004., četvrtak

Ti si mi u krvi... (BB=jedini, posljednji i prvi...)

Pogledom me miluje
k'o da me dodiruje
i svaki put
kao da je prvi
Ja stalno mislim prestat ce
iz cista mira nestat ce
al' pozuda ne prestaje
ti si mi u krvi

Toliko dugih godina
uzimanja, davanja
ostajem posljednji i prvi
Zbog tebe sanjam Cigane
i smisljam slatke prevare
al' djavo se ne predaje
ti si mi u krvi

I ako te odvedu
Cigani cergari
ili te ukradu strasni haremski cuvari
Ako te odvedu
ja cu da poludim
bez tebe ne umijem vise jutrom da se budim

Ako te odvedu
sve ce da se srusi
Pamti me k'o prijatelja, cuvaj me u dusi
i onda
kad mislis da je prekasno za snove
za sve

Toliko dugih godina...

I ako te odvedu...

Obratite pozornost na boldane natpise i fotografije jer klikom na njih mozete doci do nekih zanimljivih stranica ili pak downloadati pokoju pjesmu poput ove...

- 21:01 - Komentari (5) - Isprintaj - #

15.12.2004., srijeda

Jerry: "I love you. You... complete me." Dorothy: "Shut up. Just shut up. You had me at "hello".

Malo cu staviti svoju proslost na cekanje, i pisati o onome sto mi je upravo sada na srcu. Jer sto je bilo, bilo je, i nikada nije kasno za nju. A sada je ovdje- ovaj nepomican, nepromjenjiv trenutak...

Trenuci su ono sto je satkalo nasu proslost, sadasnjost i buducnost... Oni mali komadici vremena na koje vecinu vremena ne obracamo pozornost.

Be happy for this moment. Because... This moment is your life.
-Olivier Martinez, "Unfaithful"

Tako sam sretna. I istinski ispunjena. Postoji skriveni dio mene koji se boji, koji te zeli uz sebe, no sama pomisao na tvoj lik i sama ljubav koju osjecam me griju i u ovoj hladnoj zimskoj noci. Tope se svi ledovi. I ja sam opet tvoja. U mislima...

Samo kad bih znala kako ti priznati sve... Kako?

Mozda kao u filmu...:

Got a minute?

He nods, you bet. Worried for her. What is this? She looks in
another direction, and we now see that we have nearly reached...

... a stage that's been set up for the band. Chairs, music stands,
sound equipment. A gleaming dance floor, already in place over the
lawn. Next to it, a shimmering white GAZEBO. Like the centerpiece
of a wedding cake.

What's up?


Up the white steps now. Together. The gazebo floor has been
covered with hardwood. The perfect place. For a wedding dance.
And Julianne...

... turns, suddenly. He almost runs into her. She is staring up
at him, so strangely, their bodies only inches apart. He is caught,
transfixed by the intensity in her eyes.

I have to say this quick, okay,
or I'll have this massive
coronary and you'll never have
to hear it. Which you need to.
Does that make any sense at all?

The coronary part does. We can feel her heart beating from here.

Jules, what's wrong...

This is the dumbest thing I will
ever do. So dumb, in fact, that
I can't. I don't think.

And then, she does. She puts her hands flat on his chest. Looks
in his eyes.

Michael, I love you.

A heartbeat passes.

I've loved you for nine years,
but I was too arrogant and
scared to realize it. Now I'm
just scared.

He stares at her, dumbstruck. She moves even closer.

I know this comes at an
inopportune time, but I have to
ask this one really gigantic
favor, okay?

Holds her breath. And...

Choose me. Marry me. Let me
make you happy.

And in a half beat of excruciating silence...

I know. It sounds like three

His eyes are loving. They care for her. She swallows, lost in

But when you think about it...

Slides her arms around his neck, and raises her mouth...

... to his. The most beautiful kiss she will ever offer. All of
her heart is in this, and as his hands touch her body.

.................................preuzeto iz filma "My best friend's wedding"

- 22:46 - Komentari (7) - Isprintaj - #

14.12.2004., utorak

...cujes li me nocas?

Samo sam dvaput prije hodala uz stepenice koje vode do njegove sobe. Prvi put me u nju uvela njegova majka, pokazivajući mi njegove stare, prašnjave knjige, u potrazi za jednom koja bi mi se svidjela. Ona uvijek cini takve drage geste.

Dok je BB bio vani, svaki dan bi nam dolazila u goste. Zapravo, dolazila bi tako cesto da na nju vise nisam ni gledala kao na goscu u svom domu. Ona je postala dio nase obitelji. Tako sam uzivala slusajuci njene price, njene savjete... A znala sam da joj nedostaje tako snazno. No ona nije nikada znala koliko je nedostajao meni. Donijela bi mi pokoju slasticu, najcesce čokoladu, koju zna da obozavam. Ponekad je pomagala mojoj mami s bojenjem kose ili pravljenjem jesenskog ajvara... :) Kako su me samo ti trenuci znali nasmijati... Dala mi je dio sebe, i prihvatila me kao svoje. A sada sam bila u njenoj kuci, ukrasenoj njenim slikama i svijecnjacima u sobama... Spremna predati svoje misli njenom jedinom sinu.

Odjednom me obavio osjećaj krivice. Bila sam izdajica. Kako sam samo mogla okrenuti joj tako leđa? Kako sam mogla dopustiti da me povedu osjećaji i da pogazim svu ljubav i brigu koju mi je ta predivna žena podarila tokom posljednjih godina? Je li to što sam činila bilo uistinu loše?

Savjest me usmjerala u tisuću pravaca. Izgrizao me osjećaj straha, osjećaj sreće, osjećaj prijetvora. Gadila sam se sama sebi. Ali poricala sam to. Potisnula sam to najdublje sto sam mogla i nastavila sa svojim naumom- moj cilj je još uvijek bio kristalno jasan.

Falling in love is when SHE falls asleep in your arms and wakes up in your dreams...

Kada smo ušli u njegove odaje, ništa nije bilo kao prije. Sve stare prašnjave knjige su nestale s polica, a u kutu pokraj vrata vise nije stajala hrpa iskoristenih skolskih udžbenika. Slike s plivackih natjecanja zamijenile su posljednje snimke s njegove proljetne mature, a zidovi su bili bijeli poput svježe rezanog papira... Na prozorima su stajale guste rolete, neke neodređene boje. Bile su tamnocrvene, zagasite poput krvi. Jedan je prozor bio poluotvoren, tek toliko da kroz njega udje lagani povjetarac. S ulice su se mogli cuti lagani otkucaji srca i tihi koraci koji su pusto lutali na takvu hladnu jesensku noć... Učinilo mi se da iz daljine dopire neka nečujna glazba, no danas mislim da je ona ipak bila samo dio moje mašte...

Lagano sam se provukla iza dva velika stara drvena ormara koja je nedefinirano nagurao u kut prostorije i zbunjeno ga gledala.

Kao i prije.

Ponašali smo se kao da se ništa nije dogodilo. Gledala sam ga preko sobe, svijetlo je bilo prigušeno, a zidovi su postajali sve užima... Nešto je opet besmisleno počeo objašnjavati u vezi uredjenja svoje sobe, a ja sam se samo molila da nas to ne odvede u neke sramežljive, tihe vode. Jer nisam stvarno više imala snage da se borim s time. Nisam se mogla pomiriti s još jednom igrom skrivača, pretvaranja da smo samo prijatelji, glume da ovo ništa ne znači.

Krenula sam ka njemu. I on se nagnuo prema mom vratu. Htjela sam da me poljubi kao prvi put, kada sam osjetila njegove mekane, savrsene usne na svom tijelu. No dogodilo se nešto još ljepše. Poljubili smo se. Prvi put sinkronizirano poput plesača na mjesečini, istovremeno smo se spojili i izmjenili emocije. Bile su intenzivne, i moje i njegove. I bila sam u sedmom nebu...

Na trenutak sam pomislila da se povucem. Da kazem da mi se zuri kuci i da ne mogu vise ostati. Ha, htjela sam odglumiti polu-nedostiznu zavodnicu, fatalnu zenu. Mae West.
Catherine Deneuve. Ali nisam imala dovoljno snage za takvo sto. Znam da bi to bila razumna, lukava stvar, da bi ga takav potez natjerao da mi se uskoro vrati... No, moj razum je vec odavno izletio van skupa sa mnom kada sam stupila onim novcatim balerinkama na maximov asflat.

Sto se dogodilo poslije... Prvi put opisujem nesto ovakvo. Prvi put se usudjem podijeliti ovaj skriveni dio sebe sa svijetom... A prvi je put jer i takav dozivljaj bio jedan jedini- neponovljiv. I dijelila sam ga s njim... mojim djecakom. And this is what happened...

- 20:16 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

13.12.2004., ponedjeljak

"Tihi krik". Uoči tog petka te zovem...

bojim se... zasto sam mu dopustila da sve skupa ode tako daleko...? Prošlo je više od dva tjedna otkad sam ga posjetila onog ludog petka... Naravno, o tome još nisam pisala a ni sada, dok tipkam po ovim slovima ispred sebe, nisam sigurna je li pametno upustiti se u opisivanje toga dana...

No ne mogu to vise drzati u sebi. Morat vristati! Moram vam svima reci sto mi je na dusi. Prica je isla otprilike ovako....

Nedostajao mi je. Iako sam znala da cu ga vidjeti prije ili kasnije, nisam vise mogla cekati. Onaj stari val zelje i ljubavi me obavio i morala sam biti uz njega tog dana. Ni trenutka kasnije.

Dogovorili smo se da cemo gledati Footloose, jer smo oboje zakljucili da se takav antologijski film ne smije propustiti, ni trenutka dulje. I dok je film trajao, glazba je svirala. Note su mi prolazile kroz glavu, ali zapravo jedino sto sam mogla istinski cuti bilo je kucanje njegovog srca. Priblizila sam se neprimjetno kako bi zvuk postao jos jaci, no ipak sam znala da je nesto drukcije. Ovaj put ga necu drzati u svom okrilju, to je jedino sto sam mislila.

I dalje je disao ritmom drhtaja sa zvucnika. Ako sam se usredotocila, mogla sam usporeno promatrati njegove izdisaje i uzdisaje, koji su se izmjenjivali poput valova. Gore... dolje... gore... dolje... Ima li ljepseg zvuka na svijetu od njegovog daha?

No nista nije ucinio. Nije se priblizio taj put. Bojala sam se da se udaljava od mene, da ga opet neka druga meni otima, da je opet poklonio svoj poljubac nekoj prolaznoj zelji, nekome tko ga ne vidi.

Mozda sam bila u pravu. Nakon filma pozurio je kuci, no nije imao razloga za to. Isao je odmoriti se... Opet ga je izmucio fax, a ja sam se toliko bojala da ce me napustiti.

Ulovio me trenutak ludila. Kao da je nesto uslo pod moju kozu, zavrnulo mi vratom.

I have loved to the point of madness;
That which is called madness,
That which to me,
Is the only sensible way to love.

~ by F. Sagan ~

Nazula sam svoje posljednje cipelice, plavo-crne balerinke koje sam kupila usprkos tvrdnji da nikada necu obuci balerinke... Ništa mi nije bilo bitno. Izjurila sam iz stana kao bijesna životinja. Svjetla su još uvijek gorjela, vrata su bila otvorena svim demonima ovog svijeta. Ali nije me bilo briga. Ni najmanje. U trenutku sam bila na ulici, još uvijek mokroj od kiše što je padala prošle noći. Opet su mi u glavi zujali svi automobili na prokletim asfaltnim ulicama, na ovoj ludoj maximi koja se udvara mom stanu... Ljudi su me cudno gledali, a zasto i ne bi? Bilo je ciča, a ja sam kao dijete jurcala od jedne tramvajske stanice do druge, tražeći ga... Nadajući se da će biti tamo... Iako nisam znala kako sam namjeravala provesti svoj plan.

Bilo je prekasno. Otisao je. Moj babyboy je ponovo odjurio u maglu plavog grada. Nee, nisam mogla, nee, ali ucinila sam to. Nabacila sam na sebe prvo što sam našla, zgrabila kljuceve i pobjegla ponovo. Mama se trebala vratiti za nekoliko minuta, sati... nisam ni znala snaći se u vremenu. Ono je blijedilo... Bilo je potpuno sporedno.

Prije nego sam mogla postati svjesna u sto se upustam, nasla sam se pred njegovim vratima. Naletila sam na njega u busu koji me vozio do toga praga, i premda me iznenadjeno pogledao, nisam se dala smesti. Osjećala sam se kao žena na misiji, i moj cilj je bio jasan kao staklo. Po prvi put sam progledala i moja snaga je pocivala u mom srcu. Ono nije bilo ispunjeno samo strahom. Morala sam prezivjeti- to je bio jedini nacin. Vratiti se k njemu te noci... Prije nego izgubim hrabrost.

Dok smo prilazili njegovom pragu, tresla sam se i drhtanje je postajalo sve jace. Priznajem, bojala se jesam, no samo da ne primjeti moj slabi duh. Samo da ne shvati koliko se tresem unutra.

BBjeva kuca je jedna od kuca u nizu. Ta cinjenica mi je u tom trenutku dala utjehu. Osjećala sam se kao u starom crno-bijelom, izlizanom ali ipak vrijednom americkom filmu. Njegova majka je tek nedavno posadila crvene ruze na ulazu, a boja sa zidova koje smo bojili ovog vruceg ljeta se jos uvijek nije osusila. Kroz prozor kuhinje mogla se vidjeti samo beskrajna tama, beskrajne mogucnosti.

Cula sam kako okrece kljuc u bravi. Krc krc... sve sam blize... kako da to ucinim? Oh Bože pomozi mi, znaš da ovo ne mogu sama... Zvuk skripanja vrata cinio me nervoznom. Njegovi glatki koraci takodjer. Svaki pokret me tjerao na jezenje... Sve jace i jace... Strah je sada prevladao.

Rijeci su se cinile suvisne. Opet ta vrucica... Nikada nisam ucinila nista takvo - nikada. Nikada se nisam prepustila emocijama i zaboravila na pamet. Mogla sam osjetiti kako mi se ruke hlade, i kako me oblijeva hladan znoj.

Prolupala sam! Da, to je bila moja jedina dijagnoza...

Izgovorio je nesto nebitno, a ja sam se pravila da slusam. Sve sto sam mogla cuti, vidjeti, dotaknuti, bile su njegove duboke plave oci. Njegove njezne ruke. Njegova djecacka kestenjasta kosa... Njegove mekane usne, najmekanije usne na svijetu.

-Nesto sam zaboravila... -rekla sam drhtavo

Nisam mu mogla dopustiti da ista odgovori. Nije bilo vremena. Bilo je to jace od mene. Dva koraka. Tri koraka. Četiri koraka. U njegovim sam rukama!

Mhmmmm... dotaknula sam njegovu donju usnicu njezno, najnjeznije. Primila sam je k sebi lagano je grickajuci, kao da ga zelim pojesti... O bože znaš da nisam bila daleko od toga...

Moje usne su stvarno bile na njegovima... Izišla sam iz svog tijela, daleko, daleko...

Imale su okus po borovnicama.. Mogla sam okusiti nikotin koji ih je prekrivao još od nedavne izgorjele cigarete. Oduvijek sam prokleto mrzila pušenje... Moj otac mu se nije mogao oduprijeti. A sada ni moj djecak.. Ali nisam imala snage. Nisam mogla biti razumna i reci dosta. Nije me bilo briga. Primila sam i njegovu ovisnost. Pokusavala sam udahnuti sto vise sam mogla, poput nekakvog bijednog ovisnika na odvikavanju koji uzima jedan posljedji šut. Bili smo jedno. Oh kako sam slabasna pred tobom! I najgori grijeh prihvacam zbog tebe... Zar to ne vidis?

Pocela sam se kretati u nekom nepoznatom ritmu... Neka glazba je pocela svirati u mom mozgu. Neka poznata melodija koju osjetim kad me drzi cvrsto uz sebe. Izvijala sam se kao sto to inace cinim plesuci. No plesem sama... Naga na svijetu, osamljena i pokisla od umora. A sada? Plesala sam za najdivnije bice koje zivi... Moju adikciju, moju bolest.

Primio me za ruku i odveo u sobu.

- 21:13 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


i love you... Ovaj textic je napisan u rujnu, prije nego sto se ijedna moja ljubavna zelja ostvarila... da malo bolje shvatim samu sebe...

I still have the strenght for our next encouter. Though your nearness makes me nervous, and your words melt me, I still have the strenght to act. I'll put on my mask and my silk white robe, and pretend. I'll spend my eternity in pretending, that I am not forever changed by your presence, that I have not been destroyed a thousand times by you already.

And everytime you hold me close, I disappear from the face of the Earth. And every pain I might be feeling, suddenly becomes meaningless.

You stand there, proud and foolish, so you can't ever see me in the vague mist in front of you...

Sometimes I feel as if you feel the same way, but I'm still afraid that these doubts are true solely in my mind. She hasn't been my favorite home lately either. I fear she's been going off more and more often to some meetings with this heart of mine, where they negotiate the weight of my love. I fear they've conspired against me, I believe they are soon to betray me.

You know... I run into my reason from time to time. I rarely bump into him in the grey, cold streets and nod my head towards him, as if I knew him. Still, it's been too long since we've heard from each other. I actually believe he might be jelaous. After all, I could always sense a certain tension between him and my emotions.

I am left alone again, like a shiverring soldier. Always prepared for war, I wage battles every coming second. For no battle is quite as tragic, nor as painful as the one man fights against himself. I've forgotten how to fight you a long time ago anyway. All I can really do is break into pieces. Like a house ornament hanging on a porch, like a sweet, feathery dreamcatcher, I am swung by the wind, and I am played by the sounds of his choice. Not mine. All I own is weakness.

To what do I come back to then? You. Always and only You. Don't ask me to explain myself, for that is something I am worst at.

Even now I know, I am not afraid of you, but myself. You are all, and my phobias don't belong to you. I shall give them to some else, to Him. I'll wrap them up in beautifully made, glossy paper and give them to Him as a false-pretend present. Maybe he decides to keep them. You know... He's very different from You. Things are so easy with him. Even the air is not as heavy... Still, how can I, when he holds me so tight, know that those are your hands wrapped around me? Why am I only capable of seeing your fingers running through my hair? You confuse me. Again.

We will meet soon. I know it. We'll see each other and laugh about life together. But what you won't know, is that I'll be weeping inside my heart. Don't worry, I'll do everything to make sure you don't see it within me. I'll even tell a lie to you. And for the most part, I can't lie to you. Just this one more time, just one more staged play for me to perform. Just one more time, so I can pretend. You could pretend with me. We could dance to the moon and put on our masks just one more time.

But don't hate me. After all, it's just love, nothing more. I know no
other way.

Na dnu svake duše postoji skriveno blago, koje samo ljubav može iznijeti na vidjelo...

- 13:05 - Komentari (4) - Isprintaj - #

I need to regret, he wants to infect, boy y won't you intoxicate, don't you know addicts never forget...?

Afrodisiac by Brandy

Inace ne slusam Brandy i istina je da je komercijalna, no ova pjesma mi se opako uvukla pod kozu i nemogu je izbaciti iz glave posljednjih tjedan dana... A znam i zasto...

Ha ha ha ha ha
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Whatever you want, I got it, Papi
Don't hesitate, holla at me!
What I'm lookin' for
Is simple, you see
Love and support and sexuality
When I'm with you, I don't wanna leave
I need you just like air that I breathe
But when I'm not with you, I'm missing my peace
I got a lot inside I need to release

You fulfill my every desire
When I'm with you, you take me higher (Wooo woo whoo)

You're my afrodisiac
You're the only one I'm needin'
When I go, I'll come back
'Cause there is no way I'm leavin'
You're my afrodisiac
You're the only one I'm needin'
When I go, I'll come back
'Cause there is no way I'm leavin'

There is no way you are gettin' away
I need your love every day
Medicine can't cure the way that I feel
What I need is my inner fill
Being without you, its makin me ill
Stressin me out i need to chill
Something this strong, gotta be real
Nothing or noone, show my skills

You fulfill my every desire
When I'm with you, you take me higher (Wooo woo whoo)

I admit that I'm a prisoner of your sex appeal(sex appeal)
I can't seem to find a way to escape how i feel(how i feel)
I can't wait no longer, please come give a dose to me(dose to me)
Breathin's gettin stronger need you now, close to me

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Ako zelite, poslusajte je na Launch

- 12:59 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

12.12.2004., nedjelja

Jedna za bokija...

Isn't it sad how our lives aren't really our own? Don't you sometimes feel like they belong to someone else? And everything you do is simply determined by their existence?


poljubac nikada nije samo poljubac... pogotovo kada ga daje dječak poput tebe djevojčici poput mene...

I still remember the day we first met, and it was ages ago. We were just kids, playful and pretty shy I might add. This is something you definitely wouldn't say if you met him, and to some extent, me as well.

Our moms were just starting with their hang-outs and we didnt really pay much attention to each other. Still, I always wondered about the boy: who is he? I thought to myself. It was my 8th birthday party. And some of the rare moments back then that I saw him. He had his red little Champion vest on and spent most of the time playing with legos in the corner of the restaurant, trying to construct something. A few boys I knew sat along with him, killing time and saying almost nothing... I was preoccupied with my school girl friends, painting something on the table across from him.

He had his hair cut nicely, and his cheeks were still chubby and cute at that time. As always, he was blushin, coz he does that everytime the temperature changes or when he gets excited bout something. But I still thought this boy was too antisocial to bother me. Boy, was I wrong...

Since then, I've spent so much time thinking about those same blue eyes and that same blush in his cheeks. So many nights were stolen away from me since I've known him.

Can u imagine? I lied to you all. I told you I couldn't fall in love, I told you it was not in my nature. But I was nothing but a big fat lier. I hid it so well, so deep inside my small childish heart, that I even wondered where my love was stored. But it was there all the time, torturin me without me knowing about it...

My friends, forgive me for my untruthfulness, but I was so weak. This boy became a part of me, and I just couldn't figure out how or why. In fact, I was even mad at the world for making me this way, for me making me such a lovefool coz if it was different, I would be so easy-going.

And then he moved. We never even spent much time together, and it was already 6th grade. I was still such a kid. I had never kissed, I had never even admitted loving or liking someone that way, and he just disappeared. That damn America. Took him away.

Now when I look back, it's funny why I fell for him. When he said he was leaving, I was astooned. He seemed to be it- he was sweet and smart, wanted to discover a world I had been dreaming of for as long as I could remember and he was on his way of achieveing my dreams... He didn't smoke, he seemed to like politics, it was like I had found a boy made after a recipe written by myself- designed to fill me with love and joy.

I thought to myself- Finally! I am in love, I am CAPABLE of fallin in love. I thought about it so much that I sometimes think I actually forced myself into fallin for him. Like it was something I could actually control. But on the other hand- my mind never had this kind of power over my unsettled heart.

While you were away...

It was so hard for me to be normal. I tried but it just wouldn't work. I liked a few boys other than you, but it seemed all of them were just a copy of you, just a vague reflection of the original boy that was till occupyin my heart. They were all blue-eyed, they all blushed, they all had your hair and your stare. They all walked the same way. They all had the kind heart. But never identical. Because to this day, I know noone has a kinder heart than you boy. That's what made me fall in love.

It wasn't your looks. Or your success. Or your hobbies. It was your kind, gentle, and wounded heart.

I never really knew how wounded it was. Until you came back that is.

Last spring he came back to my town, back to his mother, back to his friends. I was tired from all the chasing and playing games, so I got the nerve to do the unthinkable. I called him, and he answered. I felt a cold rush goin all over me, through my toes, up my spine, to my brain. Man,... if you only knew the emotions you trigger...

So we started going out, talking, discussing life, and staring at the blue skies together. But you still left one more time. This was the hardest time for me. Because even though I felt so close to you all of the sudden, you were so far away. Every night I went to bed and lit a candle for you there. I prayed you'd remember my face and think I was something special, if not to you, then to the world. I always hung on threads. I resonated one line you told me that spring over and over again. U told me we were both too good for this world. And this made me love you even more.

When I finally found out my dear boy was different from my ideals, it crushed me like a tidal wave, like something I could no longer deny. I cried so badly, if you ever found out about it, you would probably leave me again. But this time, not phsically, but emotionally.

Your heart ached again and you did what you always do- you tried to mend with fake love, with girls who didnt see your inner glow. They saw what you wanted them to see, the side of you that laughs and seduces because you are so intoxicating and enchanting. But they didnt hear you shout at the world. They couldn't read into your heart and see it cry all alone. All the pain you felt I shared or at least this is what i needed to believe to preserve my hope and peace. Your mind was broken and your soul was weak. I didn't want to speak because I sometimes felt afraid, but now I know I am right about it. It was again your heart that lead you on to live further.

An amazing thing happened not too long ago. We became friends. You told me your dreams and your fears but you still didn't trust me. Oh how badly I wanted you to start trustin me. I held your head in my lap, corresin your hair and talking in low voice so you wouldn't move away. I heard beautiful music and we sometimes sang it together. All the songs I loved you knew by heart and I was falling under your spell ever so gently and more intensly than ever before.

And then we kissed. I was scared of you so deeply you could never imagine. It was a new life waking inside my skin. But I couldn't find out what it meant to you or where to begin. Your lips were the softest sound to mine and your touch was the heavenliest embrace. You leaned in on my shoulder and I took you into my arms. I wanted to fall asleep and sleep forever. I never wanted to leave your presence.

The light became dim. I never wanted to turn off the light because then it would seem like a dream. And I needed to know it was all real.

You intoxicated me with your tenderness and I drifted away despite my desire.

This boy... He knew he wasnt the first to feel my kiss, but to me he was. It was like everything before got suddenly erased and my life was blank. All there existed within it were black traces of feelings between us two, and every event that happened was covered by a cloth of his making.

His cheeks turned red again, and I smiled. I couldn't believe it was my boy kissing me and holding me so tight after so much time spent in loneliness, praying for his touch.

Even though others intervened and we laughed about it, there was a feeling of an unfinished story unravelin inside me. We kissed again, and we kissed again, but with each kiss my fear grew stronger and I prayed so harder.

I still don't know how he managed to get to me that way. I surrender to my boy the way I couldn't dream of doing before. I judged all of those who could and did so, and then suddenly I became one of them. He always took the credit for our eyes finding each other on that cold october night. But I knew he was a fool. For he did not know and he never will... Of how I loved him crazy and eternally epochas ago, before he saw anything within me... Of how I left this normal existence and entered an insane living the moment I saw his life enter into mine. Before I imagined what it would be like if his hand was in mine...

I love you BB. I always have, and I always will. But I will never tell you this. Never. My heart rests in knowing that yours is just a whisper away. And sad as it is- that is just about enough hope my heart needs to keep my love alive.


- 18:00 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #

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Posvećeno jednome...
U pocetku sam zeljela napraviti blog iskljucivo posvećen španjolskom jeziku

i njegovoj upotrebi u romanticnom smislu, no s vremenom je ovo postalo moje malo skrivalište, na kojem biljezim sve sto mi pada na srce. A toga uglavnom ima podosta... Ovo je prica o jednoj ljubavi. Ljubavi koje me oduvijek definirala i vjerojatno jos dugo hoće. Znam da sam rob njegovog uma... Ali znam da nisam jedina...
Quotes venereos
Love is not automatic. It takes conscious practice and awareness, just like playing the piano or golf. However, you have ample opportunities to practice. Everyone you meet can be your practice session.

Neither a lofty degree of intelligence nor imagination nor both together go to the making of genius. Love, love, love, that is the soul of genius.

If I am unaware of love, I live drably. If I become intoxicated with love, I live in dreamland. If I recognize love, and shake his hand then comfort, dreams, and sometimes intoxication become mine to drench in and give away as well.
-Nellie Curtiss

Love the heart that hurts you, but never hurt the heart that loves you.
-Vipin Sharma

According to a new survey, women say that they feel more comfortable undressing in front of men than they do undressing in front of women. They say that women are too judgemental, where, of course, men are just grateful.
-Robert de Niro

My heart to you is given:
Oh, do give yours to me;
We'll lock them up together,
And throw away the key.
-Frederick Saunders

Come live in my heart, and pay no rent.
-Samuel Lover

She walks in beauty,
Like the night of cloudless climes and starry skies;
And all that's best of dark and bright
Meet in her aspect and her eyes.

Seduce my mind and you can have my body,
Find my soul and I'm yours forever.

Love is red and I am colorblind
And now I'm waiting for the right kind of pilot to come
Coz I would fly you to the moon and back
I've got a ticket for a world where we'd be alone
If you'd be, if you'd be... my baby.
-Savage Garden

Sex is hardly ever just about sex.
-Shirley MacLaine

Sex is the ersatz or substitute religion of the 20th Century.
-Malcolm Muggeridge

Clinton lied. A man might forget where he parks or where he lives, but he never forgets oral sex, no matter how bad it is.
-Barbara Bush

Sex is an emotion in motion.
-Mae West

Sex is nature's way of saying 'Hi!'.

Love is a matter of Chemistry, but sex is a matter of Physics